Best New Golf Products of the 2024 PGA Show

The PGA Show features the newest golf products every year, and 2024 was a special show. It had tons of amazing new golf products including training aids, simulators, clubs, apparel and just about everything else you could imagine. Here’s a recap of our favorite things we saw at the show floor and demo day.

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Try Coach Ed’s favorite golf training gadgets:
The Putting Arc – Save 10% here:
EyeLine Golf Putting Mirror –
Orange Whip Golf Swing Trainer –
Alignment Sticks –
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Fix This And You’ll Never Slice a Drive Again

Improve Your Consistency 300% With This Lesson

The #1 Golf Swing Fix I Didn’t Know I Needed

How To Hit Perfect Iron Shots Every Time

Doing This Makes A Perfect Grip So EASY!

Fix This And You’ll Never Slice a Drive Again

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Hey we’re here in Orlando Florida for the PGA show I’ve been coming here I think every year since 1994 Patrick’s here with me for the first time we’re going to go inside today and we’re going to show you some of the new latest things in the golf

Industry from a training aid point of view to video capture motion capture and equipment so come along and and watch I I think you’ll love it this is a pure gol true trainer um pretty much covers all the principles that I used to uh to practice putting I really like the strings over

The target line uh you can vary those um to if you wanted your eyes inside the target line a little bit then it has a gate that you can learn to practice through as well so um and it and it can work indoors on a putting mat that’s

What I really like about it all of my stuff you have to be on the green to to stick the stuff in the ground and I really like it to be able to work indoors I’m going to give you a look at the diiz golf device it is this device

Right here a piece of wearable Technology based in Sweden connects to an app on your phone or tablet and we’re tracking and measuring all kinds of data related to the hand and wrist path throughout the golf swing so turn it on it’s on my wrist connects to the app I’m

Going to show you real quickly how easy and quick you get this data so I have the app open this is something you don’t need to be hitting a ball you don’t need to have a club in your hand you can be at your house taking air swings practice

Swings in your office in between meetings I just line up I wait for the tone from the app there’s the ding I’m going to take a swing and then right there we’re getting all that data it goes right directly into app we’re looking at all kinds of different metrics length of back swing

Transition steepening shallowing Tempo numbers hand speed all kinds of different stuff that you can work on in your golf swing and the final part the most important part and the coolest part the learning stimuli plates on the back end of the device our patented technology is going to deliver a small

Little electrical impulse right there on your wrist as soon as your swing leaves the parameters that you’ve set for yourself so think you know I I I thought I did something I wasn’t sure I don’t want to have to go back and look at the video afterwards I’m going to get that

Real time feedback from these learning stimuli plates in the midst of my swing that’s the whiz you can learn more at The Whiz I’m at bucket golf got its own little Golf Club it’s got a whiffle ball it’s got t- markers I’m on hole number four here at Orange County

National playing bucket golf hole Patrick will scan out that way you can see number four buckets over there that’s where we’re going and uh looks to me like a great idea for my junior golf program to have young kids have fun they have a nine-hole set and a three-hole

Set and so if you wanted at home we can see it’s going to be pretty tough with this wind here I have a feeling with the whiffle ball so I’m going to have to aim to the left so we’ll see how we do first swing of the day don’t laugh at me

Okay I pretty much had the right Club not too bad huh so here’s my bucket I think you got to get it in I don’t know the rules but as you get pretty close here it’s pretty tough to to get it in the bucket this be harder

Than putting it might be first I’d like to talk a little bit about a good healthy there we go bucket golf try it out uh just a quick step my favorite shavs probably in golf is graphite design so we’re just walking by I just wanted to say hey check them

Out they’re really good I their Tour AD shafts awesome and I’m not I don’t have a great deal of swing speed anymore and I think of for a t quality shaft for golfers that have less than 100 mph Club head speed uh graphite designs got some great shavs that perform really well

One of the most interesting things we’ve seen on the range today video camera there’s a video camera in there AI to find the ball in the video picture yes I see hard really simple and how much does it retail for it doesn’t retail yet preproduction all right great so anybody that’s interested

In in investing in teasy Tech they should look you up exactly all right they we’ll do hey Patrick and I are here at the PGA show in Orlando our first stop is training oh than this is Brian nice to meet and uh nice to meet you too um they distribute and own

One of my favorite training AIDS uh which is the putty Arc so I highly recommend it and uh I’m so old I have the old wooden one that originally came out probably 25 or 30 years ago going to get Ed we’re going to get Ed set up with

A new one for sure so we appreciate your support but a lot of my students especially the my junior competitive players all end up uh with a getting a putting Arc already so I’ve seen all of those excellent they’re great new putting arcs have a mirror on top so I’m

A mirror fan as well so um I’m a big fan of having the mirror up front and um I’ve hadit a zillion putts on a putty NC back when I was playing it was in my hotel room every night using the putting Arc to practice

My stroke and uh and uh get ready for the next day so there’s many many many tournament Players that travel with these uh everywhere they go so I’m a really big fan of the mirror uh get your eyes in the same position every time time and uh you you can’t go wrong with

With the putty Arc training also owns and distributes the divot board um and I like it a lot um you know I think low point in the swing is probably one of the most important aspects of learning to be a good player and um this

Is a pretty good Aid to see where you’re bottoming out and what the path of your swing is as well so so um if I make a swing and I’m too much to the left you’ll see that’ll make a mark the wrong way and um I’m a big fan of these

Anything that gives you feedback on low point of swing and path is a good idea for those of you that are having weight transfer problems if you’re always on your back foot as you finish your golf swing um this power shift board um is a pretty good feeling you can feel how it

Loads on your back Trail leg at the top and you can hear this auditory click on the way down if if uh you’re getting the correct weight transfer I’m here with Edwin at uh sportsbox AI that’s correct probably here at the show this year this technology is probably going to be the

Biggest buzz in the whole industry would you agree with that I would agree with that yes and um you know for years we’ve had 3d motion available but you had to use sensors and jacket and all this stuff and everybody hated it absolutely but yours is all artificial intelligence

We’ve used a really NE technology to make it markerless so we’re using our AI 3D recognition technology to basically pinpoint the entire body using AI technology and we’re using high-speed cameras to be able to capture that and with those cameras we’re able to then generate uh 3D information off the 2D

Video great and then um you also have a comparison mode where you can absolutely see the Tour player and absolutely look at their numbers too that’s exactly correct so we have a comparison mode that you can put up against a tour player you can do it before and after so

If you want to show change you can do it before and after uh so you can show like what the person started at the beginning of the lesson and show how they improved at towards the end of the lesson or like you said you can do it as a comparison

Versus tour players we also have ranges we have an average of all the PGA tour players based on our database that allows us to compare what that player is doing in relation to what the average PGA Tour or LPGA Tour player is doing and this is Dylan um I think he pretty

Much invented this because it’s a tell your story high school player yep so I’m so I’m a college player now but back when I was in high school and I was playing golf I struggled a lot with head movement and my swing so I have my mom

Hold an alignment stick to the end of my head and to try and make me not sway off the ball but what happened was I had a big punching bag in the backyard in Co that I taped an alignment stick to the top two and I would just rest my head on

Top of it but I realized wasn’t practical for bringing to the course when I was actually on the Range so I had always a tripod with me that I could film my swing with and I realized that if I got a Star Wars lightsaber that I

Poke two holes into with a pill cutter and I taped it all together it could do something very similar so then I did a I did some R&D with my dad I got an engineer involved we got patents and trademarks and now it is what you see here today so it’s an adjustable

Training a that goes from 15 in to 65 in and move side to side up and down for whatever drill you might be working on whether you’re a coach or a player great and uh yeah got a tripod you can put a camera on it right sir yeah so you can

Put a camera on it as well and it comes with everything you see here and it moves totally side to side up and down whatever you’re working on for these main drills so we have the freedom with a lot of different coaches that we’ve worked with they’ll come up with

Different ways to use it but these are our eight main cord drills so you have head movement over the top hip sliding uh Ford shaft lean steep in the swing a lot of the main drills that people you know the three main problems that people struggle with the product actually fixes

Cuz you know you have a lot training AIDs that might fix one specific thing in the swing but the versatility of it allows it to fix a lot of different components well I’m an alignment stick fan exactly me too imediate feedback right absolutely and I use lots of

Different grills and this is awesome especially for somebody on their own to practice to be able to set something up and and get some immediate feedback thank you so much it’s awesome I wish you great luck appreciate it thank you so much here at the Y golf

Booth you all know I like alignment sticks this one’s a great indoor one if you have a great indoor Studio I like setting up alignment sticks at different angles this one actually has different degrees on it so if you want to practice with a six iron you can put it on the

60° Mark and if you want to use a driver you can put it on a 45° Mark um you can put it in various positions and I’m a fan of it I I’m going to get one for my indoor Studio back home hey I’m here with Amanda

And uh I’m going to let her talk but this is really a neat booth and I’m wearing the Viper too is that what I so this is called the Venom two back Venom two I’m no it’s okay we forgive you this time um but this is a really cool heated

Back wrap it has three different levels of massage you can do pulse settings or constant massage and it covers all over your lower back into the sides it has an adjustable strap that you can tighten on the other end to make sure that you get a really tight finish and have that

Sticky against your back and it also has three levels of heat so you have starting from kind of a mild heat all the way to pretty hot and that covers all of your lower back for a lot of really great pain relief help with inflammation any sort of issues and best

Part is your hands free um so you can keep doing what you need to do you can go on the Range you can putt you can do what you need to do at home and it’s just a really versatile product right and it’s endorsed by quite a few uh CH

Players right 100% Rory lives in this which is great um he’s a great Ambassador and investor with type rice so you’ll see a lot of um him on the Range or him before getting warmed up on tour as well and I can only tell you this feels amazing Patrick had it on

Before we shot this video and I I think he likes it and uh after walking around the show and demo days yesterday this feels great I bet this this becomes the favorite Booth after a couple days of the show that’s 100% Absolut I can see

Why so we have the lagm here um so it’s a very versatile training for golf it works for righties lefties Juniors adults um we have it on our mini club here which is weighted um so you can use it in place of a regular club for indoor

Training um but you can clip it on to anybody’s Club so you detach it here um you can take it off put it on your own club so you can hit balls with it or practice with it with your own equipment I’ll just keep it attached here and then

You can lengthen this pole here I have this one set I see depending on where it hits you and how how you’re built correct um and your flexibility level as well cuz not everybody has great shoulder flexibility um so I’m going to keep it here cuz it’s set for me so how

It works is you’re going to take your grip you’re going to bring it up here till it hits your right shoulder and you’re going to sustain this angle till your left arm’s about parallel with the ground so see that’s getting rid of that throwaway motion that is very calm and

That a lot of golfers struggle with so I’m going to bring it down here sustaining that angle once we get to about here you’re going to release up to your left shoulder and out to your finish so it’s very simple motion but it simplifies an action that a lot of

Golfers have a very difficult time um achieving so up to your right shoulder sustain that angle release and up to the Finish there and like I said it’s right-handed left-handed you can use it um on your own equipment or on our many weighted Club hit balls with it take it

Outside that’s it yeah L Master yeah it’s great I and I like K I especially the points where it hits on your Trail shoulder then your lead shoulder on the follow through very many old instructors in the old days that’s how they taught swing playing right was that you that as

Long as the club was over your shoulder you’re all right and so it’s pretty fascinating idea I like it so thanks thanks for showing it no problem thanks for coming hey guys Patrick and I are here at uh Pinn that’s it pin golf that’s us this is Buck

He’s from Alabama if you can’t tell by the accent yeah my name is Buck I’m one of the co-founders of pin golf uh so this is our second year at the PGA show we’re having a great time here and uh yeah showing off all of our new products

That we have yeah and I listen to Michael breed every morning in the car and so I know mred reps us he he does a nice job yes he does and uh tell us a little about your rangefinders sure thing so our rangef finders here essentially what we’re getting into is

We’re we’re trying to lower scores and not break the bank uh we’re really trying to have the same features and functionality of all the real big bush Nows garments of the world uh but you know almost for half the price so we’re going to have the slope switch we’re

Going to be able to when you lock in on the target it’s going to vibrate it’s a USB C charger instead of a battery which is great A lot of people you know on the course dead batteries it’s not a double A or a AAA Battery tough to find how

Long’s a charge last 65 rounds uh that’s pretty awesome that’s the neatest thing about this is it’s no batteries yeah it’s great too a lot of uh courses are starting to have USB ports inside the golf carts that helps our case Big Time y so uh and the magnet obviously is

Great yep magnet’s great nice and easy bunch of different colors yep colors are huge we have the speakers as well if if you’re into that some people that’s a 50/50 breed breed doesn’t like that does exactly he doesn’t like it or you do like it so uh you know end of the day

We’re just we’re really trying to just keep up with our customer base and what they want and we make the improvements to our rang finders as we get the feedback from everybody great so anytime you find a really good product at a lot lower price it’s a it’s a good thing

Don’t you think can’t beat it you know we’re just we we were one of our customers so we’re just trying to really stay grounded like that three bossing kids that started it 5 years ago and you know do what we need to for the Golf Community bu nice nice to meet you

Awesome thank you you’re ever in St Louis Look us up all right I will sounds good y hi guys Patrick and I are here at the orange whip Booth I have how long you been in business 16 years yeah I’ve probably been using the orange whip that

Long yeah so early adopter great oh absolutely it’s one of my favorite most of my people that watch me know I’m not into a lot of training AIDS so I use alignment sticks and the orange Whip and I mean that’s about it so so and uh Jim uh tell him a little bit

It’s a great story caded on tour yep I caded on the PGA tour and I was a teacher at the time as well but as a teacher I was very technical I was not simple but when I caded on tour I was able to watch guys like Jeff Olie and

Ernie El’s and retif gusen and had this beautiful Rhythm and I was thinking how can I develop that kind of Rhythm for my game and some of my students and as I watched over and over I started to see that the golf club looked like a ball on

The end of a chain when they’d swing it so I thought well that’s my new philosophy I call it the ball and chain well I did make a little grip a chain and a ball and it was okay part way back but then when I went all the way back it

Wrapped around my neck so we transitioned from the chain to a very flexible Rod just like a fishing rod and that became the chain that if you force it back it’s out of it’s out of tension if you wait for it to load you can create as much force you want but you’ve

Got to wait for it to load so we have that the ball is a heavy ball about 10 1 12 oz and I Center shafted it cuz I wanted people to swing in balance and on plane we then added a counter weight which is

8 and 1 12 O but this grip is two so it’s an evenly balanced device when it’s evenly balanced when you swing it back and forth whether you recognize it or not your golf swing will be on plane because it wants to be in balance and we

Took that idea we made a few different versions like I’ve got a shorter version here for for different heighted players we have a junior version we’ve got the wedge that Stan Utley developed with us Stan Utley has been a great asset to our development great friend of mine

And maybe the best short game instructor in the world if you ask me so he’s so fun to learn from so we we’ve done a lot with that and he he he he’s basically helped me cuz I was a good ball Striker who struggled if I’m Mr Green and Stan

Has helped me tremendously he even helped help us promote the orange rip putter which is a right and left-handed putter but it’s also very uh it’s very easy to uh to basically find your perfect Rhythm because of the shaft and the counterweight and the flow but I’ve

Made the putter with a round face so you have to hit in the center if you hit a put any putter in the dead center it’s going to go roll much better so this is teaching you good rhythm with the shaft and Center contact with the face and you

Mentioned fishing when I showed this to my students an orange whip um and I tell them how important it is to feel that Flex at the top of the back swing I like to fly fish so it’s no different when you make a backcast fly fishing you have

To wait for that line to load Your Rod and once it does you can go forward and that makes it easier for you with life is to direct the line where you want to go same with golf if you wait for it to load you can swing or whip all the

Energy of the club head or the ball to your Target and the way this there’s imitations of this on the market and they’re not any good his is the best it’s weighted the best and it truly is the best thank you and um one of my we

Don’t have much room here so I won’t do it but what I’ve showed a lot on some of my videos one of my favorite drills with this orange whip is to start parallel to the ground on your heel line on this way through yes and then swing back towards

Where the ball would be if you start this training aid this orange whip on the correct plane on this exit point and you swing back it will swing you on plane perfectly Wonder it’s it is it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s one I use the most

Most of my students buy one of these and I tell them to go to Orange come and and uh buy one of these and do this drill and it’s amazing especially if you’re in a colder climate right now if you have room in the garage or the

House to Swing Swing every day for 2 3 minutes 1 month from now your back your body your gol swing will be ready two months from now you’ll be in mid-season form and you probably haven’t even been on the course very much so I agree I

Think it’s a great thing to do in the off seon yep I couldn’t agree more hey guys I’m new to this YouTube stuff all right Patrick’s been in for five or six years the biggest line at the PGA show here in Orlando is for Bob does Sports is that

It yeah yeah yeah Bob does Sports they selling their merchandise here they’ll probably sell more merchandise here than everybody at the show too so all right so we’re here at the Canon booth at the PGA show and there’s lots of rangefinders right yeah lots of Ren

Finders and as Canon this is first time to enter this Market with new range finder three things totally different from different from any other rench finders first you can capture video and still photography with this you just click this butons to shoot photo video to here just one click I know it’s crazy

To shoot video while you’re golfing but when you play with your friends or together absolutely or also you can shoot her like a flag or any Coes so that you don’t remember you remember the co so that you can review the co you play it after that’s the first thing and

Second is that there is a zoom function none of the optical range finder range finder can do the zooming this one click you can double the size of the zoom so that you see the clear flag ESP special so you just zoom it measure it and go

Back and you can get a really accurate distance from the by zooming so because it’s digital that’s nice that’s why can zoom in none of the range finder can zoom right third one is that it’s a optical image stabilizer built in so it’s never shakes so it’s going to be

Stabilized the image there are a few high-end range finder com with the optical image uh image stabilizers but this one is not going to be the price at that much it’s a affordable price we’re not ready to announce the price yet but it’s going to be very yeah reasonable a

Price thank you also that’s the best one also thank you a lot of people lose rench finder because you need a holder you attach to the card you forget this is so small you can put it in the pocket or even like here any pocket so you

Don’t lose it you just use it and pocket so you don’t lose this machine so that’s a feature again it’s a camera video so it’s a Canon branded we do have the confidence to the quality of the image so what do you think there Patrick this

Is a wild one I might be the most interesting thing we’ve seen so far is that right it’s a it’s hard for your brain to understand what you’re doing cuz you’re looking at a video of yourself also kind of I promise you we had no alcoholic beverages at lunch and we’re watching

Patrick what What’s this called the the the the Canon but what’s the what’s the is there a name of for yet yeah the this we basically our product is this mixture go it’s called M real X1 okay M real X1 X solution we going to sell yeah kind of yeah yeah that’s

That’s neat I haven’t tried this yet so I really don’t know how good it is or how effective it is but they were at demo days yesterday and with Force plates and pressure mats and and all that talk and golf these days about using the ground to your benefit to

Increase your Club speed and balance uh this a pretty interesting product maybe to check out it’s actually insoles that go into your shoes and so you don’t have to stand on a mat you don’t have to buy really expensive Force plates and you’re able to measure and

See um you know various factors of your feet in the ground where your weight transfer is whether you’re on your heel or toe or outside of your foot um pretty interesting concept if I find out more about it I’ll let you know okay if you want to know what maybe the most unique

Item on the whole floor out here is this year it’s this golf cart I’ll tell you what I think I’m going to get one I think I could drive it to my Duck Blind and I’d never get wet and uh the only issue is at my age

I’m not sure I could get in and out of it with without a hydraulic lift but uh but uh it’s a if for people that got a lot of money you may be want to get one of these uh we’re in the new product section at the show is one of my

Favorite places to go every year I’ve never seen it this many products frankly displayed it’s usually half this amount or maybe a third of what’s here this year I find that pretty interesting probably in two days Patrick and I both agree that probably the best new

Training aid and the best new item we’ve seen here um is this pure truth um system if you’ve seen any of my short game videos you know I like putting on a chalk line This got two of them it’s got a gate you can use it indoors that’s

What I like about it you don’t have to be outdoors to use it it just sits on the on your putting mat and uh I’m a big fan of it I’m going to order one for me and and uh and bring it in and let my

Students use it all right if you ever wanted to learn how to get in the correct posture wanted to do it interactively looks to me like this system will do it no sensors required again which is pretty fascinating to us and uh it has your hand path um and your

Skeleton and then it you can also have a mode on there if you had a golf club in your hand you could use it as well I see again at the PGA show this is the W maker trophy Patrick and I have been lucky enough to see two major

Championship trophies in two days uh Brian Harmon had The clar Jug yesterday and we got to see it and today that’s the W to maker trophy Nicholas Woods gosh Phil mikkelson Brooks Kea the people that’s got their names on this thing is amazing and it’s the real one

This guy’s over here protecting it so um it’s uh pretty cool to see hey they’re not here for some reason but I did this last year um it’s not a golf simulator but it’s a firearm Sim simulator and it’s awesome and uh if you like to hunt

Or you just like to target shoot uh you can pick your gun they have different guns available and uh it’s a simulator and I mean it is awesome so if if you’re into other things other than God off and you like hunting or target shooting uh and you want something cool in your

House uh this laser shot’s awesome hey guys I’m here with Adam Kramer he’s the president of golden tea I don’t know if you’re like me but I’ve spent a few nights in a bar playing golden tea over the years me too so uh they’re here at

The show they get a new update every year just tell us a little bit about it yeah so this is our newest platform we partnered with the PGA Tour so uh for the first time in 35 years uh real PGA Tour courses in the game so we still

Have our fantasy courses the courses that you played uh and then obviously it looks a little bit different than the probably maybe the golden tea that a lot of people played growing up so uh a ton of different features a ton of different content if you want to play TPC sass you

Can if you want to play on Mount Everest you can and uh wide variety of features uh you can log in using your cell phone just by tapping it uh we’ve got a touch screen here and again the the beauty of the yearly content updates is we just

Are constantly enhancing the game all year long all the time great while we look at Price Point somebody wants to put one of these in their man cave so it depends on what version you have so we have uh basically what we call our standard model which would be everything

Down here uh and we also have a deluxe this what I have in my basement of course uh which is everything but the TV and then over here just to point this out if you’ve got space concerns you live in a condo uh I don’t know maybe your wife doesn’t want this thing

Sitting around I don’t know why that would be we have a port we got a portable version awesome it’s the same exact game same exact Hardware same everything so all the different form factors anywhere between $326,500 great yeah thanks Adam good luck hope you have a good show appreciate it thank you guys

Hey guys we’re here at five golf this is pretty unique for about $300 with a few specials might be even a little little cheaper uh you buy this unit from them um there’s an app to download on your phone you connect to your own television and you can make golf swings and play

These holes and you can play at home you don’t need a ball you don’t need a mat you just need their equipment and uh I like it it’s a pretty cool pretty cool idea not too bad okay and then off the path the golf Sensei is is pretty crafty

You use the cart path to get a lot more distance there yeah what am I doing oh no I’m running now all right it’s run it’s so you can get exercise and do it at the same time cardio pretty awesome yeah pretty awesome uh one of my favorite

Companies um they do great stuff for golf is us kids golf so anybody that’s got Young Junior players that don’t check them out when they’re buying equipment they should I in my opinion they probably do the best at making beginner Junior clubs um as well as very competitive uh junior player clubs as

Well they have a bunch of different games you can play they got a yard Club you can buy if you got a two or three-year-old kid and um for us uh PGA members uh they have great certification programs uh and I I think anybody that’s a PGA member um that doesn’t go through

Their certification programs nuts so I’ve been to a couple different levels of it and like I said I think they just do a great job at the folds of Honor tent I just wanted to mention it’s one of the great Charities that uh PGA professionals all over the country

Participate in and uh great charity if you get a chance to support it um I’d recommend it um gives golf scholarships uh to Children of uh veterans um either lost their lives or become disabled with great charity and they do great work so one of my favorite

Things and glad to see them here tell us about this now this has to be the most important operation of demo days right here right yes sir you got all these different golf balls you got to sort them out by brand name right yeah what

What it is when they hit them out into the range what we call as Pickers the pickers pick the balls up they bring them in come to the washer they get washed put into basket and then brought over here to the table which is where they’re sorted which is

What these guys are doing right now they’re sorting the balls and sending them down the gutters there to the appropriate Barrel barrels there awesome and how many golf balls are going to be hid here today do you think oh my goodness I would hate to guess on that I

Don’t honestly know signature who wants an autograph ball yeah I honestly do not know but it’s a lot right it’s a lot it’s a lot


  1. Cool video Ed. Nothing similar to the light stick which in my opinion is the best training aid. Period!! Have you thought about trying to market it?? Everyone I’ve shown it to agrees that’s it’s the best thing since sliced bread. Cheers Ed!

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