Golf Players

Brendan Bottcher vs. Bruce Mouat – QUARTERS – Astec Safety Challenge presented by Wild Rows

Brendan Bottcher (#2) of The Glencoe Club in Calgary playing Bruce Mouat (#4) of Stirling, Scotland in the QUARTERFINALS of the 2024 Astec Safety Challenge presented by Wild Rows: Pump & Compression, held January 11 to 14, 2024 and hosted by Lloydminster Curling Club in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan Canada. [Sheet 4]


# WCF World Team Rankings:

Oh it’s about right what looks like this is where the uh Engineers hang out nice spot here’s something else that’s cool Under Pressure great tour but where’s our man Brett oh know all right normally bailing me out roll reversal baby there he is resue mode putting out fires for these guys already

Aztec safety this must be the place boys it’s about right looks like this is where the uh Engineers hangout nice spot here’s something else that’s cool Under Pressure great tour but where’s our man Brett oh know all right normally bailing me out R reversal baby there he is RP mode

Putting out fires for these guys already for 90 years princess AO has seen your big picture and for 90 years we’ve had the ideas and the T tools to help you discover New Perspectives because for 90 years we’ve known that nothing’s better than finding ways to make stuff work Princess Auto ideas tools

S The reason we trust Western Sales with our business is the people I’m sure that there’s 100 years experience coming out of that shop we trust them because we do a CMI on our uh on our combine on our tractor when our equipment comes out of Western Sales it’s going to be good

Because if it’s not they send us another comine they send us another tractor and we’re not naive to the fact that that probably cost them a lot of money so we just know that the service that we’re getting at Western Sales is above par to everybody else that’s

The official soundtrack candada is only Border City 1061 that stay connected with my Lloydminster put by rock and roll a Lloydminster Legend I live in all day everything that rocks time to ro 1061 the goat stronger agronomics better returns greater peace of mind for free seed to post Harvest you

Can count on the victory canola program to keep you and your farm ahead of the curve throw with us at Victory hi there I’m Joseph Rosenberg the contact center manager for utility safety partners and we’re very proud to be a sponsor of the Aztec safety challenge now when you’re competing in a

Bon beel you got to dig deep and uncover what’s buried and plan each shot and in life when when you’ve got to dig deep and uncover what’s buried well you have to plan and that plan needs to involve utility safety Partners when bumping that object in

Front of you is not an option like people businesses have their Journey their path sometimes straight but more often evolving growing and adapting to a changing world creating the need for knowledge in areas like accounting Consulting Tax Technology areas critical to your continued growth and success

All part of the journey all part of what we do together with you because your success is the destination mnp wherever business takes you Aztec safety this must be the place boys about right looks like like this is where the engineers hang out nice spot here’s something else that’s cool Under

Pressure great tour but where’s our man Brett oh all right normally bailing me out roll reversal baby there he is rescue mode putting out fires for these guys already for 90 years princess AO has seen your big picture and for 90 years we’ve had the ideas and the tools to help you discover

New Perspectives because for 90 years we’ve known that nothing’s better than finding ways to make stuff work princess AO ideas tools do the reason we trust Western Sales with our business is the people I’m sure that there’s 100 years experience coming out of that shop we trust them because we do

A CMI on our uh on our combine and on our tractor when our equipment comes out of Western Sales it’s going to be good because if it’s not they send us another combine they send us another tractor and we’re not naive to the fact that that

Probably cost them a lot of money so we just know that the service that we’re getting at Western Sales is above par to everybody else that’s and welcome Aztec safety curling challenge the 730 draw as we settle in G to ask the uh production crew right

Away got a bit of a name botching on the bottom there boys can you clean up the botcher and Mau it we got some got a got a few extra letters in here got some edits there if you guys can fix that up thanks Evan dhart back in the broadcast

Booth alongside Chris mid I’ve been waiting for this one I saw your name on the docket there and I said this should be good and then you said hey I got a bit of a tradition we have a little bit of a bevy beforehand and I said good

Good I’m in the right place yeah you didn’t even Flinch I like it I knew we’re going to get along well I think so too and it’s a good place to be Lloydminster Golf and curling center it’s cold outside it’s warm in here heating up M&P uh VIP lounge is

Already getting busy and the bleaches on the other side and the Arby’s fan Zone looking good too botcher and mow it as they uh practice and get warmed up on the ice here and lots at stake Chris basically you lose you go home yeah what

A game we got on tap here two teams that are very competitive and we’re going to want to win this and stick around for tomorrow so there’s money still you made the quarters you’re going to get some of that $100,000 purse that that’s what we know but I think these teams that are

Playing right now in the quarters they don’t want to settle for a small they want what they came for which is the big one they want the trophy which is absolutely beautiful if you had a chance to check it out it’s all over social media uh and of course there’s some big

Games on you got schwaller and Koy our our feature game in botcher and moit gushu and kurs AD Dean and return return as so some big names on the ice right now and the ranking is there ever wow like any one of these games would be like a

Brier final better than a Brier final it’s just unbelievable unbelievable curin here in Lloydminster as we settle in and it looks to be mauet with the hammer as we start the first end and a tail of two teams team botcher I’m sure you’re familiar if you’re on

The stream but if not here’s who we’re looking at Ben Hebert popular name in curling for the last 30 years Brent Gant Mark Kennedy of course and Brendan botcher skipping this one out of the Glenco Club of Calgary world number two in Canadian ranked number one going up

Against a monster of a team from Scotland though Chris oh absolutely yeah team Mau actually the Scotland world uh world number four out of Scotland now uh skipped by Bruce mauet with Grant Hardy playing third Bobby lamby playing second and hamy Millan coming from some good Scottish curling pedigree there playing

Lead uh yeah just a a great resume on this young team here so the interesting uh factor in this game is going to be mental psychological and physical in that this is the third game of today for botcher uh and they just coming off the ice in the four o’clock draw one against

Uh another team from Alberta in carsten stur and and it was looking like it was going to be autopilot for botcher and ster a bit of a surge in the eighth end to make it interesting but botcher with an unbelievable shot to button to seal the deal for quarters and that’s why you

See what you see here now yeah that Sur team is sure another good young Alberta team that uh going to be have success for a lot of years looks like we’re game on here already uh got a lot of rocks in play Watcher is going to try to follow this

One right down and put it on the pan Frank glant delivering the red stone here of course looking to follow follow this down on top of his shot red which is already sitting back for in the out churn nice conditions have been just great all week okay so little backstory for me I

Got a broadcast uh background 1061 the goat local radio station in town that’s why I’m here and that’s about it that’s the only reason why my tickets been punched on this broadcast but the brains behind the operation and he’s going to disagree but I I I’m going to give him

Some credit here Chris mid uh who does some local stuff here at our Lakeland College and curling there and coaching so you’re going to look to Chris for this match to give you some help and myself to maybe add a little bit of fun as well but it looks like both of us

Here hoping to settle in as this is going to be a great game game 47 of the Aztec safety curling challenge Chris yeah and I think uh all 40 46 today have been just great games so start to listen into the curlers here always good to hear what they have to

Say nice nice little angle tap take out there if you’re tuning into the stream we have a little bit of a challenge going on hoping to get as many people over here and watch this one I know gu’s got a monster following but we can do it I know we can and I

Just uh asked curling Zone to tweet the entire country of Scotland to see if we can wake them up I don’t know what time it is there but it’s uh it’s late in Scotland right now yeah I think they’re what seven hours ahead so might be some Nighthawks out there that really wanted

To team out here so good sper continues to uh play that one back four here and looking to come down and sit on top of that one again little bit of room just looking to maybe put this up front guard situation looking pretty good for them with the hammer looking to

Control m not happy with what he’s seen up front there so he will look to remove those couple of Reds up front clear himself a scoring path you got the world number two going up against the world number six Bruce mauet skip Grant Hardy third Bobby Lamy second and Lead hammy McMillan

Jr looking to remove a couple of red stones here and he will great shot to start off the first end take a look at the replay here they sure make it look easy yeah don’t come and stream our Thursday mix League I’ll tell you that you’re not going to see any of this

Action from me and botcher looking to bring another one down and sit top four continue to put the pressure on M here Mark Kennedy now in the first line of course the one Lefty out there so throwing his int where it’ be an outt for for arries easy it’s got a

Curl looking for top four on this one Chris yeah just perfect shot right where he wanted it sitting to forcing out to continue to chase here with hammer cut yeah and hear that comment maybe just a little less Cur tonight so it’ll be something the players left to be mindful

Of we got a packed house in here tonight EV lots of kurin fans and Lloyd braving the cold and getting out here to the cin ring yeah it’s uh never really warmed up out there did it no it definitely didn’t it’s been cold in Canada basically all of western Canada for the last

Week and if you’re in the chat right now let us know where you’re at and we will give some love uh sense some love to you wherever you’re at on this planet too Brandon saying curling Zone amazing event and coverage perfect for a minus 50 weekend at home nice absolutely

100% as we settle in just before 8 o’clock on a Saturday night Lloydminster Golf and curling center and mark Kennedy second in a must-win game to continue your journey the azex safy challenge here big money on the line thanks to all our great sponsors and attec looking to put this top four again

Good good that’s great placement Mark buter lays to mauu with hammer they’re really forcing them uh forcing him into chasing them here all all first so far quick replay here from the team at Mass entertainment behind the scenes making this happen for us looking for a run back here see what

They can get moving got one but couldn’t quite remove that second Rock way better situation though than uh than it was coming into that shot good no shot they had the angles on that one Chris and they make the they make these things look so easy I mean unbelievable

Even on TV it doesn’t look like it’s that far of a run back you see here at the rink it’s right it’s a crazy long distance and a quarter of an inch either way you’re you’re going to miss that shot so botcher settles in now for his

First in the first end of this quarterfinal matchup all these teams playing tonight Chris have won some money looking for more though absolutely $100,000 in total on the line which is pretty special for a first time event yeah worth the trip for you see a lot of

Teams from Europe here Scotland and uh absolutely well worth the trip to Lloydminster Canada’s only Border City botcher with his first control on the front end Kennedy asking for a curl from Galant got to move it a little late and they’re going to get the outside not get

The action they wanted towards the middle Chris and what does that do for Mau now yeah you know they still sit in the twos so M does have a chance to come in behind maybe try to generate a deuce here yet they’re talking that hit and roll as

Well which would basically do the same thing but probably not a bad idea to to get that draw we under your belt too but it looks they are electing for the hit only hit it I been really nice and consistent all week so I’m sure these

Guys have a really good idea what it’s going to do yeah wall and crew coming in and making it happen the local guys here Tons of love there Bruce mowt with his first with with the hammer and you can hear in the back Kennedy says to botcher we might be

Drawing here yeah already looking for the setup absolutely look to put that pressure on Bruce hoping for a bit of a roll to the inside here look at that great shot rolled underneath not fully buried but about halfway make really tricky so pressure on botcher now they can somehow remove it and stick

Around they can play the force as they would have come into the end with the goal of or uh if they roll out be looking at a blank here and uh a massive shout out marjerie watching from Scotland oh awesome 3 a.m. right now gentle with it

Early that’s true dedication glad to see Mar’s up watching this great battle here botcher with his second looking for a hit on this one control from the front end looking for a little Cur of this try to stick around and they will great shot and they

Will force M to draw for his one great sweep by glint and Hebert on the front end to keep that one where it needed to be and a pretty routine end for team botcher to settle mauet for his one yeah mission accomplished for them for sure like wait or me

Too my first one I wouldn’t have wanted to see some out playing the out turn facing two looking to score one with hammer somebody just checked in from Siberia Chris jeez no joke he said minus 50 here well we know what that feels like we can officially say we’re as cold

As Siberia that’s [Laughter] gross pretty rou draw here for Bruce Mau and he picks up his one after one mauet takes the one nothing lead great end to start the game didn’t hit it across makes a nice double here got to take care of my

Man we check in quickly with a bunch of local sponsors that you’re seeing right now if you’re on the stream uh for helping us we couldn’t do without these folks Lloydminster King Club obviously the Lloydminster exhibition Association for all the food and beverage the tent guys Wild Rose pump and compression as

The presenting sponsor and Excel Insurance Musgrave agencies and Fountain Tire RL electric uh I’m missing a few here Chris but there are so many people that help oh yeah all the volunteers too that make this event possible and uh thank you so much sponsors so great to have this caliber curling back in

Lloydminster it’s been a long time hamy hamy McMillan Jr to lead off in the second yeah I was saying to uh to Brandon the other night I really dated myself but I remember watching Hamm’s dad way back in the day it is yeah that’s definitely coming from good curling stalk

There so what’s uh what’s botcher looking to do here to to set up the end for his Deuce potentially Chris yeah so botcher of course you used to always see uh teams with hammer play to the outside but now with the new no tick rule you’re

Seeing a lot of play to the center which is uh definitely a new way new strategy that we’re seeing these last couple of years trying to generate more offense in the game and he’s going to look to come around there and makes some interesting angles and a lot of really good shot

Making mine’s good we’re a little tight B course one of the best leads in the game a lot of accomplishment the resume on this team is just unbelievable 146 should be pretty close to taline with what we’ve been seeing the rest of the week and that’s what we

Saw earlier yeah in sheet five consistent ice and we’ll ask our production crew to give the screen back to our viewers for full view here a big thank you to our sponsors now looking to bump this Redstone just delivered by Hebert and push right out the back and a

Nice shot and got the little flop inside there hamy McMillan Jr and now Ben Hebert sets up for his second in the second end of this quarterfinal match just after 8 o00 the Lloydminster Golf and curling Center and botcher switching turns here to the outturn going to need to move a little

Bit here to get to the face of that yellow just great sweeping a carve that in there and the team’s playing a little more cautious here you know not playing a freeze or or come around they’re looking to hit these while they can so it’s a calculated end here Chris and

That uh both teams are looking maybe for that spot to open up no mistakes being made so far and this is the kind of end you get as a result of both teams making some pretty good shots yeah that’s for sure Mau just looking for the nose hit here Brett glant

Now as we give it to the front end mark Kennedy indicating it’s a little bit less weight so the sweepers might have to go on this a bit and a little roll to bring the play back to the middle of the sheet just an exceptional front end there when

You look at these two and all they’ve done and wow unbelievable Mark Kennedy what one slam away from alltime record yeah that’s right and that’s career for these two those two are what I remember from when I first started and Kevin Martins of the world and you saw those guys everywhere

And big winning streaks and lots of wins although there was a soft spot for me too for Furby and nan oh absolutely yeah as an Alberta boy definite Legends Alberta had a a really good run at the Brier for a lot of years and still such a hard Province to

Come out of to go to the Brier there’s so many good teams in this province and so glad just looking to hit this again maybe get a little roll to the inside and make this shot a little tougher for M Oh They’ll elect to roll to the outside

Instead we’re looking at a pretty quick end here it just seems routine for these guys it’s just you know yeah they they make it look a lot easier than I can that’s for sure special too in uh lots of these teams took part Chris in in a session

With the junior curlers on Wednesday night and I got a chance to talk to Yap Von door from the Netherlands and uh how special it was for him and his team to be here too and he just said that’s the future whether you’re from the Netherlands or whether you’re from

Canada Scotland it doesn’t matter in that these players understand that to pass the Love of the Game and the technical of the game we have to get our youth involved and that’s exactly what we did and uh a big big shout out to team botcher for initiating that and

Inviting some of those teams in there and when you have a world number one like return as coming in and spending two hours with your local kids it tells you a lot about this sport yeah I heard they were just having a blast out there there was a lot of laughs and

A lot of cheering and sounded like it was just a great thing uh yeah curling is so unique that way that uh the professionals will mix and carry on the uh with the younger generation and show them their skills which is awesome you don’t see that in many other sports

That’s for sure Mark Kennedy now with his first need it from Gant says botcher another nice nose hit with that control weight and this is a technical display of accuracy from both these teams and will this game open up or will we see just tight

Smart yeah it’s tough to say you know we saw last night uh with the Pierce game they took an end off so to speak where they uh you know just exchanged hits and kind of gave themselves a mental break and uh maybe that’s what we’re seeing here or maybe they’ll play it pretty

Pretty open too there’s a lot of between the teams so a quick look around gushu with two in the first over KS nice roll there right over to the center line almost fully buried behind that long Center guard a blank from Return Asen Eden and back to our featured game in

Botcher and mow it four sheets of action here tonight at the Lloydminster Gulf and curling Center Eight great teams out here and you see just how buried that is there’s not a lot to look at there for Mark Kennedy still something for him though and the idea here is what Chris

As he’s looking down the barrel of bot’s broom yeah I think he’s going to try to hit this and uh as close to NOS as possible and stick around make the next shot really tough for team out got to go for Hebert got to get her by now we’ve got her by glant

Now yeah b as good as you could do there rolled out to the outside but was able to just remove that yellow stone nice touch from Mark Kennedy and you see the reaction from him that was a small margin of error yeah that’s that’s a tough shot

When you can’t see much like that also Testament to the ice we have here that those kind of shots are possible if you on the stream we welcome you can we get this over a thousand people we’re just on the crest so tell your friends pretty special 8 o’clock on a Saturday

Night from the Lloydminster Golf and curling Center out of get margerie to spread the word in Scotland to wake up wake up some of our friends and get some more of our Scottish viewers too Mar can you go knock on some doors I’m sure they won’t mind at 3:30 in the morning that’s

Right hey couple Canadian boys are telling me to wake you up so you can watch this curling [Laughter] game a little bit of miscue there m would like to stick around but did over curl and he rolled out so open house here if you’re botcher Chris are you

Happy to take a blank here and and maintain Hammer going into the third yeah I think they are going to look to maybe sink one behind here they had talked about that but uh they’re going to see if they can sink one behind and maybe get a little bit of a miscue from

Out and get a shot for two so obviously bout uh botcher feels comfortable in that there is a potential for two here otherwise they would look to blank yeah definitely it’s going to need to really sink it back there as we saw in the few shots this end nothing’s really safe

Back there so ice is moving nice and it’s pretty uh pretty doable shots M mnp VIP lounge packed the Arby’s fan Zone lots of curlers on that side too a packed house upstairs with Lloydminster Golf and curling Center special to have world class curling back

In Lloyd I think the last time we had an event like this was 2008 Chris yeah it has been a while yeah you just feel the buzz in the community it’s really brought a lot of brought all the curling fans out especially and even uh some people are

Just interested uh to see that we have world class curlers here I think so yeah nine of the 10 top men’s teams in the world right here in Lloyd battling it out for 100 ,000 divvied up depending on where you finish all these teams in the quarters going to be making money

Already as we go to ice level and listen in to the front end of botcher as they work this through great shot there sunk that top of the button so consistent we were uh timing the Rocks before and and throughout this this event and 143 146 they say that’s

Tline so consistent ice all the way through here Chris yeah it really has been and uh aggressive call here we’re going to see Mau try this long run back to eliminate that red stone and uh Force the blank thoughts on this move Chris it’s a highrisk high reward here absolutely I

Mean you could uh you could freeze it and uh and you know just give him his one but he would still have a draw for two this is the aggressive call I like it and we saw m make a lot of these shots weak in so McMillan on it Lamy on

It runs it back right on the nose wow what a shot unbelievable shot from Bruce mauet and it does sit there buried too so uh tough decision here for botcher now if they can pick it I don’t know if they can to get their blank that’s what Kennedy says as you check in

Right let’s listen into these two nice little nod from Kennedy saying Bruce great shot yeah what a such a good thing about klin you know the sportsmanship even with this high level so what’s the idea idea here Chris are they going to try to pick this out

That’s the they don’t want to take their one and give up Hammer yeah and I I think they are forced to do that they’re going to have to try to draw down and take their One Mount just made that too good they uh they’re not going to have a

Chance to blank it and pick it out of there so M’s going to have to draw full 4f foot here to get his one they are still talking about it there maybe some second thoughts play the so now bot are thinking you see Mark shaking his head there he

Was yeah I think Mark Mark won that battle he held held steady and uh and B uh decided to continue with the draw as he called it originally well I mean great shot by Bruce force is the hand of botcher on this one oh really did and you’re looking now at

A one spot for botchers going to need all four foot on this one Ebert now got to get it there boys looks a little heavy to me Chris uh no it’s wrong yes and he’ll just slide a little too far it looks like so big steal here for

Mau big steal for Mau in the second and that’s on the heel of a great first shot by him to run that long guard back oh yeah that’s a skip steel right there great shot on that run back all right so a steal for Mau as we

Wrap up the second end it’s two nothing for Mau over botcher as we take a quick break from the Aztec safety curling challenge in Lloydminster Alberta Saskatchewan like people businesses have their Journey their path sometimes straight but more often evolving growing and adapting to a changing world

Creating the need for knowledge in areas like accounting Consulting Tax Technology areas critical to your continued growth and success all part of the journey all part of what we do together with you because your success is the destination mnp wherever business takes you this result for botra you you’re still only

Down two you do have hammer and you score your two here and uh still game on so as we went to commercial break uh you hear Kennedy say it’s all right boys get our dues here we’re back in the game yeah and I think Mark just has that

Calming presence about him you know he’s uh he’s played at the highest level right up to the Olympic so uh I don’t think much rattles that uh that athlete anymore you hear Mark Kennedy as botcher slides down saying let’s grab a deuce here that’s the mission grab some momentum

Back do you know Mo’s going to make a shot like that when you give it to him he’s just that dialed in yeah absolutely world number six out of Scotland yeah and of course just uh just prior to this event they had competed in Perth there as well so uh quick

Turnaround maybe a little jet lag but it definitely doesn’t show on this team they’ve just been making amazing shots all weekend Line’s good looks like we got game on here we’re going with the corner guard Watcher looking to set up this Deuce couple of uh comments on the

Stream right now saying Mau machine the hashtag and a lot of people loving that shot from Bruce okay but he was sitting up here last night and I just couldn’t believe how young that team looked and I I had to Google it I guess Bruce is 29 so he’s

That’s a that’s a young team that’s going to be good for a lot of years Prime of their years is just starting so if you see what they’re doing now and you’re watching from Scotland be proud you’re going to have great representation in curling with this team

No doubt no kidding and so many good Scottish teams over the years so McMillan puts one in a great spot and botcher nice aggressive call here he’s going to follow that down try to sit on top of that shot Yellow Stone just sitting on the button Line’s good Hebert with the outturn

Here Kennedy and Gant dragging this down looks like they let up a little bit now weights looking really good yeah it will come up a little bit short but still a really good spot for botcher called 154 on that one Chris so yeah about a second slower than what

We’ve been seeing to the T line that does look about right hog to hog is what we’re measuring here when you hear us say 154 and that’s 15 seconds Bobby Lamy now with his first in the third and a quick game we are carving through these ends

Yeah we really are it’s it’s flying by looking to bump this red one out into the open for sure I don’t know if they’ll be able to get rid of it completely as much as they’d like but it is out in the open now and a chance for botcher to come back

Around and sit on top of that yellow maybe just a little deeper than the the last shot of heberts Brett glant with his first of the third and looking to come right down on the Mau Stone mine’s good going for mine’s good good go ahead sweepers going hard on this one

Again they set the same weight going to have to really go to get this to a good spot on top of that yellow good scr really good sweep nice sweep from the front end and you think about it this is the third game for botcher Chris you watch how much work goes into

One shot so well sweepers it got to be gasping now you think they are world class athletes so I know if it was me I would uh I’d be a puddler on the couch by now I I wouldn’t be able to sweep three giftful games anymore yeah I don’t

I I kind of feel sad about complaining to my wife when I come home after a mixed on Thursday when I’m really not sweeping as hard as these guys ever yeah the pressure they put on those brooms is uh just unbelievable yeah you got to give Lamy now with his second in the

Third fairly routine here it’s out in the open and a great shot and they’ll just tick their other yellow one out into the open into the 12 foot salute from the front end saying nice shot you watch the strategy here as these two dance with the rock change

Positions depending on the sweep I mean not a lot there with the speed that they were throwing but if you watch these two front ends juggle with each other yeah and that’s something you’ve really only seen over the last few years here too it uh teams have really started to figure

That out and done the research and uh figured out what works best for maneuvering those rocks so much strategy goes into sweeping is the the calling anymore it’s the whole game is just at such a high level now Brett Gant with his second of the Third Brent just looking to draw around this corner guard Line line need it for line they say need it for line they say they get by that guard and they won’t they’ll just tick it maybe a bit of fatigue coming in here on this one Chris yeah I’m just a little bit light sweepers couldn’t drag that so

Little bit of an opportunity here from ma to bail out of this end botcher with the hammer forced Mau to one in the first steel for Mau in the second and that’s the tale of this game so far s Mount was originally looking at that run back but now considering drawn

On top of that red I’m watching this team this week they really do like their runbacks and why wouldn’t you when they can execute them like they do seems like almost an impossible shot when you’re a below average curler like myself it really does you don’t want to

Even look at these shots if I made one of those every 10 I’d be happy or 20 maybe 10 gener I like that yeah you hear the conversation uh you know from the botcher team that they were surprised he’s going to freeze this that they thought he’d run it back too

So little bit of a change of Gears here from out just by that guard so we’ve got some action in the house Chris there’s some angles set up but buter has to come out of this one yeah they need to need to generate that Deuce here you can’t fall any further

Behind uh is pretty good angles looks like they’re uh they’re able to maybe about move both of these and sit two by the time their shot is done so they can play some nice control weight try to get a little roll to the middle and get both those yellows

Moving Mark Kennedy says okay to have some backing on this one too potentially yeah those little catchers always come in handy when you’re when you look at some of the hits and and things that can catch some of those so Kennedy with his first and the third work from Hebert on this one

Digging in gotta go held it curl from Gant now action off the face bit of movement and a nice juggling of stones there Chris to swap positioning and uh exactly what botcher was hoping for there yeah about as good as it could have done there so sitting first and third there now of

Course have the the angle on that red to drive back to the yellow but we’ll see M has other plans for that here so that one did we look like he is looking at the run back here bit of a discussion here from the front end for Hardy yeah definitely a little B

Conversation going into this shot everybody wants to make sure they’re they’re on the right page here great shot mark than always good to talk to your front end that’s right complete team shot even though it’s the player in the hack delivering the information from All Parts is key to making this thing

Success for these guys yeah it really is Hardy now looking for the run back onto the red here will have to curl up it will not but they will remove one red rock and set second uh third and fourth in the house so plan B maybe on

This one Chris didn’t exactly get the movement that they were hoping for on multiple rocks but yeah and still not a not a terrible result you know they’ there’s a lot of yellow in there so it’s going to start to make botcher a little more nervous here but they do have a

Chance to hit and sit to here Pam’s wondering what’s the score on the kui game one nothing for schwaller yeah and we’re down to skip rocks over there too so skip rocks over there so so if you are looking for more updates throw it in the chat and we’ll

Hopefully help you out it’s uh big games across the board quarterfinals here with basically the top eight men’s curling teams on the planet all playing right now yeah it really is Ken delivers here Kennedy’s final shot not leave a double here hit and to the inside or the outside there we

Go it’s a nice shot from Mark Kennedy quick replay here from the guys at Mass entertainment behind the scenes controlled weight from Kennedy good communication from Hebert and Gant off the top you out there good line call yeah just a great shot so some angles are set up botcher in place sitting onew

No hesitation from ma here he really wants us run back well he knows he can do it we saw him do a beautiful run back in the first and you hear Kennedy in the back just relax settle in and how great is that veteran presence there for botcher experienced

Skip but still a fairly young skip so M for the run back bang on the money another pistol bang on the money actually gets both moving and he’ll sit three just a great shot unbelievable shot from Bruce Mau and the Mau machine if you are watching from Scotland get those hashtags rolling in

The chat that’s a beauty from Bruce yeah that was almost flat it’s just unbelievable you could get them both moving like that just a great shot so does that change the way you play the game when you see how Mau is dialed in in terms of what he’s throwing

Right now yeah nothing’s really safe uh you can’t really hide anything on him sure so and they are are talking about coming back behind but again like you just said with the way Mallet can run him back it’s really tough to find somewhere to hide let’s take a listening on these guys

So Chris thoughts here botcher is going to hopefully try to tuck one in here and and is he hoping for top four doesn’t want to go behind the tal line on this one yeah and he actually was talking about going behind T originally uh maybe just to make that run back a little

Harder but I think that uh probably does give bit of not to come on top of it so botcher just said it’s okay to be a bit open on this shot yeah and again that’s where those Rocks come into play that are little catchers back there maybe set up some angles

Where you can’t remove it cleanly without jamming so botcher with his first and the third with the hammer looking to gain some momentum back after a couple of beauty shots for Mau here all rock at this point Chris yeah this is carving in here nice wants it on the

T and covers the pin can do better than what he was looking for there good spot from botcher pressure shot so decision time for Mau he could either tap that freeze on top of it and uh look at possibly a steal or forceing BS one or I mean the

Run back you’re really going going to put the pressure on too if you can hit it clean but uh we’ll leave botcher a shot that way so left out a rock High well if he does a little bit here give you a bit of a visual on what mau’s looking at here

Top view bad spot at all yeah that’s fair think the way Mallet dialed in he looks at these and just says that’s a that looks great that’s a nice easy sh Easy Shot there if I was looking at that I’d be just shaken I think at the other end

Run back again by the sounds of it looking for nose on the top yellow drive it back into the shot red stone Bruce Mau clean from the front end must be close on this one they’re off and on and another run back for Mau wow and C to catch anything at the

Back so no choice here but the draw for one for botcher but he’ll be facing four yellow ones in the house and it’s the preciseness regardless of length between stones from Bruce mauet to start this game and the difference so far on the scoreboard yeah and we’ve seen this with

A lot of Ms games it just feels like they have kind of control the flow and the other teams always chasing a little bit and that’s what you’re seeing here with Team botcher couple of people on the chat Kenny saying he thinks the mauet and

Team is going to be very hard to beat tonight and Cheryl saying yeah these guys look dialed in and so it’s up to botcher with some experience in the front end in the team that knows where they need to be world number two they’ve been here before drawing against

Four Mau stones to get on the board and head to the fourth and botcher says I could do this all day one for botcher 2-1 now great pressure draw great pressure draw we saw it in the eighth against ster so it’s one for team botcher give the hammer back to

Mau yeah Mau up one with hammer heading into an even end that’s a nice spot to be in so look to continue their momentum as we send a thank you to the local sponsors you’re seeing on our screen right now an event like this would not happen without lnl oilfield

The goat Strath Corner resources presenting sponsor wild rast pump and compressions velocity Truck Centers Cooperators Jason ardin and Associates tar1 Synergy Credit Union beex and construction border and Suits banded energy and Aztec safety of course for putting this on and having a dream Chris it starts with one person

And in this situation it was the team at Aztec and Caitlyn Mulligan and Jeff Mulligan and crew saying we could bring world world class curling back to Lloyd and they’ve done it yeah I think the from the results this weekend uh Lloyd was hungry for an event like this so

Great job to the whole organizing committee the volunteers and thank you to all the sponsors sit over if you can guys a really high guard here just barely over uncharacteristic for Ben Hebert but a little bit lighter here could be one of those shots that ends up being a factor you never know

Yeah that’s right top one good throw Bruce looking to put up a corner guard of his own or potentially come behind that long one although it’s not a not a lot of coverage with that one probably hammy McMillan Jr the lead off team Mt 2-1 with the hammer

Looks a bit heavy on this side Chris yeah sweepers aren’t touching this one good shot got to dig in here now they want to take this as far back as they possibly can you think definitely not plan a but so it does help botcher looking to steal they’ll try to put up another

Guard here and cut down that scoring on so they can SN something in there Hebert with his second in the fourth in a must-win game for both of these teams every team in the quarterfinals has made the money but any loss now means your tournament life your challenge is

Over let’s hear how these guys settle this one out he somebody in the chat saying interesting to see how botcher and return as Fair as this is their fourth games today half correct return as this is their fourth which is unbelievable if you think about that as the world number

One this is botcher third game team botcher third game tonight yeah is in a battle over there too uh first two ends were blanked against Aden and Aden took one was forced to one in the third so another slugfest over there on your fourth game of the day

1475 over 1,200 people tuning in from wherever you are and we thank you for being with us here in the frosty Border City Canada’s only Border City Lloyd Minster Alberta Saskatchewan technically on the Saskatchewan side Chris they are y just barely just a hop from the border and if you’re wondering how that

Works there’s some some complications but we uh we far just fine and it means a lot of community support and a lot of teamwork and that’s why you see events like this in places like Lloydminster because when we want something we get her done as a community

And it’s a special place to be that’s for sure and a thanks to the city of Lloydminster and the Lloydminster Curling Club for hosting us yeah great venue and uh man I’ve never seen it look better just looks awesome out here the M&P VIP L the AR FB Zone

Front end Kennedy and Hebert working on this one just going to freeze this back yellow and they will great communication from all four teammates there and team botcher to get that one done and a replay crew right on the ball here with this great replay of the shot so

Now what’s Mau thinking Chris I didn’t see where he was holding his br here but uh looks like he is throwing some hit weight at this so this looks like a run back of some sort Bobby Lamy team Mau and botra look to replace that maybe

Get a little more over towards that 4 foot line and it takes all Kinds of Kinds to make teams like this uh make events like this and shout out to B there dump that and team botcher this is the people that make it happen for them Spartan Controls

Aztec safety here in Lloydminster ATB Financial UFA Cal take surveys driving force points bet RJ design Solutions hearing loss clinic and Hardline want this one to move over a little bit more off that Center Line Kennedy digging Hebert digging just looking across the center had a pretty good spot again

Staggered guards up front for team botcher no hesitation from M he’s going to look to remove this again another peel from Team Mau looking to keep control here and keep the center clean Bobby lbby Bobby Lamy with his second just oh just the jam out the back but he’ll be

Happy with that remove that yellow backing so that red one becomes a little more accessible wow botcher now thinking board weight yeah a chance to sit two here for botcher and put the heat on Mau a bit with the hammer watch course looking ideally probably to

Force here or a steal if the opportunity came up Jen McConnell on the screen uh stream says woo Sasa Bush and wondering if the mnp lounge is popping well Jen taking a look indeed the M mnp VIP lounge is popping it really is and I party down

There have never felt cooler saying that phrase in my life Hebert working this one from Canada for a roll and a great shot here possibly an opportunity for maet to make a run back double if we know anything from Team Mau they’ve proved that uh doesn’t matter if

It’s buried doesn’t matter if it’s hidden no that’s right nothing safe on this sheet from these guys this week this is Grant Hardy now of Team Mau with his first 2-1 for Mau as we get to the third stones in four oh wow and again exactly what we talked about Chris these

Guys are digging out everything perfect run back and even got that little roll to the center too just phenomenal shot so if you’re Bing now Chris what’s the play yeah I think you’re just removing yellow here and uh and open for the best open for that for

Still if you can maybe get a hit and roll here you know still looking in in good shape not to K off that Deuce but a big shot from Kennedy here to make sure he gets rid of this yellow Mark Kennedy with his firstan Clean Super’s going hard on this one to get it by boys are sweeping boys are digging got to get it by that yellow and they do wow and a great roll what a shot by Kennedy great sweep by Ben Hebert great shot by Mark Kennedy truly a team shot there legs are getting

Tired that’s a fair fair point I think yeah you can hear this from these guys really the factor is can you get through this game can you push through get the resue need on either side and Mau obviously has the advantage there in the physical rest has played one less game than botcher

Definitely today actually two less this will be their first game today I believe you’re right yeah so they’ve been long lay off they they were done uh yesterday afternoon even I think so yeah they’ve had a they’ve had a long layoff full 24-hour rest for team mauet and botcher

Coming into their third which is still not the most games played tonight R return as on sheet six actively playing against Eden right now is in their fourth game of the day in this triple knockout style Aztec safety challenge well the cell one stick around it will just barely great

Shot it’s Grant Hardy there with a nice touch like that little bit of fresh C but right there buter just looking for the nose here Force mauet to take one is the idea yeah absolutely it’ll give one take two strategy lots of game left here so lots

Of time left for botcher to catch up course it is only a one point deficit but mauet does have the hammer botcher with his first in four keep going keep going keep going keep going going to get the roll out on this one Chris yeah did over curl a bit on

Them a fresh spot there they hadn’t played on yet so but good sweep end of the day a good result decision time from out sorry Mark I got a good time but it’s definitely thr yeah okay check out y so I did talk about doing this on the

Intern side but uh with that really long red guard up there didn’t know if there was enough room to get by on the Stagger so they’re going to play this on the out turn side so mauet still hopeful maybe to get his Deuce is that what he’s hoping for

Here Chris yeah hoping to syn one in here and uh from there we’ll see what botcher does but uh they are still playing for that Deuce so we’ll see what Bruce can can pull out here Mau with his first and the fourth looking to tuck one in and potentially walk away with two

Here or at least leave botcher with a shot that’s a little bit more challenging looking at just just sit full eight and under full coverage completely buried there too just a great shot see that finished a lot he on the the D of the click Before You Dig

Sponsor logo there and uh ended up sinking right in behind Kennedy observes looks like team butcher is tring to take a shot at the run back here said Team Ma you can do this I can do this too critical shot here from Team botcher Chris yeah it really

Is hard all the way from Gant meets to run her back oh and he sticks it so that will be a draw for two from out with hammer it just sticks it on the nose doesn’t quite great really close that’s where those run backs are so tough you

Know like a quarter of inch either way like we talked about and totally different result but end of the day it did jam and M’s going to have a relatively Easy Shot for his two needs any piece of the 12 yeah just needs to touch paint here

And he’ll head into the halfway point with a 4 to one lead Bruce mauet with his last of the fourth as we wrap up the first half of this match between botcher and mauet team botcher World number two world number six in team mauet just a clean job and a insurance from

McMillan got to get it by the guard though and they won’t oh my goodness big missed opportunity there wow weight was good but just would not curl off that Center Line okay well 3 to one for m it and a forced one as we take a quick break from the Aztec

Safety curling challenge here in lyminster at the lyminster golf and curling Center we’ll be right back Aztec safety this must be the place boys about right looks like this is where the uh Engineers hang out nice spot here’s something else that’s cool under pressure great tour but where’s our man brat I don’t

Know all right normally bailing Me Out roll reversal baby there he is resue mode putting out fires for these guys already okay and we are back it’s the Aztec safety curling challenge final draw of the day closing in on 9:00 local time Lloydminster Alberta saskat when I say

That because you’re listening to us from Canada’s only Border City the baly Lloyd Minster yeah what are we uh about a minus 40 out there no maybe not quite – 37 it looks like we’re warming up we’re warming up I think it’s actually supposed to Bott him out tonight so

There it is I think it’s supposed to get worse before it gets better but Evan dhart and Chris mid here joining you from the broadcast booth and we thank you for joining us and uh thank you for all the comments and sending some love on the chat uh wake up your neighbors if

You’re not here watching the game right now you’re settling in for a good one it’s currently three one for team Mt over brandan botcher and a bit of an unforced error from botcher on his last and then an unforced error from Mau on his last which uh gets us to where we

Are walk us through Chris maybe what these teams are thinking coming out of that end yeah it really was and that’s a key swing point there you know uh up three that’s uh a little more comfortable when you’re up two it’s not not too out of the realm of possibility

Especially with the new five Rock Rule to get that two back for botcher um the three and the 4-1 lead would really put a strangle hold on him but like you said just an unforced air and uh Rock R really straight and ticked off that Center Center Line guard so so bot are

Still very much in this game we’ll bring you back to ice level as you uh hear these teams and special too to have these guys miked up Chris and you can hear it right from these guys as they deliberate the shots yeah you know as a curling fan that’s the part I always

Enjoy the most most so you know I know you and me are are just fantastic up here but I’m sure the the experts are are who the people really want to hear down there the I so yeah I there’s been a few comments over the course of this

Hey Evan stop talking so I can hear these guys actually tell me what’s happening that was a great picture and picture shot there of uh the rest of the team too glant walks down to deliberate let’s see what these guys are thinking yeah mount with their foot on

The gas sitting to here and uh and force and botcher botcher hasn’t had a lot of success setting up those multi multi-point ends here yet so they’re going to look at how they can generate at least a two here get back in uh tied up in this game we just hit roll in

Front roll on top yeah comment on the chat here as we sweep through the games and KY and schwaller KY up three gushu and kurs guu up by two sorry uh kui up by two gushu up by two and return as and Dean return as up by two yeah that faue

Doesn’t seem to be affecting Ras uh really tight game there it was one nothing after three for Dean and R cracked that big three so big 31 lead over there big sweep Clean Sweep by the first touch on one roll over the other really nice shot there got the hit the

Roll the inside of course yellow is still shot and a little buried back there so yeah glant comes up and says I’m thinking this and botra says this and they go with Gant and ends up the result that botra was hoping for in the first place funny game of curling isn’t it it

Really is so M looking to come down on top of that red one keep the angles in his favor and uh sit on top of that red one where can be used later couple of comments saying hey we can’t quite hear the Mau team I know that we’ve got botcher dialed up

And I’m not quite sure if uh mau’s crew are wearing mics or not but uh that’ll be a question for production that they can dig in there so thanks for asking but I think from what I know they might not have mics up at this point for these

Guys but that’s not saying we can’t go run them down there if they’re willing to wear them so oh nice opportunity for botra here looking to possibly run this red one back onto the other that was just throwing roll a rock made it right there like you said should be fairly

Straight though Brett okay get the weight right okay okay thanks and we will we’ll use the chat uh as we test some mics here so if you do get the teams back and you can hear some of the teams on the ice let us know

In the chat for sure on the stream as the production crew looks to see if we can get both teams dialed up here that’s ultimately what we want to do for you guys watching the game right now is bring both of these really running straight with a good teams to the stream

For you great shot for team botcher there and uh B got a decision to make here they are still Shot Rock but of course those two red ones on top are dangerous they’re still Cons with they’re looking at the straight run back here just run that yellow back split out the Red Grant

Hardy going a little bit guys got to move some rock got to move some Granite hard all the way back it goes spills out gets the one likeon great run back just as they dialed up theirs Watcher talking about maybe freezing Al back on top of here Freez around the

Corner some comment saying players aren’t wearing mics uh no uh Team botcher we got botcher and Kennedy miked up so so you should be able to hear botcher and Kennedy here in the Stream Mark Kennedy though he’s staring it down seeing uh it’s going to be a tight shot from

These guys here Chris yeah and they were talking about uh doing the outturn freeze here which of course Mark being uh being the Lefty it’s going to be uh his outturn here Kennedy now in the fifth down two with the hammer Line’s good Kennedy Gant Line’s good Hebert working on it now

Chris pass the guard line looking really good here for an angle bump nice touch nice touch those angles exactly where they wanted them I learned earlier they call that the Christmas tree Chris I don’t know if that’s accured or not but there you go stagger rocks anybody could use a little

Christmas spirit in January [Laughter] so so Mau it now put my finger open me looks light the boys are on it looked a little light out of the hands maybe but coming in nicely here now Chris yeah it’s got to move a bit here I think and he’ll sit basically 4 foot

Yeah pretty open there though so buter will be able to deal with it great weight but just didn’t quite as finish as much as they would like to pick it now get it over the top or at least just pick it yeah if I knows it that’s pretty good

Too take a listen in as these guys think about what this next shot looks like but he’s got to make it good but then you’ll have contact for two contact this is probably that same 13 you threw two ends ago kind of I Like It Brett I like it a little more patient

And no no I I can get to know it just so Kennedy with his last shot here in the fifth and walk us through Chris what they’re visioning here for this shot yeah looks like he’s looking to uh maybe even get to the nose I don’t know if

That’s quite doable but for sure just make it go away Kennedy Kenn of course so good at these uh these touch shots in the hands of Galant and Hebert now just clean go Cur looking for it to curl a bit here as much of that yellow as they

Can hard hard hard hard does start to finish good there really nice shot just perfect weight sorry guys a little little heavy a little full yellow will still sit one but there’s starting to be quite a few red stones in there the angles are there for

Team botcher now in terms of what they can do to set up a deuce here in the fifth did stay out there just enough open that mount has a chance to hit and roll and sink another one in there and really force a big shot from brenon botcher

Here little coule down of early back up you got to be real real gentle like on the line oh yeah Bruce mauet with his first in the fifth yeah they really like the roll here underneath that uh mess or the Christmas tree in the center there yeah

I don’t even know if that’s accurate maybe I just made that up but I heard a couple other smart gentlemen use that today so I think it’s legit Mau controlled weight got to get it by that front guard curling out really going to go get it by got her

By gets the action oh great sweep great sweep great shot great shot there Mau is tucked behind and you know you go from seeing M throw those really big weight run backs to the such a technical shot like this really impressive the touch two and and a small margin of

Error’s probably not roll into a great spot little low he’ll have a double a great overhead shot thanks to the crew for that I’m good with that just talking about what the best and worst case scenarios are here I think with the run back but I think

They’re pretty settled on that is going to be the call so the angles are there for this shot and the potential uh to do some serious damage but you’re dealing with multiple angles Chris yeah if they they hit this right maybe just a little bit on the center

Line side as we see it I think they can get all these yellows moving so we’ll see what brenan’s got dialed up here botcher with his first with the hammer in five in the in turn so it will have to move up a little bit got to go from glant

Needs the curl face of it got it two yellows gone just just slightly off in what they were hoping for I think on this one though Chris yeah great shot Evan they just wanted to get that top yellow one moving as well so curl a little more and

Get that maybe pushing out the right side as we’re looking at from the top but tell that they’re really not happy with it but I I don’t think it’s the worst result in the world here there is a chance for a double but uh we have to

See if he can make it here first red a little bit good call a little higher where we needed to be the whole way but to be honest we hit it a millimeter low I thought we were close yeah said you got I said you got

It at the yeah Bruce Mau with his final shot in to put the pressure on and take away nice shot from botcher I think it’s looking for the got to move up a bit hit and roll oh great shot you’ll get them both made it look automatic so yeah will

Be uh draw for botcher facing two yellow stones being forced here again to their one just a great pressure shot from Mau and a game of exchanging singles continues here wow it’s a lowc scoring Affair and Buzzy in the chat says Christmas tree the descriptive that you

Guys are talking about was first coined by Colleen Jones back in her Heyday wow that’s a great fact you’re a smarter man than than I Buzzy we appreciate that so botcher now is going to need a full 4f foot at least to legitimize this point Chris and great shot for moed and

Like you said the singles are traded here back and forth yeah and another big pressure draw here for botcher he’s had a couple these this game but guess that’s why the skips get paid the big bucks as they say front end leads it now we’re gonna

Pull it in there shot shot Byer really great draw and all of it for one which means mauet main Mau will get the hammer and it’s three2 after five and this game is buzzing by Chris my gosh yeah I can’t believe we’re in the sixth already so well here’s the thing

When you look across the board some of these games are only in the fourth yeah that’s right we are we’re really cruising along here guys are cruising wasting no time of course at this uh this event too there’s no timing like you’d see at a Brier so we’ve seen

Some games take a little longer a little more discussions carrying on a little longer than you might see at some of the other events and uh and I think that’s great it’s it’s awesome to hear their thought process so sponsors up on your screen locally here we couldn’t do an

Event like uh this without boundary forward and Canadian Angus click Before You Dig Lloydminster agricultural Exhibition Center and the RL electric group tent guys Wild Rose pump and compression is a presenting sponsor here Excel Insurance must grave agencies industrial scientific Fountain Tire and of course Aztec safety the vision the

Drive and a quick mention too we thank these corporate sponsors but we couldn’t do this without all of the volunteers I mean you and I get a fun spot to be volunteering here behind the mic but uh a lot of people here from local companies and just uh community members

Yeah ton of the the yellow volunteer shirts around here and I’ve seen people here right from Thursday and I don’t know if they’ve left I honestly thought they were just sleeping here I’ve seen them so much so uh some some long hours and thank you very much to all the

Volunteers yeah it takes a lot of people power too takes a lot of sponsorship takes a lot of help on the money side but also people to make this work and bring the bleachers in and set things up and we uh give a thanks to Maz entertainment locally here for the

Production value and the picture and picture which some people on the stream saying they really appreciate so we’re trying our best to make this thing as dialed in and professional as we we can is the first time we’ve done this event in Lloydminster and a lot of first for

Us but I say it looks like an event that’s been uh well oiled from this from this side Chris no kidding and uh I hope it continues for many years to come so Mau looks to send one in there in the top four foot yeah so Mau you

Know they have that unforced air but uh we’re able to to uh get the force to botcher there so now they do have hammer and still up one so another chance to take a little more of a a lead here to Cur a little got a got a curl Kennedy

Gant yep yep y yep yep yep working this one in keep going keep going just wants it on the center good pair of guard rocks here for botcher wow yeah well both on that Center Line too so they can’t be uh can’t be touched or removed off of

There so Mau looking to sink another one in behind here top of his one that’s already shot just touching the button hamy hammy McMillan Jr for team Mau this Scotland team with five grand slam of curling titles National Title in 2017 Champions Cup in 2021 Players Championship 2021 2022 and Masters in

2021 Olympic silver medalist last year too and World Championship gold medalist this year four-time European Championship gold medalists in 2018 2021 22 and 23 and like you said one of the youngest teams in the mix here too yeah well just to have that resume at their

Age too just unbelievable I think like I said before but can’t say enough good things about this team they’re going to be forced to be reckoned with for a long time and that’s pretty straight quick confirmation in the chat are you hearing the players better now we’re working on some buttons on this

Side pulling some plugs if you can hear the players let us know and if you want to just know if the VIP lounges pop and let us know that too right we’ll we’ll be happy to fill in on that as well so touch the face of this

One and a great shot separation great spot for that rock and a nice shot from Brett Gant wait good time good confir confirmation from Mark Kennedy and and whether these guys are going to admit it or not you know that uh the physical is coming into play like you can’t deny

Three games in one day that’s tough yeah even the best athletes are going to struggle with that you know they they don’t leave anything out on the ice they they give their all so nice heal from Bobby Lamy and I was thinking about it too Chris in what

Sport would you play potentially if you’re looking at Team return as four games in one day I mean some UFC matches some boxing matches these guys have nine months to prepare for I mean none of these guys are getting punched in the jaw hopefully but uh still the physicality of curling until you

Actually try the sport way more physical than what it looks like especially this level with the the sweeping like it’s uh it’s so deceiving how much pressure and how much work goes into that I thinking about as you mentioned that watching the NFL playoffs today and yeah one you know you

Play once a week and that’s a lot so yeah four games in a in a day is a heavy lift I will say I mean the physicality in terms of your body alone yeah and curling for sure these guys aren’t getting decked that’s that’s fair but

When you look at the sweep action on the front side holy here sure I’ll be as tight as we can that’s what they were thinking leave it a yeah two thirds leave it a quarter open maybe he chases it remember this Gant with his second now down by one in the sixth some

Strategy here too for Mau hammer in six you’d think you’d get Hammer back in eight Chris yeah it’s important to score in these even ends we always say especially in these end gam eight in games if you can uh either score here or blank and uh with the amount of rocks in

Play it’s looking more likely there’ll be a score here so you can just score your one you’re in really nice shape looking for the guard here it’ll be a little shorter than that they wanted but still a really good spot and usable couple people wondering who we are which

Is kind of special nobody ever asks yeah my name’s Evan and alongside Chris and just a couple local guys from Lloyd Minster who love the game of curling yeah thanks everyone for spending your Saturday night with us Bobby Lamy with his second looking to peel their own push back potentially oh

My that was goodness really nice plan be there they didn’t want the double peel but uh I think they’ll take that pick any looking for the double peel and gets lucky and you got to be good to be lucky you got to be lucky to be good and uh Lamy will

Take that one all day wow wow just missed that top red one too oh my gosh Mark Kennedy into third Stones now Line’s a little tight and six and now they got to dig in it doesn’t have an opportunity to make this back even better than it was before if you can

Sink on right on top of that yellow shot Stone back button Ben’s really going to go on this get it by that guard first and then get it right down to that yellow gotta go Ben G everything he’s got digging in in a good spot sitting right over the

Pin what a sweep from Hebert sheet six uh RoR as steals two against Aden so they take a big 5-1 lead into the sixth yeah quick quick look around the horn here team kui leading 4-1 over schwaller obviously in our match mauet 3-2 over botcher gushu up 3-2 over KS and

RZ with a three spot and a two- spot backto back to be 5-1 leading over nicadan all of these games quarterfinal matches you lose and you’re done and you win and you play again tomorrow yeah two big draws tomorrow looking forward to the action continues here at the linster gulf and curling

Center first draw is 10: a.m. local time that’s mountain time here in Lloydminster so the teams will get some rest but it is quarter after 9 here in the evening so yeah it’s definitely cutting into the sleep time if you’re uh you’re making a quick turnaround to tomorrow morning in

Just over 12 hours we’ll be right back at it regardless of the action so that tells you how much curling is still still left to go that’s I got some good discussion from the Kennedy team there he plays the run if he loses the back we’re H

Rolls he loses all three of them back boom boom boom sticks the shooter we play the hit and hole right we get a little little half sh again here M delivering looking for the run back oh my goodness unbelievable oh my goodness such a tough shot let’s get the replay here so run

Back and just needs to chip this one out and this is a finesse play Chris oh just barely caught it this one out runs it back red oned chips it out that’s touch right there from Team Mau and it’s it’s been the tale of this game all game this team is running rocks

Back and you said it first no rock is covered no rock is safe right now so tough to hide one on these guys here so Canen it again look to follow this down and uh maybe get a little closer to that yellow get a little little more backing here get the freeze ideally

Lines good close bit of room room room okay go ahead go ahead go ahead guys this one’s a little late here too seems the uh spots catching them a little bit there three have come up a little bit light and this one the lightest of all so where were they

Hoping to put this one Chris I think they wanted that a little a little deeper get it uh down closer to that yellow so if they did try to run back there was a jam possibility looks like another run back here for uh for maadan looking to run

This red one out and leave their yellows sitting too Grant Hardy with his last shot in N six as we creep closer to skip stones and Mau it sitting two this one’s got to curl up a bit and they’ll end up driving it by and that

Was I think the first run back that team Mau has missed I think you’re right all game some people saying great coverage here tonight Chris and uh some people wondering hey can we get uh rocks remaining on the screen and uh you know as we dig in and as these things goes

You never know but we’re dealing with uh some firsttime production on this side with mass entertainment and I think they’re doing a great job in their first time covering curling so uh the the crew behind the scenes for our game at least hasn’t covered a curling game ever in

Their life no and they’re doing a phenomenal job and you never know we can tell you we’ve got two red and two yellow Stones left skip rocks left here in the sixth end so four rocks left and a lot of end left to be played Lori wondering what’s the update on the koi

Side koi up by two 42 for koi Hammer too so a pretty good spot there playing Five we need a we need a half I mean force is a force is good I thought if he could freeze a little low it’s a great shot that’s I mean I know it’s super hard

But yeah I’m just I’m just saying he’s probably not feeling dark so these guys now full team discussion yeah such an important shot here got to got to get this call right and uh make it as tough on M as possible making a roll against the game my first thought was a

Guard we we need half a shot I know he’s not going to feel it but so there they’re talking right now about uh options and setting things up and saying whatever we do he’s going to peel if they put it up there yeah exactly he’d be just as happy here with

H with a blank so sounds like they are are decided on on a shot here though so just sit one on the center line halfway between the hog and the Rings Chris is ideally where they’d want this one yeah and force uh ma to deal with it and probably peel it

Here and on their second I think they were talking about that uh yellow Hit And Roll to the center and make it really hard for M to score so we’ll see how it plays out but looks like they have a strategy in mind Brendan botcher with his first in the

Sixth four shots or four rocks remaining in this end good cing the out turn looking for that Center guard might have to curl a bit Line’s pretty good line go go go go just for wait on this one line looks good from Mark Kennedy this deep as possible good a

Really good spot there and pretty much where they wanted that one Chris yeah you know what it’s going to probably well I was going to say it’ll force them out to deal with it but uh they might ignore it and uh and just look at playing to the center so

Good I you know based on what botcher was talking about uh maybe not the worst idea just to beat him there and take that shot away scar we need a little bit of help in the quter nothing scary [Laughter] now I know I’m not sure if you guys can

Hear that on the mic but uh Kennedy and botcher just going back and forth and botcher saying kind of looks a little scary out there and Kennedy says nothing scary we’re in the quarters doing a lot of talking try harder mentality yeah there’s not a lot of super like

Right on the SE is perfect haven’t even mentioned come right it so Bruce looking to come right to his own rock Chris that’s the design of this shot yeah it looks like and like we uh like we talked about it does take away basically botcher getting there although it might leave

Some uh some sort of inof there too so they got to be pretty particular with this rock placement Hardy deliberating with Mau the worst thing you can do if you hang out there a little bit and uh little bit outside and a little deep and leave them

A double to sit Buri to make mau’s last shot pretty tough as it stands now team mauet with two sitting and mau’s first rock of the sixth with three rocks to go a yeah that Mau it with the hammer looking to come down and freeze on his own on the

Back of the for foot McMillan Jr and lamby up front Hardy on the line we’re going to have to go to get this by to got by the light out here corner guard they got a roll though Chris they got a roll though yeah and it will come up light that spot’s really

Been catching them both teams here wow yeah so chance for Bacher to hit this and roll to the center likely sit one and uh Force M’s hand to to the single so a bit of a gift from Team Mau maybe in this sense but he does have Hammer he does have last

Rock This is botcher here last Rock I think it’s like a line 13 I’m good with that just a in a in a perfect world we move this out of the eight so that he can’t just splitting Center splitting Center biting the button with back line it’s getting the button

Allon okay it’s just straight here like I think even with back line I would like to see it the actual is looking like backline weight yeah and they do want to keep that yellow one around to just move it and get that little flop to the Center

For Shot Rock contact on a third of the rock on the inside of that yellow rock that Kennedy’s got his broom next to there and looking to spill in behind coverage and hopefully lay Shot Rock yeah I you know they could uh make this perfect and force M to a draw and

Uh course M’s draw we’s been really good but after that last tricky spot that could get in a in the Skip’s head and uh good think you don’t mind making him think about a little more shots there for roll under coverage potentially could steal here if it it’s done the

Right way Chris and now it’s left to botcher final shot from him in the sixth critical shot facing down two Mau at stones with one to come and it’s up to the front end now of Hebert and Gant who’ve been sweeping for two games previous good communication from the

Team got to go by by the first they’re by the first keep it straight curling wow what aot nice touch by Brendan botcher and the crowd recognizes that option mnp VIP lounge in the Arby’s fan Zone and everybody upstairs saying doesn’t get much better than that Chris

Yeah you can definitely tell uh we got some home home uh favorites here the hometown host team in botcher sponsored by Aztec safety the Aztec safety curling challenge as we just crested over 9:30 local time I know that it’s already Sunday in Scotland where we have some fans watching this game online we’ll

Play uh Margery went out door KN and we’ll W up some neighbors there and yeah marjerie did you get anybody else in your house couple people saying the uh rocks on the screen under their names that doesn’t tell you how many rocks are left that just notes which team is which

Color yeah that’s right in case you’re just tuning into the stream and we’ll do our best to let you know how many rocks are left to help you out with that but a great shot by team Watcher oh and we’re looking at uh looking at something big

Here I think he’s going to look at running his own yellow back back onto that red and through that part so very tricky shot very tricky shot he makes it right he could sit at least two I don’t know if he can stick around uh that

Raised Rock but this could be a dagger for team Mau if they make it looking for a deuce needs to run his own back angle raise front end working gotta go got a hit her dead on and drive her back angles there does he have it Wicks

Off the top does he push back enough yeah and he will get his one little unlucky just to catch that red it had to curl up a hair more really tough shot but uh a good result did get his one important end to score just a chip and not by Design

Chris but he will pick up the one and it’s 42 team mowt over team botcher as we take a quick break from the Aztec safety curling challenge in Lloyd Minster Alberta Saskatchewan like people businesses have their Journey their path sometimes straight but more often evolving growing and adapting to a changing world creating

The need for knowledge in areas like accounting Consulting Tax Technology areas critical to your continued growth and success all part of the journey all part of what we do together with you because your success is the destination mnp wherever business takes you sh viewers right now who are still up with

Us as we creep into the evening hours of this final draw on Saturday in the first ever Aztec safety curling challenge 42 team Mau over team botcher and a quick look around the rink in this quarterfinal playdowns across the board team kui up 4-2 over schwaller Mau 4-2 over

Botcher 33 tie game gushu and KS nicadan is down 5-1 with return as in their fourth game of the day up 51 and looking to come all the way back from the sea for some Redemption andan Line’s good as we dial back into our featured match’s good VRA look to

Score two here and mine’s good mine’s good got a big steal in the eighth line no no it doesn’t Line’s good Line’s good Line’s good Line’s good yep yep yep very good guys very good so a force clean it force of one for Mau in the final uh in the sixth

End there Chris and really good shot your line calls great shot as team botcher picks up hammer in the seventh little bit so not maybe where they thought they’d be six ends in but anybody’s match here as we continue to roll on with a Do or Die game between both

Teams it’s pretty nice here in Lloyd Minster yeah and a credit to Maz entertainment and crew who are working to see if we can at least get some better vocals from the ice level on these two teams as we finish this game off and appreciate your feedback on the stream Line’s good you

Yep big sweep Kennedy Hebert and just on the corner 42 Mau it leads botcher and Bobby Lammy now with his first stone of the seventh into second shots now getting some interesting angles shape up here yeah both teams looking to stack looking to create some potential separation looking to see how they can

Maneuver theirs and and you could hear the front end talking about this run back double and looks like that’s what botam might go after here glant going to walk down and see what uh botcher thinking potentially and always good and you might notice no time

Clock in the back of these guys so you have the luxury of time to discuss shots like this Chris yeah the guys really see them take advantage of it so it’s uh good for them to have these discussions a little more in sync come play Down Season seeing with your

Intern I think we’re throwing it hard yeah it if you ever get past this yellow you need a little bit of weight just like a smooth peel looking to see some movement uh looking to make some noise on this one Chris yeah and I think looking for that yellow

Onto yellow and Z the front end say just replace that top yellow walk rock with a red one so it’s their own to to deal with and run back Brett glant now with his first team botcher with the hammer oh clean runs it back you know not what they’re looking

For exactly but really good result I think obviously it keeps things a little clean for these guys Chris and it makes it a little less complicated instead of the stack job there yeah and you know they’re controlling the front of the house with their Rock and uh sitting too

So they’ll be happy with that always nice to see three opponent Stones leave too absolutely not right nothing yeah when you see your your opponent spill out three on the back side you also got to feel good about a got like that too don’t know that

There’s a double here you almost have to get right to the no quite but uh it might pop it out to the middle or out to the outside I should say Oh I thought he was on his yellow you much right on the nose yeah I’m just skny there yellow there and

We’re able to get both moving yeah I think so great shot able to get both out of there and B will look to do the run back and uh and get rid of both of those yellow St so now it’s so how quickly things change too here Chris yeah just

Unbelievable shot making a shot you’d think might not even be there and uh just made it perfect another update from the Aden return as game turnz steals one over Aden and now up 61 yep yep hard and I think hard hard hard hard hard hard hard hard the end of that

One good another great shot here run back and uh we’re back to an open house unbelievable funny how this end started with so many rocks in play and uh to believe a few shot lat shots later here we are fully open house yeah both both uh thirds exchanging some

Nice shots here tired tired I’m old I’m tired Mark Kennedy says I’m tired thanks I think Mark’s my age so it’s a little disheartening for him to say he’s old but or you try to stick this with a little softer I’m sure I’d feel pretty old if I was playing three

Games a day to he’s way out there Grant Hardy with his first looking the sync one here and uh really nice shot did leave a little bit out there maybe halfer if we want to try to keep that blank alive yeah get to the flop if you got enough of it

12 is okay with this what’s the play here Chris I missed it yeah you know what I think they were trying to get to the noes or maybe even the Flop inside I don’t know for sure if they can but uh sure get rid of it and uh and sit right

There going to play some control weight at this Mark Kennedy with his final shot of the seventh end control easy Benny clean yep yep clean yep yep clean yep yep hard hard hard no was nice touch weight there from Mark Kennedy good weight call guys good shot it does leave the

Redstone fully open for Bruce maetz first so botcher with control and Hammer and seven wanting multiple obviously to cash in on an opportunity to even this up going home in eight and I think Bruce would really like to get the inside flop here and uh Force Watcher’s hand maybe into making that run

Back he rolls under it’s obvious Bruce Mau first don’t think we want to roll under because he wraps around I think we almost want to roll away farther away if we can have an over roll Mau with contact just a little too much roll there partially buried but uh enough sh in

There for botcher to make a good play on it so team botcher now an opportunity to remove this Stone and maybe bury themselves under cover and carve out a two spot botcher with his first in the seventh looking to get a piece of this mauet rock clean clean call supers called us

Hack so weight should be pretty good it does have to move a little bit big sweep from Heber gotta get there all the way sweep W really great sweep that world class stuff from Ben Hebert rent Gant in their third game of the day and they still got the juice to

Pull off a shot like that oh good good pretty sure he’s worn through three pads of his broom by now on Ben jeez I saw a few up here for for auction a few Brun heads and uh I think the way these guys are sweeping no wonder they they probably have lots to

Sign they’re going through him so fast so nothing left on the this is mau’s final shot of the end got a good time I got a 1225 half the Rock open what’s his thoughts here Chris are they looking to just cut the scoring potential down now yeah I think cut the

Scoring Zone down for sure uh maybe sink one in here so Ma’s last in seven botcher hoping for a couple yeah and you know if you’re Mau uh giving up two not the end of the world you’re still coming home with hammer pretty good spot to be in so just

Really don’t want to give up that uh big end McMillan Jr Bobby Lamy from team mauet got to get this one where they want it to be got to bury this back there maybe back four bury it back forefoot undercover oh a great shot and a great

Shot finished NI at the end too so very tough uh chance for a deuce here for botcher but with that intern tap as they’re talking about you don’t have to move it a long ways yeah your second shot is sitting just full eight touching the 12 never get 12 as

Well this rock doesn’t have to get through that’s what you just said Chris and that you don’t have to push it through the house you just have to get it far enough to score two yeah actually watch because it’s over it looks like they’re going to play

This with the out turn just try to get to the nose of that RIT very shot here great opportunity for botcher if I’m giving you a couple feet less I still have to play it tight yeah I still I do think we need a little less y quick calculation from Kennedy and

Somebody in the chat says Mark Kennedy is so clutch and he’s been doing this for so long he uh yeah I think it goes without saying yeah and he’d have multiple skips he’s played for that I think would agree with that comment botcher with his final shot in seven needs the

Deuce needs it from Hebert to curl on this one Chris there straight from G pressure shot go too touched sorry guys yeah I know I know heartbreak sorry fellas be a little patient wow so close to being an absolute pistol there oh he yikes well that’s the game of curling and that’s

The game of millimeters and Mark Kennedy instantly says hey sorry fellas so one for Mau yeah oh yeah yeah I know from up here that uh that threw us off too it looked like it was hanging out there but man when it took off it really took off

St wow could have been a little more patient 52 and a steel of one for Bruce Mau in the seventh I got a 129 I don’t know if it makes it and team botcher down three with the hammer coming home yeah and you know they’re going to need to get some uh

Some guards up here and maybe a miss or two to generate that three they’re going to need to tie it here set one up here as we check in with some local sponsors in Canadian Angus and Boundary forward the Lloyd X the curling club here in Lloyd which we’re broadcasting

Out of live right now from Lloydminster and click Before You Dig RL electric the tent guys presenting sponsors Wild Rose pumps and compression must grave agencies Excel Insurance Fountain Tire industrial scientific and Aztec safety on the logo big corpor sponsors locally to help us out with this and Mark

Kennedy says all right let’s set one up here Chris yeah and we’ve seen a seen a couple games like this where uh you know M’s going to throw one in there and maybe a second one and uh we’ve been seen a few teams in these uh in these

Spots up by three and throwing their third one away so we’ll see if that uh that continues here Line’s good guys quick check in across the board uh Team kuy oh against Scher 52 and it shows you the speed of the game we’re playing these guys

Are yeah we’re uh these guys are in six right now and we’re coming home in eight oh wow shot on the K over botcher right now looking just to take this red one in so it can be with on the next shot but they will Glide by it a good Miss in this

Case 33 guu kurs and uh bit of a blowout return returnes 61 over Aden they played four games they lost their first two battled four games today in the SE event and the world number one says we’ll come back on Sunday and see what’s up that’s pretty special

I don’t know what the temperature is in Italy right now but maybe that cold lyminster air has just been invigorating for though so yeah good lungs they got the oxygen flowing right you never know you could be on something here Chris yeah so botcher opts to set up staggered guards yeah

Now it would uh look to continue his strategy here and probably just put another one in the Rings what do you think Chris yeah looks like he is so and we did see him up by three uh two nights ago when he he just threw his third one

Through but here with those two guards maybe shifting gears and looking to put the pressure on that I for oh if he misses it set up for three maybe okie dokie yeah a shift to gears here I think he maybe he’s going to make a play on one

Of these Corners uh bit of a discussion from Lamy course can’t be removed completely yet but looking to uh maybe move it in the ring so it can be dealt with After and an update on the gushu ks game guu gets one and seven KS with the hammer coming home in eight I’ll just Glide by it and they’re going to put one right through the Rings in Lamy guys I think the first one ideally is like back four right top 12

Oh he’s going top 12 Kennedy says something botra says another well you know we always say uh with our our college teams any shot is the right col as long as make it so that’s right and thank you to Lori on the chat saying you guys and the crew have done a

Phenomenal job room that’s the volunteers back here the production crew from entertainment eight Line’s good these guys have been here all day Line’s good to 12 little bit of room curl my rock my rock curl c c front end Hebert still working it Kennedy in on the action now got to get

It in the paint Chris yeah I’m just looking for top 12 and they’ll put it right there just a great scrub by Hebert Kennedy how many times have we seen that over the years how many Tylenol is Ben Heber popping after this okay are going to sleep like babies tonight yeah

Holy maybe that was the strategy return as trying to end early because their fourth yeah and they realized the the time and thought we we better end this in a hurry here let’s go to sleep yep little lamby with his second shot just about had that double

Peel and you think if you makes that makes it real tough for B to get his at least the two play that way but the three becom awfully tough so we’ll manage this one we won’t kill it early good 52 Mau over botcher good we’re a little little tight I think weight’s good

Line’s good Line’s good s here third shot Lance first curl little curl yep looking to Who Bite the four maybe just sit back eight nice touch from still forcing them out to deal with this corner guard this is why you get the first one back

Four Kennedy this is why the this is why you get the first one back for it’s the next shot yeah I think the number of competitive games Kennedy played and I would tend to defer to head MMA on strategy for sure Peele routine from Grant Hardy as he delivers his first into

Third Stones now in the eighth and running out of rocks from Team botcher gonna need some help on this end I think Chris if you’re a fan of those guys and wanting those this is coming you at the point you’re going to going to need a miss or a half Miss at

Some point any threes in play that that is a tough score especially against a team like ma that’s so good at hitting tough to hide rocks against got to give credit to team ma who basically missed nothing all all night it’s unbelievable it’s playing fantastic all

Week and credit to winning in a triple knockout format Line’s good you win you rest you lose you battle and team botcher Line’s good really battled all day today to find themselves in the quarters little bit of rough start to the Spiel but uh really came on

Here fighting right now down to the wire you’re good there you’re good there you’re good great sweet sorry I thought was a little light just good shot Mark okay had a bit of a decision there talking about hitting the open one but I think they will go back to the

Peel because he’s going to just going to nose the back my thought was if he knows the back final shot it’s going to be a pretty good Target for him you know sleeves five Stones left what else do you like if we don’t three for botcher

Two for maard after this it well can you guard this one quick a double not really though I that thin double he’s going to play is his easiest one like if you put it yeah yeah yeah Yeah so Kennedy and botcher talking about the potential of what it looks like and the team’s going to come down might be a sneaky good call critical spot now in this end what are you seeing here Chris yeah you got to get in your opponent’s head

And think of what they’re going to play and uh and what your best chance of generating that three is here in front of it yeah then you might have a double on your last one for three he’s these guys are thinking M’s going to knows try to eliminate some

Stones so if you have separation I like the free lock it right on lock it right on to this rock I almost threw that exact same shot right there of it looking at a double for uh for three on the last shot maybe so yeah really like they always say kin’s like a

Game of chess you got to think uh couple moves ahead I don’t mind this call here Chris I like this call yeah I like how they really thought it out well the team’s all on board yeah I’ve been statistically it’s a tough spot to be for B

But the Rocks remaining give them a chance and the separation in the house gives them a chance K his second here Kennedy’s final shot in eight oh Line’s good looking to sit onto that yellow touching the forefoot got to curl a little Line’s good curl still curl still curls still curl

Looking now lock it right on top great shot from Kennedy he wanted maybe to be a little bit further flushed with that one Chris but yeah that’s such a such a hard shot to make and uh just about perfect Paul I thought I got a little outside

Yet so now team mau’s going to think about what they have to do here and it’s a good sign if uh you’re botcher to make these guys think about the potential of this end it’s not going to be easy to wrap this one up even though they’re up

Five too no one with this class of team I don’t think it ever is it’s uh it’s a battle right to the down to the wire guys aren’t really believing me but it’s just a little bit slower like even when I let that go they go Max any of

These teams have a potential to strike even when you don’t think they can so that’s so true top athleticism nine of the top 10 men’s teams in Lloyd and nearly all top eight ranked World teams made it to the quarters I think maybe all eight I’m not

Sure I’d have to go back but some big names in these quarters right now return return is the first to move on to Sunday Eden has been eliminated looking for a shot guu up one coming home against KS KS has the hammer which double do you

Want to leave Koy up by three over schwaller you think that one yeah they’re still uh still twins behind over there EV so they’re really uh a slow game back here okay just a clean open takeout for team Mau and as team botcher had predicted hit on the open one so their

Strategy will continue on here just even those ones up yeah um you might know he’s gonna maybe nose this right and then you’ll have the slip double so ma it’s first and two botra stones left turn with uh I want to keep my shooter pretty high like I’m worried

With board we’re going to roll to a perfect half Rock double you know you play with the outturn too if it looks better yeah out turn with normal what are you thinking right now we’re just playing the hit and roll and you just got you got to put it over here you

Take it long as possible it’s always going to be a natural D can I our other shot is this and get this one to here and then it then they’re different doubles I don’t mind separation oh yeah my my Shooters it’s good both the angles at this point isn’t it and some good

Discussion about uh either way you’re leaving a double but where’s the tougher double then he’s yeah that’s fine he’s just doing the half a rock off the six but it might be jamming botcher with two left Mau with one shot to come this is Watchers first

Rock no his easiest double is going to be off this one into my shooter so how do you leave I me if you’re the hardest shot I meant if you’re going that way for Bruce Mau who’s hit everything and more in this game except for that one forced Miss on that

Draw like I can throw I can throw this with normal he’s playing this he’s doing this 100 miles an hour and he might have action here no time clock here so it’s just either roll one way or Roll Along the time in the world to talk

About this the out turn with normal and roll to here this if he plays this one that jams you think he’s going to play this one but is there any way that you can keep your shooter high enough that it’s not a really easy natural one if we

Throw an out turn and throw firm at it we can probably roll it to even and get it to there that’s that’s a thought pretty tough for him yeah my Shooter’s going to bounce a little high with the two of them Frozen right I’ll get a bit better roll than I would

Otherwise you like that sure should be dead straight here hey I think this is pretty straight you’re trying to give me eight and a half yeah okay well I think I’m eight sure okay yeah kind of three three quars low yeah yeah eight yeah looks like they’re going

To try to roll the shooter off to the right as we’re looking at on the screen I think either way they’re going to leave a double but feel most confident this is the best leave team botcher with his first of two in the eighth yeah Easy Clean oh yep yep yes yes yes

No action now action whoa got to get it away got to get it away good as he can do much it’s about as good as you can do Chris in terms of the leave and yeah and as I said I knew they would they would leave a double but

Uh he’s still got to make it so oh but if he can uh that’ll be handshake do good as we could do with whatever weight I threw throw peel maybe you roll half Rock higher so Bruce Mau with his last clear two red rocks and your handshakes

Onto the semis on Sunday you miss life for botcher with one final Ro I thought that was a bit of a straight spot throw Bruce Mau looking for the double and it’s final in the eight will it be handshakes McMillan on it all the way rolls it sits

It not quite enough to get both okay so okay well I think there is straight right on the nose double here for three don’t see it doing anything go botcher with a chance botcher with the chance for I know you got a little bit of curl but

I can’t imagine that with a good throw middle of rock it’s going to do anything agre we have to trust it yeah yeah I I don’t want to see an inch I absolutely yeah right on the nose and uh they don’t expect us to move much so final Stone in eight team botcher

Looking for a nose double sit for three and force an extra end it all comes down to this your life in the Aztec safety curling challenge here in Lloyd Miner final shot from botcher NE NOS all rock so far got a curl clean clean is it there got the double for the

Three and we’re on to extra ends three fromer unbelievable shot and the crowd here at the Lord Minster Golf and curling Center is going wild wow wow guys we’re kicking him down for sure yeah thanks fellas thanks boys good job oh yeah right every extra end has been

Played this way the whole week yeah an interesting uh discussion there they’re going to kick the Rocks down and play them back home again for the extra end oh I guess we’re playing at home so what you’re seeing right now is uh every exra end we saw was coming home oh

Okay going to change the plans that’s why just C it up thanks yeah good call so Ken says were inside knows the whole says you got to bring them back never as wide as and you never called to sweep it and uh I think in the quarters now it’s uh

We’re dead I think in a spot where I thought it you play The Rocks where they lie and yeah looks that way I took a quick glance on the scoreboard to see if there was any gamesmanship to that with scoring in the odd ends but five making sure on the same page so

Statistically I don’t know smarter people in the chat maybe can figure this one out but boy I tell you that wasn’t statistically uh maybe in the cards for boser but they’ve got second life in an extra with mait yeah and an extra chance to thank some of our sponsors so we’ got Bandit

Beex and construction Synergy tar one Border in and Suites Cooperators Jason ardin Associates velocity Truck Centers Strath cona resources 1061 the goat lnl oilfield and the presenting sponsor wild R pump and compression and of course Aztec safety who are the title sponsors the Aztec saf challenge oh it’s got all

For your support can we go deep hey curl then yeah yeah yeah hard hard hard hard new life for botcher here into the extra they won’t have Hammer but setting up that first Corner Center guard there and M will look to come around it right away good shot thanks

142 McMillan’s first and it will come a little deeper than he likes right on the button there but uh can be bumped back Dead behind it Line’s good we’re and this one looks like it may have unfortunately picked BR come on BR we right on that top rock oh good

We got out of it what we could so now the psychology Chris if your team Mau with a vice grip basically on this entire game and Bot comes back to take three yeah and you know you and and they’ve been there and uh you just got to think you still have Hammer here

You’re still in a good spot you still control the game uh I think team of level they’ll be able to shake this off and and make the best of it and of course you just saw the unfortunate pick for team botcher there opening the door for ma a little bit

Here they bring that one just outside of the for foot sitting two chance for botcher to move these around behind the T line we’re trying to hit half Rock God guys I I I love getting close to nose as soon as your shooter rolls off the end is all it’s

Trouble you see what I mean do you hear me team coming down to uh have a quick suggestion here and have a quick chat with botcher some of the local uh friends listening here asking is Ki only in the seventh yeah they we saw this with a few of their

Games really taking advantage of not having the clock they’ve had a few longer games discussions you can do like we talked about it’s good warm up before you get into playdowns make sure you’re on the same page and time to have these conversations that’s still gonna be a

Problem yeah I’m still okay with your first shot I just wanted Brett’s first rock to be to matter okay I’m I if we could get to nose with back back eight that’s that’s awesome that’s a great shot can make it I think there’s room update from

The KY sorry guu GS uh sheet and KS with a win over gushu moving on another team that started off a little slow but wow they’re really getting hot at the right time here knocking off the gushu powerhouse yeah so as that game ends we welcome any

Viewers who want to catch the tail end of a bonus action game between Bruce mauet and Brendan bot in Squad three for botcher in the eighth to force in ninth close clean yep with the Red Rocks facing two M Stones here looking to get to the nose

Of this both these yellows back behind theine ideally all the way up and a nice little bump maybe not quite as far as i”d like but still a good spot you could do good as you can do and this is now where you dig deep CH

And go third game for botcher third game and an extra extra ends jeez I’m sure they’d uh take that over the alternative though that uh that big three for spus and uh sure maybe a little extra lifeblood and you got to be feeling rejuvenated after that one

That’s for sure great game thus far though and world class curling here at the Lloydminster Golf and curling Center and Lloyd Min the Aztec safety curling challenge couple feet more so far KS get this rock at least 2 feet farther RZ on the way to the semis

Looking for two more to join him will it be schwaller and Koy okay okay sounds good Mau and botcher Brett Gant now and for B steal at all costs looking for the best way they can that happen last shot for curl curl need the curl from Hebert hard

Got to dig in with everything he got left gotta dig with everything you got left move it angle it a good shot great shot from Gant really great sweep there nice throws Brett that’s tough these guys are digging when you heard Kennedy say really wanted Brent’s

First shot to count well both are going to count there those were two great shots by Brent Bobby Lamy running it back trying to get a clip and misses that one still sitting two but the door’s still open here for vouer this usable so looking to guard this probably

Like on the high side sounds good sounds good Mark Kennedy with his first in the ninth Mau with the hammer botcher with a three spot to force the ninth who will be joining KS and return as as those two teams have already forced their way into the semis tomorrow

With the draw starting at 10:00 a.m. full details at Aztec safety Challenge on Facebook Instagram KY up one over schwaller on the other side here with the only other game remaining tonight Line’s good for Line’s good for C never asked to curl oh oh over and off looking to hold this

Pretty straight it is over curling a bit on them on just right front of that red rock 12 foot there touch from Kennedy and over on the Koy side you have a complete Duff and a miss on everything yeah and the action really heating up here on Saturday night you

Could hear the the oo and a of the crowd there still a packed house here M&P VIP lounge packed Arby’s fan Zone packed good to see first one and split all three of them and leave your shooter there yeah yeah it is a nose isn’t it okay special for curling in our area

Chris and it’s special to have an event like this back in town and lots of local Partnerships and Aztec safety while Rose pump of compression presenting and all the volunteers to make something like this happen behind the scenes and running this one back potentially and they’ll get two really great shot did

Leave one red but uh really nice result for them still sitting to but that botcher stone in a dangerous spot there ma like you said Chris in position but that botcher stone nose is darn good I think it up in a dangerous position for Kennedy to do some damage

Here let’s talk it out they say go down and talk it out yep I’d really like to hit it just a sliver low like and we welcome everybody who is watching gu for others and decided to hang in for a little extra curling with us here on the B

Side just seen a little bump in on the stream and we like that see if we can press 3,000 here at really 10:30 in the evening great finish here coming up with this extra end between botcher and M M Hammer dead on the nose I think you’re

Good botcher course with the big three in the eigh end with hammer to force this extra end um Brett through 138 and I thought that was minimum so 132 132 13 138 136 you threw a little more on with the mass entertainment crew I don’t want to speak for you Chris but

Obviously this game’s going to end before Ki and I’m good to stick around and wrap that game if you are let’s do it yeah you bet so as this will end before kuy’s game we will have extra coverage tonight and wrap that game as well so stick around you’re G to get

Some extra extra coverage extra ends in this one and we’ll take you through the last two ends of Koy potentially as well here has KY and schwaller still battling out 54 on that side to see who squeaks into the semi tomorrow and still nothing to determine and uh no finality here

Left on Mau and botcher game we thought it might be over second life for botcher and Kennedy with his second down to third rocks and still a lot to be decided here easy whoa clean whoa whoa whoa clean clean clean clean W hard hard Brett got to go got to from

Gant touch it back angles there oh great shot not quite shot but still in a pretty nice spot two yellows are in a dangerous position for yellow being as far back as they are a little full on you definitely prefer to be above that t line as botar with their Red Rocks

Little earlier almost the whole way I just think it’s special here Chris I mean we talked about people still here it’s uh close to 10:30 y time and I know it’s what 6:00 a.m. 700 a.m. in Scotland potentially maybe but uh special to be into the evening hours here in the Lloyd

Curling golf and curling Center and lots of people still here started enough for you to not yeah and to those in Scotland maybe just waking up and having breakfast with us good morning and uh watch watching your boy M here just having a having a great game against

Berer well it’s coming back otherwise that’s right you got to think Watcher kind of had a little spark put it in a spot where and uh here we are the game of curling it’s a game of millimeters it’s a game of played this at the end hairs

They say really is let’s listen into botcher it’s going to have to be high then to make sure that we have access to like if this is the shot I have at the end I’m going to have to throw seeing this just got one question for you guys if

Nothing changes here do we have a great shot for a steel what is it do you do you ever ever do that now so big shot probably not Lots at stake $1,000 purse you’ve already banked some cash if you make it to the corters Chris but you’re hunting for more just goes

To they’re not satisfied just to make the quarters here these teams are battling out right to the end and they want to move on to Sunday we have confirmation so was a little bit off 5:30 in the morning in Scotland I just don’t I just don’t want it to be too

Tight 1:30 on the East Coast 2 in the morning in Newland and for everybody watching the guu game game if you want to stick around you’re already up we uh welcome you to the stream actually even if he makes this coming back nearly 3,000 people still up with us here no

You can if you nose bump it right there and we’re here it’s hard oh or higher he’s talking yeah in between the two yeah okay are we ever hurting ourselves by throwing it high like what are we afraid of nothing really it’s great discussion here by team botcher he’s got no soft shot

Anything he does here we’re freezing the button you see Mau in the back with Hardy talking about their options buttons I fine that’s ice to split Center look good to me and Chris just looking to just maximum just looking to put one up uh Center here yeah it looks

That way and uh you know you could hear Brandon say there uh no matter what happens they always have that freeze right down to that yellow Shot Rock on the back of the button there so you do like the positioning of the botra stones up front that’s absolutely yeah that’s

The scary part for Mau here in this in that yes yep splitting Center he’s got shot Stone but the angles don’t favor him even though he’s got the here and with all the Rocks packed around that scoring Zone in the for foot you know it gets a little more dangerous in that

Scoring Zone and Brendan botcher with his first in the extra ninth just looking to touch Center Line guard on this one line good Hebert with the juice three games in and he still got the beef guys are having to go hard on this one come on vny big sweep from Ben

Heers what happened there yeah unare istic what happened there I don’t know if that ended up picking on them or maybe just throwing a little bit light maybe that fatigue is setting in a little bit wow wow so now it’s in Bruce mau’s hands bit of a gift

Given you got to think Chris third game me fatigue physical fatigue is a factor but they’ve battled all the way to extras and it’s not over yet no you know the rocks are still in good position here m still going to make something happen or uh or those red rocks are are really

Dangerous he just makes the straight double botch I I still think there’s a pretty good shot a couple people saying they love the fact that there’s no time clocks here at the Aztec safety challenge uh Chris and and it adds to the strategy and it adds to the suspense

Of the game and I have to admit I do like I do like the pace I mean these guys are still clipping K obviously a little bit behind but I think he’s catching up a little bit there but well we’re an extras though that’s right yeah

Still a couple ends behind but no and it’s it’s so true you know part of the one of the best parts of watching kin is listening to the to the guys talk and uh discuss the strategy and you get a little extra of that when you’re you’re not timed Mau it with his

First coming in to make some make some oh oh baby great double there to make both Reds go away but they do still leave that pocket right at the back of the forefoot and a good spot for Brennan to freeze one in there so this was this

Is what what Brendan and Mark were talking about they said even if he makes the double there is still the pocket freeze we still have that option yeah that’s exactly right so they just have to make it great so it’s as tough as possible for M to get out of

There so you want to be here right yeah so if you’re throwing the inter you almost got to hit it like yeah I think they’re talking if they can freeze it here and M wouldn’t be able to nose it and be shot because of their second counter back there so the extra backing

In the back from Mau it might actually be a hindrance on this one if they put this freeze in a perfect spot Chris yeah absolutely and botcher now yeah with his final shot in nine needs a perfect freeze P it one they do want to maybe push it back

About one rock they’re talking so may see just that little bit of a tap here leave it in there as backing he’s been in these pressure cooker situations before does he have one extra magic trick up his sleeve tonight Brendan botcher final Stone in the extra nin looking to make life incredibly

Difficult for Bruce Mau easy L Hebert on it easy Gant on it gotta get it there boys it really going still got a curl though still got a curl though gotta tuck it in there guys and they did get enough for Shot Rock but it does leave the pick

And a easy peel left for Mau needed to curl a little bit more so it comes down to this and we do have extra extra coverage for you so don’t go anywhere after this game we’ll tune into kuy and schwaller after this stick around more curling still to come

From the Aztec safety curling challenge regardless of what happens here but Bruce mauet with the final Stone in the ninth end extra end botcher currently sitting one mauet needs the pick for the win win you move on lose you go home Bruce mauet clean on the front end needs the

Peel and that’ll be handshakes good luck G good luck luck a great game either way Chris really great game just a battle by Team B and another impressive showing by Mau and I think if you would have said would we have nine ends with a 5-2 game coming

Home I don’t think any would would took that b and it shows you the guts and the stamina of team botcher and why they are world number two right now and yeah that’s so true they dug deep on this one three games in one day and you have to

Think they got to be feeling something after this and a standing ovation from the crowd here in the lyminster golf and curling Center The Host team walks the Rocks back really nice Applause from the crowd here boy did these guys give her everything they had to get to extras

That’s for sure and an 85 make the final team Mau advances to the Sunday semis tomorrow starting at 10 a.m. Mountain Time oh Koy Game Chris and you and I decided we can watch eight more rocks maybe yeah we could probably probably talk a little more curin you know tonight Saturday night in

Lloydminster we welcome everybody who uh is just coming over from the mauet botcher game and an 85 win for team mauet crazy finish to that one three spot for botcher in the eighth to force the nine and then mauet gets the three in the nine but really that just was inconsequential

Yeah and here on sheet three koi and schwaller are tied at five but koi does have the Hammer with the yellow rocks currently sitting one and they also have third shot there trer has that Redstone just on the right hand side of the 4f foot or the left side as you’re seen at

Home second shot and we are into the third rocks here so just uh update on the stream you won’t have mics on these teams uh obviously we had mics on the featur featured sheets which were uh the mauet botcher and kurs gushu gam so no mics on

These guys and we can’t ask them to put the mics on now this far into the game so it’ll be me and Chris to take you here the rest of the way but it is a 55 game and team kuy with the hammer coming home in eight looks like

Schaller must be maybe just trying a bit of a freeze on that yellow here definitely taking the uh amount of ice that wouldn’t be a hit maybe drift dra on behind even oh and uh prove me wrong they’re just going for for a guard here Ki continues to lay one with hammer

Lots of thankful people here Chris saying thanks for turning over to the koi game you are certainly welcome we have the technology we’ll make it happen on team schwaller the world number three looking to survive here and steal and uh a thank you to as entertainment for obviously hopping up

Over onto the koi game and if you’re looking like it’s a bit lopsided Chris well it is on your screen and that’s because we had the cameras set for Sheet four and Sheet five and right now we’re using cameras from sheet four to pipe in

To sheet three so it’s going to look a little bit weird you’re not going to get the angles that you would hoped for in the other games but we have it on the stream for you here absolutely I I know curling fans will appreciate it no matter what and we appreciate mads

Entertainment for making this adjustment on the fly to bring you the final of this game game and everybody in the chat agrees yeah thank you for just putting this on so KY and schwaller who is the final team entering into the semifinals here we already have reres we already have

Kurs we already have Moet some big names already in the semis yeah Sunday’s going to be a real battle that’s for sure if you want more information we’ll have the updated schedule if not already there on the Aztec safety challenge Facebook page you can find it on Facebook Instagram sure curling

Zone’s going to pick up the scores and schedules after this too and Scher looking to get on top of this yellow big sweep here they will push it back for second shot but still a good spot for where they want to be right now so three shots left for koi final

Stone from third oncoming with the hammer coming home in eight as we sort through our paperwork here to figure out who we’re talking about Tyler tardy now and you can see the the angle here on the screen this is what we were talking about we are using cameras from

Another sheet to give you this angle and got to give credit to mass entertainment for this quick on the Fly change over yeah that’s right still got some coverage here for you great game to see the end of here Ty tardy looking to make the peel here and he

Will which now leaves skip stones Chris and a five5 game you’d think that Koy has the angle here and that he’s got hand Hammer but from what we saw in the earlier game nothing’s impossible no that’s right maybe we can have some bonus bonus coverage yeah bonus bonus bonus

Coverage good stuff if you’re up wherever you are right now let’s give some love in the chat over almost 2,000 people still hanging with us here Eleanor says we’re all a little tipped and lopsided at this point in the evening anyway so fair Saturday night the angles match feeling that’s

Awesome yes kui definitely looks to have the advantage here sitting two but uh you know if schwaller can get one sunk in there it could be hard to remove four rocks left to decide this last spot in tomorrow’s semi-final yanic schwaller and crew looking to stamp their spot in the

Cent semis and if you’re curious those start at 10:00 a.m. local time that’s 10: a.m. Mountain tomorrow we’ll have both semifinal matches on both featured IES so you’ll get both games and then at 2 pm the final of the Aztec safety curling challenge where we Crown a

Winner and big bucks still on the line here $100,000 purse to start triple knockout style format and that amazing trophy too that’s uh just a beautiful trophy that’s on the line oh yeah great great trophy a local artist hopefully grab a picture of that and there’ll be some coverage of that on

Whoever hoist that one for sure Chris so yeah absolutely schwaller now with his first in eight staring down two kooy rocks just a nice control weight here looking to bump there red onto the yellow and push it back behind the tline controlled weight here from schwaller looks like this one’s over

Curling a bit it’s curling a lot here gets nose push back yeah they’ll be really happy with that spot a good nice touch and you got a bunch of Schaller rocks in front here so Kevin Koy now takes a look and says maybe a bit of a rub roll to center with

Backing yeah and Ki does sit too but uh of course that crotch between the two yellow rocks there that that’s uh the dangerous spot so got to talk about either beating them there or uh or how you can access it if they do get there Advantage obviously Koy with the hammer

So he has the potential here to take a look at everything on the last shot but lots of junk up front in terms of schwaller rocks and lots of angles there for these guys to use potentially in whatever kui does here with his first Kyla asking how tall is that Swiss

Sweeper yeah he’s I don’t know the the statistics but uh let me we’ll do some quick Googling I think I don’t I don’t have to look up to many people being fairly tall but I think I would have to look quite a ways up at him well if you

Were looking at the broadcast Booth right now there’s a bit of discrepancy between you and I I’m not that tall on this side so it would look similar to what you’re seeing on the ice probably if Chris and myself are down there right now me being the more vertically

Challenged member of the squad and uh great thanks to curling Zone too they just said hey thanks for staying up late with us well thanks for picking up the streams and thanks for pushing it out there I know lots of people follow the coverage on curling Zone across our

Country so we’re very appreciative of the support there Chris Jerry and his crew do a great job over there and mass entertainment for sticking with us the Aztec safety curling challenge nearing 11:00 at night Mountain Time locally here in Lloydminster Alberta Saskatchewan kui delivering his first first rock from

Kui car on it digging in now looking to sit in that pocket Chris yeah and a few options here for schwaller to remove this it’s got to be perfect needs to move on this one Chris needs to sit in there and Koy yeah that a great spot nice

Touch I don’t know how you uh how you remove that that’s such a great shot Evan so now if your team schwaller staring down the gun of three what are you thinking if you’re these guys here Chris jeez you know I just looking at it from up here where you were right over

This sheet in person looking at it I don’t know how you move that yellow enough to score uh that is such a perfect spot by koi just a great Rock by Kevin Koy in the chat agrees nice spot nice touch pressure shot think Schaller is going to talk about this one but

Uh we’ll have to see what they come up with and I must apologize too so we’re extra coverage here guys and we didn’t really do our homework on this match and we should but the fourth Stone thrower for the Swift is Beno Schwarz so as schwaller doesn’t throw the skip stones

And that is my apologies I’ll take that one and own it they do see an opportunity here they’re going to play the intern at it try to get the spin that they they want to generate Beno Schwarz now with his last so you’re going to need some weight

You’re going to need a bit of weight to get this spinning and you’re going to need a bit of an angle Kevin kuy sitting three with schwarz’s last shot big push big weight got a cover does he have it and it won’t be enough and Kevin Koy will walk away for

Handshakes as he advances to the semis just a just a perfect shot by kui there there was there was nothing they could do with that not much you could do it all and so we got an updated schedule here now tomorrow we will have team mauet team

Koi kurs and rorz the four remaining left standing in the Aztec safety curling Challenge and a little extra coverage a ninth end in the bot out match extra coverage on this side Chris and what else can you say what a great night at curling absolutely thank you

For being part of it Evan I really enjoyed calling this game with you looking forward to tomorrow yeah we’ll see you all tomorrow back again 10: a.m. coverage local time that’s when it all kicks off for the semis and we’ll have both of those games for you obviously

Curling Zone going to pick it up our local YouTube page here in Lloydminster Curling Club and thank you to everybody here all the volunteers all the sponsors all the fans that came out on a great Saturday night it was Frosty it was cold and we showed up and said curling’s more

Important than anything else and that’s what it’s boat and it’s nice to see curling of this caliber back in Lloydminster for now we will say good night and we will see you bright and early again tomorrow for the semis and see who ends up hoisting that trophy in

The first ever Aztec safety curling challenge good night for now thank you so much for your Support what okay s To for hi there I’m Joseph Rosenberg the contact center manager for utility safety partners and we’re very proud to be a sponsor of the Aztec safety challenge now when you’re competing in a bon Spiel you got to dig deep and uncover what’s buried and plan each shot

And in life when you’ve got to dig deep and uncover what’s buried well you have to plan and that plan needs to involve utility safety Partners when bumping that object in front of you is not an option the reason we trust Western Sales with our business

Is the people I’m sure that there’s 100 years experience coming out of that shop we trust them because we do a CMI on our uh on our combine and on our tractor when our equipment comes out of Western Sales it’s going to be good because if it’s not they send us another combine

They send us another tractor and we’re not naive to the fact that that probably costs them a lot of money so we just know that the service that we’re getting at Western Sales is above par to body else Aztec safety this must be the place boys about right looks like this is

Where the engineers hang out nice spot here’s something else that’s cool Under Pressure great tour but where’s our man Brett all right normally bailing me out roll reversal baby there he is resue mode putting out fires for these guys already for 90 years princess AO has seen your big

Picture and for 90 years we’ve had the ideas and the tools to help you discover New Perspectives


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