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#SportsCardBreak #BoxBreak #HockeyBoxBreaks

What is up everybody how are we doing tonight folks all right so I’m going to get everything rolling here shortly all right so let’s get the breaks rolling ladies and gentlemen we will start off with 2151 as the first break of the evening so give me one

Second now we get the Infinity break rolling and then we’ll uh start off the evening with that one so good luck here we go 2151 three times 1 2 3 one two three all right so let’s get the show on the road all right good luck everyone let’s

Get the start going here we go here we go starting off Cy break 2,051 Infinity two box break best of luck to everybody oh that’s a cool one we’ve got a clearcut base for Seattle Chris drer clear cut base Chris drer number to 35 premium Soul watches for the capitals of

Backstrom premium swatches Nicholas Backstrom for the Flyers to 99 Prime signatures Chris Pronger Prime signatures Chris Pronger and we’ve got a [Applause] 95 seismic gold rookie Auto for the Rangers Jimmy VC a 95 Platinum rookie Auto number to 25 Jimmy VC that’s pretty sweet all right so first ones are done We’ve got a Mary rookie Matthew kachuck for Calgary Matt kachu rookie for the mines wild number to 349 rookie Auto Nik Sturm Nico STM and we’ve got number to 25 Platinum orange Checkers of D andov Florida Panthers D denov and we’ve got a 95 Young Guns for the Ottawa Senators of shabot 95

Shabot there she goes always fun good variety of stuff I love these uh I love doing the breaks these all right and something to consider by the way for those who uh obviously there’s a lot of hits in Infinity but something always to consider is obviously we have our we’ll

Call it like a cell sheet we obviously have all those cards in there so the more breaks that you see that we don’t get any of those cards that means you’re going to see them soon and uh I have no problems in telling you we build them in 100

Batches so your odds get uh what it technically 2% better every single break it’s kind of funny all right let’s go to Five zer so give me one second let’s get the artifacts going all right good luck 21,5 three times one two three one two 3 there we go

All right so it is time but how is everyone doing tonight by the way how is everyone tonight so hopefully you guys are all doing very well but let’s get the artifacts going here we go 21,50 we’ve got the artifacts five box break all good well that is

Good when we get a few more people in the room I got some uh questions I want some opinions on from you guys sweet double hit pack we’ve got a ora rookie fa for the wild Orum rookie and a 499 for Buffalo Payton Krabs number to 85 for the New Jersey

Devils Dawson Mercer so once we get a few new Chatters I want to I want to ask some honest questions about uh some Styles I want to do we’ve got a rookie Redemption for Tampa I got some ideas for some breaks but I want as many opinions as POS

Possible to see if you guys like it or not we’ve got a wood variant of panarin for the Rangers wood varant two99 rookie a Ferell for Montreal Ferell we’ve got a two 299 for the Rangers of Schneider 299 Schneider we’ve got a thread of time San for Boston threads of time and and we’ve got a jersey patch number to 65 lindol for Calgary Calgary Flames and D all right box number

Two so so here is my question by the way and I will pose this out to you guys an honest opinions are always appreciated and I want you to look at it not whether you would necessarily join it but if you think it actually would work just based

On how you would think $4.99 for San Jose Carlson what do you guys think about doing chancers uh like a mini chancer number to 85 Mercer for the Devils that would be around like the $8 to2 a spot but obviously the cards would be a little smaller and your odds would be a

Little better for the Calgary Flames rookie Redemption so let’s say for example we take like a $200 future watch it’s only 30 spots at like $10 hypothetically we’ve got a leather rookie variant of kessle for the blues but again you’re not talking like bards Crosby Autos Matthews McDavid Autos you

Will be talking about like the baly Rossy cider those kind of guys threads of time for the Anaheim Ducks Freddy Anderson so my honest question is do you guys think at that price point it’s cheap enough that people will just they like it either way and that’s a nice

Card a jersey patch number to 65 Leon Dre side all Jersey patch numbered to 653 CLE oh we’ve got a 199 for Philly Noah Kates and a499 for Calgary Peltier so you do think Brad that would work okay anyone else positives negatives honest opinion so again we it’s more

So that we can potentially move some 100 to $200 cards that are pretty cool but realistically they would not headliner a big chancer 599 for the Avalanche of jorev so that’s my honest uh kind of thing $499 o vkin for the Caps 99 Cole Coffield for Montreal rookie

Redemption New York Rangers so the idea honestly comes in my mind of I just want to have people have accessibility to the cool cards at a really affordable price $4.99 for Buffalo darene so that’s kind of why I was thinking that and that is a nice card we’ve got a rookie

Clearcut for the Buffalo Sabers Levi Levi for Buffalo that is filthy we’ve got a wood variant of Raymond for the Red Wings I’m presuming that Levi would be one of the uh like insert case hits he’s a big enough name I would think and a remnant of zis for the

Ducks because honestly Mike we have a lot of cards that I was looking at that are like phenomenal1 to $200 cards that they’re just not good enough in my honest opinion to headline you know a chancer at 50 or 100 spot but they’re definitely good enough that

I know people would be like that’s a damn nice card so I was wondering if like you know 9 10 1112 type thing so I deliberately keep it cheap $4.99 zis for the Ducks if that would get people kind of uh going on that 1999 zis for the Ducks we’ve got a souvenir

M Robertson for Dallas Jason Robertson we’ve got a rookie dual Jersey 599 of kessle for the Blues 499 of Milano for the Caps number to 35 Everly for Seattle we’ got a TBD number nine so that’ll be a randu TBD number nine and we’ve got a leather variant of David poock for

Boston David P knock so you might see one of those coming up uh semi shortly is uh we might try one I just got to figure out you know what would work what doesn’t work but the whole point is that uh make people have some fun of getting some cards that are

Pretty nice that are pretty affordable price it’s honestly the goal so $4.99 bers for Seattle 249 of BS for Ottawa sorry what do you mean Mike can you just uh I’m trying to read it and think at the same time and that is tough we’ve

Got number to 9.99 for the maple e of n are you saying just do one card and then do like that’s it like one winner and then the rest [Applause] autoa for the Buffalo SA Tage Thompson I don’t know if that’s yeah that corner looks a bit beat up by the

Way or is that stick actually I don’t know that might be a stick I I’m not too sure huh could be a stick but either way nice card we’ve got a 299 M kinon for the ABS and a Remnant Jersey Austin Matthews so Mike I I legally have to do

That by the way if I don’t do that then it’s a lottery Austin Matthews and that’s what separates so what we do versus what a lot of other people do number to 75 rich Greg AWA Senators Ridley Greg yeah I went through the whole process of uh making sure everything that we do is good and that was one of them so or oetkin for the Caps o vkin for the caps and well we had two in one pack and

There we go but I got the one random to do so give me one second top person’s going to get it three times here we go one two three 24 cups gets a TBD number nine so I’ll give you another fun example is so some people might be

Saying group breaks how are they different from what we were told is when you are creating something of a product like for example singles it’s different than a manufactured product again this is what we are told I’m just going by what it was and uh this is also from you know the gaming

Commission TV number n so there’s a difference to them it’s almost like actually I’ll give you guys a good example it’s almost like how Ontario allows bet sports betting and slot playing and gambling online but fantasy is not right fantasy draft pick like um DraftKings is not allowed so it’s like there is

Separation of what it is so since it’s a single card they view it as like a single entity you can’t essentially just do a lottery on a single card because I am essentially guaranteeing let’s say I go the Mike what you kind of suggested which is not wrong but you know one

Person out of 20 wins I am guaranteeing 19 people are getting nothing that is viewed differently versus doing an item that let’s say for example a group break that I don’t know how many people are going to get nothing officially on most other group break obviously now could they have updated

This in the Last 5 Years possibly I know uh they’ve allowed a whole whole bunch of um sports betting and big companies to come in so maybe it’s changed since then no idea to be honest but uh when we first started doing chancers that’s what we had to ask them

On and that’s the answer they gave us lots of Facebook uh which ones Matt the uh the Raz is where one person gets an item and 19 other people don’t yeah if that’s what you’re talking about oh absolutely a lot of people do that but let’s be honest and I’m not saying

Is in a rude way but they’re too small for the government to Really Care the difference is when you’re a registered business and you know you do decently well they’re going to to look at that they don’t care about the guy who brings in $2,000 a year on chancers or even

5,000 like they’re not after that and it’ be a waste of their time let’s be honest so Stater is up next ladies and gentlemen which is 56 like here’s the thing the Le legal thing that we were told on Cher specifically is that they have to be

Sent something it doesn’t matter what it is they’re just has to be a transaction for that so at the end of the day you know anyone who technically goes the opposite way or doesn’t do that way is technically that’s illegal but it’s a lottery what we do is not a lottery on a

Technical term 2,56 three times 1 2 3 one two three all right let’s get the ball rolling every break that is filled tonight will go tonight sir so answer the question yes and right now we have a lot of breaks that are very close which is

Phenomenal and a lot of breaks that are filled which is even more phenomenal like to give you guys an idea right now the 10 boxer is done or like going to be done tonight ice just filled artifacts just filled we have 13 left in the McDavid series 1 12 left in SBA 10

Left in extended um eight left in Premiere 18 left in the Platinum McDavid 15 in the Blaster if McDavid the McDavid sorry McDavid The Bard chancer there you go if the Bard chancer fails tonight absolutely it goes tonight and I know it seems like it’s a lot but

At 37 uh spots that’s not that crazy especially at $25 to get going somebody will get up aard so all right ster time here we go 2156 stat I feel like that ice uh ice case is going to uh burn my uh throat completely out we start off of la frer for the

Rangers base we’ve got for the Oilers Wayne grety kety oh we’ve got for the LA Kings molar for La 399 MO we’ve got for the blues Robert Thomas 99 dignified to 150 Bobby Hall we’ve got number to 66 Green rookie of imama coyotes IM Mama a rookie Auto to 199 Yol lanin Montreal

199 Yol Lin and a dignified for the Islanders of Billy Smith all right we’ve got Letang for Pittsburgh Seattle Yanni gourd base for the Flyers ronard to 399 for Philly for the LA Kings number to 75 Marcel Deion for the blues to 150 Splendid skaters of Paro nice number to

15 rookie black for the Devils oh kuk one of 15 oh cchuck that’s pretty sweet rookie Auto to 199 of neighbors for the blues neighbors and a McDavid Splendid skaters for the Oilers but Daniel I do hope all the breaks get going tonight why uh why wait right let’s get them all

Moving Premiere is now close to five boxers so that’s great we have an ultimate half case got a bunch of stuff Robertson for Dallas base for the Avalanche Peter forsberg PETA forsberg for Montreal kova savich rookie to 399 for the Maple Leaves to 65 Austin Matthews to 65 matw 99 marstrom for

Calgary number to 2 two Hollander for the Pittsburgh Penguins to 22 Hollander Wonder Kind Auto Ronnie atar Wonder kind Ronnie aard and dignified of gets laugh for the Ducks There She Goes all right let me see where we are now folks so yeah Premiere is at

8 so yeah we got a lot of filled going now I’m going to do the two box artifacts by the way 61 now uh then I’ll do the 10 boxer then I will do the ice so give me a few seconds got that got that perfect so here we go going to get

This one ready 2161 three times 1 two 3 one two three cofy paste and I’ll be right back with the two boxes of artifacts all right let’s go the 10 box with the premier headliner has not gone yet so that one uh will be after this so do not worry

Sir all right here we go 2161 we got the artifacts two box break that didn’t work very well to do this way you know what I always love by the way when we get the the nice fake reviews on Google we had a a review a netive one

Star or whatever you want to call it from Twan twer I don’t feel like that person really exists number to 85 for Carolina of AO Twan twer number to 99 of Colin for Seattle but legitimately like always hilarious 299 baon for Ottawa $499 for the coyotes of

Garland or um for the Maple Leaves Austin Matthews Austin Mach we got a 599 of broer for the Devils dual rookie Jersey Dennis senko for the Panthers Denis sinko for the Panthers and this is going to be cool number to 15 dual fight strap for the Dallas Stars John kingberg dual fight strap number to 15 kingberg that’s not a bad card

That was cool one one base card maybe one of these will be loaded in we’ve got a 999 for San Jose of Daring 599 for the blues of Bret Hall this one feels a lot thicker yeah space Bas number to 85 for the Maple Leafs knee Lander and we’ve

Got number to 199 caluk for the Hawks there you go all is even again we have an Orum for the Vegas golden knights Shay Theodore 499 for Boston of past knock we’ve got number to 799 dual rookie Jersey for buffalo Lan and number to 35 dual Jersey patch Jack iol for

Buffalo not too shabby dual Jersey patch and a dual fight strap out of 50 solid solid cannot complain all right so let me uh by the way the baseball is down to two left so if anyone wants to finish off those to also I will have some fun for you

Guys there are two basketball breaks up I’m going to switch it up a bit tonight we had we just got him in today so it’s just kind of a fun added extra we have a uh 223 karat gold Michael Jordan cards honestly I think they sell for like

Between 50 to 50 bucks somewhere between there I will give one away to each of the basketball breaks if they fill tonight considering they’re both at seven left and someone’s going to get a Jordan and you have a one and 15 shot if you take two spots you have a one and seven

Shot you know you know what Sebastian I will say I don’t know why so many people are surprised I understand they want to hate on the leavs but why is everyone so surprised by like I can’t believe they had a two nothing lead and blew it two

Nothing lead or two goal lead nowadays in the NHL is nothing literally Toronto came back from a 5 nothing lead in the third period in a game this year I would love to know the stats of how many times A team’s had a two- goal lead and it they lose the game or

They blow it I think it’d be a lot more than people think like don’t get me wrong though Sebastian that still sucks and they shouldn’t be doing that I agree with that that that blows and I don’t disagree with you that at this current moment they are not

Looking like a Stanley kep Contender team that’s for damn sure so I will agree with those points but I don’t know why everyone’s so shocked like two goal lead nowadays in NHL is not much and a two goal lead for Toronto in the NHL is most definitely not much

Toronto needs like a four goal lead to have a cushion and that’s like maybe still I don’t know how confident I’d be at four goals too 21,27 three times one two three one two three let me go grab those 10 boxes Bo there we go best of the luck

Everybody yeah they still got a lot of work to do but here’s the honest thing too people have to be fair and let’s be honest I’m not trying to be like a homer fan here but they lost to Colorado and Edmonton Colorado is widely still regarded as one of the cup favorites and

Edmonton is on literally the greatest run that they’ve ever been on in their history of winning games I don’t think and let’s be honest it wasn’t really 42 empty net is an empty net and Toronto lost to Colorado in the last what two minutes three minutes we lost both games

In the last three minutes of those and then you throw in Detroit I’m pretty sure we lost that game with about two minutes left so realistically you were tied going into the last five minutes with two cup contending teams and Detroit which it is what it is but here we go

21,27 so I don’t think it’s that horrible right now but let’s be honest they also got to close those games out those are games that you should not be uh losing see like I would be basan more upset about the Colorado loss than the oiler loss Colorado loss we’re up 3

Nothing if I remember correctly that is a game we should have buried reflections of flurry for the Hawks but we also in my opinion got pretty much outplayed most of the game last night so like I don’t think it’s a shock I think being up to nothing the

Way the game was tilted was still pretty good in our our end rookie gems Double Diamond of Mercer for the Devils young of Nea for the Oilers leave Kool-Aid half price oh it’s my friend again Dawson Mercer for the Devils Young Guns and a canvas for Calgary of Man gapon

Slightly uh crinkled on the top there uh I I thought now here’s the thing I don’t know what Kool-Aid you’re drinking but I literally just said they ain’t a Stanley Cup contending team I feel like when you listen to the argument that others make first it might

Work I definitely don’t think they’re in the cup contention right now not even close we got a Sam Reinhardt for Florida we’ve got a dlers of pod koulen for Vancouver Young Gun for the coyotes of mayo so snow dog do you think Edmonton with an 11

Uh with an um sorry with an 11 game win streak now do you look at Edmonton as a cup Contender since they are literally right now I believe I might be wrong but I think the hottest team in the NHL we’ve got a retro of Ryan sudor Ryan

Suder golden you’re not allowed to uh question anything that he says that’s incorrect you should know that by now if he says things that are incorrect he’ll just glaz pie it we both know this get the golf clubs ready well they’re still going to be golfing no matter

What we’ve got a blue of stampco for Tampa and a valard for La like as far as I also checked I didn’t know the Kitchener Rangers play in the NHL I don’t I think they have a 0% chance Nathan McKinnon blue for the ABS and we got shout up Payton Krebs for

Vegas rookie Authentics Vegas we’ve got a blue for the blues of Ryan O’Reilly Ian Mitchell Ian Mitchell so one thing I love honestly golden though about trolls is they don’t even listen to half the things David Pon for the blue and we got a hawen paaw rookie blue for the

Ducks I I literally just went on saying the leaf are not cup contenders and then someone says I’m drinking Kool-Aid sorry are they cup contenders I don’t know which which direction we’re going here we’ve got a rookie Authentics of McMichael for the Caps rookie Authentics of McMichael for

The caps and we got our rookie Authentics of McMichael blue variant for the Caps it’s great I love it we got a blue rookie for the kings of cev and a Tom Wilson blue for the Caps what’s up rich hens sir we got a blue of sudor for the Hawks

And a 1299 of valard for LA but the good news is golden today I learned that we have a mystery fourth player that makes 11 million get laugh blue for the Ducks and a profiles of besser for Vancouver I really want to know which player that is now I’m so

Confused that Kool-Aid must have made me uh not even know who that is I say yeah maybe David Camp right David Camp won the lottery and then uh he got this rookie class for the Rangers of La frenier it is freezing outside yes ultimate victory for Vegas of Alex

Petrangelo we’ve got a foodie for the Blue Jackets tribute I would too snow dog you just got like $1 million didn’t he for next year inam Young Guns for La cashed in why not enjoy it right we’ve got nothing dlers of neander for the Maple Leafs Snow Dogs favorite

Player we got a young gun of Lain for the M Le Leafs snow dog’s favorite team tribute for Philadelphia Carter har rookie class for Buffalo of cousins holographics for the Maple Leafs gold of lilligren ah the maple leaf Fest we got a Young Guns for Chicago of Johnson

We got a tribute for the Winnipeg Jets of Cal Connor we got a young gun for the blue jacket of Johnson I wonder golden do you think it burns snow dog that Matthews is arguably the best goal scorer since Obie Mark Andre flurry for Vegas ovation it must right a maple leaf ultimate

Victory for the Penguins of Crosby we got a young gun will be a random between Florida and la heoi and CV oh we we’ve got oh look at the timing again Austin Matthews greatest goal scorer of our era for the Maple Leafs ultimate Victory laugh friend year for the

Rangers H graphics for Washington aich Young Gun of corar for the Sharks way to go golden you scared him off so early tonight nor there a little more fighting him not today apparently olation of line eight for the jackets thanks golden so rich what what’s your feeling on Ryan

O’Reilly this year by the way like happy with the season lukewarm what you thought he would be Electro of Garland for the coyotes comeback player of the year dlers for the sharks of hurdle portraits for Dallas of Robertson Josh Norris retrospective for Ottawa like he is yeah he’s I’m happy

He’s obviously happy playing there right that’s always nice young gun of gust ofon for Ottawa retrospective of Capri off for the wild dazers red for the Maple Leafs of Marner onor roll for the Avalanche of ronin portrait of mantha for Washington how many points does he have this year how’s

He doing on the points wise Electro of Pon for the blues canvas of line a for the jackets tlers for the Winnipeg Jets Kyle Conor Young Gun checklist Coffield zis so Ducks and the uh Monro Canadians Young Guns of passage knck for the Sharks here’s another fun one rich and

Golden and uh Jamie are the Jets and of course anyone else are the Jets a serious Contender now onor roll of Fes nikov for Carolina like a legit cup contending team now canvas of zaka for the Devils hundo P for the Islanders Anders Lee churin for the Rangers canvas young of Allison for

Philly like I was going to say they they’re making a great case right now aren’t they Young Guns canvas of choic for the Sharks Choic Electro of Lin for the Red Wings canvas for Boston Taylor Hall Young Guns of zah Horna for Pittsburgh and a Young Guns of mes for Vancouver like I was going to say the only downside right now is I don’t think you can have really a Canadian finals can

You Toronto would have to make the finals for that to happen right because you have Winn Peg and Vancouver which both teams have an actual decent shot of making the Cup finals this year I think Toronto is the only one uh on the East right that realistically has even remotely a

Chance B rookie for the Ottawa Senators a rainbow of cellic we’ve got a red orange for Ottawa of cellic rookies of Kent Johnson for the jackets and a Marco Rossi for the wild red rainbow of boiler for the Islanders we’ve got an Abu zc orange yellow for the Maple Leafs a steel

Variant for capitals of Wilson and a rookie of rasca for the Sharks red rainbow of pavelski for Dallas we’ve got a red orange for Boston of Erikson we’ve got a rookie of the Sharks Bordello and we got a gold glitter bomb to 199 for the Buffalo Sabers of Tage Thompson glitter bomb Tage

Thompson red rainbow rookie for Ottawa of cellic we’ve got a red orange for the Red Wings of Pearson Rookie of fix wonky for the jackets and a Soulard Rainbow Auto for Ottawa Ottawa getting a lot of cards in this Ottawa uh Thursday no that’s tomorrow we

Got an orange slice of jper brat for the Devils we got a red orange of mcbaine for the coyotes Iced Out of shley for the Jets and a rookie of Bobby Brink for Philly these will be ready for Friday yeah there’s no way uh that this will be

Ready by tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon gos to spare for the Avalanche black Rainbo yellow green for the LA Kings of Fimo we got a blockers of auton for Dallas and a rookie of Kate for Philly we’ve got a black rainbow of hubero for Florida we got an orange

Yellow of Laten for Pittsburgh runways of Sharon goic for the devils and a rookie of shren for the maple eafs black rainbow of stone for Vegas we got a Sharon goic red orange for the Devils we got a game stills of the Blue Jackets Jenner and a rookie of Hollander for the

Penguins black rainbow of jari for the Penguins we’ve got a blue purple of Mike Smith for the Oilers blockers of vasileski for Tampa and a rookie of Kent Johnson for the jackets sweet you know what yeah I’ll put those there jeep jeep Rich did you get did you get any

New uh ryano riy and golden did you get any new uh any new pc stuff for yourself 7 99 generations for the sharks of hurdle and we got a one sorry a 99 forsberg for Nashville forb that is a big one 999 for La Spence and number to 25 Jersey numbered rookie

Renditions patch [Applause] Auto Maddie Baners 10 of [Applause] 25 Maddie baners well then that is sizable congrats to Seattle we’ve got a generations of Jarvis for Carolina 499 Thompson for Buffalo yeah Jersey numbered that’s pretty sweet generations of Kane for the Hawks we got a 699 rookie Shane Wright for Seattle

We’ve got number to 799 Castell for the S and a rookie jersey abui for the Maple Leafs you have a few one of ones coming in still wow good for you we’ve got a spence Renditions for La $499 schmalz for the coyotes schal schal SCH schz get some more schmalz

Credentials oh by the way guys tomorrow we are going to do uh we had a few people who uh wanted us to do more of those free cup breaks so we are going to be doing a whole bunch more free spots giveaways which will be fun for

You guys speed of the game for Philadelphia Allison and a la frenier star of night for the Rangers so that’ll be exciting for you guys we’ve got aavi to 249 for San Jose and arrivals of pinto for the send so there will be a few breaks that will

Have one spot giveaway some will have two some will have four speed of the game dub for the J for the Jets and a bon star of the night for Ottawa 199 Patty Kane for the Hawks and a joey Keane for the canes arrivals we’ve got a Bowers to 799 for

The Avalanche rookie ticket and a panovic for the blues star of the night rookie we’ got number to 25 view from the glass Crosby number to 25 Crosby well ain’t that pretty sweet and arrivals for Buffalo of Bryson we’ve got a ticket access 599 for Winnipeg of

Perfetti and and we got a Quin Hughes star of the night that was a nice hit I know those those are pretty tough to hit ticket access to 49 Nico do for the devils and an arrivals of Spencer Knight well that was a solid one yeah not too shabby

Eh we’ve got number to 85 FR Anheim of Gibson CER cut rookie boen Byon Bowen Byrum for the ABS hundra I’m not sure if you’re talking about the Crosby or the veneers but either way they’re both beautiful cards 499 for Calgary of Gilmore 299 for the Anaheim Ducks Dale Orum of the world’s worst player Ryan o riy for the blues 499 Kevin fiela for the

Wild we’ve got for the New Jersey Devils Dawson Mercer 399 and we got a Remnant for the LA Kings Drew Dy Drew Dy since 1516 wow that’s uh a little while all right pack come on for Vancouver Garin to 299 for the Florida Panthers Spencer night 399 we’ve got a rookie horizontal acetate Auto patch gold for the Buffalo Sabers PKA horizontal rookie Auto patch gold p that’s pretty sweet wow nice cards back to back number to 15 black Premier signatures Chris leang out of 15

Lutang hey by the way guys we do have a five boxer of this up I’m just going to point that out out of 15 we’ve got for the Calgary Flames kachuck base jersey and a bork fist for the Penguins base Jersey so I got the two randoms to do the left and the

Right so give me one second here we go let me get this one ready left right left right let’s see who gets it three times 1 2 3 the right side Anaheim and LA and Letang you are absolutely correct definitely not a uh super common

Auto oh all right give me a few seconds ladies and gentlemen let me get the brakes going I will let you guys know what uh is close or filling up or whatever we’re doing here for Series 2 tins it depends if they get cut to be

Honest um I’ve seen it all over the map and I’ve talked to dealers already and they’re all over the map so so give me a few minutes guys going to go through some uh payments and stuff like that that was a very healthy break wasn’t it I like it that was really

Good all right so canel some spots that needed to be cancelled now let’s move on to ice is filled let’s see that Bowman filled and I believe that Bowman is filled 975 so we’ll do 975 actually get some baseball in the mix here basball give me a few

Seconds all right so here we go 20,000 975 three times one two three one two three I go grab that box all right and a reminder if anyone wants to do it by the way I did state if we fill those basketball breaks that are at seven left

I have two fun Jordan cards 23 karat gold Jordan cards that I will just toss in there as a giveaway if they get filled tonight I am not trying to pretend that those are the greatest cards in existence but it is still a damn Jordan card so here we go

20975 Bowman first edition baseball yep Kung so I said we have the two basketball breaks that are at seven left each we have I have two Jordan uh they’re I think they’re called like 23 karat gold cards that we just got in today so you

Know what I was gonna do I was G like hey basketball for basketball let’s do a giveaway why not right so on these guys as I said I’m going to read off all the uh colors and then uh everything else will get shipped number to 150 Chi Jung Lee for the Red

Soxs number to 150 not sure how many of these guys are uh big name guys but if you guys want to let me know that would be very much appreciated we’ve got number to 75 abbit for the Reds so Kung in my opinion I genuinely

Do think if we can just get a a couple spots moving on them they will go very quickly number to 75 Mikado for Kansas City ma see is every pack have a numbered card in this that’s pretty damn sweet if it does wow number to 50 boy serer going to

Butcher some of these names I apologize for the Nationals Boyer we’ve got number to 25 AR ra for the Mariners this look pretty sweet if you get one numbered per pack it seems like it well that one’s a refractor it looks like right I think well either way it’s a first Bowman of

Gasser for the Padres shiny doesn’t look like numbered but maybe we just went on a numbered streak and got lucky who knows it’s back again we’ve got number to 150 for the Yankees of Beck Beck numbered to 150 we’ve got a Aral for the Mariners that’s the uh shiny

Base shiny Rookie of Abbot for the Reds so yeah Kung if you want to get it started or if anyone else wants to get that started that would be amazing i’ would love to get those going shiny up Henderson for the Orioles we have two basketball breaks both are at seven

Left so why not shiny of Mitchell for the Brewers shiny of body for the Mets you don’t know a selected is I think what is it select select is uh probably one of their top four or five bigger products did they do select number to 150 Marte for the

Mariners Marte uh I don’t think we have anything new David coming in like that I know of right now so but once I do I put it up number to 150 M for the Marlins uh iMac is not the cup Kung no National Treasures would be the cup and realistically probably Flawless

Would be the cup number to 150 White Jr for the Pirates yeah flawless I would think would be their number one technically National Treasures would be their number two we got a first of more set for the Marlins but you’re not far off either way we’ve got a auton bright

First our first base pack boo second base pack what’s going on we’ve got an alak Alanta for the Cubs uh David honestly if I have time maybe but right now it’s looking like no but if I can find time then maybe whole gate for the Cardinals

Shiny we got a first of callington for the Pirates we have a lot of things right now on the go um like we’re setting up at The Fan Festival in uh the allstar game in Toronto so we got that going for us Abrahams for San Diego

Padres so so we have a lot of things we got get ready for and that’s a four day event and we’ve got a Patrick for the Diamondbacks there we go cool stuff that’s a cool box yeah that’s a lot of numbered stuff in there I was uh I was pleasantly

Surprised I haven’t done one of those in a while so pleasantly surprised on that that was a lot of numbered stuff so give me one second guys I’ll let you guys know where we are well if you’re going to The Fan Festival we will be there

Sir so that will be awesome to see you I don’t know what day I’ll be going down or where I’ll be or what’s going on but it’ll be uh it’ll be cool so once again guys I also Sweden the pot because I just want these breaks to

Get going for you guys I really do to see that you can get some really good stuff these flux is a very good product too if we fill either of the basketball breaks I’ll also give away four overtime packs at the end so four different people will get a free

Pack so not only will there be a Jordan card there also will be four people that will get overtime packs we have one of them at well both of them are at seven left guys I literally cannot add pretty much any more than that you’re already going

To have a free Jordan card and uh other stuff onto it so so by the way guys I’m going to do the premiere because Premiere will be quick and then I’m hoping we can get some basketballs filled ideally all right but again I am doing my utmost

Best for you guys to try to get uh as much stuff added extra so not only is the product going to be decent I’m also tossing in extra stuff just to help you guys out so and let’s be honest guys if anyone who wants to grab a spot or two you guys

Know that’s going to get the ball rolling so I’m just trying to see if we can get that moving 21,0 48 three times one two three one two three I’m going to go grab those Premier I think it’s five of them isn’t it all right let me get this

Going so I am more than happy trying to help you guys out if you guys are happy to help me out and I do believe all we need is a couple spots to get it moving we’re really close guys here we go 2148 we’ve got the five box Premiere

Break hopefully we can get five of those box that we just opened get five more of those and this will be a hell of a break start off number to 299 s Sam Bennett for the Panthers number to 399 Dawson Mercer for the Devils we’ve got a horizontal rookie Auto patch for the

Dallas Stars of karant I always love the acetate acetate rookie Auto patches k we’ve got a signature seaing londell for the Panthers londell we’ve got number to 300 retro jersey Cole Coffield rookie year by the way Cole Coffield and a jersey of Zack Jones for the Rangers never bad to get a rookie

Jersey of Cole Coffield so yeah Kung I’m always monster fan of Premier the acetates I think uh one of the best value patch Autos you can possibly get for Montreal Anderson to 299 I think you’re going to like Premier Kung number to 65 Cole Coffield rookie that ain’t too shabby already for

Montreal C field we’ve got a rookie Auto patch to 249 aen for Boston so this is what the regular one looks like Kung these are the regular rookie Auto patches that are part of the set 249 aen we’ve got for the Ottawa Senators Base auto of pinto that’s a rookie Pinto

Auto for the Red Wings rookie Jersey of cider and a retro number to 300 panovic panovic for the blues all right we’ve got for the ABS Nathan McKinnon to 29 99 number to 65 rookie pod koulen to 65 pod koulen we’ve got a Stars systems rookies gold number to 149 Dora

Fev star systems rookies for Vegas Dora fev for the Devils number to 35 rookie Auto of Holtz Holtz for the Devils we’ve got a Premier Gear to 99 of swayman for Boston five way m schan and a retro laier 300 jersey for the caps again the one thing I will say I

Appreciate about Premiere is you do see the bigname rookies quite often we’ve had two coffields a swayan a cider um already in the four packs like that’s pretty solid we’ve got for Dallas to 299 rupe hints for the Anaheim Ducks GRL for the Ducks I already said that number 399

Rookie star systems number to 149 rookie patch Auto thomaso star systems tomasino that’s a good one rookie Auto Lucas Rayman Red Wings rookie Auto Raymond we’ve got a premier attractions Jersey to 99 of Mark Andre flurry for Chicago and another retro to 300 of pinto for Ottawa Pino solid so I’m a little surprised why this break took uh a few extra days to fill I think this is little literally one of

The better dollar value breaks you can join out of all of them a lot of nice highend potential a lot of big rookies in this we’ve got number to 99 Joe sakic 99 Colorado we’ve got a 399 V Mela for the coyotes we’ve got a rookie Auto patch to

240 n of Peterson for the Sharks Peterson 249 for the Rangers rookie autograph of Zack Jones that is nice number to 15 retro patch for the Sabers PKA four of 15 PKA and we’ve got a retro again of L for the Blue Jackets there we go cool Swatch solid break very very

Solid good stuff there do we have any auto line a in store I’m sure we do yeah they’re quite a quite a few cards to be honest so I would presume that would be a yes so by the way the uh the series one’s down to

13 Ultimate down to 19 Platinum 17 uh SBA 12 Blaster 15 let’s see see how we’re doing on the other breaks so again does anyone want to attack at least this $29 break for basketball I am giving away four overtime packs as well as a Jordan card in there

So I am hoping we can get that one going again we just need a couple people to grab a spot or two someone wants to challenge someone else I genuinely think we can get that done that is five giveaways in that break but I’m going to get the

Uh ice ready I got to go grab the case but give me one second Ice Ice Baby uh the break that I just gave a link to right above you sir as I said I’m going to give away one of those 23 karat gold Jordans and four overtime packs if we

Get that filled tonight I think that’s a pretty damn simple simple way to go you got my honest opinion but I can only offer it’s up to you guys to accept it and do it so I’m going to go grab that case and I’ll be right back

Guys but I’m hoping we can get some people taking some spots there e e e e for all right so let me get the ball rolling on this bad boy and once again I’m happy to do the series one the SBA the Blaster the Platinum the ultimate it don’t matter to

Me which ones get going and I’m obviously very happy to get the basketball going but that is up to you guys so here we go sit back and relax and enjoy here we go 21,7 we’ve got the 12 box ice BL Break prob should empty the garbage I will have to do that at some point oh they do on the side again boo worms all right we got a green of eel for Vegas Castell for Ottawa orange and a rookie of Soul guard for the S so again guys

The majority of these I’m only going to show the bigger cards because obviously there’s a ton of colors in here Green rookie of Jacky for Montreal Rookie of Kent Johnson for the jackets and a ice crystals for Minnesota of capriso so again all of these I will uh I’m going

To pretty much only show the ice premieres and autographs and men but obviously the rest I’ll read off green of San for Boston we got a rookie of baners for Seattle 999 pasal for Vegas Ice premieres that way we can actually get through this case in a decent time green

Of zis for the Ducks rookie for Winnipeg of iont 599 for Ottawa of Anderson or Sanderson sorry Jake shunderson we”ve got a green of Keller for the coyotes crystals of Marner for the leaves and a rookie of moar for La green of Hollander for Pittsburgh rookie for Oilers Holloway and a sub Z

To 99 99 of carlstrom for Dallas CH zle green of moar for La we got a rookie of Jacky for Montreal Hollander rookie Auto for Pittsburgh Hollander oh and also I don’t know if you got we talked about this yesterday green of jari for the Penguins crystals of kkny for the fly

And a rookie of fjo for La we just got the checklist today for 22 23 credentials green of Thomas for the blues we got a lavender for the Penguins of jari and a penguins Hollander rookie so looks like credentials will be the next one out forsberg for Nashville

Green kronic for the coyotes rookie and a Frozen and ice for the Seattle Kraken of Maddie baners so think credentials will be next we were speculating yesterday which one there you go green of Holloway for the Oilers Spencer Knight orange for the Panthers and a rookie for Winnipeg of

Samberg green of makoy for Boston crystals of marchenko for the jacket and a Clark for LA Kings rookie so hopefully that helps you guys out all right so we’re going to get into a good Groove here soon don’t worry um no idea what I’m going to do on that one Kung to be

Honest green of huk for the Jets Fimo orange for the LA Kings Jacky rookie for Montreal Green rookie of Kia chonic for the coyotes crystals of Wyatt Johnson for Dallas Fimo for La rookie green of rinsky for the jackets Rookie of Soul guard for the S and a 599 Christensen for the Blue

Jackets 599 nice I actually like the style of those ones here we got a green of fiala for La a crystals of Pastak for Boston and a rookie of Holloway for the Oilers D for uh Anaheim Green rookie we got a rookie of Hollander for Pittsburgh and a Tanner Jano for the PR’s

Autograph green of fesov for Carolina oetkin crystals for the Caps moar for La rookie green of vasileski for Tampa Rookie of Samberg for Winnipeg 999 for Philly of Ratcliffe we got a green of Rossi for the wild we got a brand Clark LA Kings rookie and a nine 99 Sub Zero of Harris

For Montreal green of kaan for the Penguins we got an orange of landeskog for the Avalanche eamont rookie for the Winnipeg Jets Green of Thompson for Vegas Frozen and Ice Carter har for Philly and we got our rookie of Rossi for the Minnesota Wild green of Owen power for Buffalo

Forsberg orange for Nashville dool for the Anaheim Ducks rookie green of pack for Boston crystals of Carlson for the Sharks and a colot chonic for the coyotes rookie all right sorry guys I’m going to throw out the garbage because I’m going to need a lot of it

You know what the pick your team ones is funny they fill faster in the beginning like the first I would say 15 teams 20 teams definitely go faster but I do agree with you the last 10 15 teams generally are way harder to fill so it’s a double-edged sword there green

Of Terry for the Ducks Kent Johnson lavender or pink for the jck Blue Jackets Owen power rookie for Buffalo green of Ison for the Jets crystals of niches for Carolina and a Rossy rookie for Minnesota we got a kachuck for Florida green we got a rookie of doel for the Ducks

9999 loaden for Ottawa we got a green of Jarvis for Carolina kubal leag crystals for the Red Wings perck for Tampa rookie green of brand Clark for La we got a Castell for Ottawa and Noah Kate for the Philadelphia Flyers rookie we got a green of Skinner for Buffalo

Subzero of ainger for Dallas and a rookie of Pearson for the Red Wings Green of lung fist for the Dallas Stars Gunther for the coyotes that’s a good one 299 away power Buffalo Sabers I would recommend getting that one graded by the way so congrats on that we got a green of

Samberg for the Jets Kate’s for Philadelphia rookie 349 Exquisite of Reichel for the Hawks that’s a pretty thick card I don’t even think that’s uh a 180 point I think it’s way thicker than that we got a green of Marshon for Boston a pink of Norris for Ottawa and a solder

Blom for the Red Wings rookie green of Pon for the Jets Rookie of Ratcliffe for the Flyers and a cool cut rookie salav kovski that’s cool for Montreal we’ve got a green of kronic for the coyotes lung fist for the Dallas Stars orange and a cop key for Tampa Bay

Rookie vanich for New Jersey Devils green Johnson for the jackets ice crystals and we’ve got for the Sharks Bordello well Mike if we can get you know a couple people matching that I I agree I think it’s going to go well I agree I will definitely be focusing on those afterwards for

Sure green for Seattle of Bor strand orange for the Red Wings of Pearson and a Leu rookie for Boston Green rookie of Ben for Seattle crystals of Nelson for the Islanders and a rookie of Baldi for Minnesota Green of San for Boston pink of point for Tampa and a Sanderson for Ottawa

Rookie green of Shabbat for Ottawa crystals of shley for the Jets and a Johnston for the Dallas Stars rookie green of line for the ja jacket Rookie of Meli for the coyotes ice Premier Jersey for Pittsburgh of Hollander Hollander ice premieres we got a Demco for Vancouver green Subzero of McDavid

For the Oilers and a ratty for the Islanders rookie we’ve got a green of Sharon goich for the Devils we got a rookie of corac for Vegas and a 599 Kent Johnson for the jacket rookie 599 we got a green of soard for Ottawa k mko for Vancouver and a

Blankenberg for the Blue Jackets 349 Exquisite rookie blankenberg we’ve got a green of Johnston or Johnson for the jackets Kirby doc orange for the Montreal Canadian pulin for the Penguins rookie green of Soros for Nashville Jack Quinn rookie for Buffalo Cool Cuts Legend of Lindros for Philadelphia we’ve got a green of fjo

For La orange of Jarvis for Carolina and for the Hawks green of Meyer for the Sharks crystals of kochetov for the canes and a rookie of UR for the jackets so much stuff here so many cards we’ve got a green of jvr for Philly a pink of soard for Ottawa and a baners

Rookie for Seattle Green of Meli for the coyotes ice crystals of goodro for the jackets Jack Quinn for Buffalo rookie green of V for the coyotes Rookie of reel for the Hawks 299 blankenberg Blue Jackets 299 green for the jet of shley crystals of Schneider for the Rangers Fimo for La

Rookie green of Wyatt Johnston for uh Dallas Stars we got a so guard for Ottawa rookie and a rookie utta of GRL for the Ducks gr we got a green of goodro for the uh Blue Jackets crystals of Horvat for Vancouver Kent Johnson rookie for the Blue

Jackets green of Cofield for Montreal we got a rookie of Hollander for Pittsburgh 599 ice premieres kzco for Vancouver we’ve got a green of p in for Pittsburgh uh moar for La um rookie and a sub Zer to 9999 of Holloway for the Oilers green of Lee for

The Islanders pink of gensel for the Penguin and a Jacky rookie for Montreal green of Hughes for Vancouver brand Clark for La rookie frozen in ice of power for the sabes we got a green of kzo for Vancouver kachuck orange for Ottawa and an eamont rookie for the Winnipeg Jets

Green of cop for the Red Wings burkovski for Seattle crystals hallway for the Oilers rookie we’ve got a green of oie for the Caps a pink of Shane Wright for Seattle and a rookie of Meli for the coyotes green of Holloway for the Oilers Suzuki for Montreal crystals and a ratty

For the Islanders rookie green of besser for Vancouver Rookie of laku for Boston 299 for the Avalanche of Foody 299 we’ve got a green of pavelski for Dallas Terry crystals for the Anaheim Ducks and azano rookie for Vancouver green of Cadre for the Calgary Flames

We’ve got a 999 hodur for Philly and a Reichel for the Hawks rookie green of Horvat for Vancouver Rookie of Pand for the Penguins and a Quinn Hughes for Vancouver Base Jersey we’ve got a green of McTavish for the Ducks Subzero of Quin Hugh for Vancouver and a rookie of Johnston for

Dallas Green for La Brandt Clark Urich for the jacket rookie and a 199 exquisite Carlstrom exquisite rookie carlstrom for Dallas we got a green of Ison for Winnipeg pink of buor strand for Seattle corac for Vegas rookie green McKinnon for the Avalanche Rookie of Johnson for the jackets and a Harris Cool Cuts rookie for Montreal we’ve got a green of Samberg

For Winnipeg orange of kachuk for Ottawa and a baners rookie for Seattle Green of Theodore for Vegas crystals a point for Tampa Jack quinnn rookie for buffalo Buffalo sa we got the Buffalo saber we got a green of Robertson for the Leafs orange Rookie of power for the Sabers kelich for Ottawa

Rookie green of Pearson rookie for Detroit baly crystals rookie for Minnesota and a Pearson rookie for Detroit green of D’Angelo for the Flyers Rookie of Owen power for Buffalo 299 r for San Jose we got a green of MC for Seattle DOI crystals for the Hawks and Noah Kates for Philadelphia

Rookie green of cellic for Ottawa rookie for the Red Wings of Soder Blom and a Harris Jersey for Montreal we got a green of Thompson for Buffalo Subzero snov for Carolina and a perck for Tampa rookie we got a green of flurry for Minnesota rookie for Tampa of copy 599 for Winnipeg

Chisolm 599 ice premieres we got a green of perck for Tampa we got a bordello for the Sharks and we got a C chonic that one is not numbered I guess but there you go for the coyotes that’s a I guess a rare one those are very beautiful cards so

Konic sorry it is numbered to 99 on the top left it just buried in there my apologies green of Taves for the Hawks pink of swayman for Boston and a rookie of Gunther for the coyotes green of Campbell for the S we got a rookie of Christensen for the jackets

Cool Cuts Jack Hugh for the Devils I like the Cool Cuts actually those are nice cards we got a green of Soder blond for the Red Wings orange of Kyle Connor for the Jets mlin for a Boston rookie green of Demco for Vancouver crystals of Matthews for the leaves Ratcliffe for Philadelphia

Rookie we got a green of cane for the Hawks we got a pink of baners for Seattle and a rookie of perau for the Ducks green of Kate for Philly crystals of Heir for the devils and a rookie of Shane Wright for Seattle we got a green of line a for the

Jackets Rookie of kochetov for Carolina and a 999 cop key for Tampa 999 cop Key we’ve got a green of Matthews for the Leafs crystals of kyou for the Blues Ben mayor rookie for the ABS green for the coyotes of Gunther Schneider rookie for the Rangers 99 Exquisite rookie Auto Samberg Winnipeg Jets Exquisite rookie Auto Samberg we got a green of Teo meire for

The Sharks crystals for Tampa perck and a blank and for the Blue Jackets rookie we got a jari for the Penguins green Robertson for Dallas crystals and a spence for La rookie we got a green of Hedman for Tampa we got a Harris for Montreal rookie 299 for Boston McLaughlin ice

Premier we got a green of Bordello for the Sharks Sub 0 to 999 of Gunther for the k I Bobby Brink for Philadelphia rookie green of Tas for the Hawks 999 Pearson for the Red Wings ice premieres and a slav kovski rookie for Montreal green of marar for the ABS like

Self for Philly and a frozen in ice for Montreal of sazuki we’ve got a green of copy for t aamp orange of Terry for the Ducks and a gouie for Montreal rookie so much to do excuse me we’ve got a green of Jano for Nashville orange of soard for

Ottawa and a rookie of Schneider for the Rangers green of fjo for La we got a vagi crystals for the Florida Panthers and a blankenberg rookie for the Blue Jackets green of Byfield for La we got a rookie of perau for the Ducks and a 599 Galvis for the Hawks ice

Premieres we’ve got a green of huberto for Calgary we’ve got a Goss of spare for the coyotes crystals and for Philadelphia Bobby Brink rookie we got a green of Jack ey for Montreal we got a Anderson or Sanderson for Ottawa and a 199 ice premieres Auto Gunther coyotes 199 Gunther we’ve got a green of CF for La a crystals of Thompson for Buffalo and a Ben Mays for the Avalanche rookie green of Marner for the Leafs 599 Hollander for Pittsburgh and a gouie for Montreal rookie green of moar for La Sub 0 to9 99

Of Soul guard for Ottawa and a spence for La rookie green of capriso for the wild we got a pink of Landis goog for the Avalanche and a Harris for Montreal rookie green of Mercer for the Devils baly rookie for Minnesota Frozen and ice slav cof for montre

All we’ve got a green of Hollander for Pittsburgh orange of AOE for the canes slavsky rookie for Montreal green of Hughes for the Devils Meli for the coyotes ice crystals and a lell for Philly rookie oh we’ve got a green of Lucan in for Buffalo we got a pink of kochetov for

Carolina Hollander for Pittsburgh rookie green of corac for Vegas crystals of fiala for LA molar for La rookie green of ainger for Dallas 599 ice premier of Walsh for the devils and a Jacky rookie for Montreal green of point for Tampa we got a de Brink for Ottawa crystals and a

Brandt Clark rookie for La green of yourich for the Blue Jackets a rookie of Ison for the Jets 199 ice premieres Auto Renda for Anaheim regenda we’ve got a green of AOE for The KES crystals of Jacky for Montreal Holloway for Ottawa rookie we got a green of point for Tampa

599 Hodge birg for Philly and a doal rookie for the Ducks green of yich for the jackets Subzero rookie to 999 for Montreal of Jacky Kia shaik rookie for the coyotes green of Reinhardt for Florida pink of marar for the ABS Samberg for Winnipeg rookie green for the Ottawa Senators

Norris Pearson for the Red Wings rookie and sharks Teo Meer frozen in ice we got a green of Reichel for the Hawks lung fist for Dallas orange and an Owen power rookie for Buffalo green of Kyle Connor for the Jets hints for Dallas crystals and a Rossi for the wild rookie two more

Boxes all right oh we’ve got a green of a follow for La orange of Soul guard for Ottawa and a slav kovsky rookie for Montreal green of costell for Ottawa gouie crystals for the Montreal Canadians and a like sell rookie for Philadelphia we got a green of sod for the blues Philadelphia

999 sandine rookie and for Montreal ghie rookie green of gos of spare for the coyotes fiala for LA Crystals and we got for the Islanders ratty rookie we’ve got got a perck for Tampa green Leu for the Boston Bruins rookie Christensen rookie jersey for the Blue Jackets we’ve got a green of chest

Durkin for the Rangers Subzero of goodro for the jackets boldy for Minnesota rookie green of Crosby for the Penguins 999 of ponin for the Penguins and a rookie of pin for the Penguins green of Soder Blom for the wings Johnston for Dallas and a 349 for the Caroline hurricanes Co chov Carolina

Coov oh we’ve got a green of cider for the wings pink of Thomas for the blues and a melli for the coyotes rookie green of bvic for the blues we got our rookie of yich for the jackets Cool Cuts for the Vancouver Canucks of Patterson Cool

Cuts we’ve got a green of Kate for Philly Orange of AO for the canes and a Vegas corac rookie green of Raymond for the Red Wings we got a Quinn for Buffalo crystals Kenco for Vancouver last box mojo all right let’s see what we get out of

This we got a green of gensel for the Penguins orange of Johnson for the jackets Soder Blom rookie for the Red Wings Green of Quinn for the Buffalo Sabers Chester and crystals for the Rangers turx for Tampa rookie we got a green of Doc for the Montreal Canadians Rookie of cellic for

The S and a Tucker to 1299 for the blues I think it’s our first 12299 isn’t it so that’s not bad then we got a hurdle for the Sharks green Crosby crystals for the Penguins B Bordello for the Sharks rookie green of baners for Seattle Jersey of Bordello

For the Sharks Gunther for the coyotes rookie we’ve got a Spencer Knight for Florida um green Calgary Flames codrey Subzero and a katees for Philly rookie we got a green Felino for the wild 999 ratty for the Islanders ice premieres and a rookie of mlin for

Boston we got a green of Johnson for the jackets we got a rat Cliff for Philly Owen Power 99 rookie Owen power we’ve got a green of cyou for the blues AER Orange for Dallas and a copy rookie for Tampa green of Bennett for Florida Rookie of Shane Wright for

Seattle Cool Cuts of zis for the Ducks we’ve got a Ottawa soard green pan for the Jets orange kochetov for Carolina rookie green of Ms lickens for the jackets Parson in for the PRS Crystal Christensen for the jackets rookie woo that was a fun

One but holy damn do you get a lot of stuff in that like seriously do you not get an absolute truckload of stuff in there that’s a lot of speaking all right where do we get going here did anything else get filled while I was crushing

That it does not look like it okay so I don’t think we’re even close to anything that’s uh kind of poopy so by the way guys I’ll give you guys a couple minutes to see if we can get anything else filled if not it goes tomorrow which is a

Okay so you guys have a few more more minutes to get something going if not no big deal it goes tomorrow I’m guessing by the sounds of it that most of you guys are TKO for tonight which is a excuse me so ladies and gentlemen we will call

That an evening because it looks like you guys are all pretty much ko’ed for now there will be a lot more breaks getting posted for you guys so pay attention to that with that being said have yourselves a great rest of the evening and we will see you guys

Tomorrow I believe tomorrow I’m going on at 8:00 so I will set that at 8 for you guys for tomorrow so have a great night everyone and we will see you guys Tom tomorrow have a good one guys

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