ECU BASEBALL MEDIA DAY 2024: JACOB JENKINS-COWART, OF / 1B #eastcarolina #ecupirates #d1baseball

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Take questions for JC JC last year obviously you had that tough injury just how much of an impact did that have on you and how do you feel now going into the season um knew that was going to be a popular question uh obviously pretty painful but uh you know

The impact was kind of just longer lasting than I wanted it to be I kind of yeah played uh through some some for sure but um uh once I came back here in the summer uh put a lot of weight back on um got got healthy now I’m feeling better than

Ever how was coach lar uh helped you specifically anything you’re doing different anything you’re doing better uh than you were May yeah um Henry Henry’s been a great help to me and all the hitters uh he came in and really I mean nothing we talked about before

Nothing’s really wrong with my swing but we wanted to find T some and things we wanted to work on the approach cuz I swing a lot I’m a free swinger so to really fine-tune the approach to um middle of the field middle of away and stuff like that but he’s really helped

Me with the mental side of hitting just as much as a physical looking back at last season when you hit three bombs against NC State where do you rank that all time in your collegiate career right not as high as You’ think um I think walk-offs from some other

Teammates have uh been probably number one is Bry and morl walk off against Houston the last game of the season um uh Nate Chrisman slide last year against tane when Hoover walked it off stuff like that gets me going more um but yeah it was definitely exciting this time last year you were

Starting to prep to play center field for the season obviously you shipped it back to right field towards the end of it now you’re sitting right field get any more comfortable there do you feel like you could do both if you had to yeah I I could uh definitely play both

If I had to but um you know just trying to do whatever like is needed um not trying to um do too much trying to not trying to push the limits but just uh do whatever it takes to win going off that little bit um now that you have played

Both Center and right with Bristol now in Center how has that kind of gone do you think and how have you guys been out there together um it you know he’s uh he’s come a long way since the fall uh Riley Johnson’s been a tremendous help with him um but no we we

Get along great we have lockers beside each other I I I’m hard on him but um he needs it and he’s responded very well matured a lot so uh we have a really good relationship coming off that that freshman season did you feel like you were putting some pressure on yourself s

That sophomore year other pressure I guess I just ask like you know coming into this year I mean you kind of just feel different or separated from some of that too oh yeah I’d say uh get going into last year is you know there’s a lot more hype around my

Name you could say and I kind of listen to what all you guys say no offense but uh um people were telling me how good I was and I kind of just let off the gas a little bit and this year I kind of realized is a lot bigger than me so I’m

Not really worried about obviously I’m worried about how I play but the bigger picture is uh more important for me this year with Lane gone how have you kind of stepped in that leadership role obviously now that year you know you’ve been in the program a few years now

Taking the young guys on your wing yeah that’s uh goes along with the whole thing being bigger than me um cuz you know looking back what uh Bryson and uh Hoover did for me coming up as an outfielder I I just kind of want to leave that same Legacy for the guys are

Younger than me got to ask about the cowboy boots was that was that your idea was that coach’s idea no that was my idea last year was clip brought it up so hadn’t much changed so I War him again Koshi said he was going to wear his Too anything else for Jason thank you thanks thank

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