6-Hole Power-Up Golf With Golf SideKick and Alex Etches

Join the ultimate golf trio – @alexetchesgolf , @GolfSidekick and Tim – as they dive into a wild 6-hole power-up golf showdown! The rules are stacked with surprises: from strategic 2-ball scrambles to sneaky ball tosses that don’t count as shots, and the challenge of tackling a hole with just one club chosen by the opponent. But that’s not all – watch out for the game-changing reverse mulligans and the chance to earn back power-ups with every birdie. Get ready for laughter, strategy, and a golf game that’s as unpredictable as it is entertaining!

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It’s on Tim and Mulligan if I you he that did he lie yeah that’s Cal so you cheated that’s Karm he cheated I’ve never played in any kind of conditions like this like wind wise I’ve never tried what an animal you have to be to play this putter I need a Bloody proper

Putter look at this thing man what is this guys we’re doing a uh PowerUp challenge with Matt golf sidekick Matt would play chinsky Alex etes correct is that your last name I say all right you like it I do it’s nice anyway we do PowerUp challenge six holes uh if you’ve

Seen the other PowerUp challenge here’s how it works we each get four powerups to start with that is one you get a throw or toss at any point doesn’t count as a shot so use that how you will second one you can play a two ball

Scramble you pick the hole and you say I’m playing a two ball scramble me and you get two shots at every one of the shots this a stroke play by the way the third one is actually something you can hurt one of your fellow competitors with

It is a reverse Mulligan they hit a good shot you just throw a ball and say hit it again and then the final one is there’s another way you can hurt one of your competitors you get to pick the hole that they have to play with one

Club of their choice ta to green one Club Savage six hole stroke play uh the other last rule to know is if you are winning you can’t use any of the powerups sorry last rule if if you make a birdie you get one of your powerups back boys play well but not too

Well right it’s right at theit a good one turn oh no for right how many degrees is that well none if you miss the face man is it bro I’ve got no grip on those shoes M he crushes it look at this guy what a man what a what AER I’m going to

Have the wetest feet at the end of this round lost that golf ball out here somewhere we could look for it longer but we got to keep playing so I’m taking a drop 116 yards into this flag like into the wind so trying to punch something up

There I think I did it I’ve never played in any kind of conditions like this like wind wise I’ve never tried never done this before um and it is absolutely brutal trying to figure this out as we go it’s going to be fun though absolutely G gous it’s just Windy not much else you can do bro that’s a big big ass slope there uh off the green here in three love that for us so just going to try to hit this up there by the pin holy cow going be it’s going to be a proper little on the on this surface

Yeah have to never put in wind like this before put it isn’t difficult already line and speed we’ve also got a gale force wind I thought I hit that too soft it was going to be short and it’s whoa oh my word wind didn’t hit it hey wind assisted wind didn’t hit

It what what’s the saying what did David F to say if it looks different from both sides sit it straight right well that’s what we’re doing oh man you want a what an animal you have to be to play this this pter philosophy is I’ve already bad it putting let’s just make it

Worse this is this is good guys love this with how much yours moved I’m now concerned it does it it it snaps right yes good good four good good so I know why I didn’t bu do that stick that in I don’t know if that’s a line but

That’s a damn that sounded great yeah that’s a damn fine over another hole damn fine shot right over there first time using it I think I need to order one what a shot how did you is this wind just straight into US yeah wow right in the long gr yes beautiful draw thank

You oh yes that’s fine that’s a stinker come on Tim what a shot look pick that head up come on let’s go no no that’s it’s uh that’s exactly what I was trying to hit I was trying to hit a slice oh boy what a day cross Breeze

118 into the breeze let’s punch an eight on oh beautiful I’m going to use a throw there what a man let’s go and make a let’s go throw it in the hole for what would that be an eagle right yeah 109 wind is into off the left uh

I’m going to hit a pitching wedge to try to punch out here to the left let wind bring it back yeah sure on the green on the green baby yes well done look at this Bobby dazzler going to work for me right now so thck go I’m going to employ my first throw

The best part about this one is that this is what I normally do in golf but this time it’s actually sanctioned and allowed landing spot let’s do it what a hand witch what a handwich all right look Matt had a good idea I’m going to try to do the same

Thing just start a little more right I’m actually going to go higher try to get to land softer Alex is gone it’s on slow the go go go go go go go go go all right that you’re up for everyone we all deserve these what the hell like there’s nothing in this who

[Laughter] sabot I’m so disappointed I’m disappointed as well shut up Alex that was not going off the green no it was not I can assure you you got that you got that thank you hold on that was a waste all three of us correct don’t to I want to show you the

Line and help you I’m going to go right to the windmill you might be through the Fairway oh it’s only like it’s what uh I think you can get through the Fairway with that oh get up I’m playing the two ball scramble on this hole okay good call

Oh man what a striker dude that’s long that’s just had to get that shirt off you know what I’m saying Matt’s taking a layer off he’ll have his shorts on next and join me I would but I don’t have any underwear got left behind house sinking

That would be some sight back to normal little two iron and another two iron two puts from around the green easiest game on the world oh I slipped big time that’s that’s fine now should be okay man this is really good eh I think you guys need to give me one of these

Bad boys yeah yeah yeah for sure the sound on it the last hole was ridiculous yeah yeah let’s plant a feather here to just grow a little bird Sky okay 129 cross wind I’m going to do another one of those shots not too bad on the green rest in peace go balls

Yeah not the line that today is it yeah so playing this blind with the yardage book and apparently you and I should not take the line that they recommend at all it’s gone hasn’t it yeah sit then probably going to hold the left Edge yeah it’s down didn’t to they don’t

Know the power of the chipped eight on I’m going to show it to them all the way around okay this is downwind that’s gone goodbye where’s that even going but I’m going to hit the 52 next and try to go a little lower go I’ve got I’ve got to play them lower

And let them roll more I just don’t ever do that so it’s not natural let’s do it bro yeah we got it we got it come on have you got your 56 Tim I do here you go me have a car and you were making fun of my

Running dude you don’t even know you know I used to run 100 m in 1050 sprinting 1050 so that little run you saw there that’s like athletic H I need a read bro I need to read what do you think left to right uh short is Miss a good

Line what a pu dud that wind held it up HH another drop lovely the wind just destroys that at the end I’m a bad putter already oh no God I need a Bloody profit pter look at this thing man what is this that’s so bad or

Six imagine what I would have shot if I only had one ball know you’re oh No so they tide at the but that means that means everybody can still use their powerups CU nobody’s in the lead okay what two 209 whoa 209 little left rator driver great ideas there we’re going to go full iron and just let that wind take it in it’s going to be

Beautiful that’s so short it’s up and down three that’s my link strategy wind any day now it’s above the wind bro where is that front got a four as well oh no be fine it’s just a little dog leg left part three all right just off the green not

Just stuff I’m off the green of WS on the right uh it’s into the wind though so I think I can actually just kind of fly this one to the pin and it should basically stop at least that’s the idea so we’re going over M killer manaro we’re going to stop

It at the summit and it’s just going to roll down the other side like this part sucks thanks I am well aware so hot come on come on see now this is the thing with these guys I don’t have my P here this was the exact same P the last silence silence

You can take it up you take it up look at this you see it oh wow p p thank you 518 par five ooh this runs out here that’s okay cool so on this hole uh I’m using my power that Matt has to use only one club for this par five and you’re

Using your uh two ball scramble yes I am cool that’s what we’re doing uh me and Alex are five over Matt is four over he can’t use any of his powers right now he doesn’t know who I am two what’s up no just you don’t know

Who I am no I know you keep you keep talking there’s nothing I can do about it though this the only thing I have man it’s it okay so I’m only using one Club so from 520 cross breze playing 540 divide by three easy game bro we’re

Going to be punching five irons down there I hit that I missed the grooves on that one so hopefully it’ll [Laughter] run oh boy that slipped oh you using a two ball scramble though go for the first one yeah yeah he’s going to need a three ball scramble cuz they know that

Matt’s got the five iron in hand that’s a runner that’s amazing I hit it so bad I have made good contact with one shot today just one oh wow we’re in trouble oh boy can I give him like a mulligan reverse can’t you give him a reverse Mulligan I can can

I no please no no you’re winning you’re winning we got to get you down yes this guy has no self-preservation he’s just use your yardage the yardage book no you can’t use this yeah yeah kind of stad down okay so that’s not a river that’s just a

Road H yep okay cool and the pin where is it can you see it straight down you see the end of those bushes it’s a about 10 15 yard 20 yards right of that oopsie oopsie is it in play see anything hey heads up guys that’s

M finally got a good shot baby let’s go what a lovely view huh lovely back Dr wind off hard off the right hand side going to try and hang it over the right hand side and it’s going to filter in and then go one bounce and then in double eagle albatross whichever I’m

Going hit an eight first two shots remember I’m going to go seven sorry get one up there and then go uh go aggressive with a second do now I’m sorry I I to change again have change you sure wait no yeah that was go my my shape in this wind is the

Disaster try it again here it comes here it comes that will work hopefully yeah first one’s a bit of a Loose Cannon and then we have to rain it in for the second okay we got 139 five iron these guys don’t know what’s hit them oh no oh

Boy okay no problem I thought we’re going to Bunker hair bum team I dude got to pull it out of my face this this hair is not built for the Scottish wind just saying it’s built for a L’Oreal commercial I got to punch this out to

The right and let it kind of roll down I think this is a good time to try a shot I’ve never done before actually pretty damn nice proper link shot there you know I had to pull my hair up in a bun six but let’s get this close am I putting with

This as well okay so I got to get this real close slow down stop stop stop oh boy stay on stay on that’s going to be trouble I mean be yeah okay so I think maybe we get one smart in a Dusty lid and then have a bit of a race

Going all right I’m going for it ah all right not bad one back oh just hit it once so [Laughter] bad you got that to oh no water a day that’s a good that’s good that’s good so what does that give 17 no I didn’t I’ve got a horrible feeling that

There’s going to be a surprise on that next te which includes a one Club we’ll see we it I believe the scores are Alex is at plus4 I’m at plus six you’re plus seven so I believe that’s where it stands Alex has to play this hole with one club and then we also

Both still have our reverse Mulligans so we’re going to really this is going to suck for you proud of you though you want to go first I just don’t want to cry if you see any tears no you know what you what I’m using one FL on Tim why I’m already

Losing cuz cuz I’m in Lost place he going to get up and B with a wedge but he’s not going to get there in one he’s not going to get there with a wedge it’s 150 something into the wind he’s going hit a wedge not from into the win 150

Something I can choose what club yeah okay there’s no chance whatever he has is going to be good enough lot to get up and down he’s a clever boy I’ve got a horrible feeling I’m going to get a mulligan as well if it goes well so I’ve got to play two good

Ones where is that going can I have a reverse malan [Laughter] nope you won’t want to oh no oh Dearing Oh no I got to hit two off the te that pretty much much that’s frustration that is the sound effects of this round that one so I’m going with a

Nine hang on look at that go sit don’t no is it on it’s on the it’s either on or it’s just rolled off left or down the bank that did a lot of moving reverse malan oh no oh no oh dear go over go I have no idea

Where that is maybe be over might be over it’s it’s on Tim it’s on Tim it’s on back left you see it it’s there look just see the boat yeah it’s there and Mulligan if I were you it’s just there get yeah Matt’s arms are up yeah I don’t

Know that’s a sounds so nice do did he lie yeah that’s basically game over that’s basically just that’s basically DQ I better go puted before they can say anything why did I tell him to do reverse migan I should have just let him play the second what an idiot oh that’s

Great doesn’t matter Alex but no I mean like wait he doesn’t have to use just one Club what are you doing I do no I had to no no I did that made me do it yes you did it on told me to do it I’m

Using one cl on Tim why I’m already told me to do it no he changed your that’sa so you cheat that’s comma he cheated wait a minute no yeah cuz Matt Matt said he was going to do Alex then he goes no I’m going to have Tim do it

And that’s why I went back and got an yeah so I had go for a big boy or the next two put a mock on that one tap her in good there you go Alex well done good phun that’s it for this video we got to keep moving thanks for watching see you

On the next one


  1. Started off with very confidential play from the boys. Great colab. 🏌🏿‍♂️💰😎🇺🇸🐊

  2. Alex hits a big swingin draw hooker like Busta…👍…🏌🏿‍♂️🎄😎🇺🇸🐊

  3. Got to love our golf in Scotland. Great series. One question – why does Matt not have his own clubs with him? Seems to use Alex’s all the time , or was it just one set of Takomos?

  4. Need to pump up my rounds played this year so I can play fun challenges like this with my group

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