SportsBox AI Golf Swing Analyzer Software & Cameras (2024 PGA SHOW)

Watch as we talke to Edwin Fuh, PGA, Director of Sales at Sportsbox AI. Edwin takes us through a full review of the SportsBox AI Golf Swing Analyzer software for iOS and PC. Looking to build a golf simulator? Be sure to email me for the best information and pricing at:

Use code “GSV250” to SAVE on Packages & Enclosures or “GSVMAT” on Mats




SIG10 Package:
This comes with the screen, enclosure, Landing Pad Turf, Poles, Projector (Awesome 5000 lumen Panasonic, Cables, and you can select the SIGPRO mat. 

BLP SIG10 Package:

Bushnell Launch Pro Only:

EYE MINI SIG10 Package:


GC3 Only:

GC3 SIG10 package:

UNEEKOR Packages:

#golf #golfsimulator #sportsbox #golftips #golfinstruction #golfinstructor #golfswing #golflife #golfswinganalysis

What’s up guys welcome back to golf simulator videos we’re at the 2024 PGA Merchandise Show and we’re at the sportsbox AI did I say that right Edwin sportsbox AI that’s correct all right I’m here with Edwin from sportsbox AI this is actually a product that several

People reach out to me asked if I can stop by the booth booth and show this it’s really cool product so they’re doing several different things one they have an iOS software where you can use I believe it probably be like an iPad or iPhone iphon iPads and certain Android

Devices as well okay awesome and then they also have a new studio version where they have some high-end cameras that are all tying to this really powerful software I’ve kind of gotten a little bit of a a rundown on things but I want you to kind of just take the

Viewers through on like what it is what it can do how it works absolutely my pleasure so uh we actually are using our 3D AI recognition technology to map the entire body and essentially convert a 2d video into 3D data and how that’s doing is we’re going essentially mapping out

All the different joint position positions all over the body and spec and several on the club as well from there we’re actually able then to generate that 2D image into 3D data that does require a very good high resolution video that the the mobile di can do and

We’re also using on the studio for two external cameras that are connected to a gaming style laptop or PC device I’m assuming you recommend some good lighting I see you got some nice LED in here so so lighting is very important because the quality of the videoos incredibly important so that we can

Accurately map the body uh if the lighting Is Not Great and the quality of the video is not great then the then the resolution of that will will potentially give you some poor data that’s why we’re requiring these uh cameras that are integrated with our system makes sense

Makes sense so Standalone software so I see somebody’s up there with a GC quad so you could have a full simulator setup or with the mobile you could be out of the range or anything in between and basically this operates independently on either the iOS or PC you could run them simultaneous

Multiple monitors absolutely uh we are actually also going to launch an integration with foresight very soon so you will eventually have the ball and Club data from foresight also integrated with our Sports Fox AI technology the 3D marketless system very cool we were at the foresight booth for a while

Yesterday so everyone that watched that video all the foresight users pretty cool stuff to hear that so yeah show it in action I guess I saw you do kind of a setup and it looks like it automatically recognizes so I definitely want to show them how that works absolutely so this

Uh there’s two cameras there’s one that’s face on and one that’s down the line all you need to do is set up into the system itself and it’ll automatically recognize you and from there you can just make a swing and then it’ll detect you in this process it’s

Now going to uh give you an instant replay of that swing and what it’s doing now is it’s converting that 2D video into 3D data okay and I was standing like right in the background it’s cool how it locked into to Only You it locked

In only to me uh in ideal you don’t have all the additional stuff so that you get really accurate uh information but we have our recognition that’s only going to select the person that’s actually in the view um ideally you don’t have a lot of distraction but uh our technology is

Pretty incredible in that that regards cool uh so can you pull up that what you just did and just kind of talk to me a little bit about the data that everyone’s seeing and how a coach is going to like apply that for sure absolutely yeah the the camera resolution

Definitely uh obviously quality cameras high quality ceras but I do like that you kind of have more like entry you know level for somebody that just needs to get started you know cuz the cameras I want to say what what did those retail for uh this camera is our highest end

Camera it is uh 1790 per camera uh it does require a two camera setup one face on one down the line we also have a very good camera at a lower cost but it requires a much better lighting than the the higher powered camera okay so if you

Want to get all lit up you could go with the other one but if you want to just make sure it works in whatever environment that makes sense yeah I saw the one had a lower aperture which obviously is bringing in more light yeah so I’m going to give you a better

Example of a previously recorded session from this player cool uh you can actually put down any information here at the bottom right now we only have pelvis and chest turn but if I wanted to add in you can really add in any additional information so if I wanted to

Add in for example uh chess Sway and add in pelvis all these other numbers we can start adding in whatever you would like to see at any specific point in time okay uh for the 3D avatar here on the right you actually have full free form of the 3D

Avatar and you’re able to uh show the avatar from all different viewing angles so we can go from face on down the line from the top and you can show all the information that you’d like uh cool I like how you had the tabs at the the top

Of the other one that kind of categorizes everything you were under sway I think one right cor exactly so this actually categorizes based on the position of the body exactly so you can uh add more information in there you can keep it as simple as possible for your

Students or you can go as detailed as you would like to be and that I guess brings up one more Point are you guys pairing any uh like a knowledge base with this for coaches on how to apply the data absolutely so we have a a our

Chief science officer uh Dr Phil chetam and he’s uh provided a lot of research and biomechanics data that’s backing up all of our information that we’re providing here so all the information that you’re seeing here specifically for example like ranges that’s all being done based on the research that’s been

Uh that we’ve G gathered throughout the course of the last you know several years and we’re using a lot of research from the past 25 years that he’s done with his own research and have also implemented that into our Sports box AI technology yeah when did you guys launch

The product so approximately 3 years a uh to the market about 2 and 1 half years ago we’ve our company started about three three and a half years ago okay very cool I appreciate you giv me the rundown I mean I’m sure everybody can go to a website what’s that uh it’s

The sports box. a okay awesome so check that out guys comment below any questions you have things like that and uh we’ll see if we can cover this more in the channel in the future so thanks for watching stay tuned for a lot more coverage at the 2024 PJ Merchandise Show

Thanks a lot thank you so much appreciate it


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