Always Start Your Golf Swing LIKE THIS!

There must be a very good reason, all Pro’s move the club up the plane line in the takeaway / backswing right!? This is a major move of the golf swing that separates average golfers from elite players.
The really great news is … its so simple for you to learn how to start the golf swing the correct way, all in this 5 minute video!

00:00 – Good V’s the Bad
00:12 – Introduction
00:40 – Checkpoints
01:53 – Waggle up the Plane
02:25 – Lead wrist check
03:44 – The BEST Drill

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So what are the biggest differences in the back swing between average golfers and Elite golfers it makes such a big difference so most golfers are trying to change the down swing or change impact but actually so much of what goes wrong happens in the back swing and the down

Swing is a reaction to it now something I see a Elite golfers do is they get the club moving up the plane so if you imagine a line drawn from my club head and that one is going through the underneath of my trail elbow and the

Other one from the heo club is going through my trail shoulder it’s making effectively a little bit of a cone shape here we want that club moving up that plane line what do we see with the most typical amateur the club going very much around them early on under plane so they

Tend to go around they realize they can’t keep going and their shoulders are working very flat too much on the horizontal so they end up having to lift and as they lift yes the club gets nearer the plane line but look what sacrifices I’ve had to make I’ve had to

Stand up and out of posture my shoulders are very flat then in the down swing I generally have to do the opposite and steepen so good golfers get that club moving up the plane line poor golfers tend to go wrong very early in that first movement in that takeaway movement

That very first movement that controls the back swing so what I want you to think about is why don’t we actually rehearse that first movement working a little bit more up the plane line so many amate golfers are waggling the club and they’re doing it sort of with wrist

This way it’s good to waggle the club release tension keep yourself moving but am golf is a rehearsing sort of this type of movement the club going a long way behind them Why not start waggling the club this way see the difference the club is moving up the playe line now at

Halfway back if I was going to halfway back as a checkpoint I’d like to see the hands in about the middle of my chest the club shaft pretty much through the middle of my right shoulder here the end of the grip will be pointing somewhere close to the ball ball to Target line

Now the only thing to be wary of when we’re trying to do this it’s so easy to try and work the club up but actually get that lead wrist very cut so what I want you to try and do as we’re working up the plain line is just keep that lead

Wrist nice and flat for me so it’s the same angle as my lead arm and that’s a real good checkpoint so I’m just going to hit one I’m going to keep myself moving I’m going to work up the plane line with that flat lead wrist you can

See that’s very different to this type of early movement that we see so work up the plane and then go ahead and pull the trigger that felt good that felt good very happy with that one and it’s it’s just so so important a lot of golfers are just going very flat very

Early causing body movement causing change in spine angle posture is often L lost strike is sacrific so start working that club a little bit more up the line I’ve just got for you a real simple exercise all you need and you can do this at home is an alignment stick in

Fact I’m going to use two I lied one is going to go down on the floor representing my ball to Target line and another one is just going to go up the side of the golf club here so I can grip the club and the alignment stick and the

Alignment stick is going to go under my lead armpit and I’m just going to get that Sensation that again there’s some connection of the cane here in that first movement it’s not running away from my body that would do if the club came early in so it’s working across my lead

Side and then as I’m working up the plain line You’ll see that this alignment stick is pointing the other one on the ground so in contact here and up in contact here and up if I complete my shoulder turn you see how short that makes my golf swing how much more

Connected it is whereas we often see when golfers go wrong here and then lift they end up with a long golf swing but a lot of poor movements in there so we actually want to feel tighter more connected in our back swing and that’s exactly how start working the club up

The plane line I know it’s going to help your back swing if that video does help make sure you smash the like button don’t forget to drop some comments below it’s great to hear from you videos you’d like me to film and make sure you subscribe to my channel if you haven’t

Already cheers guys


  1. What is the difference from up the plane line and lifting? You did demonstrate the difference what I think I saw was a change in posture.

  2. Excellent suggestion Jon to take the "waggle" up the plane line rather than behind it! I have been working on my takeaway and backswing being with a flat left wrist and a bent back right wrist! I try to push the butt end of the club down to a parallel position and continue on plane up over the right shoulder from there. Your suggestion for the use of an extended alignment stick on the golf club to keep one on plane as a drill is great! Well Done Jon!

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