Genius Drill to Get Width in the Backswing (Lead arm and Trail arm!)

If your arms are collapsing in the backswing, then you are likely suffering from reduced turn and arm pivot. This causes extension in the wrists, a narrow swing, and a wide open club face.

In this golf lesson, PGA Pro Kerrod Gray and Alex Clapp demonstrate how to get width in the backswing using a genius drill to build width and structure. This backswing drill will maximize your width in the backswing focusing on both the lead arm and the trail arm.

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⛳ Chapters
0:00 Introduction
0:30 What is width in the backswing?
1:25 Drill to get width in the backswing – explaining the drill.
2:30 Lead arm drill to get width in the backswing.
2:50 Trail arm drill to get width in the backswing.
3:40 Trail arm drill progression – Stop at 90°.
5:00 Transitioning to the downswing drill progression.

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Okay mate so width is a common catchphrase that you hear throwing around with recreational golfers and we see a lot of this action at the top of the Swing okay the arms are collapsed the wrists might be extended then in transition we’re going to get it narrow

The face is going to be open it’s hard to play consistent goal from there isn’t it absolutely um sacrifices a low Point strike and everything from that position but again it’s just understanding what width can create as opposed to just thinking about I need width in the golf

Swing what does width do it increases turn it increases rotation it gives you a consistent width of Arc all notable things that’ll get you on the way to better ball striking certainly yeah so width defining this for every player at home is really at the end of the day the distance between

The end of the handle and let’s say your sternum okay so if there is a certain distance between uh the center of my chest here and the end of the handle throughout the golf swing we want to maintain that within reason the closer that gets to us well that is going to

Affect our ability to be able to return the golf club back to a point where we’re going to strike the ball first the ground second get that low Point fundamental contct there is going to be a lot of this going on at the ball if it

Gets narrow if it gets wide you’re going to have a lot of inconsistencies with recreating low Point control and how you get back to the ball yeah so you’ve got a tow there mate and what I want you to do is demonstrate for the players at

Home of a great drill they can use very simple to provide them the feeling of maintaining width in the back swing so so a lot of people use it under both arms I like to use it under just the lead arm right and if you use it just

Under the lead arm and grip the club as normal okay the the reason why I use a towel and not a band is because the band gives you a little bit of leeway in both directions does kind of width and this way so I want you to kind of feel with

The towel that it gives you that single radius throughout the swing and what I mean by that obviously is the arc goes the same back comes the same through keeping it nice and wide goes wide comes narrower right so during the back swing what we’re trying to do as we grip this

Club here is keep the tension on the towel okay and that then straight away increases our width gets us turning a lot better and stops These Arms from collapsing which everyone tries to stop doing in their golf is stop these arms collapsing which reduces turn and our

Pivot so simple put the towel under your arm grip it make it nice and tight with the club okay swing to the top keep the tension in that toil I feel the tension okay let’s pass it over here let me try that one there now this is something

That I was really struggling with in my game when I was progressing growing up as a as a junior so I could definitely used this drill so we can see it’s extended underneath that armpit lead arms feeling long and structured then as I create this turn we can see that it is

Staying in contact now what would happen here clappy if that this player was keeping it long and extend but it’s now moved around their body would they go this is width because you can see that it’s still straight yeah absolutely and that’s when you then discuss how the

Trail arm affects width as well then through the back swing so this one focuses on lead arm you could also do it for trail arm too yeah so if I now move this over to my trail arm and I get this feeling and I actually did a couple of

Videos with Andy carata just before this and we were talking about the feeling of the right hand for the right hander almost pushing down and creating this opposing for where the face was closing this drill gives you a bit of a two for one deal in regards to not only

Maintaining the width of that trail arm from the chest but also ensuring that we are not getting into a position where we’re not hinging the golf club and I can really feel that through that yeah I mean a really good one as well with that is kind of the butterfly drill where get

The hand on Top push away and you’re pushing that trail arm away and ideally a really good reference point is that this Trail arm doesn’t Bend past the 90° angle mhm so as soon as it gets past that 90° angle that’s when you know you’re losing some width and getting

Quite narrow whereas if you feel as a reference point I’m trying to keep that right arm and and a lot of people will feel that their arms are straight when they’re doing this yeah so straight arm swings back straight arm swings through will be really good but if you just feel

Like you keep that width there and that doesn’t Bend past 90° so that’s at 90° there that ensures that I keep my width into through backing we’ll get back to that video in just a second but I just want to tell you quickly about my online training platform perform golf being a

Plan myself and going through the struggles of working on my game all the way up to playing on tour I understand that nagging feeling that you’re putting work in that’s not actually making a difference to your swing and your golf game so that’s why I’ve created an all-encompassing membership covering

Every aspect of the game to help you FASTT trck your progress and get you shooting lower scores it’s available on all the app stores and on the web the link is down below so sign up now experience the difference yourself let’s get back to the video and that’s a

That’s a great point you make and I’m sure there’s a lot of players at home they would be thinking right now well what about the downswing I know it goes from wide to narrow but we actually see a lot of players they try and create this lag in their golf swing by pulling

Their arms and a handle towards you can see I lose the tension so the thing I love about a drill such as this is the lag is created through this wrist motion right the change of direction that creates lag it is not from dragging that

Towel in yeah I call it strong lag very is weak lag yeah right weak lag is where you get here correct right and people are like oh I need to get the Club close to me and I need to lag it but strong lag is where you keep the width and get

The club lagging through wrists should we say or not lagging but getting into a better position through the golf swing motion so I’m just going to map that feeling out I’m going to use the back arm combining these two together I think this is a great exercise that

Everyone at home can play around with get the feeling I like that it keeps you upper arms connected to your also as well and look at that width and structure it just definitely feels like I’m able to get that club back to a functional position let’s recreate that

F mate see if I can get some nice width in the down swing yeah let’s see it show one out there so good mate definitely felt wider as soon as we were moving in transition from lead arm parallel back down into this down swing spot love it great drill

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