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Ask Dutch Anything 24 | Alberto Del FIRED | Plus: Lex Luger vs Shirt, Daffney, Mr Kennedy WWE Firing

Ask Dutch Anything 24 | Alberto Del FIRED | Plus: Lex Luger vs Shirt, Daffney, Mr Kennedy WWE Firing

A new year, a new episode of Ask Dutch Anything!

– Who was the original Dutch Mantell?

– Who would win in a fight between Lex Luger and a T-Shirt?

– Was the relationship between Alberto Del Rio and Paige publicly toxic?

– Why wasn’t Michael Hayes ever world champion?

All these questions and more answered on this week’s episode of Ask Dutch Anything!
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Legendary wrestler, manager, commentator, producer and booker ”Dirty” Dutch Mantell (WWE’s Zeb Colter) brings his definitive takes on the latest news in the professional wrestling business as well as the most entertaining stories from years gone by to the podcast airwaves.

The Dirty Dutchman from Oil Trough, Texas has worked almost every single major promotion and wrestling territory in the United States over an illustrious 50 year career, including WWE, WWF, WCW, NWA, SMW, TNA, USWA, UWF, OVW, Impact, Georgia, Tennessee, Knoxville, Kansas City, St Louis, Florida, Memphis, Houston, Detroit, Mid-South, Kentucky, Mid-Atlantic, Dallas and even more – and that’s not counting Puerto Rico and Japan!

Every week, Dutch Mantell will give you his hot takes on the latest news, re-live some of the most memorable shows and events through history, bring you along on a virtual road trip to explain the nuances of the wrestling business, tell classic stories from throughout the decades and answer YOUR questions every week. There may even be a guest or two coming up in the future, so make sure you subscribe and never miss an episode of Story Time with Dutch Mantell!

Story Time with Dutch Mantell is part of the WSI | Wrestling Shoot Interviews network of podcasts and YouTube channels.
WSI | Wrestling Shoot Interviews YouTube channel:
#DutchMantell #WWE #wrestling

00:00:00 – Intro
00:01:36 – The Name “Dutch Mantell” and the O.G. Dutch Mantell
00:07:18 – Lex Luger vs T-Shirt WATCH-A-LONG
00:10:28 – The French Angel | Maurice Tillet
00:14:01 – Carlos Colon and Invader Real Life Beef
00:17:14 – Alberto Del Rio and Paige | The Toxic Relationship
00:19:24 – Don’t Insult Alberto Del Rio
00:21:49 – TNA Daffney | Shannon Spruill
00:27:04 – State/Athletic Commision Rules
00:30:30 – “Freebird” Michael P.S. Hayes
00:35:28 – Dutch Mantell vs Randy Savage | Loser Leaves Town
00:39:57 – Music on the Raod?
00:42:21 – Mr Anderson/Mr Kennedy
00:49:46 – Outro

We the People Hello everybody James here and it’s ask Dutch anything and what that means is you get to ask Dutch anything if you well if I pick the question quite frankly or someone picks the question for you and to ask a question to the Dutchman himself to submit a question

You write to questions for Dutch I’ll rush through the plugs very very quickly Dutch has got a few very limited edition hats that he will sign for you if you’re interested go to Dirty Dutch Manel with and make your request there make your inquiry there if you want diplomas

Signed from Dutch if you want books signed from Dutch then you go to the same email that is Dirty Dutch Manel with2 ls@ not to be confused with submission of questions questions for Dutch and a lot of you over the like past five weeks I guess

Have done that because we were away for so long and haven’t done a fan question episode in so long that we had a huge backlock to through so of all those I picked the best ones or I think I picked the best ones that I could find and the

First one is from Billy from Kentucky this will be a very quick one I imagine hello James and Dutch I love the podcast and watch it all the time I am thinking of joining a small independent promotion here locally if I do I’m thinking of using the name filthy Frank mantel

However I feel the need to ask Dutch’s permission to use it first may I use the mantel name Dutch hell no can’t use my my name were you crazy well you can if you give me a little bit of a little bit of a fee and I I’ll make it affordable for you

So you can write me WR M you T Manel with two yeah write me there and I I’ll say what kind of deal we can work out yes you can use the name because uh I don’t own the name Manel I don’t even own the dirty Dutch I mean somebody could copyright

That if they wanted to and then keep me from using oh well nobody would do that surely but but I I did have a uh a another show called down and dirty with Dutch and this guy wrote me and told me that I could not use down and

Dirty because he uses it on his show and it was it wasn’t able a wrestling show it was a actually a uh a truck racing outfit and he called it down and dirty racing or something but he said I couldn’t use it but I checked into it down in dirty is a popular

Phrase so you really can’t copyright those things so I started to get a I started to get Stephen P new is that his name yeah I started to get him to represent me but but I didn’t so but I may even write the guy back and said hey I’m

Taking that name back because but I have no and I also used Downey dirty duts on the Smoky Mountain show I had a talk segment where I would interview guys in the middle of the Ring go Downy dirty with Dutch uh but yes filthy Frank which is not original by the way

I’ve heard that name before but yes you can go ahead and use it uh I apologize to the person who wrote this in oh I’m sorry I’ve actually found it it’s a guy called Chris he says uh and this actually ties into what you were just talking about I’m Jamie dundy neighbor

Two houses down so I’m a little traumatized he says but he also wants to say did Dutch almost used another name since there was another wrestler named Dutch Manel from a a few years earlier I mean you were Chris Gallagher at one point weren’t you briefly yeah I was Chris gallager at one

Point and yes there was another wrestler named Dutch Manel but not Dirty Dutch Dutch Manel and I’ve talked about him before but he wasn’t a few years earlier he was like 50 years earlier and this name was given to me by Buddy Fuller when I started working for him

Years and years and years ago and old story of him and I’ve told this story before I don’t want to tell it again but he was a he was a guy from uh the Netherlands who was a shooter who would go to these county fairs and he would take on any Comer and

People would bet on it and people that bet on the local guy of course he’d cover all those bets and then he would work an angle toward the last night where he he would set a guy in the audience a big guy and he’d have a big

Big house for that Saturday night show and everybody would bet on the big guy because uh Dutch Manel he only weighed like 180 170 but he knew how to tie guys up so he would he would take their their big guy in there and he look like he was going

To win for a while and all of a sudden he’ just tie him up and beat him course he was going to beat him anywhere because that was a setup then he nobody had ever seen this big guy that that he put in the audience himself so he would leave the

Town with probably thousand $2,000 which back in those days is like 10 or 15,000 or maybe more but and that’s what he was known for but anyway yeah there was another wrestler named DH Manel many many years before I I took the name cuz you wrestled under your real

Name Miss belt I think you wrestled under Chris Gallagher ignoring Zeb cter and Uncle Zeb Kai from the WWF runs did you ever have any other names when you wrestled in the early days I probably did but I don’t remember them sometimes you just make up a name

On the spur of the moment I think I wrestled his name is I can’t remember Black Jack something I don’t know but I only use it like one time but but Chris Gallagher I did use that name the oh uh don’t hey don’t tell anybody

Ah there I’ll try and sneak it in but someone asked a question about a certain match between Chris Gallagher and George goulis which we may have to watch it’s actually on YouTube we’ll we’ll do a live review of it one time but there is footage of you wrestling George goulas

Uh next one is Jesse if you’re doing new episodes which we are thank you very much and taking new questions here’s a classic Lex luga promo that I first saw in 2006 and it still makes me laugh if I revisit it so why don’t we watch it

Together one minute okay so we’re back it’s not 2006 it’s 2004 but I think this Fell’s just seen it in 2006 but here we go Lex Luger versus t-shirt don’t tell me he’s not going to load now here we go Mr Luger Mr Luger I saw what just happened out there with

Ron Kellin I just want to ask you I mean what are your plans for the next show super BW Saturday I mean are you going to take care of Ron Killin what kind of disgusting desp despicable lack of respect is that Billy what’s his name show booking a match for

The total package Le suar and Super Brawl Super Saturday what is it I don’t know what it’s called what is it called Super Brawl Saturday Super Brawl Saturday can he afford to pay me the resturant I don’t know I’m one of the biggest Legend stars ever this

God and you te 22 Billy and you book a mess with me against R killings look at me I’m a total package I will rip him apart I’m pissed now I don’t think I [ __ ] you ah ah I just just before have you ever seen an announcer a

Backstage announcer dressed as some sort of p no man I haven’t I haven’t oh there you go then so when when was this supposed to be 2004 it’s just on like Indie show yeah where they got Lex Luger and wron killings out and Lex Luger did

That and then yeah your t-shirts are too tight too Billy is the go home line I’ve never seen that before but I’m sure they did that again but that’s a good I don’t think they did I think they just sent that one out probably well that was original I I’ll

Say that for him and maybe they didn’t write this promo down for him maybe he just did it off the top of his head if he memorized that then that would be awful make it worse Lex was too much anyway what’s the name of it what would he

Sayable Super bwl Saturday and your t-shirts are too tight and then he starts going can you afford to pay me I don’t know awful where did you get that where did you find that oh that’s been floating at someone sent it in but that’s been floating around since 2004

That’s a really famous one that’s almost as famous as uh yep you know uh what was that guy jumping Jeff farmer I do remember that one too yeah yep yep yep next one yep yep next one mark says yep a friend and I were discussing an obscure and forgotten wrestler somehow

We found ourselves focused on the angel do you have any knowledge of him and did you ever work with him also do you have a list of wrestlers that time has forgotten but should not be regards so the angel do you remember that was this was just the French angel

Maybe well they had the first one I forgot his name but he was a weird looking guy and I think he was the first one and he’s been a lot of angels through wrestling history most of them forgettable but what was the guy he he looked he

Looked he had big hands and can you find a picture of him uh I can do he was called the French angel Maurice tillay yep that’s him yeah do you want me to bring up a photo for you to see that’s sure that’s your photo look at

There that’s a kisser right there isn’t it boy that is that is too much man I mean he was way before your time he died in the 50s but was he ever on TV oh yeah that’s well AB you got two screens over here that shows he’s been he’s been video uh

Videotaped but I don’t ever remember seeing him on TV see when I was a kid we had we had video out of Chicago and Houston and that’s and then it finally since I was in the Carolina we we got the regular tape in the Carolinas but this this this guy here was

Scary I think he had Acro megally like Andre the Giant but it didn’t he didn’t get like the gigantism parts in the height and he wasn’t very tall was he no he’s probably like 5’8 or something like that so he wasn’t very tall anyway crazy looking but yeah so

You actually remember him at the time I do remember him was he a big star or was he oh yeah he was he was what’s his name Maurice Tay Tay yeah yep oh there you go but I never knew him as Maurice tillay I

Knew him as a as a French angel you know apparently Bruce Pritchard owns the death mask of Maurice tillay you can see in the back of some of his old podcasts which essentially they made a cast when he died they made a cast out of his face

And where did he get where did he get that uh from Paul Bosch I believe really originally yeah Paul Bosch must have given it or sold it to him yeah we got it we got it where did say we got a tape out Up Chicago and where Houston so perfect H Houston okay

That’s Rob Robbie saw him next one Doan asks hi wait a minute what what what about a if I had a death mask how would you put that in there you’d have to have that in there you scaffolding for the mustache so it doesn’t like get pushed into your face

With all the clay or whatever they make oh yeah Paris or whatever you always thinking head James I always thinking we shall move on Derwin says hi Dutch is there some issues between caros cologne an Invader I’ve seen some clips on YouTube that looks like they have real life

Beef what’s the issues between them yeah other than hating each other yeah now they are some uh some issues between them uh well first of all because the Invader thinks he’s the star for all those years he drew all that money and it was always carless like in the main

Event and I think they have professional jealousy for one thing and I don’t think they much liked each other back in the day they they did they did business together they got along just for business but I don’t know what the what the real issue was was uh other than him doing that

Horrible deed to Bruiser Brody and probably an Invader has has he he has a big mouth I think he’s went all over that island and badmouth Carlos of course it’s not that big an island and of course when somebody sees caros they’ll say well I talked to Invader not

Too long ago and this is what he said and he he may not like that so y they they do have some legitimate a legitimate beef with each other yeah I mean killing someone would really color your opinion of somebody I guess but was was so you said Invader was really the

Star or in invader’s mind Jose his so yeah is that the case do you think is he really the star in Carlos’s second banana oh I think he’s I think he truly believes that Invader trly believes that he was a star truly believes that very difficult to work

With he wouldn’t even you know even when you’re having a match with him he wouldn’t want to do this and he wouldn’t want to do that and uh but he never would tell you he doesn’t speak English that well he said no no no no that’s way he

Speaks because even even the other Puerto Ricans make fun of the way he speaks Spanish because he butchers it it’s like learning it’s like learning English in West Virginia you have that accent so he was way out in the country I think that’s where he grew up and he speaks like

He’s a country bumpkin orto Ricon style and he’s said no no no no no takes the finger no no no no you I want to slap him I’ve wanted to slap him several times but I never did just a CL ify that that’s not the case that he’s the

Biggest star it is Carlos no he’s not no Carlos Carlos do most of the money most of the money now this next question you sort of preent from our Friday episode but I guess I’ll ask it again uh Teddy has said because you were managing him

At the time could you take us behind the scenes to what the relationship was like between Alberto Del Rio and Paige was it really that toxic as an appearance as it appeared to the outside world didn’t I cover this on our our weekly podcast yeah about Paige and Del Rio

Yeah kind of hey I was I was Paige was my friend she she likes my [ __ ] and I would talk to her and and I I I I don’t think I ever said any word to her about Alberto Del Rio but Del Rio but they never seemed a compatible pair that are both

Like a match and gasoline because they both got hot tempers and I think and I had heard later on that they had some fights and he kind of cuffed her around a little bit and she fought him back and police were called but when you start hearing that about

People you start thinking wait a minute what kind of what kind of relationship do they have and they would never get into it at the arena but almost and you can tell there were some some underlying feelings that weren’t being displayed openly or out out in public but yeah there was a there

Was a a toxicity about that relationship you like that word toxicity that was prevalent so if I could pick up on it and I think she even said something about it one day and I said well you need to get yourself out of that situation so I think she was trying to

Get herself out of it at the time that it all went down and and that was why Del Rio was let go from WWE because of that he was uh wasn’t he fired at one point for slapping a writer or something like that at the time no I was at the

Table that time that was it a right or who was it okay we was all at the table eating in the uh you know where they serve the food ging your favorite place it was and I was there and one of the writers said something about Dale Rio is match or

Something do you know what it was do you know what it was I think it it was something like Alberto Del Rio should have been bus in the table or something like that something like that it was that no somebody came by I think and

Said you want me to get that he said oh uh Del Rio will get it oh it pissed him off and he got up not right away but about 30 seconds later he got up because he was leaving anyway he said I didn’t like it comment this that and the other

And he said you think that’s funny you think that’s funny because he laughed I didn’t laugh by the way because I knew how how that would be perceived and he he slapped him almost in the next week wow and I think he slapped him twice one with right hand one the left

Hand so and then right after that I think Del Rio they sent him home did the guy go down no he was sitting down he never let him get up and slapped him that’s when I made my exit because you know you you trying to leave a Hot

Zone as quick as you can so I was out of there nobody asked me about it because I didn’t see nothing anyway stay in your own lane that’s what I was trying to do and he said that because I think he perceived it because he was Mexican

And it was an american guy who said it so he got slapped who else was there you remember who else was at the table or I think Swagger was there and I think that was it I think there was five people there that I remember next question James warington I

Worked in wrestling behind the scenes but I also grew up with Shannon spru AKA Daphne as we were friends up until her her demise does Dutch have any stories about dhany in TNA also another person I was friends with is adri in streets uh but we’ll stick with daany with this one

So uh any stories about Daphne working with her in TNA uh I just knew her in TNA I thought she was very good very very outgoing had a great personality and I never hung around with her uh uh but from my time with her and

Booking her she was very very uh like I said outgoing friendly so and when I heard what had happened to her I I I couldn’t believe it I I it it was hard for me to take so what actually what actually caused her death did she kill herself

Yeah or no yeah I and what how did she do that uh she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2003 and had says the effects of the concussions had on a day-to-day life were obvious such as having to cover Windows of blankets and bright lights so she was dealing with potential

CTE uh on September the 1st 2021 spru streamed a live video through the social network Instagram in which he read a suicide notes holding what appeared to be a pistol and requesting her brain be donated to the CTE testing concerns F she shot herself through the heart to

Preserve her brain I suspect for CT testing that’s hard to take I mean I didn’t know she was I didn’t even know she had that trouble I didn’t know she had that problem but to me she was very very friendly very nice very easygoing you know she like my [ __ ] she’d

Laugh of course my bullshit’s pretty funny anyway so but yeah I don’t really have any stories about her like I said I didn’t when the show was over the show was over I’m gone I’m gone back to the room I don’t go to the bar I don’t do any of

That stuff and I go and eat and I I I take it in there was something else with defitely want to bring up and I think she sued TNA over suffering a concussion this is just very quick Google says during the match Abyss choke slam Daphne from The

Ring apron through a barb wire board reports at the time indicate she suffered a broken arm but it was later reported to be accurate that she had actually suffered a concussion and this plays into sadly her demise is that she was dealing with postconcussion syndrome and really really struggling with with

It for quite a while I don’t know if you know what happened caused that final concussion but pretty much ended a career in that sense I vaguely remember him doing the power slam I think I don’t know whose idea the power slam was I mean the the next slam the throat uh she

Won an out of court settlement in 2013 from TNA over workers compensation claims she filed against the company 2 years earlier their hand was forced when a ruling was about to be made about the validity of TNA’s contracts I the classification of their wrestlers as independent contracts so they settled

Rather than suffer a ruling as far as basically all the wrestlers under contracts are independent contracts and they don’t get you know workers rights like regular employees do so it was a legal maneuver to save themselves a lot of money in the in the long term I guess what year was that

2013 and when did she pass away 2020 2021 yeah well I wish I had more stories about her but and and I am aware of the 2013 suit too because if you read those contracts there’s a joke it it really was I mean even the WWE I mean the WWF contracts from the

Beginning it’s a joke if you took a lawyer sentence by sentence he’d pick it apart pick it apart now this was years and years and years ago and I’m sure the labor the labor laws have changed but probably not I like that you won I like

That you won the the the settlement we will move on John Divas Mr mantel and Mr Romero I’ve heard and read that each State athletic commission had their own rules for the count outside of the ring or throwing someone over the top rope Etc two-part question excuse me were

There ever any problems that this caused in a match when a wrestler forgot the area specific Rule and were there any really weird rules that a state or city had thank you oh they probably had a lot of weird rules that I wasn’t I wasn’t aware of and some

States enforce the rules some states didn’t give a [ __ ] some states were sending their commissioner over there just to get the registration fee off the guys and to say that he went and if he sees a match and a guy goes over the top rope no he would never

I I never I’ve never seen it that he would interfere fear I do think that up north in New Jersey I think in some of those States they enforce those rules but they enforce those Rules by talking to the referee not talking to the guyses so if you want to do something

Ref said oh you can’t do that why well State regulation we go what we make this [ __ ] up as we go anyway now the state is telling us what to do ah crazy I I hated going to those to those northern states anyway because they would have some weird weird

Paperwork for you to go through and it was just a pain in the ass would it cost more for you to get like a license in that states no the license the licenses were cheap the licenses were from like5 to $25 is all it was and then of course you

Didn’t get it right there oh they’d write you a temporary one I guess and then they to send you your permanent one through the mail uh very quickly did you prefer 10 or 20 counts outside the ring and did you prefer the DQ over the top rope rule or

Not it didn’t matter to me I see DQ Over the Top Road I mean it used to be a DQ if you threw somebody over top now it’s just a spot you just throw them anywhere I mean you can do anything now nothing is enforced nothing and I think it would be better

If we had just a little bit more enforcing the rules but how could you see a rule being enforced and say uh WWE but not be enforced in aew I mean you’ve been trained you you we the wrestling fans they’ve had I don’t know 20 or 30 different promotions they probably

Seen in their life with no rules not not counting ECW they had absolutely nothing I mean you could take a gun in the ring an ECW and shoot somebody oh well that’s it guy and the guy that wouldn’t beat him either he’d kick out on two but there was no rules were

Enforced and nobody give a [ __ ] next one Orlando I was listening to your show and a question was asked who were the top guys to never win a world title maybe I missed his name being mentioned out of all the names listed but why didn’t Michael Hayes get a push

Or was he not Championship material your thoughts Michael Hayes could not go in the ring and do an hour not the way he drank I don’t think I don’t think think he pushed ever to be the world champion because he was the founder of the Free Birds he had his own idea how

Wrestling should be done there was a reason he had two other partners that cut his workload down twoth thirds but for him to go in the ring like a Ric Flair like a Brisco like a Dory arter Funk he couldn’t go in there and he couldn’t pull you a 30 minute match he

Could he damn sure couldn’t pull you an hour match so he was Overlook because I don’t think he wanted it secondly is all I don’t think nobody thought he could do it far as a mouthpiece he was great he was good far as a a worker uh he

Couldn’t have been a world’s champion and I think he would he would tell you that Shane Douglas now well he reviewed the match he actually wrestled uh uh the Free Birds the new version of the Free Birds on Halloween hav 89 which is the mat show that we reviewed and I said to

The first two spots that Shane and Michael Hayes do together completely messed up like they started and it went wrong and I I don’t think it was Shane’s fault in that In fairness to Shane I think it may be Michael because he took a net breaker completely wrong Shane

Went one way Michael Hayes went the other and it looked weird but there was also a bit where there was a clothes line that Hayes was really obviously meant to duck and instead Michael Hayes just jumps into it like a salmon like with his arms like that and it’s the

Oddest match like it settles in but when I asked Shane what happened there he went well the crowds were booing the baby faces which was the dynamic dudes for obvious reasons and they were cheering The Fabulous Free Birds threw everything off immediately having said that though I said Shane what do you

Think of Hayes as a worker and yeah okay great great interview because he could he could get heat with you and he got more heat by not doing standing outside then when he got in the ring it was obvious he’s Michael was not a great athlete and he’ll tell you

That so yeah Michael Hayes is not World Championship material no but an excellent personality we can’t argue with that next one Dominic hey Dutch hey James I’m a big fan of your show I’m from Germany and started watching wrestling in the late ‘ 80s I’ve got two

Questions for you first of all any good stories about the free birds and what did you think of Michael PSAs and Terry Gordy so uh he also talked about um a couple of oh Terry Gordy and Steve Williams teaming in Japan but the free birds in general then uh oh the free

Birds in general was with Michael doing this is the way Michael told me how he laid the team out he said he was he was the mouthpiece Terry Gordy could do an interview but he would just be all over the place and that’s the way he did an

Interview and Buddy Roberts was the worker he did the Highline stuff when they wanted to really beat the crap out of the team they end up be mostly buddy robers taking the highflying bumps and Michael would do the talking so so they drew a ton a ton of money in

Texas by Under the old system it was before pay-per-view these were all judged by live attendance and when they be they would go to that sportatorium on Friday night turn away or the sport sportatorium is not that big but they would turn them away and go to some of

Those other towns same thing turn it away because and the new movie just come out about the Von Erics it probably covers that but they uh the free birds were put together for a specific reason Michael put them together gave them the name gave them the music

And that’s that’s that’s how that’s how did it Joseph says I saw that on New Year’s 1979 you had a loser Leaf Town match with Randy Savage what brought this on and what was the result okay there’s a doubt in my mind if I made that show or

Not uh somebody asked me about this not too long ago and what town was it in doesn’t say question doesn’t say so what did you do like pre- leave before you lost to L leaves town I’d never been to the town before I never even worked in the territory before January the 1st

1979 in 1978 I worked in the Tennessee territory but I had left there I was leaving there on January the 5th to go to Puerto Rico and the reason I know that is because January the 6 is Three Kings Day in Puerto Rico and it was a big

Holiday so I know I was home on January the 5th 1979 but and I think he just booked the card I I don’t think I went to that card or he could probably say or he was using it for publicity I didn’t care what he did but he can say we booked Dutch

Mantel into this town and he didn’t show up ah loser loser leave town match I don’t know but that’s a mystery card to me and I’m is as much a mystery to me as it is to you but on January the 1 do you think do you think January the 1 I would

Have gotten my car and drove 200 and some odd miles to this town in Kentucky to do a loser leave town match for Randy Savage that I had never even done an interview for so it doesn’t make sense to me I think it’s a bogus card tell you the

Truth do you know who you wrestled the day before uh two days before I’ve actually got a match for you 30th of December 1978 have a guess who you wrestled Mexican Angel The Fabulous Freebirds what a call backat that was you wrestled him and you were teaming with the

Mexican Angel and you lost to them really Y and you also wrestled in a Battle Royal that night that was won by Walter Johnson mhm so there you go it also had uh God Arville huto Bobby Eaton Butch Thornton Don Dutch mantel George gulus Gypsy Joe Jim Dalton Jimmy rouso Michael

Hayes Randy Savage Rick Sanchez Rick mcord Terry gordi the Beast the Mexican Angel and Tojo Yamamoto I kind of remember that but January the 1 1979 I’m gonna have to I wish I had a flag here I’d throw the flag on it I go wh we got to research that next one Doug

W hey let me ask you yeah maybe we could find somebody who attended that match and let’s see if I showed up or not go then if anyone happen to be in where would it been we don’t we we don’t know what town it’s in no if you happen

To be somewhere in the NWA Mid West Mid America territory on January 1st 1979 was Dutch Manel and Randy Savage there so someone had to be there if indeed I could have left town before I went to town cheap flights on New Year’s Day that’s a drive there’s no airports

Around any any unless you get to Lexington I was think think Puerto Rico you a cheap flight in New Year’s Day save yourself some money well I would I I wasn’t going to fly out I was going to fly on out Nashville anyway right okay we’ve got a couple more

Questions we’re going to close this down Doug W canip or canipe I’m sorry I can’t pronounce your name just wondering what kind of music you listen to who are some of your fav bands or singers when riding with other wrestlers through all the different territories you worked in

Would you usually listen to the music or ride in silence and talk when you did listen to music who had the best musical taste who had the worst thank you what’s this guy’s name Nipper Doug what uh Doug name w Kip or kipe Kip Mr Kip I just got to tell

You we wouldn’t listen to music a lot we would talk and if we listen to music we would probably listen to a rock station a country station but at night we would listen to those far off stations like Chicago or Fort Wayne Indiana that had the 50,000

Watts that you could get for miles and mile you know you could get it like 500 six 700 miles away so and we would listen to Country we listen to to rock we didn’t listen to uh rap because they didn’t have it that’s one good thing and we didn’t listen to

Orchestra music because they didn’t have it so that’s the type music we listen to I don’t know if you want me to be specific but listen to Three Dog Night that’s going Way Way Back Leonard skinnard Marshall Tucker Band that was type of music we would listen

To okay we’ve got two more questions we ask you know here’s a here’s Marshall Tucker Band you’ve heard of him I know one song by them I can’t remember which one it is I’ve heard of him Marshall Tucker wasn’t even in the band he wasn’t even a

Musician I think he was a guy that drove the truck and they just took the name called Marshall Tucker you need to look it up but he wasn’t even in the band they just likeed the name and they kept the name the song I know is called can’t you see

Yeah can’t that’s a good one see yeah I remember it okay uh we’ve got two more questions left on the script we might as well ask them both Zella first off when the podcast get started back up uh we’re going to ask this I hope Dutch is

Feeling a whole lot better my question is what kind of interactions did Dutch have with Mr Anderson slmr Kennedy while he was on his TNA run thank you guys for everything you do and I watch and look forward to every podcast episode uh Mr Kennedy did he did well I liked him good

Worker I liked him good interview and is uh able just come to the back and say what you got we give it to him he said okay he’d go work on it come out get in the ring do his job no no problems never had any problems with the back never had any

Problems with anybody of actually a a pleasure to work with like that guy I remember at one point he used to come out with a t-shir that said pro wrestling is real and people are fake who did Kennedy sash Anderson that’s an old One he actually I I I saw that shirt probably 10 years before that so everything in wrestling is stolen anyway we’re worse than Comics we see something that’s one comic sees another comic tell a joke he’ll go and he’ll change it around a little bit it but he’ll changed

It around to fit him so it becomes his original I forgot the comics that were going to sue each other for stealing each other’s jokes I think that is about stupid but I don’t know if they they won that or not uh what’s your next question

Uh well I just wanted to ask about Kennedy a bit more uh in 200 I know 20027 2008 in WWE seemed like he was heading to the top and then I don’t know if he accidentally injured somebody like Randy Orton but I think he fell F of the

Wrong person other than also I think he was he he he popped for steroids as well at that time and it just just go no I think it was Orton I think Orton had he had heard a couple guys doing something and I think Orton complained you know Orton could hurt

People too if he wanted to but I think something happened with Randy Orton I think he went in there and laid down the law that and not working with him and instead of Randy Orton just taking him out they they just took Mr guy out a ball of

It so that announcing and coming down the aisle I actually kind of like that but I don’t know whose idea that was but that was actually the best part of it he was a ring announcer he was he was good too yeah he had more success in TNA he

Would become a two-time TNA heavyweight champion uh I don’t know any last thoughts on Mr Kennedy’s booking or just performance or anything like that you want to finish off the show on Mr Kennedy is had a clean slate with me and I never heard of him the the thing with

Him and Orton or when he left ww e or whatever it was then I heard the same thing you did but he never said anything about that to any to any body I mean I never heard the story from him or whatever happened but he had he was getting ready

For a good run and then that happened funny little bitty things in WW F and E can get you gone and sometimes it’s not the guy doing something it’s this running that mouth saying the wrong thing about the wrong person at the wrong time and then

It getting back to the to the source of course whatever happened here had to get back to Vin because who was the guy I may have told this before Brad Maddox yeah I told you that story right he said Pricks on a PR and it was a dark

Promo and Vince it just hit him in one of the movies he was sitting back to the go position and I I was sitting in there too and he went did he sa Pricks go I didn’t say nothing stay in my Lane somebody said yes sir he said

Pricks and then he told the guy I think his name was I think of a minute it’s not corano he told corano he says when he comes back fire him then he come back and I saw corano take him down the hallway and talking to

Him and then I saw him he had to leave the same way and then about 10 15 minutes later I saw him walking down with his bag he was leaving he was fired didn’t take long outrageous he he was like the he was like the co-promoter on

On on air he would do something like that him and some girl they Wen were using him well or it was kind of a but anyway that’s how he got going uh just to finish off on Kennedy or Mr Anderson unfair is unfair unfairly impacted his career thing well when you get fired

From WWE where you going to go I mean he was probably making even before the big contract he’s probably making or he could have made 200 maybe more but back in what year was he fired says 2009 here I think so I had it in 2008 in my head for some reason but

Around that time well anyway that’s a pretty hefty job to lose just like that and uh yeah it it did impact his career what’s he doing now I think he’s got a wrestling school out there somewhere I’m just reading according to Kennedy Aon also persuaded John Cena to

Complain about Vince MCM about Kennedy’s in ring performance which prompted mcmah to release Kennedy from his contract so apparently Senor and Orton both ganged up on him well I hate to hear that because I think that was unnecessary but I didn’t do it I had

Nothing to do with it stay in your Lan but but the the ultimate Act of it being completed was done by Vince and Vince was coerced not coerced or coaxed into this by Cena and Randy Orton the two to top Stars at the time so he either he either pacified

Them or or kept to Mr Kennedy so he didn’t have much of a choice either on that note we’re going to close down this podcast thank you very much everybody for watching we’ll be back again on Friday as I said at the beginning if you want to submit a question for

Consideration for this show to uh have me ask Dutch and maybe get it on air you then you write to questions for Dutch and of course all of the stuff that Dutch is selling signed including the hats and the books and the diplomas get in touch with him at Dirty Dutch

Manel but for now thank you very much for watching a Dutch we the people we the people let me say one thing before we go oh okay when I went in the hospital people ordered diplomas and books and I’m in process now of clearing that clearing that

Backlog but some of the merchandise is late I apologize for that there two ways to to cure that you will get your merchandise whoever ordered or I’ll give give you a refund one or the other uh but it’s taking me a little longer to recover and since I’m the only one doing

This so just bear with me give me a little bit more time and I’ll get every one of your orders to you I appreciate you ordering and uh but in the hospital State I didn’t know whether I was here or there I couldn’t have done anything

So i’ I’ve been out about two weeks and I’m doing the backlog now but you will get your stuff I guarantee it so again we the people


  1. Sam Kinason and Bobcat Goldworth are the ones that were going to sue each other,but neither one filed….they were suing over the "scream comedy"

  2. So good to have you back Dutch! This is the best wrestling content on the internet. Thank you both so much for putting it together for our enjoyment.

  3. I hate the 3 man (person)matches especially when one person gets thrown out and stays out 5 minutes knocked out thrown to the unforgiving velcro enforced pads.count em' out.

  4. Daff was hard for me to take too. She was one of my dearest friends. Sure truly was one of a really good caring human being. It still chokes me up because she passed on the same day that my father and brother did. She had the best laugh.

  5. I read Mr. Maytizaks book that Savage was going to drop his ICW title to Brody in Cape Geradeau but Bruiser double booked himself and went to the higher payday.good analogy on the things that get you in trouble Dutch.The Bible states the little foxes tear up the vines.

  6. As long as there is no legit TM or Copyright, you can use what ever you like. Just be careful, if a big company owns such an IP. They might sue the crap out of you.

  7. Ok I was at the show with Luger. I was standing 5 feet from it when it was taped. It was Cyberspace Wrestling Federation in Wayne NJ. Luger messed up his in ring promo too saying CSWA instead of CSWF.

    “Billy” Luger refers to was the late Billy Firehawk who was always in the crowd at early TNA events and he shortly after this became NWA Cyberspace and often used TNA talent. Those shows were great and always fun but never drew an audience despite the star power on those shows.

  8. Someone had taken the luger promo and took the " I don't know " part amd put it vs Billy jack Hayes commercial. They go back and forth just saying " I don't know vs I know "

  9. Jan.1,1979 ( GCW)
    Jan .4,1979 ( NWA: Georgia Championship Wrestling) Rome, Georgia: Memorial Gymnasium: Dutch Mantell vs Randy Savage..

  10. 2/12/1979 ( WWC: Puerto Rico) Bayamon, Puerto Rico: For Vacanted WWC North American Tag Team Titles Match: Dutch Mantell & Frankie Liane defeated Jose Luis Rivera & Chief Thunder Cloud to win Titles!!!!!
    So on 1/4/1979 (WWC) Loser Leaves Town (WWC) March The Invaders 1 & 2 defeated The Martel Brothers (Pierre & Rick Martel WWC North American Tag Team Champions) Left WWC without dropping titles, so The Question ❓ Did the Martel Brothers not want to drop Titles to Dutch Mantell & Frankie Liane ? Did Dutch Mantell ever meet the Martel Brothers backstage on this WWC tour ?

  11. I sent Dutch $10k for merch and I will gladly wait until the day I die. Dude was in the hospital and rehab after.

  12. Love that Philthy Frank Mantell asked the legend for permission for using his last name. Thats respect and wrestling philosophy 101.

  13. Im glad my mr Kennedy/ Anderson question was answered. Thank you guys. I always felt that he could've been a great world champion.

  14. Someone working oh Shrek was a wrestling fan and based Shrek’s look on The French Angel. I know that much to be a fact. This part could be an urban ledgend but I’ve heard that DreamWork Animation borrowed or leased the death mask from Bruce Pritchard to have a more realistic,3D scan that pictures and video couldn’t capture . Somebody has surely beaten me to this lil fact but maybe it’s worth pointing it out twice.

  15. Dreamworks based Shrek’s look and personality on The French Angel. They said he would scare kids,fans and even other wrestlers in the ring but in reality he was one of the sweetest people ever. He had the same condition as Andre but only his hands, feet and facial features were abnormally large. He was 5’8 and weighed 280. He held the AWA World Heavyweight Championship twice and died at 50. He’s burried beside his best friend and trainer in Chicago. When he heard his best friend had died he had a massive heart attack and they died on the same day. His name was Karl Pojello I think. He was the only person that would train him and work with him in the beginning. Others were either scared or afraid that he’d scare off fans. Their head stone gives their names,date of birth and death and says “Best friends that even death couldn’t separate.”

  16. That goofy Luger thing is kind of funny but that announcer was the worst. He had like 5 gimmicks, a wig, sunglasses, the suit, a cane just weird

  17. What's up with Del Rio. Dutch is he tough to work with or does he no show events. He's been fired from alot of different companies.

  18. Del Rio was a real creep BUT that writer should have known better. You can’t say that to a legit tough guy and expect nothing. He’s a proud guy. You aren’t getting away with that

  19. If you check the police report between del rio n page its a proven fact page was the obviously instigator to most of those confrontations.

  20. The day hornswoggle ended up being Mcmahons son and Mr. Kennedy was outed, was the day I quit watching wrestling. Bring back the old days for me.

  21. No worries about my merchandise sir! Glad your healthy and back home with your Loved ones!!! Waiting patiently cause I should and ment to order sooner…

  22. I met Daffney once at an IWC legends show here where I live. Very nice person! She was nice to all of the kids at the show. I was sad to hear of her passing a few years ago.

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