Golf Players

Former Titans OL Zach Piller joins 3HL

Former Titans OL Zach Piller joins 3HL to talk about his view on the Titans Coaching Search and more with 3HL!

Back pillar in studio former Titan offensive lineman and now sports restaurant bar offici andado entrepreneur got a new one open today hey my wife does yes sir Victoria she’s the boss um yeah neighbors um got the uh Franklin location that I go to a lot and now

You’ve got one in The Gulch to go along with others and and uh how’s the uh how’s the golds doing today yeah we just opened thanks for having me you guys it’s at uh 610 12th Avenue South right there at the uh icon right next to the

STK Steakhouse yeah right from us acoss the bridge here across from sanuka too if people remember that spot for Back in the Day stuff you remember sambuka sambuka was the jam 15 years ago so Zach took me over there and I got to see it before it

Was open and man the garage doors like that open straight to the GS I mean today not great but but man that’s going to be a spot and you have a patio there too the whole nine man just like uh Germantown and silvin and Franklin we’re

Trying to my wife is trying to do the best she can with these bars and I’m going to support her I just wash dishes and uh bus tables I’ve seen her bus job man yeah um yeah y’all are hands on that’s for sure so uh what what led you down that path

After after you uh got done playing for football I mean it it’s a very long story about U not having closure from the NFL being divorced and uh trying to figure out what you’re going to do next which I didn’t have a lot of options and

Then I um I ended up working at the airport for two years driving a golf cart I remember that yeah yeah the BNA my my friend uh Brian Patterson um invite as called me up one morning said what are you doing I said uh not a lot

Of productivity over here and um I got a job at the airport making 235 an hour and I was happy I got it I was grateful dop I people don’t realize how and we’ve talked about it with SLE too how hard it is when your entire life you’ve put into

This Sport and that and how hard it is to transition when it’s over like it’s it is tough oh no question uh and even thinking that your life is still fulfilled with uh we have over with this place open and my wife has over 200 12 employees and four locations that’s

Incredible yeah get you well we started with one employee and SE uh 700 Square F feet in silven park so wow it’s we opened in 2011 so it’s come a long way but 10 years ago my wife was cutting hair and I was still working at the

Airport just 10 years ago so things have evolved but no closure I tell anybody that wants to listen closure is the hardest thing anybody can get to was a pro athlete even probably a college athlete but I didn’t I was able to play you know after afterwards but uh I’m

Grateful that I got to get drafted by the Titans and live in Nashville and try to mature here in Nashville that’s dope man to be able to have a group a community that that you can you can lean on and even when you do find it it’s

It’s different man like I try to explain to people all the time and maybe you can add to it is you’re almost being reset because there is no blueprint to it your blueprint was all right I’m going do this and my my talent I’m I’mma dive

Into my talent go get the most out of it and you reach that at Pro and then it’s like all right that’s it now where am I going now with all of this because you’ve done you’ve done it your entire life and you have to reset older than

Maybe when you’re older than a lot of other people maybe that are resetting career I’m telling you I I’ll never forget when I was driving trucks them long them long drives back I used to have so so many conversations with myself like hey I can see he man like

This hey this is it now hey we we got to Fig something out like I’m not no truck driver you I’m not doing the batter what no this is man hey man I’m driving the ball I put it on social media one time I was laughing but I was crying at the

Same time so a lot of people didn’t know I was I was crying but I was really crying like dog like what am I supposed to do I was I was getting my my tire changed um in Florida in Lord knows where and I’m sitting there like dog

This I just a couple months ago I was in Italy playing ball getting paid for it and now here I am sitting in Florida nobody to call on like nobody’s checking on you like it’s just it’s it’s different man it’s different and like boy you need others to lean on like

Those moments I just I had one of those moments when I was talking with a couple uh uh airport security guards you know and one guy’s name was Solomon I would see him every day and I was like man I used to be in the huddle with with Eddie

George and Steve McNair and now Solomon’s my in my huddle with me so it humbles you real quick you know a lot of people I think anybody needs to get a job in the hospitality industry but it humbl you about that yesterday how uh people would be questioning oh man you

Played in the NFL and now look at you and it it wasn’t it I I just needed something to do something to do and uh a reason to wake up in the morning and uh certainly the you know I’m making a couple hundred bucks a day tips and um

That wasn’t too bad anyhow you know what I mean I had pretty good hours uh 7 to 3 or 8 to 4 and people that were rolling into Nashville were generally pretty happy to be coming in or leaving you know they were on vacation a lot of Health healthc Care industry humans and

Picked up a lot of wrestlers I picked up a lot of celebrities I made Bill Murray laugh on my card I picked up Bobby Knight picked up Richard Marks how did you make Bill Murray laugh um well the guy we took him to Enterprise oh 100% um I took him to

Enterprise and somebody said watch out for pillar he’s playing the NFL and uh he said don’t worry I know karate no he said he said don’t worry I know martial arts and I said is that the name of your bodyguard and he giggled and we were

Like oh my God we made Bill Murray laugh you know one one interesting thing as as a Common Thread between you two guys sitting next to each other talking about the difficulty and and sudden the the the finale of being done and that you used to be in the huddle with these guys

And you used to be in and I it made me think we all need a huddle right like no matter what we do no matter where we are no matter what we’re going through we need a huddle of people oh the employees at neighbors now I mean when you go from

From uh probably being a social environment at the Titans facility of a 100 people you know 50 teammates you got 20 coaches you got you know equipment managers and and training staff so you’re you’re in that social network of probably 100 people and then when you’re

Cut and out and it’s over and you’re 31 or 28 whatever the hell you are it’s uh it’s very humbling and you’re sitting there watching prices right and Bob Barker and maybe you you got maybe you’re divorced or you you get your daughter every other week or you you

Know you’re trying to figure it out and you know I got a couple High School football coaching offers but for the time that takes to do that from 3: to 7 for 6 months and yeah no so you you got to you got have to evolve you are never

Going to fulfill what the hell it felt like running out of a tunnel or or looking at one of my teammates and saying we’re we’re going in this Foxhole together and we’re going to battle and it’s us against the world and you’re never going to fulfill that but I’m so

Grateful that I get to wake up in the mornings and and go to U my wife’s establishments and and help out with with that and and feel like I’ve got a network of people that support me because really the city of Nashville is been so supportive of me too yep I mean

I need people people ask me how you doing I’m like how much time you got and those those of y’all that don’t know Zach and I know I know a lot of y’all do but you don’t answer that I’m good if you’re not good yeah yeah yeah

No I mean you know I’ve been here since I was 22 years old now I’m 47 and you see about just recently with like Frank W passing away and people are like oh did you know Frank I was like I sat next to him for seven years in a locker room

I was on every aw came I sat next to him on every flight and I talked to him you know 5 days before he passed so even that kind of stuff is like whoa it makes you realize how Immortal you know we are and I get scared about you know

Concussions and all that stuff because we spoke of that and I would tell him Frank you don’t need to play this week and he would he would say some stuff that you know only him and I would know and then it’s just like dang dude and

Then you see him and he he he died over football I mean at the end of the day he gave his life for football and it’s it’s heartbreaking and you don’t want that to happen to yourself so you have to like be in a different Zone and in a

Different mentality like I tell people all the time yes I have CTE I have creativity talent and enthusiasm so that’s what I’m going to stick with you know what I’m saying so well and you know the the beautiful part about what you’re saying here is

That and I say this all the time you you never know what people are going through that are listen right now and so for them to hear you know these messages about needing people and needing that huddle so many people listening right now are going through stuff where where

They feel alone in this world and the the message is you’re not you’re not no matter how alone you think you are you’re not people love you oh yeah 100% I mean there’s not a mistake on this earth right now I mean it was such a

Battle just to get here right I think it’s what one in 400 trillion to make it get on Earth 400 billion it’s something insane and then once you get here you know what I mean we should all be respectful of everybody that’s here because if there is a higher power then

I didn’t create you Don absolutely you know what I mean so I better stay in my hula hoop you know and let her be her yeah let Don be Don yeah exactly Zach Piller with us uh you’ve got this uh Instagram follow that’s really good people people need to follow you on

Instagram I just joined I’m I’m trying to utilize it to uh raise money for rally Foundation it’s something I’m really going to start getting or I was passionate about last year I know Dawn I think I cried on the radio you did with you with my uh neighbor had brain cancer

But oh yeah Zack pillar design 69 it’s it’s very impressive uh Instagram I swear because you don’t do it I don’t do it I’ve got white tiger doing it but we’re going to get better and uh you know I’ve got a lot going on but

Ultimately I want to try to get on there and try try to do some cool stuff and try to um raise some money for rally Foundation that’s that’s ultimately what we’re doing we’re we’re doing a with these Neighbors being opened up it’s it’s so exciting because there are

Really a lot of opportunities to help others you know um living in Nashville the last 24 25 years boy it really is the volunteer state yeah I mean it’s incredible you know we’ve been through the tornado in uh Germantown a few years ago and the morning that we our roof was

Ripped off you know people are like how can we help and you and you see it with the tornadoes you see it with the I mean it seems like we’re we’re in a tough winter weather world too we got tornadoes we got the snow we got the we

Have a lot of stuff and so people coming together and trying to help each other out is it’s pretty impressive and that’s all people seem to be doing here in the state of Tennessee so I’m jumping on the train as well so give Zach a follow on Instagram Zack pillard design 69 give

Him a follow please and just to to this is obviously something that I’m passionate about as well rally on the runway and it’s such an amazing cause and and rally on the runway works with the Titans and get to do a fashion show on on that night with kids that are

Currently battling cancer and a lot of the Titans players come and walk the runway with them and do different events with them over the the time too I mean last year the rally on the runway entire foundation and that night and teams like Zack pillar last year raised over

$570,000 for helping to fund cancer research for these kids Childhood Cancer Research because the we’re not going to find a cure if there’s not more research put into it and that’s exactly what rally on the runway does so Zach’s talking about his team they have certain rally teams that join together and raise

Money it’s like a I think it’s what 12 12 week period we weeks thank you I should know that that’s fine you’re you’re you’re on the team you don’t need if you want to start if you want to start two weeks early go ahead yeah yeah hey I’ll say we’re uh we’re we’re

Cooking up some some stuff we’re gonna we’re gonna see if we can’t get the listeners involved and maybe do some kind of fun event so I’m I’m going to join pillar’s team this year I was going to do my own team and then I was like I

Threatened her no you will not no we are not competing against each other let me uh me learn from the guru here who won the rally challenge last year his team did and neighbors neighbors helping neighbors so um we’re going to do some fun things so hopefully we can get our

Listeners involved and raise a whole lot of money for Childhood Cancer Research yep like that awesome event we we we who te who team we get to get on no y’all are we’re we’re on the same she’s not speaking for us I knew she did but I sorry I forgot to let you

Know you guys are with us I think she’s got us in the marathon she’s I’ve got you in the marathon too yeah already signed us up Zach you want to be on our marathon team no Hey listen Z we going to walk and everything it ain’t well I can all be on

The side I can give you guys water and we going we going to have little bikes stashed and and everything we’re gonna be good whatever y’all need yeah the Babs is one maybe a Rick Shaw I’ll pull you guys I don’t know that that’s not sure it’s legal but I know you guys

Might be all about to end that’s all it’s about finish Zack pill with us on 3 HL a follow on Instagram Zack pillard design 69 uh how surprised were you uh to find out Mike Vel had been fired you know it it just depends on your perspective you know the last two years

Have been difficult you could you could look at it either either way you know maybe they got rid of byed and they’ve been dealt dealt with injuries and the GM didn’t do a great job okay that’s one way of looking at it the other way of

Looking at it is Amy Adams in her half a dozen major decisions that she’s made we’ve always improved true yeah you know no one’s no one’s really bringing that up than when she got rid of uh when she get rid of malarkey or no she got rid of

Wizen hunt for malarkey then she got rid of malarkey for Vel yep yep those seem to be okay and Rael or Malarkey had just won a playoff game I think or taken the Titans to the playoffs so won a playoff game so you have to understand that John

Robinson he he swung and missed a few times and they brought in a GM that you either support them or you don’t and if you’re supporting Vel then you’re not necessarily supporting the GM that you just brought in so she went with the GM I think there was a similar situation I

Don’t necessarily know but you know coach Fischer and Floyd Reese kind of had a battle there you know a couple decades ago or 15 years ago and then so I think Amy Adams said okay let me get with the San FR or not with with Rand carthon from San Francisco I brought him

In for a reason M so now if they couldn’t be copasetic as what we were planning then I got to go with the guy that I’ve brought in that that’s that’s the only thing that’s that’s who won and you know that you have three more years

With h will Levis to sign expensive free agents and draft well around him and and pray that you can uh try to win a Super Bowl and on his rookie deal because that’s how you do it they need some offensive lineman pillars yeah they’ll probably draft the cat from uh from

Notre Dame you know he’s uh or the uh’s the other one Penn State pen or Notre Dame left side you know you’re going to probably pick another early offensive lineman you try to sign one in free agency you know maybe you got you need a tight end you I would pick another I

Would pick another receiver early just to go with Burks and and go with Hopkins I mean nowadays you can never have enough weapons you know what I mean and our defense is good enough that at least we can stay in games where we’re not embarrassing so you know what I mean and

We have Stonehouse the greatest punter in the history of although I hope he still is after that injury I know that was ridiculous he gr so why is it so hard to find and or develop offensive linemen in the league right now I mean you would have to ask somebody that’s

Closer but I would say that we’re not we don’t have two anymore yeah I mean you’re not taking the practice reps I mean you really you don’t have one-on ones you don’t have anything so it’s hard you got to be in pad you got to get

In full padge you got to do it and uh I mean there were certain games that I I played where I didn’t practice very much and you could tell just right off the bat I wasn’t comfortable first series or two just because you hadn’t gotten the

Rep so I would say 100% And then most of these cats in college are in a two-point stance anyhow looking at the sidelines uh from from the head coach to see which you know it’s either going to be a draw or a screen or a or you know

Some sort of spread option or something like that so I was just going to say that like you look even back at the Grassroots program like it’s the last what eight six 6 eight years has been about 707 so where’s the development for those guys coming up and I remember we

Was in school it was automatic like line me y’all right there skill guys y’all here like and it it was time taken out of it now it’s no time like we we’ll see y’all later y hope y’all get it together we got go play 7 on7 you know the game

Is super fast you know what I mean it’s getting more even like basketball you watch NBA no there’s nobody that’s putting their back to the basket if you’re a seven-footer you better be able to make a three which is ridiculous you know I mean in the days of like Kevin

Mccale and Robert Parish and I mean even Shaquille O’Neil or any of these guys they just don’t play like that anymore Zach Piller with us more with Zach when we come back give him a follow on Instagram Zack pillar design 69 he’s got great things coming uh give him a follow

We’ll be right back 38l 1045 The Z 3L 1045 The Zone Brit Dy D Port Ron slay we got Zack pillar in here yeah at Zack pillar design 69 you picked up like I don’t know 25 followers or something and and so we appreciate all y’all following he’s got big things coming and

Uh his Instagram feed is done exceptionally professionally unlike ours so uh so check him out at Zack pillar design 69 how as a former offensive lineman for the Titans a part of an incredible group yeah is it hard for you to watch this last group not to put anybody down but

Like I mean statistically speaking worse than the league is that tough it well I I don’t like seeing the quarterback get destroyed right you know M and I don’t like Derrick Henry getting the ball and and not being able to take a step so those are issues and I was

Feeling very nervous for putting uh will Levis back in the games there late in the season yeah I know my man Tanny Hill was grabbing about 35 million this year so I’m glad he was able to kind of he was probably fine over there say hey

I’ll be over here man I’m get well I’m saying they threw him in there late to the you know to the Wolves there and just said good luck buddy you paid stay healthy and we’ll keep we’ll love us healthy but um you know they need a lot

Of work I I I’m on a zoom call with uh Bruce Matthews and uh Mike munack every Tuesday morning at 900 a.m. my gosh well Legends see like all play with not me bring coach Munch back and Steve Waterson as well if we remember jeez theer so it’s super it’s super eye um

Opening to me that I get to be on a zoom call with these three uh people because when I think about uh how many people Mike munack has coached and played with Bruce Matthews has coached and played with and Steve Waton who’s been a strength coach for over 30 years and

Then there on a zoom call with me at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday Mornings talking about life and everything that you need to talk about to try to evolve as a human being and um but munack is ready to coach he just doesn’t know if um ready to come back into coaching he he

Would love to uh he would love to come back to Nashville uh I I don’t think that would be a problem for him at all it the only thing that he needs is the right fit for the head coach the the trend now is to get the 35y old you know

Offensive wizard I mean that’s part of this 11 now person list is like 36 37y old guy wow yeah it was Shawn McVey but then it got younger yeah it seemed to have gotten younger with uh you know we’ve had some good ones we have Matt laflor you know that’s doing great at

Green Bay and you know Arthur Smith I guess learned some things but Munch need somebody you know Munch would come back and you know I would I would argue to say he’s probably the greatest offensive line coach in the NFL and you know he has a history with the Titans and Oilers

And I don’t see where he would I mean there’s a lot of worse places to live in in in the country and so I would see where he would have no problem coming back if the head coach would have him can I get like on top of the desk and

Like screaming from the top bring Munch back so we we were sitting we were sitting getting ready to do a show and Don got out uh like the the coaching roster for the tit you should have seen her reaction when she found out they had three offensive line coaches three that

Prod got any better this year and there were three of them se’s been saying the same thing about much like I I don’t know anyone that’s been in thises swear about him Munch is special man yeah he’s he’s one of these people which it’s a fine line where he when you when you

Play for a coach you you didn’t want to let him down yep which is different than wanting to play for somebody which I always wanted to play I mean for the most of my coaches I mean you want to play for yourself but you know I need to

Be have some convincing to run through that brick wall for you you know but with Munch I I didn’t want to ever let him down so it was a different approach to trying to prepare yourself huh wow that’s different so Munch Munch missed on Locker you know we talk about it you

Know he he I think he went 22 and 26 in three four years with the Titans and they missed on Locker period and uh you don’t have a quarterback part of Jake’s problem I always thought was um and I might be wrong about this but I always thought football player before

Quarterback with him so like he would never slide like we’re we’ve seen this with Will Evis a little bit like he would never slide and he would try to take on linebackers and things like that but didn’t he break his foot on that weirdo that’s what kind of like I

Remember where he broke his foot handing the ball off to Chris Johnson yeah and that’s what kind of sent him it was a that Liz Frank thing I thought my thought on Jake Locker was he never loved the game like you have to love the game I heard there were rumors of that

You know we hav’t I mean and you talk about the NFL draft and listen there’s a reason why free agents make NFL rosters and first round picks are bus yep yeah I mean you got a 50-50 shot at it a few years ago when we had the second pick

Everybody was like nice we’re not getting jamus Winston we’re getting Mariota neither of them have really panned out with all due respect so were you Zack pillar in studio with us former Titan offensive lineman um what were you third round right I was the third round yeah the 81st pick yep how challenging

Was that to get drafted and then walk into an NFL locker room for the first time I mean I yeah I I was very naive and didn’t really know what I was walking into too and plus we were in Belleview which we were in like double wide trailers yeah so it was actually

Terrible walking into our facilities they were garbage and we were waiting on the Titan facility to get built but um you know you you don’t know what you don’t know and you you have your uh welcome to the NFL moments and we were over there in bellevie and we

Were doing two a and I think a guy uh rest in peace Josh Evans gave me my first you know welcome to the NFL moment cuz I was going up against John Thorton and rookies and stuff but you start going up against these vets and they

Know a hell of a lot more than you that’s why I’m I’m so impressed if a if a rookie in in the in the quarterback from the Houston Texans right now if you can roll into the league and dominate that’s say so so H how early on did you

Know that Super Bowl year that that you guys were were that good up front well I I mean I was a rookie and I mean I wasn’t sniffing the field I only dressed could you see it uh well I mean Bruce Matthews is a Hall of Famer and John

Runan was killing it going into his free agent year and uh Benji olon was as solid as anybody and so was Brad Hopkins I mean we had some really and Kevin long was as smart a center as there was in the NFL so we went to the we went to the

Super Bowl and I I’ve looked back over my my my life here recently and said man I only dressed eight games my rookie year I didn’t really help the team a lot but we went to the Super Bowl too so maybe there’s a reason why I couldn’t

Help the team we were damn good you know we were we were really good if you’re on the team you’re helping the team I mean you know contributing on Sundays is sort of what what you what you at least I value myself worth at the time you know

But uh no the Titans were really good you know we were really good for several years and we went for it and you know I can make an argument where something happens here a break there you know we wi three or four maybe three out of five

Super Bowls maybe four out of six but you know that’s why I’m sitting here right now just talking about about it and I don’t have any rings on my finger Mo most guys that played on that next year’s team think that team was better I like that team I like that team

That lost to New England um I mean that team was awesome and we got we had a really bad holding call when we were driving on that ball um to tie the game and could never get it back but you know even if we could have gotten past Oakland and

Playing Tampa in the Super Bowl we were pretty good there too but that’s neither here nor there a stretch bunch of special dudes no doubt that’s for sure with a uh with a quarterback that I mean Amy Adams Strunk has mentioned twice since she fired Mike varel about will

Levis trying to sell that you know so they they obviously think he’s the guy moving forward he’s the franchise quarterback and now you look for for coaches do you go OC just to have the the the continuity at that spot moving forward because if you go DC then then

You’re having to hire you can’t go DC because then you’re just you got to sell it to the fans I think a little bit so we got to go OC and we gotta we got to get you know I guess there’s three of them right the cat out of Cincy Tampa Brian Houston

Texans and then Ben Johnson I know is one y so you know and and another thing that’s that’s difficult is I don’t know when you’re allowed to hire them you know the longer they keep winning you can’t really hire a guy cuz I know when got

Hired he got hired about two weeks late and the OC’s are already getting hired right and then teams you have to get permission from teams to be allowed to interview you so if you’re already behind the eightball on when you got hired and then because I know he wanted

Bill Callahan as his offensive coordinator and whatever team told him no you can’t do it he ended up with Chris Palmer you know what I mean you kind of oh that’s right yeah you ended up with Chris Palmer I mean there’s some stories around a good old Le a good old

Boy league and then who was his his D coordinator was uh oh he was at Buffalo forever under Greg Williams the DBS coach Leslie Frasier no no no but my point is you know it’s everybody knows who they know and you got to get them in

Here and so I don’t know who I don’t know when you’re allowed to hire a coach obviously he’s got to be done but the lions are looking pretty strong right now at Ben Johnson and then that’s why Callahan has the second interview lined up right because he’s he’s done can’t

Get so maybe he has an advantage yeah you think vel’s going to go in it they’re saying Seattle right uh vel’s in LA today to talk with the Chargers the Falcons and Seahawks are interested I wouldn’t want that those those Chargers can we get them back to San Diego please

Oh so heartbreaking that they’re like little leases leasers you want to hang another segment or do you need to get back to work down the I’m sure there’s people washing dishes but that’s what I do Victoria gonna get mad at us like where’s Zach uh all right more Zack Piller when we come

Back Zack Billard design 69 is the Instagram follow for you and we appreciate that more three till next on 1045 this the Zone BR with you on a very slippery Thursday in the Music City careful y’all Don DAV Port is here hi what up thank you

Smiley let’s go you watch the show live YouTube Facebook live and twitch twitch please evm Bank chat is open um Babs I’m going to complain about the 4K cameras real quick what um you and I at least on my view are um really close up no it

Looks like you know more like 1995 for us whereas Ron slay is in the building I’m in the building I’m in the building building hey I’m in building I’m in the building I’m in the building I’m taking over everything I’m in build I’m in we did ride in the other

Day but done slay and our buddy Zack pillar who is in studio look like they are in 4k though man we out here handling things a fall and a gator sitting side by side in studio hey man listen if you see it happening on the

Dock of the Bay go the other way leave us be let me I’m the I tell y’all all the time me and you Don that’s my dog I’ve seen I’ve seen Zach put up the relatable Smokey dog mascot thing outside Neighbors in Franklin I’ve seen it I’ve seen it

Happen I no whse I no well come on BS get in there for Neighbors man oh that’s what I’m talking about that’s don’t get no more wel in in it got got the new location in the guls that uh I know you were trying to open before today but

Because of weather and things uh today was a day and um it looked like a nice crowd over there yeah it’s fine I mean we hit that spot two years ago go January 28th of 2022 we got approached to put the put uh Neighbors in that

Space and uh after a lot of debating and deliberation and conversation and we finally got this sucker open it’s been a long time and uh we hope that we can have a lot of good service and a lot of good food and work real hard and hopefully bring something special to

Nashville when I think about bars sports bars in particular man I always think of most definitely good times a good conversation but I always like to you know associate it with something like at night like man you got to see them on Tuesdays dog they got to carry o night

Going on can we expect any of that from Neighbors especially your location it’s a lot of times people sitting in their condos like he man we ain’t really got nothing to do man let’s neighbors they got the karaoke night like let’s get down there I keep doing karaoke haven’t

Got any iary apparently you want Karaoke come on pill get the people I guess we’ll have karaoke on Tuesdays is what you wanted what time 8ish 8ish 8ish Tuesdays 8ish know uh we have trivia night and you have uh they have like music Bingo or movie Bingo

Night and then you know a lot of times you have football on Thursday you got the you know game Saturday night silv we have live music so each each location has something different you know demographics are a little bit different the the people out in Franklin are a

Little bit um you know their demographics a little bit different and they don’t they don’t do live music out there and um but I’m sure once we get open and get our feet under us and and get our staff correct you know everybody service good and get everybody you know

Muscle memory is a big thing too just trying to figure out your steps in the kitchen and your steps in the in the uh behind the bar so once we get that all figured out I think we’ll be I think we’ll be hitting uh real good for the

SEC tournament yes nice you know we’ll be hit real good for um for March Madness okay and then we’ll have a summer of the gch I me this is so much activity down you ain’t missing in you can’t never miss we’re good I had a restaurant a sports not a sports ball

Restaurant sucking me in because of I probably went consistently every Wednesday for a month and a half because of the sports trivia 100% just to go really yeah yeah and Zack and them do live trivia it’s not the uh yeah the little yeah see I like on on the where

You got the you got somebody talking to him got got the live Stu yeah so how good did it feel to open the door today I mean it’s just you know you have a lot of emotion like last night it was I was telling my wife it feels like the

Night before a game really I mean it does cuz you’re kind of sitting there and you’ve got everything in front of you and you know the next day you know it’s put up or shut up and you know we hope that we um you know we have a lot

Of belief in ourselves and my wife is very smart she knows what she’s doing um she is she keeps me out of it that’s probably smartest thing she can do that’s probably the smartest thing she can do she let you hang some pictures yeah she lets me hang pictures and

She’ll throw a chicken wing at me every once in a while but other than that no we’re just super grateful we hope everybody can come down and you know we try to I want all my all my teammates too you know I try to get all the guys

To come in there and feel feel comfortable at every one of our locations and if you’ve ever uh been to a neighbors it’s it’s pretty laidback and open for everybody and and and we have a bunch of TVs this one has as many TVs as we could fit in there so love it

It’s impressive excit yeah man former Titan offensive Aline Zack Piller give him a follow on Instagram at Z Zack Piller design 69 um what did you think about um what do you think about this whole Derrick Henry thing so eight years just like Eddie George eight-year career

Um and then Eddie ends up the next year in Dallas King’s going to end up somewhere but man that last game he looked great yeah you know it is the business and I I will say this in front of our new stadium I think we should have Earl Campbell Eddie George Chris

Johnson and Derrik Henry big statues all four of them and maybe a statue of Steve and uh Frankie hugging each other there’s a picture so I’ve already thought of all the stuff that I want to get done for the stadium I don’t know if Amy Adams will have me in a meeting but

Uh we have as far as I’m concerned we have the greatest class of running backs in the NFL isn’t it crazy to think about those J it’s like the Mount Rushmore it really is Capal rush and uh do I wish Derk Henry was back 100% 100% but you

Know he’s not going to cut a deal that is conducive for the for the Titans and the Titans aren’t going to offer him a deal that another team will offer him and nature of the business with all due respect he’s betting on himself and he should and I don’t know if I’d be

Running behind that offensive line he got a thousand yards behind the worst offens line in the NFL crazy that guy can still bring it if he can get a couple steps you know with some space in the back field he’s still extremely dangerous and I know that tread on his

Tires they talk about the 30 years old but I there’s not very many humans that work as hard as he does talking about that offensive line um you I mean you did that at the highest level possible and you were very good at it um but I I

Kept wondering during the season as like a left tackle would not even get a hand on a pass and turn around and see his quarterback get obliterated I can’t even imagine what that might feel like like how hard is that to watch if you’re the offensive lineman that’s giving that up

Or you’re the quarterback getting destroyed which one if I’m the offensive lineman I’m like yelling I used to joke about it like hey Tel get out what do we call we call that the uh oh we call those Lookout blocks if he did that you’d say look out

Steve you go we call those Lookout blocks everybody’s had a lookout block now our Titans were a little bit more consistent with the way they were able to block those Lookout blocks but no I mean if you play enough football you’re going to get knocked on your butt you

Know what I mean you’re G to you’re going to um they’re they’re they’re paid professionals on the other side of the ball as well but you know it’s it comes back down to consistency and working on your craft and being prepared I mean coach munack he really was a a stickler

On your assignments in technique so I mean if you knew your assignments is is you know like like the back of your hand then you then you can work on your Technique then all it does is come down and watching film and seeing what that person across from you what his does he

Like the spin move does he like this you know is he working inside out you know so that’s where if you have your assignments down and your Technique down then you can really just study the guy across from you and apparently they may not have had their technique down or their assignments

Down you know and that’s another thing about the offens and that’s another about the offensive line too is you know you play you play 70 plays and Zack says hey I only had four bad plays and Benji says I only had five or three and Fred

Says I only had two and beop says I only had four and Hartwig says I only had four well that’s 20 plays yeah you know what I mean yeah so we always really tried to strive for Perfection you know I mean at the end of the day you know we

Can’t have any bad plays because you don’t know if that one play where you were lazy or didn’t make that block or use the right technique that’s the one that Steve got hit or Eddie you know was going to take it to the house and didn’t

You know what I mean so you got to you got to play I mean it’s very difficult to do but you got to lock in one play at a time like it’s the last play of the game or the most important play of the game it was it Dylan Raiden I said it’s

Not like we’re trying to be bad yeah now that guy’s a little soft I mean I’ve watched him he smiles too much and he’s too uh God bless anybody that plays in the NFL is very difficult but there is too much of that smile and I’ve seen him before sh

Is that is that this generation of player I mean you’d have to ask that generation of player but uh it was just a little bit I I don’t know what it is but we were just a little bit more rough on the edges I would call it there was

Just a little bit nastiness there was definitely some nastiness and maybe some filthiness as well always through the through the whistle there was we were always trying to as an offensive lineman you’re never going to touch the ball so I would hope that the enjoyment you would get is to

Try to break someone’s will dogs oh I missed that yes like that’s it that’s it though pill that was missing I’m sitting there looking though man your hands are humongous huge like dude like you well they were weapons man that’s what I’m that’s I’m I’m looking

At I wish my body held up I mean my body see no compar compar to are huge and they look small got big palms and big fingers I just got a big Palm my fingers are small look yeah see Babs you got a big wow yeah I got the size 17

Shoe yes yeah I’m like the I’m like the bearded woman right yeah give me a nickel come look at me put you in the fair maybe they can put me at the GS you know like in the back alley on your way out like the wings they take a picture with the wings

Take a picture with yeah you should do that on the wall take your own take your own winged picture that everyone can come see good stuff Zach man hey we’ll uh we’ll get behind you with the with the rally foundationu coming up and team baby I love it I’ll be back hopefully

Yeah and I want to talk about it so thank you so much and yeah we’ll do some something fun we’ll involve the listeners see what we can do help uh help Zack with that Instagram uh that new thing that he’s got out there that he has very little control over at Zack

Piller design 69 um and we appreciate that thanks for coming in man great to see you brother good luck with everything down there at the gch thank you phas you there you go Zack pill again Zack Piller design 69 when we come back we’ll visit with Greg coell and

We’ll talk about these NFL divisional matchup games coming up this weekend with him get him to break it all down for you next in 1045 theone

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