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GMFB | Lamar Jackson will be a nightmare for the Chiefs’ defense – Kyle breaks down Chiefs vs Ravens

GMFB | Lamar Jackson will be a nightmare for the Chiefs’ defense – Kyle breaks down Chiefs vs Ravens

You can believe this we’re almost there it’s Championship Sunday presented by int Turbo Tax Can you feel it can you taste it it’s just days away four teams two championship games and two MVP quarterbacks delivering it all welcome to Good Morning football presented by Old Trapper beef jerky live in New York

City Friday January 26th I’m Jamie erall there’s Kyle Brandt Peter shreer Jason mccordi Peter opine about why this show carry such a weight I think that we are the official pregame show to the pregame shows we build these games up for 5 days three hours every day and by the time we

Get to the Friday before a playoff weekend we have set the table in a way that no other show could possibly do it and if you watch us you know we live and breed this thing today is like a very important day on the show because this

Is our last day before we have our Super Bowl teams I’m so excited dig one of these teams is going to win the Super bowl of this four I don’t know if you guys saw they’re not giving out uh Lombardi trophy anymore it’s going to be one of those Stanley water cups and

They’re way more valuable and they’re going to kiss it and they’re going to pass it along that’s the new trophy for the Super Bowl so now they’re really motivated they’re exclusive ones too you can go to Target or one of these stor but you can go online and find some of

The exclusive ones too so I’m I’m here for it yeah there’s some Suburban mom driving around with 40 lombardis in the back of her trunk no it’s Stanley Cups nobody cares they want Stanley Cups Bonnie Stanley straw big straw guy handle no all right it’s going to be an

Awesome day here on good morning football welcome inside in throw away your remote we’ve got you for the next couple hours Ian Rapa por good morning to you our friend we start our day off um with things that we need to keep an eye on heading into Championship

Weekend we’ll start with a couple of key injuries first of all Debo Samuel the do everything receiver for the San Francisco 49ers one of their best players and and clearly one of the players that makes their entire offense go he was back at practice yesterday with the shoulder injury now x-rays have

Been negative it seems to be just a real really really bad and painful bruise for dvo Samuel but the fact that he was able to be limited at practice is at least a sign that he has a chance to play know he’s told people close to him that he’s

Feeling better Kyle shanan said himself that he himself is feeling better knowing that Debo is feeling better I feel that we’ll see what his status is going to be like uh moving forward and then later today meanwhile Isaiah Peko the best running back on the Kansas City

Chiefs got a couple injuries a bad sign not NE neily pessimism there in fact when be was when beo was talking to reporters earli in the week he told them definitively that he would expect to play that is a good sign so we will see if both of these Playmakers are out

There on the field this weekend oh that would be truly a gift to football fans because again injuries aside we want everyone clear and healthy so we play the best games possible rap sheet thank you so much talk to you in a little bit in case coaching changes

Happen which I know are also on the horizon but let’s keep it at the AFC champ Championship level shall we how can the Ravens do what the bills could not which is eliminate Jason the defending Champion Kansas City Chiefs I’m all right I’m putting myself Sunday you’re there we’re in Baltimore’s MNT

Bank Stadium Ray Lewis Ed Reed Legends of the game the crowd is absolutely going bananas Lamar Jackson for so long has talked about this moment so I’m going to bring a Super Bowl here believe that the moment is here to get to that game and he said it this week to be a

Champion you have to to go through the Champions and that is the Kansas City Chiefs more specifically that is Patrick momes in order for the Ravens to beat them somehow or another they have to find a way to Corral Patrick Mahomes annoy him do whatever it is to the

Baltimore Ravens if Patrick Mahomes is moving up to the left in the pocket stepping up finding Valdez scantling deep on a 30 yard pass good night to the Baltimore Ravens they have to be able to get pressure on Patrick Mahomes all game long you look at whether it’s Justin

Matab jaavan clown kle vano these guys had n 13 and a half sacks throughout the season it all comes down to Sunday can you beat the guy in front of you and get home and put that pressure and make Mahomes feel uncomfortable all game long

I think it’s going to come down to the defense as much as we talk about these two quarterbacks and how good they are whether it’s a Patrick Queen Blitz or Kyle Hamilton coming off the edge one of these guys are going to have to step up and put some real pressure on Patrick

Mom I don’t think we can say it enough how much of a HomeField advantage that Baltimore has in this game and I I know that and these guys have been on in some big stages and they won in Buffalo last this place is going to be pandemonium

And you kind of touched on it I only think you mentioned a few though because it’s Ed Reed it’s Ray Lewis it’s Terrell Suggs it is Anquan Balden it is Jonathan Ogden they’re all coming out pregame they’re all going to get the crowd going

And last week we saw it on the field the Houston Texans had five false starts they couldn’t hear a thing stoud was struggling at the line and over the course of the year the Ravens have caused 19 different false starts that’s that’s because of the defense that’s

Because of the crowd and I think the way to beat the Chiefs is to get up early and just ride that momentum they’ve done it look at week seven the lions come in as like this week nine Seahawks were the number two seed they come in Ravens just

Wipe them out the Ravens just dominant youo stone is all over the place they’re up 173 at the half they would win 37-3 and the last one at the Dolphins the winner of this game basically get you feel like you’re an undervalued home field advantage a lot of times we hear

About the tws in Seattle or Arrowhead or even Detroit in the last few weeks uh I think Baltimore has a massive home field advantage that place is going to be rocking McAfee a couple weeks ago was like I think it’s an underrated like home field I think it might be the best

Home field when they get that thing going and Ray Lewis used to come out of the tunnel and it get wild they still have that Nelly they still have what they play and now all the Legends are going to be in there use that for your advantage get up early and pound the

Chiefs because you don’t want to see Mahomes within one score in the fourth quarter offseason segment ranking the best home field I picture your face in all the rankings on Instagram and just everyone will be so the bottom five I’m sure those through 32 what is the worst

HomeField advance I got some ideas I I we’ve said this a couple times I think that that win over Detroit was the most impressive win of the year and can you imagine that might be the Super Bowl matchup how much are we going to play that Ravens Lions game if both those

Teams win back this weekend how do you beat the Chiefs they’re so damn hard to beat in the playoffs it just doesn’t happen much they’re so difficult you don’t have to play Perfect but you only get a couple mistakes it’s almost like a formula you I think you can have a

Turnover I think if you have two it’s done and I and I include turnover on Downs on that if you go for it on fourth and one you get stuffed those types of things that’s how they beat you you can’t miss a kick you can’t have seven

Or eight penalties you can’t do little things like burn a timeout early in the second half like that’s how the Chiefs come back to get you and you can’t to Jason’s point you can’t let Mahomes do his signature sideline Scamper for some reason in the playoffs Mahomes always

Has some 27 yd run it’s seemingly always down the sideline and you think he’s going to go out of bounds three different times and he just keeps going and going and then at one point you’re like is he going to score and he find it’s just it’s signature you can’t do it

However you can’t just be great Josh Allen is great every time against the Chiefs they never win the Chiefs have to mess up they really do and they have to make some sort of uncharacteristic mistake which they don’t do coaching staff defense offense I think the book

Was written on the Chiefs messing up a couple years ago in the title game when the Bengals beat them in Arrowhead and you have to get something like this going remember the chiefs were going to win this game if you get all the way to the end they were knocking on the door

And they were going to go up momes short circuited a little bit he started running around he got sacked and fumbled he threw two interceptions in this game and Cincinnati just waited and waited and finally Kansas City blinked Mahomes straight up blinked and you know what he’s human sometimes he loses this was

The play I think it it just all came on travel also at the end of the first half they had a chance to just have an extra point and they didn’t get any point and they mismanaged it so it was a little bit like the Miko Hardman against

Buffalo last week just a strange choice at the goal line you can play a great you can play one of your greatest games of the year and you still lose the Chiefs formula is such that you have to play one of your greatest games of the

Year and you have to get them to Blink I just think a staring contest the Chiefs always win they find a way on the road I don’t care the Buffalo atmosphere was pretty outrageous last week they didn’t give a damn they didn’t give a damn I

Don’t think this game is going to be won because Ed Reed is there I think it’s going to be run because oh my God Mahomes threw a pick six or somebody fumbled in a huge spot you got to play great they have to mess up if they don’t

Mess up and you play great you’re losing it’s the Chiefs that’s their power I specifically go to that visual of Mahomes rushing up the sideline and how it is wholeheartedly detrimental to your team if you do not get that guy out of bounds the first opportunity you have if

You let him have that extra 15 he’s going to kill you he’s going to kill you time and time again and you know find Lamar Jackson if you can’t beat him join him I think Lamar Jackson needs to do the exact same thing on Sunday if you’re

Going to try and best this guy when he comes to your house I was looking at Rushing games for these two quarterbacks top three rushing games for each of these guys regular season and postseason for Lamar and Fore Foree foree spee speee foreign foreign Speee Foreign Speee Foree Foree foreign Spee Fore


  1. I cannot believe you guys we’ve never learned never ever that against Mahomes in the playoffs. You regret it you’ll say oh shoot, I should’ve learned but you haven’t.

  2. It's going to be a blowout. Chiefs struggled against the bills who were missing 53 defensive starters. Gane will be over by halftime 52-14 ravens

  3. Baltimore More and Ravens amd the Freedome Flight dirty Bird celebration " i dont think kc does not have an answers to The Ravens are just to High powered of an offensive Unit

  4. Is winning 3 of 5 spectacular? Don't think so. The Chiefs are good but they are not all mighty. Play the game and see who comes out ahead. Go RAVENS!

  5. As A Die Hard Jags fan, I can say this … The Ravens are a well built team, K C played two teams in Miami and Buffalo who were beat up with some starters out and many backups playing, that wont be the case in Baltimore, Ravens have too many Studs on both sides of the ball to deal with … This is where the Chiefs run ends … Calling it rite now …

    Ravens 27
    Chiefs 17

  6. comparing Bills and Ravens… SMH. You re ready for a big slap in the face deliver by the Ravens

  7. Lamar isn’t going shit. Dude has never played good against the chiefs and he folds in the playoffs. That defense carries Lamar and if you look at actual stats dude isnt even that great this year. It’s not like Lamar’s Jose Allen. Josh Allen is an actual threat because he can throw. Lamar can’t hit his lineman in the back if he tried and you won’t have to cover the receivers as well

  8. Bro… KC is not unbeatable. They’re a great football team… but Mahomes is not this football God you making him out to be. He is not the GOAT… yet at least… if you hit his ass early and often, it’s a dub every time.

  9. Obviously, you haven’t watched the Ravens this year, Kyle. They are great and average a 22 point margin for victory over every playoff team they played this year. It’s the Chiefs who need to be perfect to have a chance. And even then, that 22 points gives the Ravens margin for errors (not the other way around). The Chiefs barely won last week and barely win against decent teams this year (and have lost so many games this year- to “good teams.”) They are flawed. Horrible read on this game. It’s amazing how this #1 seed and how they destroyed playoff teams all year means nothing to these talking heads. Clueless.

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