I FOUND the SIMPLEST Way to Control my Golf Swing to Start Hitting Darts on the Course

Today I take another golf lesson from my golf coach to go over how to better control my golf swing to decrease dispersion, and improve my golf swing altogether. We go over takeaway and backswing, grip, impact, and even work on the driver.

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00:00 Introduction
00:54 Working on Takeaway and Backswing
01:25 How Grip and Handle Height affect face
06:19 Swing Analysis Part 1
08:01 Chest Rotation on the Backswing
12:36 Discussion around Rory Mcilroy
17:55 Swing Analysis Part 2
21:36 Impact Drills
23:01 How to start warming up moving forward
24:32 The IMPACT FIX
28:54 Swing Analysis Part 3
38:01 My Homework

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#golf #scratchtoscratch #S2

This here is a golf ball and I bet you this white little ball here has controlled how you felt recently don’t lie don’t lie maybe it was sadness happiness or frustration it’s crazy where this tiny white ball ends up can be the difference between having an

Amazing day or having one of the worst days of your lives but today you are going to have an amazing day because I am back with my hall of fame coach Dana dalquest to figure out the simplest path to get control not only will you be able

To start striping it down the middle but finally get that ball to go where you want it to actually go and isn’t that all we ever wanted in life let’s get into it treat this like a wedge like you’re just going to pitch it to the right of that

Stick oh yeah so kind of let’s do that again take your back swing we’ll hit right here so you’re only going to go this far back yeah and I want you to as you do it feel like this is much wider like don’t try to do anything with your hands just

Feel like it’s pretty straight that like that okay just there yep you’re going to do that and not hit this and don’t try to hit hard you’re only trying to pitch it like 60 yards Keep It Wide there you go do it again we’re try to keep it wide on both sides now

There’s one little thing that’s kind of interesting remember last week how I said your hands get a little bit low yeah okay so you play and this is something to look at I’ll show the over here so my grip right now is a little on the stronger side yeah okay and the

Lower the handle get get the stronger the left hand gets yeah see that yeah that closes the face also it creates more angle between your wrist and your arm yeah so if I wanted to have a very good ability of controlling the bottom I wouldn’t want to try to get too much

Deviation in my back swing between the shaft and the wrist okay I know you’ve heard of lag before and stuff yeah like don’t even worry about it like you got plenty I’d rather you get the handle High higher which will weaken your grip out okay aim the face more right and

Then feel like it’s much much straighter especially when you’re warming up okay and if you start missing the ball yeah that’s something you want to kind of look for okay so let’s do a couple go and set up and then so there’s two things I’ve kind of realized here it’s

Hard for me to unless I’m doing a full swing get to my left side so it’s it seems it doesn’t seem like I’m well okay going back yeah yeah so when you’re hitting these like shorter ones yeah don’t shift right so much try to Anchor

It a little bit more on the left side yeah and and just kind of keep it there and then as you get to like maybe a driver or a full six iron then you can have a little bit of a shift but when I mean shift I don’t mean shift the pelvis

It’s just pressure okay oh okay like this versus like this yeah you don’t want to go lateral that would be bad okay okay go and set up so a handle higher as high as you can get it and then do a back swing feel like your arms and wrist don’t break and stop

Here good so that’s 90° that was actually good can do that again okay handle higher to dress take it back and stop there it is hold so I feel like this is wider like that okay like this yep that’s your back swing so like this yep all right so handle higher okay go

And do that try to stay feel like you’re a little bit left and wide Bingo very nice okay um yeah and then I guess the one thing I’m trying to not bring it in here anymore so I’m kind of like getting this a little more structured I don’t know if it’s like

When I’m coming out I have to make sure it’s kind of more out versus like oh in so much yeah that’s fine like this yeah but that wrist so see what you did there so this is once again this is actually good yeah I’m going to reiterate your

Grip got stronger handle got lower so if I went back with a level left wrist the face is shut yeah so then what you did is then you cued your wrist to have a square face okay so just something to note like if you start seeing this wrist

Too cued it can be level to slightly extended yeah but not too much I see so if I’m just keeping this make it a little we and then just go back like this yeah yeah there you go and then a little bit wider and softer there you go

Like that wider meaning like outward that way yeah like this or this way yeah but like like do that again what you just did there this way yeah just just a hair so this angle is wider between here and here the thing that I was trying to

Add is that this thing uhhuh side Bend and turn yeah the side Bend and turn um when I’m doing this I feel like maybe I’m over exaggerating so I can’t even like do that so then I end up going this okay does that make sense kind of maybe yeah we’ll find

Out like the motion overall looks fine okay it’s a lot of movement though so I’d try to learn how to soften it up and pull the speed out of it so instead of like all over the place is kind of just yeah like you got to get some flow cuz

Like here’s the goal what are you hitting a sron there yeah so you’re trying to hit at the same distance keep kind of keeping the handle high and wide there you go very good shorten it up a little bit I’ll shorten it yeah I’m just hitting a

Bunch of thin shots right now with this well if you I’ll I’ll teach you that piece okay I’m filming this one you ready yeah keep trying to keep that wide yep and keep your pelvis a little forward and not moving a lot yeah that

Is a lot to do with your side Bend cuz you’re coming out of the shot so um let me show you on video yeah what I’m talking about we’ll do it let’s do it from the cart sure it’s easier yeah the side Bend too I’m I was trying to add

That yesterday and it it just didn’t seemed like I was doing it properly cuz I like film myself and it just seems like I’ll go like here and then I’ll just like this doesn’t get here it just like I’m side bending and doing that well I’d rather you keep your

Inclination to the ground yeah than try to get your hips open so you’re looking at your hips being open yeah um I’d rather you get really good contact now you see your pelvis here yeah so that moves like 2 in to the right almost you

Want to keep that at like0 five or zero yeah close to one maybe okay but then when you look at that relationship of that even your upper Hub which is the upper cogg mhm is pretty good and then that goes forward pretty quickly so like that doesn’t look bad but then your hips

Jump forward real fast so it’s just not stable and then look how big your swing is like you’re you’re massively rotated so we want to kind of go a little shorter bring control in and then as you come down see your head’s coming up yeah and everything’s kind of forward

So your chest is forward like your head’s not back so there’s too much like horizontal going on in your swing and then we need to side Bend and stay in your inclination and then not break the wrists on both sides okay like that’s the skill like if I if I was you you

Have speed speed’s not a problem yeah contact start line contact start line and your overall motion looks fine yeah but that inclination needs to be good so this is what I would do go ah and go set up for me remember when my when I think

Last week I was doing a lot of this and it was hard to get to the left side back so right now I’m trying to just do this like more open I guess yeah and which allows me but if I don’t get to more

Open then it’s hard for me so if I kind of just stop here is that what you’re kind of saying or yeah so it’s more through your arm so so you can do the full turn but don’t turn to Oblivion like you’re going to almost 100° with a

Seven iron okay so and you’re throwing Lateral with it so you want to dial that to like 90° and keep your arms and wrists from deviating too much okay so if you kept like the letter Y here right mhm turn to 90° for me good so that’s kind of it and feel

Like this is really really wide and you’re not moving your pelvis to the right very much right okay now from here start side bending keep your head here keep going good very good then keep the arm straight and let your knees come together you’re going to finish in that

Side tent and finish there like if you stand if you stood there and went here there and you kept that the bottom gets good okay right like that’s the number one thing like where it starts doesn’t matter but if you’re like chunking it thinning it you need that

Tilt to be there okay and then eliminate the side to side movement so just keeping this stable and then just going there yeah that’s perfect and then keep the Tilt keep the arm even the club straight on the follow through so this one makes sense breing this is just we just keep holding

That there finish there oh okay okay oh man okay you’ll figure it out don’t worry yeah not my first rodeo so right there that’s what you should play with because you didn’t so here’s the thing the intent was to go here go here yeah and you went to a full finish

You went to a full back swing yeah okay so like the intent to keep it shorter and keep everything wider made your contact pristine yeah now you could do it more so whatever you did there strive for more okay like get feel like it’s Steve Stricker like it’s not deviating

And you’re keeping your inclination like once you control like these factors and nothing really Elks then we can get into specific things like is the shaft pitch good like get into the golf theory side of stuff but like here’s the goal like you want to play better yeah so

People come in for a golf lesson to with me that are not really good players mhm really good players they show up because they’re missing the ball somewhere yeah right so like I’m missing it right can’t miss it right okay this keeps you from missing it right done right that’s the lesson

Everybody else goes well I was on Instagram and I want to do this with my elbow and it’s like okay like but that doesn’t make you control anything yeah you know you’re not behaving like a good player good player is like I need to hit the ball first I need to control where

It starts control that curves and then maybe Downstream like work on power like whatever but yeah you already have that piece figured out like you hit it far enough um to to me it’s like I want to control that ball contact every single time okay all right ready

Let’s do it again yeah so your intention is inclination to the ground less shifting around there you go there keep the arm straight arm straight keep your inclination keep going stop there so see how the club passes keep it there okay okay that’s the goal and then this will eventually yeah don’t

Worry about that doesn’t matter okay Tom fle Wood’s pretty good at hit hitting and not doing that yeah so it kind of just keep this like pretty extended out extended and wide yeah uh-huh okay yep interesting interesting yeah I guess like the main thing to me like the main reason I do

This so hard I guess is to try to get on the left side but yeah you you you’re accomplishing that goal by not shifting so far right yeah I’m just staying cuz here here’s the thing so I was on social media this morning maybe I shouldn’t have been but

I was okay and everybody was on social media too so don’t lie um and since you guys are on social media already watching this amazing video with this amazing coach just a reminder please don’t forget to subscribe and like this video not only do I grind every single

Day to get this scratch but I also grind nonstop to get you guys these amazing videos so please ladies and gentlemen smash those two little buttons right there thanks so much and now back to the video you go on there and they had a video of like Rory Macy’s pelvis and

They were saying like look how far it goes forward and whatever okay yeah he’s doing that but that’s a little bit disingenuous because it’s not giving you the whole picture so in Rory’s case cuz he’s an outlier and if you’re going to perform this action you have to train it he sets

Up and he shifts right first M so he’s already moved with a dri driver 3 in right yeah then he starts to turn and gets back to that lead side yeah well he’s been doing it forever yeah right but his error is not hitting the ball yeah right some other thing who

Knows what it is MHM doubt he even knows what it is he’s that good but the reality is is like okay the masses of golfers unless you’re trying to work on Club at speed are not trying to do a bunch of that because that gets you away

From controlling the bottom yeah so if we’re like okay look we want to hit the middle of the face every time don’t shift it very much feel okay there’s a little pressure right turn the pelvis and keep it somewhat centered going back so that you can get left

Easily without thinking about it yeah you don’t have to go like slam okay right that was mainly what I was doing um and then when I slammed it I just couldn’t do any of the other stuff yeah well you probably are pushing lateral if you push lateral like that you can’t

Turn yeah okay cuz you’re just going forward gotcha so you need to just push and not go that yeah you’re going to already do it and then the side Bend here you want me to like go this way yep and keep your arm straight yeah so when you finish your

Head’s on a wall like this already better that look great that was cool yeah that was pretty right when you took that back I knew that was going to be good and by the way that’s a full swing that is that a full swing yeah 100% oh that

Just feels like a for me now keep trying keep trying to dial it down okay I mean how often do I smash a seven iron yeah zero zero yeah ever yeah already better just hitting dud straight little draws yeah that’s it feels so much more controlled I feel

Like I’m doing like a 60% swing right now well you here’s that’s the issue like you’re capable of doing it yeah if I had some regular I’m not blowing smoke here but if you had like the physical capability of moving around like you do I mean that’s a good attribute because

You’re in shape you’re able to do it but you don’t have the skill set yet yeah you know so like I get plenty of long drive guys that I talk to and work with yeah we’re doing the opposite of you okay but they probably played college

Golf yeah so they don’t really care like they’re going to hit the center of the face once again you go on the internet like we look at Kyle Burkshire yeah Kyle’s freaking good at hit in the middle of face yeah for him to do what

He’s doing but he also can time up when he gets his pressure back to his lead Sid MH and his swing is long yeah so when you look at Kyle and you look at Josh and you look at Justin James like they their club’s here yeah and then

Boom like you got to remember you’re trying to hit that seven iron 170 yards out of Target yeah and consistently mhm so would I be hitting like my my nine Aon similarly like this everything even my like 56° yeah okay if not shorter yeah and for those um like I said

Getting the I guess the weight is going to naturally get when I get there okay am I like also I mean don’t worry about clearing okay you’re going to do it don’t worry because it seems like when I’m doing it I’ll get here and then I’ll

Just swing rather than I guess using my you’ll be fine rotation don’t worry you’re fine shorten it up even shorter yeah so the mindset is shorten it up keep as stable as you can keep it especially where your pelvis is and keep your arm straight on both sides of

The spectrum while keeping your inclination to the ground and then get really good you hit the ball in that zone every time just boom boom boom boom boom get control over that don’t add little things that don’t matter better a ball sounded wonderful that was an ELO ball what does

That mean terrible terrible golf ball oh sound like a feather yep yep don’t release it don’t release it just keep that straight like this yep do that again even more Club head oh like this now it won’t actually do that that’s your feel yeah okay try to do

That yeah this and then eventually go through yeah sick very good okay next one same thing handle higher face a little to the right at a dress little wrist deviation did you feel that on the back or both both sides oh yeah a little bit so this is really not doing anything

We’re just bringing it back you’re not doing anything really okay keep it simple okay as straight as you can on both sides ready yeah open face a little bit just a little bit handle a little higher do not break the wrist keep your inclination to the ground and less

Movement to the right go ahead awesome that hook yeah let’s go take a look contact all right uh a little bit yeah okay so like who’s the number one golf coach historically the last decade in the country but arit there you go okay why is Butch really

Good uh I just know that he coached tiger okay so why he’s really good there’s a bunch of reasons yeah number one is he goes okay what is the issue okay and where your attention to where the issue is is what is this doing okay and what’s the simplest path to least

Resistance to control that and then get you to buy into doing one thing really well that’s pretty much it okay and it’s not like oh you got to open your hips more okay okay because once you go to that it doesn’t affect that much okay okay so if you look at

Here that’s less to the right see that yeah by about a half an inch and you think you’re not turning very much and you still got to 100 okay oh dang right a lot that’s a lot it’s a lot like this should be with that club

90 okay and you’re s degrees out of range six degrees out of range and then on the down swing you’re still coming up yeah see that and you need to keep that inclination as you go through and see your wrist kind of broke so because you’re coming up you can’t lean the

Handle and the wrist goes into extension too quick go like that I guess I’m kind of I don’t know how to disconnect when I get on this lead side it seems like the only way is like if I start turning this is just going to go up it should okay so

It should go up and back as you tilt okay so my problem right now is that it’s just going up and you’re just going up and you’re not keeping your tilt want me show you how to do it yeah okay it’s not going to feel normal yeah and then that’s not finishing right

Here see how it needs to be straight and you’re finishing it way up here I see right so um and it’s a nice looking golf swing looks pure like if if I didn’t know where the ball went oh yeah was 180 yards down the middle yeah cuz you’re

Turning like Cameron Champ there is that a good thing well yeah but like still got to hit the ball first yeah okay so let’s go do it okay cool yeah I guess what I’m trying trying to think like the number one thing to fix and just focus on that keep it short

Yeah I guess keep from moving side to side yeah and then the down swing so let’s go to go to impact for a minute uh impact right right here yep so get your weight forward oh yeah okay good so now straight in the left leg where’ the hips

Go this way yeah yeah and then you have to correspondingly go into your tilt as this pushes open see how you went down and this went back yeah where’s your handle forward yeah so wouldn’t this shoot out to the right if I do it this way like here or do I need

A no don’t worry about that okay yeah don’t don’t yeah so cuz you’re doing this where’s the face go like this yeah so that I could just like so if I’m keeping that feel that it’s like extended like like this you just keep it like it was at impact yeah and just keep

It there mhm what would it do it would go start right and draw yeah okay so try try to do that go to impact okay hips are open chest down side Bend good now keep your weight forward like that and hit a Chip Shot 10 yards 10 yard feel

That yeah don’t don’t release it oh yeah so here’s the thing like if you were a tour player tour players do that too much yeah some of them mhm like then you could line that up yeah but you’re lining it up early and you’re standing

Up yeah so like you got have to learn to get here more yeah so I’m bring this extended out like as I guess smaller back swing in my mind because it kind of goes more so it’s just like that’s the first feel yeah good this and then gets in here

Straighten the leg behind you and side Bend and stay down good stop okay know where you are at impact go back to impact good straighten the left leg good side Bend and down oh like even more here there’s the handle now doesn’t mean the handle doesn’t rise it does but you need

To get there first there it is that’s what I mean like when we started I asked you specifically and I didn’t expect you to have the right answer yeah what do you do when you warm up like well I just hit short irons it’s like okay well like

What’s a usable shot well if I hit a wedge M to a back pin I’m going to be like this every single time and I’m going to do that 50% of time on the golf course yeah I am not going to be going like that yeah cuz you can’t play from

There you can’t throw a wedge straight up in the air and let the wind take it yeah right so get good at like bam hit that shot and keep it down there oh that is completely different okay so this I guess don’t even like s here

Get here which will be kind of like 50% F but it’ll probably be at 100 for me yep and then push side Bend hold the angles wait there now you’re not going to come out of it so like chip balls like that don’t don’t hit big ones just

Chip oh that’s different didn’t go left how about that yeah so for my I guess diagnosis if I’m doing that it’s going to go right sure hit it right it’s okay okay yeah like let’s just get the contact good we’re about the right next that look flush where’d that go uh

Straight and then kind of went to the right a little bit okay cool oh this is completely different what I do better so now if you thin one do the impact we call that impact fix mhm so like there’s a book called The Golf machine if you want to get like really

Into the weeds yeah I’m not going to let you do that but go to impact real quick that’s impact fix so you see how you’re like tilted and you’re open with your lower body handles forward yeah now pitch the ball 10 fet see that see you don’t throw the

Angles out of your wrist yeah that’s how I’d warm up just get really good at contact contact contact yeah and then get into the theory later yes yeah I guess all the time I I would yeah never do that oh better fell on my toes there so quick

Question on like the side Bend I know like there’s people like Wen what’s his name yeah walk Neiman yeah which is like yeah I’m not saying to do that and so yeah what is a let’s just do normal so here’s the thing okay I know you’re really popular on the internet okay okay

On the internet there is a lot of arguing going on mhm and everybody in my mind is right yeah if they’re given ability to sit down for 15 minutes and have a conversation why yeah that never happens it’s just here’s a video walking Neiman he’s really good therefore he

Should do it yeah okay but then you have Jimmy Walker M who’s not doing any of it yeah you’re like okay well he has 35 million in the bank he’s doing okay like so like you have to understand like that’s why like Orthodox it’s like you

Can be a little on this side or a little on this side of Orthodox and be a okay but when you start getting into like hyper rotation it’s like yeah that’s that’s Meo Pereira doing it like dude he’s an outlier yeah or Walken’s an outlier like I can’t do that yeah you

Know so it’s or DJ like he’s a you know 6’4 like it’s a freak so like he can do a lot of those things the average person can’t so let’s just be normal in our distribution here okay sounds good that means there’s going to be some side bent

Gotcha so would you say it’s kind of like a going under sure that’s fine okay as long as the hands are leaning that’s fine better so literally like you could go play doing that by the way like you could go from 160 in with your speed you

Could go play and if you’re in the middle of the Fairway you can shell balls at the middle of the green all day long with this and break 80 yeah if you have any short game yeah what gets to be a problem problem is when these wrists

Start moving around mhm well now you have to line something up you know and I know like we can argue what’s right as far as where wrist angles should and shouldn’t be yeah and there are plenty of players who get here I understand that okay but that’s a tour player yeah so

Doesn’t matter right for you you need to feel like that mhm so you smash the ball yeah okay uh one more and then we’re going to go take take a look okay and so I know some people say like or look like they’re kind of like yeah

Don’t do that yeah just kind of just like bring back yeah does it anyway you just try to keep it wide okay keep it shorter on both ends don’t throw the face at it so that was a little bit of this okay so if I do this keep it this

Way shorter boom right there there okay and right now I’m basically like this yeah yeah yeah yeah it still did it there that’s right try it again at least you felt it yeah now to whenever you do that and you’re practicing chip a ball do that handle leaning side Bend

Chest down pitch and this is kind of like this much or yeah yeah there you go okay it just gives you a feedback yeah okay one more we’ll go take a look got a Miss there that’s all right you missed the face yeah I also like stopped

Looking at the ball when I was trying to do this side like that try one more take the energy out of it nice all right you got to check this out this looks good this is a golf swing all right so we’re just going to reference

Ranges for a minute okay then we’re look at impact so see how you’re under rotated yeah stay there like yeah why not cuz you already go the other way like a 100 yeah but you didn’t sway off the ball either see you’re at zero yeah head’s more down right yeah now see

How the butt into the club right here is a little bit away from your right thigh M the more you stay down and side bin and open the handle gets more forward so what do youan stay down here well so your chest chest lift if that chest lift

Stays down see it’s like negative negative but it’s going positive right here it starts getting positive and then it impacts see how it’s out of range so your chest at this point needs to be down two more inches so when I said staying down down yeah rotate the left

Hip back and side bend that would change that number okay but that’s not your normal pattern normally you want to stand up yeah now when you stand up your hips don’t want to turn okay got it got it so that’s okay it is what it is your everything else looks great see your

Green all the way across yeah kind of nice yeah and this was good like you hit this one good and then see the handles more forward look at that Buton the club your hips are open 33° this is that way yeah it’s open right you’re forward 5.9 degre with

Your lower body the only issue is you just stood up a little bit or you’d have more lean see so then basically you want me to bend as much more I mean throughout through the bow as impact yeah stay stay it’s like you know they say keeping your

Head down what does that really mean well you’re keeping incl your inclination to the ground down uhhuh you’re not keeping your spine down cuz then you’d look like this but you’re like keeping in that tilt through the shot uhhuh you don’t stand up to hit it not saying certain players don’t cuz

There are but just within some range okay and then but you look at your wrist angles see they don’t get thrown away so much then when you finish you look like that that’s a good looking golf swing there’s no flip on the hands or anything kind of

Got it and I basically this why it’s more or less controllable to going straight yeah cuz I could just like I’m not really doing too much manipulation with this this isn’t going everywhere yeah if this starts going there or there I mean it’s just you you you’re subject

To where you can start the ball so I kind of wrapped this all back to the original conversation the original conversation was okay what what is your concept when you warm up like cuz when you do like look here’s the thing you have access to a lot of information yeah

Probably too much yeah but what’s pertaining to you right because it gets dangerous and very subjective when you take here here here and they’re all could be all right like it doesn’t really matter right or wrong but for you it’s like well what’s my actual integral issue yeah well contacts the big one

Right and start line yeah like those are the two big ones like you power is not one of them so why would you interject a whole bunch of power into the system if it’s not controllable yeah right so that just not a good idea okay so to me it’s

Like control control control control and then once you have that then curve curve curve curve it dependently and then add power if you need to which I don’t think you really need to but okay we’ll get to that at some point gotcha would you say

Like when I’m at the top my back SP and now I have my weight on my left foot then I start doing the yeah immediately like instantly yeah got it okay can I like try it to when I’m OV exaggerating and see what that happens yeah heck yeah

Of course let’s do it let’s do it that was easy so like if I were to OV exaggerate this is kind of what it would look like so I guess like this and then I would go like uh yeah and then don’t break the wrist no don’t break the wrist finish

Right pull the speed out of it pull the speed out of it and finish there yeah there you go okay arm straight club straight right there yeah hit it that hard okay good uh that was a little harder oh yeah soft accelerated through the bow there it’s like Hulk smash I know right

So kind of keep it centered as you can arm straight as you can there you go that was awesome so I mean that was slightly thin is that cuz yeah okay yeah I mean it’s like learning to play music yeah you got to go slow I think I said that last time right

Yeah okay okay so hit one to the first pull that’s your objective nothing else okay this one right here on the right yeah just hit it right there with perfect technique can’t hit it past it or you have to run around the golf course okay oh my God you are so screwed you

Just need to start let’s see it scope dang I just felt like that was so weak and then the inant it hit you know that’s a skill though so I get a lot of guys to do that they they show up and they’re like I have problems with my

Irons and I’m like okay well what’s the problem yeah well hit hit your hit the target yeah no no I need to make a swing like no hit the target like right there and it’s hard it’s like how’s that hard you’re just going like this chip you can do it

Chip yep okay okay do it so it’s wide arms side bin rotate boom yeah good keep the arms straight Bo okay didn’t look like your head popped up so that means I’m staying down in the ground and not doing that yeah yeah and then the why I chunked it is cuz I

Didn’t didn’t keep you your wrist went um and then if I’m not doing the full swing to get on the left do I just keep the weight on my left right keep it over there then for now yeah you’re fine it won’t actually do that but you’re going to

Try good I feel like my weight’s going on my right foot or to right toe do that and I go like yeah you got to keep it pushing side bending going like that see how I’m here yeah so I got to go yeah this way rather then yeah back this way there you

Go money absolutely perfect like a little bullet yeah so drivers no different so grab the driver people think to hit the driver in the air that you need to do this okay that does happen but you try not to do it CU if I do this then it goes like that and this

Stalls okay so I want you to feel like it’s like like you’re pitching a nineiron with your driver it’s the same thing and then yep cuz you need to the center of the face yeah control where it starts first yeah okay okay and same back swing wide all right cool good job much

Better would you say you’re I’m like throwing it out that way or um no don’t even worry about that just keeping it here just just keep this Integrity the whole way don’t worry about the direction it’s going okay for now okay cuz you’re not like over the top or do anything weird like

That well you picked the best ball in the lot are you serious that has no pain on it here we’ll donate that to the squirrels there we go that’s that’s gone through H and back so really I just need to focus on this kind of extension here and then down and side

Bend keep your arm straight and Chip you’re just chipping balls for right now yeah okay money very good see how centered hit yeah it’s a lot more controlled than I would I usually do well like why that’s the easiest Club in the bag to hit this one

Yeah driver the CG on that thing is this big yeah like the face is gigantic yeah and then when I’m doing this it’s shallower so it’s not like you’re going to chop down on it mhm and the emphasis on the weight distribution when I’m going to go going this is into the lead

Side side Bend stay down keep the arm Integrity in check kind of like that yep oh it’s all right kind of flipped it yeah like this okay so let’s talk yeah so we’re we’re going to close with this yeah cuz I want you to go grind on this

Yes every Club in your bag is going to be impact fix so show me where impact fixes uh like you mean up here no impact impact forward even with the driver y okay CU you’re not going to do that side Bend chest down see how your right

Elbow’s better and your right wrist is forward yeah that’s your feel now keep that and go to halfway through this way no through hold no don’t change your wrist angles just feel like that there that’s your follow through you do that for a week you can’t this goes away yeah it’s

Gone it just chip chip chip chip chip power is the easiest thing to work on like Club speed it’s the most linear way to do things so that’s easy you can teach anybody to swing fast but you got to control it that is the most you know there’s there’s specifics that need to

Occur in order for you to do that if they don’t happen you can’t layer speed into it so you just have to keep the Integrity of starting the ball on your line contact and then curvature gotcha you got this easy yeah and so I keep going back to this because when I’m in

Here I’m just basically yeah that way this way yeah keep your inclination to the ground and side Bend through it it’s not normal for most humans to do that cuz we’re not hitting golf balls all day long yeah I just keep feeling like I’m coming all my toe here yeah

You’re not getting your weight forward enough like this there it is and so I should just feel if if I don’t get here because of the the size of the back swing I should just like keep it more left keep more left yeah you can always add more emotion to it

Yeah you know okay all right my man very good all right that was pure um sorry to be such a hard ass on you today yeah no dude thank you man have to be though yeah you have to be unless I get to scratch hey drir definitely I you know

What I think YouTube wants you to watch this video right here this thumbnail this other video they told me personally that they you would love this and I believe yep yep just checked yep Ro mroy is also watching it so yeah just click that video right right right over there

Right over here see you guys there


  1. It’s great for content, but coach hopping isn’t helping your game. They all teach slightly different mechanics and it’s confusing your muscle memory you’ve been building up.

  2. Wrist angles, weight shift, shortening the swing, not releasing, etc etc all at once.. you forget half the ques by the time you swing cause he gives you 8 things to think about. You should learn to shorten the swing first. Then get less wrists once that's second nature, then start thinking about less side movement etc. The amount of times he had to say don't release your hands after the swing cause you'd forget. Cause there was so much else to think about.. puts me off coaching

  3. Love the concept that’s actually how I’m practicing this winter. I was wondering if you could go back to Mike even with just 1 session and see what’s he’s input now since you improve a lot.

  4. Like people have mentioned before, you have waaaaay too much information from too many different coaches. Where it’s telling is when Watching the first 5-10mins of this, you were “hearing” him but not really “listening” and applying. It was kinda frustrating to watch actually 😂 you’ve improved a ton since you started, but with all the information you have, it’s hard to isolate the moment and the current session because you’re trying to apply everything you’ve learned outside of this specific lesson/session. Not sure it makes sense, but I suggest you simplify your coaches so you can simplify your game. Keep it up bro, im on my journey back to scratch as well.

  5. it's funny how you are so used to swinging it a certain way, that your golf coach keeps telling you to leave the club straight at the follow through but you keep flipping your wrist and finishing 😂 lot of "bad" habits built up that you were unaware of! keep up the grind!

  6. The coach keeps repeating …. Dial it down … lol… and then pow 💥 🚀… every time 😂… good vid though

  7. Jerome, you’ll improve a lot faster if you will simply do what your instructor tells you to do and not simply bring up some other feel or issue before you even do what the instructor is directing you to. It is really about trusting that the instructor will take you to where you want to go. Relax that engineering brain of yours. Lol

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