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2024-01-12 Wrestling Observer Live: Huge weekend preview, JR’s AEW status, Blk Jeez, more

With Bryan Alvarez back on his Friday thing, and Filthy Tom Lawlor already working overtime this week, Mike Sempervive returns solo to get you caught up on everything taking place in the world of professional wrestling.

And there’s a ton of it: WWE SmackDown, AEW Rampage, Collision, and Battle of the Belts IX. New Japan returns to San Jose, Impact returns to Total Nonstop Action, Game Changer Wrestling, and more.

Plus, news on Blk Jeez escaping a carjacking attempt with a gunshot to the hip, Jim Ross’ contract status; hopes for Sting’s last match, and so much more.

#wwe #wrestling #aew

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Let’s get it although I’m not sure if I’m ready I am Mike simper viie here with you for the next hour talking about professional wrestling which is something we do every single day here on the sports byline broadcasting network tune in iHeart American Forces Radio overthe Affiliates like

Kav 99 kmsr and the mighty your 1090 maybe you’re listening on podcast or replays on SiriusXM maybe your video streaming on Twitch or YouTube however you’re joining me today I just like to say thank you hopefully wherever you are it’s sunny outside and if not hopefully

It’s sunny inside your mind I was going to say it was a beautiful sunny day here on my portion of Del Marva but as I look out the window here past this huge box light that is blinding me right now looks like it it has turned a little bit

Gray out there although talking about a gray start to the show the story I have to lead off is not a good one although it could have been much much worse if you haven’t heard this one it’s up on the main page right now at independent wrestler Darnell catrell

Better known as black G’s was shot on Thursday night during a carjacking attempt in Philadelphia Katrell was rolled up on by four massed individuals and during the exchange was shot once in the hip Katrell who does have a permit for a concealed carry was able to return fire and the asants ran off

Police investigators are currently reviewing surveillance footage for any possible leads catrell was scheduled to make his in ring return to wrestling on Saturday for the NWA after being out almost a year as he dealt with multiple Myoma a form of blood cancer that develops in plasma cells of the bone

Marrow in a statement issued by the NWA catrell expressed his gratitude for the support he’s received so far stating quote I was looking forward to making my this weekend I would love to make the trip regardless of the soreness and pain that I’m in however my gut tells me to

Stay home with my family this weekend I look forward to making my return at the next NWA event thank you to everyone for your continued support so all the best going out to Black G’s and his family and uh again that could have been a far worse situation the stories will get better

From here folks I promise you that it is a busy weekend on the canvas mat and I’m going to try to get to as much of it as I can coming up on wrestling Observer live welcome back to the show Mike SV here with you you know we do this show

Right here rusty Observer live for an hour at a time but if you want us 247 you can try to find us on Twitter SLX I amserv Brian is at Brian Alvarez filthy Tom Lawler is at filthy Tom Lawler the timeline for this this show is at w

N4w and the broadcaster at sports by line USA Jim Valley is at Jim Valley he’ll be here with you tomorrow on Saturday 1 pm. Eastern Time 10: a.m. Pacific and then Andrew zarion at Andrew zarion he’s here with you on Sundays starting at 6:00 p.m. Eastern 3 Pacific

Make the wrestling news part of your day as well everything you need to know to get your day started get you up to date or get you to your favorite wrestling review pod like Dave and Brian wrestling observer radio each episode of the wrestling news is between 5 and 15

Minutes long every day 365 days a year no clickbait no speculation or rumors just the news you need to know find it wherever you get your favorite podcast or head on over to the and wrestling newws AV on Facebook and Twitter who said this was it you Michael bubble or Michael bé

4422 who apparently is getting his messages deleted in here by DJ Convoy H do I want bill bich in Atlanta no no I don’t want bill bellich in Atlanta why would I want bill bich in Atlanta just to rub in the fact that you know 28 to3

Happened no I don’t want that man is in his 70s for God’s sakes we’re not getting rid of Rich McKay he’s still going to be running football operations so bill bich on the the field for Atlanta no doesn’t work for me whatsoever Antonio Pierce if the Raiders

Decide to lose their mind and throw a bunch of money at Jim Harbaugh I’ll take him from there I’m not real sure I wonder if Nick Sabin would want to come up never mind never mind don’t want to think about that right now and God knows we don’t want to get Brian

Sent any emails because I was talking about football even though football is going to impact some of the wrestling you’re going to be watching this weekend bulk of the games on Sunday there is a game on Monday I think at least one on Monday but there are two on

Saturday although one of one of them is on peacock it’s going to be interesting to see what that number does Saturday Cleveland and uh Buffalo or at 4:30 uh on NBC Miami and Kansas City at 8:15 a peacock exclusive game believe I saw somewhere that the

Late AFC wild card game that would been in that spot did like 20 million people on NBC so you know it’s not going to do that much on peacock but it’s going to be interesting to see what that does and what the response is to that because

Obviously there’s a loose tie in there’s a loose tie in with everything that that’s in media now because does it go on streaming the network all that sort of stuff will streaming services get together you know there’s if if wbd and and uh Paramount are to merge which I

Don’t think will happen because it’s just there’s too much too many pieces at play there that I don’t think the government would let go through but you know part of the the reason that they’re talking about merging those Brands is because both of them are looking at Max

And Paramount plus and going well imagine this together what we could do and in the the production houses we’ve had and all that sort of stuff and obviously there’s a lot of talk of WWE going to Amazon when it comes to Monday Night Raw I still don’t like that idea I

Still don’t know how I feel about that I know that that if it’s about money and it’s always about money that Amazon’s going to offer the most amount of money I mean they gave Judge Judy like what was it $25 million or something like that for like 25 episodes

Of her show I think I have it here somewhere it’s an extreme amount of money that they will spend for a service that I mean uh look at the chat here not the YouTube chat but I do have the the twitch chat open I mean does anyone use

The free service the former IM db. V which is owned by Amazon that’s their free streaming service and I know that raw won’t go on there but like they seem to spend a whole lot of money on shows that I I I just I don’t know how much

Visibility they get I’m just I’m very interested to see how all this shakes out because I still don’t think that this is a a good idea for for raw I I just don’t and I know I’m old and that’s part of the reason why and I I get it

That you know hey I I’ll go to Amazon and I’ll watch Thursday Night Football so there are going to be wrestling fans that absolutely no matter what we’ll tune in and and and watch Raw but I just I just still don’t think that it these things are established enough and I

Think you’re going to lose a lot of visibility the money that you make I don’t know I don’t know and I know that NXT is going to probably be up a lot on CW at the very least it’s going to hold steady the 750 to 800,000 that’s

It’s doing now I bet you it’s going to do more than that on the CW maybe not significantly more we know that smackdown’s going to fall because there has not been a case where a show has moved from Network to cable and done better it just it has not done that we

Know it does over 2 million people on Fridays on Fox when it goes to FS1 it’s going to do around a million I assume we should probably safely assume whatever raw is doing right now that’s probably what smackdown’s going to do on USA and there’s no shame in that obviously USA

Is going to be incredibly happy about that because you know that brings up all of their shows just by having WWE on there so we’ll see what happens again if this is about the money then it is going to be Amazon and with the state of the

TKO stock right now and how unimpressed that the market was when they nailed their deal with USA for Smackdown well you’ll probably want to make those people happy as much as you can and that’s probably going to be the highest bidder and that’s probably going

To be Amazon but got a bunch of stuff that is far more pressing right now which includes the speculation that Roman Reigns in the Rock could take place at elimination chamber as opposed to WrestleMania well Dave Meltzer in this week’s wrestling Observer newsletter has thrown some cold water on

That as Reigns isn’t even scheduled for the show this was posted up to the main page of today by Joseph Courier Meltzer wrote in the newsletter quote regarding the Reigns versus Rock match while I presume resume it’s WrestleMania and could possibly be a three-way with Cody rhods

What we did have confirmed is that the Australia rumors are not accurate Reigns is not even scheduled for the show he’s never been advertised and there are no plans for him on that date right now that show is being held at Opus stadium in Perth Australia on Saturday February

24th the rock made a surprise return to WWE on the day one edition of raw at the end of the appearance Rock teased that he wants to face Reigns and take his spot at the head of the table Paul Heyman then came out and cut a promo on

SmackDown last week responding to The Rock’s comments Heyman said that rock has not been invited to the table nor will he at one point last year a rock against Reigns match was tentatively planned for Wrestlemania 39 but didn’t end up happening obviously we got Roman Reigns against Cody roads roads told

Sports Illustrated earlier on this week that despite the returns of both The Rock and CM Punk his goal is still to headline Wrestlemania 40 in April against Reigns saying quote the rock is the great one he’s still electrifying CM Punk is one of the greatest stars in the

History of wrestling I know what I’m up against look at the roster it’s loaded with stars but that doesn’t bother me I’m not flinching I’m not rooting against anyone else I’m just working to make it happen end quote Reign’s next Undisputed WWE Universal Championship to defense will be at the Royal Rumble

Later on this month he is defending against Randy Orton La Knight and AJ Styles and a fatal four-way match going to be really interesting to see how all of these things play out there’s a lot going on in that Universe right now especially when you throw in

The names of CM Punk and Seth Rollins and Drew McIntyre and Money in the Bank briefcase holder Damen priest got a lot going on there still got a lot to go on this show we’ll be back wrestling Observer live H back on the show Mike SV here with you wrestling Observer

Live WWE Smackdown tonight live on Fox from the Pinnacle Bank Arena in Lincoln Nebraska I don’t know if Roman Reigns is going to be there I assume Paul Heyman is going to be there at the very least I know Bailey is going to be there because she’s going to be wrestling Bianca belir

Cameron Grimes is going to be wrestling Grayson Waller and then we get the match that I’d like to see and how a lot of these smackdowns have gone we only have four or five matches you know one usually gets over 20 minutes give that 20 minutes to the lwo Cruz Del Toro and

Walkin Wild against the other lwo the Legato World Order and hel Garza and Alberto CIO with Santos Escobar in their corner I’m hoping this is a standout match I like both of those teams a lot you know I was so happy to see Imperium in there and it’s like okay maybe

They’re doing something you know with with Kofi teaming up with Jay maybe we’ll get a little series with them and Imperium for a while we get to see Giovani Vinci show off on the main roster he really hasn’t had a chance to do that at all yet and he gets knocked

Lopy and gets knocked out and he’s out of there you know one thing too and I I just want to take it back to all the drama that’s taking place right now around the both World Championship scenes in WWE and what the main events might be for night one and night two of

WrestleMania um you know Roman Reigns wrestling on both nights I mean I guess that is possible but I’m interested in in what’s going to happen with Seth’s title and if he even makes it to WrestleMania with it and if he does who does he wrestle and if he doesn’t who

Does he lose it to because I know Damen priest has had that briefcase for a long time but as Drew McIntyre brought up on Raw this past Monday night you know you went in there to to cash that thing and you screwed up my shot you know you

Screwed everything up for both of us and the way things have been leading it certainly feels like Drew McIntyre is going to be welcomed in to the Judgment Day and Damen priest will be going out of the Judgment Day does Drew screw over Damien priest in his attempt to cash in the

Briefcase or does he beat Damen priest for the briefcase and go on and try to cash it in himself I would assume that he’s going to screw up Damien priest but then in that case if that happens before Mania well then who does Seth face is it Cody

Rhods where you put the belt on Cody and Roman does whatever he’s going to do with the rock and then Cody’s got his belt but he’s not fulfilled I still haven’t you know have not finished my story yet and I’m going to hold this title but I’m going to hold on to it

Until I can face Roman Reigns and if you’re to believe that Roman Reigns is going to surpass Hulk Hogan’s record well that means well is not Hulk Hogan’s record but the length of time Hogan has held the belt which I guess is third longest of all time now I

Believe if it’s uh it would definitely be Bruno first and I guess it would be backland second at that point then well you know if if that’s the case and Roman’s got to hold it to man of next year in all likelihood right I don’t know it’s it’s interesting though how

They’re going to try to move all these pieces around and how happy everybody’s going to be by the time that thing is over my friends over at the black wrestling podcast last night were talking you know could could it be possible that Roman opens up night one

And then closes night two which sounds ridiculous and Sac religious just on the surface but we’ve had big you know openings to WrestleMania we’ve had title matches open WrestleMania before and if he’s going to be wrestling on both shows you know him opening one and then closing night two would probably be the

Way to go but I don’t know it’s this is all very interesting here because they’re kind of cooking with gas right now WWE is pretty hot regardless of what you think about them the perception is they are hot and they do have a whole lot of hot stars or at least at

The very least if not hot they have a bunch of stars that people are believing in right now at to certain degrees and that includes Damen priest and and and Drew McIntyre and guys like that as well as Roman Reigns and Cody rhods and The Rock obviously now being back in the mix

WWE Smackdown as I mentioned tonight live on Fox WWE is also running two House shows this weekend as well both of which are in New Mexico Saturday you’re going to be in Los cruus New Mexico at the Pan-American Center and on Sunday the crew moves to the event center in Rio Rancho New

Mexico Rancho relaxo believe that’s where where Marge got sent off to on The Simpsons Monday Night Raw is going to be taking place in North Little Rock Arkansas at the Simmons Bank Arena NXT is also running two House shows this weekend tonight they’re going to be at

The Dade City Armory in Dade City Florida and on Saturday night that crew will move to Fort Pierce at the Haven L Fen Center Hall of Fame announcer Jim Ross says that his aew contract expires next month but he hopes be on the call for Sting’s last match at revolution in

March I was going to bring this up at some point you know I was actually going to do it on one of the shows I missed for being sick uh but I don’t have to anymore because Jim Ross has already said it for me I think the call of that

Match should be Jim Ross and Tony siyani and they don’t have to do anything the rest of the tonight on that show but I think for that final match I just want to hear those two and nobody else and this story was posted up to the main

Page of the site last night by Ethan rener Ross opened up about his a aew contract status on this week’s episode of his grilling Jr podcast where he revealed that his deal expires on February 14th Ross also said that he had a conversation with aew owner Tony Khan

About being on the commentary team with Tony Shani for Sting’s retirement match set for March 3rd quote I mentioned that to Tony KH last night he agreed it’s only right it makes sense how can I say this without sounding like a turd I think there’s money in chiani and I

Working together not just in Greensboro but going forward sporadically and we have great chemistry we’ve never lost that if he and I are doing the match with stinging company I believe it’s the right thing to do and I need to get signed up so I can be there Ross then

Went on to to say that he hopes to end his career in aew saying that he loves working with them I’m biased here you can’t really see it but you know Jim Ross would always carry around a a baseball card of Mickey Mantle in his wallet and actually met Mickey mantel uh

Drinking seven and sevens I think drank seven seven and sevens on a flight that they were both on together but I got my Jim Ross card uh right up here from I don’t know how old that thing is at this point it was a WWF card

That uh one of these we signed pieces of mat from the from back in the day from from some event there but I like Jim Ross and I’m a big fan of announcers even when they get a little long in the tooth even when they lose a little off

Their fast ball you know Vern lanquist you know Keith Jackson you know towards the end you know your your your John madens even Al Michaels now I know he takes a lot of abuse for for not being into things uh doing Thursday Night Football although I kind of don’t blame

Him he’s kind of the voice of the fan frankly sometimes with some of the calls that he makes uh but you know I like seeing those guys and I don’t think Jim Ross needs to be out there for every show I don’t think Tony Shani should be

Out there for every show frankly I to be honest I would rather just be a two-man two-man team with Taz and Excalibur I would be completely fine with that but I do like having shobani and Ross sprinkled in sometimes and I definitely think for a match like this

You know Sting’s last match in Carolina all of this stuff looping back around to the 80s and the tie-ins to to Crockett and all that sort of stuff it is only right that Tony shobani and Jim Ross be on that call and I would kind of hope

That they’re on that call again just those two unless unless Bob codd’s voice God bless him and he’s in his 90s at this point is really good I wouldn’t bring anybody else out there except for those two guys speaking of a ramp Pages tonight Homecoming on TNT taped last

Wednesday at DA’s place in Jacksonville for the aew Continental Triple Crown Eddie Kingston defends against wheeler UDA during his promo on Dynamite Wednesday night UDA made sure to point out that Eddie may have to beaten the rest of the Blackpool combat club during the Continental classic but he did not

Beat him and in fact wheeler UDA has been on a nine match Rampage win streak no spoilers for any of these things swerve Strickland will be taking on Matt sidel hakar oido will face Queen amanada who did pick up a win last night on Ro in a Four Corner survival match against

Diamon lady Frost and Trisha Dora and there’s also going to be a again no spoilers here on this aew Rampage homecoming show where Brody almost said Brody King where Brody Lee was honored Sixers tag team match the dark order Alex Reynolds EV Uno and John Silver with negative one in their Corner

Against Angelo Parker Matt Menard and Jake Hagar I don’t think you need any spoilers to see who’s going to win that aw Collision is Saturday Night Live on TNT from Norfolk Virginia the Chartway Arena the Ted Constant Convocation Center on the campus of Old Dominion University I like that building I’ve

Seen UFC in that building I’ve seen an old Impact TNA taping in that building and uh I I I like it down there it’s a good place to run wrestling too especially when people are the schools are in because there are so many schools in in the in that area of the Tidewater

And of Del Marva and the 757 the Seven Cities of of Norfolk and Newport News and Hampton Roads and Tidewater and all that down there it is a it is packed and there are a ton of colleges and again this is probably smart timing right now

I don’t know if school’s in session or not but you know when it is you can usually get a pretty good crowd Adam Copeland is going to be wrestling on the show got Dianna perazzo debuting against red velvet Ro World six-man Tag Team titles the Mogul Embassy against Lance Archer and the

Righteous and of course immediately following Collision there’s going to be a battle of the belt show we’ll get to that in a moment but why would you have the RO six-man title match on that I don’t know but we got news on that because Brian cage is actually paining a

Little bit as he goes into that world six-man tag team title match I’ll let you know about that and so much more when we get back from break wrestling Observer live for here with your wrestling Observer live Big Boss Man Brian Alvarez is out doing whatever the

Big boss man does on a Friday now maybe’s saying he’s out at his kids school I doubt that he’s probably just got his feet kicked up on the couch downstairs taking a big nap I don’t know where filthy Tom Lawler is either I didn’t even ask him to be on the show

With me today considering that he filled in so admirably for me so many times while I was out here uh sick here and in pain in a bit and speaking of pain as I mentioned Brian Cage is in some pain right now on Instagram Thursday he wrote

That he’s been dealing with a tornal lat muscle which he injured during the Fatal four-way match on the January 3rd episode of dynamite cage said that it happened when Trent Beretta gave a German suplex from the second rope he was obviously wrestling on Dynamite this week and then will be on collision

Coming up here on on Saturday defending those Ro World six-man Tag Team titles and again I don’t know why that match is not on Battle of the belts I believe there’s two matches that has been that have been announced for battle of the belts I’m sure they’re going to add one

More here but Julia Hart against Anna Jay for the TBS title and the aew World Tag Team title Big Bill and Ricky Starks against the ever popular Chris Jericho and Sammy Garo so going to be very interesting to see how that plays out do you go ahead and do the new jack thing

And and play Judas for the entire match I don’t know if that’s ultimately going to work you know it worked for new jack it worked in the uh the match with Moxley where they played Wild Thing and Brian was right about that Dave was wrong when people were oh they were sick

Of it no no it’s like the joke where it plays once and people laugh and plays twice people laugh plays thatd third time and people growl a little bit but then it just keeps happening and it’s just so ridiculous you got to go with it just like the new jack thing I don’t

Know if it’ll work in this case with Judas but we’ll see what they do there I still think it’s probably better and again I know sami’s been turned as many times as the Big Show has it feels like but I would go ahead and just turn Ricky

Starks in Big Bill people want to cheer Ricky Starks they want to get behind Ricky Starks you can make Jer Jericho and gavar heels depending on you’re doing with the Young Bucks anyway when it mixes up with sting and all that I mean they can be heels FTR can be heels

Against Big Bill and Ricky Starks you got enough you got buddy and Brody or or buddy and Brody and and Malachi some combination on the house of black they are heels so I don’t know big Bell and Ricky Starks again i’ I’d like to see them as baby faces but we’ll see got

Some ratings news on aew Wednesday’s edition of dynamite Notch 797 ,000 viewers on TBS according to Russell nomics that was down slightly from last week’s 801,000 viewers second lowest audience for the show since October 25th if you’re looking for the silver lining in the key 18 to 49y Old demographic the

Rating was a 0 29 up nearly 12% from last week so the show started off big when it but again it it tends to start off big with the Le that he gets uh from uh young Sheldon or Big Bang Theory whatever the hell it is there it started off with 1.01 million

People and it dropped precipitously through the next half hour I mean it’s probably better to look at quarter two and kind of start there and 895,000 people but then at 8:30 it fell to 795 and it’s like that’s not good bounced back up to 915,000 viewers and then really fell and the

Last second hour did averaged out to only be 700,000 and that doesn’t include the 688,000 overrun for the four minutes that it had but I mean this seemed to be a case where you know you can throw out the first quarter sometimes because to me you are getting this lead in but it

Felt with this one that like there were a lot of aw fans as as part of that that literally did tune in and then went okay we’ll come back later because obviously at 8:45 to 9 which I’m sure was to see what was going to happen you know in the

The the over you know the 9:00 or the 8:00 turning into 9 hour I mean 915,000 people that did its highest number for 18 to 49 465,000 of them and then it collapsed in that last quarter hour of 9:45 to 10:00 for a match that was very

Exciting it was very fun with Darby Allen and sting against kenos teesa and Powerhouse Hobs I mean again all stars on paper 636,000 people in that last 15 minutes and that’s rough no matter how you cut it that was rough and a a surprise I would have felt would have figured that

It would have held a a lot better but unfortunately it did not does it matter to wbd maybe maybe not but regardless they’re going to put out a press release saying that they’re happy because they’re happy enough with what aw’s doing right now they they put out a a a

Media release as all networks do to Hype up their programming and aw had its ratings and viewership success in 2023 touted up wbd wanted point out aew programming on both TBS and TNT ranked in the top 10 of all cable programming 72 times and what they call the coveted

Demo of under 50 50 of those occurrences ranked in the top five of the demo aw programming on TBS and TNT reached 15.6 million viewers in the fourth quarter up 3% year-over-year and aw programming reached nearly 4 million viewers each week across TNT and TBS so there you go

Go there’s the the hype from wbd we’ll see if their negotiations with WWE go anywhere or if aw stays put kind of hope for aw’s sake that they just stay put and WWE does take a deal somewhere else because you know for aew if wbd is going to get in the WWE

Business and they’re going to be in the NBA business and I would assume that they’re going to be in the NBA a business regardless of what happens with WWE I mean they’re they’re they’re not going to want to throw money I wouldn’t think that much at at two wrestling

Groups I just I don’t believe that’s going to happen and then in that case man I don’t like aw on Amazon that’s for sure if I don’t like WWE on Amazon I really don’t like any thoughts of aw being on Amazon and then from there what

Do you do you know again Paramount has shown no interest and considering that they’re in the debt that they’re in right now trying to shovel that away I can’t see them picking it up so again it they fall into a real precarious situation that way if aew or if wbd

Decides to get in bed with WWE in some other television news vice’s dark side of the ring is set to return for a fifth season according to a PW Insider report on Thursday the new lineup is scheduled to Premiere in March although has not been announced what

Topics the episode will cover this year Dark Side debuted in April of 2019 and has previously covered such subjects as the murder of Brut Bruiser Brody the death of oen har and the tragedy of the Von Erics which I saw after the release of the iron claw that uh they put up in

Their in its entirety on the vice YouTube page so if you’re one of the people out there who has no access to Vice they have put up some of those dark sides as I mentioned including the one that they did well last year or two

Years ago on the Von Erics is now up in its entirety on their YouTube page New Japan Battle of the valley 3 takes place on Saturday night the Civic in San Jose will be available through triller TV we went over the card yesterday one interesting situation tmdk

Bad dud Tito and Zack saber Jr against Matt riddle and a mystery opponent or a mystery partner je Cobb I guess makes some sense there if Will Osprey is not going to be the leader of United Empire then what happens with the United Empire could we

See a change at the top is that where Matt riddle comes in do we see an entirely new group that starts that includes Matt riddle and Jeff cob I don’t know but it it makes sense that it would be Jeff Cobb could it be someone else from the outside I guess it could

Be you know could it be be a a Ryan neth I I wouldn’t think so or Nick neth I I don’t think so I would have figured they would have announced him could we have a a complete surprise and somebody that we’re not expecting show up there like I don’t

Know um moose you know or somebody like that you know sure I mean that that could be the case as well but going to be interesting going to be interesting to see what the response is to riddle on that show going to be interesting to see

Who is part is going to be aw Continental classic Triple Crown if Eddie Kingston survives wheeler UDA he’ll be facing Gabe kid in a match that should be really really fun Julia defends the njpw strong women’s title possibly for the last time on American soil against Trisha Dora strong

Openweight tag team title but not the IWGP World Tag Team title which to me is ridiculous get rid of these stupid strong titles like you got rid of strong heavyweight title because it’s part of the Continental classic Triple Crown gimmick you’ve gotten rid of strong off The Branding of these shows they New

Japan shows stop it with the strong titles please just make it the tag title be done with it gorillas of Destiny L fantasma and hicko are going to defend the strong titles against bullet Club wargs Alex cogin and Clark Connors tjp against David Finley in a non-title

Match Rock Romero and Sano Jr against moscar dado and volador Jr that should be awesome I cannot wait to see that one that is going to be fun shingo against John Moxley no disqualification that ought to be pretty fun as well too and of course well there’s the main event

Too but should mention Fred roster Jacob Fatu and showa UMO against team filthy I’m not feeling good about team filthy chances there against that very unique lineup of show shooter Jacob fatau and feder Roos interesting combination there and the main event kuchka Okat against will Osprey the last time that those men are

Associated with New Japan on a new Japan show against each other it’s possible obviously osprey’s signed by aew he’s going to be starting up there fulltime in the uh first quarter or after the first quarter of the Year here and uh kazuchi kado where will he go will he

Stay in New Japan or is he going to be on his way to WWE or or maybe even aw we’re going to find out kickoff shows got Matt Vandergriff against Goldie and a new Japan strong women’s title number one Contender match between Stephanie vacer and Viva Van impact also returns

This weekend to its total non-stop action routs on Saturday with hard to kill at the Palms Casino in Las Vegas Josh Alexander against Josh Hammerstone PCO against dirty Dango who will have alpha bravo and Oleg prudy in their Corner in his corner and TNA Knockouts World title number one

Contendership uh ultimate xmatch Alicia Edwards against Jazelle Shaw Zia Brookside making her debut Danny Luna Tasha Steels and Jody threat TNA World Tag title ABC against the grizzled Young Veterans Against The Rascals Chris Sabin against Kido and vikingo for the ex division title Knockouts World title Trinity against Jordan Grace Alex Shelly

Against moose and on the count Down Show Rich Swan against Steve Macklin Eric Young and Frankie Kazarian against Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards and for the D TNA digital media title No DQ Tommy Dreamer against crazy Steve TNA has also got a show called Snake Eyes taking

Place on Sunday that’s also going to be at the Palms six-man tag team match the Motor City Machine Guns in kucho AATA against Brian Meers moose and Eddie Edwards and Josh Alexander is scheduled to face off against will Osprey got the short short segment coming up here put a

Bow on this show but I got some more shows I’m going to have to run down and I’m only going to have 2 minutes to do it we’ll see if I got enough wind wrestling Observer live now back on the show Mike SV here with your wrestling

Observer live so much stuff taking place this weekend TNA also announced today that it would be holding TV tapings at Philadelphia’s 2300 Arena on Friday March 22nd and Saturday March 23rd matches for the tape ings will be announced over the next few weeks tickets for the tapings are going on

Sale 10: a.m. eastern time on Saturday January 20th gcw is this weekend two shows tonight no Compadre at the Leah Hall in Chicago streaming on triller TV Blake Christian I don’t know how many title defenses he’s has like 36 title defenses or something like that facing off against KY Calvin tangman gcw tag

Title violence is forever against bang and Matthews the former Bang Bros that Brian loves so much and Reena yamasha defends the gcw ultraviolent title against John Wayne Murdoch this show was scheduled to have Andrade El ELO on it he was pulled from the show replaced by Leo Rush facing off against Jonathan

Gresham and then also Mustafa Ali against Gringo Loco and what ought to be a hell of a match there tomorrow gcw runs another fight plus triller TV whatever the hell you want to call it show 56 birds in Columbus Ohio at the valdale B Ballroom another gcw tag title

Match with violence and forever and bang and Matthews whoever wins the titles they’ll be in the ring with each other again alongside the rejects of John Wayne Matthews and Reed Bentley also a six-person tag Alec price Braden tun Dante Leon against C clope Mio mreo and Reena yamashta Leo Rush against myON

Reed and Joey Janella against microman that’s going to be something else it’s also going to be a real underrated probably really good wrestling match Jonathan Gresham against Cole radrick I like both of those guys a lot for different reasons and Cole radrick slowly been been taking steps up here

And you know does a lot of the uh gets thrown around a lot does a lot of the uh the the bleeding and the the fighting and the fussing and all that but you know he got to where he got to by being pretty good on the mat by uh being

Pretty sharp and I’d like to see him back there and in a in a true wrestling match and with Jonathan gram we’re going to get a chance to see that got the NWA shows this week and a ton of stuff going on but we’re going to have to get into

It tomorrow with Jim Valley I shall talk to you all again after a while


  1. This guy is a clown wouldn’t want Belichek because he is in his 70’s then mentioned Saban who is older. Also Pierce over Belichek lmao clown

  2. Problem with Roman doing both sites is it baby faces Roman because he's doing double duty and his opponent aren't. Plus , the title loss should be the last thing we should see as it's the most important.

  3. Personally I would LOVE AEW on Amazon, I don’t have cable so I would finally be able to catch the show legally.

  4. Jim Ross isn't good enough anymore and while nostalgia says him being on commentary for sting maybe the right call, fact is his work doesn't deserve it which, is what he's asked to be judged on.

  5. Sting, darby allin, takeshta & hobbs 'all stars on paper'?…to say that with a straight face is next level boldness….. hobbs & takeshta are not stars……..they could be, but they're not….yet

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