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NFL Insider Connor Hughes Talks Jets Future, Giants Coaching Drama, & More!

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Nice to be joined in studio here by Connor Hughes my colleague over at SNY of course he’s an NFL reporter for SNY covers both the Jets and the Giants I know you started before that Conor were with the Jets more so but this year doing both BT and I both fan of your

Work figured have you in on football Friday talk some football thank you guys I appreciate it this is fun I’ve never been in here you do a great job there I remember um I I didn’t I never met him I sent you a DM what about a year or so

Ago yeah yeah you guys were awesome man I’m like keep up the good work he’s just you do solid work so we need the real answers on a lot of questions here we got a punch and listen I you know the bellick I’m going to put the Bel chick

Aside for a moment that’s what we’re discussing should the Jets make a play they won’t I don’t think they should South thinks they should well can can you confirm that there’s no chance well I guess you could start with that guy true true yeah no they’re they’re

Running it back with Robert and and hacket and and all those guys yeah that’s that’s a that’s a confirmed thing yeah that’s that’s yeah it’s not personal uh I do think he’s a terrific human being I think Robert Sal is an awful head coach I do and I think he

Lost the going back to the Mike White Stuff where like there’s been too many things where the not only say lack of control because I do think the players respect him certainly to an extent but I I don’t see much of a sealing with him as a head

Coach I’m sorry do you am I missing something here so I would say that it it is it’s a little alarming that we’re now going into year four with him and you can still have those questions and and you don’t know right we we don’t know if

He’s an elite level head coach we don’t know if he’s truly the the the CEO type that they wanted when they hired him because they tried to go the the CEO is with Todd bulls and they wanted the brilliant offensive mind with Adam gase and they went back to the CEO type and

Thought he was going to be a little bit more rahr like Rex was but maybe a little bit more controlled which is what they were looking for but uh I don’t I don’t necessarily know if I’m ready to go there yet because I do think that that Robert and Jeff alook they deserve

Credit for the defense which I believe is is one of the better in the NFL uh the offense has been terrible but how much do you put put on how much you can do without a quarterback and and when there was a quarterback there we did see

The offense work we saw it with Mike White for a bit you know so I think that that is a testment I don’t think Mike laflor should have gotten fired because things did get substantially substantially worse once they brought in Nathaniel Hackett uh but yeah I do think

It’s probably a little alarming that that we’re sitting here now and you still can’t say one way or another if if he is an elite level coach but look they’re going to give him a chance to run it back and and see this thing through with Aaron roggers For Better or

Worse who’s making this decision cuz to me it’s Reckless the way that the Jets are going to double down and go into it I mean I have my assumptions of who it is maybe you know better with your information is this Woody is this Joe Douglas who is deciding to bring the

Whole thing back with Robert Salah and Aaron Rogers Well it it it is it’s ownership uh it it is ownership deciding to run this one through because ultimately if the Jets let go of Robert sa they were letting go of Joe Douglas like you’re not going to let Joe Douglas

Pick another head coach right I mean this is the thing is that so it was either both gone or both I mean think about this this whole team is is Joe Douglas’s fingerprints I mean this we you can’t you can’t hang your hat or and I’ve gotten into discussions with this

With Robert and with Joe and other people over there that that the days of being able to to push blame onto anybody else they’re over this isn’t like you can say John idzik right you can’t say Mike mcag there’s very few leftovers I think it’s quinnon Williams and Thomas

Hennessy are the only leftovers from The Mike maccagnan regime so this is Joe Douglas’s handpicked was quarterback in Zach Wilson his handpicked players his handpicked coaching staff I mean this was him so if you’re going to say okay this didn’t work you’re it’s very rare that you let a general manager with Joe

Douglas’ track record then pick it all over again so this was Woody Johnson looking at this entire landscape and deciding is it better to blow it all up now and restart it all now or do you want to give these guys a chance to see it through and and in my opinion there

Was mounting evidence that you probably should have started over that that that would have been the right decision I mean I think there are legitimate questions with the entire offense that they got substantially worse after letting Michael FL go in just about every statistical category and I know

What they push to they’ll push to they don’t have anyone opposite Garrett Wilson they’ll push to the quarterbacking problem where they lost who fault is that correct that’s my argument with them that’s what they use to push back me to the Jets come up with some more material you picked all the

Guys that’s that’s my counter that that has been my counter consistently is that you don’t have a quarterback behind Aaron roggers because you chose to run it back with Zack Wilson you don’t have a receiver opposite Garrett Wilson because of own mishaps they drafted Denzel mims in the second round you

Drafted Elijah Moore in the second round you went out and signed Cory Davis you signed Alan Lazard you signed MCO Harman and then traded Elijah Moore I mean you did all of these things and that’s why you don’t it’s not and again like you can say Theory and oh you know they

There were their their mindset or their plan was right it was just flawed the way they saw it through but still it’s your fault why you don’t have these things which is why I go back to well what is it but their thing is I I think

Their thought process was and I should say what their thought process was was was that let’s run it back let’s just we we we told you guys that we wanted to see this thing with Aaron Rogers that blew up four plays in we’re going to give you one more opportunity to see

This through with Aaron and if it doesn’t work with Aaron next year then everybody’s going to be gone and it’ll be the blowup that everyone’s looking for so that’s Conor Hughes of course SNY must follow on Twitter Jets and John’s got a couple giant things for you as

Well so let’s boil it down to this Conor he’s in studio with us here BT and Sal on the fan if I said who’s the bigger asset or who’s the better asset is meaning who’s better at their job is it Douglas or is it Salah well I that’s a

Tough one so I I think there’s probably it’ss one draft and there’s a lot more that that kind of go against it but I mean Joe had Joe did go out there and put together a pretty pretty freaking good draft class when you look at what

He was able to do and and I’m not even talking about the big the big ones in s Gardner and and Garrett Wilson because when you’re picking that high in the draft you should be able to find some really good players and they did it was Germaine Johnson who’s now coming into

His own and looking like a legitimate player there uh it’s finding Bree Hall in that same draft class who’s looking like a pretty good player there Joe titman the next year in the second round looking like a pretty good player Will McDonald and again we haven’t seen

McDonald fine I 110% agree with you yeah I mean look you could say jsn should have been the pick there Addison could have been the pick there Z again you want to talk about they want to blame we don’t have a receiver well you don’t have there were options there for you to

Draft man you should have gone out there and get them but uh I I would say that that Joe Douglas even my criticisms of Joe Douglas and and he has made Stakes the Zack Wilson pick uh the Denzel Mims pick the McKai beckon pick some of his

Free agent signings but you look at them and I think with Joe I can at least see the why and it didn’t work right but you can see the why Lake and Thomason has been a bad free agent signing but they went and signed a guy who was a pro bowl

Player in San Francisco who was going to be in the exact same scheme because they brought San Francisco’s offensive line coach over that’s I think if you even hindsight yeah that that was a pretty good signing right then you look at some of the guys that they had in the

Building who they signed didn’t work here and they let go well now they’re working elsewhere why so he has invested resources in the right places he’s put he’s made an effort this wasn’t like Mike mcag where it was like dude what are you doing like how do you just

Ignore these spots he’s put the resources in the right places he just hasn’t invested the resources in the right way and that to me is alarming but at least with him you can see the why I don’t always see the why with some of the things that so the answer is Joe I

Would agree I honestly and I’ve said I’ve said this to to some my issues with the Jets right now and a lot of it stems with somewhat with the players but mostly with the staff is is that just I don’t love this and and I said this on

SNY I I don’t love the culture of just consistent and incessant excus making that seems to overrun the organization and and it’s it’s never when Adam gase was there guys and and I know he was ridiculed and ripped apart I remember having conversations with Adam over and

Over and over again and he would and that roster was by Robert Sal’s own definition expansion level it was a bad bad team never did Adam for all of his faults he never blamed the players he never blamed what Joe Douglas gave him he constantly said yeah maybe these guys

Aren’t the best but I have to find a way to get my offense to I have to find a way to get through to them I have to find a way to make them see what I’m seeing and yeah it didn’t work and and one of his failures was that he was

Never able to connect but it was always the thumb it was always I need to figure this out I just get the sense a lot of times with this team right now and and again it’s it’s not just Rob it’s there’s a lot going on there where it

Just feels like they constantly Focus and hammer on who’s not here what they don’t have and what they still need instead of trying to find a way to make it work with who is there and that to me is the most alarming aspect of the Jets

It’s absolutely pathetic BT and S on the fan we have Connor Hughes from SNY in studio here uh we’ve talked about 10 minutes right now we haven’t mentioned Aaron Rogers name really in detail how much of this because it just doesn’t make any sense to me Connor if I’m the

Owner I’m sitting back watching this team and barrass me year after year after year like I like Joe Douglas I think he’s more respectable than anything else that we they’ve had prior however the results are what they are the team thinks and there’s always an excuse like you said it’s always

Something with them so if I’m the owner I’m saying what the hell’s going on here I’d look to either clean house go hire a young bright offensive mind maybe draft a quarterback or look to move up and take a quarterback they’re not they’re doubling it down how much of this is

Because of the influence of Aaron Rogers I I don’t I don’t think Aaron’s sitting there there was no for Aaron Rogers there was no sitting down and saying if you don’t bring this regime back I’m out there was nothing that he did back them publicly on the he does CU he does he

Believes in them he he believe obviously he believes in Nathaniel Hackett he believes in Joe dougles I’m sure he likes the fact that like this this staff seems and organization seems to give him whatever he wants I’m sure that that’s a benefit of it all wouldn’t we all like

That um but I I I think this was one of those things he made his opinion clear but it he was not going to medal and he was not like Rogers wasn’t going to step in and say I’m out this wasn’t in and again it’s I I do believe that they are

Making the right move running it back back and the reason why I think they’re making the right move running it back is because if they were to fire everyone and say we’re blowing this up we’re starting to new right you now know that Aaron Rogers is coming back you need to

Find a coach that one is willing to work with Aaron roggers uh if they want to keep Nathaniel high but even if you’re blowing now you to find an offensive cour and also it’s a playoff mandate now because you have a team that’s willing to win now it’s you see the quick

Trigger finger like it’s just it’s almost like they’re they’re Woody’s not sitting there and saying we’re sticking with these guys who thick and thin forever it is we set this up to see how it works with Aaron Rogers Aaron Rogers went down after four plays we’re going

To give you one opportunity this year this coming year 2024 to see it through with Aaron Rogers and if it doesn’t work and Joe Douglas said this at his end ofie year press conference Rogers said this when he talked to us as well and I think he probably probably said it on

Mac if you have lost track of everything that goes on there um they’ve made it clear that they know this is do or die that if they don’t do it this year no matter who gets hurt no matter who goes they are going to blow it up and then it

Will be a complete Fresh Start likely without I’m get Aaron Rogers struggles here he’s not going to be back next year so it would be a brand new quarterback likely top 10 draft pick new GM new head coach and they are truly going to start from scratch and move on from this

Regime but they’re just willing to see this through and I honestly like you think at the big pool of people that would be want to get involved with this team and this coaching staff it dwindles when you go okay you got to keep Aaron roggers okay you got to find someone

That works with okay it’s got to be an offense that works with Aaron Rogers okay dwindles okay also by the way it’s pretty much a win now season it dwindles even yeah exactly that’s why I think outside of the OC I think belich would be a great fit because yeah you really

Don’t have a choice they’re trying to win now you got Aaron Rogers Solo’s the worst coach in the league belich che’s available and it might be the one time ever that he’s desperate enough to even consider coming to the Jets to me that may I don’t know what he would do with

Hacket necessarily but you look you going into the season with Salah Hackett Rogers or belich Rogers which one you going in with yeah and I I think I would say I I would say belich yeah but but I think everyone would but my my cter to that I said this yesterday is

That bill bellich is by just about every measure imaginable he’s the he’s the greatest coach to ever live in the NFL right I mean I think if you want to go way back and talk about some of the other guys okay fine but like for the

Most part we can again get into the argument about Tom Brady how much it’s still those first few Super Bowls that Tom Brady won yeah he was clutched down the stretch but those were Bill’s defenses Bill’s teams like Brady was almost game managed those yeah and then

Brady hit his stride almost in seven when the Giants beat him and then he became like this unbelievable next other world leag qu back but still belich is the greatest coach to ever live he’s sitting there and there are all these there were all of these opportunities

Open and he’s been passed on him yep and I I want there there’s something there that that Arthur Blank sat with him on his yacht looked across him in the face and walked away and said no I’m going to go with go with somebody else there there’s something to that and I don’t

Know if it’s that they think he got stale in New England I don’t know if there’s uh the report that came out that said he was going to bring Matt Patricia as his defensive coordinator Josh McDaniels back that he’s almost stuck in his way like no no no what went wrong in

New England that wasn’t me trust me let me run it back and some people like no we want to see a guy who’s got a fresh start like when Coughlin came back to the Giants and he was different than Jacksonville a little bit and you see

These guys that get FR like P Carol was different in Seattle like they they re-energize and they change their method and they they evolve it’s almost like build in and evolve and I I I there’s usually something there and if if it seems so obvious and all of these teams

Out there are kind of saying no we’re going to go with somebody else I think there’s something to with the exception of the Panthers where they just had to find someone to take that job I agree with you um I I would not do it I I want

To go back to one bigger picture issue with the Jets it’s funny a lot of times and I know you get this as well on on social media what about ownership like we can tweet all day and do shows and have segments and debate yell scream Rogers coach GM this Old Line receivers

Whatever ownership I think Woody’s a terrific person I really do I think he’s a good guy I think Woody Johnson’s biggest issue is that he’s got no connections like anytime like anytime the Jets have a big decision to make right they lean on Charlie Casserly hey pton what do you

Think of pton what I don’t care what pton Manny thinks about about the Jets I care what somebody inside the building who knows football who’s had success who’s who’s got Woody’s ear I care what that person cares about the Jets and I feel like Woody doesn’t have that

Reliable Voice or person to gravitate to in the building that’s going to get him in the right direction is that unfair to say I I think there’s some like I I I know haime the team president he recently took over a few years ago he’s a true football guy like he really is

And he’s got he’s got woody ear uh there is something to that but I mean it’s not not every owner is going to be John Mara who’s a football lifer you know or Jerry Jones who’s a football lifer and I know Jerry’s falling off some but still I

Mean the Cowboys are always good like they’re they’re never like very rarely are they just a bad team that’s missing the Playoffs 13 straight years but I the one the one credit I will end up kind of flipping that and giving Woody is that he realizes that it’s not like he’s out

There trying to be something he’s not he he he brings in the now again he brought in the wrong people but one of the big reasons why they went out there and got Joe is that this was a dude who cut his teeth from azy Newsome in in in

Baltimore right and then he had success in Philly with hoe Roseman and he had a you know basically a cup of coffee with the bears but like this was your football guy and Woody wasn’t there but Christopher Johnson was Woody still signed off on it and they gave full

Control of the team to Joe and was like you’ve seen how it works before you’ve done it before go now the one criticism of Woody is that I think there are times where it’s like the shiny object that grabs your attention and it’s like I

Need to have that and I wonder if if he still needs to he’s a little bit more Hands-On than Christopher was Christopher was very much like Joe it’s your show you go and and Woody is still yeah it’s Joe show but maybe we do this

Maybe we do that you know so I think there is a little bit of that but it’s just the unfortunate like that aspect of what you’re saying it’s the unfortunate just reality of the Jets like that’s not woody like Woody’s not the football lifer he he’s not ignorant to it all but

I mean you’re unfortunately looking for something he’s not and the only way that changes if he goes and sells the team which isn’t going to happen or hes the absolute right person and that’s what they think they did with Joe right I mean that’s what they thought they did I like Joe I

Do I I I haven’t given up on Joe give it up on solv I give it up on Joe yet totally but unfortunately they’re a package deal now because they’re not going to let like it’s rare it it is rare that these two guys got an opportunity to pick another quarterback

Like when you whiff like you did on Zach Wilson and they whiff I don’t care that he had to play his first year it did not matter this was going to be a problem whether he started or whether he didn’t start so you don’t think if he was

Drafted by a different team with a with better you don’t think you just don’t think he can play no there’s two I mean it was it didn’t work Mike laflor was a hard a hard coordinator like he he grinded him it was dude you messed up on

This you need to like he was hard it was tough love yep didn’t work Nathaniel Hackett was the coddler it was like don’t worry we got it Robert Sal even let’s hold him it’s fine that didn’t work like he he has tantalizing talent but there’s something there that’s just

Not C but I don’t push back on the the coaching tactics but he never had the requisite pieces to win and he’s gone I know they’re going to get rid of him what I was going to say was like if he’s drafted by the ners and he’s got protection and he’s got offensive

Schemes that are Innovative and forward thinking and skill guys and like I know they that’s a good point I’m coaching him hard although they’ve C him lately and it’s done you don’t think if he was drafted to a totally different situation well that’s skill set he could have been

Star not well the ners I think is you can I think you put Sam in there this weekend the ners are still going to go to the Super Bowl like I think the ners are just they’re the they’re the outlier um I I don’t I really don’t I I really

Like I mean look I don’t I don’t think he would be the disaster that he was with the Jets those first couple of years like I don’t think it was going to be that bad but I do think that I I don’t see him ever reaching the

Potential of the number two I I think that his his ceiling I I genuinely believe that Zach ceiling was was the spot Duty starter that comes in and you hope that he can hold the fourth down and he goes up to being a backup I he

Was never going to be a pro bowler he’s never going to be an all pro he’s and that’s a Miss of a draft you picked him second overall like and I grant every other the one the probably the only saving grace for that is that every other quarterback drafted after Trevor

Lawrence was bad as well like M Jones question about La Fields yeah and Fields probably is is like he came on a little bit late there but it looks like they’re going to go Caleb Williams so I mean that they’re restarting there and those guys see him every single day so that

Tells you all you need to know um but yeah I would I don’t think is ever going to be anything no matter what beat T and Sal on the fan we’re in studio with Conor Hughes covers the Jets and Giants for SNY we’ll get to the Giants in just

A second here last one for me on the Jets more about Personnel you mentioned that they’re going all in this year what are we looking at as far as Bryce Huff coming back and then what do you expect them to do in the draft I mean you would

Assume it’s going to be o line or wide receiver clearly they need both so huff and then where do the Jets go with the draft Yeah Huff Huff’s a fascinating one because I’ve and I appreciate I told him like on on baggy day I shook his hand is

Like dude I appreciate the honesty cuz he’s probably the only player that was like no I’m taking the bag like I’m I’m I’m I’m where whoever offers me the most money does not matter good for him you know what I mean CU some guys like yeah

We’ll see I’d love to be back he’s like yeah I’ll be back if they pay me the most money so I I think the Jets the biggest ball dropping by them was not offering that guy a contract in the middle of the season because you could

Have had him at a number that was far less than the number he’s going to see on the open market as a 10 sack Guy and because I think they took a half a sack away from on the finale so I think it’s as as a double digit sack guy playing

40% of the defensive snaps he’s going to get a monster deal and somebody is going to pay him and and I just the only option for the Jets to keep him because they’re going to make a contract it’s not like they’re just going to let him walk they’ll make him a contract offer

He’s just going to get overpaid and their only option would be then to franchise tag him and everything we’ve heard from Joe Douglas is that that’s not going to happen they’re they’re not going to franchise tag him so he’s going to go and and part of that probably has

To do with the fact they invested a first round pick in Will McDonald and you got to see the kid play but we can debate that the whole time is you have a proven guy as a 10 sack guy with somebody that you don’t you’re you’re

Banking on up side I would I if it was me I’d bring him back I don’t know how you let him go but it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen number two receiver and we’ll start getting to these giant issues as well number two receiver opposite Garrett Wilson week

One is which player Trey draft who is it I it’s going to be I’m GNA go a little bit W I think it’s going to be Calvin Ridley because the Jets are pretty high on him coming so the only reason I say that I think Mike Evans goes back to the

Bucks I think assuming that they work things out with Baker Mayfield I don’t think Adams gets traded anymore with with so Adams was the hot one I don’t think so the Raiders did not make him available at all at the deadline like he was not available like it didn’t happen

The fact that Antonio Pierce is coming back the only the Raiders have never said they want to get rid of Adams it was Adams would want out of out of Vegas and now that he’s back and it seems like they’re going to try to make this not a

Rebuild but kind of like a retool and they think they can fix this thing relatively quick I don’t necessarily know if if he’s gone and if if like if Adams is available it’s Adams I just doubt that he’s going to be available Calvin Ridley was a guy that when he was

Being traded from the Falcons the Jets were all they loved him they made calls they were in on him they wanted to make a deal when they called him it was right around the time the Falcons knew the gambling stuff was coming out so I remember talking to people over at the

Jets and they were like I don’t think he’s available like like we want him like we think he’s available they did their homework as far as seeing if the issues that he had with the coaching staff was that like a Calvin Ridley has has buting he can’t be coached like they

Did all their background over checked every box the problem with him was when they called the Falcons to try to get something done the Falcons were like gay not and it was because they didn’t want to deal in bad faith basically trade this guy for a second round pick the

Idiots trade them let that be the Jet’s problem yeah seriously they they just didn’t want him they didn’t want that they didn’t want to trade him and then like basically yeah we’re going to get a second round pick then oh surprise he suspended for yeah like they didn’t want

To do that and then the Jaguars ended up getting on a deal but if he’s available he’s one I could see them cuz they like him I think he’d be a good compliment I I think he would be what they’re looking for as as as a receiver uh T Higgins I

Think he’s probably going to get tagged so I don’t think he’s going to be there like that’s the thing is you look now at the list of receivers that could be there for the Jets and realiz that list is going to be cut by 90% cuz a lot of

These guys are going to come back they’re going to be this that the other thing so it would be Adams but if he’s not available I think it could be Calin and the old lines got to be first first round got to be they need you’re asking Joe to do in a few

Months here what he hasn’t done in five years that’s that’s like the the concept that they’re going to rebuild as offensive line like that just it it he hasn’t done it well let me push back no he hasn’t done it but let me push back

Stinks I mean that may have even been a worse pick than Wilson guy’s got no heart no motor he thinks he’s the best he can’t stay healthy he’s out of shape yeah no he’s he’s gone titman Vera Tucker and a and a first round hit I

Know he’s got a hit I get that you do that right there boom 60% old line set yeah and and undoable the first round pick’s got a hit and and again this is a a general manager I do think the Joe’s solid but he also picked Beck then over

Wors and and Worf’s a pretty pretty good football player for the Buccaneers and and it’s yeah theoretically if they hit everything right if like you said they they go out there and say verit tucker now is your right tackle right because it’s harder to find tackles in it his

Guards you make verit Tucker your right tackle you go out there you draft a left tackle boom tackle tackle set lak and Tomlinson’s better now cuz Tipton’s year two you now actually have a left tackle next to him and then all you have to do is sign a Right Guard which

Theoretically guards are more available but the Jets have signed guards before and you’ve got Greg van Ren who failed and you had lak and Tomlinson who has failed they’ve drafted offensive lineman before and signed offensive tackles before that have failed by the way Elijah ver Tucker is an offensive

Lineman who TS ailles like I think about a basketball player jump like the kiles death sentence because you can’t jump anymore unless Durant like job is push like push off like that that’s not just you can’t just assume that Vera Tucker is just going to be the Vera Tucker that

Was a borderline Pro bow Pro Player like you can’t just assume that he’s coming off so you now need not only to figure out left tackle right tackle and right and a legitimate depth piece at Right Guard behind behind very Tucker in case he’s not the same and also hope titman

Improves because there were some up and down year there I know the Jets believe in him but there was some up and down there just the same as jmss with the Giants so I I think there are theoretically yeah there’s a path to do it you can do it teams have done it

Before but again 5 years Joe’s been this team’s general manager and he stood at the podium on his introduct your press conference said we need to rebuild the trenches we need to rebuild the offensive line and we’re sitting here now saying they need three fits four fifths of their offensive line fixed so

Same thing yeah it’s like I I have I have my reservations that they’re going to be able to do it this off season I do I I it’d be fun to do I’d like to cover a playoff run that that’s a heck of a lot better for for business right but I

Mean I just have my reservations they’re going to be able to do it well you still do cover the Giants BT and Sal on the fan talking with Conor Hughes who works for us in while let’s get to the Giants here not as much in depth obviously as

The Jets Jets have many issues let’s start though with the coaching stuff would you make of the whole dble wink Martell and where the Giants are at now currently with their coaching step I found it I found it very very very funny that that the number of that story is

Not true there’s no there’s no backlash there’s no anything there’s no Rift here and now suddenly he gets fired and now everybody in their uncle is saying oh no yeah they actually did hate it’s like dude like this was always there like Jake there are there are people in this

Business guys that you know they say something and their word is like you don’t you don’t it’s like he’s won glaz know Glazer’s won like like this guy like anytime you have some dude who knows so much that he sits on it until a pregame show and then drops it like the

Dude knows what he’s saying like he’s and he’s not hearing this from like I heard some wild theories that it was like the equipment manager saying this like they’re getting it from the laundry kid dude this is GLA he’s no he’s probably here from the top of the top

Like this he’s not making this stuff up so that that blew my mind but it’s not just Pat Leonard story that he ran in the Daily News and and Dan dougen ran one right before him I thought both of those stories were I should have got I

Used to work at the athletic I should have given them the same Outlet sh out uh those two stories were so well sourced and I thought they told both sides of the story very well it wasn’t blue shaded it wasn’t this is the giant side it was this is the side of who’s

Left this was the side of who’s staying and also these these are all the things that we’ve picked up on what’s actually going inside and some of those quotes that were dropped by specifically Leonard in there it painted an environment that has built that you can tell when the Giants are winning games

Like they did two years ago yeah you can look past it you can look past being being cursed out and in meetings and this and and the crazy hothead because you’re winning games and at the end of the day when clock H zero and you win and everyone’s happy and fans are happy

Everyone’s good but when you lose it really wears people down and the Giants had and I’m not you can check myone I’m not tight with wank marale I don’t have cell phone number I don’t talk to him every day like here he’s a golfer so maybe I’ll see him on a course someday

But like I don’t know him from anything other than sitting in front of him in a press conference he was a top tier defensive coordinator you had in your building and the working environment with David was so bad that he wanted out he was like I can’t do this anymore and

It wouldn’t surprise there were other coaches whether it was the stink eyy that he gave the Special Teams coordinator whether it was the assistants that have come out and spoke that it’s like there is something there that is alarming and it is something there that needs to be addressed and

Changed and just assuming that oh wink was a bad apple the the the these guys were bad apples this one was bad this was just this wasn’t really a problem it was something that just kind of won squeaky wheel no this was enough where it was an issue inside their building

That they need to fix and I think there’s more there than maybe what some people thought and it was just hidden year one because they were winning okay so do you think that there’s a chance Conor Hughes with us in Studio by the way BT and Sal SNY Twitter of course

Jets and Giants great coverage do you think that there’s a chance that when it’s all said and done his volatility from a personality point of view ruins him D so yeah I mean I I heard I heard from stuff B like when some of the stuff came out I was like

Man this is this is like not good and I remember talking to people that that knew that there were issues in Cleveland like when he was the offensive coordinator there the same volatility and and heated in Cleveland and some of the reason remember D went through several coaching Cycles before he got

His job that there were some of those issues that were turned up in those coaching cycles and coaching interviews and and they wanted him to address them and he didn’t address them overly well in some of those interviews which is why those team team passing him despite his

Success in Buffalo with their dvoa and what Josh Allen’s done and all those things and yeah I think this is something that could deteriorate I mean it’s it’s very rare and I don’t think kfka is like just some Shire pick to come back where they I think there’s a

CH there’s there’s not a zero% chance that he takes a lateral move like that’s not that’s not completely in incomprehensible like that’s that’s still a situation that could be out there and when you have a coordinator that that is or a coach that loses all three coordinators and maybe two of

Which because they don’t want to work with him anymore that’s that’s a red flag and I don’t think it’s so much so that he can’t save it because I do think that Brian da is a very good coach from a schematic standpoint it does the look

That that team was two and eight they very easily could have finished the season two and two and 15 and and gone to the tank of giants picking one or two they still fought for him them beating the Eagles final game of the season that’s noteworthy when the Giants had

Nothing to win we said that too no we said that so guys still fight for him players still fight for him I think he did do a good job of Sheltering the coaching drama from the locker room so there was a clear divide I think he did

Do those two things but what Wink’s absence and departure has shown is that there are things that need to change with Brian D if he wants to be a year-over-year consistent successful head coach in the NFL and I think he does need to change and adjust he’s

Going to be given the opportunity to do it this year so that’s good stuff by the way he doesn’t if he doesn’t then I think you’re talking about B I think that the giant coach in that’s where I wanted to go if because the way you present it and some people thought it

Was all wink like wink trying to be you know take user power okay I did I mean I’m you did think that you did and you weren’t alone by the way so now that we have a a you know an a toz scouting report on the building to me this seems

Dangerous enough where I might call belich today and get ahead of this yeah I see that’s the thing is it’s great because he’s play Not only did I mean Brian like there is something to say what he did last last year I mean two years ago I’m sorry not not this last

Year was he took a team that was terrible to the playoffs and won a playoff game with with no Talent like that team I remember watching that team in training camp and I talked to my boss at SNY and was like I’m basically going to be with the Jets every day because

This team’s going to win three games like this this team stinks and like the fact that he had them playing the way that they did and got out that is that is noteworthy and you don’t you can’t just constantly keep firing guys like they did with Ben ma do like they did

With Joe J like you can’t keep doing that so they are making the 100% right decision to run it back with them next year he has honestly you’ve seen more from dble than you have Robert solid to justify coming back you know what I mean

But I think that my concern is that if things go south next year and he doesn’t change what could happen you know what I mean because now the covers have been pulled up where the everyone was tucked in and hidden and it was again they won year once you didn’t hear anything

Things went through year two you were fine year three the covers were pulled off and it was again the story from Dan the story from Pat like that showed a lot of what was going on there whether you want to pretend it didn’t happen I know some fans don’t want to know but

It’s the truth that is the truth those guys are too damn good reporters like they they they uncovered a lot of that stuff and the fact that these guys were willing to talk about it in year two when things started going south and they still finished strong if they struggle

Again next year because Barkley’s gone Daniel Jones isn’t the quarterback that they paid all those things maybe Shane doesn’t hit a home runs in the draft and they struggle again with another hard schedule and a very hard division I do worry about what’s it going to look like

Going down the stretch and will Meo want to say this is too much cuz the one thing he doesn’t handle is being embarrassed he does not handle being embarrassed at all he doesn’t like it it’s the Giants Pride it’s what the building means it’s what the logo means

All that he doesn’t handle being embarrassed and if he is if he says you know what thanks for the three years it’s too much we’re going to restart this thing and if it does if he does go that route and belich sits out of year that’s the one where to me you’re

Talking about Jets I mean that’s the one where belich comes home to the Giants or it just seems like a uh something they would be willing to do if it again not this year but 2025 BT and T on the fan in studio with Conor Hughes covers the

Jets and Giants fory last one for for you Connor the the Kon Tibido stuff here recently did you just see what his comments I I saw the headline initially then saw the actual comments I really didn’t think there was much to it but your thoughts on not only his comments

But also what it means inside that locker room as it pertains to saquan Barkley saquon’s a really well-respected player and players want players to get paid so I get it I get it but from a general manager perspective Joe Shane did it right like because he paid Daniel

Jones and because he tagged saquin Barkley the Giants had the ability and I know their season did not go the way that it did the year before but when you look at that team on paper they were better at receiver because they had the financial resources to go out there and

Add some players they were better at tight end with Darren Waller because they had the means to go out there and add some players they were better overall because by paying the quarterback and spacing out that capit and tagging saquon Barkley and not having the 40 or whatever million dollar

Capit it was going to be to have uh Daniel Jones playing on the tag they had the financial resources to round out the roster so they he played it right and by the way saquon Barkley did not run for a thousand yards he was injured again and

Now you’re going into a season like he played it I’m sorry like if saquon Barkley was a pass rusher or if saquon Barkley was a receiver or saquon Barkley was a quarterback he would have been paid I think what Joe Shane has shown us and I think that it’s smart team

Building is that he just does not believe that running back is a valuable position that you need to invest significant resources in so if saquon Barkley wants to remain with a giant that’s fine but it’s going to be on on Joe Shane’s terms Joe Shane is going to

Put out the contract and Joe Shane is going to say these this is what I’m willing to pay the running back and if you want to take it great if you want to find better elsewhere you can go find better elsewhere and that’s just now from Shane’s perspective if you want to

Take that stance that’s totally fine with me but remember the locker room like you said they do value sequin Barkley saquon Barkley is still this offense’s best player so if you’re going to let him go and not pay him you need to be able to hit on picks in the draft

And you need to be able to hit on your signings in free agency to be able to fill that void because if you let him go and suddenly the offense is a disaster you’re going to have people saying saquon’s running for 1300 yard withag correct and it’s going to he’s running

For 13400 yards with the Eagles you’re going to say well he could have been with us why’ we let him go you know what I mean but but again it’s Kavon I get it because it’s a player and players don’t care I remember Darius Slayton said the

Same thing like players don’t live in the world of salary cap players live in the world of maximize my worth like Bryce huff and get the most money that I can possibly get right and the Giants are operating in the world of we need to field the best team we can possibly

Field and they fielded a better team last year than the team that went to the playoffs the year before they just didn’t get the balances that went their way and they did that because they had money to play with because they paid Jones to space out his cap hit and get

Out of what that that franchise tag would have been and they franchise tag barley and it just stinks because Barkley’s a perfect giant this is the whole problem with taking a running back number two overall they they set him up get him and set him up for disaster

Barkley’s great he means a lot to the Giants but obviously his worth at that position crazy story about that draft too if you if you want that one about taking him second overall I time so it was um uh I remember talking to Mike mcag about it because you remember the

Giant were draft in three and it was a lot of people were debating that one and two like you knew Browns were going quarterback you know it was Sam or Baker were the Giants going to go quarterback as well because that was when Eli was going down and I remember talking to

Mike because Mike traded from I think six to three and I said to him like dude like why did you not was that with the Colts he traded with the Colt yeah yeah went up to three and I saying like dude like weren’t you nervous like that that

The Giants were going to go quarterback quarterback and suddenly you’re Landing the number three which would have been Josh Rosen because after draft in Hackenberg they weren’t going to go with a developmental project like Allen again it’s like he goes honestly he goes no because we had our sources that said the

Giants were so locked in on Barkley at number two and I was like well like that’s I mean I have sources too anytime you break a story there’s always like that slight hesitation like is this person lying to me you know what I mean

Like I was like are you wor he goes I wasn’t worried until the morning of the draft happened and we got word that it wasn’t Sam going one that Baker was going one because like everyone was convinced Sam was going one to the point when uh Sam took his visit to the Jets

Christopher Johnson was talking to him about where to live in Cleveland so the Jets thought they were getting Baker they thought they were getting Baker at three so they they traded up specifically for him or just one or the other no they thought they were getting

Baker they had Sam was their number one quarterback that they thought they were getting they they thought they were getting Baker it was Sam 1 Barkley 2 Baker 3 so he goes I was like did you ever get worried he goes the only time I got worried was when we got worried in

The morning that it was going to be Baker one he goes because I knew that the only person that loved Sam more than anyone in the world was John Elway and he was with the Broncos he goes and I was petrified that JN was going to call

The Giants at number two and offer the house for number two in order to get Sam darnold and I was like really he goes and I found out he goes after the fact I saw John wherever and he goes I said to I was like I was I was surprised you

Didn’t do that like I really thought you were going to try to jump us they did Dave wouldn’t answer the Fone Dave was so locked in on number two that he wouldn’t answer the phone yeah so Dave was like when Dave said like when Dave said in his press conference when Dave

Said in his postgame press conference they didn’t even take calls they ran it up to get Barkley he was not lying like he was dead accurate like he was he would not answer the phone and the Broncos were willing to come up to number two to get want been out there

Before talked about it before like I don’t know not answer the phone mhm yeah I mean we’ve always ripped him for saying not only he could move back cuz I think was Quint Nelson I think was draft only do you not take a running back there trade down everything in the

World that’s a great story book on that man that’s a good story all right thanks Conor we appreciate your time man we’ll be following along yeah you can follow him on Twitter at Conor J Hughes on Twitter works fory of course both Jets and Giants I’m sure there’ll be plenty

Of story lines for both these teams more forward we appreciate you taking the time you got a read here I do yeah really good job Conor awesome awesome uh first spot with us here on the show really well done


  1. These two are by far the most negative people on the radio with a station that had Joe beningo on it forever. The jets need stability. The locker room was held together by the head coach. Relax. Look at the ravens. Had a 3 years of no playoffs and bad records and now look. All with the same coach

  2. It's not excuses it's facts. The oline has been the most injured oline the last 2 seasons. When you have a young qb and a bad oline good luck. Not sure why people can't see its the oline injuries that have caused all of this. You can't have 20 injuries on the oline and succeed.

  3. GM is a bust
    HC is a bust
    You are what your record says you are
    Telfon Joe Douglas știll thinks he is the smartest guy in the room. He wants to show you how good his very questionable #1 pick Will McDonald is.

  4. lmao. imagine not trading down and getting multiple 1 first round picks to draft a running back hahahhahaha. such a giants and gettleman move.

  5. Man! Connor Hughes must have a stick up his b*tt against Zach Wilson.
    Joe Douglas chose a BYU QB who truly only had a little over 2 seasons of lower tier College football experience.
    And who did JD bring in to develop him? Robert Saleh, another rookie Defensive coordinator head coach who himself had to learn how to coach while developing a low floor young QB.
    Both JD and RS didn’t read the situation properly; and they never designed the right plan to help groom Zach Wilson.
    Then the fan base hated Zach Wilson because they wanted him, who needed structure and a mature coaching direction, to be an instant success like Joe Burrow, Justin Herbert or CJ Stroud; all of these QBs were very seasoned high competition college successes. Hughes doesn’t seem to get that where you pick a QB is always a roll of the dice; and such QB’s success largely depends on what team picked him. And all the evidence is there that ZW went to a team that more so ruined him than him being as bad as advertised.
    I’m hoping he makes clowns like Rodgers and all of his haters look foolish by going elsewhere and play solid QB play.
    I genuinely think Hughes had a personal gripe against the kid.

  6. Say what you want, No Jets fan can speak about the Giants! We have won a Super Bowl in the last 4 straight decades…. You guys were in 1969!

  7. Absolutely delusional discussion. WFAN hosts clueless about the Jets and reality. Surprised they didn't ask why Parcells isn't being brought back.

  8. Everyone sounds like they want guys that get drafted need 2b great from jump, but that just throws out coaching guys up! Realistically, draft 2 maybe 1 is terrific and the other needs A little coaching 2b all that he can be! Go army lol

  9. belicheck to jets is typical sal lischmattA bullsh*t but it would be what lil waldo johnson ought to consider doing woody is thevworst owner in football, looked likeva fool wearing bling on 9/11 on national tv

  10. Look at BT wasting more airtime on Zach Wilson. Seasons over and he still won't let it go. Like bro NOBODY thinks Wilson has what it takes. How many times ya gonna climb the same hill to die on. Since I'm already here I'll entertain the thought for a second. Lol
    IMO The only way Wilson would have a shot in hell to get a team to the playoffs was IF he couldve swapped places with Jordan Love for example and sat behind an Rodgers for 3 years AND inherited a talented roster with a great defense. Then he MIGHT have been able to secure a wild card berth but he'd never win a playoff game. He'll sign a contract as a backup and be out the league when it's done.

  11. I heard more of, "And well get to the Giants talk in a sec", than I heard actual Giants discussion. They bombarded the guy with nonstop Jets questions both in pure homer fashion til there was less than 10min to go.
    Nice even split for the viewers at home. JETS=30mins
    GIANTS=5mins barely. Hahah. Good work boys.

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