My 2024 In The Bag: What Should I Add? #discgolf

Hey Everyone, My 2024 In The Bag

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Hey everybody what is going on today I’m doing my in the bag for 2024 okay it’s January 2024 January what is it 15th you know by the 16th 17th 18th I might rotate stuff in and out but as of now this is this is basically the

Bag that I’ll be keeping together uh in the top pocket I’m going to have my putters as the round goes on the disc that I’m feeling really comfortable with that day usually ends up in the top side as the round goes on so I don’t have to keep

You know going down there form but um before I even get to that part I always have my my therapeutic band with me get a stretch you know kind of before even throw the first shot stretch out kind of warm up those muscles a little bit in my

Arm so that way you I’m not too tight even if I don’t actually throw before the round a little stretch with this you know 5 six you know this way and up and over here really stretches out that that shoulder elbow and bicep and stuff so

That’s always good to have and also in this pocket I’ll always have my towel with me because you never know when you’re going to get it wet or you know maybe fallowing something sticky or you might even you know reach for a disc and catch a a prickle or something little

Little trickle of blood there you go you know but just always keep a tie with me and whenever you play have some water got to stay hydrated now let’s get to the actual discs starting in the top pocket with my Putters uh I recently lost my uh my

Logic so I’ve had to switch over well switch back in time really uh to my pure so I’ve been throwing this for a while I when I got my logic I was using that a lot but this one always stayed in the bag with me and um I’m kind of going

Back to that and also my see that’s ltitude 64 by the way uh this one is Prodigy uh pa4 as you can see I’ve used this a lot through the years oh you can barely even see it’s uh pa uh pa4 anymore um it is a 300

Plastic I really like this Potter I’ve actually kind of gone back and this is kind of my main putter right now but if it’s not feeling comfortable on a day this will be there I also have I recently got an atom a uh MVP atom which

Sometimes might go in the bag and one of these might come out but right now these are the two that I’m going with oh and I do have you know little get a little sweaty got that with you I keep I have a a moonnight fuel right

Here that I keep in the bag I’ve yet to bring it out I’ve yet to even try it yet I I got it the same day I got my bag at the US Women’s so I still haven’t even used it yet shame on me shame on me by

The way the bag is the uh luxury uh E4 bag I believe it’s called got this at US Women’s had a great deal on it loving this bag so far so much room and if I don’t want to put my Putters here I’ve got a pocket right here on the

Side I can put the putters in there you go back to what’s in the bag we’re going to go from um higher speed down to lower speed basically higher speed I think these are in order they may not quite be all right we’ll start off with the uh

Latitude 64 Grace uh this one for me because you know noodle arm over here uh it’s overstable so if I need distance and I need it to come down at the the end I’m throwing my grace I feel very comfortable with it now it took me a

Little while cuz I used to not be able to throw it hardly at all but now it’s working great in my bag Chris my buddy so Chris uh he would was talking about this this for a while and again at US Women’s I picked up one of

These it is the saint Pro latitude 64 it is in the uh it doesn’t say what plastic it is but I think it’s uh is it opop plastic I think Grand plastic I don’t know does this one even say what plastic it’s in it does not 22 world champion 22 world

Champion yeah but this one right here is for me is for those straighter shots that I need power on and it will it will stay the line if I give it a little height it will come out at the end I feel really comfortable with this one

Now so great disc to have in the bag uh next this one I’m not used to it yet but I’m feeling more comfortable with it it is a a Halo Road Runner by eneva Halo plastic I love love me some Halo plastic uh this one does crash a lot for me at

The end but I do get decent distance and decent straightness with it so that one’s coming along let’s keep this in order down here next uh an older Road Runner which uh this one to me has become really really good for me uh with my forehand I keep

It straight and I I feel very comfortable when it’s going to come out uh I can use this for kind of a distance upshot for me and I feel comfortable with my forehand where it’s going to come out which that is a big comfort thing uh you know it it builds

Confidence in your shots when you feel like I know where something’s going to go and I and I think if I throw it on this line which for me is a big thing because I often don’t but I feel like you know what I know where it’s going I know

Where it’s going so that that inov a Road Runner really really nice next oh here’s definitely one of my Workhorse discs off the tea is my Katrina Allen this is the 2022 sale the 2022 sale uh you see the the rainbow hope you guys can see the the stamp on it great stamp this right here has become a Workhorse in my back uh I feel so comfortable with with it I’ve tried the 2023 ones and they are a little more

Overstable for me maybe they’re not beat in enough yet I don’t know but they feel too overstable for me but the 2022 one butter for me um every once in a while like with every disc I’ll grip lock it a little too much get a little over on it

And it won’t quite come out but uh when I when I hit it right it’s it’s a dang D for me I know I didn’t think about Dandy but yes great discs for me uh now this is my Workhorse for my upshots uh this disc right here it’s

Been in it’s been in my bag for a while now and anything for me um like 120 in this is what I’m throwing uh um if I have a backand to it this this is the baby I’m throwing it is my uh there it is that the right yeah this is my page

Pierce uh soul and I I love this disc I have a couple more of them I have not brought them out yet this one this is actually my second one the first one I lost in a creek still mad I never could get that one back but this one right

Here is feels so good for me I know what it’s going to do it’s going to hit the ground it’s going to hit the ground kind of come up and kind of circle not a huge circle rarely will it get up all the way flat and roll usually get up on ins side

And just kind of turn a little bit so I aim a little to the right let it catch and do a little curve usually right near the basket for me like 120 and in and I know there’s a lot of people out there that are putting from 120 more power to

You I’m throwing at 120 at 75 throwing this 120 I’m throwing this 65 I’m throwing this and and I feel like I feel comfortable with it and I feel like I know where it’s going and again if you know where something is going you feel very comfortable with the

Disc throw it that that that’s your one another page Pierce got the passion this is the one that um I feel like I’m this close to saying this is is going to be a big disc in my bag like this year this one’s going to start coming in more for

Me a little bit more straighter especially with my forehand got that more power than my backhand feel like this one’s going to really be something for me this year that’s why it’s in the bag now it’s so subject to come out of the bag because some of these other disc

Might be in this one’s spot who knows but right now uh I just I feel like that disc is right there ready to be one of my one of my another one of my Workhorse discs now for my backand I don’t throw very far so I have to have something

Under stable and and this one is light so again it’s not crashing I’m going with my latitude 64 Diamond which I know you can barely see it there it is uh I thought thre this one a ton and I feel comfortable with it the other day I I

Got it up to 200 ft and I know most people will laugh at that but for me that’s a long ways since I hurt my shoulder and it was the first time I gotten it over 200 and gosh six months or more because of my shoulder so that

Makes me feel good and I feel control with it most of the time when I is there are times I get get tad bit of angle and this is understable so when you get on that angle it’s it wants to keep going that way if I get it flat it’s going to

Kind of come out and then come back at the end but if I get a little angle she’s gone but love that disc next uh let’s see I think the next few are kind of specialty discs for me uh these two we start off with uh infinite discs some cone tiis most

People say what is a cone Tiki well here they are uh these are very understable very understable these are very specific shots when I really need to throw something and have it come back um at pigs viiew Park hole 16 in particular this one’s coming out for

That and lately I’ve been I’ve been coming over it just a little and it keeps going but when I keep it flat it’ll come out then at the very end it’ll fade back just a touch so I love this disc for for that and certain upshots when I don’t have uh where I

Can’t throw to the right because there’s trees or something in the way I will throw this one and I’ll throw it softer and then on that time I will kind of specifically give it just a tiny bit of angle and it will actually just kind of flatten out and stay straight maybe a

Little bit at the very end but basically it’ll stay straight uh same with this one this one’s just a little bit lighter version of this one so uh this one does have its spots but I’ve been throwing this one a lot more which you can see

It’s it’s beat in pretty good both of them are so there we go those those two now this one is the exact opposite it is an old disc Crab Zone I throw this one when I don’t have a long throw but I need it to really be overstable for me

So this this old Zone soft plastic most of the time what it would do is it it’s going to hit the ground and check up rarely is it going to hit get up and roll because it’s softer and it would just kind of just kind of dig

In and love this one especially on hole 15 at peaksview Park well since they changed it uh uh anyway they changed that hole but since they changed it this one doesn’t work quite as good it’s they push the pin up the hill and right after the pin

It’s much Ste deeper than it used to be for me so but great disc for that if you have a longer arm you can probably get good distance with that that that crashing at the end and the last few okay and yes I have stingrays in the bag

You guys were waiting for that Stingray my orange Stingray this one is a little more understable so this one is for certain holes when I want to give it that little bit for me distance but it’s going to kind of kind of turn a little and at the

End might just kind of straighten out not really going to crash it then so unless if I give it some angle it will kind of flatten and then come back but uh just certain holes I’m using this on now this used to be my Workhorse disc

Right here and I I loved it but that my arms got a little better I sadly don’t use it as much I’m sorry next is Pinky I lost this one for a few days this one is kind of a a forehand disc upshot disc kind of a uh

Not a long one like if I’m in some rough or something and I need a little shot just a little touch shot where some of these other discs I I need to give it more this one I don’t have to give it a lot I know what it’s going to do it’s

Going to come out it’s going to throw out there and it’s going to stay maybe a little this if I put on a little bit of angle it’s going to kind of Fade Out whichever way put where I put it it’s kind of going to do that for me and I

Feel very comfortable with that next is my yellow Stingray this one um is basically a longer disc for me it’s going to uh hold that straight line and at the end it’s it is going to come down a little bit at the end not beat in as much it’s kind of

Beat in now that I’m looking at it but not as much as the other ones so this one is going is going to hold that line for me for a little bit longer than the other two would and and this one I recently bought I um

Bought at US Women’s actually I need to find some more of these because I love the plastic it is the cap merch Halo Stingray I remember when I heard they were going to do this at that time the stingray was the top three disc in my

Bag as my arm has gotten better my forehand is coming out I started using the other ones but this right here I’ve thrown in the backyard giv it full power it and for me again for me full power remember soft noodle arm it’s just holding that straight line so love that

Disc um I haven’t really broken it in a lot yet because I just haven’t and I love it hopefully I can meet cat at uh worlds this year maybe get her signed hopefully maybe they’ll have a few more of these is at um world championships this year uh not World Championships at

The um Players Championship at the end of the season Ina wasn’t there and I wanted to get a couple more of these but oh well and the last disc in my bag this one is one that I think is going to be a big

Disc in my bag this year um I just got to throw up more and get some confidence with it but it is what’s the name of Spyro Servo it’s the MVP Servo which hey um I really like the feel of it I’ve thrown it a few times and I I like what it’s

Doing for me and I do feel like at some point this disc right here I wish there was some color on it I feel like I’m going to lose it really easily I feel like this disc might uh be something good for me so that’s my in

The bag for 2024 as of now very very subject to change as the year goes on as the month goes on so we’ll see how that works out but right now that’s my in the bag like comment subscribe all those good things we always appreciate that and you guys have an incredible Day


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