Golf Babe

not the news we wanted.

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The Lake District National Park is a world heritage site and renowned for its Lakes forests and mountains some of the finest Landscapes are spread across the region of kumria lake windir is one of the most popular visitor locations within the national park but this channel is about

Golf courses and not Lakes although I do like a lake what I can tell you is just 5 minutes driveway is a golf course that was founded in 1891 I’ve never been there before it’s a little bit chilly we’re going to take a little bit of a look Around before we get to the golf course the camel lady just saying she’s down tools because she wants something to eat so we’re going to stop bying windir where I believe this uh she’s found a nice cafe for some breakfast before we kick off and it seems Cafe culture has

Spread from the cities as we had a que on Monday morning to get into what was obviously a very popular spot and it was soon easy to see why Tracy ordered the cornbread with avocados eggs mushrooms and a whole lot more which quite honestly was divine I settled for a

Simple bacon s but it was quite honestly the best I’ve ever eaten So with the camera woman fed and watered we could now make our way to the golf [Laughter] course shot hand that was a decent shot away but we’ve just had uh well not great news anyway I’ve just arrived we left very early this morning and it’s been very cold overnight I’ve just arrived in the Pro Shop and I’ve been told we’re going to be playing 18

Temporary greens which is not good on two parts one I hate playing golf with temporary greens and two we’re trying to show this golf course off and for me to show you any Drone footage that kind of thing it’s going to be a challenge when there’s no Flags in the real greens but

We’ll work it out we’ll get some positivity out of it This Series has already led me to places I wouldn’t have otherwise gotten to it has led me to a new excitement to play golf again discovering golf courses for the first time provides a mix of excitement optimism and sometimes a heightened anxiety of first te nerves

All of which are good reason to get out and about if possible and try something new every now and then and the first positive we’re going to take is just how nice is the day it’s pure blue skies and as I’ve already said extremely cold and fully understand why

These greens are pretty much Frozen under the foot but either way uh I’m going to struggle but we’ll find a way of showing off what seems to be already a real quirky golf course but it looks like I’m going to have to come back to ah

L i just to give you some idea of the frustrations is behind me we’ve not played to this hole yet but sort of elevated uh green with that mountains in the backdrop is just uh well breathtaking unfortunately I won’t show you the green R playing too but it’s so frustrating

But also in a way it’s drawing me back in cuz I’m getting a little teaser today and that means that ultimately I’ve got to come back and see this course at some point not only with the greens out but obviously with leaves on trees and maybe in a bit warmer days but absolutely

Breathtaking views well it’s time for a uh a little rest on nail seat a bit of water it’s a bit of a hike to be fair you’ve um there’s a few inclines to say the least but um as I keep saying about the view is incredible what I’ve decided to do

Something a bit different I wondered if uh this if you can ever relate during the winter golf is that I’ve set a different kind of challenge to myself and that’s I’m not putting on the greens or anything like that so I’m trying to hit Fairways in regulation so all my

Concentration has been on my game off the tea and at least it focuses the mind a little bit because like I said when I get to the greens just in case I pick up the ball put in me pocket but having that at least sort of mindset on the tea

Set some kind of Challenge and the rest is just about uh walking to the ball and taking in those Views now once again a huge thank you to Tacomo golf for supporting this series of videos quite simply without their support we couldn’t do this and as you’ll hear later in this video I can’t help but be impressed by all of their golf clubs and one thing our camera ladies

Just picked up on that I hadn’t is that there are no bunkers on the course at least not so far anyway we not seen any and the other point that I’d like to mention is I’ve not played driver yet either there’s a lot of interesting short par fours but really all about

Position it looks to be this one plays well 263 off the backs we’re another 40 yards further forward so either way I think there’d be a lot of strategic play around wind them here but we’re going to have to come back before we work that out which seems the perfect moment for

Photo of the week don’t forget Tracy or Andy in the comments down below So I’ll tell you what I will say whilst the camera’s on is just a shout out to the Tacomo 3-wood which we’re going to look at in a lot more detail in the weeks ahead but I’m absolutely nailing this thing and as you know I’m not overly

Keen on 3-woods but this is super impressive you Know and whil winter greens aren’t ideal I took the time to enjoy the surroundings windir is a very pretty Golf Course indeed with some breathtaking backdrops and somewhere I will no doubt return in the warmer Months I’m ripping this thing well it’s at the black and white marker post well you know what I think this challenge is actually doing me a bit of a favor because again I’ve hit a fairway in RG and my concentration on tea is perhaps far greater than it normally is

Cuz maybe you just get up here and give it a wallup whereas because of this challenge I’ve set for myself mentally I think it’s actually helping my Game Right so that’s golf finished drawn it to a bit of an premature close because uh well we’re staying in a van this evening and as yet we’ve got nowhere to sort of physically stay Park the fan so before it gets to dark I think we need

To get a bit of a shift on and find somewhere suitable and that led us to the oldest PB in windere to plan our stay but we learned that heavy snow was forecast in the area which could cause a problem with traveling the following day we needed a change of plan

So 48 hours later I am back in hollywell golf club a golf club that isn’t open either you see it was a very good decision the snow did come down the temperatures dropped to something like -4 overnight despite my willingness and also my wife’s to get out and stay in

The van it’s not the uh well perhaps the most comfortable thing to do right now and certainly it was a wise decision to return home unfortunately home looks like what the Lake District did and that’s a golf course covered in snow so for the time being we’ll be in the van

Editing and uh we’ll wait keep our fingers crossed and hopefully be back on the road next week and that snow disappears we’ve got another episode of off the Beaten Track and uh without temperary greens see you next week that was nice anyway


  1. Best bad news … you need to go back. And while the second Tracy B is my favourite… it's not so golf related, so I went for Tracy A.

  2. Hi Andy

    Played Windermere and loved it. Great views, nice people. No bunkers but plenty of big rocks on the fairways!

  3. What a great video!…I love seeing God's creation in different parts of the world. I would love to play that course and I love that it has been preserved since 1890… give us more!

  4. Love to see some one who really love the game and travels like you do…Thanks for your show…Also love those courses were no one is around, makes you feel like it's your own Country Club for a lesser price…

  5. And concluding Andy, you will have to return. Good work all around once again. Tracy B as opposed to Tracy B that should be C. lol

  6. What an incredible course that looks. Planning on playing an open comp there in the summer. Hoping the shorter course does the trick 😃

  7. Seeing Windermere GC brings back dim and distant memories of a fun couple of rounds, thanks Andy! I played there on a family holiday the summer before I started university, in '93. Boating and water-skiing on the lake and a couple of rounds of golf in stunning scenery. I really need to take the family to the Lakes next time we're home. Look forward to your re-visit when playing on the proper greens.

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