Golf Babe

Always Start Your DRIVER SWING Like This for More Speed

If you want to learn how to increase club head speed with driver, this video will get you on the right track.

In this golf lesson, Todd Kolb shows us how to hit the golf ball longer by creating some movement in the golf swing. Even if you are a senior golfer, you can still learn how to increase club head speed by getting your body moving!

How to increase swing speed with Movement – if you are an experienced golfer, you probably find yourself very still before you make your golf swing, which can be a major swing speed killer. Instead, think of a pitcher winding up or a quarterback throwing a pass. They aren’t still, but start loading and unloading to create speed.

Your golf swing is no different. So instead of standing statically over the ball before you swing, get your feet active, have a little golf club waggle, and you will free up your body to start your swing.

Increase golf swing speed in the backswing – a lot of golfers tend to start their swing deliberately slowly, then try to take off in the transition and downswing. This is a golf swing tempo killer, and is going to hurt your overall swing speed. Instead, use your golf backswing to build more swing speed and accelerate before you start the downswing.

Putting these two golf tips together will have you increase golf swing speed, which will help you learn how to hit the golf ball farther and get more distance with your driver!

Everybody wants hit the golf ball farther okay and everybody wants more Club head speed but how are you g to do that let’s dive right into it the first thing you got to understand is if we want more clubhead speed we need movement movement we got to get things

Moving right you look at any other sport when somebody’s looking for Speed let’s think about a pitcher what is a pitcher doing a pitcher is loading they’re moving they’re loading they’re lift maybe they’re lifting their their Lead Foot and they’re pushing but there moving in golf for some reason people

Are they look like this okay it drives me crazy they get set up and they’re steering at the ball and steering at the ball and steering at the ball no movement whatsoever and then they think they’re going to make this golf swing that somehow is rhythmic and

And athletic and hit the golf ball long ways that’ be like a baseball pitcher just standing here and then just going right you would never do that so the first tip is let’s get some movement going so what does it look like well here it goes we’re going to kind of tie

Some of this together so let me just demonstrate so I’m set up here first thing you can do look at my feet what are they doing right they’re just I’m just up and down a little bit I’m being live I’m being athletic what am I doing

With the club head I’m waggling a little bit right okay so that’s tip number one we’re going to I’m going to add on to this okay so I got a little bit of movement there and then boom I’m going to go all right that’s a simple thing that you can

Do it keeps you loose it releases tension and helps put some Rhythm and some Pace to your swing all right but let’s take that let’s take that a step further I gave this tip the other day to a young lady of mine she’s going to play college golf great player but this tip

Will work for any age men women beginner old okay but she needed more Club head speed so here’s what we had her do I had her set in there and I had her if you watch any of my videos you know I like to start with a little bit of weight on

My lead foot and I hope already that I don’t have to ask you to subscribe I hope hope you’ve already subscribed I hope you’ve already rung the bell and you know you got to leave a comment because I love hearing from you all right so the first thing we did is we

Start with a little bit of weight on the Lead Foot and I had her just kind of do this rehearsal Where She Went lead Trail lead and then hit the ball let me show you here it goes okay so I’m going to kind of load this up so I’m starting lead Trail

Lead and go boom much like a pitcher you’re pushing and loading and pushing and going now I know already some of you out there you’re going to start saying well Todd isn’t that a sway aren’t you moving off the golf ball all those types of things all

Right well first of all if you don’t understand the difference between movement and sway you got to watch some of my videos cuz we talk about that there’s a difference movement off the golf ball as long as the movement is in the proper position on the trail foot is

Not not a sway it’s loading I’ve done a ton of videos on there check that out but you got to have movement in order to create some speed and some things like that so that’s the first kind of tip I want to share with you you got to be

Athletic you got to be Lively you got to move all right now what’s another thing that you could do well let me give you another tip so I’ve already told you about the little waggle with the feet and the arms and the club I’ve given you a specific drill Left Right

Push and go okay the other thing that I would tell you is this to get the club head moving and to get some speed and impact and this is going to be I don’t say it’s controversial but it’s going to be different than what you’ve heard

Before is you’ve got to speed your back swing up did you hear that speed your back swing up most traditional coaching okay this is why I developed the whole vertical line swing system all right because these are the concepts that you have to understand if you want more Club

B especially as you get holder right is you got to get the club head going faster earlier all right what’s the opposite of that well this is probably what you’re being told to do they’re saying hey start your swing slow and smooth be slow and smooth and then what

Just crank it and Mad Dash into the ball that does looks like this okay so I’m going to be stationary because they said keep my head down right traditional coaching said don’t move off the ball cuz that’s bad and then start your swing slow but hit this ball 275 yard let me

See so I’m staring at the ball stationary slow and then go doesn’t work at all right you’ve learned today that we’re doing just the opposite that’s why you come to us golf TV to get different information information actually works for the everyday player so what are you going to do you’re going

To do the opposite you’re going to get a little waggle you’re going to get your feet going you’re going to have some movement you’re going to start on your lead foot and you’re going to push off it but you’re going to get this club head going fast and you’re GNA get it

Going fast early so here we go little movement boom now why does that work because in anything in life that you’re doing you can’t go from slow to just gasing it you don’t drive your car like that at least I hope you don’t right you build acceleration and how do you build

Acceleration you build acceleration through movement you build acceleration through shifting and pivoting and those types of things so you want to add 5 10 15 15 yards to your drives here’s what you got to do get some waggle get some movement okay learn to load and get that

Club head going fast early if you do those things you’re going to see the golf ball travel further down the Fairway


  1. Speed gets distance but gives less control (shot shape) so how do you maximize both? (I hit more fairway with a slower swing.) Just north of L.A. Thanks.

  2. Todd, usually your tips are spot on, I’m not sure about this one. Swaying and speeding up the backswing, seems like a recipe for disaster. I’ll give it a try on the range and see, hopefully my golf pro won’t see me swaying around , he’ll rip me a new one LOL

  3. Todd do u think it’s important to have more weight on the front foot with the driver .? Or start with the more weight on the front foot and then shift the weight back and back to front foot at impact .

  4. Now, this is what I needed to hear. I want my back swing faster the guys I play with say slow your back swing down you'll have better contact. I always felt out of rhythm, BUT now I'm gonna say HEY US Golf TV Todd Kolb said get movement and back swing speed…..Grip it and rip it….And if it goes horribly wrong? It's better then sitting on the couch.

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