Golf Players

HOW Henrik Stenson COMPRESSES The Ball

Henrik Stenson flushes the ball. Try this drill to improve how you strike the ball.

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Henrik stenson’s impact just sounds different today we’re going to talk about a key move in his takeaway that will get you delivering a harder blow to the golf ball at impact over the years I’ve had a lot of close friends in the PJ tour Circle tell

Me that when Henrik Stenson hits a golf ball it makes a different sound it’s a compress that you don’t hear for most tour guys now as I’ve looked at his swing throughout the years I started to recognize that he makes a key move off the ball that we see from some of the

Fastest players in the world so to give you context on who I was as a golfer growing up I was the golfer on the Range that would film my swing I’d hit to different positions I’d make it look pretty and then I would go to the first

Te and play and hit it everywhere I’d film my swing and it looked completely different than what I observed on the Range my swing would unfold like a broken lawn chair so I knew something was off to me it felt like there was a lack of glue holding the swing together

It felt very manual it felt very manipulated and I knew it wasn’t sustainable in the long run ultimately what I started to discover throughout my journey was there was a lack of energy that I was not getting into the swing early and it comes through a particular

Sequence that we started to observe from some of the fastest players in the world so we’re going to pop up Henrik swing and look at this particular sequence what I started to observe was the really good ball Strikers are shifting their body to the right before the club you

Could go down the list Rory DJ John ROM all these guys are using this particular sequence now Henrik does it a little bit more on the extreme side of the spectrum but we can see that he’s moving his body to the right before the club is moving

Back and ultimately he’s using his feet to get that sequencing correct so once I started to observe this the light bulb in my head went off this was the missing glue that I talked about earlier in my career now the way I started to implement this was by realizing if I

Create a little bit of motion with my feet at a dress and I get my body shifting to my trail side I can now use that momentum to throw the club back okay so now I’m throwing the club back with a little bit of momentum it helped stabilize the plane it helped stabilize

The face alignments and ultimately it helped create a much bigger stretch on my body which is something that I rely on to get my sequencing correct so obviously Henrik is the extreme side of the spectrum he maximizes how much he makes this move one of the ways I like

To help players implement this into their swing is doing what I call a hand or extension drill so we’re going to hop on our downshift board and to start we’re going to just rock back and forth from left to right to get a feel of how

Our feet need to utilize the ground once we get set we’re going to make a shift to the left we’re going to leave the club there and then we’re going to shift to the right okay now once we’re on our right side we look exactly like Henrik

Stenson okay so from there I’m going to do a 2 second pause one two and then I’m going to turn to the top of my swing okay so do that again we’re going to rock left leave the club Rock right 2 second pause turn to the top now you can do

This in a sequencing drill as I just demonstrated or you could also hit some balls doing this the key is making sure that you have a slight pause the pause is going to allow your brain to understand the new road map if you don’t pause you’re going to blend it all

Together and you’re not going to make any changes so if you enjoy that drill and the breakdown of henrik’s move leave a comment below of other swings and moves you want us to break down and help you implement into your golf swing


  1. Force before motion. You’d be amazed how many instructors mistook this move as being a forward press when in fact it was exactly as you demonstrate. Great drill.

  2. I watched Henrik in Wales UK, It was a UK windy day with rain and cold straight into his face. He was not famous at this point. He set up to hit his 3 wood over a terrible line. I literally thought what is this guy doing he is aiming 50 yards left over a deep bunker that no person could carry in these conditions.. Needless to say 2 mins later I was shaking my head and I did not like him very much for about 30 seconds. Absolutely awesome ball striking.

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