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Dennis Evans Schooling Us As Always | Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero Ep. 75

Punch for the laughs, Lines for the Sports. Hosted by Frank Nicotero, this 60-minute variety hour is the perfect balance of humor and sports. Special Guest: Dennis Evans, Chris Andrews and Jeff Parles.

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0:00 Opening
10:24 Chris Andrews
26:32 Dennis Evans
44:11 Jeff Parles

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Chris Andrews:
Jeff Parles:

Follow our hosts!
Frank Nicotero:
Ryan McCormick:

#PunchLines #PunchFrankNicotero #SouthPointStudio

Happy Thursday everybody and welcome into episode 75 I your host Brian McCormick and we’ve got two special guests on today’s show we’ve got Jeff parl coming in later we’ve got Dennis Evans a repeat appearance uh coming in via the video you guys are probably wondering why I’m sitting here and where

The Frank is nickar but it’s uh it’s opposite day it’s National opposites day yay so look I’m producing the show where am I am I on yet here I am I don’t have any glasses on uh anyway it’s National opposite day so Ryan and I have switched places for

The full show uh Ryan will be hosting and I’m I’m GNA be producing Ryan would you prefer to be back in your chair yeah okay we’re gonna switch all right that was our national opposite day bit ladies and gentlemen yay Jerry’s thanks Jerry do you want me to hand off theod

Okay let’s get America back relaxed hello everybody oh good everyone got to see me climb up on a chair like a small child at into a booster seat everybody Welcome to punchlines I’m Frank Niko longtime comedian lifelong sports fan and I want to thank you guys for watching the show today on YouTube

We really appreciate it we’ve really seen a surge and our subscribers lately I know we’ve been really you know asking you guys to share the show with friends and it’s really working so we’re up to like 1100 subscribers I think we started with about 350 in October so uh thank

You very much uh YouTubers and everyone watching live oh let’s see what the see what the comments were here see if anyone Bob Del piso let’s go all right good afternoon Bob Dell and the awesome crew Ryan looks like he’s 12 says Joey B apparently also scared joeyy B says hilarious Frank in

The suit yeah that’s about the last time I’ve worn a suit right there Ryan looks scared no he didn’t he looked awesome anyway thank you everybody for watching on the show today as you heard Ryan announced uh we have Dennis Evans who hasn’t been on the show in a while and

It’s a perfect time to have Dennis Evans back on the show because the Kansas City Chiefs are in the AFC Championship again six years in a row I believe it’s kind of getting boring I was rued for Buffalo I was red for Pittsburgh oh oh Jerry I’m sorry and and

Sitting in the studio will be my man Jeff parl will be here also to break down those two games for you guys coming up tomorrow pack Show comedian Carlos alzari you might know him from Reno 911 he does voices for cartoons he will be via the video also Kevin bellinkoff

Because we got to have him on we got to get some picks from Kevin and then to close out the show Joe Deo friend of mine here in Vegas we used to do a podcast together uh somewhere else and now he’s going to be here in studio

Friday Joe’s going to tear it up so good show tomorrow but today ladies and gentlemen is January 25th January January’s flying by Ryan yes it is it’s flying by and it is uh its National opposites day that’s why we started the show oh that looks terrible let’s why

I’m wearing a t-shirt yeah and and that’s what I was going to point out Ryan is in uh not in his usual Garb he’s got a Yoda t-shirt on yeah right couple words of wisdom couple words give us some of the Yoda words of wisdoms that

Are that are on there do or do not there is do or do not there is no try there is no try yeah and then uh we’ve got uh fear is the path to the dark side that’s half Yoda impression I like that though Size Matters not there you go that’s

What she said but anyway um so I uh I saw the movie Yoda was first in Empire Strikes Back came out in 1980 January 25th it opened what January 25th no it did not no May May 25th yeah oh it’s usually May yeah that’s right George

Lucas day so anyway I saw the movie in the theater in downtown Pittsburgh I was 11 Yoda comes on you know this is before like you know a lot of we didn’t know who the hell Yoda was by the way Jerry just did the most dramatic marker open

I’ve ever seen in my life he just went like this ah oh because I mentioned where I saw Empire Strikes Back Jerry I see everything up here is it two are we at two all right we too so I’m in the theater and Yoda comes on and Yoda first comes you know and

He’s this kind of also looks like a gremlin this also looks like uh who’s the girl who’s this Margo Robbie does Harley Quinn Harley Quinn I did not get that at all uh that’s one for Bown dummies right there if he’s watching anyway so Yoda comes out and he starts

Talking and many people in the theater go what the hell’s he saying no can understand what Yoda was saying it was very entertaining it was actually more entertaining uh no the movie is one of my favorite of all time but it was very entertaining to see it in Assa out crowd in

Downtown p i t TS b o r g I didn’t say it I spelled it for God’s sakes come on I have to say the word the guy’s walking in he’s from pit TTS b g as Jerry takes a bite of banana looking at me disapprovingly anyway that was my whole

Uh Empire Strikes Back In Yoda story um let’s see um it’s opposite day so I will be selecting an under GNA let Chris Andrews know that now I will be betting an under because it’s National opposites day Chris and it’s also National Florida day I don’t know what we’re supposed to

Do to celebrate that so I figure I’m going to rent an alligator hit a McDonald’s drive through and demand to make rib sandwich shirtless you can rent an alligator I have a guy I got a gator guy Chris introduce me to him you get Chris knows everybody

He’s been around a long time in this that he does that he does it is show number 75 ladies and gentlemen as promised that means Ryan has done one of his great collages which we haven’t done in a while I’m already a little upset in his key spot that he didn’t put the

Number Chris and I I know Chris is it’s he his pictures looking the opposite way I can’t have him looking off frame there was only one picture of me Joe Green on the internet one that was one that was good enough you Googled mean Joo green

Looking to the right anyway I have no idea who will be on there it better be mean Joo Green Let’s Take a look this has been a while we skipped the 60s mostly hey most people who lived the 60s skipped them because that was love and

Drug Chris anyway 75 who you got buddy let’s see you got me and Joe Green you got to have me and Joe Green yes most people would say the greatest stealer of all time because he was the key guy that that null drafted out of North Texas

State I believe something like that yeah number one and he is what really turned turn the Steelers into the Steelers so who else do you have oh Jonathan Ogden who I played in a golf tournament with and I was roughly I looked if I stood

Next to him I looked like a putter next to him that man is large he’s going to be a honorary Captain this weekend Oh is he for the ball oh okay well I met him and we talked I said I’m a Steeler fan and he was like get away from me large

Man large man Lis Brown another amazing um play the god that’s with the lions look at him all right now we got a couple uh there’s a hockey player up there Ryan Reeves go ahead tell me about the hockey player yep a uh very much a

Goon a goon um he’s uh did he play for the Penguins ever yes yeah right he did he yeah he came into the league with the Penguins yeah that’s right okay I know that kind of a journeyman now he’s with the Minnesota Wild um got was cut from

The Rangers and yeah so okay I got to meet him in a Target here you met him at Target yeah was he shopping or was it like a yeah he was shopping I think he was with his daughter oh that’s really cool did you go up to him and say hi uh

No he checked you into the uh into the I more just let him yeah continue his oh that’s nice well and he’s a goon so Target he always has a Target on some you probably would have checked you target yeah okay next up you have um uh

Let’s see oh Deacon okay Deacon Jones now Deacon Jones was on an episode of The Brady Bunch when I was a kid because what’s that I remember you remember yeah it was the Glee Club what’s the it was when singing what’s that Ryan what’s the Brady Bunch this

Kills me every time he had never heard of The Partridge Family he doesn’t know the Brady oh yeah Kevin bellof was on the show and I had I had him look up a a Brady Bunch trivia question because Kevin and I are both experts on Brady Bunch trivia and uh Ryan couldn’t name

Three girls three boys on Brady Bunch and then we said what about the Partridge Family so what’s The Partridge Family so I look you hired him Chris I don’t so anyway and hired him well okay uh anyway Deacon Jones I just want to point out he did some acting he was

In a couple he was in some Miller Light ads but he played before the stat the NFL sack stat was official so they kind of gone back to try to see like if they can whatever if so he would I think he’s like the NFL alltime leader in Sachs if

Not he’s in the top three maybe right behind Reggie White but Deacon Jones Merlin Olen right that was the the the Rams teams back then they had all these guys that could Rush the quarterback uh so he’s Hall of Famer now I don’t understand that’s Vince wol Fork I’m

Imagining yeah why is he wearing overalls and no shirt you never you never saw that no I vaguely kind of remember it what was it he showed up to Texans practice wearing overalls I after he left the Patriots Yeah uh and like some spoof with Bill O’Brien

When he was the head coach there yeah it was very Bill O’Brien wasn’t very popular down Texas was he no destroyed that team but they’re they’re back anyway that’s great he’s a Hall of Famer he’s won tons of rings with the uh the hated Patriots and then you got hoe long

You got Howie and Kyle long that’s right his son too so Kyle is the one in the bottom right with the 75 but Howie Long I’m almost positive played at Villanova which isn’t it right there you go which is not a football Powerhouse at all it’s basketball you think well you think you

Know come on Villanova but uh has gone on to have one of the greatest C he was an action movie star Villanova lost to St John’s last night did they really were you on one of those games I had St John’s yeah uh oh oh patino how are they

Doing by the way St John’s I haven’t gotten into college basketball ton yet since football season but I do like Rick they’re doing pretty well yeah good he’s the best um he’s Italian vene Rick patino tell me his record uh but Kyle long another he’s he he retired like

Young right didn’t he quit yeah well I mean the Bears teams yeah weren’t very good and weren’t impr and then he has another son right had some injuries there’s Chris Long Chris Long played with the Eagles won a Super Bowl with the Eagles yeah yeah yeah anyway how

Long and still broadcaster on Fox still looks like he’s about 40 years old and Hall of Famer and he had the Jersey like cut right there it’s like one of those T ways or something like he looks like Hulk Hogan there anyway that’s the jerseys I love it very nice Ryan first

Time we have done those in a long time and speaking of pit P Pittsburgh we’re going to bring in the SP damn it Jerry’s opening the pen up let’s bring in our Sports director here at the South Point Casino which is right behind us Chris Andrew l look how lovely sports book is

There there’s our woman right there who’s here every day I got her name last week I believe it’s jacn she knits stuff right here marleene is it marleene no that’s not that one no not marene it’s not yeah she doesn’t speak she I talked to her coming out of the restroom this

Is a long this is a weird story but anyway very nice woman she’s always in our shot but Chris is here because you got me at the kids table look how sure I don’t know how to sit in those big chairs I mean yeah I look m i look huge

Now look at this you know David Letterman apparently would always have his chair pulling me you’re pulling a letterman on me yeah I’m pulling a letterman on you there you go quick Deacon Jones story that show this is like from the 70s where they played tricks on like certain celebrities and

All that they got Deacon Bubba Smith got Deacon Jones to dress in a a pink tutu no for a costume party that didn’t exist and but and he’s and he’s hilarious I am going to kill Bubba Smith when I find it was you know I mean most those were

Pretty lame you know that one was hilarious it’s like a can no not can camera kind of thing no I can’t remember incredible I’m trying to think we’ll find it we’ll find is is I think if you if you find it’s Bubba Smith and Deacon Jones Deacon

Jones drinks that a pink tutu I mean it is hilarious yeah he that I remember he did a lot they were in those Miller Light ads Bubba Smith did a lot of the Miller Light ads told him was something for tastes great whatever it is he got

Him to do it he got him oh I want to watch that uh yeah but they were he was unbelievable Deacon Jones so uh we got parlay cards we got two big games coming up and you got a prop sheet as well right prop sheets yeah so uh we got the

Early props up and uh we got alternative point spreads alternative totals uh Team uh points scored by individual teams for the game and for the first first half reach them and we got a whole bunch more that are coming tomorrow I told you we we have a small crew we work with a

Small crew we do but you know it takes us a while to get it all set up and get it all try to get the right numbers of course and like I said we do all our business on Saturday and Sunday you know I mean that’s we do 90% of our business

In now I looked at this I grabbed this when you handed it to me before the show Ryan I don’t know if you looked at this yet but I’m gonna ask you what you think the number is all right don’t look don’t cheat total number scored in the first

Half by the Lions what would you put that at in the first half in the first half alone just the Lions the game total is what 51 mhm yeah uh 15 16 it’s N9 and a half really over the over’s juice pretty good yeah it is

Minus 135 yeah but I like that I like the Lion’s getting a touchdown in a field goal in the first half I’m circling it chis I’m Bringing Down the House with this opposite day oh shoot then I’ll bet it tomorrow Sunday I’ll bet it tomorrow I’m betting it tomorrow

I will you know what I’m gonna do I’m gonna announce it on the show right now we haven’t done this in a while I’m going to do a blind bet Frank’s blind bets I’m going to make a bet today but I’m not going to check the results till

Tomorrow on the show at the top of the show you can let me know whether I won or lost and I’m doing it on the grand salami which I am going to do the under on the grand salami which I’ve never done so is that a blind bet it is a

Blind bet because I’m going to bet it but I’m not going to look at the hockey scores okay right it’s Thursday that’s Bridge night I feel like a blind B like when the bridge pick it I never played Bri no I never did Chris is looking at me like there’s

Something wrong with this man I shouldn’t laugh though my wife is never mind my grandparents will have to play she’s not playing Ma she’s like the youngest woman there by like 30 years you know well I was going to say I was going to say a bingo night but I think a

Funnier word was bridge bridge was funnier there you go there you go I’m all about to Comedy that’s where you get your comedian chart that’s what we do damn it uh so yeah I there’s a lot of great profets so make sure you come down

To the South Point uh it’s going to be great here the atmosphere here for a game is the best and uh quite a few parlay cards uh me you and uh Alex didn’t do cuz she’s not here on Fridays anymore but we’re going to do one and

We’ll post it on our Twitter accounts right yeah I mean there’s only there only two games it’s only two games right so we’ll figure or maybe some Al props we have on this card though how many are on this card 2 props there’s plenty there yeah there you could you can

Certainly find a fourer and what do you think about J Jim Harbaugh going to the the Los Angeles Char I almost called John Char I almost said John Harbaugh San Diego Chargers I still call San Diego that never I’m still calling the Colts Baltimore know that’s been a while been a while yeah

But that’s a big move he played there right he played there and I didn’t realize his Pro record with the ners was 44 and 19 that’s like incredible he’s pretty good yeah and he and he had coer Kaepernick kind of ahead of his time the way he utilized him so look La the

Chargers need an infusion because the Rams own that town and the Chargers are like an afterthought but they got those maybe the best uniforms in football but I think it’s a good move for the Chargers Ryan do you remember you probably were not born yet when Harbaugh

Played for the Bears yep and called an audible at the line of scrimmage it didn’t work and Mike Dida you should Google that Mike Dida I I thought he might murder I mean I really did he was as mad as I’ve ever seen a human being he was gonna kill uh

Jim Harbor and of course you know dika didn’t like anybody AUD better at audible to a play that didn’t work and he was going to kill now why the Northern Arizona University shirt first of all my my daughter went there for a semester she left for a boyfriend that

She wanted up dumping like two weeks later I mean this did you like the guy or you okay well then there it’s good first of all you know he was you know I mean my daughter was you know 18 at the time so the guy’s like 2021 vegetarian

Right there you don’t trust him right there then all of a sudden he decides he’s no longer vegetarian okay we go out to dinner one night orders a hamburger eats it with a knife and fork oh my goodness I mean right there’s this kid that’s like the Seinfeld episode when

They ate the candy bar with a knife and for hamburger with a knife and for you have no chance not with me not with you by the way Jerry if you could Google where Mike dick is from I can’t remember but if you could check that for me

Carnegie there you go that’s right outside of the word that shall not by the way have you seen the nacho Wars that’s going on on Twitter have you seen I saw you post a picture of play to nachos it all started with the fountain blue the guy was in the sports book he

Got ripped ordered he ordered nachos took him an hour to I mean there’s nobody in the joint took him an hour to get served it was six nachos looked okay was six six nachos $24 right so people started you know yeah posting from various casinos so I

Posted Ours from up in the bowling alley I saw that although I just got chewed out by Ryan ground he says why didn’t you do it from from Miguel’s well my guys go up there I mean it was at night I told him go up and get a plan in na

We’ll get a play of Miguel’s later we’ll get him why not we’ll go over and get him yeah and anyway the last I checked which was like an hour or two ago 74,000 views nacho Wars have started just on ours I mean who knows what else but you

Know oh I don’t like it with olives I don’t you then okay then don’t order by the way so where where you know not too far from here I was driving looking for something to eat one day and uh there’s a place called nacho nacho daddiy yeah I

Never heard everyone’s thumbs up car his thumb up we went in I ate I went in and I got the one with the state it was like filet or fet not it really good pretty good it was pretty good I’d recommend it yeah I they were good because nachos can

Sometimes be a disaster but the fountain blue the picture is crazy it’s like six cleverly plac and they overloaded it with the fixing like the the sour cream and the the sauce in the middle cilantro reminds me I was this is my old girlfriend and she was you know she was

Pretty big in the radio business so they paid for us to go to a trip to San Francisco you know and then we go she wants to eat in this one fancy restaurant you okay you know and I’ve eaten in fancy restaurants and I like certain ones anyway they come out she

Order some kind of tuna thing I did it comes out on this like giant nacho okay with a piece of tuna about this bit and I remember just say we’re you know fortunately she was on the crit the expense yeah there you go and I remember

I say we’re going in and out after this I’m tell there’s no way this is going to fill me oh my God by the way In-N-Out is the best and I just saw an alert was that for those that haven’t seen it this is the picture of the that’s the fountain

Blue thank you Ryan excellent job good job see look they have those big silver tins filled with like the salsa and the sour cream there it is six nachos that $4 a nacho four if you’re breaking it down as Chris is prone to do with

Numbers $4 $4 per nacho and by the way the kitchen manager resigned the next day proba everyone every day there’s someone resigning or getting fired at the fountain B yeah yeah I don’t think he did actually but he he they posted they redid their nacho play we you know

All right we’re going to check Monday on the fountain blue we’re going to check on their nacho played on Monday uh you mentioned In-N-Out I saw that the first ever In-N-Out uh went to closed there’s one finally I don’t know what happened they paved over it is that what happened

I didn’t click on it but it’s like cuz I’m I’m In-N-Out guy if I’m GNA have a burger it’s In-N-Out Ryan what’s your burger well in- and- out just they closed that location because there were a bunch of like robberies breaking into cars and all that kind of stuff and they

Just didn’t want to deal with it anymore well that’s you stay in your car and you go through the drive-thru and eat in your car you don’t get out you never go in I never go in I go in do you yeah you get the soda machine that’s true yeah

You get a vanilla vanilla shake and then drink half of it and then put root beer in it got a root beer float whoa well like you know these kids today oh like uh Jim Gaffigan says nothing quenches your thirst like partially melted ice cream I’ve never been a big Shake yeah

When you’re eating a shake is the most unrefreshing thing you’re like I like to drink a lot of beverages all beverages why do I have this reputation as Foster Brooks that’s that was all that for that’s even over my okay really really Foster Brooks was he’s on all those old

Roasts he always pretended to be very drunk and he’d HIC up hi up right before a punchline and it was very funny yeah he was pretty funny I hired some guy that wound up being a drunk and I remember just sa my head I can’t believe I hired Foster Brooks he didn’t last

Long see when I when I when I throw a reference only for Chris that’s when I feel the best uh all right so anyway any way uh we have Dennis Evans coming on did you have one more thing Ryan no well I mean I I have the the updated picture

Of their new nachos oh okay now that’s the new ones that the found blue yeah is that broccoli no it’s oh my God tell me that didn’t look like broccoli I was goingon to say what kind of new Fang what kind of I don’t want BR if I’m having nachos I’m not

Here for the health food okay that was that’s a big okay so they they’re doing it right now yeah they they’re at least doing something try he didn’t want to be number six that got fired it’s every they’re open every day you wake up someone’s leaving that it’s a

Beautiful building but uh I don’t know no one’s going there do we have Dennis he’s just coming out of uh the Kansas City um facility and what kind of minivan will kind of minan now what’s that it’s snowing so one of the funniest moments of the show Jeff parls is walking out

Lat tonight he doesn’t want to hear the same he’s got a phone call uh Jeff will be on to talk about the NFC and AFC Championship do you have anyone you’re rooting for not necessarily for the book sake or your I mean who do you want to

See I mean I you know for the book sake at this point I really don’t care uh I think we’re going to probably need both dogs I think we’re going to need the Lions and I think we’re going to need the Chiefs lions and Chiefs I you know

Uh I I want that I don’t I mean I’m tired of momes I hate the Ravens but I do like those Lions I yeah I don’t not want to see the Ravens win no one wants to see the Ravens win do they besides Lamar Jackson and his fans my wife’s

Torn she hates the Ravens but she hates momes too she’s Raider fan oh okay so you know hates Kansas City who they that’s who they hate the most right so Chris do you think he’ll be moving past the seven in that San Francisco Detroit game yeah yes you think it will yes I

Think if you want to bet San Francisco I would bet him now cuz are they still six and a half or seven no they’re seven but I mean it’s seven juice there we’re like the last seven flat I think in town right now wow so yeah I would bet him

Now okay all right well we we always what’s up you got Dennis we got DN we’re gonna take a break real quick make sure we get them all set up Dennis can you hear us there you take a break all we’re gonna take a two-minute break Chris

Stops by unannounced parlay gives us a Deacon Jones story he gives my Foster Brooks joke always welcome here but you didn’t hire Ryan is that the story so I’m putting that on an an did all right good bad Andi that’s than Mr Andrew that’s Ann’s boy all right we’ll be back

In two minutes with Dennis Evans live in Kansas City South Point offers all the types of entertainment you’d expect at a first class Las Vegas Resort did you know our 400 seat showroom is one of Las Vegas’s top destinations for live entertainment enjoy live performances by classic Vegas entertainers bands and Today’s Hottest

Comedians plus a rock and dance floor you can also enjoy live entertainment at the Grand View Lounge where you’ll feel all the Vibes of Old Las Vegas enjoy the music and if you love to laugh don’t miss the dirty at 12 12:30 our very own free comedy show every Friday night at

12:30 a.m. in the Grand View Lounge the dirty is 100% free so arrive early go to or call the box office at 7713 for today’s performances at the showroom and the Grand View Lounge when you’re ready for your favorite cocktail stop in and unwind at one of our seven specialty lounges

There’s a bar around every corner cuz you’re in Vegas baby South Point Casino has plenty of attractions for the whole family catch a movie our 16 screen movie theater includes two XD extreme screens for the ultimate in viewing sound and luxury after the show treat the family

To a variety of treats at our oldfashioned ice cream parlor Kate’s Corner we scoop up a variety of creamy concoctions including smoothies hand dipped cones milkshakes malts sodas and Sundays at katees there’s something for everyone and if you still got time to spare our Bowling Center might be right up your

Alley voted best of Las Vegas it’s a great place for friends and family fun 64 Lanes a pro shop snack bar and arcade and while the kids are bowling you can play Slots and sip on a drink in the alleycat lounge while overlooking the lanes for our more serious and

Professional bowlers the South Point is also home to a separate tournament bowling Plaza Metal Sonic 64 says Su Frank what’s up Metal Sonic 64 Joey B well done Ryan just busting your chops Bob Dell says wow Carlos alaz Zaraki I watched Reno 911 very cool Carlos will be on the show tomorrow and by the way uh Carlos uh

Alaz Zaraki um is very funny guy he was the Taco Bell dog he was the voice of yir Taco Bell so he bought a house with with that is what our friend Graham Melwood said or Tom mlan said Chris Andrews Story Time needs to be a regular

Segment I agree Joey B that is I and I believe he used to do something like he used to do a story time on his old podcast so I love Chris uh story times got several books out too and yeah you can go on Amazon and get Chris’s books

They’re highly entertaining the one then one day is the one you want to get so go and buy his book Joey B you won’t be disappointed and mini Dar the race book manager had a Steeler shirt on South Point is Pittsburgh West that’s that’s a comment Jerry I’m reading Jerry don’t

You open that grease marker I swear to God keep it capped all right anyway ladies and gentlemen this gentleman this gentleman has been on the show this is maybe like his fifth time and he’s he it’s opposite day so instead of in the backseat of the minivan he is in the

Front of the minivan live in Kansas City it’s our friend Dennis Evans ladies and gentlemen hey Dennis what’s going on guys so it’s National opposites days there’s something you regularly do that you could do the opposite of today uh you know it’s a good good question shower maybe go work mat

Shower that’s me on a Thursday I skip Thursdays I love it Dennis I love it so uh Dennis trying to conserve water exact that’s what I’m doing I’m very green so um you’re in Kansas City right now your Chiefs are in the AFC Championship uh Ann’s first question she want to know

Where you at the freezing cold game you know what here’s the thing I have sense and I was like you know what if somebody else wants the freezing cold game let them have at it I mean I can’t seriously I cannot even put in words what it was like just in Kansas City

During that time period I mean I’ve been some places where it’s been cold before but it was just ridiculous everyone had you know broken pipes I mean there you know heat wasn’t working at a lot of houses and I just thought to myself what would make anyone go and sit outside now

Granted I could have sat in the Press Box but just even the thought of going out there when there’s a perfectly good television and no line in the bathroom I mean I I’d much rather you know stay at home but I mean the people I know who

Went I mean said it’s the coldest that they’ve ever been I mean they treated a lot of people for Frostbite the players even said the good thing is it doesn’t matter where they go or where they play from now on they will never play in a

Game as cold as that my God that it’s just too cold that’s just that’s that’s I mean but the NFL they don’t cancel games for cold lightning is the only reason they’ll they’ll stop a game but that that seemed just dangerous to your product out on the field but it’s the

Playoffs you have to do it I wonder if a regular season game maybe they would have moved it to Monday like they do sometimes who knows but uh so anyway we were hearing a lot of that people saying you know are they going to cancel this game but it’s football it’s Kansas City

It’s Arrowhead that’s just what people do and I mean you know it it was I was surprised towards the end of the week you could get tickets you know those upper level tickets at Arrowhead even on like the worst game are you know typically in like the 50 to $200 range

And you could get tickets in the upper level for you know 30 40 bucks and lower level for you know1 $150 and that’s unheard of at Arrowhead and I think there what they some like uh some of the cheap seats down to like $15 before the game or something ridiculous and then

With the fees you know $275 so there you go that’s how those sites work exactly it’s kind of like even go that I was just going to say it’s like like those deals in Vegas where it’s like come stay for $35 a night on Thursday and you had

It parking and everything else like you know $195 so yeah it’s very similar now speaking of Las Vegas let’s just hypothetically speaking the Chiefs win this week which by the way I’m rooting for them you know I can’t see the I don’t like the Ravens I’m rooting for

Your Chiefs are you coming out to Vegas for the Super Bowl absolutely so let absolutely I will be there let’s get our agenda together I’m I’m I’m counting on you for the social activities so yes yes I will be there Ryan you’re the social director I believe right right for all

He’s like our Casino Host that no that’s uh that’s Jerry tro that’s Jerry Jerry Jerry surprise yeah we’d love to have you out here I mean listen that listen if the Chiefs go to the Super Bowl I’m happy because it’s not the Ravens but secondly I’d be happy because Dennis

Evans and what we’ll do is is um we’ll go to like a prop house or something and we’ll get like a minivan backdrop when you sit in the studio so it make sure that you look comfortable in your minivan because that’s you know it would only make it would only make me feel

Comfortable I’m I’m Studios keep that for you fancy guys I’m about the car I bet you have I need the lighter right do you have the heat running do you have the heat on what’s the temperature where you’re at no it’s not not right now it’s raining it’s raining okay it’s just

Raining not really not really cold it’s going to be colder and Rainier in Baltimore than it is you know it is here so the Chiefs are actually practicing indoors just because it’s so sloppy outside that they couldn’t get in and outdoor practice today do we know the weather in Baltimore this weekend uh

Ryan can check on it for us so um yeah they staying rain rain okay rain rain rain so how do you feel about the game I mean look Mahomes I I was shocked when I read this I didn’t realize every year that he’s been a starter he’s made the

AFC Championship six times six six years as a starter six AFC champ seems like he’s been in the league a lot longer already but I mean it’s only because his I would have said oh he’s been in the league eight or nine years by now but

It’s it’s like six and then one year studying under uh what’s his face but anyway uh Alex Smith Alex Smith very good number one overall pick from Utah if I’m not mistaken and the same year Alex Smith went number one uh Utah also had the number one basketball player go first bogot Andrew

Bogot am I right Jeff Jeff parl was giving me the thumbs up and Dennis Evans is agreeing with me I don’t know why I’m looking at Ryan Jeff Dennis Evans no I’m not gonna mention Aaron Rogers so uh how do you feel about the game what’s uh

What do you think about your your your Chiefs this weekend you know what here’s the thing I’ve learned this the hard way betting against Patrick is a is a Bad Bet I mean it’s a really a Bad Bet the only thing that really scares me about

This is you know offensive guard Joe tun probably not going to play this week and I’m really not sure if uh nauy Derek NY their nose guard is going to play so you saw early in the game last week against the bills the bills were able to run the

Ball I still I don’t get this and I’ve seen the Raiders do it I’ve seen a few teams do this against the Chiefs they come out and they have like this set game plan and it’s working I mean what the bills were doing was working against the Chiefs they were basically using

Like those little quick passes almost like an extension of the Run game and was working and then they get away from that once you get away from it and get back to like kind of a normal offense the Chiefs will stop you and so I’m a little bit worried about you know

Baltimore’s ability to run the ball and the Chiefs have played against a Miami defense that was grabbing guys you know out of 7-Eleven and putting them on the field then you had the the bills who you know they were pretty banged up at some key positions so this is going to be the

First true solid fully healthy defense that they faced in a while so I’m going to be curious to see what the offense is able to do against them and again with the offensive guard missing that’s that’s a big part of their offense you know have Trey Smith in the middle and

You know these guys have a good offensive line but I think when you take tuny out of there I’m I’m worried about what the offensive Line’s going to do uh the thing I don’t know the one factor none of us know is what’s Lamar going to

Do in clutch time we’ve seen him in you know against Houston you’ve seen him do you know his thing but this is an AFC champion ship game he he doesn’t know about this level of competition so I just don’t know how he’s going to respond so that I mean it makes it such

A I know I’m not trying to Waffle here but I mean I just don’t know I would bet the Chiefs because I just always bet on on Patrick now because I just know he come clutch time he’s going to do his thing but if Lamar shocks all of us then

It’s a completely it’s just a completely different game it all comes down to him well you’re talking about how Patrick always comes through you know this poor guy Tyler bass who missed you know wide right in Buffalo missed a field goal how much time there was 90 seconds left

Right there was 90 seconds well over a minute well over a minute so everyone’s really hard on this Tyler Bas guy and I just anyone who says that to me I go hey look you don’t think with a over a minute that Patrick Mahomes wasn’t going

To get into field goal range and let Harrison Buckner whoever his name I mispronounced but buter I mispronounced his name I said I think of Bill Buckner every time Jeff uh anyway um you know Mahomes was going to win I mean it’s like they were chiefs were still going

To win I mean I’m sorry yeah all they needed was AI goal all they needed was a field goal to win and uh that’s right and Tyler Bass by the way I’ve seen that he’s gotten donations over $100,000 for a cat Foundation he works with so that’s

Nice cat Foundation yep yeah so uh good on Lucky cats yeah lucky cats right yeah right there so because he missed a field goal there’s a lot of kitties are doing all right but um so anyway let’s talk about the NFC how do you feel about the

NFC oh by the way the Chiefs are plus4 here plus four now so that I mean come on when it was three I was like boy I like that three and a half getting the hook now I’m getting four points I like that even more oh

Yeah well what’s the stat Ryan so the Chiefs are now 10 and one against the spread since December of 2017 as underdogs away from home they’re also nine and two straight up wow those games W there you go that’s all je Jeff talk would Jeff will break down some of those

Numbers when he comes on after Dennis Dennis now the NFC we got the Lions who it’s America’s team right now that’s who everyone’s rooting for uh me included I I love to see the story and you got the ners so how do you feel about the NFC

Right now here at South Point we have the ners by seven and the over under 52 I I would I’d take the seven points and the Lions I definitely would take the Lions and and the points I think the lions are going to shock some people I

Don’t think I mean I think San Francisco’s pretty good but I’m just not a huge huge fan I’m really not sold on them I’m not sold on pry and the playoffs NFC Championship game it’s it’s the same thing thing with him I need to see him do something even though you

Know G’s not you know he kind of is who he is he’s been in some big games before he he understands that I don’t know that perie knows what it’s going to be like and I just love that Detroit culture I think that Campbell is is in instilled

This culture there that is so tough that I really don’t think that they’re going to lose I just can’t imagine them losing that game even at San Fran I think when it comes down to it plus I don’t know the deos you know fully healthy and they

Need him really healthy to be able to beat the Lions I just I like the lions in that game and giving me seven points I would definitely take them now where are you g to be watching the games this weekend this weekend I’ll actually be in the studio here okay you know anchoring

And doing stuff for the games we’re hosting a bunch of specials at the TV station so I’ll be doing that and watching the game and hoping they win so I can get to Vegas either way I think I’m coming to Las Vegas for the Super Bowl now where now when you come to

Vegas what do you like to do in Vegas do you go to shows is there certain restaurants what game do you like to play what do you what’s what’s a Dennis Evans Vegas weekend okay so it’s been modified over the years I don’t know that we I get it we all we’ve

All had to do that it’s been modified over the years we couldn’t even begin to broach the topics of where I went before but now as the family man that I am right right right um I definitely uh you know so I have this thing I got it off

Sanr son and I just San best TV show ever was the best Ryan have you ever heard of Sanford and Son Ryan Ryan has no idea what we’re talking about but anyway red fox yeah exactly all right Weezy I’m coming I’d be Grady you’d be

Bubba that’s what a big one it’s a big one all right anyway I said Wheezy that was so I walk past I walked past the I I’m I have this weird I can’t watch gamble like I can’t play Blackjack I can’t sit there long enough I don’t have

The patience I walk up no logic at all to this none but I walk up and I wait for the roulette to hit about three to four red in a row and I bet black and I mean I’ll bet like some stupid amount of money on it and like in my head it’s

Like it’s due it’s not do it’s just not doe there’s no logic to it but that is how I gamble I just walk and I’ll go from table to table and just look and I’ll throw you know few hundred on you know on the black and then that’s it so

I’m not really you know believe it or not last time I was out there we walked around and we went and got I mean I ordered a drink at the bar and it was like $17 and I was like what happened to the free drink thing like what is this

I’m like we’re not doing that so we went and got a couple of bottles right and a bottle you know mixed it up and we just walked around sipping out of our cups for the night and just people like I like the people watching Vegas I don’t

Have the patience for a show I don’t and sit somewhere I just like to and people watch I don’t want to be in the nightclub watching 21y old no I can’t tell you don’t want to be the old guy in the club as Chris Rock said anytime

Anytime I walk in a club now like always the last one to know he’s the old guy in the club exactly it’s the worst well my guy we we really hope you come out for V you come out well regardless you said you’re coming out well uh we got to have

You in the studio you got to stop by here and what we’ll do is we’ll uh record him going to a roulette wheel and see how he does if we’ll get the permission to record you and see a big win uh and I good luck to the Chiefs

This weekend so you’re thinking who are your two winners you’re going to go with the Lions I’m definitely going lions and and I I think Chiefs definitely to cover and but my my only hedge on here is Lamar plays the way he’s played all season long yeah than I then I like them

But I just don’t know that he’s going to do it in this game all right uh Dennis it’s all you’re one of our favorite guests we we always appreciate the time uh Ryan any final thoughts for for Dennis Evans It’s Raining yeah yeah you know it’s you’re one of the most famous

By the way we we again you’re one of our favorite guests but there was a shot last time you were on it was snowing in the background and Ryan yelled it’s snowing and uh well he trying he was trying to tell me he went like this goes

Break it’s snowing but he said it and you went yeah it’s snowing I know anyway and you got back to your thought well no I was trying to say it and you weren’t understanding what I was saying I tried to like yeah charad it try was going

Like this I’m like what I thought it was Wayne’s World I didn’t know what was going on but yeah anyway uh Dennis I think the final thing Ryan should do is he should on YouTube after the show before Sports by the book he should watch an episode of Sanford and

Son by the way I let me tell you a quick Vegas story before I lose you Dennis hold on one second it’s a red red fox was a notoriously very dirty comedian now Billy Christal told this story Billy Crystal is a young comic and uh and red

Fox is playing in Vegas so Billy uh you know gets a ticket to go see red fox and it’s a midnight show so he gets there and Billy gets there and there’s like six people in the audience and and and Billy’s like oh my God it’s red fox he had already done

Like an eight and a 10 he’s like doing his third show there’s no one there so Crystal’s like oh my god well I’m still gonna get to see red fox right so uh the announcer comes on welcome to S hotel please welcome from Sanford and Son red

Fox and the band’s on stage and they play which was the theme song right red fox comes out he looks angry grabs M goes I ain’t doing a show for eight white people boom and he throws the mic down on stage and he walks off and the band goes because they knew their

Instructions you play Red up you play Red off and he left and Billy Crystal’s going red what about the show what happened so that is a true story and on that note Dennis I love that isn’t that you I’m telling you it’s a great story

So anyway thank you so much for being on the show we will see you in Vegas no matter who’s playing you got to come out all right we’ll be back with Jeff parl to talk about these Championship Games look at some parlay cards uh thank you for watching on YouTube we’ll be right

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You right in the middle of the action 24 hours a day the friendly ticket Riders are happy to help and it’s conveniently located next to the famous Delmar Deli where you’ll find super sized portions of delicious deli items like roast beef Pastrami and Reuben sandwiches or soups salads and Pizza Plus spectacular

Desserts Fit For A King and right next door is the race book over 150 seats each with its own TV screen There are 16 interactive player terminals so you can bet right from your seat Ah we have a good time here on this show tell we appreciate you guys watching all you regulars in the live comments thank you uh by the way so I told the unedited version of the story right as we took a break and this is the shot we got of

Dennis Evans hearing me as laughing is I mean b the story is the same it’s just a little more a little more language to it explicit yeah a little more language but anyway as I’m saying it Dennis was still there and then his feed cut off but that’s the

That’s the picture we will use forever perfect absolutely I mean look at him right there uh speaking of perfect this gentleman who’s always uh the most has all the numbers he’s perfect ladies and gentlemen Jeff parl is here from Sports by the book which is today at 3:00 I

Know a lot of people disagree with what you just said I always appre apprciate the kind words Frank now it’s opposites day no Jack but it’s our show you dress a little more I’m a little more casual I didn’t wear his cars coat no I was I was

Going to say I didn’t have my uh my my my Joseph Technicolor jacket uh in all honesty I didn’t have that today so uh I like you in the blue hoodie yeah it’s nice and comfortable it’s beautiful by the way it’s a beautiful day here today it’s very nice out and therefore the

Casino’s packed we have a lot of people out here and that means I had to park um you went in the garage far no I didn’t do the garage the garage when when we when we start when we start doing shows yes in May in in June when it’s hot when it starts

Getting hot the garage is where you got to go well I think it’s packed though I think the just go higher levels higher maybe the fourth level I I would go higher than that is there I’ve never been higher than well when you own six

Levels when you own a hog like me you get to Park about the parking garage if you are not turning into a floor get in the left lane and go up you do not need to be in the right side if you’re continuing going up Ryan’s on the Soap

Box ladies and gentlemen not as easy as you think in that garage over there but when you have a hog like when you’re riding when you’re riding a bike like me if you’re going up yes yeah because anyway the garage we this garage talk ladies and gentlemen that’s what we all

Expected punch Lions garage talk anyway uh you heard uh our buddy Dennis Evans there in KC he’s Ru for the Chiefs but he likes the Lions to win the game and I’m not there I didn’t think you would be I’m not there you know it’s

So start in the NFC side because of that so it’s fascinating because we need to see what’s going to happen with Debo right if Debo doesn’t play then the Lions become even more live because you look at the numbers like San Francisco best offensive football win they healthy

Not there’s not a debate just the way that the numbers are the way that they’ve eviscerated defenses and then when deot doesn’t play in the three games he didn’t play they only averag 19 points per game py turned the ball over a bunch uh we saw what happened in that

Game last week when Debo went out other than that last DFT of game where Joe Barry went inexplicably soft uh and inevitably cost him his job in Green Bay by the way I didn’t see much of that game cuz I was at The Carrot Top show oh

With your paper ticket yes with my paper ticket I the paper ticket that was Friday no Saturday I was at the Penguin game Sorry did the paper ticket make it to carop it made katop by the way was front row seat I’m me have I said this

On air already I think I have it was excellent it was a fantastic show he comes out and does some prop stuff because you know that’s that’s his brand but then he had music cues and he had some videos was I highly recommend car going have to have to go over there

While status a hell of a show and the giant we saw the giant Dorito up close at cover in the luxur so I apologize for interrupting about Debo and the no no no no look that’s very important that what you talking about theack Joey B is gonna

Love the update though Jo Joey B just wrote over under on colors of hoodies that parl owns oh okay I’m not goingon to tell you the line how many hoodies do you own I’m I’m I want to hear his line because I I I want to see if this

Continues the trend of Joey B not knowing how to make a number over under he has it at seven and a half it’s actually a good number for once Joey be you Joe Dennis Evans laughing at that look at that uh you know what I you know

What I have to get back to you on that oh man because I don’t know what what like different colors yeah I don’t know now different shades of blue count does different Shades of Gray count oh yeah sure then I’ll have to do a count I’ll

Get back to the next by the way I’m way over and I have a feeling way I’m way over on colors on on just hoodies on hoodies in general I’m over but I can sit colors it’s a little it depends on if we’re if we’re counting different

Shades of green because I have jet hoodies that are different shades of green I have I have multiple shades of blue hoodies like it just by the way the only way to take off a hoodie by the way to look really badass is this he looks like

Darth say you beat me to it I was going to say you look like Palpatine Something Something Dark Side Execute Order 66 what was that that that pretty good I was just doing Family Guy they their their one parody is something something duck that was pretty good though you

Have to do that I taught Bob Dell that move you know what I do you know what you know what movie that which movie that was from what Ryan is just uh what did he I couldn’t hear him actually Execute Order 66 I said it a little more pronounced uh

That’s from Return of the Jedi thanks J oh three oh it goes four five6 uh clones I don’t watch anything but four five and six Jerry revenge of Revenge of the Sith yeah you know I’ve only seen those like once well look Order 66 is when they the

People the people the people do not like the the prequel trilogy which is the middle movie exactly wait what the four five and six no one one one he’s talking about an order of being made the middle movies order Star Wars one two three which is technically movie four five

Correct exactly I don’t like those yeah are the weakest when we do numbers on this show the most recent Trilogy is the weakest Trilogy I don’t agree with that the original trilogy is the best obviously then I would go to Oh Mr Ryan I if you’re doing opposite day I’ll accept it

If you’re not saying four five and six are the best you’re actually saying no five and six yes I hate A New Hope I hate the original wow uh oh that if any any if any movie needs a remake that one needs a remake wow I don’t know well

They kind of did it the one with the aw what’s that yeah it’s the force awakens yeah the force awakens is a remake of that it’s the same movie but with a girl exactly why the newest Trilogy sucks all right Bobo alive to Mo on Bob

Watching having a heart attack how do we get here can we back to Deo Samuel real quick Jerry doesn’t like Star Wars in general so just throwing that out there Jerry St Trek guy no he’s no bro I like Sonic no bro I

Like ly to the ear so far no bro I like Sonic I I can’t argue that logic but if Deo Samuel doesn’t play I I don’t know how we got on that tangent but whatever color jackets uh it’s your hoodie default my um Divo Sam if he doesn’t play then this is then

Then I can justify people betting Detroit but you don’t see them winning if Debo doesn’t play they can win is he that much of a difference I think I agree with what Vin has said even though Christian mcaffrey I would say is their best player right Debo

Samuel has meant more to that offense this year when he’s been out than when mcaffry has been compromised oh okay and I think the one thing is look Detroit’s pass defense is horrible Detroit’s run defense is perfectly fine okay so if they hone in on M if they like slow

Mcaffrey running down a little bit and say you know what if Brock py can beat us without Debo there yeah then they beat us okay I think that’s just where it comes down to even though don’t at fools this is kind of of Lulu blueish it

Kind ofi color this uh this hoodie that I’m wearing today now the AFC but uh I I but but finish it off I I love the over in this game I’m pulling at you the the the conditions there we go run over there we go the conditions are just

Perfect on Sunday in Santa Clara okay it’s GNA be mid 60s it’s going to be no win love it so it’s going to basically be the equivalent of an indoor game in right so and Ryan pointed this out uh Todd for tweeted this out whatever it

Was yesterday or two days ago the church just playing her second outdoor game basically since Halloween oh wow and it’s going to be ideal and Jared gof look Jared gof when the conditions are ideal even if it was outside and it goes back to his time with the Rams when he’s

In ideal conditions the dude can really play it’s when it gets cold and when it gets inclimate weather is when gof starts playing poorly if you had the weather last week where it was raining even though it was pretty warm I’d be concerned about Detroit okay think this

Is an over game I don’t think Detroit even if Debo’s out I still think Detroit will have problems stopping San Francisco and I think the Niner defense a little bit overrated they haven’t shown me much of anything since the Jacksonville game where they ate Trevor Lawrence multiple times right uh I I

Would I would look over 52 you like over 52 even at 52 51 was what I bet but 52 is still good to me okay I love it all right and then the ASC game obviously it’s the Chiefs Patrick Mahomes back in the AFC Championship game it’s like a

Repeat but uh you know they earned it and they you know it’s the Ravens who I don’t like but the line’s four I now I liked it at three and a half I liked it at you know four now I mean what do you think it’s a it’s a take or nothing at

This number it’s a take or Nothing But as we brought up on Sports by the book yesterday you have to monitor Joe thuny who is to me the best lineman on Kansas City and that’s Dennis was talking about he he he sounds like he’s not going to

Play okay and if he doesn’t play that’s a massive downgrade whoever slides into that position and the way that b Baltimore’s defense plays I mean they can Rush from the outside but their interior guys are so good as well that if they collapse the pocket and allow

Those interior guys to get the momes I’m not going to say you’re looking at a game like that Super Bowl against Tampa because that was extreme because Kansas City didn’t have either they’re starting tackles they were down they were down three offensive linemen in that and I thought Mahomes played amazing in that

Game but they couldn’t move the ball because I couldn’t block yeah um but I would be very cautious if thuny gets ruled out of taking the points even though it is Ryan brought up the numbers I mean it’s Mahomes is you’re essentially betting against Tom Brady as an underdog

Basically with Mahomes that’s not quite Brady’s numbers were not quite what mahomes’s numbers are because it’s a shorter sample size with Mahomes is an underdog right but it’s essentially what you’re doing at this point it would be a take or nothing for me in this game I do

Think Baltimore wins so like our guy Ryan and Alex uh you and Alex both laid shorter money lines on Baltimore earlier this week no problem with that you laid a170 I think Alex laid a175 200 right yeah I had no problem if he did that early in the week I wouldn’t

Do that now with it now basically $2 what you have the lay okay all right so uh do you have the chart of the the the awards the NFL awards do you have that graphic not not a chart no what what do you got uh well so the MVP is down to

Lamar Jackson’s gonna win he’s going to win that now but for me the defensive player of the year well who are the final five miles Garrett TJ W let me let me get it real quick um Micah Parsons and uh Deacon Jones I don’t think it was

Deacon Jones well he wor number 7 well you well 75 is a great one you that’s why we haven’t done Jones you have all the Longs you You Mean Joe Green and and his Co and his Coca-Cola bottle I know right that’s why we didn’t we haven’t

Done Brown’s a I mean what Jonathan Brian ree is solely just making it because of his tenure here in Vegas yeah well J he always throws in a hockey player right so so you you you want you want to fun Ryan reev story real quick because uh when I was in Missouri Ryan

Reeves of course was on the St Louis Blues and and that was before the blues had won a cup and a lot of people actually in St Louis blamed Ryan Reeves for postseason failures there especially in those series Lo in that I think it was 2013 the year that the Blackhawks

Were down and it was the first year of the new pods okay and the Blackhawks beat the Blues in seven with winning game seven in St Louis and a lot of people blame Ryan Reeves for that in St Louis which was totally unfair um but so

When Reeves got the the vas it was a hockey game before the pandemic right before the pandemic February 2020 there were playing the Islanders uh I was at the game always like firing first gold darts okay and I took Ryan Reed for whatever reason he was 100 to one okay

And they actually started Vegas started the fourth unit that game I’m thinking all right great maybe I’ll get something flooky the only reason they started the game was go Ryan Reeds could get in a fight on off the opening face which is classic Reeves of course the game landed

One- nothing Vegas I think it was only a Stevenson goal was the only goal in that game it memory serves me correctly your memory usually is correct yeah it could be wrong it was a left-handed shooter so Stevenson would make a whole lot speaking of fights off the puck drop

There were two last night in the uh uh Arizona Coyotes Florida Panthers game opening Puck Dr of the game but it was a very lame fight as gu lost a very lopsided hockey game as well that one um but um who so going back to defensive

Player who are the other two there’s Don Bland Max Crosby miles Garrett Mah Parson t Bland who is only and I sex is a sexy stat I’m just going to say this Theon Bland was the 10th best corner in the NFL most this year six touchdowns

Right uh and the only reason he’s in there is because of the pick six record and then we saw what happen once teams really started attacking him in the smart way right um Matt you know it’s funny I actually think Max Crosby has a legitimate argument but he has no chance

Of winning I agree um but it’s it’s got to be Garrett it just has to be I there it is is this oh wait where’s the stat do you have the the other thing though where TJ watt leads miles Garrett in every stat it’s like 10 numbers it’s

Still going to be Garrett and Garrett disappeared the last three games of the year it’s still gonna be Garrett I’m telling you I I look if if watt won the award I wouldn’t care I I also if Parsons won the award I wouldn’t he I just it Bland wins the awards it’s the

Big it’s the biggest farce since Steve Nash won his second MVP award in Awards over Shack or whatever he’d be Kobe we’ be one year he’d be Jason kid which was a farce and then the other year he’d be Duncan and Kobe right and Kobe should have Kobe should have won the award

Going away that year um but uh yeah regardless but back then shouldn’t have Shaq won every year was I mean there’s a legitimate argument that if you’re that dominant with not shooting from outside of a foot you should win the MVP every year I think you do have an argue

Exactly right uh what were we gonna were you gonna say something Ryan sorry no the most interesting one for the two most interesting ones far away are the coach of the year and and the comeback Player of the Year you go right Deo DeMarco Ryan Ry I would vote I would

Vote for Kevin stefansky yeah stansky I me personally quarterback where you have look they exceeded expectations if if Indian it’s weird because if Indian won that last week I would say give the award to styken yeah he did a great job but even though Houston won and remember playoffs don’t matter

So forget that Houston annihilated Cleveland in the playoff game but it’s weird because Ryan is gonna get and this is I don’t think this is right but I’m just going into the mind of the voters where the it’s some of the voters are are should not be voting on this um Ryan

Is going to get hurt by the fact that CJ strout’s going to win offensive Rookie of the Year that’s true and I don’t know if that’s right right but even if I had a vote I would still vote for stefansky because he started five quarterbacks and

Made the was it five jesz I five Ryan who would you vote for to break the tie I would go Ryan the coach of the year yeah sty Matt Eber no I don’t think so and then and then and then comeback player to year is interesting I think

Hamlin’s still GNA win if I had a vote I would vote for Flaco yeah uh I just the fact that the dude was on his couch and actually put the led the team to the playoffs is threw for bazillion yards granted he threw for nine billion interceptions too but it’s aing uh but

Hey that award maybe we’ll get you into that award show Frank maybe we’ll get you in what where is it is it here it’s here oh that’s right I believe it’s an MGM Garden Arena that’s right and if TJ doesn’t win I’m just telling you right

Now I’m pulling a Kanye I will run up on stage and interrupt miles Garrett’s acceptance speech and I will hit you know you know what will happen though that will that will not only lead to your expulsion from Radio Road I Le from our expulsion from Radio Road not out

All right ladies and gentlemen what a great show today we appreciate Dennis sens being on uh it is opposites day but I do want to disagree with Ryan on the whole Star Wars Trilogy and saying the origin you’re saying the original Star Wars believe that take the original Star

Wars wild awful is awful is Bob Dell Bob Dell where are you Bob Dell was on there today he will he would fight you for that and I thought you said Bob Dole for a second and I got confused that movie takes so long the lightsaber battles are absolutely garbage it was

1977 great I wasn’t alive then so I don’t have the [ __ ] God facade what did he say what what did I miss I stopped mid word anyway what did I miss I was looking down for I just saw somebody say I never the Star Wars talk nerds then I realized that was from

Jerry who works here you know what I agree with Jerry actually yeah man all right listen uh another great show again we appreciate it we’ve rocketed past 1100 subscribers yeah keep it going guys yeah keep it going everybody we really appreciate it make sure you come back in two hours to

Watch sports by the book with je who do you have on the show today well we’re gonna find where the Frank you are this is a fun this is maybe my favorite one far we’re find find out that that’s actually going to come at the top of the

Show I heard I know that’s excting little bit different uh our guy Kai mcken uh Scott spritzer uh a very good handicapper who’s been around the biz for a long time and then uh some guy named venzo oh Vinnie I haven’t seen Vinnie in

A while yeah guy Vinnie B I love it good show thank you everybody please share thanks for watching you subscribe we love you guys all thank you to Sean and we got Ann our director and and Jerry who kind of yelled at us about Star Wars

And Ryan it’s opposite day I I should I I should say oh I don’t want to thank you no I don’t deserve to thank you today we can you did a great job he did the show open is that an opposite quote or yeah it was an opposite thing I’m saying it’s

A good job an opposite quote I don’t know yes that that could be I’ll take that one yeah I didn’t do a good job today can you just show Dennis Evans again please we’re going to end on that oh we can all right anyway Dennis Evans laughing is the best anyway we’ll see

You tomorrow Big Show there it is Big Show tomorrow colos alaz Zaraki Kevin balanov with your pics and uh Joe Deo in studio with me we’ll see you tomorrow live punch signs live in Nevada every Show

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