Custom-Fit Edel Putter: Is It Worth It?

Join us on an insightful journey through the art of putter fitting as GOLFTEC’s Bryan Collins guides Jake Morrow from Made for the Range through Edel’s unique aim bias fitting system. From start to finish, witness the precision and expertise that goes into finding the perfect putter to elevate your game on the greens.

🔍 Key Highlights:
🎓 Understanding Edel’s Aim Bias System
🏆 Expert insights from GOLFTEC’s Bryan Collins
🎥 Behind-the-scenes of a comprehensive putter fitting

Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or just starting, this video provides valuable insights into the importance of a tailored putter fitting for improved accuracy and consistency on the putting green. Don’t miss out on the secrets to sinking more putts!

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Hey guys Jake here from made for the range at Golf Tech HQ out here in Denver and today we’re going to do something that is really exciting for myself so I’m going to work with Brian who is part of the TQ team here at Golf Tech and

Basically that team is kind of the coaches of the coaches I guess is the right way say a really good definition awesome um so we’re going to work together uh I’ve been partnered with Adell obviously for a little bit now but I’ve actually never done the aim bias

Test with the lasers and stuff uh partially because I don’t think I’ve kept a putter in the bag for more than like 2 weeks so it really doesn’t matter at the end of the day uh but so we’re going to do the full fit here at Golf Tech starting from scratch

And we’re going to use the new Adele array system to really highlight that aim bias which is Adele’s main feature of their putting fitting system to make sure that people are aiming their putter correctly and then from there you know it’s up to your stroke so uh let’s dive

Straight in just tell me what you need from me and we’ll go from there now let’s go ahead and address a ball like the ball is sitting right here so you see this parallel line or perpendicular to the Target line I just need your putter right behind that

Please okay just as you normally set up go ahead and keep your eyes where they are now you’re not going to move your head or adjust your body by any means okay what I need you to do is check out where this green line is on

This mirror that’s in front of you okay is it to the left of that white line to the left yeah gotcha so what I’m going to have you do is just go ahead and choke down a little bit more and then you might adjust to the point where the

Green line I want it to be hidden by that white line there you might have to adjust your body too to I move yes got it to feel a little bit more comfortable so that’s on the left edge of the white line left Edge yeah can you completely hide it from

Me yeah that would that’s now completely hidden okay perfect now I’m going to go ahead and Shine the laser right at the middle of the ball there sweet okay so go ahead and take your stance there you go okay all right now um important part

I want you to keep your eyes down for me okay I’ll go ahead and do the uh the assessment on where the laser is good all right eyes down okay so about right there I’d say okay excellent fantastic now I’m going to go ahead and show you where that is

YY and actually all two times when your hands were lower as well you’re doing a good job it’s a little bit more leftward okay just the tiniest bit all right just depending on kind of where your eyes were that makes sense sure okay especially uh depicting it more leftward

Where your eyes were inside the ball that would make sense of being just a little bit more leftward when you have had your hands all the way down on the grip there you actually did a really good job getting that laser to be exactly where I wanted it to be so I go

Here you want me to get up to the 32 now yep okay okay all right all set there check it out a sweet so that one is fantas fantastic especially with the plumber neck something that works out for you um I’m going to show you the

Other heads just for the fact that I’m not going to keep options away from you sure any means okay uh so they have the F2 they have the F1 and the F3 and so the nice part about all these unique models is that you can add on different

Sight lines that we could technically test out just to help out your aim sure okay um so I’m thinking that that plumber neck is going to be really nice cuz it’s already already doing a good job from your current Putter and also to this it’s just something that we like to

Do is just kind of stick with what what what works for okay let’s check it out ooh interesting a little bit off to the right okay and that would be what I would say that’s what I thought was going to happen with the other one mhm

Was that it was going to be pushed off to the right like that I’ve never been a huge fan of the Fang designs okay but I do like when the Fang designs are very purposely made like you it’s it’s so visually clear to me that that’s space

Between the fangs is the space of the golf ball mhm and I to me it feels very comfortable lining this up I like that all right I I’m going to call that okay makes it super easy to pick up the ball too yeah ooh another winner here all

Right okay I am expecting right word man it looked really left you made that subtle adjustment I’m like yep there it goes yeah so so what I thought was left was actually probably the center mhm mhm dang yeah so definitely the blade I’m a big fan of

The blade for you this is a fantastic option for you as well and when it comes down to our fittings it’s mostly okay what do you prefer sure we’re we’re going to give you our recommendation honestly these two are fantastic out of the four that we try just based on the

Aim test but then these two big fan of this one but it’s also your choice yeah between those two I would definitely go blade yep absolutely okay so we got our blade we’re good to go There now we’re going to be moving over to face angle okay so like I said you’re moving a little bit more to the right we are going to move into blast okay so we use the blast system so the blast system just allows us to get the data on the stroke what

I’m looking for is this number here okay okay so you have the face angle at impact is going to be relatively different each time you hit the stroke so this is an example so from a dress I open the face by 1.2 de okay uh tour

Level is in between the negative 1 and one okay just to kind of give you an idea sure all right these other ones um I like to just look at okay the backstroke rotation so again how much is the face rotating okay okay so in the

Putt I hit 5 degrees was the max amount that I got there which we’re expecting some okay it’s it’s hard to go completely zero throughout right so um there’s going to be some backr rotation right then the Loft change I just want to see if you add or subtract any Loft

On an OT putt sure okay okay should be connected should be good to go it’s just on you there’s your right Miss nicely done Okay now we just took away 40 G so I think you’ll it’s quite a bit lighter yeah you’re going to feel a little different there put these two by it this is mostly given on feedback right here yeah I can tell you right away I

Feel I feel way more in control of this Potter at the moment it’s that same feeling and I part of it’s just like I’ve gotten used to that because the last couple poters I’ve built up are more similar to this configuration of of that lighter weight head yeah um so

I’m it’s I’m happy that we ended up in there from a actual technical perspective and not you know me and my garage cutting putters it’s fun though isn’t it it is and I’m not going to stop doing it it’s just no not at all every now and then it’s nice

To know that I have a couple Putters that are going to work well if you have a putter that acts up just put a new one in the bag yeah you just bench it don’t fix anything I love that I love that style there yeah I don’t fix anything just bench the putter

Yep yeah I mean there we go that one came off a little hot but like I felt it hot off the face it feels way better I think we got one that uh fits you yeah I this is great all right so that was really fun uh obviously the the Golf Tech

Partnership for me has been really fun I get to do stuff like this now and I’ve been fit for Putters in the past but never anything that focused on AIM bias um and then having been a partner with Adele for a while now it was time for me

To do it I need I should be able to tell people about that experience when they ask uh cuz normally people ask me right now and I’m just like uh I think I think you should do it yourself how about that like just go get fit because my

Experience at the moment was zero so but no now I know um I also this is I think a really cool buildup to me it makes a lot of sense um I tried not to influence you before or anything like that to get into this but getting into this now just

Validates that like this makes sense to me it makes sense to you which just makes me feel more comfortable with it so uh walk us through what our final build configuration was then and then just also some of the before and after stats that we we figured out yeah so the

Before after STS I mean you aimed your putter real nice I mean you weren’t wrong for telling people yeah go get fit cuz I can do it myself pretty well but now that you went through the process and everything you know that these blade style Putters are really for you when

You went to a mallet we saw the aim bias start to venture a little bit more rightward on the wall which when you have more rightward and you are missing more right I don’t want to aim you over there okay you said the right right side

Of the cup was like your best friend yeah we’re going toat we’re going to do leftward so this was a more leftward bias head plus we went with a more of a face balance head you can see a little bit of tow hang there so yeah what

That’s going to promote is a little bit less opening of the club head when you’re moving on back and we saw that in the data so you started around like 12.3 just backstroke rotation of the club head itself and it left a lot of your face angle from what you had it address

To impact uh open about two 2.5 sometimes getting close to 3 degrees and if you have that that’s going to make putting really really hard especially you told me when we started stray putts are kind of like my kryptonite here I’m not a fan okay so that’s a big reason as

To why so we went with a little bit more of a face balance so that way we can start the ball more online and you got it to down to8 yeah it was under one at the last couple yeah M and then also the face rotation was now uh not we didn’t tell

You anything but it’s now down from the double digits and it was hovering around eight or N9 degrees which isn’t bad um it’s just something you want to limit especially if your Miss was off to the right sure absolutely okay and then 32 in is exactly what gets your eyes over

The ball we found that out okay your choking down was fantastic and it was a great idea now confirmed and then also we have only 10 grams in the head so we were practicing a lot when we first started with 50 so it was a lot that was

A hammer okay so uh we have 10 grams in the head that’s going to be able for you uh you kept missing them short is what you told me yeah so if we take and reduce a lot of the weight in the head that’s going to make the club move

Faster with that Milling on the uh on the putter here is going to increase that that ball speed and be able to get to your target yeah and then taking that weight out too not from a control standpoint of the head itself is great but it also for me from a speed control

Standpoint it feels like when I have control over the head more I can control that speed more too so I I really liked that switch going to those two five gr oh absolutely it a beautiful putter all right well guys that’s it for this one uh it was a really cool experience again

I’ve never done the aiming thing so uh I’m definitely going to play with the laser that I have now at home in my mirrors wait you have it at home oh I do yeah that’s the wor part about this whole thing is I have one uh and I

Didn’t I didn’t set it up but now I want to take like all my Putters and see which ones are like really bad oh yeah cuz I have some Putters that are benched permanently right but now like now I want to see like is that why like did I

Bench these permanently because I can’t aim that putter for the life of me I bet that’s the case so I’m going to use the Adele system here to now test why a handful of other Putters that are benched in perpetuity are uh not the right ones for me so uh again thank you

For your time today really appreciate it it’s always fun to come out here and uh we’ll see you guys in the next one Thanks

1 Comment

  1. Great video. The Edel fitting system makes so much sense. Do all GolfTecs use the Blast system in their Edel fittings?

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