The KEY MOVE to ripping your driver like the pros

If you’re swinging over the top, the culprit is often your right shoulder, and it can significantly impact your golf swing, leading to a loss of power and a dreaded slice! The key is to prevent the right shoulder from dominating the golf swing, particularly during the downswing, as allowing it to pop out and work over the top can be detrimental. In this video, I demonstrate the exact move that addresses how the right shoulder works in the downswing – a crucial key move!HOW THE RIGHT SHOULDER WORKS IN THE DOWNSWING! KEY MOVE!

Follow these steps to eliminate your over-the-top move and improve your golf swing, especially with the driver. Learn how to hit from the inside by focusing on the right shoulder. We’ve outlined 5 simple steps to ensure you’re making the correct key move:

The KEY Move:

1. Perfect setup and driver stance
2. Club-across-the-chest drill setup
3. Turn back and practice lowering your right shoulder
4. Keep your back to the target for as long as possible
5. Drop and turn through to the target with the right shoulder staying low.
Implementing these steps will help you improve and make the necessary adjustments for a more effective golf swing.

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If you’re swinging over the top then you got to promise you one thing you’re going to stop your right shoulder dominating the down swing now you think about it it makes sense that it actually does right now because most right-handed golfers are right hand dominant so it’s

Trying to give you all the power promise me you’ll follow this to take the over the top swing out of your game so welcome to the channel my name is Alex Elliot I’m a PJ go professional and top 50 World coach if you’re always wondering where all these ideas from

These videos come from well they come from you I am powered by you the viewers and today we are answering all of these questions here about the downswing how do I hit from the inside well this is exactly how and to get involved subscribe to the channel turn on the

Bell for a couple of reasons right one so you always get notified and two you wouldn’t want to miss me answering your question so I’m going to break this down into five simple steps so you know if you’re doing it right but what we’re looking for is as we swing down our back

Shoulder so our right shoulder to be lower than our lead like look at that that’s the first checkpoint because the opposite happens when we dominate with this the opposite happens so the first point is there isn’t it just get that right shoulder below our left and then

That gives us the opportunity look to swing from the inside and extend through that hit just having that whole idea honestly will be a GameChanger but let’s get into the first step so step one and don’t overestimate this how you stand to the gold ball we’ve got to have good

Posture so what I’m going to encourage you to do is stand to that golf ball with a golf club in your hand and let’s be honest it’s worse this over the top move with driver so let’s just go whole hog and start there now what you’ll notice here is from some checkpoints for

You armpits are over the toes bum is just behind the heels I’m not hunched I’m not sticking my bum out just really make sure we’re in an athletic position as we can just a ready position like me here step one done step two is keep yourself in this position but bring that

Club now to your shoulders but a very specific way I want more pointing out this right hand side they’re the first two steps just to get good posture and in this position I’m in here step number three is what I’m looking for now is you to turn to the top and just practice

This for me this this now it might look a little bit strange right now but look what is happening to my right shoulder right my right shoulder is lower than my left that is the move we’re trying to make so just for8 to 10 reps turn to the

Top practice getting that shoulder lower now once you’re comfortable with that you can now move into step number four can you see how this is just little mini steps that help everybody understand the process and then actually implement it into your game so the next phase and

Step number four is we’ve got to feel as though we keep our back to Target as long as we can now look at what move I’m making I’ve got this side Bend which I showed you before this tilting down on my right but now I’m turning my hips I want you

To practice this look at this motion and bring it into the golf ball now I’m overdoing this just to really give me a feeling but also to show you so for now 8 to 10 reps get the idea of keeping that back to Target for as long as

Possible to really get the idea of this right shoulder getting lower to start the down swing so let’s summarize those points I’ve just shown you just dead easy so that was good posture I’ll bring it to life a little bit more with a club in my hand turn to the

Top right shoulder lower than left and then that feeling of keeping that back to Target for as long as possible look where this club is starting to fall every single time now step five is really simple the one thing I want you to do is actually make a few practice swings don’t

Overestimate that be comfortable making a lot of practice swings until you feel like right okay I’m now going to hit this shot away but one thing I would really get you to do and you’ll be amazed at the power that you get is have the idea in your mind that you’re going

To make 50% effort swings and really promise me that because if you make 50% effort swings you’re more likely at this stage to bring it into your game make 50% then make 75 % and then go to 90 never go more than 90 now the one thing

I’m going to focus on is doing this start on my down swing slow as possible back to Target right shoulder low honestly oh I’m going to show you what this does to my club path only 50% power though but look look at where I finished there now

That’s flown like more than 50% power have a look at this data though now if you’re somebody that swings over the top what you’ll see is your data has a minus figure or a left next to it 4.2 right 4.2 from the inside using that exact

Method just to give you an idea of what that means relative to my swing I’m usually about one or two from the inside so I’ve improved that by up to about 3° thanks so much for watching and don’t forget to subscribe to the channel for free simple golf tips


  1. I was told swing I too fast that my club head can’t keep up with my arms and I have a hard time fixing my slice

  2. Good evening team! Lovely to speak to you all on the live stream! This one was highly requested in the last live stream so hear we go!

  3. Exactly my issue with the downswing. I ended up throwing the club outside and cut across the ball resulting in a pull or hook.

  4. This swing is completely the opposite of the body rotation swing with the modern release you taught in another video. It's very confusing to know what tips to apply to what swing.

  5. Alex, is it me or the width of your stance is somewhat wider then what you are recommending in some other lessons where you say it should not be wider then your armpits ?

  6. Thanks Alex. This is the best explanation of right shoulder movement that I have seen. Very easy to follow and perform.

  7. Love the content and drill, however I think I am a stronger player who gets my arms "stuck" and rarely comes over the top. The feeling of right shoulder low is going to drive my club head into the ground well before the ball. It's a consistent rotation where the right shoulder levels out and moves forward as the downswing progresses. I generally am the player trying to avoid snap hooks. I know I don't have a problem coming from inside to the ball.

  8. Alex, I have had times where I have hit the ground way behind with driver and made a divot, which made my drive worthless and times where I have topped it. How do I judge what height my driver should be for me? I'm 5ft 7in tall. I feel like a standard club is too long with these strikes. I have had some great drives straight buy can never duplicate it, my longest straight was 285 yards

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