Finally Broke 90 From the Blue Tees!

I’ve done it from the Whites. Can I do it from the Blues? Let’s Have a Round!
00:00 Start off 1 with a Par!
02:02 #3 Par 5
03:07 #4 Good Up and Down for Bogey
05:20 #6 Ronnie Fairways: The Legend Grows
06:33 #7 I’m strugglin’ on these Par 3s!
07:45 #9 Par 5 and another Par!
09:47 #11 Shot of the Day leads to Birdie!
10:22 #12 Pre-Shot Christmas Talk
12:56 #13 Worst Shot of Day!
14:38 #15 Are you too good for your home!?
15:45 #16 I can get up and down now!
16:39 #17 I can’t get up and down anymore!
17:15 #18 Ronnie Fairways and a Par for me!
18:27 Scorecard!

That’s wow nice okay that was a good one down it might work out SL yeah it took too big of a hot holy thin [Applause] City that was for Zan [ __ ] [Applause] do thanks y it what’ you get on thatle heard it dry though right heard it I think it’s dry God yeah

Anytime idea yeah remember stand of your C actually like playing the lights the whites yeah I know I like I SC better I used to practice from the whites and then especially in competitions we were playing from the blues I get used to going low so I just

Have the mindset that I was going to do it from the blues too I just feel like if I’m an 18 handicap I should be playing from the whites probably nice draw there that’s perfect curving it right around there good shot good shot Wayne just like they Dre scw it up when they

Built o nice they out of the Trap yeah you’re all right you’re all RightWay okay right all right it’s all right yeah it’s okay looking down bur hopefully [Applause] anywh yeah I’m [Applause] sorry that looks good man for second I wouldn’t count on that holding for much

Longer came off dead that wet still that water it’s about Nick and Wayne [ __ ] season [Applause] uhhuh no that’s in it too by the front too I’m out that’s a standard bunker shot theatric before that something like that you just like hit the top of the ball and drive it

Into the sand enough to hop it out gently I think that’s the play God damn watch out run [ __ ] go take that get in there nice butt man hey good bogey man that was all over the place I Ain too bad if you get that little Gap

There son of a [ __ ] K oh yeah sometimes it hit that pass like that it’ll be up there by the green I hope I find that [ __ ] [ __ ] [Applause] go nice shot good shot really good [Applause] shot get up there too find her hang on buddy now TR I’m having oh I see it now dude I can’t follow a ball in the air I’m having a hard time with these clouds not quite good oh all right pretty

Good Pull It in touch worried that little yeah I pulled it out the face I just I was worried about it [Applause] a a [ __ ] hey well I’ll take that actually K right that could have been worse oh you okay get left not too bad oh God I thought it was going to drop I did it does go that way a little bit oh man you that one that’s a wow you really [Applause]

Well the green five yeah you got a little distance out of it yeah that’s good yeah you can get it on third [Applause] shot all right take that [Applause] thanks good speed that’s a nice two there oh what a putt I got that on camera [Applause] there Struck it good yeah that’s okay

That it’s dry also might be down that Creek I [ __ ] Hammer that thing Yeah that was a good kick there [Applause] all right think it’s all right good from here but I don’t short You smk that [ __ ] I didn’t get recorded yet I wish I would have had that one on tape tape showing your age on fil my kid wanted a uh a Walkman now don’t look for the Walkman like [ __ ] uh Star-Lord has you know cuz they’re [ __ ] they

Still I mean they have that one but they’re expensive as [ __ ] so I just got him a $3 one on eBay like [ __ ] yeah keep those Christmas ideas coming there it is when we were kids my mom would all you do is just close your stance and then your face closed yeah

When we were kids my mama Christmas good ball about six years ago she found a box that she had lost pressure’s on me years ago it been packed up through moves and everything El uh she had track suits and dis that she bought from my

Brother and I oh yeah 90s I um brand new in I got brand new in the package I would always uh find I mean that’s how I found out there was no Santa kids if you’re watching that’s [ __ ] but uh yeah cuz I found like something they

Ended up in my stocking but also we were really bad once we got of a certain age we would take a razor blade and cut our presence along the Scotch tape you know and then just put a piece of tape just right over where you got it you know wrap it nice

Together yeah it’s kind of bad [ __ ] I’m out of bound I hope not maybe well God kind of wanted to roll right there it may not be though that’s quite a way over there I pulled it but it should be fine right you’re all right

Okay I pulled it but it should be on the Green yeah let’s go good shot that’s all right that’s all right I’ve never seen that happen [ __ ] that the first time I’ve seen that happen it was so [ __ ] bad it good shot Ian wait on it quit rolling that was nice good

Pot hey give me good visual oh [ __ ] I’m I think I’m okay that’s a lot better than ours a shitty kick but that’s all right that’s a good angle there maybe a little deep little deep yeah they [ __ ] around till they found out good roll oh you had it if you hit it

Too good yeah I look good 110 to the front 129 to the center smooth I can just don’t cream it that one okay oh yeah yeah yeah no I I didn’t to try to swing too hard that was a good shot yep his bags are packed it’s time to go home

Ball don’t stop on the H can’t believe son of a [ __ ] ball why didn’t you just go home that’s your home are you too good for your home answer me suck my white ass ball Dam day there you go Ian okay yeah that’s fine oh I yanked it [Applause]

WR that’s all right we get up down run run like the dick please just who are the Dickens and why are they considered to be so damn fast what I never understood what’s that who are the Dickens and why are they considered to be so damn fast [Applause] [Applause] Damn [Applause] it [Applause] [ __ ] look ah [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Oh it’s coming back that’s my that look like a little of that gear yeah that was gear effect that was way off the toe oh go [ __ ] might be H might be on right not [ __ ] H it yes all right Wayne I think we got him sufficiently cool nice man good deal

Good mat gentlemen Ivan way I Ivan W here you go yeah sir good car thanks that’s a good way to handle is it I got the even 90 I got to see what you shot yeah I haven’t even added them up unless I missed a

Shot which I’ve been known to do a time or two 90 by like oh no that’s a that’s 89 okay I broke 90 cool take [Applause] that

1 Comment

  1. Love Ronnie ‘s swing. You’re not gonna hurt your back swinging like that. Congrats on the 89…nice round!

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