Our First Golf Drinking Challenge Got Messy

We were having an absolute blast down in the Dominican Republic at Casa De Campo so much so that we decided to do our first ever drinking challenge. Shotgun reverse mulligans in a 2 v 2 scramble and it was some of the most fun we’ve ever had on a golf course. Can’t thank Casa De Campo enough for letting us do this!

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Pull out pull out P out pull out take it do it again oh you hat it in the middle of my strut he’s celebrating and he thinks I didn’t bring a beard to the Green all right Casa de compo teeth of the dog and this match is going to get a little bit messy we are going to do reverse Mulligan but in order to call out the reverse Mulligan you have to shotgun a beer the teams by the way are myself and

Francis versus Danny rport and rs rematch from the last video you saw if they hit a good shot and we want to make them redo it and take a mulligan we have to shotgun a beer in order to unlock that Mulligan you’re buying a mulligan with the shotgun you earn the right to

Make them hit it we’ve got uh president lights uh because you know we can’t handle the regular ones and we’re going to see how this goes I’m the worst shotgun shotgunner of all time I think we’re all terrible it’s I’m going to be wearing every single piece of the beer

Francis told me he’s going to set them up for me which is important honor honor System on the shotguns too if you end up pouring out a ton of beer at the bottom make him do it again then you have to re shotgun I’m horrible at so I’m not going

To pour it out on purpose all right give it the old College tribe I’m going to I’m of the game you have to earn it you have to earn it Francis you looking incredible in those gForce shoes as do youing them D but I mean Francis in

Particular these are the x2s they are washable you’re going to get all that odor out of the way you look great look at these Cavs by way hereditary my dad had big ones yeah I’m sure he did he still does he’s alive okay yeah the way

He said that seemed like he had passed on got a reduction those shoes we’ve also got new G4 shoes on that we uh collaborated with G4 on so we’re all huge G4 guys don’t forget to subscribe to the fourl Golf Channel for lot lot more videos just like this One this is just at that tree back there do you guys want to play this for money too or no yep yeah so we’re down 100 that’s I think that’s really good is that over everything yeah yeah it is it is rough yeah wow that’s right at the

Creek right at the creek I think it’s short of it wow I didn’t hit that great yeah good one is that okay over there fine yeah I think that’s fine right Co all right I like that good shot yeah so good great swing go that should be funny fly everything left of

It be amazing when I thank you Rafa thank you I needed that there’s going to be a lot of tension about the first shotgun Choice and then once I think the floor gates open this is going to be a disaster yeah go shot oh really close is I’m I’m I’m I

Think we I think we H I think almost think we have to shotgun it’s 3 fet that’s so close it’s 3T shotgun that’s so close it’s first we do scramble that’s that’s a birdie like we can’t we can’t it’s literally ta it in a shotgun unless we

Want a shotgun and hope they just keep missing that putt better get used to doing this this is going to happen a lot I think pretty impressive be not yeah really clean really clean really clean you could hear it clean I’m not good at that and it’s going to

Be way worse when I do it great set you want me to go again dude yeah keep going this is like TJ oi in the this is like TJ ooshi in the Olympics again keep going just don’t hit it close Francis I would suck go I pulled it great oh my God it’s

Getting better Francis I hope that shotgun was worth the three feet we got out of it oh man these guys are dying these guys are D I was thinking right after we took it I was like we probably should have done the math that like from 90 yards in a scramble they’re

Probably going to make bird damn it so I think strategically we just wait yeah dude they’re like if we take one of theirs back I keep saying you just keep giving them chances almost like that second shot’s just as easy as the first I agree I mean right now there

Would be no world unless they made it there’d be no world right where we should do one here all right 74 yards as you can see they’ve got it surrounded sit sit let de also if they just don’t ha good golf sh I just stink

Man that is just we’re going to keep the beer on ice on that one you think you’re going to save that one yeah it’s just a TR yeah that’s good okay good shot we’re not making him Reit that I just don’t think it’s worth it given our position a long that’s not

An automatic make so this one we can’t use just bringing a beer in case just in just in case just in case you boys de not a bad idea wow decide you you want to make a putt today I’m having fun already baby roll out roll out roll out

Roll out take it do it again oh you hat it right in the middle of my strut it right in the middle of my you just hate to see it he’s celebrating and he thinks BR beard of the green how you get we get two chances to do it against them and

They’re going to get drunk did you think I didn’t bring a beer to the green dude they didn’t even Flinch do it again well yeah I mean that’s unreal do it again you just bro I had so much belief in you that I as I said I brought a beer you

Did say you’re bringing it just in case this is great it’s going to get sloppy but it’s great there you go Francis oh that’s a man’s man dude look at that empty Happy Days all right well that’s a big deal I thought that too it went straight

To the back I said right before he putts that I go if one of us makes our Putt and they have the shotgun again and then we still push the hole we’ve won because you beat shotgun to beer totally but you making that is AAL you guys make the

First putt we have a big decision to make cuz if we shotgun you still have two putts at it whereas the first guy misses we’re 100% shotgun totally totally all right let’s [ __ ] pour this in again here we go this is going to get sloppier than I thought we more

Beers we haven’t even putted yet thank God thank God do it do it let’s [ __ ] do come on we’re hot can you get me a beer [ __ ] hot we’re so hot we obviously have to right you have to unfortunately we’re so hot this is crazy not too big

Got a little mouth then you’re just going to do this you know all about that and then you don’t need once I open it up I mean I know I sh I’ve shot them before and then when you open it up tilt it this way so that it doesn’t spill out

Just no other way other way other way other way way all right you saved it yeah suck suck you got it suck on the juices you can’t shot cut and laugh at the same time he moaned moaning that was good yeah that was good went the wrong

Way at first yeah you got it good job can’t all right all right we’ve survived and now it’s on them to see how many times they want to do we just keep making wow you want me to go first go in okay perfect so wow so no matter what dude it’s definitely not

Outside this what I’m saying I’m not going to put that no no Francis you’re good that’s good free run for Frankie wow all right yes so I think we won two shotguns yeah that’s that’s a winner that’s a winner for us I think we

Won that hole we did two they did two we did what that’s asterisk [ __ ] turn bro this is going to be this is going to be a battle got to be harder you need to just prepare yourself for for the fact that this is going to be an absolute

Battle whole one I already feel it in my stomach the big part of this is going to be who can handle the booze I can’t and I play Drunk pretty much Exclusively a good uh why are they going right all of a sudden that okay no no that was such a mean no I don’t believe you Rafa Rafa said no no no okay be short we’re going to keep the old beer on the ice I think we keep them

In yeah good one nice it’s five yeah lower your standards for yourself oh for sure because you’re not you’re going to lose your game a little bit but you’re going to need to keep o steady it’s way left it’s okay Dan get out there oh yeah

I just right short just short of it I also made sure just because I don’t want it to be so jarring when I shotgun that I have a I have a side beer going yeah yeah you want to you want to familiarize your system he goes that one’s okay Rafa

Goes no we’re playing Scramble so yeah oh yeah that’s fine just barely in the left R you cool with me hitting 3-wood mhm oh baby it’s okay over there big bunker bunker oh my God Francis let’s get over here and do some shotgun strategy some [ __ ] T yeah Beauty I mean it doesn’t

Matter yours is unbelievable I can I can really hit that three rep it’s on the it’s on the ground F Hill wow what do you think is the angle is that brutal no I don’t think it’s that bad statistics wise do we get that closer or do we get 100 I think

With two shots we get that closer okay not great yeah really bad shot yeah go go a long way get legs up I got to start just going at the [ __ ] Flag stick I know my game you know yeah trust yourself I know what it does trust yourself that’s short keep

That short all right come on ah we should have just [ __ ] can’t believe we dri let’s go God damn so good Danny than good pot Dan if he makes we have to drink one 100% I’ll drink I’ll drink it it’s not even a question yeah we have to cuz if we make

They’re they’re going to drink it yeah hold it all right boy am I glad we’re not shotgunning a beer yeah a it’s too far out it’s so we’re AR um if he makes it he’s doing it again make can make it that’s good that’s good

I like that look though that was a sassy look that’s not sassy that’s just me wondering good try wow my system Jesus feel fres dry hole dry Hole Yeah sweet really good it’s a good one yeah yeah what’s crazy is I asked if it was straight away and everyone said yes and now it’s over the bunker which is like as far left as you can go on this hole great try that that was a great one

Than God what is that boy oh boy let’s see what we got going on here I’m a little thirsty yeah that’s perfect yeah amazing I don’t think we’re drinking dude no I think we save them for putts okay I don’t want you to get save them for

Putts get in their kitchen here a little bit 100 100% might be some shotguns on this feels like a shotgun it was very cous of us to give each other a whole off this one’s got shotguns written all over like we’re going to miss that little reprieve Francis you want me to

Go go ahead Frankie you’re good great shot let go dude I’m feeling thirsty for sure no I say save it okay cuz as long as the first guy misses we’re in the same you know what I’m saying short C all right I hit the 75 y

One on the first FL about 82 so if I just do that again right that’s how that works yeah little deep draw a little oh good great great all right boy is that bad it’s easy game when they don’t have good shots if we can roll the Rock right now we’re going

To put them into a pit of misery with drink totally all right little right to left stay out yeah come back it’s too hard try dude just too hard it’s too much we’re not giv that you saw the line there I drink that come back now come back now

Oh it just kept going no it was never look at the hill wow that one’s good rig good effort [ __ ] sake yeah that shot we’re doing that one again yep I said to I said to Frankie I was like we need to get a beer and Dan stomach understood great putt Frankie

This would be a dagger if he makes this let’s do Dan uh take this off the green take this off Alla yeah you ever see that all Michaels clip where he goes nice hole okay you know how to make this making this again is the dagger

Y wow it’s gone no I loved it kidding me that was sick you got to open the back of your throat disappeared he did it again did it yeah should we do another one should we do another one should we do one more yeah

I’ll do one more can we do one more one more just keep making it it’s target practice I mean we simply can’t let them just win this I can’t yeah very clean very clean that guy gets it hold on honorable honorable gun all right why we’re doing this that is why we’re

Doing this that is why we’re doing this that’s a win let’s [ __ ] go that’s a win on to the next hey don’t be down you put two beers in their stomachs your your putting is what’s going to win us this whole match I cannot believe that

Didn’t fall don’t be down they no I know but they would have been in a bad then they cuz they wouldn’t have shotgun they would had to give us the hole if rig shot if you shot would have shotgun another one no way dude dude shotgunning two beers in like

3 minutes is hell it’s hell then you’re [ __ ] we should get more here yeah we Should good luck Francis thank you hard God good I don’t think it’s gonna get there oh great shot it’s right yeah it’s almost been high right wow I had six but I don’t hit it as far as you do oh no all right okay good Shob Francis just chunking

Everything hold oh boy huge let’s [ __ ] go all right all right we’re really in the driver’s seat here at least they’re drinking worst case they’re drinking worst I didn’t think but like God if one of us chips this really close they’re going to be like yeah you’re hitting it

Again that’s hilarious I hit it in a dick I hit it in a dick this is a dick that I hit it it’s good to be contributing Jean FR I keep going back to that Rider cup man that was hell for me so bad I had no game at that time

Yeah you’re playing a million times better yeah oh wow checked good shot hold on no reason no all right they got a putt wow this is going to get really interesting up here climb go little slow Francis we’re in for three yeah it’s slow it broke I hit right through the

Break yeah if they make the first one I think you just let them have it what do you think yeah cuz then they have three shots at it big big for the boys sobriety level here just hit a good uh make a pure stroke it it’ll go

In that’s huge huge W huge I went left they go left made it lovely do it do it again it’s got to be again one more time please really nice thanks right in the middle it went it’s uh it’s just outside right Edge honestly yeah yeah missed it oh my freaking gosh huge

All right fellas what a delicious beer that was I am thirsty too what a delicious beer that was a [ __ ] important most important beer of my life that’s such an important beer Mr Francis that beer had a lot riding on it they were trying to talk

About the break but he said he had it dude we’re up one to four I know it’s impossible to it’s so hard to win Hold oh all the way down okay I’ll hit a cut oh whoa that’s good he’s carving he’s carving Cuts in there now that was doesn’t go very far but no that’s great hang yeah I came down around that tree be be yeah I turned to the camera so I’m

Going to hit a cut you did yeah oh [ __ ] dude all right let’s go probably fine not going to hurt over the hill oh wow what a lie all right they’re on a crazy Hill I’m in a seven iron up the left I like that plan um and then

You obviously can go for it yep I love that plant perfect good shot that’s wet oh it’s not drawing all right man oh he got it over he got it there huh is that just in that bunker buker the the bunker on the right yeah dude do you feel more comfortable with me

Hitting a layup shot or you you feel comfortable hitting like an iron up there if we if we need it it’s a good question you go first why don’t I go first that’s toast that’s going to be problem draw this like do whatever you want I trust you you’re a good enough player

You’re going to be fine yeah sick shot Under Pressure [ __ ] awesome we’re going to make you do that one again wow me yep yeah yeah this is weird he just deletes it uh there a little left there wow well as it turns out the guy who can open the

Can is the best shotgunner Among Us I almost feel like you’re pulling some wool over our eyes I’ve never done this before he finished it he that’s Woody harelson and white man can’t jump going Oh you mean basketball where that landed it’s like I have 15 yards of safe Zone that was a

Once in a million not hitting that in the water it didn’t draw it didn’t fade yeah I’m just hitting a seven iron right out here it’s going to give us 75 yards in love that money so good what a player left what a player two left it’s de fine sit

Sit yeah yeah good shot so bigart 100 yard off 100% worth it all right soon as as soon as the furniture came out of his hand I the resour yeah here’s the thing we’re not putting with the other like I’m never getting on yeah so it’s just in the rough just in

The rough all right yeah I like it we’re going to take that we’re going to keep you going first I like you’re hitting you’re hitting good shots and you’re putting the pressure on them to like call you back yeah be the right distance Dude down Sit Francis it’s about 5et four feet let’s

Go you think we do it if you’re good if you’re good for it [ __ ] this is a 50/50 I’m going to do it all right Dan can you like throw that halfway back maybe you just can’t have that right now we’re already one down fris what what a

Shot Francis see if you can do it again buddy we haven’t even got to the green yet and they’ve drank two beers yeah fris keep it up let go yeah nice one rigsy thank you guys worse all right get down be on the green all right [ __ ] nicely done Ry you

Got it this is an easy shot that feels good don’t be awesome don’t be two feet yep so okay good shot thanks well done way to [ __ ] have my back come on that’s two beers on this hole already and we haven’t even started putting right we make a putt they’re D well they

Can’t they’re not going to want they’re not going to want a shotgun if we make one of these cuz they’ve already had two on this hole I will say when you’re one down you’re kind of desperate you got to you got to do it yeah you kind of have

To we just really need you to miss that sit down oh my gosh God look how fast that is all right let’s not let’s get away with one here oh man huge huge this is crazy this is dynamite stuff is gnarly they’re feeling the beer in this heat

It’s good that’s so huge good try NOP all right huge all right dude let’s see something here huh one oh did you see that turned left it goes left that good that’s good yep I don’t want to see you stand there he’s so deliberate about it I don’t

Blame him I don’t blame him 30 million views later I learned my L don’t blame this don’t blame you it didn’t wow it’s massive God that’s massive stays in the pocket hanging by a thread all right inside right hey good hole yep two beers in their stomachs and

A push yep it’s a win move On oh I’m glad we’re back on the water yeah sick four holes we’re up one this is one of the most beautiful golf courses in the world it’s incredible look at this place man are you kidding me look at this place I love it all right look at

This [ __ ] hole a little dumb dumpy cut off the left into the wind that’s going to go 180 yards with my driver whoa short dude that’s perfect that was like that was like a little bunt I like that it’s controlled Francis getting one in play here was pretty

Big oh yeah it’s turn right Jesus keep turning great ball sit down yeah come on now that’s huge thanks nice good [ __ ] buddy thanks no not here I’m sure Dan’s H thought your partner we were thinking about it I know you I know I know you I looked at Francis and said

There something to think about something to think about dude I cannot believe we did not [ __ ] make him do one that’s great well he wouldn’t have done that it’s all relative that clear it where did that go in the water water it’s all relative he

Would have hit a better shot on he would have been more careful he was thinking about not hitting driver like he he was like it’s 230 that bunker and he had his [ __ ] four iron in his hands 1 2 3 4 five they’re at three beers and we’re

One down so they’ve got a big they probably got a two up lead right now realistically yeah they’re in they’re in full position for sure that’s our second hole we’ve done two shotguns all right Dan I’m going to play at like 83 yard shot I love it I think I think you’re

Hitting this close o that sounded crispy lovely shot lovely shot buddy thank you lovely shot thanks you tell me they’re thinking about no I don’t think it’s a yes I think we can hit ours just as tight as that okay they’re they’re sitting on it nope jeez yeah go I’ve done that a

Few times today all right all good dude they’re not automatic to make that that’s not automatic and we’re saving the beer for the putt exactly go all right good shot wow what a result not bad for it it’s beenin so good yeah good one Frank sure thanks you don’t you don’t

Want no that’s not super close dude I think that’s short let’s go we just got to match them we’re good okay but we are getting to a point now where like there aren’t that many holes left and can afford to drink cuz we’re not going to

Like die I think we’d rather be out if we if we knock a couple on you got to [ __ ] drink before you putt that’s correct that is correct per usual a first putt Miss is massive it’s huge it’s enormous it’s so big it’s so massive left Edge we’re in a Sweet

Spot yeah you made it go in you got to that’s so big you got to be kidding me I’m not sure how but it didn’t go in that’s good there push short you’re going have to do one wow all right Dan okay so devastating that that didn’t go in I

Can’t believe I didn’t make mine yep do it again wow that’s Mass come on no matter what that’s massive I was just outside left or something want me to no I got it sure yeah that’s the problem is clutter man you cluttered mine cluttered putting stroke get that

In there yeah get it in that mouth you know suck it down that pie hole yours at a guy at a guy that feel good it’s cold so cold cold these ones are cold W sweare this that huge a beer worth drinking that’s huge that’s good here we

Go Ry this is a massive putt big putt here we go rigs what a beer what a beer cheers to a beer a beer this guy one guy likes be another guy the birdie through man one you’re in the clear the Miami Marlins game where he’s like you see that

Kid I love that kid it’s hilarious wow what a beer yeah a beer for the Ages I thought I was going to make my putt which they would have just had a beer but like I want to make a [ __ ] putt dude that was a great roll too I know this guy of course is incredible wow Francis yeah all right I’m making

You do that one again Francis what’ you hit seven amazing seven so sad not to be able to enjoy a good shot oh dude it’s awful wow nicely done yeah worse it’s still going be on the green though yeah but worse no no no but it’s not all right oh [ __ ] 70 ft

That’s huge good one that’s a win thank you I’m never going to hit that shot twice are you out of your [ __ ] mind are you out of your mind massive massive all right I’m getting a beer ready here Frank going make it go that’s so horrific God damn my bad aw can’t hit

The wow get ready to do it again I think just make him do it again yeah go ahead do it again great shot hey do the same thing then just like hit another one just just embarrass them do again just the same thing this is the first beer we’re drinking that’s not a

Putt that means there’s not been one swing that we’ve thought that you guys had to redo until now I mean I’m a little nervous cuz that putt is like not makeable they have but if he if he sticks this in tight then he just deserves it

Yeah it’s going way left all right so it’s longer it’s worse it’s worse oh best beer of the day best beer of the day man what a beer all right all right all right let’s get up and down what a beer it will be devastating to make a

[ __ ] 90f footer right now and it’s like 3 okay God not great we can make that like an inch perfect literally an inch they’re not in a good spot there at hit it over this [ __ ] little Ridge it’s almost like we should take a beer for that sit down look at this no

No we’re fine wow that was such a good shot France it’s pretty [ __ ] good man Jes Christ we almost shotgun that dude you know what I mean you want me to yeah I think we have to I think we have to we’re going to make you do that one again all right

Nice punt though I mean where’ you start that thing like the the flag Shadow the shadow of the actual sideways this one I got a little bit John Kelly coming your way better go in Francis that’s better I can do this all [ __ ] day

It’s a lag putt I got that putt dialed I don’t know if I would drink anymore if I were you guys that’s good you’re wasting your time we could do it all day but I don’t know that they’re going to hit it worse yeah I think we just got to take our

Chances how good is that go in good roll good roll make come on friends two three times twice in a row you thirsty two you can’t make Bogies zero all right you need to make this two maybe three times just make it three times in a row yeah we’re not stopping

I’ll die on this I’ll drink I’ll drink until we’ve drunk all the beers on this until he misses yeah we’re in a good spot right now I’ll just puke like there’s no rules against that H wow that’s want to open a beer just in case just should we start

Sipping one yeah yeah let’s just sip one we should start sipping one that’s good guys make it a little more fair we haven’t hit enough bad shots today to make anything of this Mulligan challenge map right like we’re just hitting a bunch of good shots let’s close it out yeah close it Out Just unreal dude oh boy is that enough yes thank God do it again do it again do it God again do it again we’re getting desperate yeah yeah I mean we have to do it what a drive dude well I guess guy drives the ball like you wouldn’t believe

Wow you’re fast I’m fast doesn’t do any good though got boy Dam can’t hit a wed shot they cold just keep doing it you guys thirsty that that’s so good it’s the same exact shot same shot it’s the same shot maybe further it’s like [ __ ] five yards apart dude this guy’s

Unbelievable the way he hits the ball I can’t get over it he’s just driven it perfectly the whole week oh yeah it’s an easy game Francis easy game we’re just in a rhythm just like it’s just golf you feed me some be was such a that was such a useless [ __ ]

Shotgun it’s so useless I like it though nice B sit down sit down nice bunker nice that’s that’s the way to do it beudy great ball dude we shotgun one for him yeah we’re thir I’m going shotgun okay let’s do I think that’s the right move I fig that’s the right move

Spirit of the game that was such a good shot good B do it again poke a hole in me and leave me on the floor like a dirty sock you know let me think about this if I open this side okay Mhm he’s making love to it he’s playing it like it’s a [ __ ] Flute wow at a kid at a guy I’m proud I’m proud that one down I’m proud of that that was clean clean Bean even better oh W more better more better should I do should I do one yeah do it yeah sorry Danny damn that’s an insane t-shot that was an

Insane t-shot again one more for good measure that one was insane pumped that thing was [ __ ] pumped that was all I got all right on one of the more impressive holes in the world this isn’t impressive driving display yeah yeah even you guys want to do it

Again or what best of the day wait hold on you guys want to do it again or what it’s almost on the green dude let’s go [ __ ] Jesus Christ you got better I hate myself I love Al we legitimately helped you there I I’m thinking about it no thinking you’re considering then

We’ll fall apart we need to we need to close this this out all it’s true they do need to post the score he’s considering it that’s all hey we just made a both shotgun that’s huge you don’t want to do twoo that quick you’ll stop you you won’t be able to swing

That’s huge we if we could just eliminate Frankie from this yeah I hit I hit the third one the best of all three yeah you’re yes yes I mean yes they just kept getting Francis said he goes He we just helped him by 50 yards you get 50 yards closer to the

Green you have to play the last one you hit which is the furthest right yeah it’s the farthest right yeah so that is the worst angle this this is Frankie yeah yeah we’re playing that we’re going to take that one not fun when you shotgun and he just hits better shots

With each successive beer you’ve drunk oh my God hold on right there it’s nowhere I didn’t hit it anywhere dude what’ you hit an eight seven I just didn’t hit get ready so good that’s that’s the most automatic one of all time yeah oh oh is it over is

That long is that long I think it’s over the green love it done we’re not doing it we don’t need to do it we’re going to sit on it we’re fine I agree with that he would just take one less Club hit the same swing he’s about to fall off a cliff

Though he’s pretty drunk we’re we can put one more in him yeah yeah yeah the goal is to put one more in Frankie barelli’s stomach okay he’s he’s teetering on the edge he’s feeling good about himself one more beer and I think we’re going to see I think

We’re going to see old Frankie but remember we’re still two up two the h i we can’t lose like we don’t want to lose a hole it’s almost like it’s smarter for us to try to play well on the last one one up be right be right yes Sam really good

That’s really just make him shotgun I know they’re going to do it let’s go come on yeah I’m let’s do it really yeah all right all right do it again you’re doing this one I’ll do it and then you maybe do the next two I want to wait

Till they pay yeah make them make the check clearish check’s got it clear check’s got it clear before this ball goes in the air check clear need to see the money in the bank account before I take decision but it’s also like we have to

Try and close it out fine is it 17 it’s my last time I’m giving my input on it I’ll go with what you say I just don’t know I mean uh you know there’s still a hole to play like we could he’s sipping on that

Thing he plays it like it’s a flute that like a little a guy had a guy yeah good beer yeah that’s a good shot really good beer yeah really good really good beer great beer just on that back Edge there not great one if he hits a good one yep

Really yep all right if he hits one like to within like makeable range we’re drinking a beer fine all right all right how do you think about that oh come on be perfect get down hope you’re thirsty Fran look so good yep great shot great shot dude just

Drink one yeah we’re going to have to see that again see it again you want it again we’re goingon to have to see it again this is getting deep now you going again let it be a good beer if it’s not a good beer it’s not a

Good beer if it’s not a good beer it’s not a good beer good beer it’s a great beer beer good beer be is good T going down let’s go it takes a lot of these to really step up and hit the shot too tight hey they’re they don’t realize

They’re in the bogey Vortex yeah they’re in the you’re right they’re in the vortex you know what a delicious beer the best beer we’ve ever drank good [Laughter] beer oh my God this is like a top five most fun I’ve ever had playing golf without a doubt oh 100 % Green [ __ ] we might be in the same place there in [ __ ] you’re back there you had to drink that one oh yeah without a doubt push wins the match

Let’s bring every beer we have we’re also bringing every beer we have I know how many more I can shock you guys we’ll be chipping and putting until we win this hole getting dense we’re going to 18 it’s getting dense I’ll tell you that much we’re going to

18 at this point it’s a battle of willpower it’s just a battle of who wants it more damn we’re going the Battle of who wants it more we want it more I don’t care what happens buddy these guys will be playing the 18th do on from yours you have less green this

Is way better this is way better agreed awesome how fun I think at some point we’re going to lag two putts up to the pin and it doesn’t matter how many beers a drink we’re just going to have two balls there yeah I don’t it right but you know what I mean

Yeah run out all right not great yeah much better all right no this is what I mean if it’s just like okay where’s rigs rigs yeah if it’s just okay they’re not going to how is he going to piss right now we’re in a bad spot

That’s their best CHP is the one in front so I think we save the beers for the putts yeah and then just shotgun till they all Miss shotgun until they miss fine yeah how many are we planning on shotgunning here before going to 18 I don’t think it’s many I

Know amazing great putt good putt good that’s good Danny not there tracking huh all right they just don’t really do anything that makes us want to like all right we’re shotgun until Miss ready battle no all day dude it’s good yeah doesn’t move wow one down massive massive Dance come on buddy come

On buddy we are grinding so hard we made it to 18 it’s gutsy gutsy I mean this next one could be everyone drinks a million beers until someone wins that that is very much I’m counting them so we’re at 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 more and three I don’t

Remember who did I done four I’ve done three and then they did they done one two three eight they’ve done eight they they really ran up the score that they ran up the score once yeah that was a big one you guys ran up the score of the shotguns there

You guys did four four on that hole what you guys did four you did two on the te and then you made each of Us did we actually yeah yeah yeah I didn’t know I didn’t even I’ve lost count eight to seven in shotguns you guys you guys are what up sorry wow yeah yeah Ry oh yeah all right it’s apparent that that’s happening too that’s over him I think that’s really good shot that Fairway that’s

Fairway Nice Shot we’re going to save it we’re not going to do that sorry Frankie I got two haven’t done that yet today we were saying on the last hole that Frankie would have had made that putt five times in a row yeah because we were ready to do two shotguns each

Yeah all good Frank sorry now the beer’s caught off to me on that swing not even think about it yeah we’re fine let’s get one on here thing is it ends up like this this last hole because it’s only we’re one up ends up being like not even

Golf like whoever hits good shots it’s going to be unlimited amount of just redo it until we win like we could technically not stop until we just went look at this [ __ ] patch of grass around we’re in Fairway this is insane yeah amazing unreal and this is just a

Fairway patch have you guys ever seen anything like this the rough stops and there’s a circle of Fairway what the [ __ ] is this it literally is rough around it we going to move it it’s Fairway I’ve never seen anything like this in my life we might need to be real

Strategic about shotgun and here anything on the green is getting the shotgun at least the first one good shot possible do I have a pitching wedge I’m going to hit like shotgun until they miss the shot shot we’re going to shotgun that yeah yeah okay no

One’s made a birdie yet cuz I think it’s impossible to make a birdie so if they just can lay up har locked in then like we have no chance the the spirit of the game is it could never end yeah yeah yeah you could go to a hospital the idea

Of it right like I’m going to drink until I get food like alcohol poisoning and you’re not not going to get the ball in the hole until you miss the even if it’s a twoot putt like I’m going to drink until you miss one yeah we could be here all

Day it’s not done yet I got ways to go honorable honorable I got a ways to go I like the honor they they’re the ones that made a shotgun they did four shotguns in the last ho trip us about the all right Francis okay mhm mhm Stick Dude Francis that is [ __ ] great I’ll do that yeah one more time one more all right oh [ __ ] a little unlucky that they’re in the Fairway over here I mean come on look at this [ __ ] bad beer go up best one yet oh my God no

Way to say it this is what I mean we’re just playing better I didn’t want them to second guess themselves they’re on the stick yeah all right good jot this is going to be tight what a clutch performance from Francis have called told you to go again

Again and again and again and I got better and better with each and again is that good we’re going to keep that we’re GNA keep that all right now we drink here let me warm it up a little bit nice RS yeah good shot all right you want to

Make him hit it again just hit one more yeah I’m a little I yeah one more I like how you say that gently like yeah just no problem I wasn’t like 100% confident in it but let’s just see one more okay if he puts it if he puts it in on this

One I I’m definitely going to drink again uh Dan I feel pretty good about that shot I I kind of can make that same swing again that’s fun it’s so damn cold bro I’m such a [ __ ] I’m such a [ __ ] it it it’s closer has to be deeper no deeper all right

Really I think we stand thought that was [ __ ] really good it was really good it was really good dude where’s your who’s that one on the I think I’m on the left oh my I think I could be wrong but how many beers are they going to drink

With these putts we’re going to be I’m going to have to call my mom and say hey Mom in a [ __ ] Dominican Republic we have to make it I’m in a [ __ ] I’m in a hospital all right that was I mean this could get this is insane I don’t

Know why should I get some beers I should get some beers that’s what I mean yeah but I would say the thing is if we just don’t make then like oh true you know it’ll be nothing if you guys make things are going to get nasty yeah

That’s listen that’s the name of the game you think straight Dan let’s hey let’s make this interesting go right great try dude it was dead straight didn’t move at all I’ll make it Francis I think I just got like the inclin I think we I think we’re going to

Win well I have three beers in case rigs makes this bunch of times in a row make the best effort that you can RS bar still make a good stroke that’s one yes sir that’s how you started off that is so [ __ ] big let’s

Go do it again do it again not why not why not I hope you’re uh enjoying that putt cuz you might be hitting that a lot n he just keep just all right can you do it again go go go go wow [ __ ] good beers good beers dude good

Beers the best beers great effort we fought hard we fought really hard hell of a match we fought really see one of them get close yeah do it do it make it make it you know oh man oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] Jesus Christ [ __ ] uh oh oh [ __ ] oh

No hey now settle down sure enough no okay well done boys all right boys well earned fun single birdie great plan good plan that was fun that was crazy that was fun good job so fun thank you appreciate that hey hey to thank you so much for the help I

Really enjoyed playing with you today me too with you way to battle way to battle play we did it how had a battle hard that’s fun what a day that format has the potential to have nastiness um shout out to G4 amazing golf shoes shout out

To Kasa Deo Parker my man he’s been with us the entire week showing us how to hit the shots where to hit the shots I appreciate you glad to have you guys of course man an amazing experience shout out to Kasa Deo please subscribe to the

Channel and that’s it that’s a video an amazing amazing travel series send this to your friend send this to your grandmother and that’s it


  1. I feel like that was some of the best quality golf I've seen from you all. Definitely wasn't expecting that as the shotguns piled up. Golf clap.

  2. Francis must remain part of foreplay – forever. great addition. this is my favorite video you have done.

  3. I feel like it should only be one reverse per hole an non on the green the same way everyone else plays or else you can reverse every shot like they did on the first lol

  4. Riggs is insufferable lol he’s terrible. Talks shit, can’t back it up. They used like 2 of his shots. This is the Frank’s vs Dan lol

  5. I like the video, but I think it would be a bit more interesting if each team was only allowed ONE reverse mulligan per hole. More strategy involved and speeds up play considerably. Still loved the video though!

  6. Man i gotta say, i love all you boys, but Francis is hard charging for the lead favorite. I'm all here for it! Great job fellas. 👏 💚

  7. Riggs carrying four beers to the green on hole 17 saying “I can tell you now, we’re going to 18” is Riggs’s best moment in Fore Play. Great from him.

  8. I’ve never seen someone use less of their left side in a golf swing than Francis and be so consistent..

  9. Dam Frankie and Francis is the team to beat lately you guys should of teamed up for the good thing comming up in feb old Trent is going to bring nothing to the table for Frankie

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