Golfing with Gen: Can I Score Lower off Front Tees? @ Kota Permai Golf

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[Applause] Welcome to another video of golfing with Jen in today’s video we’re going to be accompanying Auntie Angela here of the red te’s atota prise Back N the red te’s atoda prise is playing right around 5,500 y with today’s conditions we’ve got some very s ground so let’s see how

We navigate this golf course from a shorter distance but let’s see how we can tackle its tricky greens if you’ve watched myota per my Vlog you would know that this position is somewhere I’m familiar with whether it’s from the blue teas or the red teas so I

Definitely need to figure out a better strategy on this hole because I always tend to run out of f on the right side which leaves me in this trees today I felt like I could get myself through this hole that I found here the only thing that I really have to focus on

Here is making sure that I get the right trajectory because as you can see we’ve got that nasty cowg Grass at the bottom which can definitely pull the club so you do have to be careful of that on the right side of this Hole so after all that I did eat myself on the potting green however this was about a 60t pot so I was all the way on the other side of the green definitely not complaining When I Leave myself apart after giving myself a bad position but this part definitely did not turn

Out the way I expected it to as you can see that pretty much had no chance uh you can see right here is the challenge of Cami the slopes can really take the ball away from the hole so as you can see better from this clip as well past this hole everything was

Just going away from it toward towards the front of the green which I didn’t really see from the first part obviously so left myself with this long pot gave it a goal but just wasn’t meant to go in on this one we will have to take the bog in the First so not off to the best starts there but we do have a short par for here on the second it’s playing 279 all the way to the pin which is all the way on the back of the green so there is bunkers trapping the left and the right

Side on the front of the green so I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to make this green especially with the conditions so I I was trying to favor more towards the right side here and I was actually trying to aim towards the bunker on the right side because that’s

Going to give me a much better angle to approach this pin if I was to miss this left it’s going to be a very very difficult chip so I think you can see here I’ve got a pretty clear angle to the pin which is what I was hoping for

Unfortunately I didn’t have the best of luck eyes because it was kind of an up slope and a downhill slope um so meaning that there was no way I was going to be able to stop or spin this ball because it was going to come out pretty hot so I

Was just trying to get this as close as possible here from 40 yard with 58° Wedge a lot of people have this misconception that shorter means easier but a lot of times it actually means you need more accuracy and like like kind of like different shots cuz you’re not just like hitting full shots into the green all the time you have to be a little bit

Creative most of the time so it gets pretty interesting so this is where my ball ended out like I said it didn’t check so it pretty much released over the pin I have a pretty quick and Slick part here so I was really just trying to

Get this as close as possible there is as well a hole where they cut the green which I thought was going to be a factor as well I don’t know if you could tell but my poter face kind of got stuck on the backstroke which was kind of why I kind

Of accelerated too much through it and left myself with a longer part than I wanted To so an important part of save there as we move on to the next part five so far this part five I’m not going to be able to carry the last bunker there so I do need to aim towards the left side of that bunker just try to keep this on the

Fway to give myself a chance to go for this green shot so I got myself on a good position here on The Fairway unfortunately it’s a bit of an odd slope so as you can tell this hole goes uphill but I’ve also got a bit

Of a downhill Li so I didn’t think that my ball would have enough carry to go all the way onto the green there’s also a tree overhanging the left side so I was definitely favoring the right side here just taking all those funkers out of play

So even though I said I was favoring the right side I went a little bit too far right and this was actually a very very difficult chip because where I was going to land the ball if I were to carry it there it was going to be entirely

Downhill so I kind of had to land it short of the green but if I lend it short because of the conditions today there is a chance that the ball is not going to bounce up so I didn’t really have too much of an option here I just

Had to play to give myself a putt so I wented the higher percentage shot here going to 54° just going to land it somewhere around the ball that’s just short of the green I know it’s not going to be close but at least I’ll give myself a

Putt so this is one of those holes where I definitely would have been much more comfortable hitting like a 70 yard 880 yard approach shot into that green because I feel like I would have had a chance to attack this spin as compared to where I was just now because like you

Could see it was a very difficult Chip Shot however there’s of course the benefit of being able to potentially reach the Green in two so it’s one of those risk rewards where you go for it and if you hit a good shot you might give yourself a good chance for Eagle if

Not you’re you know you’re just playing it as a regular par five so with it being a Shor whole obviously that’s that advantage of being having that option to go for The Greening Too so moving on to the next toour which is this PA which definitely looks a a lot different from this tea box those bunkers are definitely out of play but I do want to make sure that I kind of keep it towards the right side of this FY

Because as it has a little bit of a dark leg left and I can’t really tell where the pin position is for today if you’re too far towards the left you do have a chance of being blocked by those trees so definitely favoring the right side here okay

After a good drive we’ve only got 85 yards here but I think you can see that one of the characteristics of Koda perai as well is that you really ever get a flat lie I feel like for most of today the ball has been above my feet which

Also makes it a little bit difficult to have a lot of spin on the ball so this definitely makes it a bit tricky as well to get the ball really close to the hole So next next up we have a pretty short par three but it’s definitely not an easy one as you can tell from the green here it’s 122 yards playing 118 yards today so one of the things that I said in the beginning was that just because it’s short doesn’t mean it’s easier and

Of course like over here I’m hitting a pitching wedge and I still have to hit a good pitching wedge in order to give myself a good chance for birdie I think the biggest difference that you can see when you’re playing a short course versus when you’re playing a long course

Is that you’re going to minimize those errors because you’re going to have more chances to hit more greens because you have shorter clubs but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to be scoring better it just means that you’re going to be probably having a smaller margin of Error So like I said you still have to hit the shots and you still have to make the parts next up we have a tricky part four um for this t-shirt actually the fairy does get pretty narrow up there because the water has it comes in a little bit

But I felt pretty confident with my drive today that I was going to be able to give myself enough room to to still keep this on the Fairway so you can kind of see why I said this fairy gets a bit narrow as well there is a big slope that kicks

Everything towards the left which is where the water hazard was and again we don’t have a long shot in but we’ve got another tricky lie so we’ve just got to try to hit the good shot here and hopefully get it Close can See For Definitely the biggest observation from from the r teas is that the drives have to be more aggressive but there are less hazards in play in the sense that like I can carry the bunkers easily so they’re not really in play but I have to be more

Aggressive as in I have to take a more aggressive line um and then with the approach shots I tend to have to be more creative because I can’t really just hit full shots so some of the shots especially when I have like some odd distance wedges it’s actually more

Difficult depending on the pin position as well some of the pin positions makes it very difficult to approach that when you don’t have a full shot in to It Y Oh so we’ve reached the last hole of this course blog which is a part five and I think definitely the biggest Advantage playing off the fronti are going to be the power five for me because this gives me an opportunity to go for the greens harest you can see we’re still playing

Decent length par fivs in fact there’s a lot of par fivs on tour which are around this distance so I would say that Koda Perma is definitely a challenging course where it’s B from the whites the Reds the blues the blacks it just poses different challenges but it’s always fun to

Challenge yourself from different tea boxes so especially if you’ve played a golf course many many times why not try playing it off different tea boxes because you will really see a whole new perspective of the course and like I said previously you still need to hit

The shots you still need to make the parts just because you play something shorter or something longer does mean it’s going to make it easier or harder it’s just going to be a different kind of challenge as we know golf is not a game where anything is really easy so

You still need to achieve the birdie the eagle whatever it is regardless of whether it’s 100 yards or 200 yards so step outside your comfort zone and play different tea boxes this year it’s also very fun and exciting to be able to go for parring too and to make more birdies

So I hope you guys enjoyed this Vlog don’t forget to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and stay tuned for the next coffing with Jen buddy


  1. Your comment at 4:04 about short shots is my demise. I can get it to the green, or around it in regulation, but then the chip that you had to make is where I struggle. It adds so many strokes to my game where I'm 50 feet from the hole but the chip hurts, and then you have to recover through looong putts. Taking a lesson over the winter to try and get the short game to at least improved.

    Great video!

  2. Ok Gen, this is exciting. I haven't seen the video yet but i have to deal with this every day. I play on a local tour and pretty much have the same distances as you BUT i an old man and when i play regular games with my buddies they want to play two or three tees up.
    I score pretty much the same, maybe worse because my strengths are driver and longer irons. You are more solid than i am so lets see how you do?
    I am soooo stoked for this!

  3. So great to see golf with Gen. I love your videos and I also really like the lace on your top! Keep it up and good luck!

  4. I have enjoyed watching your game so much, showing beautiful golf swings and superb course management. I wished other pros, teaching pros or golf coaches, if they are really good, would do the same. I think the quality of your play is almost or near the LPGA level. However, there must be some missing link awaiting you to find out. I remember Lydia Ko when she used to rank 50+. She credited her breakthrough to top 10s to her old coach. It might be true, who know?

    Nevermind. what I noticed from your play in this episode is that on your upswings, at the moment of top full swing, all of them, your right leg is fully stretched out, like a sitting, no flex at all. You might like it that way. It's okay. But as far as I had observed, few LPGAers do that. That's for one. Another one of my observation is your short game, particularly the putting. It still has a lot of rooms to improve. In other words, playing a par is fine for most people but it's hopefully the last resort for the LPGAers. If you put more time (usually 3 hours a day everyday until enough) with short game, your dream to become an LPGA tour player will become true.

    I am sure you can overcome this. Why? Because usually old, stubborn golfers swing poorly but can score brilliantly. Not a myth. Everyone knows that chipping and putting are the only thing they can do (due to their physical strength). It's just a view, and I wish you well.

  5. I enjoyed watching Garret (from good good) and Bryson Dechambeau play from the up tees and go low. Get in the habit of making tons of birdies. Best of luck – Go Low – You got this!

  6. take your back swing a bit more outside the line as your take away is starting to come inside too much meaning too much draw and your swing too rounded,, your last chip is evidence….plus it doesnt stop as quick as a cut shot meaning loss of control and further proximity from pin

  7. Enjoyed all your traffic warden hand signals n fingers snapping😂 definitely a course to revisit for myself again as I find more work time in KL/Meleka in 2024 soon from March onwards.enjoyed the vlog🫶

  8. Tought you would score well given from the red tee. Mostly under read on the green. KP is notorious on the fast greens. Condition still good due to the heavy rain. My coach Lim always teach me to play dying putts on fast greens …Lesson every sunday in the range.

  9. Those greens looked super quick 😊 always look forward to the vlogs Gen keep playing well and smiling even after a poor shot

  10. Gen, I’ve played a tee mix with friends before due to boredom on our home course. Beginning from the pro tees and progressing to the next tee on the next hole, moving forward on the tees and repeating. It was fun and challenging. Film that if you can. Also we played the course backwards with mats as tees and it was crazy fun! That became an annual tournament for the club. Always like to see your progress as a pro.

  11. Notice her LEFT hand when she’s behind the ball lining up her shot. Right after she decides what she’s going to do, she flexes her fingers. That’s her GO signal to herself. Quite interesting.

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