Golf Babe

Bodycam: Hulk Hogan Comes to Son’s Aid During DUI Arrest

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Bodycam footage has been released of Nick Hogan, the son of Hulk Hogan, after he was allegedly caught by police driving under the influence in November 2023. Florida authorities said 33-year-old Hogan, real name Nicholas Bollea, refused to submit to all sobriety tests and failed the field sobriety tests he was given. The footage then shows Hulk Hogan, real name Terry Gene Bollea, show up to his son’s aid while the police continue with the arrest.

#Bodycam #HulkHogan #LawAndCrime

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Hello hey Hey sir how much you had to drink tonight uh nothing sir nothing at all I’m sorry I’m was little my inro you almost ran me over it was me that you almost ran over when you were driving right by me okay at when there’s police

Lights liting lighting up the the road over there I’m so sorry it’s just been up that night where was on our way home and we were leaving you want steping out for me yeah nice truck expensive truck sorry so where are you coming from tonight coming over here leav the beach home leaving

The beach heading home I know nothing to drink tonight no sir so it’s just you said they passengers yeah just passengers but I can smell on your breath okay I’m I’m sorry it’s it’s Dam I was just kissing I girl apologize that’s that’s what you’re going to say that you’re kissing your

Girlfriend so that’s why you have alcohol coming off your breath I’m sorry sorry yeah that was that’s what I okay well would you mind if I check your eyes and make sure you’re safe to be driving sir yes sir okay it’s hard going to kill your Lights why don’t you just put your feet together for me he touching like my hands at your sides you wear glasses of contact sir no sir okay perfect have you hit your head really really hard in the last 24 hours to where you caus you the bomet or something

Um about in the last 24 hours okay so you see that red light on my pen yes sir I want you just follow with your eyes your eyes only don’t move your head I want you to keep your chin level for me though don’t move your head just your eyes just your eyes

You’re moving your head okay I need you to keep your head still put your nose faceing me and just move your eyes okay sure one you I got neck problems here I’m sorry I can’t turn my head that far keep your your chin level for me you’re looking up keep your chin

Level problem I was just trying to I can’t like yeah I don’t want you to move your head you keep moving your head I understand that but I can’t I if I if I look too far that way I have for my head my back is a little just your eyes you

Don’t need to move your head that’s fine okay keep your turn level for me though okay no problem there we go we’re going to just pass again I can’t only look so far then without without my neck turning I can’t only look so far I need you to follow my

Instructions okay keep your chin level for me your chin is still on that level there we go okay well you’re holding it above my head I’m sorry I’m not holding above your head okay okay keep your feet together for me heels and Toes touching here we go nice and

Slow now what do body cams like this show you that it’s an unpredictable world right and sometimes s in that world you’re going to need a lawyer but finding the right legal help is so important and let me take a minute then to thank attorney Tom and Associates for

Sponsoring this body cam you see whether you were injured in a car wreck or Refinery explosion or the victim of securi fraud or received a notification that your information was included in a data breach developed an illness as a result of a bad drug or toxic exposure

And there are so many other situations attorney Tom can help you see what Tom and his team do so well is they not only have the legal knowledge of course but they have genuine empathy for their clients and having someone you can trust is invaluable and by the way every call

Is free it’s private you’ll be speaking with a member of his team straight away you won’t pay a dime until you win which just shows their commitment to your success and they have an impressive track record in tough tough cases and look if your case is not the best fit

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Committed to Justice and your well-being so if you’ve suffered an injury and you need legal support click the bodycam link pinned in the comments for a free consultation or dial 855t Wiz do you want to take out of the car for a second I don’t want you out of the car

Okay sorry we going to go up two times just tries last I’m going do I’m going to move around your face like this in a circle I want you to follow with your eyes going to bring it towards the bridge of your nose I’m not going to make contact with

You it’s going to feel like your eyes want to cross okay just go ahead let them do what they do naturally all right here we go you want them to follow the follow the L yep follow the light one more time last thing I want you to do is look up

In the sky for me close your eyes I promise not a trick okay look turn the right so your feet are together for me heels and Toes touching heels and Toes touching there you go tost your head back look in the sky and close your eyes try to

Relax can you me please all right you can relax all right sir here’s where I’m at I am seeing some signs of impair I’m going to ask are you willing to further participate and some f some body exercises yeah yeah okay I want you to come over here just hang tight the driver

The actually we’re going to we’re going to do it right over here okay that line looks a little bit better now that one it’s it’s cuz it’s wet so my tape’s not going to stick here so I’m going to make sure that uh I think this one’s

No probably these ones we’re going to go over here all right just stand right here at the top of the line for me start just by asking you a few personal questions can you state your full name for me Nicholas okay what race do you identify with loaded question question yeah I

Have I have to ask okay I mean that’s that’s a you know okay white want your data breath sir July 27th 1990 okay um do you any physical defects aside from injuries um no okay are you sick or injured right now uh other than what do you do for work I’m sorry what

Do you do for work I am a music producer music producer okay all right um are you diabetic no sir BL sugar but not diabetic yeah you take insulin no sir okay you take any medications prescribed to you um I asked you already do you wear glasses or contacts you said no um

What’s your house of Education uh GD GED okay have you have you consumed any alcoholic beverages in the past 24 hours uh no sir have you used any illegal drugs and narcotics to include marijuana in the past 24 hours no sir Okay this may sound like a silly question do you

Know you’re left from your right yes sir okay I have to ask some people don’t know which one’s your left which one your right you got it okay so this first exercise is called the walk and turn what I’m going do is put you on a

Starting position and once I put you in that starting position I don’t want you to move from the starting position okay so starting position you don’t want to move from the starting position yep once I put you in it okay but I’m going to show you everything I’m going to

Demonstrate it for you I’m going to give you the instructions ask you if you have any questions and then we’ll address those questions okay you see this line that’s painted down in front of you yes sir you see anything that may prevent you from walking in out line any

Potholes rocks or sticks in the way uh obstructing it not no no okay you feel there’s any reason why you can’t walk down that line uh aside from the rain no sir I don’t think it’s raining that hard no it’s not raining anymore okay all right so the starting

Position is going to be like this okay once you go and place your left foot on the line yep take your right foot place it directly in front of your left foot with the heel of your right foot touching the toes of your left hands at your side I

Need you to remain remain in that position TR I finish the instructions okay when I tell you to begin you’re going to take nine Heel To Toe steps on this line touching Heel To Toe on each step with no space in between is this step one or do we your step’s going to

Be their back foot I’m going to explain it to you okay and I’m going to demon yes sir at the end of your ninth step you’re going to make a turn in which I’m going to show you and you’re going to take nine more hle toe steps back down

The line while you do this you’re going to keep your hands down at your sides look down at your feet at all times and count each step out loud so that I can hear you okay count 29 it’s going to look like this I’m going to demonstrate it I’m going to

Demonstrate it for you okay watch me okay 1 2 3 and so on until you get to nine on your ninth step leave your front foot planted on the line take your back foot off make a STS of small steps just like this to turn yourself around while

PIV on that front foot and once you completed the turn I want you to return back down the line with nine more heel to steps the back foot’s going to be your first step I’m going to show you again one 2 3 4 and so on until you get

To nine okay now I want during exercise I want you keep your hands at your sides okay look down at your feet at all the times kind out out loud I stop so I can show you the turn I don’t want you to stop okay once you start the exercise

Don’t stop walking don’t stop walking until you’ve completed it you understand the exercise yes sir you all the instructions yes sir okay do you have any questions I mean it’s a lot but yeah sure I can do it one 139 here and turn around back 139 just I explain yes sir

All right do you have any more questions that that’ll be it all right so when you’re ready you can [Applause] begin 5 7 8 9 turn here just I explain all right you can relax sir you want to face me yes all right so we’ll step over here for a minute this next

Exercise is called the oneel leg stand okay what I’m going to do is have you stand with your feet together for me heels and Toes touch like mine heels and Toes touching sorry hands at your sides got some heels and Toes touching yeah all right hands at your sides yeah

Got some knee injuries here so it depends which leg we’re working with okay I’m going to give you the option to go with either leg both are a little messed up so we’ll see okay are you able to do this exercise I hope so I mean I

Used to ride dirt bikes so my knees are a little not happy but all right let me go through the instructions okay and you can tell me if you can do it or not all right so this is hands at your side this is the starting position I need you to

Remain in that position until I finish the instructions you understand sir yes sir okay so when I tell you to begin you’re going to raise a leg of your choice probibly 6 in off the ground I’m sorry my feet were rubbing guess I just give myself like a half an

Inch of space I’m they’re together I just okay I can’t press them like that but you’re going to you’re going to raise it up Pro 6 in off the ground which about the high of sod can just like this okay point that raised foot forward so the foot is parallel with the

Ground which foot okay the raised foot all right while keeping both of your leg listen while keeping both of your leg straight and look down at your ra foot and count out loud 1,001 100002 1003 and so on until I tell you to stop counting during exercise I want you to keep your

Hands at your sides don’t use them for balance I want you to sway I want you to hop and I don’t want you to put your foot down if you do happen to put your foot down pick it back up continue counting where you left off don’t start

Over so for example if you drop your foot on 1005 once you regain your balance pick it back up 1,6 1708 and so on and T how you to stop counting okay do you understand the instructions uh I think so any questions no which say will you be using

To raise up um I I’d prefer to balance on my they’re both messed up so will just go with my right one your right leg okay I want to stand on my right leg okay whichever one you once you raise the leg up though I don’t want you to

Switch legs okay okay all right I’m hold on give me a second hold on can I just run I don’t need you practicing any there’s no practices okay but okay I don’t run my KN they’re both a little messed up which one would you want to

Raise up I just want to feel which one hurts worse that’s that’s all I’m trying to say cuz I I mess up above my knees okay cool uh I’ll lift up the right one your right leg okay I will start my time when you pick up your leg and begin counting

Okay whenever you’re ready in my knee or straight remember leg straight right okay both our legs are going to be straight when you do this okay whenever you’re ready one two three 4 5 6 1 6 78 1009 100 hands at your sides1 2012 20134 remember hands at your sides 2015 2016 2017

2018 2019 you can stop can I here NOP you can stop all right next exercise called the finger to nose all right what I’m going do is have you stand with your feet together for me heels and Toes touching bring your hands up like this and close them extend your

Pointer fingers bring them down and turn your palms forward this is the starting position I want you to remain in this position until I give you the further instructions okay you understand all right so I’m going to tell you too you’re going to tot your head back

You’re going to close your eyes okay you’re going to hear me say left or right okay when you hear me say left you’re going to bring your left hand up and touch the tip of that finger to the tip of your nose and immediately put it

Back down to your side in one foot motion when you you hear me say right you’re going to do the same exact thing you’re bring your right hand up and touch the tip of your finger to the tip of your nose and immedately put it back

Down to your side and one fluid motion now for the purpose of this exercise these are the tips of your fingers okay these are the pads of your fingers and these are the sides all right so I’m going to show you again if this was an

Example of your nose tip of the finger tip of the nose not the pad not the sides the tip of your finger okay I want you to touch the very tip of your nose not the top bottom or the sides of your nose but the very tip of your nose just

The one me stand like this yep you’re going to stand just like that but I’m going to tell you remember if I say left boom if I say right boom and right back down okay tip of the finger to the tip tip of the finger to the tip of your

Nose Okay do you understand my instructions yes sir do you have any more question do you have any questions no sir all right sir so your hands are here feet are together tilt your head back look in the sky close those eyes for me keep those eyes closed left right

Left right his eyes closed eyes are closed are you squinting closed left all right you can relax I have one last exercise for you you can relax for a minute all right this one’s called modified Romberg balance sounds a lot harder than it is okay all right so I

Want your feet together for me heels and Toes touch like Min hands at your sides and as you remain that position try give you the instructions you understand sir yes sir all right so when I tell you to you’re going to tilt your head back you’re going to close your eyes you’re

Going to hear me say begin when you hear me say begin I want you to remain in that position until you feel that 30 seconds has passed in your head not out loud I’m going to go through the instructions again okay yes sir so when I say begin you’re going to til

Your head back okay you’re going to close your eyes you’re going to hear me say begin and when you hear me say begin I want you to remain in that position until you feel that 30 seconds has passed in your head not out loud so til

My head back closed why is it count to 30 however you like to do that you’re going to estimate 30 seconds in your head not out loud okay once you feel you reached 30 seconds in your head you’re going to bring your head fold over open

Your eyes and say stop that’s it you understand the instructions you have any questions no sir all right remember don’t start your estimation until you hear me say begin okay okay all right tilch your head back close those eyes [Applause] begin like TDCJ TDCJ Texas Department of Criminal Justice I am a prison

Worker no I am helping I would never even you remember my instructions say stop oh stop all right sorry all right good together like no good we’re going to come over here FR of the vehicle here back relax all right explain everything to

You what I’m going to do is I put you in two handcuffs cuz you’re kind of a got some big shoulders there okay relax I’ll explain everything to you one step at a time all right 11 they’re not too tight are they no so okay I’m going to lock them so they

Don’t move on you all right so going to place you under arrest for DUI next part of my investigation is a breath tests to determin alcohol content are you willing to provide me a sample of your breath um sure sure um what’s if if I if

I don’t what what’s let explain it to you outcome if I don’t let me explain it to you now requesting that you submit to lawful test of your breath for the purpose of determining alcohol content will you take the test would you say yes now you’re asking what happens if you

Don’t um if you refuse to take the test of request of you your driving PR will be suspended for a period of one year for the first refusal or 18 months if driving has been previously suspended or if from previously find under State Statute 32735 215 which is the Bo Bui

Voting statute for refusing to submit to a lawful test of your breath R the blood additionally if you refuse to take the test I requested of you and if your drug and privilege has been previously suspended or from previously find under State Statute 32735 215 for refusal to submit to a

Lawful test of your bre you will be committing and misdemeanor in addition to any other penalties which can be imposed by refusal to submit to the test I request is admissible to evidence any criminal proceeding yeah you can go ahead and take a look at it now I can’t hold it

I’m sorry I got you are you a CDL holder no sir huh no sir you understand that sir good slow still reading boss man all right well listen I read it to you okay I’m still reading man I’m sorry I’m I’m still reading I’ve read it to

You what it basically says is that if it’s the first time you refuse you lose your license for a year if it’s a second or subsequent refusal so if you’re refusing to pass it’s going to be an 18mth suspension on your license and it’s an additional charge for for it

Okay for for refusing so with that said I’m going to ask a final time if you’re willing to give me a sample your breath I speak to my legal counsel now when it comes to impi consent no you don’t get a legal counsel okay there’s no legal

No not when it comes to imply consent no sir okay breathalizer um okay you understand what I’m saying to you yes sir it’s up to you uh I can’t make a decision you can’t make a decision no sir I can’t make a decision okay so this

Is what I’m going to do I’m going to take you down to the instrument I’m going give you the opportunity down there to provide simp since you’re indecisive I just I’m indecisive I’m sorry okay that’s fine spread your stance for me ni and wide and wide hold on hold on earplugs ear plugs

Plugs I know it’s proced right we’re going to walk over here to my side Okay got up a little All right so I just have a seat inside here for me watch your head as you step in okay sir he’s impaired driving it’s impaired mhm he’s currently in custody for DUI DUI did he did he blow okay we’re at that point right now he’s asking if he’s willing to blow

Up cool let me find my real quick see what this is crazy sorry about this it’s all right basically the if he refuses he’s just going he’s going to lose his license I think he has refused I think that’s that’s where we are with it a

Second so if he f is he’s going to have the opportunity to go to a driver’s license hearing where he can get a hardship driver’s license um if this is his first DUI then there’s methods they can use to um reduce the the charges I me there’s

Different things they can do with your attorney you should be able to figure all that out yeah he say this his first de R he should be what was he doing was he speeding or what was his deal move over excuse me move over what does move over mean

Officers are work on the side of the road you change lanes he went by us at 51 boy so they take anywh to 49th Street we’re going to take him to the main station we’re going to give him the opportunity to I think he’s refused so we’re going to give him the opportunity

To still provide a breath sample regardless and then um if it still if it if if he still refuses then um he’ll just get a DUI citation one is going after he’s got to spend 8 hours from the time of the arrest where’s the main station 6:45 Pier Street is that downtown yes

Sir is that across from the empty park over there yes sir yeah what’s going on those two they’re just yelling and screaming she’s very upset what’s what’s uh just he says he can make up his mind to instent and Uh yeah you’re going to have to do that regardless killing people on the road and instead of chasing people killing people we’re sitting here being a fad piece of no I will pass all the soety test give need soety test that’s his that back was trying to down is not

Working no yeah it’s just standard procedure here for me it’s always some some type of BS drama let’s see what he wants to do okay well you the officer said he’s down at the downtown station across that Park where we were we were going down and feeding all the homeless people down

There I think that’s the one right down there all right so well there’s no reason for you to stay up there both of and not going bail him out that should be it he’s going to spend 8 hours hold on second I’m sorry was that b he’s going to spend 8 hours

In custody he’s going to be the 8 hours he’s got to spend 8 hours by state law he’s got to spend 8 hours in custody okay well he’s going to spend 8 hours in custody and uh then I’ll get him out to I talk to him uh

Good can you come back here Qui I can take her and the car of the house want to I’ll run about if you trust me just one second I’m asking 585 can he talk to him real quick okay can you back up so we can

Talk to him real quick I was going to yeah I can do that I was just going to get your phone number real quick for him and that was so I can get us property um so he’ll be able to call you once everything once he gets down the

County M he be to call you from there U usually they have a cell phone but he wanted me to get number for I’m going put it with this property okay um also the officer said it’ be 8 hours before he could get so there’s no reason for me

To go down there and hang around on that sir like for a call make sure that’s on high ring so you don’t miss it yeah so minus about to see he he’ll get out 10:00 10 yeah as long as he blows under an 05 he’ll get out at 10:00 all right

Cool yeah I’d love to open the door open the door you good bubba yeah all right cooling my whatever I you I’m sorry I’m emotional yeah I worked at Mid pres I think you guys and I can’t blow that long got to blow harder I’m my exploring start that’s as

Hard as I can blow sorry Google Me I’m sorry I’m sad like I was a commissary manager and I I sat with people who did BWI the boting while and T and I was like I didn’t know that was possible no she didn’t blow hard enough I can blow harder I I don’t have a lot of lung

Capacity I know how to do this I’m not dumb consistent I’m trying I have a little lungs me it’s funny I know it I’m telling you like you guys are being so to work in a prison I hat everyone good I’m not doing anything wrong big deep breath and

Blow you got to blow harder and consistent consistent keep going keep keep going keep going keep going keep going like my lungs are this wide I don’t need that what am I do with that sell it on my only F like thanks I’m not drunk I’m emotional I’m

Sad yeah why AR we getting them racing among bowling Booth racing all day I’ll do another one I’m not drunk I’m sad I used to work at a prison I was com talk for 2 seconds so you can get your breath because you’re not given a complete sample cuz it’s under the limit

And you don’t believe me yes that’s not why if it was under the limit it would say it was under the limit it’s just saying she’s talking too much all right big deep breath saying I can’t breathe that deep all right I’m going to like pass if I go to

The hospital you going to pay for me to the hospital no no check I can 125125 I don’t know double and half over he was sitting the car I couldn’t I couldn’t tell but if he was standing in front of me I could tell if he was drunk

I just looking at he look like he was dring sign yeah he I mean he didn’t Do oh okay he didn’t do well in the F FR and honestly I don’t know what the other officer saw I could come on I saw he didn’t do that W oh well if it’s his first DUI he should be okay yeah it is he’s just going to have to go through a bunch of different steps and your

Attorney should be able to take him through those different steps yeah he had already he had already started telling me what you had just told me about the hardship license and yes the DUI school and the whole thing all right he’s going to have to jump through a bunch of

Hoops and hopefully uh maybe attorney will be able to work through it with you best how strip drinking every every problem I’ve ever had in my life revolves around somebody drinking alcohol mhm you know 100% fortunately this is all we do all night long is take I don’t know how you do junks off the road I don’t know how you do up especially people keep running their Mouse man just I I walk them all up got to have patience of a saint I guess

I guess so I don’t know how you do it they push your button sometimes just kind of how far you can get away with it that’s all well that are that was are more than flexible I know a lot of people that wouldn’t C any that car

This day and age we have no choice try we have to remain as professional as possible and in doing so you have to be flexible How long has he been married oh my gosh couple years couple years I’m I’m really surprised he was drinking because I was living at 9:00 and I he was at my house and he just finished working out you know get done training arms and then he was going to

Go pick her up because he had to be there 10 and so as we were working I just feel really good I’m not not going to drink anything tonight that’s why I was surprised all of a sudden I get this call that he’s getting pulled over from

DUI and knucklehead screamed to me on the phone soon as I heard that I knew there was a problem and I heard her attitude you know I didn’t know if she’d got him in trouble or if he’d been drinking but I was really surprised when you guys said he was Dr

That’s the other officer said again he’s got alcoh his Breath I went by there 10 cuz I had uh a couple of my friends coming Town Jason alen’s DJ was there and so I went by a 10 I stayed till 4 11 and when I was there he didn’t drink anything in front of me CU he was right

There there DJ and I was sitting this close next to him and he so he must have started drunking after I left you one he must drun like Sal or or something something changed I mean I smelled it when I came up on it but I didn’t you know

I he ducked his head away from me so I couldn’t look in his eyes yeah eyes are usually the window to the world so yeah couldn’t figure out yeah how are you can we help you uh yeah I came here for to help Drive Tana or the other person at home oh they’re

Already gone oh they’re already left yeah yeah okay all right thank you yeah I thought she didn’t that there last you guys have a good night yeah you too okay I wonder who they were pull in over there don’t think I either one of those people dve my son’s truck on


  1. Hulk gonna have a big talk with his son after this lmao what kind of people is his son hanging out with lmao????

  2. Since he already bout killed his buddy when he wrecked racing or drunk one..he should go to jail.. but he will get a small fine maybe 20 hours community service

  3. A sober person could fail these tests and a drunk person could pass them (I have and was let go). You could pass the tests and "fail" if the officer says so. Follows light perfectly "I see signs of impairment". There is no benefit to anyone except the officer.

  4. He could have taken a Lyft, Uber, taxi, call a friend or family member to drive him home after drinking, but he still drove. There needs to be harsher punishments for DUI's.

  5. Absolutely brilliant, I bet those cops had Incredible Hulk action figures as kids, never thinking they'd one day meet the man himself. Shame about the circumstances, but Hulk lived up to his name, incredible… He's clearly a very nice man in real life, unlike some stars whom use their fame, fortune and status to bully their way through life. Massive respect to the Hulk ❤

  6. Someone please tell me, why is it not like the uk to just give a breath sample … these tests are ridiculous ????

  7. That was too much from the police, I think the police wanted him to do one small mistake to charge him, that is not too funny

  8. Hogan handle this better than 99% of the insane parents that think fighting the police is a good idea. Respect

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