Golf Players

Jon Rahm and Rory swing comparison – Learn to swing like a tour pro by understanding the sequence

This is a repeat video, with music set to the commentary.

This video shows how you can use the simple 8 key positions to your advantage. By hitting them, you stay in sync and create a better golf swing.

What makes for a good golf swing is it how pretty it is how smooth how much power you generate how functional I see 12 JY Bros a day and 14 people on the Range trying to create a beautiful golf swing trying to look like

Rory I also see 12 guys a day on the Range hitting the ball like John Ram not really worried about how it looks throwing lasers and darts at the pin now don’t get me wrong I love Rory swing it’s the epitome of smooth it looks like the iron Byron came to life

But here’s the thing we all don’t get to have a swing like Rory that is unless you plan to hit I don’t know 10,000 balls with every Club in this video we’re going to take a look at what makes both of these players so incredibly good we’re not going to dig into deep

Technicality we’re going to look at a bunch of primary positions in the golf sequence that build consistency and repeatability first and then power I think the best way to show this is to compare John ROM swing to Rory’s everybody knows John ROM throws darts and bombs the ball but everybody’s

Watching Rory swing on YouTube sometimes more entertained by how it looks than how he scores don’t get me wrong these are two of the best ball Strikers on tour and if I was 20 years old I’d probably try to be like Rory too but some of us aren’t

Rory some of us are John R but with all the hype and media here’s the thing no one’s telling you we can watch these swings side by side and see that they both go through the same sequence of events I mean it’s dictated by their body types and their age and

The type of Swing they’ve chosen to make but just by comparing these two right here you might be thinking thinking wow they’re more similar than I thought so let’s take a look at John ROMs wi first see what makes him so consistent so powerful see John R’s hands start in

Front of the club face already in a pressed position basically he’s already in his strike position his impact position the end all Beall position for hitting the ball crisp and clean here we see Rory in a very similar position hands forward pass the ball it’s the Pressed impact position we’re

Going to talk about this a lot but for now I’m going to move on after ROM’s press position he’s going to move into that one piece takeaway straight away from the ball you can tell because there’s a shadow under his Club head and you can still see it as you can see his

Torso slightly rotates and his Club heads stays in that squared position oddly enough Rory is going to make that same move a one piece takeaway starting with his torso pulling his Club straight away from the ball remember these two Club swings are supposed to be diametrically opposed both golfers have

Shifted their weight partially to the back foot essentially at this point they both attempted the same move in the same sequence from here Ram is going to move further into the swing sequence into the down the line position you can see that in this transition he’s began to bow

That lead hand and cuff the rear to assist in his turn Ras pushed that lead knee forward just a tad now the rear knee being a little less mobile hasn’t moved as much as most golfers now Rory starts that same move to the down thee line position the only real difference here

Is that Rory doesn’t do that bowed lead and cued rear hand but Rory probably doesn’t have that natural cast or over the top Rory’s lead leg does push forward a little more than RAM and his right leg his Trail leg pushes back just a tad more doing so his turn has already

Gotten a little bigger than rah’s and his arms are slightly inside the line creating the feeling of a draw now Rah leans that left knee a little further in and finishes his turn turn is far shorter than Rory’s and it’s obvious he’s going to sit a little earlier than

Rory too because he’s going to use more straight line acceleration and less twist and cork screw like Rory Rah combines parts of the sequence his left knee coming forward his right ear pushing back and he starts to squat almost immediately because he’s not turning as far he doesn’t have to have

As much patience in the back swing as Rory does now we’re going to see that Rory completes a far bigger turn than Ram turning his back all the way towards the target his left knee coming even further forward and his right knee pulling all the way back to open his hips this is

Really the only difference in their swing see Rory has a cork screw swing he uses torsion release Ram uses more of a straight line swing he leaves his hands at the furthest point from the ball and then uses a straight line acceleration which is why he hits it so

Straight see ROM’s hands initial move is straight towards the ball instantly creating lag pulled down by his lower body Rory sits into this position also but you’ll notice that his hands aren’t initially heading straight to the ball they’re actually moving away from the ball he has to be far more patient

Because his swing is so much larger this is one of the reasons that most amateurs should start with a smaller swing because patience takes patience to Garner and then from here Rory pulls it down into the lag set position which is this V just like Rah and no point in

This swing has the club head caught up to his hands from here Rah is going to force his hands down past the ball his lead leg pulls back while his rear leg presses forward you’re going to notice this position is very common with all good ball Strikers from here he can

Release the club head without worrying about it passing his hands before impact because his hands have already passed the ball and as they were when he first set them his lead hand is still bowed and his Trail hand still cued here we see Rory driving his swing

With his lower body front leg pulling back rear leg pushing forward his hands have now reached the ball so he’s free to release the club head because it cannot catch his hands until it struck the ball again the magic of the press position now Ram moves to the impact

Position his hands clearly in front of his Club head his League leg has posted meaning it stood him up straight and stopped moving forward even though his moves are not as dynamic as Rory’s the effect is the same driving down and through the ball ROM’s lead bod and rear

Cup still clearly visible as he uses what Bryson dambo talks about by pushing the rear hand through with the Palm now Rory is going to reach that impact position with his hands clearly in front of the ball the club head trailing posting that left side of body and

Standing up tall with his lead hip preventing him from moving forward allowing his follow through to be true and Tall we can work on our follow-throughs but our follow-throughs are really a product of the rest of the sequence of the swing for Rory it’s almost a conserving of energy he simply Let It

Go rom 2 is going to make that impact position with his hands in front of the ball and then finish High conserving energy letting it go in the direction the club was already moving so now now we’ve looked at both swings so now what well now let’s look

At them again now that we’re a little more informed see for the most part the sequences in all professional golfer swings are the same the sequence positions they vary a little based on age body type all sorts of factors that they can’t control the thing is the swing is beautiful because it’s

Functional the swing isn’t functional because it’s beautiful it’s functional because it uses physics straight lines calculations to create something repeatable I’m going to end this by telling you something I’ve already told you before you need to work on that press position when you start n with the impact position some of the other

Sequences fall into the line much easier for example ROM’s lead Bow hand rear cff hand I get requests for lessons for that all the time and it’s very difficult to accomplish especially if someone doesn’t start in a pressed position you start your hands in that bowed and CED

Position at the beginning of your swing it is far easier to accomplish it at the top and then return it to the impact position you see YouTube has got us believing that we need to be beautiful to be great I mean some of us believe we

Have to be beautiful just to be good and that’s not really true in golf I mean yes if you have a functional swing there’s going to be some beauty to it you can guarantee that but my suggestion is don’t start with what preconceived beauty is find these

Sequins create your own Beauty in your swing I’ve done that even with the ugly swing and all I do is press and send

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