Golf Players

Who Does Cart Cams Better Than Bob Does Sports?

Bob Does Sports has the best cart cams! From wholesome chats to laughing uncontrollably, the Bob Does Sports guys know how to entertain us on the cart cams. I spent many a night laughing myself to sleep watching their content and listening to the outrageous conversations they have. In this video we take a look at some of their best cart cam moments in the last 6 months. You can find part one and two on my channel!



Thanks for watching

Got right with the there are balls underneath me and then balls above me seriously there balls just coming left and Right I wonder who gets slid in the dmss more paig or FP I think that’s um I think it’s pretty clear I think I read the one this morning that said would it kill you to eat a s so the first pitch at the Brewers game

By the way yeah that would be a little nerve-wracking that was it was it was a it was stressful the first year I was terrified I was watching falling to sleep for videos of bad first pitches that’s tough it was tough they made a bobblehead for me page Panic bobblehead

Yeah people were uh very disappointed though they wanted uh the wrong thing that was bobbling so I think we’re going to invest in some Bobble boots with that being said what’s your go-to guy do you like a guy that’s in Golf out of golf in

What you do out of what I do no social media bad at golf the worst pickup line is when I beat you at golf can we go out on a date tough hate it tough hate it I’d rather get a dick pick yeah yeah I was going to ask what your pet peeves

Were I think we just got it that for sure hey we ain’t from these parts we’re here to [ __ ] [ __ ] up in your Belinda look at Bob navigating the course here wow M jelling you would have never gotten that joke but it’s so good like guys like vosco deama out

Here Christopher Columbus ticket just ran over a drone I did I didn’t see what was right in front of me but she’s all right he just go right just right over it it’s not like he clipped it either it was just one tire it was the

First one then the second one oh man let me tell you something you are never going to hear the end of that that’s a problem y that’s a problem oh that’s a problem show the underc carriage and uh yeah I mean that’s that’s just that’s just road rage going

Right that’s just ticket right going through right there she caught some Strays she did we have nothing left in the tank that’s PA St to Spain we have nothing left off of this [Laughter] channel bring in the big gun bring bring what a hot start there we’re back gained

One playing partner and we lost one very near and dear friend I now I mean we got to we got to discuss we might have to set up a memorial for debie drones she’s gone through a lot of good times some bad times she’s one I’ve already I’ve already gotten her

Replaced this the second one it’s the second one yeah what happened to the first one uh I crashed into a tree actually never FL a drone before if he saw you with that he’d be really nervous that is his baby have you never flown one before

Dude he is going to freak why is my drone moving get down with right hey [ __ ] that Dr hey w w stop stop stop stop oh is that shly that is that shly on the watch see you later buddy going up and down H cut is sitting

On their controller oh he was freaking out oh can you land it you don’t want me to I can land it bring her down all right now I’m getting nervous she’ll land on her own just hold hold it down oh my gosh she even talk done

Sander scoop and score going be yeah I know I know I know I know scoop and score round the defender round the defender got him scoop and then scored and we’re going to [ __ ] you want a scoop and score I who cares I think it would make you feel better as a person

To accom something you SC hey you scoop score scoop and score dude score baby score baby score baby you know who didn’t scoop a score was me and you in the casino no we got sco if you went to the casino for 3 hours right and you got a 5x you’d be

Stoked right if you get up 5x in 20 minutes you will never consider just just getting up and leaving right because you’re like well I’m not going to do so it’s like they’re going to always win if you’re thinking about your time that’s right I mean I’m just so fat

Man I’m getting fatter by the moment yeah me too man you know the worst part I’m [ __ ] hungry yeah I not doing anything about it [ __ ] why why why do I continue to eat oh it is fun I don’t need to eat I have what I need yeah for

For for weeks that’s right and I just keep eating yeah me too it’s a whole lot of fun to eat it’s great it’s [ __ ] delicious but it’s just don’t need to do it AFP uh-huh bued yeah I know I know how you feel by the way I’m hammered yep I’m filming Hammer

So if anybody complains about the camera work or this or that yes it’s shitty the reason is because I’m hammered you’re not making excuses you’re making it’s explanations yeah it’s the truth yeah it’s not an excuse it’s an explanation sometimes the truth is funny as he’s not apologizing he doesn’t think he’s doing

Anything wrong it’s just just a little VH1 Behind the Music no I I actually I apologize no you don’t to absolutely nobody oh to absolutely nobody hit that real [Applause] hard I love you if it’s all right I need you I think whatever that was he will love a

Little you need more he just T me up me some of that look at look at d man look at that boy D hey I heard jet needs a little more sauce jet is blasted look a blackout yam this the best yam you’re ever going to

Find I love so y but man to take that edge off every once in a while for the kid is nice where are you driv he have to have that dialogue what well you didn’t pick up your ball I thought you had picked up your ball we could have

Still ball I had chance to Pi we could have still gone and played yours we couldn’t have played mine you picked up my ball I your you picked up the ball I went to my golf up I tell you what we got to win two holes in Ron yeah no

Problem and then when that over time after that but you know you know what we do what we play best when our back’s against the wall do we we’re like that cage tiger you know Taylor Swift’s in town tonight I we were at the store earlier some lady came to the store

She’s like I want a Taylor just couldn’t possibly care less boy do I have a present for you you [ __ ] don’t listen listen shut your [ __ ] mouth they gave me a spicy chicken biscuit for free cuz I got eat it it’s all you baby you shut your [ __ ] mouth

No you open yours and put that in there wow there’s no way we lose no I had a spicy chicken sandwich you’re going to have a spicy b top three at all the people we’ve collabed with you have to roommate with one of them for 6 months that we’ve collabed with yeah no

Particular order yeah give me give me darnold that’s a great I didn’t see that com give me Cole hey great Cole I feel like he’s chill dude I ain’t got to worry about nothing probably won’t even know it like he probably just does his thing M yeah that’s me Joey D um and

Then give me I’m trying to throw it don’t throw it sh sh Jesus what is wrong with you man Jesus Christ what he’s got an arm did he just nail the windshield what a throw what the [ __ ] is wrong with you I the one time he has a

Good arm yeah I mean what what is wrong with this oh my [Laughter] God I think baseball is your yeah you see that I was able to hurdle that like nobody’s business my third you the third yeah um big wave day oh that’s so good it’s a

Great house yo that was crazy I’m what would you room with me yeah now I need your top three roommates and you can’t use any of the same guys I used uh give me Grant Horvat that’s a great one give me Josh Allen wow Josh Allen would be a

Fun [ __ ] roommate yeah and then go ahead and lock me in for give me Jarrett yeah give me Jarrett like another thing that I wonder like everyone considers Chipotle healthy yeah everybody’s got a Chipotle hack yeah don’t order the tortilla there on the side yes say pinto and then

Follow that by saying brown rice pinto and make sure you signed up to the app show them that what do you think’s the most amount of beers you you consumed through like 18th through like a day at the club well I was going to answer that

Question in a different way I went to a cemon NC staking at cemon oh this and me and my buddy each drank 34 beers there’s no way from well there is a way from 10 a.m. to like 11:00 p.m. he’s been thinking about dinner since he got lunch

Before he went to bed last yeah that’s true this guy loves a good dinner man he was thinking about dinner so much last night before he went to bed and he made us order McDonald’s at 11 that was he couldn’t even wait till one of the rare

Times that I just I was like even even me I’m a big dude you were like this is crazy was this really okay if we are then yeah I’ll get something did you get the how was the large fry large fry was awesome it was perfect after the was it hot I would

Have loved a fry do I look like I need a fry do I you’re Skinner than I am I don’t know if that’s true you weigh less than I do for sure probably like 237 I’m 245 you sure not 2 I did I we myself in the locker room today I’m 245 you’re

245 you’re heavier than I am yep why’ you why’d you hit a scale dude damn that’s really me by the way that last name people got to get that wrong people don’t understand it’s sty they got to say stub all the time and when you’re 4et tall that’s what I

Was I was in a restaurant one time with my wife and and they said party of two stub and I said we’re going to another restaurant I was not walking up there with a room full of people we’ll go eat somewhere else you that next restaurant

Said the same no now I use Kevin there’s no sty no we were staying at Hotel named frz my air conditioning broke when he was visiting me we came back into the hotel it was like 1 in the afternoon the guy looks at F he goes ah Mr stub you’re

Awake it was so tough so now I always say ah Mr stub you’re awake my God it was terrible did you hear Boomer bang him on the radio on live radio the other day that was aggressive oh if you asked me if I’d rather have your page in the car oh come

On now you’re talking nonsense no I’d say I’d say paig but I’d have to think about it a little bit depending on how I was feeling Pig we get to nod but not by a crazy amount that’s a powerful statement man For be careful don’t do that you have a ball cleaner in here sometimes they put pesticides in the grass you could get poison from doing that yeah okay here give it to me there’s a ball washer I got I got there’s a ball washer why would you spit on it I get it

From the M spit shine don’t do as good as a ball washer on the cart dude Joey da is like he’ll make a 30f footer and then he’ll hit a wedge from here to like enena yeah he will it’s so weird cuz he has no touch but then

Sometimes he has T you know they must have known we were coming because they’ve got a breakfast Men they on the cart they threw up the menu I know what you would do for breakfast well let me see what the all Amer you know you can never really go wrong with an all- American breakfast like American brand yeah you know why cuz it comes with the juice comes with

The coffee I think I screwed up my for you page and now I can’t unscrew it why what do you got going on there I got weird [ __ ] I want to see I see like I got a lot of these videos where it’s like they hold you old way to the end of

The video to like show you what you want to see and then they’re like hit part two I’ll help you out with that that’s the worst you know what I have a lot on my Tik Tok which is weird but I kind of like it is I’ve got a lot of like ghost

[ __ ] like hauntings and like you know like like um murder mysteries that’s okay you like that yeah no I don’t I don’t mind it but now they figured out in the algorithm somehow that I like to like be like left on suspense so it’s all these videos and I watch it all the

Way to the end end and they’re like click Part Two for the rest of the video and I’m like what the [ __ ] I just wasted like a form page that’s kind of sick and twisted no but it’s true they figure out what you like they really do horn Pages do that

Sure what about the chef Choice sandwich you really looking at food right now sure am if you could only have one sandwich for the rest of your life that’s a really good question are you doing just like an Italian I that’s exactly what I was going to say you know

What I want to get you in on oh this PX or PX PX Joe wants to get a sandwich from Publix today you ever heard of the South Bend shovel Slayer no I’m back in 58 murdered his whole family and half the people on the block with a snow

Shovel it’s been hiding out in this neighborhood ever since well if he’s a shovel Slayer why don’t the cops just arrest him not enough evidence to convict they never found the bodies but everyone around here knows he did it it’ll just be a matter of time before he

Does it again what you doing now he walks up and down the streets salting the sidewalks the salt turns the bodies into mummies yo mommies close pump it up you got to Pump It Up don’t you know Pump It Up you I don’t know another lyric oh okay this make yeah Good

Vibration give me sweet vibration I want a Good Vibration sweet vibration you see Jack and you just look at him and like be dead serious like yo do you want to go in for lunch sometime like when we get back home yeah just be like dead serious like don’t even like

Just be dead serious I want to see what he says he’ll say yes he might tell you to go [ __ ] off hey I got a [ __ ] idea eat my you don’t think I’ve asked him to go to lunch before you’re always clowning him he knows you like to do that plane imp

Possible nothing aome about that is just seppy do Peter from the Raptor just squaws one on by whoa line negotiator William Shatner is he alive yes I think so does that bring us to our bonly game alive or dead I’m Sean conry a dead I believe he’s dead that’s a really

Good one didn’t want to start with dead Rosanne are alive I think she passed did she Joe namoth alive he’s got to be alive Rees filin no got to be got to be got to be living I think he dead theworks would have made a huge I think they did

V can’t no well Larry Larry King passed away Larry King Larry King take me to the [ __ ] he said what he said he he said strawberry like he used to sitting behind the whip yeah Jesus pissed what was wrong with it oh yeah yeah yeah you want to see me

S them you know how to get other people skin with plain Dum watch this watch this yeah he’s he’s [ __ ] [ __ ] Dum know play be play well play well Ys why are you pissed off [ __ ] idiot dude I’m asking which why it keeps saying not enough power time every time we film you

It either the battery all you have to do is take the battery out and put it in I don’t know how to do that you don’t know how to take it back you see that little [ __ ] thing sticking out of the side there that’s the battery you take it out

And then you put it back in what is wrong with you I asked you he didn’t ask anything I ask a question you guys are done man this the last you look so cranky today man it all the way up there are you pissed off what’ you say are you

Pissed off today no I’m not pissed off you look L you’re cranky Paradise too happy no just write for our Bo y yeah don’t give him a full no dude he’s been cranky the last 3 days yeah what’s his deal he was a [ __ ] [ __ ] at the he doesn’t like Miami he

Doesn’t like us Joe forget about Miami is is clapping his ass wow whoa oh whoa no one needed that he’s got an ass like a cppy bar what’s a cppy be it’s like a horse donkey scooping b w ball W wo wo ball ball b b hands hands hands

Hands you’re giving me a hard Reno Reno [ __ ] hold on hold on it’s not Reno it’s is it Vegas it’s not Vegas I don’t know man person City [ __ ] me can I get one one Eerie is that a real gu oh no no no no no um uh it’s like Harrisburg Harrisburg

That’s they got one hat a dinner time I think it’s a Michigan Star Restaurant I know I need to wear a hat this way I am you can’t wear a hat dude by the way you know hats contribute to hair loss yeah I’m way past that did you catch my earos those were

Good you had a little Jordan like it was wild separate leg you a little bounce you would wear a hat to a funeral if you could that’s right funeral for your scalp I didn’t need that I get it but I didn’t need it can you imagine the first time like

The guy who invented the GoPro like the first time he came out with that [ __ ] it’s like you’re not going to [ __ ] believe you know that sound you’ve been looking for yeah I got it correct you’ve been imagining an unbelievable camera and a tiny size that you can easily lose

And take surfing with you yeah yeah oh the last time you went deep sea diving were you wondering why am I not filming this yeah why is there not a camera on my helmet yeah why don’t I have a camera on my forehead got you dude it’s the best GoPro you see them

Running can you do a scoop score now SC can’t you see show me the agility do getting some athleticism going on Bobby out here Randy whip just popped in I got options we got options we got options brand new whip was popping I got option new whip just

Popped holiday locked in new how just po oh it’s gim oh du du D you know what I was thinking we should invest in what’s that Jeff a night Golf Course well that’s quite the investment but I’d love to play at night Golf Course well if you would love to play it

So would a lot of other people and and and there’s none out there we need investors ticket would you invest of course I would he’s got a sock company that he wants I got a sock company what’s the name of the sock company threads yeah threads nice name holy threads and pants

Holy threads I know you have three hole in ones but how many like do you have any other hole out yeah I pulled out with every Club in my bag really Fairway yeah double eagle with the three-wood back in the day um P out with hybrids

And every iron I mean yeah yeah no big that Caesar it’s good dude but I I mean we’re so fat we’re trying to go the other way well you’re trying our show is five fat [ __ ] travel the country in search of the world’s finest dining establishments parentheses and also play

Golf we play golf in the middle of it there she is hi Bob how you holding up great hanging in there how are you couldn’t be better Another Day in Paradise if you’re good I’m good I’m great all right say no more have a good one take

Care she never asked me how I was for what’s your favorite rap song many men 50 Cent Many Men don’t wish that the me don’t look to the no mercy on many many wish upon me a girl with a Frenchie at least she know you know she don’t mind snoring farting and paying

For expensive food that’s you yeah pretty that’s tough that’s snore you fart and whoa whoa we going to sit here and say you don’t hit blasters night in night out you woke Perez up with the fart last night that’s not true you woke Perez I was on the couch you woke PR up

With the fork last night are you aware of the food that’s on the back of the thing yeah I’m done with that I might need some of that no you’re not what do you mean you’re not eating any of that no no food for no no no no no you know what you’re

Right dude you got your chicken caesar out you’re not eating any of that you just can’t dude cuz I’m getting that you’re look you’re not getting there you ain’t getting anywhere you’re [ __ ] there F you bought a house you relocated your family I got to turn it

Around you got a new job there you’re there we need to turn the franchise off yeah you got do something just out of control I got a monster temple on my [ __ ] think’s a Shiner damn dude Robert the red nose reindeer had a really shiny

Nose and if you ever saw it you would say you should pick your [Laughter] nose oh we got to focus man we got to focus and here comes a big T duct I’m hammered I’m hammered and I’m throwing darks being yummy he’s a J he is my friend he’s barely human we the

Boys we making noise we the bo we making noise Fireball challenge excepted we in the club y want to tell you something I love you dog but I hope you kick rocks kick a bow to break a toe let him know you were sent by

Joe I’m in on the ones and twos man look at him showing a little hot little life out of the Shaker Camp live from Sandy sieg bar s’s Beach Bar home of the rum bucket I saw it start going I was like that’s in the hole that is in the

Hole you working for yeah can only help but wonder how long that thing was in there Rayos look if Rayos can’t get it out it’s there to stay huh they ain’t coming out Stick it to the [ __ ] juice where did you even come up I was hammered dude that was the first

Time I ever filmed with you guys that I was like [ __ ] it sounded like you were you knew what you were saying like I I just started rambling dude uh Jamie can you pull up the uh beer challenge clip there are you yeah yeah get on that side

We go get on that side what does that have anything to do with it yeah what a job jum it’s pointed Jo it’s pointed right at you oh damn what is yo what is the was thinking that you were over here that’s one up son of a gun they go up one early

I wanted to celebrate so bad I was still thinking that like the te was pointing the other way if Co Cuts played in the NFL he’d lead the league in false starts this guy celebrates everything prematurely he sure can’t drink I already drank you already Dr can’t drink

Oh they’re in shambles dude huge moment they’re in shambles dude you celebrate the wrong one come on Joe jeez yes no what wrong with you he did it again what are you looking at he did it again he did it again like now they’ll come out with a new iPhone

Every [ __ ] year whereas in the 20s they came out with a refrigerator and they haven’t the new one hasn’t the new one hasn’t hit guess what that one that refrigerator came out in 1920 still works exactly it still works right now exactly mean just a [ __ ] ton of electricity yeah doesn’t have that

Energy saer like star on it go deep here I’m going to go deep you got to get it I’m going to go deep you got to call upon yourself might never matter that was pretty good oh give me a cookie there’s one right behind you 10 cookies deep and almost a

Gallon of milk I don’t feel great yet I’m going to be honest this one’s not easy that that was was unexpected I just wanted it to come out some of it did yikes than bro one yo I I got to be at [ __ ] at least 15 yeah you’re you’re you’re cranking

From oh really where did we go wrong we’re on track I mean were’re doing right you just would never know could we just gotten some like stable job good benefits it you know hung to our wives every night tucking our kids in still you’re still lighting up too you still got it too

M got that bling bling on my [ __ ] belt buckle dog you know about that you got that ice this is from Ben Baller dude I I st B baller shout out Ben Baller Jacob the Jacob jeel


  1. Good good cart cams are way better for technical quality,Bds poor quality but funnier content 👊🏻

  2. Best ever! I loved every second of it. Kevin Stube is just funny and interesting. Paige and Bob have true screen chemistry they should have a TV show or a podcast together. Neil the "Big Ticket" accidentally running over Prez's drone was hysterical.

  3. FP unfortunately has an eating disorder and it's not something to sweep under the rug. FP should invest in a dietician and or a 12 step program to confront that demon. I pray he gets the real help he needs

  4. These guys… are just guys golfing. That is why everyone should watch them (to the moon 1 billion subscribers). This is the same banter that me and my friends have on the course.

  5. That was just 30 minutes of tha boys absolutely bangin in front of the camera….I mean. WHO DOES IT BETTER THAN THAT!!!!!

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