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AJ Ferrari on the Double Birds and His Future in Wrestling

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(Not all of our questions/answers were acceptable for this episode to be made public for legal reasons. The video is Hyper Edited)

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Hosts: @CaydenHenschel & Crosby Schlosser

Thank you to all who are making this possible and making this a reality!

(Not all of our questions/answers were acceptable for this episode to be made public for legal reasons. The video is Hyper Edited)

Time Stamps
0:00- Why Accept this interview
1:30- Court Case in Oklahoma
2:43- The Soldier Salute Scandal
10:00- AJ’s Clothing Line
11:30- 670 Deadlift Soon?
12:09- NCAA Eligbility
13:10- In Person Video Next Summer?

665 lb dead I don’t want to do podcasts with people that give biased opinions people like Christina piles you know that they don’t show the truth coach Brands and me and all the other coaches hit it off great people call me pedophile rapist all these things that

Are not who I am and who I would never associate myself with me and the coach has made a deal that I’m committing here this is my school my reaction if someone goes to throw a punch at me and throw hands with me is to defend myself can

You talk about the the case in Oklahoma at all what I can say is all right ladies and gentlemen Welcome to The Clash of combat podcast today we have AJ Ferrari on the call AJ how’s it going going great brother doing great super super excited man cannot wait yeah

Cool so first off why did you accept this interview request from us and when you haven’t done an interview with anyone else for over a year now um you know I think first things first I’ve been a huge fan of you guys’ podcast I love you guys’ podcast and all the

Athletes you guys have rung on you guys have been you know more than fair I think and really shown you know a lot of different information about everything I’ve just really been a fan of you guys and you know I’ve been offered from a ton of people to do interviews do

Podcasts and such and I don’t want to do podcasts with people you know that give biased opinions you know people like Christina piles you know that give an honest opinion they only give their one-sided opinion they don’t show the truth so I’m here show the

Truth and to expose all the lies on the internet and that’s that man that’s cool well we app appreciate the compliment yeah kind of was change of subject but can you talk about the the case in Oklahoma at all you know what I can say is that the allegation wasn’t true as

You guys saw and the district attorney 100% confirmed that but yeah you know I say wrong you know a lot of people during that time you know losing 50 months worth of huge you know had contracts things you know a lot of setbacks with that for me I didn’t

Decide to turn to alcohol turn to drugs get sidetracked you know I Ed that time for me to really grow in my faith in God and to uh stay close to my family you know I think that’s one thing that a lot of people run from their problems you

Know for me I run towards those problems and I grew as a person you know know that’s why you got keep a really really clean Circle you know for young people young individuals that watch it’s really important that ground yourselves with because ground yourself with the wrong

People you know you’re going to get caught up in that you know and I have a really really good circle now and I’ve still got number one you know my faith in God and my family and then number two those real real close friends I really

Care about you you know they’re not the friends that you want to have they’re the friends you need to have you know and those are people you need to have in your life you know you don’t want to have just a bunch of yes men in your

Life people that tell you what you want to hear you want to have people that are you know okay interesting yeah I mean I’m jumping right back into the recent news you know what exactly happened at the soldier salute and why did you you know flip off the crowd right that was a

Funny crazy but and how things kind of spiraled we got to start from the beginning so first things first um you know my brother Anthony moved out you know to Iowa out here you know in the summer and my brother Angelo committed um in the summer that same

Time as well so they’ve been out here for months for quite a while you know and you know a lot of people don’t know this but I just received academic admittance to the University of Iowa the past Friday before the tournament you know and basically a long story short um

I’ve been out here now in Iowa I’m out here in Iowa right now by the way and I’ve been here training at the RTC for over a month you know I think month month and extra couple weeks give take and you know I had basically you guys

Saw I had that official visit it went amazing uh coach BRS and me and all the other coaches hit it off great and so as you guys saw I wrestle in the tournament and you know as the tournament went on I just received a lot of hate like a ton

Of hate more hate than I’ve ever felt before I mean I was called racist remarks people call me some people thought that I was uh different nationalities called me specific names I’m not going to say them what they said to me but they were definitely very racist and wrong and on

Top of that I was called the worst of the worst which people call me a pedophile rapist all these things that are not who I am and who I would never associate myself with and I was getting very very you know frustrated and shocked by this because this is a school

That I just took an official visit to and this is supposed to be my crowd and these people were saying this stuff to me and taking consider I’ve been nothing but respectful to everybody I’ve been nothing but nice and I just didn’t really get it at all you know kind of

Like Spiral you know um and basically going back to what you guys said about the soldier salute though so now I want to get back to the match now I’ll get back to wrestling so before my matches now and I was accepted on Friday as I

Said into the school I didn’t post on social media but me and the coaches made a deal that I’m committing here this is my school right so but long short we get in the match we’re wrestling and then the match starts we shake hands Soldier salute finals he backs his but to the

Edge of the mat and does nothing and I’m like no stall call no nothing the match continues so no stall calls in the first period we’re go in z0 the second period goes on I get my Escape within 10 seconds easy I continue to attack still no ST call still nothing still nothing

We go to the third period third period I’m riding him I ride him over I think right at almost a minute and then finally they said I was sitting M hips not working hard enough boom I get ding for stalling even though I’m the one that’s riding normal I’m not below the

Hips as the rules say you know I’m just like what is going on here the referees the crowd the coaching I’m all to have my dad in my corner I’m just like I’m frustrated I’m like what is going on here you know what I mean it’s crazy I’m

Ding for stall and I just wrote him for a minute and I’m working I’m using the claw I’m working to get a turn and so a long story short the match continues I get a minute in riding time he gets out Escape you guys saw the last minute um I

Continue to attack now he’s got to wrestle me now he’s got to approach me he shoots I shoot we start wrestling a little more we get to towards Edge he starts to shoot in I go to hit a shot I go to Circle in i Circle in boom I get

Ding for song for the second time now it’s tied I’m like what is going on my coach Dylan Dennis was like that was the worst call of my life that was terrible and he was like is a way to challenge and I was like challenge it they’re like

You can’t challenge it so I was like because I’m used to Freestyle because I have been training with the rgc as I said with you guys but long story short that was that I was like all right I guess I got to finish this match I mean

This is crazy you know so I go back to the line continue wrestling and as you guys saw we continue he takes a bad shot I re attacked he finally started engaging me as soon as he engaged me boom I hit him with the reack took him

Down so I get up right turns around and he gets in my face and he starts saying things that were not right I mean he was saying some personal stuff he was saying you’re a piece of crap you’re I’m not going to curse but he said some other

Things at me he used some explicit language came at me and then threw a punch you know my reaction if someone goes to throw a punch at me and throw hands with me is to defend myself you know what I mean I defended myself and you know that’s kind of like instinctive

If someone comes at me you can watch I took five steps backwards I was literally out of when I went to retaliate when I retaliated at him and I defended myself and it was like these referees are just letting him come at me but then all of a sudden I do something

And I defend myself now I’m the bad guy and then I get dced so it was just like that’s the whole entire situation and so before I got dced though I was like okay they’re probably just GNA say you know misconduct on him and then misconduct on

Me because I defend myself this and that match be done and then I get dced and I’m like what I’m like are you joking me DQ or this guy pushing literally cut me at me and me defending myself like come on you’re joking right and taking consideration I’ve been seeing people

Get into fights at the other tournaments there’s been T fist fights like actual of fist fights and if you slow down the video from both of us both of our hands were open so like none of us actually thre a punch he tried to slap

Me whatever it was I thought he was punching me at the time because it was so fast it was instinctive but I didn’t punch him my hand was open you can see in the video so people were saying thre a punch it was completely not a punch my

Hand was open motion so I just didn’t really get any of that and basically long story short they raised his hand and then he said his pieace and then I walk off the mat to hear people you know cheering all this and I just thought back to like all the stuff that

People have been saying the whole weekend and people ask me you know did you actually you know apologize for that whole entire thing I was like that was my apology I wrote that apology I if I could would take that back me birdies but it was like at the time I was so

Annoyed and just felt so disrespectful and shocked the whole manner me losing a match which which I did win uh the fans calling me the names the wrestlers calling me the racist remarks calling me the names I just told you you know making me out to be thisal not that’s

Not who I am I stand for faith in God work ethic and I stand for being a good person you wrestling I sign autographs for kids in the hood for no money I do small camps making way less money than other people make because I care about

People you know I tell kids and I work in the hood you know I work in bad areas where I tell them you know the reason I am where I am is not because I’m some superhuman it’s because I’ve got an unconquerable and unmatchable work e and I’ve an unconquerable and unmatchable

Faith in God and it’s that simple you know you can’t fith your way to it you can’t work your way to it and you know I just feel like you know it’s good for us to have this podcast for me to show my side to be with you guys who actually

Keep this stuff real and actually are realistic not trying to mislead me give me misleading question say this nonsense blah blah blah blah blah you know because people like Christina you know she can can post Ferraris this and that but the then of the day people don’t know me in my

Family they don’t really know me the people that actually get to know me and actually hang out with me the people that are in my circle know that I’m actually a very tight-nit person I’m all about loyalty and respect okay I never ever disrespect people they disrespect

Me there’s been a ton of disrespect at that tournament and from everybody that’s why you guys saw what we said the bird is of ever and again I apologize to kids that was not Christian to me that was not godly and I could take it back

If I would I could but at the same time you guys have to understand where I’m coming from as far as like I mean I know you have your own clothing line you have your own shoes out too that you wore um how is that kind of going for you how

Has that process been it’s been great it’s been amazing it’s been great to get all my CL line um 7% of our sales in the last couple like week so salute we sold like over like 100l and stuff and the funny thing is too is it’s all Iowa

Fans are talking crap saying all this stuff and then they’re buying all my stuff I don’t really understand I think the reason this is because I think that crowd was not a representation of because I think most of Iowa to be honest me I go out like right now go out

And everybody loves me everybody asking me for autographs pictur um I 100% you know you know people that know me know my character know who I am know what I stand for I always give glory to God in my interviews I’m more than respectful to anyone you know you never see me

Doing you know crazy things starting fist fights besides that one altercation with that one guy I’ve never gotten into with any of my opponents you guys can say that I hit my 665 pound deadli baby flex but you guys don’t see me flexing on my opponents you guys don’t see me

Slapping my opponent’s asses that’s not me I’ve always been respectful look at all my past opponents me and ninoon Cory NCA finals match are good friends we talk all the time you know what I mean we’re respectful hey I I I got I got a pretty specific question AJ yeah a lot

Of people are saying you hold that 665 but is that 670 coming soon yeah a lot of people keep asking me that but I I don’t lift that crazy no more I lift more for explosiveness so I’ll do power cleans uh heavier you know I do power

Cleans I don’t even go that heavy if on power CLE I go lighter for power I only go up to like usually 225 just for power for bar speed but for me it’s a lot about being uh you know explosive you know like my box jump is getting really

High like I hit 60inch box jump easy after hitting legs jeez so uh I’m getting really explosive really powerful how many more years of eligibility in wrestling do you have I have three years of Eligibility three more including this one or just years including this one and

Even if uh let’s say this year I didn’t wrestle I could take an Olympic red shirt because I do qualify for that because I did ncas and I did take third in the world for you 17s so I technically could take elmc red shirt

And then win three more yeah hey I I I got a question for you are you going to be releasing shirts with that image on it cuz I would get one bro you’re definely making me laugh bro I would yeah we might beat you to it

True and then do a hard Emoji or something okay that might be more socially acceptable for some people acceptable right not really about the social acceptance though again I don’t really care about that it’s more for me about promoting a Godly image that Jesus would be proud of because at the end of

Day Jesus would be proud of me do I’m not proud of it yeah no absolutely that uh pretty much concludes my questions if anything else do you have any closing remarks for the podcast anyone else watching I mean yeah I mean pretty much uh 665 pound

Dead and if you did want if you did want a wrestling partner to push you Crosby’s right here if you want to punching dummy too come on so she’s right there let’s go what way you wrestled at Crosby 174 okay yeah we could drill we have to

Drill a group of hey I I drill with letter guys we should have in a group of three where where you guys look at right now where you guys at when Wisconsin yeah Southeast wiscons that’s not too far it’s like a 4our drive to Iowa we’ve been there like four times this past

Summer so yeah after the season we we could come out there by yeah you guys should bro we could wrestle we’ll do like group of three we’ll do like a you guys can go live and I’ll just like wrestle live with you I’ll be taking

I’ll be taking it easy I’ll be taking it easy but don’t want to hurt you but yeah yeah don’t hurt me I’m fragile all right sounds good thanks a all take care guys thank you guys thank you Crosby thank you Ken take care


  1. People saying he “kills” the sport when it’s only been 6 days since release and this is already top 3 in most viewed on COC. 😂

  2. Oh, I get it. Calling Christian, Christina is an insult because it's a girls name. Always so classy, AJ.

  3. After hearing it from AJs side I don't know why he would even want to wrestle at Iowa. That would of been the best follow up question, since you felt like the iowa wrestlers, fans, and coaches were against you all weekend, do you still want to wrestle at University of Iowa? And if yes why?

  4. The last thing our sport needs is a “heel” he is “heel”.

    And his comment about the “hood” what do you mean by “hood”

  5. LOL of course he wants to come on this nobody ass 'podcast' because these two losers are gunna suck is balls. LOL

  6. 1st lemme say I've been on the side as far as forgiving him saying it's water under the bridge but watching this rubs me wrong!! I've been going to Iowa duals for 30 yrs and I could never see "Iowa fans" saying the things he's saying and other fans not confronting those ppl. I've just never seen it here!! He also blamed his opponent saying he said very foul things. That basically his teamates. Very hard to believe his teamate would say that also. Now I'm thinking he just blames anyone and everything to save himself. I'm not saying there wasn't maybe 1 or 2 odd fans maybe out of pocket but this interview doesn't sit right. I heard nothing but love for him coming to Iowa prior to his recent incident in question, even still ppl in Iowa forgive. The ppl of Iowa love wrestling also value character. Ppl want to support AJ and majority still do but hes starting to make it hard tbh! I just call bs on alot of what he says. Ppl who regularly go to Carver know this is not Iowa wrestling fans

  7. For a sport that allot of people consider the closest thing to a fight, you guys in the comments seem soft asf. He's a 20 year old kid. Let him make his mistakes and grow as a human. Haters.

  8. This dude seems like a phsycopath. Wouldnt be surprised if we see him in jail for murdering someone

  9. People with skin tones as light as you dint get to lie about the race card. Phony mf. Youre the only 1 in the arena who heard these vile remarks😅

  10. Chittum left because of these clown Ferraris. Rathjen & Glazier showed what the temperature of the Iowa room is in relation to the Ferraris. If Brands lets these assholes in theyll have a mass exodus

  11. Ferrari stalled the whole match. Barely beating Glazier in OT & your shit brother losing to Rathjen…you guys arent worth the headache. Zero upgrade.

  12. If this clown believed in god , he wouldn’t act like he does. Is he really trying to justify why he acted like that? Wow ! #1PSU and most programs would have nothing to do with him. If Brands puts him in the lineup it sure as hell doesn’t say much for their program.

  13. Ya…. sorry this kid is what is wrong with that generation of kids. I here to promise you this…. it wont be the last time he catches charges and his little following isnt going to bully the female out of it.

    With all the flexing he does on twitter one would think he could afford something better than a iphone6. Dudes a joke i hope iowa gives him the boot, and his brothers.

    He litterally got 2 point take down and ref blew whistle and he got up and was shoving the iowa wrestlers head down. Hes a compulsive liar and pos

  14. Good luck AJ! I hope you grow and mature a little bit more. It’s better to just take responsibility for your actions than to try to justify them.

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