Golf Babe

Woman who gave birth on sidewalk known to Hilo locals

The woman who gave birth on a sidewalk in Hilo is well-known to locals on Mamo Street and Keawe Street. The homeless woman named Ashley often frequents the town thoroughfare, in the middle of the Farmers Market — a popular Hilo tourist destination.

Right now on havai Island police are investigating an incident where a homeless woman gave birth on the sidewalk in downtown Hilo as our havai Island bureau chief Jeremy Lee reports the woman is well known to locals it happened right here those familiar with this section of mam Street

May have seen a houseless woman named Ashley who often frequents this block now it was Tuesday night that a visitor crossed the street to the kta supermarket across the way that person approached a security guard informing him that a woman here had just given birth on the sidewalk police dispatch

Receiv received the call of a female on the sidewalk on mam Street near the intersection of kabi street right near kta in pineapple restaurant uh she reportedly was on the ground kind of erratic behavior um the individual is someone that’s known to police she’s known to and anybody who goes in

Downtown heo knows this this individual the initial call came in that she was actually uh walking on the sidewalk and dragging the baby fire department personnel showed up at the ambulance initially uh the female was still connected to the baby um by the umbilical cord uh so they cut the

Umbilical cord took the baby into the ambulance uh provide medical attention and then transport the baby to the hospital but before First Responders could render Aid to the mother Ashley left and proceeded down the block police took her into custody here on kave street and to the hospital she was

Initially arrested for abandonment of a child uh but because she was admitted to the hospital uh she ended up being released pending forur the investigation another local security guard spoke to Island news characterizing Ashley as somebody who has been around for over a decade here she was hit by a car once

And walks often in the middle of traffic he also says she is calm at times others not and likely unaware that she was pregnant Ashley was seen back out on this familiar Street sidewalk Thursday will she be taken into custody again depends on what the charges are

Thankfully you know the baby was not really injured um in this incident like which was initially reported that she was so um you know the baby girl is is in good condition from what we’ve been told by the doctors the infant is under the care of Child Protective Services a

Person familiar with the woman who gave birth approached her after she had been released from the hospital the woman appeared to have no recollection of what had happened she had ALS o refused shelter reporting from Hilo Jeremy Lee Island news


  1. Why on Earth is a woman in her condition living on the streets of downtown Hilo? The Democrat government is failing the citizens of Hawaii when it comes to dealing with the homeless crisis!

  2. This is why there need to be asylums with free junk food and free drugs (under doctor's supervision) if a given street zombie is out there staggering around, begging stealing, etc. so they can get their rock of crack 1X-2X a day, if they can get their crack in a supervised situation in an asylum, then their whole reason for "living" is taken care of. This is called the "wet house" technique, there's a documentary on here called "the wet house" about an asylum in England where the street alcoholics live in a place and get alcohol under doctor's supervision, and it keeps them off the street. They just live there, they're not out begging, shoplifting, committing crimes to get their alcohol. It's a logical solution to the problem.

  3. So this lady was more than likely raped, has been neglected by her community for over 10 years and definitely for the last 8 months, and now she’s being made into a criminal hmmm ok sounds American enough to me

  4. If they knew her, why didn't anyone do something???? How come the cops didn't do something??? So these are the kind of homeless the gooberment wants to spend OUR tax dollars on???? Like all gooberment projects, it's just money going down the drain.

  5. I don’t understand why she would be arrested for keeping the baby alive to give birth. Arrested those who aborted babies – murder!!

  6. Wow just let this lady go back to the street after that, you dont think, no bail, and a psych hold is in order. Interesting hawaii

  7. All these comments like people actually care, you don't see anyone who said they know who this person is going to help her. Bunch of virtue signaling losers

  8. Obviously, this woman needs treatment and help, not jail time. To not retain her and offer care and treatment right away, is a fault of the system.

    For people to watch and witness the birth of a child on a sidewalk and not offer assistance earlier, is the real crime.

    What has Hawaii become but a bunch of cocktail sipping tourists at a bar being entertained by such a horrible scene?


    The story here is not a mentally ill, knocked up by another loser male in downtown Hilo, but the absurdity of gawkers watching for over at least 30 minutes or more.

    Let’s write more stories about services like Hope that have received over 1M or more to serve this population.

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