Golf Babe

“Women Are DEHUMANISED!” – Julia Hartley-Brewer On Transgender Golf Row Over Testosterone Testing

A transgender golfer is facing testosterone testing to verify her eligibility and will also be the subject of a player poll after winning a women’s event in Florida.

Hailey Davidson, who was born in Scotland but now lives in the United States, has been the target of criticism and received death threats online after her victory in the NXXT Women’s Classic.

Davidson believes being born male no longer gives her any physiological advantages, but the response to her win prompted NXXT Golf chief executive Stuart McKinnon to seek the opinion of the circuit’s players and request that Davidson undergoes further testing.

“The recent discussions surrounding Hailey Davidson’s participation and success on our tour have highlighted a range of viewpoints,” McKinnon said in a statement on the Tour’s website.

“The NXXT Women’s Pro Tour acknowledges these perspectives while emphasizing that our policies and decisions are guided by the frameworks set by the LPGA and USGA.”

Julia Hartley-Brewer is joined by Fair Play for Women’s Fiona McAnena, to discuss trans golfer Hailey Davidson.

Julia: “No one is talking about banning trans athletes, they can compete in the category they were born in.”

Fiona: “People being dehumanised here are women and girls.”

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Now a transwoman golfer yes uh will be required to undergo testosterone testing uh to verify his eligibility after he won a women’s Pro Tour event in Florida well of course he shouldn’t be eligible because he’s a man and it was a women’s event easy for the rest of us but there

We are joining me to discuss this is fion mcanena who’s director of sport at fair play for women fantastic organizations fighting for well just you know fairness in sport thank you so much for joining us Fiona good to be here yeah now this is a a transgender a man living as a woman

Haley Davidson um born in Scotland now lives in Florida lifted the trophy after finishing more than a hundred points ahead of and I don’t know why the daily M have done this say her closest rival but but Haley Davidson’s quite clearly a man um whatever he calls himself uh but

His closest rival at the mission in Resort and Club um and um and in and his success what surprisingly has sparked outrage among golf fans since he was born male and therefore remains male forever and has a clear Advantage now there’s going to be testing but what

Would that testing show well it’ll show I mean it’s irrelevant because the difference between women and men is not testosterone levels and we women are not simply men with low testosterone so it’s a bit of a a a fig Leaf I think I don’t know why they’re bothering yeah you know

We all know now that male female differences in sport are so many and cannot be reversed and that’s why they have a separate women’s tour you know if they were arguing that there’s no difference well then Haley can play with everyone but they’re actually saying that that women need their own tour but

That a few selected male people like Haley should be able to join in and that makes no sense at all and I think we all know that now yeah and we do all know that and again the differences are very very key and it’s across virtually every

Single sport I think every sport it’s you know men are on average bigger they are stronger their muscle density the testosterone aler and you can you can have you could have surgery you can live completely as if you were a woman you can take hormone after hormone you will

Never change and never completely do away with or even vly do away with the huge advantage of male puberty which gives men an advantage over women whatever they call themselves or however they dress um anyone with any cintilla of knowledge of sporting ability would know that this is the case and yet we’re

Still fighting these battles in sport after Sport and we have ridicul statements like like um this this this trans golfer Haley Davidson uh saying well again she he might have held I’m not being rude to him he can call himself whatever he wants and live how

He live wants to live his life but he doesn’t have a right to be a cheat in women’s sport he might have held a physiological advantage in the past says this is no longer the case saying I think we forget that people are actually humans at the same time no one’s

Dehumanizing him uh and uh and said that um um um no trans atlet shouldn’t be banned but at the same same time there needs to be regulations in place because it shouldn’t just be a free for all but no one is talking about banning trans athletes they can compete but in the

Category in which they were born yes and I think the people who are being dehumanized here are women and girls because no one is paying any attention to the feelings of all of those think of that golfer who came second who should have been first and

All the others and Julia we report we published a report last week showing how this is happening across UK sport at all levels um we had testimony from dozens and dozens of women and girls saying how this is affecting them and you know basically why bother if a man’s always

Gonna beat me well and and and if there’s going to be maybe a man or a boy in the changing room or uh no one’s going to be honest with me I won’t know I’m facing a boy you know they it creates a great deal of uncertainty and

Some women are just dropping out of sport because they can no longer be confident of what they’re going to find so it’s in in contact sports like like wrestling uh like boxing well yeah let’s just make a sport of men punching women in the face that seems like a good thing

To do but this is the thing women are fearful that for their physical safety for you know as you say we’ve had you know women sports people talking about having to have you know men in the changing rooms with them claiming to be trans women fully intact everything on

Show naked in the change groups you if they weren’t claiming to be trans they would be arrested and yet somehow the rules are but the impact on women is exactly the same do you think that the world is waking up this I mean like your report last week we talked about it on

The show do you think there is just a recognition now you know moms and dads are aware of what’s going on in the schools and it’s not just sort of something that happens like there’s three people who do it and never mind it’s not a big deal this is across the

Board men who are mediocre are moving from competing against other men to competing against women they’re claiming a lot of the times that they’re trans when it’s oh oh miraculously suddenly you’re doing well in this sport when you suddenly decide you’re living as a transwoman no surgery no nothing no

Reason to think this even genuine a lot of the time and frankly most of us have a word for these people I think it’s called cheats well I think people are waking up to it to answer your question um they say they’re not cheating because the

Rules allow them to do it um we think the rules should be changed because everyone knows it simply isn’t fair and when you have bad rules that doesn’t mean you uh you know you can absolve yourself of any responsibility but yes we are seeing now that dads and moms are

Finding the courage to speak up and point out on behalf of their daughters that they deserve fairness they deserve privacy uh they deserve opportunity and uh what we need now is some more Sports to find a bit of moral courage actually to do the right thing because the sports

That have made their policy changes and restored a female category haven’t had a backlash because everyone knows it’s completely reasonable exactly and the more women who stand up and speak out on this is brilliant you’ve done a fantastic job there fena Maan from fair play for women thank you so much watch


  1. He obviously has no self respect and couldn't win against his own biological competition so went into the women's to make himself feel better.
    He should be ashamed of himself taking a trophy that was rightfully meant for a woman and not a man

  2. When you've had higher testosterone levels until adulthood, lowering those levels lower agression and nothing else.

    Your bones and muscles are still stronger and as a biological man you naturally have higher focus and concentration levels, and women will always have natural higher maternal aspects.

    Its human nature and general biology.

  3. As usual it is a man entering women's sport, if there was no advantage then why are we still not seeing women going into men's sport and winning? I can barely remember any news item about a woman going up against men!

  4. For a protected minority This minority overwhelms all other minorites. It's 24/7)365/366 news and it's all over every other media including broadcast and internet. I find that Orwellian in the extreme.

  5. "I identify as" means "I pretend to be." Live like a woman if you wish but it doesnt make you a woman.

  6. Come on ladies, boycott competitons where you are forced to compete against men, you're your own worst enemies sometimes!

  7. Why are there not masses of women/girls marching against all this ridiculousness, it wouldn't happen within mens sports, it just wouldn't. I really feel for women and girls but you need to stand up and a show of force would send a message to all those pushing this wokeism (which i personally think is as sinister and as insidious as anything i've ever seen). More real women/girls and real men/boys need to join together to send a message right across the country. Multiple cities, multiple towns no matter your political persuasion we need to come together as one to do what is right.

  8. It's always about more than the sport. It's got a lot to do with being referred to as "she" and "her" and "new girl name". Being seen as a woman. Presenting as a woman. Entering women's spaces with women and enjoying the thrill and power.

  9. If all women refuse to play, all sports at every level this nonsense will end. Until this happens there should be a cheating medal like this one 💩and no prizes

  10. If all the woke nonsense was right, then why are these stories never coming up in male competitions? I have not seen trans men beating born males all over the place. Trans can compete but in their own leagues etc.

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