Golf Players


In this episode I sit down with my friend Alex Liff God Acosta! Videographer, Photographer, Podcaster, and much more!
Alex is one of the main creators for Country Club Adjacent and has worked with many big names not only in golf but in the fight world as well.
Golf: Bryson Dechambeau, Joaquin Niemann, Meto Perra, LIV Golf, Carlos Ortiz, and much more!

We dive into all things Filmmaking, Fights, Clients, and more!


All right first episode journeyman is it a show or a podcast you think what should I call it I would say show show I think it’s a show yeah because you’re going to do multiple different things or you know have maybe have different people on so I’d say show I like show

Yeah I like show I feel like when you do podcast and you’re stuck and you have to do like podcast yeah and this will be like super on the go so at times it’ll be super like running gun MH and I don’t see that as a podcast no yeah I mean

Look at we got a simulator in the back I’m also too lazy to upload to all the podcast platform exactly yeah trust me I know there’s a bunch of different I’m good with just YouTube and then you know play it on the car ride or whatever

I do that anyways like I do that with like uh there’s like the Shawn Ryan Show and he’s like a retired Navy SEAL and brings on all these other Navy Seals and then it’s he does it’s a show but he is on audio platforms but I don’t go to any

Of those I just do the YouTube yeah I mean I me personally like the only I think podcast that I listen to is probably Rogan’s because it’s on Spotify so like you have to kind of go to like an audio streaming thing yeah U but

There the video is on there so if I can watch the video I watch it but I’d rather watch than listen Fair honestly yeah yeah so first episode I got my boy alex with me LIF got a Costa yeah uh this dude is a star y’all don’t know it yet but this dude’s

A freaking star he’s not going to tell you that but I’m going to tell you that because I know he’s a star cuz this dude is multi-talented he does a bunch of stuff and he does it very well at the highest levels of all the things that he does

And I’m not I’m not gas what is it gaslighting no gaslighting would gas liigh the other way hopefully you’re not gas no no I’m like damn okay I’m not a so [ __ ] old dude w no uh you’re not hyping just like hyping or uh um train something train what’s it called hype

Train hype training hype training H there we go so dudes videographer photographer editor podcaster former MMA we out here yeah host uh just good personality good dude uh is filmed so many people in golf and what’s funny is he was doing it in the very beginning

And like he had no idea that he was filming the big you were filming the biggest players and biggest stars in golf and you were just like yeah I don’t know I got that I’m going to Vegas that’s all I know I know I would send

Marcos I’m like hey I just you know this guy named Bryson I just BR to Shambo and I was just like what the [ __ ] I was like just just yeah just got a little wet I’d say like when I first started so I I work for CCA uh Country Club adjacent

Yeah he everything you see of CCA uh Country Club adjacent this is the guy right here who’s running that and Engineering that and has taken it to a whole new level with that channel and all their content it’s really freaking good and this is the brains yeah and

Shout but shouts out Matt too gotta give shouts out to Matt that’s our long form guy he’s he’s a beast but yeah I started with them literally it’s been a year now so last December not December but the December before that and I think yeah cuz me and Marcus

Have known each other for a long time I met Marcos back in the day through MMA basically at at a gym called fight Academy and yeah when I first started in this world I didn’t even like golf really and I was just like whatever so

I’m like so happy for you but I was also very jealous cuz here I am like grinding tagging people people sending my stuff but dude I was doing like I was filming like D1 college golfers just so I can make like a hype re in golf so I could

Send it to Bryson or send it to this person this dude walks right out like yeah I’m with Bryson to Shambo I’m like this [ __ ] first yeah I filmed with him was he did like the very first time Bryson did uh the long drive stuff yeah you guys that long drive yeah yeah

I was just like then you guys did the podcast with them yeah oh my God I like all right like I didn’t know these guys like I remember even with um I think it was wacon nean yeah Walkin Neiman that’s another one that I’m like bro this dude

So he goes to all the live Mo majority of the Live Events and has met all these players has walked 18 holes with these players which I don’t really lie yeah but we do it yeah yeah yeah what that I think that’s why it works though

Is because you wouldn’t act like how to be I don’t act crazy it has to be the right player obviously like I just met some of the best players in the world too recently and I didn’t didn’t really do anything to me like it didn’t yeah it

Didn’t do anything I felt like I’ve met famous people like working with super rare yeah MMA people you have to treat them as customers yeah so for me I mean it h it have to be someone like crazy Fame like I don’t even know cuz I met Caitlyn

Jenner and it was just like a okay I feel nothing about that yeah Jamie Fox Jamie Fox was cool that would be that would be cool Jamie Fox was cool but to me still like I know Jamie Fox but he hasn’t really like for me at least I’m like all right it’s

Jamie Fox it’s cool but I yeah it’s the events are funny like the the eight walking the 18 for me at least that’s brutal in the Florida humidity walking 18 I still cuz I when I first started with them I had know you know I didn’t

Know about the events i’ had never gone to a golf event or anything like that and so they’re like yeah we’re going to go we’re going to play in the proam I’m like don’t know what that is but all right let’s go like and so we go I I

Think the first one was Tulsa and they’re like all right cool and I wore Vans and they’re like all right so we’re going to play in the pram we’re going to film all 18 I was like all right cool I get there and I’m like oh so where’s the

Cart they’re like oh no you don’t this is a pro event we don’t have carts and I was like wait so I got to walk this whole thing and oh my I can I tell you I almost quit right after that cuz I was like dude I did not know that

This was what happened like God I am not in shape for this but yeah it’s still like the the last event was uh Jersey I think it was oh no Miami Miami you guys were yeah at Trump’s course I think yeah that was just like so clueless to

Certain stuff in golf right but even that right so like I still remember we’re walking like cuz we had finished filming and we’re walking like the last like couple holes oh no no sorry this is the next day so we’re just watching the pram but we have the in the ROP and

We’re just walking and I wasn’t paying attention and I’m like on my phone and I’m literally like walking with the players like in the middle of the course did you run into one I was walking with them okay I’m just like walking just chilling not paying attention and it’s

Like hella quiet I’m like okay no one’s talking I’m just walking and I look over to my right and I just see Jake like live live live and everybody’s like on the ropes and I’m just like walking in the middle of the and I was like please

Tell me I was like what’s up yeah dude I had vans on and I had this Mortal Kombat sleeveless shirt on and I’m just walking and I go over there I’m like what’s up they’re like hey we’re not supposed to like walk we have to the I was like you’re just like

You’re just like on TV with the caddies and everything but once I knew that too like cuz the last cuz I think Bryson and them won the last one right like I was I was getting close and this cop’s like oh you got to stay back

But right when like the last guy made the Putt and they were doing it I just walked all up in there I’m sure I’m up on TV with like my sleeveless shirt on just like filming and stuff I’m like yeah this what I love too is that you’re

Just you and you guys went to a red carpet event and the the rest of the guys I want to put all these clips up there too so you whatever we’re talking about you’re going to see it uh but you go to some red carpet event what the

Hell was that was that the es we got invited to the Esports Awards Esports okay and cuz they had a golf tournament from G GCC or oh GGC yeah golf game yeah golf gaming Club that’s what that stands for and um is that what Del and is part

Of it but yeah they have like a bunch of people there so I knew the we knew the awards was going so the funny story is is that wasn’t like a mandatory thing for us that was just like part of it okay so I’m like so we have the the

Tournament the day before and the next day we’re just chilling and I’m even texting the boys and everybody’s like oh we’re just chilling so like I’m sitting in my hotel room and I’m just like I get bored and I’m like in my birken stocks and like basketball shorts and just like

A normal shirt and I’m like let me go walk around the casino so I’m like walking around and then I get to the point that like overlooks the event and I’m like what is this and I’m like looking I’m like trying to see if I see anybody famous so I started leaving and

Then Jake and Griff walk up and they’re all dressed up I was like where you guys going like oh we’re going to go to the awards you want to go and I was like right now they’re like yeah I was like I guess like where is it at so we walk and

It was the same Awards I was watching and everybody dressed up and I’m literally I was like I don’t know if they’re going to let me in dressed like this but they did I can’t believe that yeah I was in there like oh okay bro I

Just I hope I cuz some guy took a picture of me and he’s like let me take a picture of you I was going to ask did anybody like one guy one guy with the camera camer did so I was like all right but then of course I was like bro this

Is pretty funny let me make a little video about this cuz that’s hilarious everybody was dressed up and I dressed like I literally just woke up I wish you could have got the photo from that guy and then put at the end of that reel

Just like like you know hey yeah it was funny though but I I don’t really care that much honestly I love that I freaking and I think that’s why it works so well into all the things that you do and why you excel at them so fast is

Because there’s like there’s a ton of really good videographers and photographers but they’re [ __ ] weird and awkward at times and they can’t you can’t mesh with the space like you can film Real Estate all day long but if we put you around like you know NFL players

Or NHL players or whatever like you know somebody of like some celebrity status or a top athlete or whatever what do you how do you act like then you know do you do you [ __ ] up and do some weird [ __ ] so I think that’s why it works especially

In golf for you cuz you’re like yeah I got I got nothing yeah for me at least yeah I felt super comfortable in that world because I have no idea who any of these people are and still to this day like I know some of the bigger names now

Right like but you know them because you not because of they play you know them because you worked with them already you’re like oh yeah dude I remember you last year that was a great episode yeah I never like the in Doral was the first

Time I was like I told them because we were done filming so the last day we literally just had all day to chill I was like I actually want to walk that’s why I was like I didn’t know though but I was like walking in the Middle with

Them and [ __ ] but I was like I’ve never actually like watched golf like this like I’m always filming like you know when we’re out a lot of times we’re at the golf for him he plays but like I’m just filming and once I’m done filming I’m like I’m done I’m tired you’re out

Yeah so I was like I actually want to watch golf so that’s the first time I literally watch people play and I think it was Bryson Walken and then oh they were in the same group they were in the same group jeez and then two other I

Forget the other people but yeah that’s freaking sick dude I think it’s a good obviously it meshes as well with like live cuz they’re like the fun events to go to and all of that um are you guys going to Vegas for that no we’re actually going to do a lot more Waste

Management stuff oh okay okay yeah it’s it’s the same time same time I think we’re going to Vegas but literally for one day for the Sports Illustrated tournament oh so that should be cool because hopefully we run into like khed and stuff like that he’s supposed to be

There and but I don’t think because only because like waste management at least for us last year was so big yeah for us um that I we’re going to focus there and we’re actually going to be on the hole with palm tree yeah so we’re going to be

On the hole but last year was cool because like that’s sick I just I brought my phone you can film with your phone and then I remember we found these vest yo yeah you guys like I found one Mark found one and then so like we gave

It to them and then we just all like oh we should they should act like security guards so that I mean it did good and like We snuck into whole 16 and what did what did Mark say on that one he was like okay I can go this way I can’t go

That way so what they did was they would go in the middle cuz like there’s like the inter inter you know intersections right where everybody’s walking and they would literally go and stop and him and stops be like if you’re going this way this way if you’re going that way that

Way but if you go that way it’s not this way but this way is that way and they were just confusing the hell out of people people were like what the [ __ ] yeah it was funny but it ended up being really good for us right it was so good it was I remember

Because we do work with Liv sometimes PJ doesn’t really like let us do stuff so like that was kind of a big big event for us because we weren’t it wasn’t like pja was like come and film content we just filmed content and it was huge for

Us so now this year they’re one of the companies that’s in there is bringing us so that I think I don’t know too they kind of can’t say anything at certain point if it’s like it sounds like a sponsor is bringing them so if a sponsor

Is putting in that kind of money and like bringing them out then you’re kind of like I mean yeah of course PGA could probably do something about it but they have probably a lot more leeway now to like do stuff versus you don’t have to

Sneak in now yeah I don’t I mean like I said I don’t care you’re like I don’t know I just go there to work put me there once I’m done filming I’ll proba like [ __ ] I’m trying to I don’t know if you saw that picture I was in there and

I was like there’s a picture of me on my phone on the couch that one of them took for me cuz we were in one of like the booths or something like that and I was sitting there just with my feet up texting and someone took a picture I

Posted I was like damn I did see this I did see so fun I could give yeah he was like out of it he’s like on the notorious like what the 16th hole and um if anyone doesn’t know what that is I don’t okay so waste management is coming

Up and every year it’s probably where the PGA I would say has a pulse of their events and it’s not a major it’s just like a fun event in Arizona in Scottdale where it just gets really freaking wild it’s a par three hole and it’s like a

Party pretty much anybody who puts it close or makes birdie they throw drinks on the on the course and all it gets wild so that’s I’ve never been he’s been and it’s like some people it’s like their dream to go and Alex is going and he’s been there and he’s just like on

His phone like not even watching he does not care but yeah like granted though right like when you’re in those boots I feel like a lot of people are like me a lot of people are there just for the party that’s true that’s true yeah but I

Don’t party I don’t even drink so I’m sitting there like can we go like like what can we film something or like what am I supposed to be doing or like but yeah like I was funny like we almost got to the point where we were going to walk

In the oh actually onto the hole oh my gosh and so like well we got into the back with the vest on or without oh so like basically they tried it once and we just went up to these stairs and Mark’s like all right yeah come on guys come

Into the security and the security is like wait who the who the hell are you guys but then so when we did on the 16 we went through the exit oh my gosh and we didn’t go I guess there’s like two spots there’s like a VIP and there just like a

General and so we did the general spot we didn’t go into like the VIP we went to the general we went to the exit and it’s just like they flustered that security guard so much they had no idea and then Mark’s like yeah I forget the

Name he’s like tell Jim Jim sent us over here Jim and we just all walk in and we’re just like all right and then I remember we’re standing like on this pole where the hole is like there and we’re just standing there we’re just like damn and then another security

Guard comes to them they like hey what are you they’re not supposed to be standing here they’re like oh yeah yeah guys come over here and then we just walked in it was fun though bro and then of all people to do it Mark is like

Probably the guy that you just like he’s not supposed to be here you know course like ponytail at all there’s no way he just dressed he just looks it’s funny cuz sometimes he’s like I hate when people I’m like bro but look at look at you dude of course people are going to

Of course people are going to judge you bro just like how people judge me if I was going to walk in there people would be like what the hell is this little like essay over here like what the hell like it’s the same thing with him bro

Like I’m like yeah you gota you got to it comes with it right cuz I remember we went to Ping we were at the Ping Factory a couple months ago oh really okay yeah and it was funny cuz it was me Griff and Mark and if you if you stand me Griff

And Mark next to each other you I feel like 10 times out of 10 choose Griff as the golfer right yes so like we’re sitting there and he’s doing the guy that’s giv us the tour I remember he was like he’s employee number 60 right they all get numbers and he’s been there

Forever he’s employee number 60 he’s giving us his tour and he literally is talking to us and he looks at Griff he’s like yeah you golf right so but he starts talking and Mark just goes hey yeah yeah I golf I gol all gol I golf

Two just so you know and it it was just so funny but I’m like bro you can’t get that mad though bro cuz like what do you think bro like it’s old guy sport kind of right it was at Le I yeah it’s it’s definitely changing now changing now and

It’s evolved a lot now I mean obviously I’m still super new into it but so like all these people and do do people do that maybe I do it with you because I’m like oh dude that’s Bryon the sh that’s walk n and that’s this that’s Brooks kka

And you’re probably like yeah I don’t know who that is I really don’t like there’s so many times where I’m with the boys and we’re sitting there we’re talking to these guys and they’re all like talking I’m just like sitting there quiet right I always look like an [ __ ] I know

My I love that I bet they love that too just like how I am though right I’m a person I’m kind of stoic but I’m I’ll talk if I’m getting talked too but I don’t like to go my way and especially if I don’t know them right so like we’re

Sitting there we’re talking like this one time we’re all talking to these guys and I remember seeing a couple of them on the course but I was like I don’t know but there’s a couple of these other guys cuz they look normal too they don’t

Look like yeah and then uh I won’t say the name but this was funniest part but one of these guys I had no idea but like they’re smoking weed right cuz they all smoke weed I love that uh they’re smoking weed and I keep seeing one of

The guys he keeps looking at the Joint every time he gets passed around and keeps looking at the joint and I don’t really smoke but that someone passes me I’ll smoke I like hey you want some and he’s like I mean I guess if you’re offering he started smoking and we left

We’re like bro only Li could offer him that because like we couldn’t but it’s better if that you off I have to know who the hell is yeah I just don’t I don’t for me especially CU golf really isn’t my sport I’m sure like even if I met Tiger Woods

I’d be like Dam that’s Tiger but other than that I’d be like okay that’s how I was that’s how that’s how I was it was all right I see on TV sometimes cool yeah that that’s I don’t know I think it’s because I think it’s because we’ve

Been around like alphas and we’ve been around guys who could kill us you know and so we feel like not that they want to but they we know that they could and so for me that’s what it when I feel that I’m always like you know it’s a

Different feel when you’re around like golfers cuz now it’s we’re kind of the Alas and we can I think you hit it on the head right there right like you said like we’ve been around like the best athletes in the world and it’s still hard for me to say

That like would you say golfers athletes like I feel like it’s there’s some I would say I feel like they’re trying I feel like this new generation is trying to make them yeah into athlet yeah I agree I agree it’s a sport right it does

Like yeah I would say this having a walk that 18 that’s athletic cuz I almost died on that [ __ ] bro so that’s that’s the athletic part kudos to you guys but other than that I mean it is just walking he walked 118 he was like I’m done son

But no I think you hit on the nail on the head because like we like we like I said we met each other through MMA yeah and we all both train MMA for a long time it’s been a big part of our life and 99.9% of humans on this earth right

We’ be okay we could handle ourselves so we meet these people we train with these people that can beat us up we do so yeah you go into golf and you’re just like cool dud okay like you said it’s the alpha thing right when we’re in these

Big gyms against these killers we’re all Alphas but some some are probably more Alpha than us but when I’m in that golf world I know there’s MMA fighters in but I’m just like I don’t care bro like I I just don’t care I’m like it just doesn’t

Do anything for me I think but because of the sport that we were first in we’re coming inport like all right this is fun we’ll play it but like I hate like the big like these guys are like oh damn look I’m like he’s a [ __ ] golfer dog

Like cool yeah I I like I I I I don’t fanboy way out about them as a person it’s more of like the stuff that they’ve won where it’s just like bro I know how [ __ ] hard golf is so that’s like I’m amazed at the accomplishments that they’ve had but as

People I think it’s a good thing why I haven’t met and really pushed into like some of the players that I’ve met because I don’t know how they are as people I don’t know if we gel or really Vibe because I see some not that I see

Weakness in them but I see like um just things I just can’t like fake yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so and it’s yeah I don’t know but it’s it’s a different world for sure and I appreciate their accomplishments I still can’t think that golfers are like athletes M like

Athletic yes ath athle yeah yeah athletic is the word athletes athlete possibly maybe I guess some newer ones yeah but athletic no I think it has you have to be a specific amount of athletic to be considered an athlete if that makes sense so I feel like some of these

Golfers it’s a sport but I I don’t think that necessarily makes them an athlete because like you can see some of these guys like these big chunky like yeah just cuz you do it it’s like it’s just like bowling like I love but I wouldn’t say oh you’re Bull and you’re you’re an

Athlete dog there’s some big big not Jack but there’s some big boys that go there and you throw a golf ball and they’re drenched in sweat in one roll like that’s not that athletic to me dog no yeah and it’s funny you bring that up because like when I started playing in

2020 I was like I was like okay I’m GNA I sto training I sto like working out cuz I wanted to like give my body a rest probably a bad idea looking back is probably but but I wanted to eat all the foods and this I planned this even before the

Pandemic happened I was like hey girl I brace my girlfriend everything things are going to change around here okay those two workouts to day I was doing the the [ __ ] five six mile runs I would do every Sunday on top of training that’s not happening anymore cuz I just

Wanted to eat the foods that we weren’t eating I wanted to like just be chill normal you live yeah and when uh pandemic hit I was already kind of doing that and I loved it but as I KN I got into golf the dudes that I saw were like

More out of shape the [ __ ] better player they were and it made no sense to me I was like all right cool I’m on the right track I’m like let’s just keep going and then as I started working out again I was like bro my [ __ ] game is

Going to [ __ ] I wonder if you just can’t be in shape for this game I don’t know but it’s now there’s a good there’s a healthy balance in it now where it’s I see where I still have to have some maintenance and [ __ ] for that I feel

Like like you said there’s a healthy balance but I feel personally like I feel like the better the athlete you are though I think it would translate more into the game cuz like I feel like nowadays I feel like it’s thrown people off because I feel maybe I keep saying I

Feel I’ve said I feel 30 times I say I say Whatchamacallit all the [ __ ] time um I think golfers I don’t want to say never but I feel like high high percentage of it throughout the years of golf never focused on that so they just focused on playing they just focus on

Playing so when you start throwing in these these trainings and stuff like that it probably will throw off your game because now you’re sore from something else trying to go play yeah but I feel in the long run the more athletic you are the more in shape you

Are the you know it’s just like everything right I was a trainer for 9 years I know I know these things for that in the body right once you start getting used to that and your body starts being like all right so we are doing this we are staying in shape but

We’re also playing golf yeah the better the athlete you are it’s going to translate into golf so much better because you’re going to be able to swing more consistently because your body’s not going to be a going to fatigue as easily right you’re going to be able to

Walk these goddamn 18s like it’s nothing you’re going to be able to do all this types of stuff and your body is just going to be able to stay more uh composed yeah better conditioned throughout all this things so I feel like espe say if I wanted to get like

Heavy into golf like play yeah still think about this this day cuz I’m trying to play more I’m like man I want to just get in Hell of shape for this though like I want to be like a jacked ass golfer that’d be sick because I’m like I

Want to be in such shape where be the most athletic yeah just be athletic cuz I’m already athletic just like Marcos when 2020 hit our gym shut down my training career went down the drain because everybody stopped training yeah I was like all right let me just eat and play video

Games I bro I would eat and just watch Netflix and like I was so excited we were both if you guys don’t know me and Marcus used to be in shape shape in shape shape so like we but I feel like getting in that type of shape for golf

Yeah it only benefits it 100% it literally only benefits it I feel like nowadays people are St like what you said they’re trying to do it and they’re not feeling like the payoff or they’re getting hurt number one you’re probably training wrong or number two your body

Just needs to get used to it just like anything else but once your body gets used to it and know it’s going to do it I I see I think it’s only intensifies your game yeah cuz I see a lot of like golf trainers and they think they’re

Reinventing the wheel well from the stuff that i’ I’m not saying it’s everyone but the ones that I have seen they think they’re Reinventing the Wheel by like okay we’re going to focus on all these like really athletic hard exercises and it’s just like a medball

Slam or it’s just like a med Ball Toss against the wall and you just do it again and I’m like bro you’re like late to the party like this has been this has been going on for a long time but it’s it’s weird CU then they’ll they’ll invent these programs where it’s like

Medball uh Performance training for golf like something like that but it’s that’s all show yeah it’s a it’s a weird world it’s a weird line of like I think that’s why I liked seeing Bryson change his body and do all the things he does because even though to me it’s like

Still it’s like okay well yeah you’re doing that but I I respected the fact of the discipline that he was putting whatever he was where I don’t know him or I’ve about him good and but I can literally say like no matter what it is you have to respect that if someone can

Be disciplined enough to like all right I’m going to go from being twig skinny and then I’m going to put on all this weight and gain all this speed and do all that stuff that’s [ __ ] dope and now where he’s like coming the other way

Where he’s really slim down and TR on on TV it looks you would know because you worked and been around him but never seen him but in person yet but uh he looks like super chiseled up now so yeah I’ve seen him both ways yeah you have

Yeah long drive and I was around gigant gigantic people right in the powerlifting world right so I seen him and to me was never that big but he was a big dude for a golfer I would say yeah but yeah now I remember cuz I didn’t

Know what he was doing like I didn’t know he was trying to lose weight but then I saw him maybe like almost a year later and I told the boys I was like damn he looks thin and they’re like yeah he really changed his workout but I

Think you respect him for me personally every interaction that I’ve at least had with Bryson I’ve never really talked to him like me and him just talk like we shook hands said hi but every single time he’s been around and stuff he’s always been hella cool that’s cool so

Like I I remember seeing some stuff online like that people weren’t liking him or something people and I asked my dad because my dad’s in the golf I asked him like oh do people not like him they’re like oh there’s some stuff I was like oh he’s cool every time I seen him

He’s been cool but I think you respect that because we both going back to the MMA world right we both have been disciplined ourselves yeah yeah like we know what that we know what that’s like waking up going out to train you’re going have to get beat up how you do

This do that we’re disciplined so when you see somebody else like all right he’s super disciplined doing that stuff uh you get more respect for him but yeah I like Bryson I think he’s cool I I like him from afar I I I got nothing to say

Except for I he’s always been one of my favor players because of what he does I feel like outside of the course to get ready for the course and if someone’s like dedicated and disciplined enough to do that then that means you’re you have the extra gears that I can recognize

That we’ve seen in our past for people that can go on to be Champions or going on to be like really really great which not a lot of people are going to understand them and you’re not supposed to because not everyone’s going to be a champion everyone’s going to win not

Everyone’s going to do it there’s a certain realm of person who’s meant to win and some people are not and so and even on a competing level of like the small level that I’m on like everybody who I play golf with and I tell them like I compete when or play tournaments

They’re like amateur golf remember that actual amateur golfer we’ll talk about that but they’re like w you you’re playing tournaments like in the first three years of playing golf and I’m like yeah it’s like it’s not a big deal to me like it is a big deal cuz I take it very

Seriously and want to like [ __ ] win every single one of them and when I come in second or I come in third or whatever oh it pisses me off so much but it’s um but going back to it it’s it’s more of they seem very shocked that I would be

Doing that so early but I’m like dude nothing happens there’s no no literally nothing happens so what I mean by that is it’s just a score but at the end I can go and play golf tomorrow if we get into a fight or anything like that we

Don’t get to come and do this again tomorrow we have to like and especially if you like were to lose a fight you would have to sit on that for a very long time before you even get to go and do it again so the fact that like I

Could compete on a Saturday and compete on a Sunday and then compete on a Monday and then still go and play it you have nothing to lose so even if you’re not fighting like just training yeah yeah that too if it’s a sparring day you get

You get beat up bro that next day you’re or someone else is getting ready for a fight and you’re trying to help them oh my God you’re tore up you got beat up you’re like I’m might have to take a couple days off but like golf you go

Golf you go practice golf you can go play the next day play the next day you can play twice in a day you can do it all the time so you have so I always look at it like that I have nothing to lose and I think that gets me in trouble

On the course is because I’m always playing like not safe like I’m always playing like aggressive that’s more fun yeah I feel like it’s more fun and I feel like if something good comes from the aggressiveness then it’s fun and that on this last tournament this past

Weekend I had so many moments where I was like bro this is ESPN right here I was like this is ESPN I got to go under and then over this tree and still land on the green and be able to hold it and if I get up and down it’s going to be

The sickest [ __ ] and I’m like man if there was a camera out here right now that was so sick but that’s the difference right like discipline is all these guys that are shocked or whatever like damn you’re playing like that it’s like because you’re a disciplined person

I’m the same it’s hard for me like it’s hard for me to do something but once I’m in something I go full force just like the camera stuff my music stuff training personal training once I’m in it I’m full force and and I feel like a lot of

People say that but you don’t really do that like we do we do that like people want to say that because I think they heard it somewhere but we there’s a difference like we do it like I like you went full force in the video in the

Photo and your shit’s hella good now and it’s like dude well we still like grind at it so freaking much I got into golf and like I don’t understand if you get into something and you want to get into be average and suck at it or like just

Like it sounds like I want to be good yeah yeah [ __ ] so like for you right these people are probably like I golf I take my golf seriously I golf I go three times a week I practice this this but Marcus is going six seven times a week

Every like every day you’re focusing on something and I can’t turn it off because I still feel like it’s not enough like I feel like everything I’m doing is not enough I got to do more my mindset is I don’t want to be embarrassed so I don’t want

To like I don’t want to like post something and it’s so bad like say like a a cool photo shoot I go do a photo shoot I don’t want to post it and it looks horrible and people like damn it sucks I got you for everything when I

Used to record music when I was a trainer I didn’t want people to go and tell them like oh this trainer sucks that’s how like my mind works so I’m like when I get into something I need to be good from the get go I need to I’m

Studying everything I’m like this is how you do this this how you do it maros helped me out a lot with the the video stuff like what should I do for this or how do you think I should go about this I want to be the best right from the

Start and it doesn’t happen but because I have that mindset I’m always trying to be the best and you have that same mindset that it helps us out we’re always good at something everything we do we’re good at actually yeah 100% 100% we’re we might not be the best at

Everything but we’re going to be above we going to be good going like damn you’re good for only doing it this long yeah that’s that’s literally it right there it’s always like when they compare it to the time we’ have been doing something and how fast we’ve gone in it

Like yeah there’s no and that attributes just to like I think our backgrounds of like you know Combat Sports or just Sports and things like that in general dude I hated team sports growing up [ __ ] hated it I still don’t like team sports I I don’t either I don’t either I

Don’t it I’m not not into it I don’t like basketball um I have a a little bit of love for baseball but I don’t watch I didn’t watch one game that’s the only one I can watch m is baseball maybe maybe yeah but that’s more because like

I grew up going to games with my dad see they were cheaper to go to so we went to a lot of them and you know Arizona Diamondbacks like so I’m a huge Diamondbacks fan but other than that you’ll never catch me watching basketball unless it’s even no

Basketball I don’t even watch the final there’s too many watch yeah there’s way too many games I hate all the noises I hate this you know what I hate the most is this why I don’t watch soccer too is the flopping because of the background we

Come from when I see a guy get scraped on his armies yeah I’m like all right I’m out out it’s just like it’s too it’s too much for me I’m like I know it’s part of the sport but I’m like that’s too much MMA is the greatest sport it’s the

Greatest it’s the greatest combinations of fight Sports I to say yeah anything it’s the most exciting to watch because you watch two skilled people literally fight and it’s so goddamn unpredictable dude it’s so unpredictable so unpredictable there’s like and I would say even any guesses we’ve had in MMA of

Like who’s going to win it’s still such a gamble because it just one little one little the most recent one was for me where I was you I I honestly probably would have bet like $500,000 I was like I like Shan Strickland but I he’s going

To pie his ass up dude yeah yeah and then Sean ped his ass up and I was like I couldn’t have been more wrong ever in a in a guess yeah but that’s MMA that’s why it’s the greatest sport ever cuz no one I would say almost no one had Sean

Trickin winning that fight against Izzy there was a select few and I wanted him to win I remember right before the fight started I was watching when my mom stepped out I was like I have such a weird feeling right now that Sean’s about to win this fight and then he

Ended up I was like oh my God like isn’t it weird how we can have our we can have our picks ahead of the fight and then by the walk outs you’re like [ __ ] I picked the wrong person cuz you can see it you can see it he’s flat or he’s this or

He’s that or just the the smoothness and Vibe I’m not saying it’s always 100% right but it’s a very very high chance you can you could see a lot by the walk out their demeanor every thing cuz you can you can you can relate you can see

It and then especially us like we’re hardc oh my gosh we’re hardcore so it’s like yeah that’s why like I don’t like to choose like I I always like you’ll we’ll text about fights and I always give my pick but like when I record these things for like super rare right I

Don’t like to do it until the day of I want to see the the press conference I want to see the weigh I want to see all the stuff you have to see all that stuff CU it makes such a difference it makes such a difference in all that cuz you

Can see their energy you can see it I’ve never had to do a weight cut right but I’ve been around people that do weight Cuts I know how it affects them so you want to see how these people look you want to see how it is and yeah I just I

Don’t know MMA to me still golf’s cool I’m starting to like golf a little bit more but MMA bro can you imagine if you had a weight cut for golf then see how they do yeah then then it’s athletic no that’s that’s a cut add weight cuts to

Golf right here 2025 weight cuts to golf there weight classes dog and then we’ll see that would be so good then we’ll see who the real athletes are dog I’ll be in the Super heavyweight those boys are hella good dude I’ve seen them [ __ ] I don’t understand it either I

Don’t understand I played with this dude at a royal chbo down the way you’ve been there BL Michael Blocks place and we played with one of their I think it’s one of their Pros or one of their one of their assistant manager whatever the heck and he’s a a bigger dude he was

Really really big and we got paired up with him on the back nine and then they were playing some money game and I seen that dude tea off and I was like how the [ __ ] and that’s what made me think about it like okay there’s got to be some

Massive technique to this [ __ ] because how the [ __ ] is that guy launching the ball to like 350 yards this doesn’t make any sense and he just kept doing it and it was just like nothing for him and I was like but our our swing looks the

Same I just what where’s how’s he doing that and I think that goes back to what you said sense with golf was you appreciate you don’t really care about the person in per se but you care about the technique and like what they’ve done in the sport right the results yeah

Because like for that what you just said for me I my should well my shoulders are so tight from all the years of powerlifting right so I’m like I’m a big dude that’s why but then I see big people and they’re over here I’m like God how are you doing thato when I

See that to me at least when I see a big old dude swinging a golf club and playing really good golf to me that’s way more impressive yeah I one of my favorite people to watch right now and I think he’s going to be a big uh getting

The golf influence space he already kind of is on like Instagram but his he’s like Samoan Hawaiian guy big dude Malo Malo Malo I [ __ ] I’m probably [ __ ] his name way I know exactly you’re talking about I [ __ ] love watching that dude stuff Barefoot sometimes pounds the ball yeah

Yeah that I can’t wait that dude I think that guy is gonna be the next like thing I think that’s what also because I’m in the influencer side of golf right I feel like that’s kind of made it’s almost made me not not like golf but it’s

Almost kind of just it’ll make you not like golf it’s taking longer for me to like golf because obviously the guys I work with right we I’ve known them for a while yeah you know it’s I know them I know who they are but it’s like when you

Go out and start meeting these other influencers or meeting other people there’s some people on the list that I won’t list but he knows I’ll throw list I got I got list yeah I just like that’s that’s when it really comes down to where it’s almost like my hood sight comes out

My please remember that you just golf my guy I kill you like I’m not I’m not this golfer I didn’t come from this golf I came from a whole different one sometimes even even if it’s not towards me yeah cuz I always growing up because

I I tried to get I tried to get bullied when I was like in third grade and immediately I stood up for myself and beat the [ __ ] out of the kid so I’ve always hated bullly so even when even if it’s not direct me when I see it to

Other people immediately makes me my blood boil and I see it in this golf world I’m like I want to go over there and just put my hand on the shoulder I’m like yeah you feel that right you feel that pressure right calm the [ __ ] down bro you’re just playing golf

Alex hits re I’m telling I’m going to give you a fair warning to everybody everybody around him I’m not hyping him up ask Nick ask anybody who trained Alex hits [ __ ] hard he hits all kinds of hard do not don’t don’t that’s my special technique don’t step

I’m telling you this dude hits [ __ ] I I that’s what’s funny too cuz I’ve always waited since Marco started golfing I’m always like I want I’m waiting for the store where he actually Beast the [ __ ] out of somebody it’s so CL because like he’s more you’re more

Into golf than I am right I like he’s he’s actually part of the sport I’m not so I could see how if I’m out there like people just don’t talk to me because like I don’t look like I’m a golfer I don’t you know I don’t even dress like

The golf I wear [ __ ] birken stocks and basketball shorts but I’m just waiting for the day for someone just to step up to maros they don’t know and you’re starting to see MMA fighters are starting to golf more and [ __ ] it’s going to be funny cuz they’re going to

Be these golfers don’t know these people and they’re going to start yapping their lips and it’s just matter of time you imagine uh Justin Gate’s out there and and someone comes up to him at a country club like hey you don’t know how to play

Golf you need to speed up you need to what are you doing oh my God you were going to die going to die two times this point where I started like raising my voice to people because like I only take a certain amount and like I said it’s

More I’ll I’ll share the story too it’s more of a um a respect to other people especially that I’m with right CU if you’re my homie you’re my homie and I’ll defend you yeah but you heard the story it was like the whole poow situation

Power when we were on the hole with our power remember we talked about it in our so like I don’t ever say anything bro I’m quiet because like me and Mark like we said before I know what I can do and it’s not I’m not trying to be cocky

Or anything but I just I know so it’s like all right I don’t need to be out here fighting people and [ __ ] like that but there’s certain points so we’re on this hole and we just finished and we’re off like the green here and like you

Know the cart path goes up like this we’re up here MH and like I can see their point right cuz I don’t golf but sometimes you don’t feel comfortable if someone’s there right whatever like that but it’s the energy you green so this guy just pulls up to us this older guy

And just starts going off on STS starts going off on STS but then his girlfriend’s there and I’m not like trying to defend his girlfriend but I’m already mad that you’re going off on STS saying you need to hurry up you don’t even know what you’re doing L and stats

Is like literally it’s what we’re doing stot is like I’m putting my clubs on my cart we just switch carts I’m putting my clubs no you’re not you’re over here having a party so I like no I’m literally putting my clubs in my car like you’re literally watching me

There’s a cart in front of me so I can’t drive so I’m sitting right there and then so he keeps going at it and then Cindy says something his girlfriend yeah she she was like you don’t need to come at us all aggressive and then he starts

I’m not coming so ryy starts yelling at her you already got me pissed off yelling I just got I just got there right now and then you started yelling at and so I stand up I was like you see that we’re putting our clubs on the cart

That’s what we’re doing dog I was like chill the [ __ ] out and then he starts going back and forth me and I start going at him like going at him going at him and he starts talking all the [ __ ] and I I remember cuz I was talking all

The [ __ ] I literally we dropped off I was like what did I even say to that guy and Griff starts laughing I bro and I start going off on him and I that’s one of the situations I’m like golfers need to you need to check yourselves you’re gol golfers you

Definitely need to be humbled like you need to understand like even if you’re a pro golfer even if you’re on the PGA tour live golf tour you can’t fight and unless you’re going to bring those clubs with you you we could throw you a couple of chicks that are we’ll just we’ll

Throw you a couple purple belt chicks and they will [ __ ] put you in a pretzel and you wouldn’t be able to do anything about it they could tie you up and do they could just ruin your day and I realize how like like if you’re say if you’re watching this and you’re

Listening to us and you don’t have a you’re listening like oh you guys are I’m not saying like oh I want to go out and beat everybody just being in our world right behind the scenes with us we’ve seen so much stuff to where it gives us that

Feeling where we’re like bro you need to relax like just this this past couple weeks I was at Rams Hill and this guy starts blowing up on this he loses he loses his his head cover he loses it no one else loses it we get to the next

Hole I’m not even this guy’s just part of this big group I’m not I’m just sitting there and I didn’t even said anything this kid he starts going off and he was annoying the whole goddamn day bro I was every time he was yapping he was complaining I was like shut up

Bro like God you’re making this so unenjoyable for everybody starts going off he loses his head sounds like a golfer Los his head cover I hear this guy say we have it over here we picked it up yeah this guy still drives all the way around he didn’t hear him starts

Driving around looking for his thing he comes back he’s all pissed off man that’s a one ofone head cover and the guy’s like yo I have it he gets mad at this guy why wouldn’t you say anything you just pick it he starts going off and

I literally got out of my car cuz I was about to walk over there and be like bro you got you have it why are you throwing a fit and then the guy even says bro you have it so like calm down you got it and

I was just like Doug like there’s so many people in this golf for these influencers it’s more yeah I would say it’s more on the influencer side that it will really make you not like golf there’s certain ones that are really awesome and really cool uh and I

Definitely want to give like shouts to those people like I love obviously who I’m working with right now with Troy golf absolutely amazing guy um one of the best experiences if it wasn’t for working with Troy right now I would have just completely been done filming editing doing anything with golf because

I have experienced other ones that it’s just and I don’t want it’s not going to be all negative and stuff it’s just like it didn’t matter the amount of money I was being paid I I yeah I could do something way else with my life and feel

A lot better about it and these people just feel like they’re curing cancer with their golf swing [ __ ] it’s so weird right cuz like I said I’ve met I I think the cool outweighs the bad yeah but the bads are so bad that you’re just like

Bro like I’ve met so much cool like cuz I wasn’t even in golf but I’m meeting all these new people that are all golfers I’m like damn they’re cool that’s tight that’s the homie like yeah but there’s some people where you’re just like man like you got to go yeah

You’re an Instagram golfer dog like you’re not I’m the best coach on Instagram anyway H yeah yeah I got a million million views right now 1.1 damn know we out here yeah I’m I want to meet I want to the tri from like if you guys don’t know me and Marcos

Talk about this golf drama yeah we have like therapy session all always like this [ __ ] then this [ __ ] this seems yeah he’s he’s he the man that’s good because I remember the last person you with didn’t seem cool and I’ve even I even know because people I

Work with has worked with that person and it was kind of weird so yeah yeah she blocked me on Instagram that don’t surprise me that’s hilarious to me so yeah I mean there there’s cool people out there we met a lot of cool people um

But yeah say I would say sometimes I do miss working in like the MMA field and and NFL like and all that stuff cuz I miss being around like those like Alphas um I miss that at times I don’t miss real estate I don’t miss any of the

Other crap that I used to do but some of that stuff I do miss I didn’t really even get to work in it that much but when I do working it it’s me it’s refreshing it’s nice it’s something that I’m very passionate about as well why I

Started because I’m like if I actually start in the sport it will more enjoyable for me yeah 100% so it’s been it’s become more enjoyable but yeah like I’ve got to work we both know Cody garbrandt yeah like I’ve got to work with he’s so cool like I go to the pi

Get to work the pi yeah you’ve been at the pi I haven’t even been at the pi yet dude [ __ ] man he always gets to do [ __ ] all the time like he just like expedites right to the front of the line like dude it’s so hey I don’t talk that much but

When talk it doesn’t I I when I talk for some reason it leads me into cool spots I’m going keep my [ __ ] mouth shut half the time now this is [ __ ] [ __ ] been in the pi I think it’s cuz I feel like I get respect to

People cuz I’m the same no matter what as you know and I keep it real so like when people talk to I’m I’m I try to right I try to just be who I am I’m a real dude like if if I’m out at golf

Like in these Pros came up to me and they like oh do you like golf I’d straight up be like not really like I just don’t care right but that’s so good they would love that love that I would tell them the truth I’m starting to

Enjoy it a little bit more but it’s pretty boring still honestly it’s fun like the people I work with we’re doing different type of stuff so it’s more fun right you know that’s more fun to me but just to go watch golf I’m like I could

You would never ever ever ever cat me waking up be like dude this tournament’s on let me watch this golf I would never not even the Masters I would never and my dad I remember when we were young cuz my dad’s always like golf we’d wake up

On the weekend if we walk out in the living room and we saw golf was on we’re like well we’re not doing [ __ ] for the whole day like we just knew like all right this is going to be on for 50 hours we’re just not going to do anything all

Weekend this is going to be so funny cuz one day you’re going to see Alex at the Masters just like in Birkin stocks just like yeah dog like whatever I heard they got egg sandwiches here so we’ll [ __ ] we’ll try that [ __ ] that’s the cool part

Cuz when we live we get to go like they have the media tent for us right and so there’s food there but then we’re a little bit more special you know so we get sometimes we get to go into these other rooms with the other food the

Food’s been good do you guys get to go into the players tents only because of the proam day so on the proam day we get to go because I have the P because I’m the media guy and then yeah so on the on the proam day we get to go into those

And bro like they they’ve gone we’ve gone into the locker I was literally watching I forget um Brooks’s brother what’s his name oh Chase Chase he was like getting a haircut in the locker we like standing right there why he doing that yeah cuz they were getting like massage from the mass

So yeah it’s like it’s cool the places I’ve been in granted I don’t really get to the boys always try to put me part of stuff yeah which is cool I don’t always get to partake in all of it but I’m around I get to see all the stuff so I’m

Like oh I’m like in the like you were saying I’m in these rooms with these people I’m like I don’t even know who the hell they are I got nothing like cool so good shout out shout out to golf that’s so good dude that’s I guess that’s why that works cuz honestly that

Happened that happened when I went to Pebble Beach like a few months ago we met like U like Steven melbon who I guess that’s like that’s like a thing like I didn’t know that and when I go down to go have dinner and it’s with all of like the

Golf influencers and tailor made people and stuff like that and I go into the lobby of the restaurant and this dude just says like hey what’s up man I’m Stephen and I was like what’s up I was like [ __ ] is this guy I can’t tell you how many times it’s

Happened to me we meet him I’m like who is this guy his wife introduced him herself and was like yeah and then that’s our son over there I’m like yeah cool who the [ __ ] are you guys I’ve seen the I’ve seen the M before and all the

Other stuff and then I I asked Troy I’m just like I’m like bro who is that and they’re like that’s Steven melbon I was like what do that mean that’s the owner and creator of melbon I was like oh okay yeah I don’t I got nothing but he he was really cool

Like he was awesome and like I I call him the Jack Sparrow of golf like he’s just so like yeah cuz he’s like an old old school skateboarder dude yeah dude you can feel it and we film when I filmed his fitting he was so [ __ ]

Funny to me and I I like I like that guy he was cool I met him I’ve met him two times remember the first time I met him I literally I was like hey I would need a camera dude hit me up and they were even cool to like they do though like

Their podcast needs somebody just saying guys part three podcast with J.R Smith and malbon and all the other guests you guys Ben Baller uh that right there get yeah that guy will get you dialed in um but he’s uh yeah he’s been he was super cool um both times he’s always been

Super cool uh STS has a good relationship with malvin that’s cool so he gets pre [ __ ] and sometimes they’re blowing up now cuz they they got they got PGA Tour players now wearing it I saw that right that one guy with the big J day yeah it’s a big deal cuz um yeah

All this Nike stuff going on but I had heard a rumor that Nike might be like stopping golf now yeah I heard that same rumor yeah that they might be getting out of golf I could care less I could care less too I don’t wear Nike I like

Malvin honestly like the Malin gear is fresh bro like for me like coming up because I was in the hipop world I was like some of the stuff that they make is fresh as hell to me bro see I’m I wish I could just wear this to like play

Golfing I’m sure I could but that I’m it’s kind of weird maybe semi gape but I’m trying to find my style in golf right now CU I am sick of wearing polos dude I that’s just not me it doesn’t look like me at all like if if I worked

All this way in all my life to like be wearing a polo I feel like I did something wrong like there’s nothing wrong with polos if you like them but for me like I was is always so casual like all the time that I don’t like to

Dress up I don’t like to wear suits I don’t like to wear this [ __ ] like I like to be casual but still comfortable yeah no like Mar Mark is a big he hates polos for me I grew up I polos were kind of part of my style sometimes so I used

To wear a lot of polos but for me playing in a polo I hate I hate I hate feeling suffocated on my neck I just don’t like the look I don’t like I don’t like how I look like that guy and that guy and that guy and that I hate that

That’s why I like Malin because they’re but it’s like it’s fresh bro so if I can wear that on the CH dog I’ll wear that but yeah I like having to wear pants which I don’t necessarily like to wear anyways yeah pants with a tucked in

Shirt and a belt and I just I don’t like that but it took a lot for me to wear pants today I got to be honest cuz usually I’m in shorts too I love wearing shorts and you know I [ __ ] I worked on my leg legs they’re not as jacked as

They used to be BR I used to like my legs are jacked [ __ ] bro my legs my legs were jacked bro squ 600 you got to show it off but yeah I mean I feel that like the fashion I feel like I’m trying to figure it out I want I I’m

I’m just I’ll find something here soon I just I’m not I’m and then I haven’t found any brands that I’ve been like I want to wear that all the time um some fresh stuff they do have really cool stuff cuz I always see the girls and all

The cool [ __ ] that they have and it’s so different looking than obviously all the other girls who are wearing the same I’m wearing this I like whatever this is called it’s like it’s almost like a is that like compression yeah it’s like a compression that’s sick so like but

Because we went to the pxg I got I got oh yeah I oh this [ __ ] dude I swear I’ve paid for all of my golf clubs some of them I’ve been gifted some of them you know hand-me-downs and things like that I gotta go get fitted and pay

Top dollar whatever the [ __ ] it is this [ __ ] right here goes and gets a full pxg bag for free head to toe putter bag wedges the newest Club the newest Club the 2024 they weren’t even out yet the can I hit them no but they knew so but they knew and

They free that means they for me exactly yeah no they they’re sick but so we were at that event and they were even showing off some new men’s and women’s clothing that they had is it sick I was like okay yeah that’s fresh like I could I could

Possibly wear that that that’s kind of fresh like this to me something like this is sick cuz I can wear this under anything I could wear my Mortal Kombat shirt shirt put this on and I’ll be straight dog I can go out there I’ll be like no I’m wearing golf stuff see pxg

Right here like I like I like the um they’re like the hoodies yeah that like just have the zip here but they’re sleeveless you know what I’m talking about oh yeah yeah yeah I like those dude I used to love those I got one from um when we went to Payne’s Valley okay

Buffalo something I got like a bright yellow one I don’t know if you’ve seen that one that one’s fresh bro I have but see like those types of [ __ ] I’ll [ __ ] around and wear because like I’ll put this on under we stray dog I’m I it’s funny cuz like I’ll wear anything and

Every time I wear something like Griff or Jake or something like damn like I would never wear that but you make could look good I’m like [ __ ] cuz [ __ ] do I’m him but I for me I just like as long as you’re comfortable I feel like that’s

The craziest thing like they were just talking about it about like Riviera or not Rivier they were at Calabasas Country Club yeah you’re not allowed to wear your hat backwards I’m like were we filmed Calabasas country club with Patrick Ren no no that was um more Park I believe oh

Yeah calab is like oh wait wa wait I have been to calabas Country in a tournament and I [ __ ] halfway through cuz that place is dog [ __ ] that place is ABS with his head hat backwards and the Pro Shop came the guy from the Pro Shop

Came out pressed him about it hey uh Calabasas Country Club you got bigger problems than Mark’s backwards hat try to fix your golf course because it sucks yeah it Fairway suck tboxes suck greens are trash too like definitely get it in gear you know you got a lot more to work

On back that’s the craziest thing for me not ever being in golf and coming into it is hearing like that there’s rules but so many rules on how you’re how you could dress it that’s the weirdest thing to me bro I went into I won’t say this

Country club cuz I actually I’ve won an event at this country club so I won’t say it but it ruined it for me when I went with this um what do we call her whatever I went with somebody and we went into the pro shop and it was like okay you got to

Take off your hat here okay when you go through the hallway you can only go right don’t go left because that’s the players’s locker room and you’re not a player but to the right once you go into that hallway only go left cuz that’s for the guest and this is for the members

And then only use every other Locker because that’s for this and that’s for that and then when you go into the restaurant you have to be T tucked in and hat can come on only in the in the waiting room and then hat comes off in

The thing I’m like get the [ __ ] out of here I’m not doing any of that and I’m over this [ __ ] place like so czy bro there was all of the that’s a real thing but that’s not over exaggerating that was literally what they told me is like

Don’t go here you can go there don’t go there but you can go here and every other Locker is going to be something for the guest and you can use this don’t use that you can use this and it was like it’s like cool [ __ ] out of here D

You guys are trying to be like tip top tight what I don’t even know your [ __ ] better be dialed in and in gear I better not see one thing out of place if you’re going to have all these [ __ ] rules and that course better be perfect it to

Me this is this is how I see it if you pay to be there like I can see right like CCA sometimes to do some outlandish [ __ ] on the course right so I could see how people are like I yeah I can get we don’t want you there but like aside from

That dressing right like obviously yeah I can’t come and play shirtless you know I get that right cuz being shirtless makes some people uncomfortable but like just having so much rules on you can’t wear this you can’t wear that you got to do this I’m like bro like if I

Paid why the hell does it matter dog like let me just come and play like I obviously like yeah like I said don’t come naked and stuff like that but it’s like why is there so many rules but when training you can go to any gym I can

Wear whatever I want any you just need to be like don’t smell bad and like make sure your shit’s clean like yeah like this other all there that’s the craziest thing to me it’s like there’s so many rules and it’s like bro y’all trying to be this Tip Top like we’re this we’re

The top sport words so I’m like God who cares you’re not inclusive golf is not inclusive like whoever keeps saying that oh we want to grow the game we want it to be more inclusive like no you don’t like then you wouldn’t charge what you charge you wouldn’t have the rules that

You have you wouldn’t have all this other different stuff like going on so I think everyone should just like stop stop saying that cuz no one no one believes you like it’s just not that’s not real just golf yeah it’s just golf let’s pivot to MMA I’m [ __ ] over golf but

Bro we had a heartbreaking matchup yesterday I felt like how you felt and I yeah so we’ll talk about so the Dana White announced BMF title on the line Max Holloway Justin gatei uh what is is that at 300 or is it 290 okay it’s going to be at 300 five rounds Max

Holloway moving up from 145 up to 155 he’s done this before with Dustin um it didn’t go well and it hurt my heart to even watch those two back then fight each other I hated everything about that and now it’s kind of similar again uh where it’s Justin and Max now going to

Fight yeah and I don’t like this at all this is the first like in a I don’t even remember the last time cuz there’s a lot of times I like Fighters I like two fighters and I don’t want either one to lose but for me right I have a favorite

Fighter in every weight class but then I have a specific set of Fighters that are my favorite Fighters yeah same same and those two are in the out of all fighters this the first time have to be in the top five easily first time I saw a fight

Announce and I’m just like I don’t want this to happen I’m not excited the masses are probably like hell yeah bro this is such a great to me I’m like bro it’s not cuz it’s a stress I own I own a couple of Fighters t-shirts right I have

Max hallway is one of them tried to buy Justin gatei one they didn’t have my size and I have Charles Olivera um but it’s the it’s just if you’re a Max fan it’s just this isn’t a good matchup for Max not and Max is probably literally number one alltime favorite fighter for

Me so every time he fights I’m nervous but then he’s fighting like number three for me like alltime f I’m just like and gaii is a freaking destroyer at lightweight we’ve seen Max come up he doesn’t have like the power he doesn’t have that pop to put them away he’s got

The volume and the pace possibly but Justin’s not going to get tired like that and Justin finishes people that don’t get finished yeah and it’s like and when Justin fights people they’re not the same afterwards like especially if they go the distance with Justin they’re not going to be the same it’s

Going to be different he hurts he puts damage and Max is known to take damage fights and he’s got super wide stance for that leg kick and what does what does Justin do really good literally is the king at leg kick and the king at inflicting damage I’m already like not

Looking forward to it yeah I’m not excited for it it’s probably one fight I mean obviously I’m going to watch it but it’s going to be a fight where I’m just like I just wish this wasn’t happening I really wish that fight wasn’t happening CU it doesn’t really make sense anyways

Doesn’t make any sense it’s a fill I think it’s a filler for time because they want Max to get a title shot next but they don’t want him to have to roll the dice at 45 and possibly fight someone who’s not even ready to be going

For a title shot so what can they give Max in the meantime that won’t hurt him at 45 bring him up to 55 same thing for Justin they probably want Justin to be next after Armen uh for the title shot or maybe Justin will go right into a

Title shot after this depending what happens because of Ramadan for Islam so I think they’re doing the same thing for both Max and Justin to not stall him out but give them something in the meantime make some money get some highlights one of them’s going to lose uh and it won’t

Hurt either one I think the one that it could hurt the most is actually Justin if by some chance Max wins and finishes Justin or even just beats him on the card uh I think that could hurt Justin because it’s at his weight class yeah

It’s a 145 coming up Grant I mean Max is one of the best fighters ever in UFC but yeah it’s like it’s a lose lose for Justin because like you beat Max all right yeah you beat a 45 you lose to Max all right you lost to a 45 why would we

Give you a title exactly it’s good for hallay cuz if he loses it don’t matter it’s not in his straight up weight class and if he wins he gets the BMF title he beat one of the best lightweights to ever do it top but it’s just it’s I had

A couple people message me like my old we out here guys and stuff like we’re not really excited for this fight this is if you’re a hardcore this fight just doesn’t really make sense and if you’re a hardcore Max fan like I am I never

Want Max to lose and I never say Max is going to lose but now you’re fighting my other favorite fighter and I’m like damn like I got to be real about it and I think Justin’s going to it’s unfortunate cuz he’s I think he’s going to do a lot

Of damage to Max only cuz it’s not like Max is going to out wrestle him no and Justin’s going to be a lot bigger than him and he inflicts a lot of damage and Max takes a lot yeah it’s it’s an unfortunate fight but UFC 300 starting

To look cool like the fight it’s looking better I was like it’s looking a little rough in the beginning I was like yeah can’t wait yeah they’re like B nickl versus Cody Brundage I’m like Dana wat like every fight on here is gonna be like whoa and like that was one of the

First fights they announced yeah aside from Yi and uh uh Alexander rakic like Bo nickel I’m like b nickel Cody brunt the hell yeah cool like Bo nickel cool but then Cody brage I’m like all right like sick Bro I’m so excited for that fight yeah it’s a it’s looking like a

Better card for UFC 300 um Cody has a good fight on there Cody has a really good fight on there that’s dangerous fight very hard fight for but one of them’s going out one of them is going to sleep and you know if you this is not

Going the distance if I will say this I’m I’m I’m I love Cody I’m a friend with Cody and stuff like that we both have worked with Cody um in the masses I think you’re General analysis is that Cody’s going to get knocked out yeah a

Lot of people will probably be think lot people think that but seeing Cody train um see watching him fight recently he’s definitely improving again which is good cuz I feel like a certain point he wasn’t really improving I feel like he was kind of stuck on his ways feel like

He’s improving a lot more but it is a dangerous fight but it’s such a good fight cuz if he wins this fight the back he’s back bro back in the mix he’s back and he can win this fight he can cuz figgy gets hit figy has a weird stance

And figgy figgy thinks like he don’t care he’ll take punches but Cody hits you can’t take punches with Cody like that though because he will he will put you out and as long Cody is smart he’s one he’s one of the greatest bantamweights in the world he is dude

Like he man just we could go down the whole rabbit hole with Cody because is all the TJ [ __ ] all the TJ [ __ ] that just altered and changed his career and that [ __ ] was cheating the whole time and cheating and I think it was like a mental thing right like sure with

All of them right you get to that that top you lose to a guy that you know is cheating but the public doesn’t know he cheating yet then finally it comes out to the public that he’s cheating yeah it’s just so hard for you to get back it’s just like almost Dominic Reyes

Right yeah in the in the general view he beat Jon Jones but in his head he’s like I know I beat Jon Jones but that just literally end like just made his career go down because he didn’t just res switch and I feel like Cody’s made that

He’s turned back on that switch like all right [ __ ] all that t [ __ ] I need to get back on this winning horse whatever I’m not champ but I want to be champ again and now he’s starting to win again and I feel like like I said seeing him train I

Did some work with him at the pi he looks just as fast he looks he’s fast he looks good people forget that he’s a wrestler his wrestling are good I feel like I wish like he would use it more he lik he likes to use it for defense

Because if you see anyone try to take him down you ain’t getting him down he’s going to scramble out scramble you he always does something I think it was Dom who tried to take him down and Cody scrambled him really [ __ ] good and they got right back to the he’s such a

Talented wrestler but like you said right he lik to use the defensely you I feel like bro if Cody just started using his wrestling offensively dude imagine he becomes like the khabib I get but here’s the thing cuz he reminds me a little bit of Mike because Chandler um

Because I think that they can wrestle but I think that they know if they wrestle the gas tank gets cut in half mhm and that could be a scary place to be if the wrestling doesn’t lead to something to either finish the fight or be in a dominant position so I guess

That were this that’s where the brains would have to be in to like five minute round we’re going to wrestle in the last minute of this round we’ve already it’s a close four minutes of this round and we’re going to wrestle the last minute and try to just remain dominant and then

We can go and rest but if they do it at the beginning I don’t see that working out well cuz I wonder if it cuts his tank in half Like Mike where it’s yeah Mike can wrestle but he’s not going to use it because he

Knows what happens if he does I just for Cody the reason this this is the only reason why I wish he would use his offensive wrestling more is only in specific situations and it’s when he gets rocked yeah yeah yeah because when he gets wants to throw when he get

Instead of cuz he’s has such he’s so talented of a wrestler when he gets hurt or clipped or something like striking is not going his way instead of like switching up the tempo of the fight making the other person think of something else right or if he’s rocked

You just standing in and bang use your wrestling you he has that card he’s such a good wrestler bro I was watching him do wrestling at the pi I’m like bro you’re so good at wrestling like man like if he I feel like his striking is unbelievable he’s so fast he’s so

Technical and it’s good but everybody has good striking and he is probably one of the better Strikers at but all it takes is one punch to land on you and you know and I’m just like I just feel like if he made an adjustment to make people worried about his

Wrestling as well no one’s worried about his wrestling so everybody’s down to just sit there and strike with him yeah if they’re more worried about his wrestling they’re not going to let off like they normally would yeah I think you’ll see their hands drop down a

Little bit more they’ll be a little bit more that knockout will come out even easier you don’t even need it easier he’ll touch you and you go to sleep but imagine they’re worried about wrestling he’s putting everybody I’ve been saying this about Cody if he just started

Shooting more and he shot I think um on not his last fight but the shot before the fight before that he shot multiple times yeah and it’s like you it showed he can wrestle but he took Dominick Cruz down he took uh a sunsa down and then

That knockout came um if he just uses it more he didn’t wrestle against font no yeah font’s a big 35 people don’t realize that but that’s what scary is because what figgy just did to font and now figgy’s going to go and fight well they’re both coming off of Knockouts the

Only thing I won’t there’s no excuses the only thing I will say about font now though is he’s getting old he’s getting old he’s like 37 or something like and then for the lower weight classes that feeds up faster because you have to cut so much weight to get down to 35 so

Exactly it’s that you’re going to see that happen drastically more in the lower big weight classes they can go longer yeah the last thing to go is power those big weight classes you know there’s a lot of Knockouts [ __ ] Arlovski fought last weekend I was like oh my God 60 UFC fights right

He a heavyweight Jes it don’t matter but the lighter weight classes what really is a big factor in those is speed timing and then power um the first things to go is your speed and your timing and so in those little in the smaller weight classes like font’s getting old now he

Fought Cody what two years ago yeah that or I think so two years ago now I think it was two years ago yeah it’s like that’s a long time in in that weight class that’s a that’s a big time so yeah it’s uh I don’t know I’m excited for

This fight for Cody cuz like we were saying it can be such a big win for him can be really really big win and I’m going to I hit him up I’m going to try to go out there and film some stuff dude you should that would be so sick yeah

For that for UFC 300 yeah hell yeah dude tell them you’ll follow him all week oh yeah that’ be sick I’ll do it for free I no he will not do it for free I got to like rain this guy in at times man be like lock I do it for a

Sweatshirt dog and I’ll be like Alex get me a fight kit you know when the coaches get the fit you get me that fight kit you bring me in the back so I can film when you’re warming up I’ll do that [ __ ] for and then when I roll in and I’m like

N I’m 1,500 a day son they’re like yeah we’re going to call Al though you know like [ __ ] anyways but but I feel like MMA they’re sitting on E either they’re sitting on some really good fights that they haven’t announced yet or some good things but for the most part I don’t

Think it’s been very exciting in the first few weeks of this year yeah of 2024 I don’t know what they have planned obviously and I I’m just when I saw everyone clamming for headlines off of the oh Connor announces on on January 1st like oh he’s going to fight Mike at

Uh you know UFC what international fight week it’s like did did anyone else see the UFC announce that did the did the UFC announce that cuz I don’t remember them announcing that I could care it less to see F I don’t think that’s happening I could care like I think no

One does like yeah yeah it’s not at this point I feel like it’s the casuals maybe that are sticking on for that that only like not to show the casuals but the cas fans are the only one and like I’m not even talking about normal casuals I’m talking about even

Casual than casuals Buffalo Wild Wings on a Saturday night watching the pay-per-views those guys those guys is not Connor no more I don’t know what you guys have been watching in his last fights where you’re like Conor’s hairline isn’t Connor’s hairline anymore like this is different now it’s he’s

Don’t I don’t care how much he tries to say he cares about training he does not care it doesn’t matter bro he probably you as everybody like we know right okay he might train once a day even twice a day but you ain’t going to do nothing on

Once a day paying your guys 500 bucks some tomato cans to come in so you can beat them up a bunch of Yes Man bet edting those training sessions AR when Conor was a young kid in those I bet you the everything’s Taylor Made Conor’s probably choosing what they’re doing and

I’m just like dog it’s who care I don’t care I was I’m happy that he said International fight week though cuz I was like if they make Connor the headliner for 300 I was going to be so pissed yeah cuz I’m like what is he I

Don’t care what he’s done for the sport he hasn’t done anything to deserve the main headliner of 300 I wonder who they’re going to make headline 300 I don’t I wonder what they’re going to do at all like if he will even here here’s my I won’t beat

Around the I think here’s what I think I think that Conor isn’t hyped up about a fight with Mike I don’t think it does anything for him I think if it was a Nate Diaz or a somebody else of a rematch that he would have to get ready

For he would switch on and be like all right I got to really take this serious so I don’t get my [ __ ] broken again by Dustin and I don’t get you know uh [ __ ] beat down and embarrassed by Nate Diaz Tapped Out yeah Tapped Out Tapper whatever they call mcck or

Whatever the hell call McChicken mctapper McNuggets um but I think if it was a name like that then he will be a little bit more hyped up I think it because it is Mike like and there’s not really I don’t think there’s really bad blood there I think there’s mutual respect and

All of that stuff I don’t think it does anything for him I think he did the UFC a solid because remember it wasn’t supposed to be um Mike there I think in the first place I think it was supposed to Justin and Dustin as the coaches of

The ultimate F but they said no and that’s the reason why they got Conor and Mike yeah and so that’s what I’ve heard and what I see in the landscape is like if he was excited to be coming back if he was excited to be fighting then you

Would be training your ass off even if it was for international fight week on the layoff that he’s had you’d be two to three sessions a day right now going hard as [ __ ] you are not and I know that because you posted one of my videos that

I filmed to Mike from back in the day and all the workouts that he used to do and he posted along like split screen of him like partying on a yacht all this stuff and then showing a clip where he knock funny too cuz I know he’s Conor is

Doing that to make us think that he’s not training but I can still guarantee you he’s probably doing yesman training it’s not everything’s just I I guarantee you what here the that’s I always try to emphasize I am not a fan of Connor I

Love what he did for the sport not I am not a fan of Connor because my thing is is I don’t care you could talk do all the talking [ __ ] but you got to back it up and he hasn’t backed it up in six years seven years Donald yeah and I’m

Just like bro like the I understand what he did but it’s just like dog it’s so annoying at this point and then the the amount of [ __ ] he talks all it’s like bro you don’t even win you don’t even win so it’s like he over here talking so

Much [ __ ] all the time about every fight every time there’s a big fight he has to chime in say some [ __ ] like bro you don’t win yeah I’ll change my tone but you haven’t won 100% I don’t like I like the younger Connor I didn’t even though

I hated him back then because obviously I wanted Chad to knock his [ __ ] ass out and I knew Chad could definitely be a bad matchup for him because of how fast twitch he is he does carry heavy hands but they were big size difference is what I knew and of course they asked

Chad on two weeks one week notice because they knew that that dude would be a major problem before full training training camp Chad stops him he was already win until he got he was yeah he was and it’s like of course that’s like Chad had to blow his load and see if he

Could get him out just on that because it’s like you’re not going to be able to go to the distance like you’re coming off of a like a beer Bender hunting trip and it’s like oh [ __ ] I guess I’ll take this fight cuz I’ll make couple Mill you

Know of course but but what he did it was amazing and it’s like I think Connor thinks that this Mike fight would be just similar as Chad which it’s not it’s it’s I think it’s completely different I think it’s a good matchup for Connor um

But I think this is also good for Mike because it gave him time off and to heal and rest up and I wish obviously and I know this personally and I’m not putting anything that no one doesn’t know out there but he doesn’t train MMA year

Round it’s only when he’s in Camp is when he’s training in MMA and I always thought that that like hurts him uh he always stays in shape for sure and is very strong explosive athletic but if you get better at the skill thing that you’re doing it will matter more in the

Cage than lifting certain weights and doing certain Hill Sprints and things like that you need that stuff too but that can’t be 90 and then your skill set be 10 exact has to be the other way mhm I think like you said I think this is the best possible matchup for Conor to

Come back to but I still look at it this way right I I still think Chandler’s probably going to train more than him yeah for sure because Chandler still Chandler known in the MMA world but he’s not Superstar level like Conor so he has

A lot to gain from this fight so I feel like Chandler is going to take this fight way more seriously than Conor is and I think Conor is under play that in his head and honestly I feel it’s a good match up for Conor but I feel like

Chandler’s going to win it it’s a possibility I feel like Chan Poss I think if Connor takes it lightly then he could I think he’s going I there uh it’s Connor got too rich yeah he he get he can do whatever he wants and I feel like

He I feel like he’s trying to tell himself how much he loves MMA and I know he does it was his life it it’s literally what got him to where he’s at but I feel like when you hit a certain level no matter what it’s going to

Change it I think this is a retirement fight for both guys that’s what I think I think that um I think that both guys you know I think Connor could go for a title after he beats Mike because obviously they would they would totally do that to him they probably give him a

Title shot right now they probably would yeah everybody would go insane if that happened but they would probably give him a tile shot now yeah I don’t for Mike I think they would do that because of Mike’s record and yeah all of that I mean I think and here here it goes back

To this too and here’s how I know people obviously get special treatment and certain treatment is because Dana always comes out and says I have to offer guys two three fights a year otherwise I have to pay him so Mike hasn’t fought in this whole entire time so have you paid him

Or have you offered him fights and he said no and if you have offered him fights what fights have you offered I wish well here’s the thing no analyst is asking those questions they’re not asking that at the press conference like hey Dana you said you have to offer

Fights so what’s been Chandler’s deal like with being out this whole entire time granted maybe I could text Mike but obviously we don’t text anymore but um but if an analy or MMA reporter whatever should go out there and they should ask about that cuz I’d be curious to know

Too of like has you been offered fights and turn him down does he get paid for fights regardless because if you do the math on the money side if you’re waiting this entire time and let’s just say the fight doesn’t happen like let’s say Connor gets hurt yeah and training

Because that’s a high chance uh now you got to wait another year like how much money have you lost from the time you’ve not been fighting to all the way waiting tell Chandler this is your fight Conor is your fight so and let’s say you

Get out of there and make 5 mil but over the span of 2 years would you have made 5 mil already anyways like just by fighting cuz now you could get if you say you want to be a champion you say you want to win the title then during

This time you could make your way back up and go through the row of killers again because you have to because you got beat by Justin you got beat by Dustin you got beat by Charles and then it was the only guys that he’s beaten is

Is Dan hooker coming off a skid and then Tony Ferguson who was already on the skid so those are two skid fights that he won which is great almost lost the Tony one too almost lost the Tony one than the H Mary front kick you know so

It but which is great but uh yeah that first round was not looking good for a little more time than that first round it would have been interesting uh but with that I don’t know if it makes sense but it depends on the person and the

Fighter do you want the fame and the same amount of money or do you really want to be a champ and this is what kind ofs us both I think about both of them is I don’t think Mike wants to get back on the road

To Gold I think it’s I think Connor just wants to be relevant so they kind of are in a good spot for each other is what I think yeah I agree it’s a retirement fight for both cuz yeah you for this is for both if you lose to Conor if you

Lose if Conor loses to Chandler to Conor dude you’re out you have nothing else no one cares you’ve already lost so times no one cares if you win you’re not going to you’re not going to be champ again no you’re not going to beat the people at

The top of lightweight division so why not go out on a reti you telling me like either of them could be Armen serian no chance me Nick uh David we been talked about Arman suuki and when he first fought Islam people don’t remember that he gave Islam run for his money run for

His on short notice he did that so we B heck of young he was heck young at it was short notice like it was a close fight and then the thing that set back Armen suuki was that Matas gamerro fight it was a split decision loss which everybody thought arone thought Arman

Won um but man arman’s like yeah they’re not being ar oh my God it’s it’s not it’s like that’s not happening the people in lightweight nowadays I don’t know I’m so I honestly I just want this fight to Finish and go so we can just so

We can move on yeah like everyone like yeah I’m not excited about watching either of those guys fight it don’t matter Chandler always comes in and gives a war like really he always comes in and gets his ass [ __ ] up that’s what I see so like I don’t care bro yeah

It’s yeah and it but and I wouldn’t want that to be my legacy as well like I want to be known I would be known for like I want that dude goes in and [ __ ] wins dude like he dominates he annihilates guys he he changes guys like how we how

We were talking about Justin gatei earlier where it’s just like that guy changes people like it changes you are not the same after you’re not the same person after that stuff especially if or if you lose to Justin I would say or if you go decision yeah you might win but

Like you said he changes you it doesn’t matter you’re not the same after that and I honestly it’s scary as [ __ ] to see cuz didn’t so here’s what I I think this happened so when Justin and Charles fought each other yes Justin lost and got clipped and then he got finished

With a choke but I think Charles goes on to fight Islam after that and literally goes down yeah and yeah Islam caught him with a good punch but I don’t think that Charles was recovered even from a win off of Justin Justin hit Charles one time and it didn’t even hit register in

Charles’s brain and he was still kind of there and then he just fell back yep it’s like the in ganu Stipe fight that’s some scary [ __ ] like and Stipe came back way too early and Dy hit him with such a small punch and he yeah he was out yeah

Yeah I agree and I didn’t even think the is cuz I didn’t think the Islam one was like enough to like oh that’s going to put him out you know I just it was clean for sure but it wasn’t like and obviously you got finished with the arm

And head choke and uh but it was I think that he’s been hit harder you know but because of being hit with Justin and then that fight even though it was a win going into that Islam fight I was like yeah he he damaged even the first Dustin fight he tore Dustin quad

And even Dustin in the rematch he was talking about how he was actually scared because he knows what he’s in for when he fights Justin gatei they I think the UFC doctor said Justin has the most dense bones they’ve ever seen and he has the hardest leg kicks he I’m that’s why

I’m not excited for this Max fight yeah everything that Justin does good is like what Max is not good at yeah and I’m just like [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah yeah it’s it’s going to be good I would say last one we’ll touch on we’ll end it is I don’t

Know if you watch him or follow him i’ I’ve watched him and followed him because I I met him and knew him from Alpha and Sacramento and filmed them and my first interaction was him wasn’t the best I was shut up like is Mike mot when

He was when he was a coach there I remember when I was filming all song stuff and then Dwayne and then a bunch of other people um they were working on wrestling that day and he was just showing him like a single leg like he was just showing him a basic single leg

He was like hey don’t film this though part don’t don’t film this part okay and I was like oh okay yeah for sure so when someone tells me that I’m expecting to see some [ __ ] Wizardry something crazy that they don’t want you to see

Off of a single and it was just like it was just a single lady like off the cage like it was like yeah don’t fil I was like I was like who the [ __ ] is this guy and then and then But as time went on I

I went to really like him he’s he was a good coach and a good dude and then I was like man he’s kind of young to be a coach I was like what what’s going on here so when he actually went and started to actually fight again and then

Was finishing dudes like in the first two on his I don’t think nothing’s gone past two with him and now he’s fighting Neil Magny bro let’s go he’s he’s one of these Fighters nowadays that’s well-rounded everywhere everywhere his ground game’s good and his striking as Elite the first time I seen him was

Because um cuz he was coaching at Alpha and he started holding pads for Cody that’s the first time I saw him and then he started fighting F on the contender series and I was like oh that’s the guy was holding for Cody he knocked that

Fool out i’ I’ve been a fan of him him and then so after his last fight he won yeah it was a really good fight that he won when I was at the pi the last time with Cody he showed up oh ni so I went

Up to him and we were talked we talked for a little bit he was hella cool so I’m a big fan yeah dude and I honestly think he’s going to destroy Neil magy I hope I’m actually scared for the fight because this is a really big test for

Mike I think anytime when it’s one of those Colorado guys from like Team Evolution or I’m sorry elevation they [ __ ] scared my thing is this if he watches that last fight with uh Ian Gary that Neil Magny had the leg kicks yeah that’s going to win the fight for Mike I honestly feel

Like Mike is such a he’s such a good Striker I feel like he’s going to blast those legs and then I honestly feel like he’s going to submit Neil Magny that’d be sick I I think and that’s this weekend yeah it is this weekend so I

Think uh I think he submits Neil Magny in like round two I think he’s going to destroy him on the feet it’s going to end up on the floor and he’ll submit him oh I [ __ ] hope so and not because I don’t like Neil Magny but it’s just cuz

Like Mike is such on a tear right now and he’s young he’s he’s [ __ ] a finisher he this could be really big and put him on yeah that’s like he’s almost comain so it’s it’s going to be good but dude we talked about a lot yeah that was

Good that was awesome make sure you share like do all the Subscribe comment down below uh Alex is first guest on this show and um yeah thank you for having me yeah go follow everything that he does appreciate you man and um yeah that’s it thanks for watching you guys appreciate you go

Follow this man right here peace Peace

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