Golf Babe

2024 Shelly Sharpe • R3F9 • Anthony Barela • Parker Welck • Peter Green • Andrew Filimoehala

2024 Shelly Sharpe Memorial presented by Spinners on the Green
MPO Feature Card – Round 3 • Front 9
Featuring: Anthony Barela, Parker Welck, Peter Green & Andrew Filimoehala
Camera: Spiicii Boii
Edit: The Disc Golf Guy
Commentary: Parker Welck & The Disc Golf Guy
Location: Shelly Sharpe Memorial Disc Golf Course, Tempe, AZ
Date: Sunday, January 21, 2024

Championship Sunday. What more do I have to say?

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00:00 – Intro
00:28 – Hole 1
03:43 – Hole 2
06:54 – Hole 3
09:21 – Hole 4
11:35 – Hole 5
15:16 – Hole 6
19:08 – Hole 7
23:48 – Hole 8
27:05 – Hole 9

Hello everyone and welcome to the third and final round of the 2024 Shelly Sharp Memorial presented by Spinners on the green Great lead card action coming at you we’ve got Anthony Bella out in front by four strokes over one Parker wel sitting at 15 also Peter Green we’ll

Have him on coverage for the first time and rounding out the card at 13 under Andrew filam Mahala guys you begged for it you pleaded you said he was great we got him back Parker wel joins me in the booth again how you doing man I’m doing

Great I’m happy to be here let’s get right into it whole one 284 ft we have that daunting triple Mando along with the OB left and long just get through the triple Mando here seen some low ceiling issues AB caught a tree early yesterday pretty consistent play so far

He opened with a nine under followed it up with a 10 now has a fourstroke advantage over you and Peter talk about the wind we’re seeing the flanner just a little bit and everybody was panicked over the uh pending rain that was coming weren’t

They yeah I mean we got kind of Lucky it was just sprinkles for most of the day but the wind was all right it wasn’t too breezy just just enough to maybe throw you off see the ground is a little more Compact and not quite as Dusty because of that sprinkling and rain

And Peter Park [Applause] job I’m tagging the left side doesn’t have any issues with missing the Mando so he’ll be throwing there this is a second going out of bounds long he should have a relatively close putt comeback what of a rough start just off the front of the

Cage and you’re almost in the exact same spot as there a little divot there yeah there’s actually a pin position there and I found myself in pretty much the worst possible footing you can be in on flat ground but uh we’re going to try and make it

Work about 38 feet or so to open up the round how are you feeling nerves wise when you step up it’s final round lead card um not too bad you know I love being on camera you know I’m just playing playing around with the guys again dead center that’s got to build a

Little confidence oh and he looked back at the camera yeah we got it we got it someone was feeling it spicy boy is out there capturing the action so Andrew goes deep and so this is a comebacker good hit I’m excited to watch Andrew play again well I mean we played

Today but I was focusing on my game um I’m excited to watch it not too long ago we saw his brother Cade also feels like every time I come to Arizona one of the two are playing well enough that see him on camera and Parker excuse me Peter had to

Run back just for his Park job we head over to two what are they trying to do well two 415 ft it’s kind of a pull if you want to go over everything on the right side or you can shoot up the Gap backhand or forehand

But there is a lot of low ceiling and trees you got to work with once you get closer to the PIN this is the new pin that they push back last year we saw them go to this 415 ft one it used to be only about 380 or

390 flips a tree down the Fairway and we’re seeing early that Peter is a big fan of kind of giving that kind of almost a not quite a chop but really going overstable on the forehands and then trying to have it fight back and that one’s a near Park

Job I think it’s fair to call it a chop okay maybe not quite enough Annie on that by Bella it’s going to leak out on the short right side Andrew electing to go for the big spike Heiser over everything oh just barely does not make

It back in bounds I believe we saw Drew do that in yesterday’s round so from there bogey at best just like we saw from Drew so Andrew off to a slow start here in the first two holes not quite low enough huh just uh did that one just get up and float on

You or trying to be aggressive just High out of the hand uh just you know an inch lower it’s under the basket but it’s all right out left really not any nerves I think for me this was more of like I’m still in that learning curve of these

Brand new Putters for me these are definitely a little bit more thick and wider than I’m used to so I’m still kind of getting used to them like that’s a personal jab thick and white Okay so what are you putting with uh out here cuz I’m sure everybody wants to know as

We see the birdie here by Peter so right now I’m putting with the steady BLS not typically a fan of the the large beaded Putters so went for more of that uh smoother feel anony doing a great job of saving par there and I also wanted to point out these

Guys are in shorts and a t-shirt it was really chilly out there today you’ll see me in pants I got the hoodie underneath the shirt um they’re uh they’re wearing some long sleeves and they’re taking it off to throw so it is pretty cool everyone’s definition of chill is a

Little different especially when you get to a place like Samui there where we’ll see 80° but 60 or 70% humidity gets warm quick there as we head over to three oh three 360 ft you just need to avoid going out of bounds right for the higher

Play and don’t want to mess with that tree on the right if you get behind it you don’t really have a putt very stable it’s going to fight back get a couple of Skips and I I’m definitely sensing a pattern here from Peter yeah I’ve played with Peter we

Played a couple practice rounds and he throws so far forand definitely up there in like AB range for sure we going an AB one with the putter going to leak out to the left side kind of short similar to where we saw him yesterday slightly turned over heading

For that danger tree but gets a nice little Skippy to the left and what are you uh what are you throwing there that was a rift it’s a great disc if you want to like hold whatever line you’re throwing it on Rella just a step inside the circle but dead center but finally

Picking up his first birdie here on the third hole and this has to be a branding issue right Peter green green shorts is that’s I mean green shorts aren’t that common to begin with right definitely not I mean if it’s a you said it was his first time uh here on camera

For you yeah maybe he’s trying to stand out here I I like it we see you pick up the birdie Andrew in short range maybe trying to get back on track here after a relatively slow start what they say at the usdgc green is good so like where he’s going with

This as we head over to Hole number four and hole number four 381 ft but it plays a lot farther only because you got to throw a giant heer over the right side I’m sure we’re going to see Peter throw a forehand cuz I feel like that’s all

He’s thrown so far but uh for the most part just uh hug it tight to that tree on that right have it come back left maybe get some ground play just give yourself a putt I feel like that’s a copy and paste from the previous two rounds Bella

Having no problems here with for this weekend and you guys noticed the teads they are just caked in dirt and wetness and if you guys have played out here before you know the teads are already kind of slick so imagine uh that times two and so with that I guess here’s what

We’re going to see one of those Solutions perfectly legal I think that’s a great question that some people will ask this is allowed to do of course and I think it’s quite the pro move I’m a big fan of that I think I was talking to someone else and he recommended putting

Socks over his entire shoe while playing in a in a wet round huh uh that that’s one I haven’t heard looks a bit wide skips back and the roll nice all right so some pretty solid drives here on four and if you’re out and going first that means uh some

Impressive shots for sure see if this is going to be the start hopefully it should be a birdie frame oh yeah look how close everyone is so with that Anthony should maintain a fourstroke Advantage now up a couple of holes uh on the third card we see that

Drew Gibson also getting off to a very hot start feels like round one and round three have been his rounds so far I want to say he’s something like five under through the first seven couple holes ahead of you guys but also started almost a dozen back of

You we head over to five all five we have the quad Mando 386 ft people are really just trying to land safe in the directly in the middle of the second two Mand give yourself maybe a putt for two but most of the time we’re just seeing a three Here you really have to make the decision right out of the gate right you’re saying I’m going to go after this or I’m going to lay up I think when you’re tentative and you’re in between that’s when you make a stupid mistake and then you you know Miss A Mando door

Take a bogey absolutely don’t second guess yourself on this One that flips up you’re trying to keep it a little more Center no problem with the Mando though [Applause] and that goes past so that’s going to be a missed Mando and that means he’ll go to a drop zone that’s the scary part about being aggressive with it that drop zone is

Very tough although you do get a look at uh saving the three it’s it’s hard to do very pretty shot there just a little forehand here should be routine oh oh no not routine wow lucky you didn’t actually go past the tree on that right side and actually

Miss the Mando but you are in terrible position yeah it was very close to going out cuz all you have to do is barely touch that plane and you’re out of bound so luckily we were safe there Anthony with the bid for two decent I feel like even on the putt here

You have to be completely committed either you’re for sure going for it and giving it a bid or you should just be throwing it right at the base of the basket with it being elevated you don’t want to leave anything left on the comebacker you stretch out to the

Left oh come on very nice there’s actually a hole in the tree if you uh go back and Rewind that right through the leaves in the top right I went straight through it that’s got to feel good yeah I mean saving power after what I did there was uh that was huge for

Me solid putt from Andrew to get that bogey keep his composure and pretty much the best you can do when you’re you like you said when you miss the Mando you have to go to that drop zone bogey is almost uh a given this is the whole I was thinking

That you know you’re making a push you’re trying to do something big on that final round this might be one where you’re saying hey I’m going to go aggressive and change up my game plan but for you guys couple of pars or three pars and the one mistake by

Andrew four stroke lead still for Bella big shout out to our friends over at Zing as we head to six now hold six 783 ft not the furthest par 4 in the world but you do have to get around some trees you’re either going to see a

Forand Heiser a backhand Heiser off the tea and whatever you can to get it close to the pin there’s OB left OB right and OB deep also playing to an elevated basket just for a little more challenge you talked about the teapad we’re seeing it there that’s about as

Messy as we’ve seen a tea out on this course ever and when you’re thinking Heiser here is that because you’re worried about your footwork or the shot that’s easiest what’s what’s kind of the thought process on a heer there as opposed to the forehand well there’s just a couple

Of things in the middle you got to just go around just to find that Landing zone so you just got to go to the left of it or just to the right of it and we see Peter with that Cho forehand leaking out Left that I don’t believe fight it’s back enough and you see that as it somewhat parallels hole number 14 over on that left side relatively routine there for Andrew oh and you called it that is Elite level forand power that’s ridiculous I I asked him what he threw

And he he said he threw a raptor which is and what he over 400t probably back there that’s that’s a bomb and not too shabby yourself what were you going beforehand with there that was also a raptor okay and I I perfectly kind of queued up unintentionally some people will ask

With DGA sponsorship what is it look like in terms of what you’re allowed to throw what you’re not allowed to throw do you have to lean on certain things yeah with with DGA um I’m trying my best to to throw the DJ discs and they’re all

Really fun to to throw but if there are some missing slots uh I am able to go to disc craft and you know use some of those Anthony not the best spot back there having to throw from a knee so he’s pretty short at least he has a look here

Solid bid to the elevated pin but I’m going to call the pace somewhat slow when you’re you’re talking just too under through the first six and although you started four back of them you’re going to pull within three now as you’ve gone three three under through the first SE

I think about 90% of disc golfers put where we saw Peter after the OB stroke and you’re not getting up and down and saving a par Absol not you’re throwing it out of bounds again from where he was if you try to throw it that

Hard yeah if not you know turned over to the left and out of bounds you maybe you’re putting too much on it carrying bring it over to the right you’re you’re right that was such an incredible power save and Andrew is going to pick up another birdie that’s going to bite him

Back to even big thanks to our friends over at Dietrich design and find a link in the description he’s in Arizona so he wants to help out with more courses here what are they doing on seven yeah s 645 ft we have OB left and OB right the

Right side does come into more play um low ceiling off the te you really just need to get it up in the middle so you have a shot to get on the island green and center cut and just when you were wondering where was that going unfortunately not

Getting clear of this very first tree it feels like those branches have been getting lower and lower throughout the years just a laser good ground play pretty much everything you want out of a drive here how does that stack up with what you just threw were you guys pretty similar

Yeah pretty close to each other I think he got me in Distance by just a bit of course but we’re both in great spots and a back end coming from Peter I guess you kind of are forced to do it here yeah this was his first one and he

May then second guess it cuz it looks like that’s going to be out of bounds the par is still possible here for Andrew after that first shot absolutely possible he put his second shot to where an insane drivew land so he has a pretty short up and down

Peter electing to go for it instead of laying up yeah another backand and that comes up short so he’s going to be out of bounds and have to go to the Drop Zone yeah to the Drop Zone it’s uh kind of like a mix between a a

Putt and a throw kind of That Awkward range finding the island without a problem oh and hits the placard seems kind of uh confusing as to if that’s in bounds or not Yeah we actually uh decided to take a provisional cuz I don’t think anyone really saw what happened and I’m not

Sure if the camera’s going to show what happened but I’ll let you guys in on it if it does this little forehand approach it feels like the weirdest time for the forehand and he goes with it there after backto back back hands so this was actually just a provisional toss okay so

Uh AB ended up actually being safe because his disc literally went through the wall it like chopped it okay so this is where it lands so this is the the real shot okay so this is for birdie yep on the left side chain not quite enough so just when he catches a break

Not able to take advantage of it got be a little frustrated with That likely a speed bump coming here for Peter after going three under in the first six he’s going to pick up the double bogey little bit of a momentum killer especially on a hole that doesn’t play as one of the most difficult out on the course and there is something I learned

About Peter as well he is the highest rated player in New Mexico sounds about right I think he comes in uh at an even 1,000 for his rating and you’re going to pick up birdie four under through seven that feels like a solid pace maybe more importantly too shy of

Bella some days it’s difficult getting it in the basket and getting it out like share subscribe do all the YouTube things appreciate you guys as we’re here at hole number eight just gorgeous yeah the ideal hole water carry into an island green 360t feet some people are going Hiser around everything

A lot of the time you’ll see people just go up the middle and try and land safe There even with a lack of wind I think we’re seeing more higher attempts here than normal in this iteration of the tournament you’re going straight up the middle kind of turns and just keeps fading over to the right side what is it that you’re throwing there it’s an ice

Steady BL I feel like I should maybe be throwing more disc there but that’s just what I was used to throwing so I continued it and there’s that big Hiser play when the wind is right to left it definitely helps a lot more but when it’s down like

That it’s kind of tough to even get it there just a putter for ab I believe as well right yes and that’s just outside of the circle 35 maybe 36 feet trimming some branches and finding circle’s Edge just off the front cage we see some

Of the gallery there I know it’s a big dat for football and also the rain’s probably keeping some people away but uh seems like there’s a good crowd out there trying to cheer you guys along absolutely uh everyone was doing such a great job of cheering for us it really

Felt that home out there and the stepper by Barella they put him to three under through eight back to the three stroke lead it was four at the beginning of the round now Peter trying to bounce back after the double those raised baskets will get you they’re sneaky yeah and this hole

Typically has a basket that’s almost lower than any other basket so this is the first time we’re seeing an elevated pin here on hole number eight and it’s kind of like a a weird elevated it’s it’s not too high and it’s like not like it’s kind of like that weird awkward range

That’s what I should hear from you guys in the comments we’ve got giveaways every single round every single video I put out that’s what I need to know though is uh how you guys feeling about raised baskets do you like them raised to uh an extreme degree or just a little

Bit does it really matter to you let let us know in the comments but also make your predictions if you really don’t know how this sh shakes out I think we’re going to have incredible battle especially as we’ll see Drew making a charge we also have a 30% discount for the distinguished

Doodle just type in the disc golf guy for 30% off as we head over to whole nine 482 ft a lot of water to avoid here and there’s actually a cart path on the right side you can’t see it definitely comes into play If you’re trying to go

Over the top you’ll either see like a forehand heer over the water or a backhand over the top of everything and the water is a little lower than normal out here yeah definitely makes it a lot easier for the forehand play well not this one now looks like he

Pulled it just a little too oh tried to get back in bounds that would have been pretty cool and so you went off the top of the basket in round number one here I actually went into the basket it went directly in the middle of the chains and it went straight through it

Unbelievable and this time you push way out and that’s going to give you a long look for birdie and then during round number two you got stuck in the tree didn’t you yeah the two meter roll man it’ll get you at the worst times as you can see Peter’s forehand

Power Pin High 482 foot hole I just think like those are two of the uh craziest extremes here on hole number nine splashing out and then also then getting stuck in a tree no shortage of excitement out here and that gets caught up not quite the line that Andrew

Needed so AB will go to the drop zone is that an option or is that required or what was the conversation like um I do well actually we couldn’t even find the drop zone for the the longest time we weren’t sure if this was the Drop Zone

But um I he can always reect to ret but he chose to go to the drop which is still a tough shot from that there yeah it is I want to say it’s about 3155 ft if I recall that’s where the foo plays from here you are with a birdie

Look and this is right when it started to to sprinkle a little bit harder so we’re all hiding under some umbrellas getting some wet discs as you can see we’re starting to uh miss metal here Andrew gets to here and then it’s going to jam that one in we saw some struggles

On the previous putting green whole nine is typically nobody’s friend when you’re out here like that one should have caught little high little left and sometimes you see that happen and now AB from almost the same distance has to step up with a similar putt you’re

Thinking is this basket not like me is it leaning is there something I don’t like about it not for him yeah makes the good adjustment and really escapes with the best score you can after going OB the way he did you keeping the disc protected to the last possible

Moment yeah definitely uh don’t put me in the category of people that like playing in the rain I think that’s a that’s a very small uh sample size Peter trying to grab that one out guys we’ve got just nine holes left to play Anthony Bella has a two-stroke lead at the

Moment but Drew Gibson charging he’s seven under through nine we’re going to see if he or anyone else can try and Hunt Bella down like share subscribe again we’ll see you guys for the back nine thanks for joining us


  1. Honestly, raised baskets are hell. Not necessarily a death putt. But they really test you competitively. In a professional aspect of the game I think it gives the right challenge in whether you wanna run it or play safe. Keeping scores in mind and mentally challenging the sport. Especially with weather conditions. My opinion, keeps it progressing and competitive. But a solid pain in the ass.

  2. Good coverage as usual "T Dawg"! Is it me or is Anthony growing every round. Pants got as short as those shorts his been wearing in previous rounds😄. And Drewson making a come bk..ok.ok.👀! 😎🤙

  3. I only watch last rounds these days. Disc golf just doesnt excite me anymore like it use to. Need more mcbeth and wysocki

  4. Parker close to a foot fault on putt on hole 5 lifted the foot that was planted where has disc was…

  5. I hate raised baskets, and I feel like they are unfair to shorter players in many cases. The basket isn’t made to catch at extreme upward angles, and in some cases they severely disadvantage players who are actually TOO close to the basket.

  6. Raised baskets are dumb. If it's raised naturally it makes sense IE uphill. But just having a longer pole is dumb.

  7. I think Raised baskets offer a nice switch up for certain holes. Makes you think about running it if placed in a potentially dangerous spot. More things to think about gives you more insight as to pro player mentality and I think that is very informative.

  8. To answer your question on basket height.
    Standard heights for all baskets. Land grade’s should be the factor, not the basket. Just my personal take.

  9. I don’t like elevated baskets. Never have. Never will. I want to be looking down at the basket as if it were a child 🤣😂🤣

  10. I always get a kick out of it when disc golfers say a putt should have stuck😂 there is no way 1 in from the metal band far left???😂 I would say spit out nine times out of 10

  11. Elevated/not elevated, it really doesn't matter which IMO, as long as you are "switching it up" often enough to avoid complacency. Pin placement, especially with disc golf, is part of what makes it unique. In short, players 'learn holes', constant change is the only thing that'll make it challenging/interesting. Especially on holes with limited variation (like 8) on the rest of the hole.

  12. most of the raised baskets i run into are way too high. i think it is more of a "because i can" rather than "because i should" situation with course design. at 5'8" tall if i have to find a stick to poke my putter out and over the edge to retrieve it (or climb a ladder) i consider it too high and it detracts from rather than challenges my round.

  13. How are you on the lead card, two pros on the card , and nobody’s around to tell you where the drop zone is?

  14. Connor O'Riley is the only one I've seen Pulling a Sock Over The Entire Shoe, works just as well as the towel, but easier to manage and drop in a plastic bag when not used ,,, Pro Tip 🙂

  15. I really prefer a “naturally raised” basket where the designer cleverly uses the terrain to create elevation and “raise” the basket. Otherwise… kind of a pro-level challenger otherwise I’d say. No need for it at the AM level.

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