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Sheikh Jassim Exposed! | Off The Bar

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Join Jay, Joe, Mckola and Howson for another episode of Off The Bar where they discuss the recent truths about Sheikh Jassim’s Bid!

0:00- Video Start
1:08- Qatar Bid
16:25- Jassim vs Sir Jim Ratcliffe
27:16- Scott Mctominay
39:49- José Mourinho

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Welcome stford padic this is off the bar that is Jay that is Steven that is Adam and we’ve got well loads to talk about today aren’t we lad need to shout well what else am I going to do why because it’s it’s a Happy Time United aren

Playing I can’t be hurt it’s beautiful what else do you want like off the bar sponsored by Green King off the bar brought to you by Green King Sport of course thank you very much we’re going to be talking about load of stuff today people wanting Jose Mourinho back we can

Take the piss out of them in a little bit but before that there’s been a big article in the last sort of 24 hours well depend you know in terms of words written few thousand that’s pretty big um about the details of was in the MN then United takeover well no they I

Think they they quoted the other one they just frame a tweet and say is’s what someone else said one up um was it a small athletic article it was a small by their standards athletic article and large by everyone else’s standards um about the details of Jim rff’s beard for

United and and you know obviously the success of that but almost more importantly the the sort of bizarre sort of trickery slash difference between reality and PR of the qari bid like the rumor is that the bid was never anywhere near really what they said it was that

They’d never show proof of funds in a way that sort of satisfied the kind of official means of doing that and that um they never really up their bids from those initial bid and that’s a bit mad considering it’s a literal country yeah well have you SE have you seen this have

You what do you make of this I can read some of the the details so Ben Jacobs has been talking about it a lot because he’s sort of been part of that deal I think he’s got good contacts within the qari side and last night he was talking

About some of the updates from them where they basically have come out again and gone no not true but he said uh that Qatar consistently failed to provide customary Finance uh financing commitment letters throughout and there’s no mention of pledged investment which we’d all you know rumor was that

They were going to put in an extra you know x billion uh several sources close to the sale had repeatedly said that the reality of qatar’s bid did not match the pr um then it says Qatar maintained that their final bid was just short of $6 billion with 1.7 billion additional

Investment and this was spei specified in written form they add that Jim was willing to go higher but pulled out because he believed that he was being played or fleeced the SEC filing numbers and narrative so the SEC filing which is much closer to like the genuine

Paperwork that has been back and forth here strongly contradict this as previously outlined those close to the sale insist that if the numbers were accurate they would have gladly accepted the qar offer does this surprise you and if it doesn’t why doesn’t it and and did you

See this coming at the time because the pr around Qatar was so strong like it was unbel it was almost overwhelming when we were doing videos talking about well there was there was leaks coming from somewhere and I don’t know where those leaks were originating from but there was obviously someone had

Someone’s ear because the things were leaking out all the time weren’t they which by the sounds of this article were incorrect or or fluffed up I think you say the least I’m I surprised yeah because I like to take things roughly at face value if I can especially when you

Think it’s coming from an official Source like I saw loads of people saying oh you was [ __ ] getting on S side with a guitar but in the end it wasn’t I said there was probably an era of inevitability about it like well I don’t exactly like this but I’m probably going

To have to live with this because it did at one point look like it was [ __ ] done I mean Rio stood outside of train station tell as it was done at did we ever get did we ever get to The Bottom i’ never got to the bottom how much did we get for

That if they have the do for that did they have the do for Act full PR maybe they spent it all on PR the billion quid went that was so is Shake Jim real or is the a no one knows there’s only four images of him is there so it could just

Be some bloke he’s AI already well we joked about that for a while didn’t we and then like two more photos emerged yeah put in a total like you said four yeah so the clue was in who was running the stories all I mean CCE went massive

On it next week that’s when I knew it happening yeah like genuinely cuz I thought if they’re going to tell they not going to tell him it was weird that because again he he you know the son obviously fully came out and said it is happening and it is happening or three

Times yeah like next Tuesday but like not like we’re hearing it was like it’s done it’s Qatar and obviously Rio must have heard something similar because he was saying like he said it’s happening and he said in the in the a matter of hours or in the next few hours remember

The word ours was used like it could happen today and then it was another two months after that that Jim rff was announced so it didn’t happen today and it didn’t happen then but for them but it’s weird to me that this for me feels like maybe the money was there but if

You look at what the bid actually seemed like it was which was you know probably money coming from the the royal family or the government which they sort of always denied that it was but it seemed like it must be because of this is the

Thing so I I said this at the time because the the only reports that were out there I think that this was like sort of outlined in the athletic it does sound like they’re thing to actually drill into things really rather than just I don’t know pulling a tweet up um

But I’m pretty sure what I read was that the it was through the N2 group yeah which was a group of wealthy individuals of which Shake Jim was meant to be the head of and they’d all sort of flung it in a pot he might have flung in

A bit more than some of the others but roughly that was kind of what the supposed makeup of it was now you could believe or disbelieve that and think that that was just some company that the government had set up to put their own money into it now we’ll probably never

Know the truth of it but that was what was reported at the time it’s also like is they had to deal with like they were dealing with the class A and Class B shares very differently whereas Jim R cliff and in’s bid honored those with

The same pay the same for the fact that they didn’t it was like they didn’t understand you know you know with Newcastle and with Man City oh yeah we’ve got five billion all right s we’ll take it does no New York Stock Exchange you have to deal with does not all of

That kind of mess as well and I think it probably was a lot more difficult for them to do than it would have been Newcastle to be bought or something like that and therefore they’re probably just going these are asking too much information or maybe we the one thing with the way this

Has sort of All Shook itself out though is the fact that there there was um PR and spin going out that was not true yeah that’s the worrying thing about this cuz like if if they’d have come out and they’ have put things out there that had have been accurate that had have

Been correct and it had have failed well that’s one thing yeah but then with hindsight when you go it was already lying to us cuz that’s ultimately you go they inflated it they lied you can call it PR but PR is just a nice word for

Lying yeah so they [ __ ] lied to us what’s to say that they don’t continue to lie to us if they to took over the club we have no idea like so I think you know hindsight is obviously TW I never wanted to be owned by a state even a

State and I said look we might have to try and [ __ ] have a bit of copium here by pretending that the 92 Foundation is completely separate from the country well let’s be real Newcastle fans yeah we proa we all kind of know the truth here um that might have just

Been what we had to do to cope with the [ __ ] fact that we were now owned by a state um actually there are a lot of people that don’t about that you know about like the state thing do you get it why like I I do I’m

In your B I hate the thought of Manchester United being State on tool um and like a puppet for whatever they want to do but a lot of people just don’t care it’s like I think football has just made people just yeah this they’re doing it they’re doing it they’re doing it why

Don’t we do this isn’t new because if you look back at 1998 1999 when we were linked with um and bided officially it was only the monopolis and merges commission which stopped the rer Murdoch bid actually going through been agreed hasn’t it like yeah they agreed on was it 360

Million something like that no I think it was more like six by the end yeah I mean whatever their initial offer was they [ __ ] judged them up 600 you mean not six 6 600 million yeah yeah um but they they ended up going for like the the share price that they eventually

Shook hands on was double what the trading price was yeah which is is madness obviously you go in and try and do a hostile takeover there’s going to be a premium paid on top of the actual price because you’re trying to take it off the market but they I think they’ve

Gone like nearly double might have even been more but either way the point I was trying to make is um IM Musa at the time which was the precursor to must because they couldn’t be called independent shareholders United no more um or was it when shareholders United the first it

Was either shareholders United or independent Manchester United shareholders Association imusa or whichever Cher whichever one it was there was also one which was called [ __ ] hell greed there was loads of like mad acronyms that was all like anti [ __ ] greed was it some rup murd

Whatever it was um but it was loads of really funky acronyms as people set up like different [ __ ] people’s front of judia and all that [ __ ] that went on so they imusa or Cher’s United tried to get a boycott going of one of the games in the 90s and they were handing out

Flyers and leaflets and this that and the other and no one really give a [ __ ] like it was weird I mean all right this is at a time where we didn’t know it was going to be the treble season but until the end of the season but you know we

Would we just lost to Arsenal Arsenal had just won a double it was pretty good but it wasn’t perfect at the time it wasn’t all Rosy and at the I think Martin Edwards had just tried to sell to Robert Maxwell in the 80s there was Robert Maxwell and Michael knon thing at

The similar times where then Michael knon which obviously would have been Flawless successful uh and then they had the Beast guy B bid in in 98 so people were [ __ ] not having it with Martin Edwards constantly trying to sell a club to somebody else we [ __ ] got that one wrong I

Think um but the the rer Murdoch bid like the amount of people like Sher Alders United and amusa were was so [ __ ] dead against it and really interesting that the the government got involved at the time so Alex Ferguson is a big labor proponent uh and was at the

Time and was quite close to I think like Tony Blair and things like that at the time people outside of the everybody else were looking at it and going there’s no way labor will stop this because of what it means to Manchester United they will almost go against

Fergie they thought Fergie had the the pull even in the political game because of how big Manchester United was but not only that also rert Murdoch LED and owned a lot of the newspapers that had help get labor elected so everyone was like well this is [ __ ] and this is

Absolutely a million per going to go through sky at that point yeah and he own sky and then they blocked it yeah but the point I was trying to make is even back then even with all of the one war in signs at the time and there was

Quite a few warning signs at the time no one give a [ __ ] or the vast majority of the matcho fans didn’t really give a [ __ ] they just wanted to go to match and then go home yeah you know and there was um it’s probably down though to a lack

Of of knowledge in it that point like it’s nowadays everything’s online right you see a Tik Tok or there’s it’s easier to bring people into something I think the campaign could go more viral quicker now but even like there was a lot know the fan scenes was doing that bit at the

Time it was in all of the the the the red tops especially maybe not the ones owned by Murdoch but it was in the red tops like who did he own he own the sun and the male News of the World News of the World yeah News of the World obviously

Been rebred so I’m pretty sure the liks of the mirror yeah just as they would just to be just to be [ __ ] different we’re giving you all of the reasons why this can’t go through if he’s giving you all the reasons why it should but I think the Sun and that actually stayed

Fairly neutral and didn’t use their own weight to sort of help push it through really [ __ ] FAS time that isn’t really spoken about and discussed anywhere near as much as it should be because of what it ended up leading to with the glazers and the [ __ ] show we’ve

Had for the last 18 years um but you know we they tried to do that to protect the Integrity of the Premier League and then [ __ ] three years later allow roban Abramovic bizarre they just sort of abandon that and the sort of directors the fit and proper persons

And all that is just like you know that Meme of the guy the the security was just like not even touching you that’s the fit and proper person thing now is it just oh yeah you ain’t got anything on you yeah go in but anyone anyone can

Own look literally anyone psth I mean owners that they go through or something was ridiculous one and none of them had any money wasn’t the guy that was about to by Sheffield United just been found out for fraud or something and even look now the and obviously I don’t know the

Full details don’t exist publicly but the the Adam Crafton stuff about the the guy who’s at one of the cosos of Newcastle who’s linked to a potential anywhere as far as abducting people for political games everyone knew that they were linked to they somehow got away crime is it

Nowaday we’re we’re not linked to the government abducting your political opposition is that so bad but like that’s what I mean like this is the you know people of that nature are owning football clubs 2024 is upon us and that means a packed schedule of FA Cup afcon

Asian cup and of course the Premier League as well beat the January blues by giving every game the atmosphere it deserves down at your local green King Sport Pub don’t settle for a Dodger stream if it’s on the Telly it’s on in glorious 4K HD at your local green King

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Watching experience make sure you go and check out your local green King Sport Pub download the app now who’s the worst football owner and obviously I was the [ __ ] glazers but like it’s got to be some of the Portsmouth stuff what about Frank and AR Vincent 10 Franken AR is

Lit done for human RS one he’s got he’s got to be he’s qualified for the Champions League at least I don’t even know about that yeah he’s the one that led to cuz he went in he was like blue shirts [ __ ] up I want red all right I’ll leave a bit red on

The badge [ __ ] hell cuz I think was it in Chinese culture Reds but he was like he was 20 minutes away from picking himself I swear is his son remember so many jobs yeah do you know why and then he went and took that one crazy did he the Wednesday one’s a bit

Silly it’s not as bad as that but he’s um I think he he owns John West tuna or he owns a Big Tuna brand but basically he bought hillsbor off Wednesday to give the club money but now chef of Wednesday don’t own their own stadium yeah so if

He ever sells the club he doesn’t have to sell the ground with it and also his son who is was when he first started about 14 is one of the directors of football and he will like meet new managers and stuff off the plan it’s like this child just doing like business

[ __ ] I think he old now Carl oyer he did back in the day he did that didn’t o he buy it for a pound he bought he he found out like they wanted to buy the car P that was part of Bloomfield Road like a

Hotel company so he sold the car pack to himself and then sold it to the hotel comp there so the club didn’t get any of the money he got it all insane like it’s mad you think like obviously at a top level I don’t think there’s been any as

Bad as the glazers certainly in the last sort of in the modern era for a top top team they don’t they haven’t killed anyone that we know of yeah and some people are literally like selling the club to make their own and putting the yeah bad he was and he’s like I

Think he sold the club some D for like a quid but separated it from the stadium and the training you always do that you know what’s interesting you know the fell at um who was the fell recently at Everton interestingly Jim White gets firmly up all their asses have you noticed that

Yeah yeah it’s weird a it all these bad owners he’s right up their ass like just proper socking them off I mean yeah speaking I think literally the sad thing about the guitar thing though Lo the amount of people who were just so Pro Guitar different going

Okay this might be good for the club this might not be whatever but there was people like if you weren’t Pro you accused of being racist if you wanted J Cliff you didn’t about you’re in the pocket of glazers you are racist yeah well that’s different for you I know but

The thing is for some of that accusation hurts but it was like it got it got so toxic and even at the even at the game it wasn’t just online you remember like there’s people at matches and stuff he had Pro like shake to scene banners and

Stuff and you’re like what are you doing and also that then I don’t I’m not saying it hurt the players and all that I don’t think that’s a fair excuse but the sort of the level of kind of froed up sort of aggro that came from this back and forth

Between guitar and Ratcliffe didn’t help anything really did it it became sort of weirdly anti- rackliff rather than proar it became a massive problem with like been on the internet right yeah exactly but that’s but it doesn’t it’s all based on House of Cs you earlier rackliff was

This he was the Savor everyone loved him Jim we love gym it’s like Boo at the gym get get K get sh just see me if R Cliff had have just bought 25% of the club yeah and there was not even that [ __ ] mad Icelandic guy that he was Ace one he

He he he everyone did including the glazers he was like listen I’ve worked it out we’ve got 20 billion fans soad quick Mone put is if everyone in the known universe puts in a fraction of a [ __ ] all we need is three times the population of Earth to Banger quit in

And we’ll do it like it’s EAS easy man easy bro it’s bad G when you can’t even get an interview most of the fans channels they were like we’re like now we’re good should have put him on with me right cool I’ve been looking at your

Ms it’s a straight you got into a little thing with Michael didn’t a little thing Michel dedicated his old Channel his channel fora yeah Mich think you’d get into an argument with that fell no that’s I also never thought he would threaten to sue me either which he did

Which I’m still waiting for you [ __ ] [ __ ] out sry up and do it he um times money he’s going to say you for that now for what say that I love you know what I love about that as well when all the ring happened is that Michael N like

Actually like he made that happen yeah identified if I ever sit down like we’ve not been already we’ve not been already looking at him for scouting that we’ve identified a really underground difficult to find Target secret guy’s richest person he was from Manchester and a United fan from the same team who

Brought you Christiano ronal who’s been out there doing interviews about United for the last 20 years he’s well underground you think who knows where I come up with these people from oh yeah so the same guy that definitely didn’t I have to get this right I have

To get his right cuz this is what he sues on the guy that definitely didn’t make himself manager at carile a few times and definitely didn’t do a whole thing where he talked about aliens that he genu aliens are no but I do a whole thing with Ash where ash talked about

Aliens but there’s levels to this game and uh someone’s out there in front of the crazy St hang on a minute I’m beginning to like this guy yes yeah so what yeah you are you are he puts 10 hard off and turns up on the bench not

Managing the team yeah but he sounds he sounds pretty good oh it’d be entertaining we’d have so much content got we would absolutely [ __ ] obliterate with content and I’d be getting sued every week and it’d be brilliant well or not listen you can’t argue with anyone who’s had their art

Hanging in the Royal Society State come on you know that better than anyone had his ass hanging where what did you say miss that was you in the room when it called me up no but I wrote down what you told me who was in there was someone

In the room with me when you told me and I immediately wrote it down went this is gold are you serious he went yeah this is what he said I’m right this got on your phone yeah I love that just got absolute notes on it so do you think this is

Going to change the the sort of public opinion of shake jasim and therefore Jim Ratliff or do you maybe but the reason that I think this might the reason I’m questioning where this has come from is because the Tim of it is really interesting it might just be like

Someone was trying to dig into this and and it was going to come out and watch it at least anyway but the fact that it’s very very convenient to go that that bid was a load of bollocks actually I I I question the timing on is it not

The SEC finally though is that not like why all come out cuz this had to come out now because of all the fin I don’t know that’s what I’m asking but does it require like the losing bids required I think it says bid a which everyone knows

Is sh of SE failed to or whatever which is why this is that’s what I think okay I don’t know you think people are going to sort of come out this going actually Jim Ratliff was seemingly more sort of transparent and was the only one who

Ever tabled a bid that was actually lik to any power from the trouble is Michael trouble is that’s money was pledged though if people think with common sense right right and most of these people that had already put thear flag in their name on Twitter

And all that way they’ve gone too far to turn back yeah some of them are still going yeah some of them are still out they’ve just deleted all their Pro surgeon R tweets from before thear this shows you there’s going to be an 11th

Hour bid it could I think we a lot of there’s a couple of black obvious black accounts that are still this moment tweeting actually what you see in the papers that’s we bought it the main thing for Jim R Jack Rim Jack what the main thing

About Jim great Twitter name um you make that um the main thing with j r Cliff is I’ve been impressed with how and it’s easy stuff in it that any owner should do yeah so it’s like you know that Chris Rock joke like I take care of my kid

Supposed to take care while you boasting but like it does when he’s going to meet people at the training ground going to meet Cathy going to meet all the staff saying things like we want to win trophies we going oh my God yes analyzing like you know the staff numbers everything I

Think what we’re going to see over the next couple months is loads of people get sacked and everyone’s going to go they’re cutting cost oh [ __ ] what’s happening is this a bad thing and then I think we’ll build again yeah but I do I I have been impressed by that you know

Just doing the easy things going to meet with must as well I know must get a lot of stick about things but there are often a voice for Man United fans and you know whatever and for for him to go and meet them even though it could just

Be empty Hollow words it still ref freshing to see that kind of well it’s the effort we didn’t get any effort like literally like yeah you’re talking about he’s doing level one [ __ ] but we didn’t even even have level one [ __ ] for 18 years they literally would absolute Joel

And that ever met Cy on reception I I reckon they don’t even know what reception is I reckon if they walked in there they’d walk past probably they without knowing their yeah yeah they do to me and him in the [ __ ] uh in a Met Life Center just

[ __ ] yeah but i’ pass for you very quickly no no he won’t and I do think as well it’s good to see Dary what level of he follow on Instagram yeah clearly you wenter by the time by the time our phones connected and we went cuz I’d be like she is she

On TV I recognize her i’ Reon she’s in Dallas yeah that and then oh no went the G I go [ __ ] it’s Darcy yeah that was good um I mean obviously didn’t get anything out of it but B no that’s not an option why um listen 3D chess that

Is make her fall in love sing swe nothing in but she only owns about 11% what we going to do because then he gets you he gets you invited to Christmas dinner and then you play roulette or Blackjack for Joel put your money away your mouth is my 11%

Mine and dar’s 11% up against your 11% what we doing the [ __ ] out of him now you’re 22% Joe that’s true sweet hasn’t Dar hasn’t Darcy sold herit isn’t it just a and Joel that there’s another one as well there’s like Francis and like ludicrous and all that there L yeah Cat

Williams is talking about yeah Cat Williams 4% like no there’s about six different I think there’s four or five different Brothers like a darl or like darl does not a darl glaz not there’s literally two of them or three of you’re him that you could identify in the enti

Joel one of them the camera there have a [ __ ] is a Robert I made that up a there’s a John F Glazer John F what really no really that because American oh yeah I’ll call my son John F hey robt is there a Trevor Trevor um sounds familiar isn’t there that’s the

One who thinking Bri Brian not [ __ ] Brian Edward Kevin of course Kevin big Kevin um you get 11% out Kev yeah easily easily Kev Kev would [ __ ] he falls straight away he’s got no SP you know what some of them want to sell as well so they probably all of them apart from

The two that we know get in the like they’re probably think I’m going to die soon I need this bil [ __ ] ponytail baly face and the g that looks like he was far too long on karaoke they’re the only two that wanted to [ __ ] stick

Around the two oldest as well you got a whispering next time you see her just say you going have that them don’t let them two bully her seen seen her next week right we have a word is what you got to sing to her Christa bur lady in red perfect boom see

Yeah well I put her in Ste out a woman whip the old boy out what you mean no well I’m not bringing do it for the you [ __ ] well not that old boy a different old boy part the problem is she may be watch me

Old man in the you might as well be a Glazer if you’re going to help us get them out Joe I can’t believe the attitude on you it’s [ __ ] disgusting I missed that go she maybe watch me all mad in the sing what you brought your dad like 1% of VI will get

Ma fantastic but it is Max P um should we move on to our second talking point what’s that of things that aren’t happening you Scotland a glazers no oh what we talk about the low performance midfielder who decided to turn up a podcast wait wait

Wait it’s not just one he’s done so much content this week yeah oh my God he’s just done about a decade’s worth of get that camera on [ __ ] Scott mctom has been on the high performance podcast that’s what you’re getting at SC too with Jake humph Humphrey yeah they’re very similar

People aren’t they they look very similar they’re sort of a similar sort of insult style they were like you know they’re very LinkedIn type of fellas is it you know big paragraphs on LinkedIn you reckon Scotty to hotty goes home and is like 13k today obviously the fastest

At the club you got to work harder than new of us up Before Dawn hash Inspire but you know what was interesting in the clip using because I wouldn’t watch a whole interview of either of them but a bit harsh I don’t mind J com sometimes

No I thought that was going to go different way that s name seven times would you say you got to a point with Scott mctom where you’re I hear him talk about football where your dislike for him has become something more than it actually ask me yeah

Yeah you feel like would you get angry I haven’t got Ashley Young with Steve Wow when he does all right I’ll go he’s done okay so you won’t get angry if he scored no no no no that’s you know you like you know he’s going to get picked again now I do think

Kind do do that that’s so you know you really don’t like Drive New Camp a lot something made a lot of sense to me Scott Momin went I never kicked the ball between 16 and 18 and I thought 16 17 18 three of your most formative years you never kicked

The ball brother we can tell we we can tell I mean we can tell what even is that though I’ve not kicked the ball when I’m 16 17 18 cuz he was scared rotten like he is now hiding behind people that can’t be real though it

Can’t be true he genuinely said that but it can’t be real though he would have been dropped if he wasn’t tall Michael N said no mind if he wasn’t tall and like looks physical because it is isn’t physical he’s good in the air he’s all

Right he a Sit of the other day by the way no I don’t mean it’s scoring I mean like physical defending yeah what what clearan has he ever made don’t worry I’ll wait he I’m trying to speak he headed a corner away the weekend if if if you mind but you know

What I mean yeah I do know me he’s not good enough I saw him against a league one Midfield and he looked pretty good League one he looked pretty good Lev you know I just don’t get how he’s still there even he’s surprised he even said in that little clip could buy someone

Better than me and I was like [ __ ] true we could we don’t but we don’t like I don’t know it’s he’s not good enough I don’t think he’s good enough it’s not it’s not his fault that we keep he’s still there when he’s getting picked I hate that line do you

Know what I mean it’s not his fault it’s not no I agree it’s not his fault the EXA it’s not my fault when people keep saying why’ you keep going on it’s not my fault he’s still at the club but also is he’s most of the times he’s played

This season not every time cuz I know there sometimes you bring people bring them on and you think what but there’s not been loads of better options sat on the bench there hasn’t though there hasn’t because when everyone’s fit he doesn’t play so the problem isn’t that

Scott Momin is thinks he’s so good that he’s picking himself because he obviously in no it’s obviously wor good we brought am and am bat’s not [ __ ] played that’s the manager’s got ment baffling to me no but also I think he he was up for selling him in the summer so

He knows the level he knows that he can’t take us to a Champions League or a premier league or even challenging consist for top four but he doesn’t have the ability to replace it I saw as United report he was like Mourinho had to tell me to C down and stoping it the

B he like yes cuz you’re not very good bro I think the problem is went too far he got two carried away with the goals against brenford and thought right let’s build the team around this guy for about two months and it didn’t work other than chelse it just didn’t work know it’s

Mental as well we bought for 60 million we could have got him free in May and he’s been injured well does that as well for six months who Mason could have got him for three not are we saying this club doesn’t make decision I wait for eight

Months when you can have him for 60 million not see him for six months anyway the injury one’s weird because he’s he he wasn’t yest players at tomorrow’s pric he started being injury Pro for Chelsea last season yeah like we it’ll be all right it’ll fix 14 pound in a day

Yeah like I think we all know scotman s is not good enough he probably now knows he’s not good enough but he’s a he doesn’t bro he doesn’t he doesn’t he doesn’t he’s not he’s got no s aware there’s a lot of you don’t go on that

Podcast if you think you’re good enough but I I I wouldn’t say that let me do this podcast I self- awareness is NE podcast we 10th the best trait for a footballer to have I don’t think self awareness is always you saying like boxers where they have to think they

Their best yeah a little bit I do think I think self awareness can quite easily turn into insecurity if because I Reon he say stuff to players that are like 10 times better than when they think who said that yeah but are we being fair on him though I think I don’t

Think so we we did an interview with Jesse lingard where Jesse lingard was getting pel not we we’ve done it we didn’t interview lingard and lingard was getting pels off everyone and we took grief for sticking up for him and it’s like he wanted to get his was a good he

Wanted to get his point across Jess was a good footb talk about what was going on for him so Scot M Su have the same it’s like when people go to me oh why do you defend rashford bro there’s been four and a half seasons of rashford

Banging in 20 goals plus 30 goals last season I can see him he’s a good player there’s enough evidence to tell me this Gea stinks I’m not’s biggest fan but I don’t mind him doing a podcast I don’t really care oh yeah yeah no I mean if he

Want to do a podcast yeah like I won’t watch it I’m not that like I want need to see what he’s got to say especially with Jake hum but Jake you got to get humre yeah what you got well I followed his Linkin advice and end up [ __ ] skinning in

Jail M just go don’t need any qualifications don’t need to work out get you’ll be all right elaborate well which one you want to say all these advice it’s just terrible is it whenever I’ve read it give me six examples well my favorite one is where

It’s not advice it’s where he posted a picture of his dad commenting on his podcast oh yeah that was literally like he’d written it himself and he’s like he basically his dad saying oh do you know what son I just chatting to you around and we were just saying how we didn’t

Know what to do with our lives until we listen to your podcast this morning now we do it’s amazing and he’s like yeah thanks Dad quoted the so you you don’t see the whole chat but it’s obviously a WhatsApp group right yeah and he’s replied to Jake posting the podcast in

And it’s like hi guys this is a great podcast and high performance I really think you’d all benefit from it in the family group and family group my dad would tell me go I don’t even interview can and send it in the family group mean I don’t think I’ve ever posted a [ __ ]

Single link imagine if you screenshoted it and then put it online that is insane imag the fu conversation we’ had after that one shall we shall me and you send our dad a link to podcast screen them telling us to [ __ ] off that’s that’s such an unfair thing

To do that like then someone shows you they’re like I think if I was guessing my my response from my dad would be what’s this yeah my job you [ __ ] KN who’s this what’s this who’s this don’t have this number saved fing I know you are are you my

Other favorite one is when he put a picture of him and his mom yeah and one of the replies is I hope it’s her birthday what a day I how you’re really get to know someone that isn’t it just H one talk if you regularly post on ledin

Adam pson [ __ ] off I must say while we’re talking about him and we’re having a laugh about him he is a very nice person who oh here we go no he is me and Chris he looked after me and Chris few times well tell us about that then us

Into the BT Sport food and Under The Bu not having he is a bit cringe sometimes we can say that is it know state of LinkedIn I think he plays on it now though I think that has become his Persona his brand I am now the LinkedIn

Guy yeah basically I’m Steve B have you got something to add to this what do you mean you’ve got a glit in your ey something you want to say I I I love all of them [ __ ] helmets on LinkedIn have you seen the guy there’s a guy this

Isn’t a LinkedIn thing but this absolutely he’s definitely posted on his LinkedIn uh he like I get up at I want to say he gets up at like [ __ ] 3:30 on which case I would love to know where you live cuz I will put a [ __ ] op on your

House and [ __ ] watch you not do the things that you said just for content right so he’s like I get up at 3:30 and I’m I’m into the gym and it’s like I listen to a [ __ ] book at two times of speed like for 20 minutes but it’s a mad

Part of like two hours of a having a shower you’ve done all of this [ __ ] he’s like that’s my private time he basically saying at 7:00 a.m. every morning he’s [ __ ] giving his wife the good news and then he’s like in the gym then my there is that’s in there right and

Then that’s a long conversation 2 shower when you look through it there’s no time for transition it’s like in the gym 8 till 8:30 8:30 I’m at work like is where is the gym at your desk yeah cuz guess what I got a 40-minute commute [ __ ] I’m back at the G what the

Where you [ __ ] T 2our shower and then like by by I think he’s like by 10:00 a.m. I’ve crushed you I’ve already done he’s going he’s going so that’s my first day cuz he says he don’t he has three days Days a day he goes so the first day

The first six hours three days a day so he goes every day I’m Ming three days you’re having one so by A Day In I’ve had three by a week by a month and you’re nowhere near me I’ve had 300 days where you’ve had [ __ ] 100 yeah but you you know you’re

Having a heart attack but you’re also in bed at 7:30 every [ __ ] night mate cuz but you know what all of these yeah you can’t have a beer after 8:00 p.m. [ __ ] I’ve done some of these where I’ve gone to like gym classes and stuff that I’ve

Had to get up at 5:30 to go and do and I can do it on Monday right by the Tuesday I’m like that was an hard get up by the Wednesday I’m not there by the one Champions League game because obviously we’re [ __ ] going to the Champions

League game or covering it and I’m not finishing work till midnight I getting up right so like it’s so [ __ ] hard to do and not just covering football or even being a football fan and going watching football good [ __ ] does happen at 9 and 10:00 yeah like you do have to

Like if you’re getting up at 6 I’ll Che that yeah I think my old man gets up at R5 and he don’t go to bed till midnight he’s a weirdo right but he’s done that forever and I know that’s his thing so it’s not like he ain’t doing it and

Posting it on LinkedIn he does it I’ve when I was 16 I used to go to work with him oh my [ __ ] god it’s literally like an hour five get up 6:00 leaving the [ __ ] house 7:00 on site to sit about for 2 hours why we doing this miss

The traffic but like just sit in the traffic like we start at 9: we sat anyway why don’t we sit [ __ ] we doing man yeah but that was his thing and he’s done that forever s on free he’s like a year away from retiring my so he’s he’s I’m not

Going to change him now he still does that [ __ ] now so all of these lot that are doing that stuff where it’s like I mean Mark walberg’s a [ __ ] another one yeah he he’s I think he’s a 2:30 a.m. get up guy but the thing the thing

Is though it’s you got you got to do that if you want to get up and run after people it’s all good being like Oh we get up 4: a.m. 3: a.m. 2 a.m. but you just have to go to bed at 6:00 p.m. because get 10 hours of sleep at

Night wake up at 2: a.m. you’re like you’re going to bed after news round like what do you mean you can’t you can’t have it both just go to bed at 1100 and wake up at have you ever like fell asleep you didn’t mean to at like

8:00 p.m. wake up the next day you feel like you’ve missed like you look at the news and it’s like whoa that [ __ ] what’s going on with the Run most of most most news stories happen between 8 and 12 happen midnight it’s pointless man it’s C productive don’t even get to bed

Before 11: you’re all right you get a [ __ ] decent night we are the opposite of LinkedIn Pages we’re basically telling you just [ __ ] it you want just I’ll say YouTub I’ll say to you loads are really fun [ __ ] happens between 9 10 and 11:00 at night and sometimes you can

You know I’m old now I ain’t doing no 400 a 5 a.m. [ __ ] nights out no more best time tanks happen after midnight yeah allegedly that’s true that’s where the neighbors get changed across the road yeah all them LinkedIn DS of which Jay comence is that are [ __ ] the king

He’s the king of it um speaking of the king can we just talk briefly about about this quickly yeah can quickly do it I don’t think we need we don’t we don’t need to what we talking about Eric for well nice well not this not maybe

This the special one or is he’s being called now the sack one Jose Mourinho you know much he’s earned inance is got to be about 30 million yeah 94 million e in s pay shut up well how many job is that from his all his jobs that was Chelsea number one

Twice well it was Chelsea first then Real Madrid then Chelsea again then us we give him 23 no he was just left uh and spos G him 17 only 3 mil from Roma though really yeah it’s Ling nearly a 100 million in please don’t work for us it’s a bizarre

Thing with Jose now though because it’s a mixture of everyone yeah and that’s that’s excluding the money he actually earned yeah Jo he was actually a pretty good manager for quite a lot of that and and was youo also he’d be one of theum w he’d be one of the most

Commercially successful managers as well yeah he had some deals didn’t he top 11 and all that he does a lot of that stuff serious manir play to him I I like Jose when it’s one of those things when he’s not your manager anymore like the first season with Jo’s class and then after

That just even like you’re right because even halfway through that second season when we were near the he just start I find it mad like and I know it’s the internet but like the people are still out there going Tech Jose it’s like well that’s the thing I think his reputation

At United has grown since he left like with some tce how though I don’t know how people look back out spoken because and they look back to go in his two full seasons he won two trophies not three because the charity Shield don’t count and finished second yeah like in his two

Full seasons so people look at and go well no one’s done anything like that since yeah but you know what happened he was deliberately sabotaging the team when he was leaving he fell out with everyone do you know what I mean your boy Scott M sumon was a Lynch pin of his

Defense because he wanted for all the people are kicking off going you need to have because this is a phrase that I see all the time especially when it’s linked with Jose you need to have higher standards therefore Jose Mourinho you okay therefore got Mom yeah because one

Plus one’s equaling two mate award that he created that right United will absolutely 1 million per deny this but I know this is the truth and if you go and look at the award ceremony where um Scott momy gets manager player of the year that was a vase that was in

Someone’s office it was in will Co or something like that well no it was in the that glass bit in front of Old Trafford where you can see the offices we need to find picture of the day before the water just a Dusty RI I don’t think

You’ll see puse what don’t talk about your I don’t think you’ll see it now but it was probably just something you couldn’t see from the outside but AV go and look at it one it is not new and two it is not a [ __ ] Manchester United player award trophy 100% when he’s on

Stage getting it if you could see the crowd all the players are like and by the way that’s an award that we’ve never given before or or since and from a very reliable source that worked at United at the time because he’s gone now any yeah

Um Mourinho yeah he’s gone um he turned up and went I want to give him a Tom an award and everyone you want to do what what for why do he want was annoyed that de Gea was winning an award again and he looks at as my goalkeeper keeps winning

Awards it makes me look like a bad manager so I don’t think he turned I think it was literally like we we’re giving him an award so you better find me something it was as he turned up I told I give him an award and they was

Like we can’t go find him one so they run around all Trafford trying to find can we put it up on the screen so alock can see it please if you search I think it’s manager Trophy and you can add it into the edit as well but I’m

Pretty sure no it’s like that like it’s like a weird like it’s like a lazy could go a replica of like the Premier League we just got that the go so what’s this this is the European Cup um shapes award for you yeah like yeah he got given that like it was

Spontaneous someone’s B is used it a single daff a single plastic daffodil in it more that is how funny is that though listen at the end of the day Jose Marino is absolutely box office he’s just had some mad record where Roma weren’t selling [ __ ] they’ve just sold 40 games

Out on the spin with having Jose’s been sent off six times here’s what Jose said when you presented him with the award the dream of every boy that arrives at a club is to play for the first team the next dream is to play big matches in the

Champions League and to play for the national team this player did this everything in five or six months so my player of the year has to me’s got Tom I mean we’ve never had that award before or since r as well that who slightly hamstrung by the fact that

They’ve not really spent any money in the last three transfer even the article on United’s website Jose names his own player any year yeah nothing to do with us like Jose does his own thing what what sort of announcement on one hand I absolutely adore that though just out the anarchist

Side of me just [ __ ] thinks there the chaos that I think some of the things he’s done he had two Runners for it as well cuz Jose revealed I was doubting it between him and mati on his way in he’s in his caring on the way in

Like how do I make this award ceremony all about me just let me think yeah some of the stuff he’s done though is only he could do I think like what he did with Porto what he did with inter I can’t see I can’t think of another one of this

Generation of managers that especially the inter stuff I can’t see anyone else doing that the portal stuff especially as well the inter you had a pretty expensively assembled side still not compared to some of the teams it beat but and they were getting on a bit as

Well though weren’t they and oh do want to know it’s an amazing fact Milito That season I think he was 3132 um in the I think in the last 10 games of the Sera season he scored seven goals he scored in the quarterfinal the semi-final and the final of the

Champions League he scored in the semi-final in the final of the Italian cup as well won the treble and played I think something like 60 Minutes in the World Cup the same what a [ __ ] clutch season that is scored quar semal schneer was the best player on a

[ __ ] planet that year as well he could do no wrong get him he he nearly won b day he should have won bonor buto that that season in the season before Oh my God unbelievable there’s been a bit of a debate about who the best African player is and people have been talking

About y a and you George weers and all that dragma for me it has to be at all has to be toble I’ll take even I’m not really going to fight you for either dr’s up there as well Mo though is going to with a shout sadly

Against yeah cuz ronal stink if he watched that game but didn’t remember AR after the game when he was going it wasn’t ronaldino it wasn’t etto it was henr Larson that beat us yes the king he was very bitter after that was arry wasn’t he that’s why he left Arsenal to

Win the champions league to win the Champions League yeah did he won a trouble as well didn’t he no I don’t think he know was he not the No Treble side he won the Champions League though didn’t he yeah he definitely won the Champion League there yeah yeah play

Against come on against [ __ ] off who cares um I got a question for you where does y go next yeah that’s the question let’s get it out of there the rumors are he rejected Portugal right cuz he’s burn all his Bridges there he rejected Portugal while he was at Roma he

Rejected Saudi Arabia while he was there I I think he could end up in Saudi or working for the Saudis can I make a play here I got some I got what put on the table okay I’ve got one that I want to put on the table you put yours on the

Table I think you both got the same one Whatever It Takes make him the next England manager it’s one of my Tes honestly honestly he would win as a I think that ship sail I think that is a fantastic thing I agree with what he

Said I said that many years ago but I think who did you say for him now um Newcastle or a team in Saudi Arabia Newcastle one feels Newcastle you’ve got the Bobby is going to be gone soon the Bob Bobby Robson connection and he would

Just come out cuz he’s he’s crafty so he would come out and be like so Bobby told me one day Jose you will manage Newcastle right whether that’s factual or made up on the [ __ ] that sounds like the sort of thing he said he just sent

Mey with his mom how many things she said said make a shot for you every every team go sa Bobby told me we’re going to win this game he got connection there I think Chelsea’s not out of the Realms of possibility I don’t think he is he can’t

Go Chelsea 3.0 but he can he can he’s won the league but he can Rory he wants fans want him to B to back let’s not say to B was ready to give L when you have him back the second time and it fails he won the title didn’t he no but

I’d love a fail like that a minute it still ended the way it ended right yeah you think oh maybe not again new owner though new owner knew me but I think England Eng you look at the [ __ ] absolute [ __ ] ready salted level [ __ ] crisp eating prick that they’ve

Got now you think Jose Mourinho where does it fall for Jose current iteration of Jose Mourinho he burns these [ __ ] players Minds out because every everything everyone’s against us everyone’s a [ __ ] consp I ain’t fin so Brazil yeah he were um but you think with that talented group of

Players someone that can just [ __ ] close ranks on everyone it’s us against the world blads for six or seven games he brings home the bacon yeah million CU he lets you play enough to win the easy games or easy games but the motivation and the discipline and the and the

Forehead to forehead [ __ ] screaming to beat a France or a Brazil or a Portugal in a semi-final Jose there aren’t many better managers ever than Jose Mar he’s great at that sort of Stu he’s great defensively as well those sorts of games seminal shutting up sing

Or Germany or whatever or well you know better team German like Argentina or whatever the only thing is I just don’t think the F have him no I think so easy South Gate’s big he does as he’s told he he’s in offensive press conferences with Jose as manager but imagine the meetings

When he’s like with the fa and the’re like can you just tell the talkers for your decisions he’s like no [ __ ] off I P do what I want you what I mean they’ll just never have it will they no they’ll never have it cuz that requires a set of

Bollocks and got a set of rashford don’t get another inun cap if that happens maybe it’s not for the although that’s good for United you know what you know I think we kind of look from the outside in but I think a lot of players I think

If you asked rashford I think he said he’ love playing with Marina I think Jesse was one that said he always love playing for I think it burned he burns players out but weirdly a lot of them still love him yeah he’s a lovable guy though is he and it’s like lingard and

And rashford have had their best moments under if you think about it I think attacking wise a lot of the attackers say he know cup moment for [ __ ] about his defend yeah he let the attackers get on with it and his defense he focuses on which if you’re attack is kind of what

You want to wear in it yeah should wrap it up there my friends I’d love to play for Mourinho though sorry to just say you know any manager if you could play for them yeah I’d love after St Allon obviously I’d love to play you played

For Steven Alon you so you can sit that one I’d love to play like I think he’d get me going he’d get me going he says it was blocked Mourinho gets me going it’s only on video so Mourinho Mourinho would really get me going as a manager

You he missed it [ __ ] some missed it and all like who who would you want to be managed by I mean obviously so Alex but yeah jely BBY definitely Jose I just sit there looking at him like yeah Jose for me easy just you just be crying crying your eyes out with

Every team talk just some J on I think I’d like that tough love yeah I hate you all right boss love you Brian K yeah Brian Lampard would you no I won I G me no when he said you’re like you’re playing defense you go no I’m not and go

All right where okay where you want to play Sorry shut up you dick I’m playing that all right okay give me that [ __ ] waist coat would have been fun cuz it seems like seems like you could turn up late for tra late tra get off still high

Five like it was it used to say someone was talking about Mario Basler and he was talking about disciplining players for turning up late and he went look Mario Basler never on time once in his life but he was the game changer and we allowed it I don’t know I don’t lot I

Would have hated that name if we never won that game oh m m you it you know imagine like the that [ __ ] off I mean another one watching it [ __ ] off as well right that’s going to be all from us thank you again to Green King Sport for sponsoring the show make sure

You go and check them out this has been off the bar we’ll see in a bit


  1. Pure revisionism howson wanted quatar. They apparently all wanted glazers out but now just laugh it all off.
    There's a cancer in our club called the glazer family and yet now no one seems FUCKIN bothered they are still here, and the club is financially totally fucked. Some of us still care that this disgusting family are still here even if the majority don't seem to.

  2. Those 3 years where McTominay "didn't kick a ball" coincide with Mourinho's tenure. We know Mourinho played him, so I don't know what that's about.

  3. sometimes, Ste's ability to be the loudest in the room and show off his knowledge really interrupts the conversation and grinds my ears to bits

  4. Hearing Ste saying "we would have so much content" if Michael Knight took over really sum's up what these channels are about and why there is so many Manchester United channels. People basically making a living out of Manchester United

  5. What does it matter if we are owned by a state? Don’t you lot know we are already a puppet and a tool for the glazers? The amount of things they do being connected to United. At least we wouldn’t have been an atm cash machine for the Qataris. Not to mention they were going to wipe the debt.

    Ratcliffe just helped prolong the glazers. Are we celebrating that. Really

  6. There's a reason every manager picks Scott Mctominay but most armchair football fans like these football channels can't see what he does. He is an amazing player and reminds me of Patrick Viera in many ways. When he is running around he is distracting the opposition,they can't relax when scotts at the max! He also says stuff to them as well like " your rubbish, you stink, smelly ass, your mama, big nose" and it really puts them off.
    He is a master of the dark arts

  7. Jose would be more negative then Southgate and would ruin everything Southgate has built. Its amazing how people can be critical of Southgate when he has done better then any other manager we have had. The players aren't as good as people are making out either! No where near as good as our so called golden generation

  8. Scott McTominay was the last 'Fur Q' from José before he signed his new contract (way to go Ed Woodward you genius) and then got sacked some months later

  9. They were never gonna accept Qatar offer bcz
    1: they spoke of bringing glory days again
    2:recently it shows all the processing fees came out of United and not the glazers for the Raine Group
    3: it's all about glazers fooling the public and you have to be gullible to believe that Qatar doesnt have money to buy United, you cant be that naive.

  10. All of a sudden, Qatar businessman aligned to royal family has no money. Wrong, the fact he doesn't want you to know where it's coming from ' mafia settings'

  11. Glasers should be desperate know after findings debts on everything players, transfers maintenance managers.

  12. Was there a story that after the UCL, Henry grabbed the mic on the plane and told the Arsenal players he’s not leaving the club??

  13. There's an interview of David Rubenstein and Jassim's dad. He asks him about the deal and all the Qatar money going into football. Jassim's dad showed apprehension towards everything and that was my sign that this deal wouldn't happen.

  14. So basically 30 mins to admit yall know f all about the ownership or what is happening with "your team"…..the other 10 mins you slander your team goal scoring leader as not knowing how to play football… self awareness is an ironic discussion with you lot

  15. Why wasn't there any news of this "lack of proof of funds" when Qatar were in the race? United are a club that leaks like a sieve. The so called Journos in the know must answer.

  16. Joe hasn't adapted his style to this fixture. Wants far too much time on the ball. It's one or two touches only at this level.

  17. If that Qatar article is true, then it means a lot of journos, including Athletic ones, who need to come out and apologize for reporting false information for a year. I haven't seen any of them come out yet, so either come out, and say you were reporting without actually knowing anything, or give me an explanation for why you reported without knowing the truth.

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