Golf Babe

Outrage! As Trans Golfer Wins Women’s Tournament

A transgender golfer has won a women’s tournament in Florida. Hailey Davidson, 30, who last played against men in 2015, now has dreams of going to the LPGA tour, there are only 5 spots.

Hailey Davidson, 30, won NXXT Women’s Classic on Jan. 17, after shooting one-over-73 and ending the three-round tournament +4. The competition is designed to give professional opportunities to female athletes. Many are outraged at the win and say it is taking a spot away from a natural born female.

Davidson has argued in the past that due to hormones their “club head speed” has slowed by 15mph and that anyone who argues advantages is just using that as an excuse, and that they are really just bigots. Is it fair to allow Davidson to compete in women’s sports after being on hormones and even undergoing gender reassignment surgery?

Hi guys welcome back to the channel so I wanted to introduce you to the current winner of the nxxt women’s classic golf tournament in Florida this is the current reigning champion of this tournament and yes I know what you’re thinking so this person used to compete in men’s tournaments the last time this

Person competed with men was in 2015 and now as Haley Davidson this person is competing in the women’s tournament and doing pretty well as you can See Talk to me nice to me so this was the nxxt women’s classic at Mission in Resort and Club near Orlando Florida so Davidson’s aim is to earn a ladies professional go for Association tour card and this is helping to secure Davidson’s spot on a prestigious tour which is designed to

Give golfing opportunities to women and this is what we’re always saying when you allow transgender athletes biological males to compete against women who typically have an unfair Advantage men can hit further than women men typically have larger hands more muscle mass a greater reach all of these

Things that can help you in particular engulfing this person has blocked a female from winning this tournament a tournament that was designed for women because men have their own tournaments so this one is specifically for women the opportunities that it opens the door two are specifically for women so now

When we start recognizing identity where does that leave the biological females so this is not only blocking somebody from winning the tournament it’s blocking somebody from earning a place on the tournament Every Other Woman Behind Davidson was pushed one place back so that has consequences and Davidson has addressed

The backlash because this person has been playing against women for a while now and the only response is if you don’t agree with this person playing against women you are transphobic you’re just against trans people apparently it’s not about fairness it’s not about safety it’s just

Transphobia the result is you’re 15 M an hour slower yep exactly but that’s unfortunately nowadays once you kind of rebut the actual facts that’s when you see how people really think because then you go well it’s not about protecting women’s sports center it’s not about like me maybe having an advantage it’s

Just you don’t like trans people that I mean a lot of times and it’s very sad that that is what it’s come down to it’s really it’s not the fact that people seem to have an issue with like an advantage or things like that it’s it’s

Come down to almost like a fear of trans people in general and that’s in the past couple months that’s what I’m starting to learn and here we go again just because you decide you want to take hormones that are not in line with your natural occurring hormones within your

Body and therefore it lowers your performance it gives you a disadvantage against other men that doesn’t mean that you have no advantage over women multiple Studies have now shown that you still have an advantage over females that males who are on estrogen still outperform the female athletes you know

Why because they’re males they went through male puberty and they still had the body of a man you decide to take hormones that lowers your you know performance against other men but that doesn’t lower your performance against other women it doesn’t even the playing field it doesn’t change your bone

Density it doesn’t change your muscle mass if a woman was to take anything to increase her testosterone that would be classed as doping but here you come along with naturally occurring testosterone that is far greater than that of women and you’re allowed to play against other women being less of a male

Athlete doesn’t mean it’s appropriate for you to compete in female categories it doesn’t mean that you have no unfair advantage that’s very disingenuous to say that you deciding to take hormones that lower your performance against you know your personal best or whatever before you started taking the hormones all of a

Sudden means you’re a woman and you’re in the same category physically as a female very disingenuous to imply that and again I do question should we even bring up Advantage when we have that sort of response the fact is whether there’s an advantage or not because there are some

Male athletes you know 50-year-old man for example competing against 13y old girls came six that still doesn’t mean that it’s appropriate for this person to be competing against 13-year-old girls that still doesn’t mean that it’s appropriate for this person to be in their locker room and all of this talk of advantages

It doesn’t address the fact that this person is going to be in the female locker rooms in the female changing rooms no one ever brings that up when they want to talk about the science forget that you’re putting a male in the women’s changing rooms without their

Consent what about that and this is a male athlete this isn’t somebody who came off the street they used to compete with men so they are you know at a certain level of performance and now they’re allowed to compete with women and are going on to achieve that which they were unable to

Achieve while they were competing against men so don’t tell me this person does not have an advantage an unfair advantage over the female athletes because they weren’t you know online to be at this level when they were competing against men so securing Victory gives Davidson access to the

Epson tour which is awarding exemptions to their top five players there aren’t a ton of spots available so somebody who is male whether you like it or not is taking someone else’s spot is taking the spot is taking a position that belongs to a woman to a female athlete only five

Spots are available so when we start allowing males to compete in women’s categories we’re taken away from the female athletes that’s just the the fact of the matter and if you’re okay with that then you have been brainwashed by gender ideology if you think this is okay this isn’t about

Inclusion because you can’t be for inclusion but be okay with women being excluded these policies exclude women from winning trophies they exclude women from getting a spot at a certain tournament the top six athlete she’s going to be excluded cuz it only goes to the first

Five and the one of those spots is going to go to a male so you can’t tell me you’re all for inclusion while at the same time advocating for the exclusion of female athletes who were there rightfully so the tour is a qualifying tour for the

LPGA the tour card of which Davidson has been aiming for news of the wind sparked anger online with many highlighting how Davidson would likely be able to hit the ball further than a player born female and that’s just fact that’s just fact you can try and play semantics all you

Like but if men and women could hit the ball the same golf wouldn’t be separated into categories women would be competing against men men would be competing against women and nobody would think anything of it if we could all hit the same if we can all reach the same levels

Physically like I always say I feel like a broken record but I’m going to keep saying it for the people who are new here there are categories in sports for a reason and those reasons don’t go away because of some synthetic hormones so the LPGA Tour removed their requirement

For golfers to be female at Birth in 2010 Davidson’s very present as a trans woman removes one of those spots from a a say cisgender but I’m just going to say from a woman of course it removes one of those spots from a woman and it doesn’t even

Sound like they have any um hormone requirements anyway so this person can very well have the regular testosterone that’s been slightly lowered because of their hormone treatment okay but have testosterone levels that are way higher than the females testosterone levels that if a female athlete was to reach

Synthetically they would be thrown off the tournament their career would be over and they will be found guilty of doping funny that heck even women with naturally occurring high testosterone get penalized because apparently it’s unfair even when it’s naturally occurring and they have to me jump through all these

Hoops to be able to compete the irony of Davidson’s win is that the exemptions were specifically introduced to allow female golfers the ability to compete on the Epson tour to provide unparalleled professional growth opportunities for women golfers okay so this is something to provide opportunities for female athletes just like scholarships for

Female athletes but we have people not disclosing that they were born male we have that happening now and taking scholarships from females we have to fight for our scholarships we have to fight for our sporting opportunities for our Sports to remain Fair we have to to

Fight for our laws that were supposed to be in place to protect women to be directed in the favor of women now like Title 9 are very laws that were there to ensure that women have opportunities and sports are now being used against us and now being used

Against women to allow this whole concept of identity someone wisely said if we don’t know what a woman is how can we have laws that protect women how can we claim to have laws that pertain to women when it comes to abortion rights oh everybody knows what a woman is

Then but when it comes to protecting females female athletes so they can be safe and not have a male athlete break their knee or knock them out or cause permanent injury to them all of a sudden we don’t know what a woman is and Pierce Morgan said for anyone who doesn’t

Understand why a trans golfer winning a women’s tournament is so wrong and at at our club I mean I play with the women a lot by the way pierce the women are a lot more fun to play with than the men but the conversation’s much better but

They always ask you know say hey we’ve got a tournament coming up yeah we’ve got a tournament coming up you want to play with us and you know what I’m there I say oh that would be fun but then I never show up why because it’s just

Honestly it’s I don’t I would never want to take a trophy away from one of the other I love the ladies at our club they’re wonderful I wouldn’t want to take I can out drive them by a 100 yards yeah exactly you know and yeah yeah and

It’s just my arms are longer I’m 61 um what I got left over is more than what most people ever had and so I it just wouldn’t be fair I always say and I stick by what I say the good athletes the athletes that achieved what they achieved as men they don’t

Bother with women’s sports they don’t bother with women’s sports because they were able to achieve whatever they went on to achieve competing against other men it’s only the mediocre and the Lesser mediocre athletes who try and infiltrate women’s sports I’m tired of it so don’t tell me they don’t have an unfair Advantage

Because they weren’t achieving that when they had to compete against men and even if they were they don’t belong in women women’s sports period because women’s sports are for females naturally born females that’s never going to change there’s always going to be a need for categories to ensure fairness to ensure

Safety so why should it be any different just because somebody has taken some hormones Bruce Jenner who is now Caitlyn was an absolute legend or is an absolute legend in the sporting World a lot of kids grew up being INSP spired by the then Bruce can you

Imagine so because you know Bruce is now Caitlyn all of a sudden those advantages disappear and it’s appropriate for this person to now compete against women clearly not and most people wouldn’t even be able to make that argument because Bruce Jenner was such an accomplished athlete who competed against men

But when it comes to mediocre less than mediocre athletes it’s almost as if people feel sorry for them oh you know let them play with the women they need this and never mind how that affects the female athletes never mind how that robs the female athletes of opportunities

Never mind safety I know with golf that’s not so much of you know a concern but it’s certainly a concern in boxing and I don’t care it’s certainly a concern in volleyball as we’ve seen with the young lady pton who’s still dealing with injury from having a a male athlete knock her out

Because this person was able to hit the ball so hard just tired of people making excuses for this so as far as I’m concerned this person is ruining women’s golf just like the males in women’s cycling is ruining cycling especially in Chicago males entering the boxing ring

With females they are going to ruin women’s boxing NCA swimming as long as we allow males they are going to ruin NCA swimming in the female category and you notice how internationally they don’t allow this because International Sports actually you know is worth a lot more so you know

They won’t virtue signal when it comes to you know International Sports a lot of sponsorship a lot of money riding on this for the most part they are not allowing it how convenient so let me know what you think do you think this person has taken a spot from a woman and

Is that okay and how can we be for inclusivity but advocating for women to be excluded and don’t even get me started on the locker room situation so thanks for watching take care of yourselves and God willing I will see you in the next video Oh


  1. I'm going to follow his lead. I'm sick of having to hit the ball all that distance from the men's tee when there's a ladies tee closer to the hole. Ironically, I might also lose less balls.

  2. Men have bigger skeletons, more muscle, significantly more fast twitch muscle fibers, bigger lungs, a bigger heart, and that’s not even touching the fact these males have infinitely more testosterone, waaay above the cut off levels for doping for actual Real women, even when they are pumping synthetic cross sex hormones into their bodies.

  3. What a loser couldn’t cut it as a male so he decides to declare he is a female. We are not scared of so called trans people we are disgusted that a male declares that he is a female.

  4. This is absolutely ridiculous! How can this be allowed? Where is the sportsmanship?? This is nothing but flagrant cheating!!

  5. It makes a mockery of all the records made and broken through time especially the Olympics,woman are once again being mistreated like when we had the suffragette movement having to fight for our gender existence.

  6. i am a golfer ,,, I would refuse to compete againts any trans''woman'' itis simply unfair.. a man can hit that ball way further then any womwan,,, just unfair!!

  7. How do these idiots sleep at night? Honestly winning is not everything, everyone knows they are fake , cheats and have not won fairly. Its MEANINGLESS

  8. The women in that sport should in mass boycott any event that has trans. When it hits the elite in the pocketbook it will stop

  9. In golf there is litterally a DIFFERENT start position in every hole for men and for women…way to acknowledge the differences between the 2… :DDD

  10. The best female golfer in the world is Caitlyn Jenner. She plays from the men's tees and has an average score of about 77. That is a full 14 strokes better then the best women golfers and they play from the whites. Oh, she is also 74 years old.

  11. He entered the women’s tournament as he was not good enough in the men’s. Ladies you need to boycott he can’t play on his own or sort out your own tournaments. That’s not transphobib that’s just fair.

  12. Women need to start their own league made up of only women/people who can breast feed a baby. If you can’t do that you don’t play.

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