Golf Players

Marc Leishman on LIV Golf and more

Marc Leishman shares some of his favorite career memories and shares what he is excited about for the LIV Golf season.

All right my next guest you know markk Lehman Australian golfer he’s playing and live golf right now for Ripper GC for a cam Smith team and uh what’s going on Mark how are you doing buddy yeah doing good yeah happy to uh happy to be

Home for a bit and um can’t say I’m enjoying this cold weather all that much but it’s nice excuse to stay inside and watch a bit of basketball hockey and and football and all those sort of things yeah well obviously there’s a lot more time off with the live golf schedule you

Got back to Australia I heard for a couple months good stretch of time we’ll get into that but before that you you mentioned colder weather for me the last time I mowed my lawn in Fairfax Virginia was the end of October and I was I I can’t believe it’s been almost three

Months for you you love mowing your lawn that’s a big passion of yours keeping up the lawn keeping up the garden um what are you doing with your free time like does it itch at you like how do you manage everything yeah it’s uh I’d certainly

Prefer summer when when the the grass is growing um I’m in the same boat probably I wouldn’t have cut it since probably early November um so lot more time well not I always spend a lot of time with the kids but um that spare time I’m I’m watching

A decent amount of sport actually so it’s been good listening to some um books to sort of grow my uh mental capacity I hope and um yeah I’ve only just started listening to books so I’m enjoying that and um actually makes the travel go faster too so um yeah F and

Learning the guitar so there’s a few new things that I’m um that I’m doing learning the guitar with my son Ole and watching a lot of their their basketball games and my daughter cheerleading and all that so it’s been awesome so as you and and oi learn guitar like what what

Kinds of you know there certain types of songs certain genre that you lean towards you trying to influence them towards like rock songs or how how’s that happen well he loves Green Day actually so he he was excited a few days ago when the new album come out Friday

Morning um so we’ve been listening to a lot of that um I’m not really good enough to learn well I know a couple of parts of songs uh I know a bit of good ridd and we’re learning a few Green Day songs so um they use a lot of power

Chords so I’m um I’m trying to learn that I haven’t got the flexibility in my wrists and my fingers so I find it hard to to hit the right strings and get some awkward some very weird sounds come out but uh it’s something that’s pretty pretty rewarding when you do hit that

Right tune yeah it’s funny you mention good riddens like I I was born 84 so not that that’s right in that time growing up in the mid 90s I was that was one of the first songs I learned to play on guitar with my brother my older brother

Um but yeah it’s just funny I guess for you like when you think of younger your younger years as a teen like what were the groups that you were listening to a lot in Australia I was not into music at all um Growing Up So my first um CD that

I bought was actually it was either Green Day or Good Charlotte I was um yeah Green Day Good Charlotte and that was about it uh I’d listen to everything but you know on the radio but I never really had music going at the house you

Know in my room or anything I was always out doing something outside so I never really knew song names or band names apart from you know couple of fites that I had well speaking of the younger years I think of your home Club growing up where

You look where you’re learn the game had you had a chance when you visited Australia the last couple months have you had a chance to go back and play some rounds over there have you had any kind of sentimental uh memories moments to kind of relive yeah yeah we um we live very

Close to the golf court well our house in Australia is very close to the golf course um so my oldest boy he’s um he’s rid into golf as well he’s basketball and golf and um so we actually played quite a lot of golf there and um we we

Had a round over at Port Ferry which is about 20 minutes away uh link course so um yeah we enjoy hit when we’re down there and um a lot of great memories especially with him now like him being 12 um just memories come flooding back

Of when I was a kid and now I’m watching my son do it and I know Dad’s my dad is sort of reliving it for the second time so um yeah it’s uh it’s good to get back there and play a bit of golf and just

Catch up with all the all all my old friends and um you know the familiar faces around the golf club what’s a favorite story growing up from around that that home golf club for you um I remember I I scared the crap out of my dad one time we uh as everyone

Knows about the the venomous snake snakes and spiders and all that sort of thing and we used to get quite a lot of snakes over there um there was a tiger snake on on one hole someone had already found it and um sort of knocked it on

The head um and I thought it would be pretty funny to to pick it up and um put it in my golf bag and and take it home and lay it out in the backyard um when so Mom and Dad’s kitchen window faces the backyard and um I remember he was just

Mortified that I’d bought this tiger snake home it was it was dead but um yeah he was uh it was fairly it was very funny actually so um yeah it was and yeah that was an interesting one but you know a good mate of mine Leroy we used

To go there and have chipping comps around all the different greens and we’d be climbing trees and hitting shots out of trees and just yeah great memories like that so what did your dad tell you when you brought it home like what just what’ he say oh he was like

Obviously he probably knew that I wouldn’t be you know stupid enough to uh to pick up a live one um but he was yeah he just probably called me an idiot and we had a laugh about it we still laugh about it now actually but um yeah it was

Uh probably not my smartest move but um because you know if if it happened to have been alive which it wasn’t but very clearly wasn’t alive when I found it but um you know if they bite you you’re you’re probably going to die so going close to him is probably not the

Greatest idea yeah well speaking of snakes um I had heard that there was a time when you played around of golf and your son was with you and you got bit by a snake during that round like how do you recall that yeah yeah I was cading

For him um at the first tea in Virginia Beach actually and um um was the first hole and um the lad he was playing with hit it into the long grass up the left and um of course you know you don’t want to lose a golf ball so we go over and look

For it it was in the middle of summer and um the snake sna me right on the Achilles got me you know started bleeding and I’m like it was there was two Fang marks so it’s probably poisonous um and then I started on that green I started feeling really laded and

Dizzy and I’m so I said to the dad I’m like that it was cading for the other dad that was caddying I’m like M I said I’ll just got bitten by a snake if I pass out call call an ambulance because yeah like it’s probably not going to be

Good that the hospital was very close it was probably a mile away um and then about three holes later I thought I was going to vomit I was feeling really sick and then it just passed it was gone and um I had this massive lump on my leg for

About probably three months um wouldn’t go away and then woke up one morning it was gone so um it was probably lucky it got me right on the Achilles because there was no flesh for the Venom to get into so um yeah I was pretty lucky with

That one man and and and you mentioned Virginia Beach there where you live now with your your wife Audrey and your your three kids so V Virginia Beach the I heard the course you play out of is is not necessarily a private course right isn’t it Virginia Beach now isn’t that a

Public course yeah that’s a public course yeah so I’ll play there and then I’ll play up at Bayville as well which is um it’s about 40 minutes from my house um but there where I play probably most of my golf is yeah Virginia Beach National which is a public course it

Used to be the TPC Virginia Beach um but really good golf course it’s long the greens are always perfect the the superintendent does an amazing job out there and um yeah it’s a really good golf course and it’s five minutes from my house so um it’s a it’s a pretty good

Spot to play it you know being as laid-back as you are doesn’t it kind of Mak sense like for golf fans when they hear oh you know Mark bman yeah you know he he plays at a public course just five miles five minutes away from this house

He’s not playing at a country club he’s not right up there at Augusta National you know what I mean like he’s not uh he’s just one of the boys like does that kind of makes sense I guess uh when you hear it that way yeah I mean it’s probably um

You know we’re lucky we’ve got a few really good places here that I can play at and um and I love them all but I think I I fit in pretty well with the the public you know at a public course you know I grew up um my dad was a brick

Layer mom was a nurse and um workingclass family I still feel like obviously my Situation’s changed a bit now but um I still certainly value the um or know the value of a dollar and um I I relate to the people out there a whole lot and I really enjoy my time

There and and at bille yeah and while in Virginia Beach you know you guys have your Begin Again foundation for you and your wife started Audrey you got your birdies and beers golf tournament usually that’s in May I think right in the spring yeah normally

Um we it’s gonna be in August this year uh we had to change it up just we we didn’t know what the schedule was going to be for Liv and um so we’re doing it believe it’s the 11th of August this year so um at Virginia Beach National so

It’s um yeah it’s going to be a uh hopefully another very successful event and um we can help a lot of families um with all the proceeds that we that we make out of it yeah and I know it’s it’s an event that gets a lot

Of um you know you had Nationals player Ryan Zimmerman I think was there last year right yeah yeah we have a a really good crew of people that that come and play um your teammates from Liv right like cam Smith and those guys as well yeah they all came Harold Varner comes um

Every year and U we all sort of try and you know scratch each other’s back I guess you could say you know I’ll play yours if you play mine and um it’s uh yeah it’s it’s a fun day and it’s just nice to be able to you know give back

And um you know help help the other guys as well with with their foundations and you know to we really we do realize that we’re pretty lucky to be in the situation that we’re in and to be able to help people that really need it um is

Is a pretty good feeling you know it’s obviously it’s great for the families who we help but it’s I think selfishly it feels nice to do it as well yeah oh that’s awesome to give back and like are you able to like spend some some time with these families while you’re at this

Event like or or is it is it just kind of depending on on who shows up that day like how is that structured yeah no we um always you know take time to try and spend time as you know as much time as we can with the families who who we’ve

Helped or um you know it’s all over the country and um so you know a lot of them we don’t get to meet but um you know like we just did a visit to the mes Children’s Hospital in Melbourne um last month um to to see what they do and

We’re now funding their social work department so um it’s nice to just go there and see where your money is how it’s helping people and um it really makes you realize how fortunate you are when you see you know some of the in the monish children’s hospital some of the

Kids in there how how how sick they are and what they have to what they have to go through every day um so it puts um puts things into perspective a bit too which perspective is a pretty good thing yeah no it always is definitely to to have more perspective and um see

Other people opinions other thoughts um well I want to go back to the old days you as a young pro you and your boy Madie Kelly uh get out there and at the time it was the Nationwide tour right and as I gathered it sounded like at a

Certain point credit cards you guys were starting to max out some cards and it was you know you’re getting to that point where maybe we got to go back to Australia maybe this isn’t really going to work kind of take us through that that process right before that first win

That kind of changed things yeah so um Maddie came over early in that uh I think it was 2008 um to caddy for me um and he maxed out two credit cards between I think it was March and it was I think it was early September he sort of said to me he’s

Like look I’ve I’ve spent all the money I’ve got I maxed out two credit cards I’m G to have to go home and get a job um and I’m sort of like you know that’s terrible I wish I could have played better sort of thing but can you just

Give us a couple more weeks I’ll you know sort of spot you for a couple of weeks and um I think we finished second that next week and then I won the week after I think I won by ended up winning by 11 that next week which was um which

Was pretty cool to and to be able to do that for Maddie that paid off his credit cards and a bit extra and then um you know if he had have gone home he wouldn’t have been still cing for me now that’s for sure so he’s um

Yeah he’s from what it looked like it was going to be about a six month a six Monon um Adventure expensive Adventure it turned into a career for him yeah and and which one of those events was it after you guys won was it

When he won by 11 or was it your your your T12 at Sony maybe the next year where he just chucked a ton of milk like give us that story yeah so um it was my first PJ T event um I finished 12th at

The at the Sony Open and uh I remember I won I think it was $92,000 um and we felt like the two richest BLS in the world um we had a red eye home um back to back to the mainland um where I was an alternate for the um Bob Hope

Classic and um I remember we we killing time and he goes into one of them ABC stores and um buys a gallon of milk I’m like what are you doing like what are you he’s like what no we have to go to the beach

I’m like all right so we go down to the beach and he he just chugged the whole bottle of milk the whole gallon and I’m like what are you doing and it was dark and then he stuck his fingers down his throat and it was just a projectile

Throw up um God all over the beach and I remember I was on the ground rolling around in the sand from laughing um and I still remember that flight you don’t remember too many flights but I remember that flight because I had sand all over me because we’d already checked

Out of our hotels so um yeah it was a pretty interesting uh celebration but one that all certainly never forget and neither will he oh my God that is crazy that that he did that well I mean I guess it’s got to be a financial relief

At a certain point too you know yeah for sure yeah I mean it was um you know we obviously that was my well first ever it was my first event in my rookie year and um you know you don’t know how you going to go you don’t know how you’re going to

Go against the big boys and um that was a a nice way to to get things started that year and um you know obviously you know went on from there yeah and I go back uh just the next year I think 09 you had a good run where you got into

The PJ tour playoffs you had kind of a Cinderella run there you got to play with Tiger Woods um what was kind of your your feelings emotions nerves like playing with tiger for the first time yeah it was great um was sort of interesting those those playoffs because

I think I was I just snuck into the second one the second playoff event uh which was Boston and I remember had to finish well I remember Eagle the last in on Sunday to to get to number 69 to get into the BMW championship and then um so I felt like

I was just playing with sort of house money then and I had to finish I think it was second or better to to get to the Tour Championship and that’s all I was thinking about him like he’s got to finish you know have a good week I wasn’t thinking about any

Consequences for bad shots I was doing that so I had a good week and um anyway after three rounds um turns out I get pired with tiger in the last group he was um I think maybe six in front or you know long way in front and I remember the

Most nervous I’d ever been was on the on the first te that day um I remember it was a dog leg left but i’ been hitting three-wood off all week and I said to Maddie I’m like I don’t know if I can hit Freewood I think I

Might I might actually miss it like I feel like I need to hit something with a big head um anyway I ended up hitting three-wood um and hit a good shot and had had a good day to finish uh finish second but um yeah it was a pretty cool

Day it was um nice to uh to play with him obviously and have a front row seat to to him when he was you know really pretty much in his prime yeah I mean 09 my God that’s right right in that that stretch he would have

Just won the US Open the year before and had a really good really good year uh there as well um is there another player that comes to mind whether a legend from over the years or or just another player of tigers caliber that really was just

Like man I don’t know how this as nervous as I can get just even meeting them or or playing with them um no I think T I mean the first time I played with Greg Norman um I played with him at the Australian PGA idolized him growing up

Um remember I played with him at the Australian PGA but I I’d had a decent I’d been on tour for a few years at that point and played with tiger a couple of times and um certainly wasn’t as nervous as I was with uh with Tiger but yeah no I

Think you know tiger is the the one that you you know everyone wants to play with and when he’s you know particularly when he’s playing well he’s he’s a he’s fun to play with yeah another big big gun during the tiger erir was Ernie Els and um a friend of

Ours Johnny Leonard asked me to ask you uh that you had said that you had definitely didn’t want to ride uh in Ernie’s uh plane from what you had heard I where would that have come from yeah you hear a few stories um about the lads that uh

That ride with him in he’s playing I’m you know’ I’m sure that you’ve probably heard him before but remember there’s one in a book somewhere that I’ve actually heard from Steve Marino himself um I guess Ernie likes to uh have a few beers on his plane and um normally it

Ends up in in a bit of a wrestle so um yeah it’s uh pretty um I mean I certainly would have done it I would have G I would have loved to have gone on his plane but uh yeah it was um it turns out that if you go on there you

Normally wrestling or you know getting told off by the pilots because of all the movement oh my god um in your earlier years playing when you went to Korea and played uh I had heard from from our friend Johnny that there were people that would sometimes take your

Golf ball after a drive you know what I mean like you would get up to the ball or you know after walking 300 yards and like whoa where’ it go what happened like how what was behind that yeah so my first event on the Korean tour was

Um it was I was leading after two rounds and um I remember playing the third hole of the third round and I was I was still leading and I remember hit a three IR down the middle of the Fairway get down there and my Ball’s gone like where’s my ball I’m getting

I’m real like you know where’s my ball and they’re like yeah it’s back here it’s 50 yards back on the other side of a cart path and it was there was one tree and it was right behind it like dead behind it so I call the rules official

And um he said I had to play it so I had to chip it out left-handed and um and then ended up I didn’t win the tournament I ended up finishing I think third um and then but the next week I I I was so determined I remember that um

I’m like I was want to get so far in front that if you do throw my ball into the trees again I’m going to still win remember I won by 11 so um it was a nice way to to start um start my career into

Campaign I guess and um as soon as I because foreigners didn’t really play on the Korean tour at the time um there wasn’t too many and we weren’t accepted very well early on and and then I won that second event and then it was like I was one of them it was amazing

The switch um which was pretty cool yeah that that is pretty amazing what was the event where you won by 11 again it was called The gsan Resort open yeah yeah wow another part of your career back back in those early years um you know when you look at right now fast

Forward to live live golf and where you are now um coming up like how much are you looking forward to kind of the Season we got some different courses kind of on the schedule like what what are you looking forward to yeah I mean last year was um at amazing year I had

On and off the golf course it was well certainly off the golf course it was the most fun I’ve ever had um and then on the golf course I I actually played some pretty good golf um had my pter wasn’t where I wanted it to be uh early in the

Year and then sorted that out my coach came over and worked it out in about 10 minutes um so yeah I’m really looking forward to hopefully putting a whole um a whole year together where I can um have you know close to my best stuff and um you know playing new golf courses

Traveling to new places that I haven’t been to around the world um and just being in that team atmosphere um you know traveling with the with the boys and and on them the caddies and it’s just it’s one big team and it’s just so much more fun when you do it that way

Compared to doing it by yourself uh I’m finding particularly at this stage of my career um you know I’m bit older now and um I’ve done the done it by myself for quite a while and really really enjoying the change yeah yeah well and obviously like

There’s I gota believe there’s a lot of camaraderie with you guys you said this is one of most fun times you had was last year like what what is that like that that that Dynamic for you guys as Ripper GC like having cam there having having you there you me you guys have

Won events together before too um not not just last year but you guys wanted New Orleans it’s Zurich y yeah it’s it’s fun you know the camaraderie amongst the teams is is really good and um even you know amongst the tour it’s it’s pretty um it’s pretty

Cool it’s sort of like we’re all all on one big team sort of you know um with all the controversy that’s been going on around the two different tours um so so it’s um yeah it’s been been a lot of fun and you know having said that I loved my

Time on the PGA tour as well it was um just it it was different but it was really good I loved it and um just but this change at this stage of my career with the young kids and all that it’s uh it’s nice to be spending a bit more time

At home and um being able to see them grow up and um on top of you know the all the other positives that um that comes along with it yeah well you mentioned kind of some controversy between the two entities right like a live golf and mpj tour like what where

Do you see all this going like in terms of the future of the pro game like what would you like to see kind of in terms of an end product yeah I don’t know how it’s going to look to be honest um yeah I really don’t know I mean I’m

Very happy doing what I’m doing at the moment um you know if does come back together I could see myself playing a few events on the tour um but you know mostly live just because I did I’m enjoying the light of schedule so much so um yeah I honestly I don’t know what’s

Going to happen I haven’t heard too much it’s you know you read a bit of stuff but um you don’t really know what to believe and what not to believe so I’m sort of just uh letting it all take its course and um I’ll play wherever I’m wherever I’m

Allowed yeah did you read the comments from uh Rory last week about like in his mind he thinks the future of golf should be kind of a premier league type of setup um did you kind of come across that article at all about yeah what’ you

Think yeah I mean um I don’t know how that would look um you know with a by the sound of what he wants he wants the pj2 to have you know 9 months and then live to have one or two um so I I don’t know how that would work and you know

Obviously you need to know all the details to have a uh constructive conversation on it um which I don’t know all the details but um I mean I’d like to think that the you know playing around the world throughout the year is is a good thing what Liv’s doing

And um you know the pga2 has been been predominantly based in the in America the last um well since it’s Inception really so um I think I think there’s room for both of them but how how it all works with with them both I don’t really know yeah well

In terms of how it it all works for this year like how many teams players per event are are you guys anticipating from what I hear it’s going to be 13 teams um so 52 players on teams and then sort of two wild card type thing which I don’t know if they’re going

To um do a qualifier or how they’re going to fill those last two spots um but that’s what I’ve that’s what I’ve heard I think there was some sort of press release a couple of weeks ago about that or a week ago um and but like

I said I haven’t heard from the from the horse’s mouth yet so I don’t don’t know what what’s true and what’s not true yeah so when it comes like wild cards that would just be like just depending on that tournament it sounds like for that given week or yeah I don’t know I

Mean yeah I don’t know how they’re going to fill the last couple uh of spots because um you know if there’s 13 teams what’s that 52 players leaves couple of groups or two out there which you probably don’t really want um you know and if you have the the Reser

For that are there for that given week maybe they play or or you have you know if you’re in Japan or wherever you are um Hong Kong have their best player or have in Australia have the winner of their money list I don’t know how it works but um I think there’s certainly

Um room there for something pretty creative and um you know potentially pretty exciting for for locals and um and for pro golfers who you know have a chance to to play in a live event too yeah and other those events as I look ahead early in the

Schedule there it is again uh you’ve got Adelaide you guys going back too after that run you guys had uh back in Australia there last year like how much you look forward to this one yeah can’t wait that was um that was one of the coolest weeks I’ve ever had on a golf

Course having that support and um Great Golf Course great you know entertainment off the course um just the atmosphere around the the whole week was was pretty special um something I’ve certainly never experienced um felt like I was um you know a rockar for a week you know you couldn’t go anywhere without

Getting um getting asked for pictures and autographs and all that which was which was really cool um for a week um so yeah looking forward to getting back there and and doing it all again and hopefully we can uh have a really good week as as a team and and well hopefully

Me as an individual as well yeah and you speaking of being a celebrity you were asked to drink beer out of a shoe back back in live Adela last year you know like what was that experience like yeah that was uh I prefer to drink a beer out of a

Glass or a can to be honest um it was a it was an ice cold beer when it as it was going into the shoe and then as was it coming out it was lukewarm and not very nice so U but you know sometimes you got to do things to

For the crowd and um that was one of those things um it was so much fun though like some really cool pictures and a great memory for myself and uh it was funny the the premier of South Australia was was the the state that adela’s in um basically like the

Governor he uh he was egging me on to do it before I did it so I had to do it yeah and Australia’s been so starved for for big events again outside of their that summer you know the summer gol yeah and particularly Adela um actually the year I got

My um PJ tour card through the Nationwide tour that was the last event Professional Event um well big Professional Event that was in Adelaide so that was in 2008 so um wow to to be able to have that there I mean they support sport unbelievably well and um you know we I

Go you know last year I went over there for for a cricket match it’s a 6h hour drive and I went there just for one day of cricket so it’s a it’s a pretty awesome place and um and a place I I really enjoy going to and can’t wait to

Get back there yeah um do you guys have your fourth place player in place yet for for rer GC I think so I think so I don’t know I don’t think I’m allowed to say yet I don’t they they haven’t um they haven’t announced it and I don’t

Know if I’m allowed to say but it’s an Australian yeah yeah well you know it’s interesting like for golf fans I’m curious like when they follow other sports whether it’s footy in in Australia or whether you follow NBA basketball NHL like um contracts are always like right up

You know you can go and read what what what players commitment and contract is and whereas with golf it’s been a little more closer sorry live golf it’s been a little more closer to the vest in terms of this player signed for this many years and this much money like what what

Do you think that is or like you know what’s been your perspective on that yeah I’m not sure why that is I guess um similar with endorsements and that sort of thing isn’t it with golfers you know you hear all the numbers with um you know the NBA players and the

Footballers and all that with even their endorsements for a lot of the time and golfers you don’t really unless you’re you know tiger I guess you know they seem to publicize that but um yeah we sort of there’s still a little bit of um privacy I guess with that sort of

Stuff yeah so it’s um I don’t know why but yeah just different I guess yeah and obviously like of recently players who’ve been approached by live you think of like Fleetwood and Hatton who’ve been in the news about at least having been approached and talking to Liv um how is

That having been a player who’s gone through that like what is that what is that experience like when you are approach and how does that process happen like yeah it was um well mine was a little different I guess just being an Australian and knowing Greg a little bit I mean he

Called me and um it all happened very quickly um probably within I’d say three or four days it was went from almost like you know zero to 100 I guess W yeah so it was very quick very efficient um I mean there was you know part you know

Because it’s a big decision doing making that change um particularly when you know I had a few years exemption on the on the tour still and um a lot of things I had to weigh up and um you know positives and negatives and what you know what’s going to come of it and

Because it was a big rist early on I feel like for a golfer um making that jump but it was um it it was a really good one I certainly yeah they they made it as easy as it could have been yeah just in terms of just signing

Up getting on the on on the team and yep yeah exactly yeah um I was GNA say just kind of in closing um you know before we go uh this is funny thing to ask you about but uh our mutual friend Johnny Leonard said that you are unbelievable at making coffee what’s your

Response oh I wouldn’t say unbelievable I’m better than average I suppose the uh the crocodile dunde quote but um no yeah no we got a good coffee machine downstairs in the pantry and I can get a bit of latte art on there most of the time um make it make it for

Audrey every morning so um yeah I enjoy doing it that’s I like doing things for other people and that’s one of the things that whenever people come and stay here they they always get a a latte in the morning nice and and for the majors coming up will

You be playing I know I I I talked with you during the US Open qualifier earlier this year but is the plan to go through some qualifiers in the meantime or yeah planning to do both the US Open and the British Open at this stage so

Um yeah last year did US Open unsuccess Y and then um had to with well be the couple of days before I had to withdraw from the um from the British Open qualifier I had no clubs or clothes so that was G be aough wait you did what didn’t you have

I didn’t have uh my suitcase never got to London uh sorry so I had I had nothing yeah so it was um yeah so that was uh it’s tough to do a 36hole qualifier with someone else clubs or or a makeup set so I thought that would be

A um I thought I’d save some energy and not do that and then end finished second in London that week so it turned out um turned out pretty well well good stuff Mark hey thanks for taking the time great to catch up again with you here on

The podcast buddy yeah no worri good chatting

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