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Newcastle reject offer from Bayern Munich for Kieran Trippier – Transfer Show

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West Ham agree a lone deal with Manchester City for Calvin Phillips with an option to buy and Newcastle reject another bid from Bayern Munich for Kieran trfia hi good evening welcome along to the transfer show Phillips is flying back from Abu Dhabi but could there be another twist also on the way tonight

News on possible incomings at Tottenham Aston Villa Nottingham Forest and Rangers plus is Karen Bena closer than to moving to the Premier League and we’re an hour away from kickoff at Stanford Bridge as Chelsea looks to overturn a one goal deficit against the championship side Middlesboro who will reach Wembley well Rob Dorset Michael Bridge are here with me let’s start with Newcastle then Michael what do we know about Kieran trippier and a possible move well we know that Newcastle United have rejected an improved offer for Kieran trippier that came during the transfer show around quarter 5 the

Club’s position has not changed and they’re telling us not for sale we’ve also been told that the bid was in the region of 13 million so Newcastle United rejected an improved offer for Kieran trippier from Bayern Munich but Rob despite the fact they’re the richest club in the world they have to sell

Players if they want to improve if they want to um bring people in why aren’t they selling Kieran trippier look it doesn’t come as any surprise to me at all that Newcastle have rejected that bid from Bayern Munich Michael said there1 13 million pounds you cannot replace Kieran trippier for 13 million

Yes he’s 33 years old yes he’s only got a limited length time left on his contract but the impact of that man has made since he moved to Newcastle under the new era of of the ownership at Newcastle has been absolutely extraordinary you talked to Newcastle players you talk to Newcastle fans they

Will tell you the signing of Kieran trippier was the single most important signing in that transformation taking them to challenging at the top end of the Premier League getting into Europe all right they’re not having a great season now because they’ve got a lot of injuries but the standards that Kieran

Trippier are set on the pitch and off the pitch he is the club Captain he is the leader of that group has been absolutely extraordinary so the thought of selling him for 13 million pounds why would Newcastle entertain that it just makes absolutely no sense to me you’re

You’re right Newcastle are sailing close to the wind when it comes to profit and sustainability rules and they need to sell some players but you can’t help but feeling that Kieran Tripper is probably last on the list of the of the players they would want to sell uh we we

Understand that trippier himself is open to the idea of talking to Bayern Munich about a move why wouldn’t he one of the biggest clubs in Europe challenging in the Champions League playing with you know some some extraordinary players that makes sense from his perspective but it doesn’t make any sense to me from

A Newcastle perspect perspective that they might be prepared to let him go um and also crucially 13 million doesn’t solve their profit and sustainability rules concerns it’s it’s it’s a drop in the ocean compared with the sorts of figures we’re talking about and yes he’s on significant uh wages but I’m told that

Bayern are interested as well in 26y Old nordi mukui on loan from Paris s man so I think it’ll be interesting to see now that this offer has been rejected what decision to buy and make how much are they prepared to offer and pay for a 33y

Old because that’s the facts of the matter here they can’t offer him a huge contract if they offer him a threee contract be 36 Newcastle not interested in a loan deal that’s off the table so how much are Bayern prepared to pay now for a 33y old how much do they want him

Because I suspect they’ve got to go an awful lot higher than they’ve gone right now for Newcastle to even consider it Michael the move doesn’t make any sense to Rob does it make any sense to you not really and I think it’s quite an extraordinary January window anyway for

All the reasons you know profit and sustainability rules but we’re talking about the richest Club in football needing to sell a player and it’s probably quite diffic difficult for Newcastle fans to get their head around but these rules difficult for me to get my head around yeah and we we’re

Learning that these rules have some right nashes on them they got teeth yeah and I think clubs at the moment will be having some meetings and saying you know what let’s wait till the summer things might be a little bit different in a few months time let’s remember as well when

Kier and trippier joined Newcastle United they were at stage let’s call it stage one signing Chris Wood now I I didn’t you could debate whether that was a success or not because they took him away from a a side near the bottom as well but they’ve moved on since then and

When they qualify for the Champions League they immediately bypass sort of stage two and they got a three and four in the Champions League it’s been quite a worldwind for Newcastle United Football Club and maybe they they’re victims of their own success in the sense because where they are in the

League at the moment if they were there last season I think everyone would be loving it but last season was so good I just feel that in terms of the way in terms of a look for your first player to join this new era a couple of years

Later I don’t think many fans would like the look of it and they’re still probably getting round that there might be one who has to go but I think as all the word everything Rob said it just would hurt those Newcastle United Rob sorry but these rules are annoy me I’m

Going to come out now they annoy me because if you’re a fan of Newcastle you when you got bought by who you got bought by you must have thought this is it we can win everything we can dream actually they’ve been chopped off at the knees they can’t dream there’s something

Wrong with that surely well look my understanding is there are a number of Premier League clubs that want to talk to the Premier League about changing the rules and changing the time frame because this is something that Nottingham Forest and Everton have fallen foul of the fact that the account

Period is different from the transfer windows so for example Nottingham Forest when they sold Brennan Johnson to Spurs that they sold him in September the accounting period was the end of June so had they sold him in June they wouldn’t have be facing a potential points deduction that they’re facing now that’s

The first thing to say the second thing to say is bridie is absolutely right when he talks about a lot of clubs that we’re talking to keeping their powder dry in this window for the summer to come because of uh PSR rules but they expect there to be a change to those

Rules they expect that 105 million P that you’re allowed to lose over any threeyear cycle to be increased and clubs will vote on it now nothing’s been decided yet the Premier League won’t tell you anything about it they’re very tight lipped on it but that’s what I

Understand they will be asked to vote on and so the rules might be much more lenient come the end of the next transfer window so all that you’re talking about about these rules seeming unfair I think there’s a number of clubs that would agree with you on that and

And and a number of clubs have said to me it’s an ambition killer if you’re prot the elite if you’re a big Club who comes in and wants to spend a lot of money you’re not allowed to and a lot of people in business don’t understand that

Because you buy any other club in bus any other business and you can invest as you like but but and this is really important the Premier League are very strong on this because they feel that their rules make it an as even a playing field as possible so you can’t just come

In and buy the title you can’t just come in but the same clubs are in the top six year after year after compare much compare what happens in the Premier League to what happens in La Liga or League ear Paris sanj win League earn every single year in Spain there’s only

Two or three clubs that can win it in Germany Bayern Munich tend to win it every year brusser Dortmund challenged them yeah but there’s only one or two clubs that can win it so we can point to the fact that Manchester City have won the league in in cons four consecutive

Seasons is it yeah and but there’s still competition huge competition at the top of the Premier League and that’s because of the rules that are in place some points to the likes of Arsenal when they moved to the Emirates that they had a tough few Windows Totten didn’t do any business

One summer they might look say hey we’ve been sensible as well but maybe you know when these rules will be discussed give it a go kind of attacks like like like new promoted clubs they they need to have a go without going too far or the new owners get a kind of a

Little bit of leeway new ownership leeway you can imagine all that would be on the table in then these discussions as well couldn’t you consecutive Seasons Rob but it’ll be four if they do it this time um all right so listen if trippier doesn’t go Miguel Almer on his names being

Floated around is he the most conceivable player that could leave Newcastle and it would work for them with these rules well Keith Downey who’s our nor Northeast correspondent has has said absolutely that um I mean look the truth is Eddie H doesn’t want to lose

Any of those any of the three names that we’ve been talking about Kieran trippier Callum Wilson and Miguel Al almeron but I think he accepts and the Club accept that that man on your screen there now almeron is probably the most commercially sensible player to sell

Because we know that a number of clubs in Saudi Arabia are interested in him I’ve been told that al-shabab is one of those which is very very rich and it has the likes of Belgian International yanet Carrasco playing for them so it’s already got a history of buying big

Players and if you believe reports in the media and reports coming out of Saudi arabia3 million pound might be a correct fee for Miguel almeron that’s useful money for Newcastle and no disrespect to alaron he’s been superb for Newcastle he’s been very much one of the first choices in Eddie House side

This season but he’s not irreplaceable in the way that I would argue Kieran trippier is and so if you’ve got to lose somebody if you have to sell somebody to sort of you know make PSR rules and and hit the targets almeron is a better option than trippier or Callum Wilson

And I can’t see the other two happen we can’t completely rule out Eddie how M turn and say you know what let’s leave it as it is let’s go we’re not in Europe we’ve got all these League games left FA Cup we leave as it is got loads of

Injuries well Joe linton’s a big loss as well I mean you know he was one of the best signings pre uh you know the new takeover now and look at what he’s done under Eddie how Eddie howal absolutely loves him a week ago we were talking about his contract situation there were

Some reports might have played his last game for Newcastle because of the thigh thigh injury he sustained plenty to ponder Freddy Hal but let’s In fairness to him from September it’s not just recently from September he’s been telling Keith PSR well Financial play will call now with PSR PSI he has been

Pretty consistent with this I think you got it you’re right in bringing up the context Mike because Newcastle are 10th but they’re only three points off Brighton in seventh seventh to Newcastle fans with all the injury problems they’ve had sounds pretty blooming good doesn’t it and six defeats in the last

Seven Premier League matches doesn’t sound great the most two recent of those Man City and Liverpool okay they can beat anybody in the Premier League but before that Luton and Forest that’s the concern that they’re losing to teams like Luton and Forest but with those injury problems if you talk to Keith

Downey if you hear what Eddie how is saying it sounds like a lot of those injured players are coming back in the next few weeks their problems should be eased considerably before the middle of February shall we say so that must affect their view of what they’re going

To do in this transfer window they can’t think short term they have to know that these players are coming back and so they’ll look at where they’ve got options and maybe Al is Expendable maybe Al is the one they can sell because of the players they know they’ve

Got coming back like Joe Linton at some point in the next month or so we’re not party to what bad information is behind the scenes but what is clear to us is that of the three players that that are is interest in at Newcastle at the moment trippier alaron and Callum Wilson

Alaron is all the word all the all the noises we’re hearing is that alaron is the one they may consider if there’s a 30 million pound bid from him from Saudi Arabia okay all right listen I want to break away from transfers just for the moment to go to Stanford bridge where

The team uses in for Chelsea Middlesboro in the carabal cup semi-final second leg remember Middlesboro have a 1- n Advantage going into this one well Chelsea have made made a couple of changes and there we go maaa mudrick in for Connor Gallagher and Ben chilwell will Captain the side

There’s no Malo Gusto he is injured Armando Brer didn’t start in the first leg he starts tonight well it’s a massive night tonight Levi as it safe to say it’s your biggest game of the season so far yeah definitely um there’s a lot on the line

Hopefully we can go out there and get the job done from a defensive point of view concede one goal the job then gets twice as hard so what did you learn from that first leg do you think as a team and how you need to contain bar especially on the counter yeah

Definitely they’re a good team on a counter attack um we learned at the last game um we got to stop that this time and then hopefully as a backline we can work much better and reduce the space quicker um and then hopefully yeah get a clean sheet today and help the attackers

Out you have a home ground um crowd behind you as well and what is now an eight game unbeaten run here how much does that count for tonight yeah it’s going to be massive I think with the fans with us behind our back it’s going to be another player out there and it

Was just like them away it was a tough game with their fans so hopefully we can do the same here well thanks for your time best of luck thank you thank thank you yeah we’ll keep an eye on that game for you uh let’s talk Calvin Phillips

Now we’re certainly keeping an eye on him Michael tell about tell us about this potential deal to West Ham yeah this is the player maybe the name we’ve been talking about from the very start of this January window and maybe a slight surprise that no massive development until now because West Ham

Reached an agreement with Manchester City to sign Calvin Phillips on loan you know he’s leaving he’s the training camp in Abu Dhabi with the rest of the squad now we understand a medical is expected to take place this week so more on that as we get it medical tests now what

Always stood out for me was Pep Gua saying he cannot envisage Phillips in his team however there are some big teams big names who like Calvin Phillips and rightly so yeah AB so and and you know people are thinking oh well the clubs have agreed a deal so therefore West Ham are

Going to get him explain why that is not necessarily the case well look what we know is that West Ham have agreed a loan fee for Calvin Phillips The two clubs have agreed on that and with the potential for him to make a substantive move to West Ham at some point in the

Future when that loan spell is over what we don’t know is how other clubs that are interested in Calvin Phillips are going to respond to that and we don’t know if Calvin Phillips is play given the choice of a number of clubs that he could sign for who he’s going to choose

Would West Ham be top of that list I don’t know but we told you last week that Juventus Barcelona Atletico Madrid Newcastle Crystal Palace and West Ham are all interested in him if they are truly interested in him which we believe they are are they now mustering their

Own bid to match to go alongside that West Ham uh uh deal just because Manchester City have accepted that deal from West Ham does not mean that Calvin Phillips is automatically a West Ham player he’s got to go undergo a medical he’s got to fly back from Abu Dhabi all

Of that is going to take time which gives those other clubs that we’ve been I’ve mentioned there time to muster their own bid and I’ve been speaking to a source on this and to Tim Thornton who’s an expert on Calvin Phillips and and and his time at Leeds and Sheffield

United as well uh he he expects this to be sorted this week both the player and Manchester City want that to happen they don’t want it to drag into final week of the window and it’s pretty clear that David Moyes has been a long-term admirer

Of him he he actually made a bid um for Calvin Phillips when he was still a lead United player so it’s a long-standing interest for them and and that has to appeal to Calvin Phillips going somewhere where he’s wanted where he we assume he’s going to be given good

Opportunities to play football not just because he’s been absolutely starved at football with injury and being out of favor for so long at Manchester City but also because we’ve got the Euros coming up say so does Calvin Phillips have to move and play to get into Southgate

Squad not necessarily to get into the squad but I think if he wants to be a regular in the starting 11 for England and absolutely he’s just not playing enough football and marike you and I have spoken to about this a number of times in in recent weeks even recent

Months you’ve had this bizarre scenario where Calvin Phillips has been given time on an international stage to improve his match Fitness he hasn’t been getting game time with his Club so G Southgate has been giving him game time for England to keep him in the fold to

Try and get his Fitness up to keep him motivated and inspired if you like which is surely putting the cart before the horse and it shows what Southgate thinks of him he thinks incredibly highly of him and we know there are a lot of other big clubs out there that think very

Highly of Calvin Phillips too but from his perspective irrespective of the Euros he’s just got to get playing football it’s been a very poor move for him to go to Manchester City great financially I’m sure he’s earned a heck of a lot of money but that’s not what

He’s motivated by he wants to play football and he’s played so little football at Manchester City he has to put that ear behind him and go somewhere where he’s going to be loved and given the opportunity to play clearly that’s David Moyes and West Ham but what I’m

Saying to you is don’t absolutely guarantee as West Ham is going to end up now I want to see how those other huge clubs Juventus Barcelona Atletico Madrid Newcastle and Crystal Palace how do they react in the next 24 48 hours it’s going to be absolutely crucial because they

Could match what West Ham are prepared to offer and then Calvin Phillips has a decision to make so Michael Rob says David moy’s longtime admirer is there a place for Calvin Phillips in that West Ham Midfield which looks pretty good I would say so Mike um look I think David

Mo let’s let’s get it right spent very well off the back of selling Declan rice to Arsenal okay it took a few weeks and West Ham France were little bit concerned but James W prous has been a brilliant signing Alvarez will come back in he might play alongside Phillips Ward

Prous just in front mam Kudos what a player he is petta what a player he is okay he’s got an injury along with jaral B up up front West Ham are also under David Moyers European regulars so he would be playing in the Europa League M

I just can’t imagine him not in that side I can imagine David Moyes being very excited at this Prospect I think it would be a very good move for him now obviously Rob covers England all the time and as Rob says no real issue with Phillips being in the squad but wouldn’t

Gare s love it that he’s in that Squad that training camp with 24 good games under his belt not watching Manchester City seat at the etti had going that’s a good game isn’t it he’s going to be playing 24 games Europa quarterfinals semi David Moyes sorry it could happen

Because they have been there okay the West Ham fans are frustrated Mo a couple of poor defeats but there’s a good opportunity to him to have a really good second half of the Season Rob mentions he’s other big clubs a lot we know there

Isn’t a hell of a lot of money in Europe at the moment so they might just look at it and say well we know what West Ham and we’ll get that those details I’m sure over the next few days about the loan fee and what and and and the whole

Financial package West Ham might just say you know what he’s just the kind of player we need for a little bit of a boost now to the end of the season yeah and of course he’s on his way back from Abu Dhabi so we will see what happens

It’s interesting a player of Calvin Phillips quality does not come up very often and it very rarely comes up up in January by the way there’ll be an awful lot of clubs out there probably even beyond the ones that we’ve mentioned that we know about who will be interested in Calvin Phillips absolutely

That is a great Point all right we’re going to take a break when we come back we’ll bring you the very latest on Tottenham and also Karen Bena is he on his way to the Premier League he might be see you in a Moment Hi welcome back to the transfer show so much going on even though it feels quiet it isn’t uh line coming out of Celtic Michael what have you got yeah Celtic fans will be really really pleased to hear this it’s uh Celtic have begun contract talks for forward Rocco Vata

Now he’s very highly regarded we know an 18-year-old they’re discussing the possibility right now in Glasgow about extending his contract he came on as a substitute and scored in Celtics 5-nil win over Bucky thistle on Sunday he’s back training the under 21 International now he’s out of contract in the summer

And has held talks with bologna and Kom this month this is from my colleague Anthony Joseph but they’ve become contract talks tonight for Rocko they’ll be absolutely delighted with that if that can get secured excellent news coming out of um Scotland all right what we’re going to do is just move away from

Transfers we’re going to go it’s an important night in the carabel cup isn’t it Chelsea one- nil down against bar remember Chelsea not won anything since Todd Bley and Clear Lake Capital took over Marcio portino not won a trophy in this country here he is well maritzio semi-final under the

Lights at Stanford bridge I mean this is why you took the Chelsea manager job isn’t it this is what it’s all about yes of course I seen is really important game for us uh he a semi-final uh yes the first leg was difficult on middle and now uh uh we

Need to win the game um and it’s going we have ahead I think amazing opportunity to be in the final but I see first of all we need to respect our opponent is going to be tough and we need to deserve to to get the final well

The beauty of a second leg is that you do get a second chance so when you reflect on that first leg what were the main lessons that you learned that you hope will make you better prepared for tonight no that is the beauty of the of the cups I think this so important

Because I think the first leg was we play better we play well we created the chance but we were not clinical enough and we consider a goal that we should no no concede uh yes we need to learn about this type of situation that we cannot

Afford to to lose this type of the of game the cup uh in general and allow you to to have a second chance but because was the semi-final we have the second chance and now we need to be clever in the way we need to compete uh we know

That we are playing for uh too many things and it’s so important for us to get the final but uh yes we are going to have a very difficult opponent and we need to deserve for that to be done Ben Chell back in that starting lineup what

Kind of difference you hoping that he might make to your chances tonight I think uh he’s a player with experience he’s one of our captain I think he’s uh I maybe he’s we’ll see if can cope with the 90 minute but I think it’s important that can start today and to provide the

Team the experience that the team need um yes and then his quality know he’s there he’s one of the best footb on the on the country and hope today can you know show his quality and and and help the team to achieve the the final and Michael Carrick has said that he’s

Expecting the best version of Chelsea tonight are you confident you can deliver that well always always I am very optimistic before the games and and of course um no excuses uh we are in a St for Bri I think we prepar really well the game

And now only we need to deliver the our job all right well best of luck thank you very much yeah five times Champions Chelsea against the 2004 winners Middlesboro should be quite a game right let’s talk Tottenham Michael good window for Tottenham so far are they going again

Maybe Mike talks Contin with Club Bru over a potential signing for Antonio ner now if Spurs were successful here we understand it would be a straight loan back that’s worked for Spurs Pape s Mets Destiny adou Udin Nai they’ve come back really good players and and one of the

First names on N boster cogo’s team sheet so I think for Spurs they they recognize and appreciate this is a player who’s not only been scouted by them but all the top clubs in Europe but Spurs you know in a pretty decent situation in terms of PSR might look to

Just get it done now but must stress just talks continuing at the moment and as you rightly say Mike it’s been a good window I was told the sole thing an Posta cogley wanted he says it’s to me my colleagues Defender Defender Defender he got it Ru dragas in Teo verer was the

Bonus Ball because that’s a bit of cover for humon anything else we’ll just wait and see but so far they’re very happy and also they have offloaded people that they didn’t want around I mean it couldn’t have gone Better Could It Well I think you know Rob will know this you

Know when clubs can sell the players they are no longer you know needed anymore especially on big wages Hugo laice Captain you know for nearly a decade Eric Dyer dream move for him Bayern Munich but dream for Tottenham because he was up for sale last summer Ian perisic going back to Croatia he’s

Got an ACL injury Mike till April April and he’s off the books you know lovely jubly for Spurs and you’ve got Jed Spence sent back from leads straight away to Gena part of the draging deal dream and jaffet tanganga has gone to mill on loan after a loan in Germany

Hasn’t completely worked out so Spurs are happy does that mean they’re completely done not necessarily we’ll wait and see Spurs had the best window of everybody so far I think that I think there’s an awful lot of Premier League clubs who are pretty envious of them because it’s difficult to get players

Out what we see is a lot of Premier League clubs buy players and then because the Premier League is is is is so wealthy and it’s one of it’s It’s arguably the best in the world it’s difficult to get those players out if it doesn’t work out for you Spurs have been

Extraordinary in doing that um I think all of virtually all of those players have gone out on Loan By the way y so it does Kick the Can down the road a little bit and they’ve still got issues when they come back in the summer and they’ve

Still probably got a bloated Squad of players that they don’t want in the summer yeah so the D the dire and the parisit ones I mean they won’t their contracts will run out it’s just a financial situation but yes there are some players tang and dumbell 50 50 of

Million pounds a Galatasaray he’ll probably be coming back so that’s been a bit of an issue so look don’t always work out but I must say the recruitment for Tottenham over the last I mean the summer ones have been ABS they’ve they’ve replaced the goalie brilliantly with Vicario they’ got good defenders in

Vanen so he could be very happy an poogle but you know he works directly with Daniel Levy and the new head of football operations Scott M so it’s working well so far and I think the thing is he clearly doesn’t want a bloated Squad an poo has a very close

Working relationship with his players doesn’t he like in the same way that Nuno spirito Santo at Forest for example wants quite a close knit Squad a blow yeah and same as pep a bloated Squad like Spurs have had with a lot of unhappy players who aren’t playing in

The squad is the last thing that any club needs but in terms of an POA cogo that’s the last thing he wants for the environment he’s trying to create so getting all of those players out I mean it’s a heck of a list oh you know I mean

You look at you look at um the two that have come in teimo verer and R dragan I think that they’re two fantastic bits of business in the in the in the January window I really do but getting those extra players out has probably changed the entire atmosphere around the place

Absolutely and they might have some more good news in a couple of days one of the best signings of the summer I know I know he’s been injured someone who Robb knows ra well James Madison is very very close if not Manchester City potentially brenford on the Wednesday night he’s

Really close and he’s been such a great signing Vice Captain taken it easily real real character great guy you know him so um that is great news for Spurs what a player um a line about Emerson Royale what’s going on with him yeah so we there was reports on Monday about a

Rejected bid from Saudi Arabian side NASA um my understanding from erson R is he’s very very happy at Spurs uh he’s got a young baby and we’ve got to remember that these are Big situations family is so so important he’s got a young family he’s very happy in London

And what’s important as well the club don’t want to sell so so yeah it looks like he’ll be staying and we’ll wait to see if they come back with with another offer but as it as it stands he’s he’s more than able cover it right back for

Pedro por and at Center half that that’s a really important point that Michael makes there though we talk so much on the transfer show and in transfers generally on Sky Sports news about two clubs reaching an agreement we have done with Calvin Phillips tonight and everybody assumes it’s a done deal

Because West Ham and Manchester City have agreed a deal there’s a third key part in any deal that has to be done and that’s the player and if they’re not happy to move for personal reasons for family reasons or just because they don’t fancy that they’re under no obligation to move they’re under

Contract with that existing club and so when you talk about Emerson Royale there it’s absolutely right if he’s set settled and happy Spurs have have signed a contract with him they are legally bound to keep paying his wages until that contract is up even if they agree

With somebody else to sell him unless the player decides to as well it doesn’t happen three things need to happen both clubs and the player indeed all right let’s take a break when we come back loads to fit in Manchester United ndam Forest Aston Villa and more see you in the Moment Breaking news coming out of Newcastle Michael Bridge has it Michael yeah it was news Newcastle fans were fearing SL expecting they have confirmed that Joe has undergone surgery on a thigh injury sustained earlier this month and he will now commence a period of Rehabilitation over the scene by the club’s medical

Staff and is expected to return in May 2024 now there were Fierce reports over the last few days that his season could be over Newcastle are saying may now their last few fixures of the Season Brighton at home on May the 11th brenford away May the 19th or if

Newcastle fans are optimistic potential FA Cup Final they’ve not ruled him out for the season but a very large chunk of it does that change Eddie how’s transfer plans look I think they’ve known for some time that it’s a significant injury and he’s going to be out for some time

But we’ve been talking about Miguel almeron haven’t we this evening saying that Keith Downey has reported this up in the northe east as well that of the three options that we know there is interest for Kieran trippier Miguel almeron um and who’s the third Wilson that the AL Ron’s the most likely one

That Newcastle will let go well he’s probably the closest to Joe Linton in terms of position and the way he’s used within the side so if Joe Linton is out for that long will they let alaron go well let change their view well they say

Well hang on no we can’t afford to be down in that area I think that’s something we need to investigate I’m sure Keith downe is on the case and we’ll probably get clear in the next couple of days but certainly losing Joe Linton till May it virtually is the end

Of I mean how after been out that long how fit is he going to be exactly when comes back H blow blow huge blow um Rob we haven’t spoken about Aston Villa in this window what’s going on there well look they don’t they don’t typically like to do business in January that

That’s the truth they try and do their business in the summer um but we know about their interest in Morgan roders who starts for middlesbor tonight in that huge game by the way that kicks off in what 20 minutes time now against Chelsea um it’s been made very clear to

Me that burough are holding firm they’ve rejected two bids from Aston Villa for one of their prized assets they absolutely won’t allow him to go on what they consider to be the cheap and my understanding is they consider the offers that Villa have made so far

The cheap um but you have to say well what’s Morgan Rogers thinking exactly right now he’s not agitating for a move he’s the he’s the consument professional so far but you have to suspect that he’s tempted in making a move from a side that’s outside the playoff places 11th

But but could make the playoffs with a bit with a good run B you thought were going to be up there challenging for the championship big Michael Carrick fan well there you go um but for him to have get the chance to move to possibly one of the most exciting clubs in the

Premier League right now in terms of the direction they’re going in under unai Emory would be a fantastic move for him and he’s been made it very very clear how highly Villa thoughts of him there he is look out out on the pitch tonight ahead of this huge semifinal and you

Said to me earlier what happens if burra make it to the to the efl cup final he want well he’d want to play in the final wouldn’t he but I don’t think you can plan your career around that and if and and if he gets the opportunity to move

To Aston Villa if they can match bur’s valuation which we understand is significantly higher than what Val Villa have offered so far you have to suspect that that man on your screen would want to move to the Premier League and move to Aston Villa under unai Emory um bur

Absolutely in no rush to sell him excited to see what impact he can have tonight and Beyond um but he’s still only 21 he’s got a big future ahead of him I think whether he makes this move now or not okay so he may be on his way

To Villa who’s on the way out of villa well this is Leander dandona that we’ve been talking about for quite a while he’s been Surplus to requirements for for a while now hasn’t he let’s be honest in under the previous management and under unai Emory sky and Italy our

Colleagues over there are reporting that Napoli have agreed an 8.5 million pound deal with Villa to sign the Belgian midfielder Alexander Leander dandona he’ll undergo a medical with the Italian Club tomorrow so he’s flying out there as we speak to you right now and I think if that happens that suits everybody 8.5

Million isn’t a bad deal from an Aston Villa perspective they’ve lost a lot of money in terms of what they paid for him in but in terms of the original fee um but he’s not playing he’s very frustrated for him to start again in Syria makes an awful lot of sense so I

Think that suits Napoli it suits Villa and it suits then donra okay all right well we saw um Morgan Rogers warming up there so let’s talk carabal cup semi-final middlesbor made four changes from the side that Drew with rotheram at the weekend Johnny hson Matt Crooks sep Vandenberg start along with Marcus Force

Isaiah Jones is injured Finn aaz and the two leads lones Luke aling and Sam Greenwood can’t play they are cup tied and we’ve just found out that Michael bridge is Michael carrick’s Fanboy here is Michael Carrick Michael I played many football games with you many games like this how

Are you tonight in terms of VI are you were the calest man in the world when you’re a player are you calm tonight as a manager um yeah I’ve trust the boys you know it’s a it’s a terrific group we got um great opportunity for us you know we’

Put a lot of work in the get here and um we we in the game you know so we looking forward to it it’s um we know what we’re getting into we know what um how tough it can be here with the team they’ve got

But um we’re here to to have a right crack at it you’re pretty good away from home but what’s the plan tonight plan’s to win the game get through I think um yeah we we listen they got really good players they’ got good individuals that can turn

A game at any moment we all know that um we we’ve got the plan to to we we want to try and set off um cut off certain spaces and and and have the plan that way but we we’ve got to take the ball

We’ve got to be a threat we want we want to um treat the game as if it’s if it’s nil nil and um keep that mindset and uh try and win the game I know you have thought about this but how do you visualize this game going in your mind

In terms of middles but getting to the end and getting through to a Wembley appearance there’s a few different scenarios that one guys I think um I think we got to be open to ready be flexible and ready to adapt I think you got to ride the emotion and and and the

The mood and the momentum in the game at certain times um and and go with it when it’s with you and and and be smart and clever when maybe it’s not with you so it’s very difficult to predict um you know we we got Lads Off the Bench now

That we’re a bit stronger that we can have an impact which will help us uh later in the game is staying in the game a philosophy and a tactic for you tonight in some ways it is but I think it’s it’s diff it’s difficult one to be

Um to go with that because it’s it’s almost a negative one where you think stay in the game stay in the game I think subconsciously puts you in a in a frame of mind where your survival mode and and and we want to be a bit more

Expressive than that and um try and have uh enough of the game and um that’s the balance you know you got to be sensible we got to know that we know what spaces they they’re trying to attack we got to shut them off but we want to make a

Difference and and impact the game in a positive way you’ve lost Isaiah Jones which obviously is a blow and you played a back three or back five against the Premier League clubs in this competition so far have you gone back to about four tonight um I think it’s difficult to put

Numbers on it to be truthful I think um we don’t certainly work his numbers it’s it’s more positional of of where the ball is on the pitch do we have it do we not which um and again going back to certain spaces I think it’s um it’s it’s

Definitely not a a total back forward it’s definitely not a full on back five so hopefully again we’ll be flexible and adapt and and I think that’s the way the game’s going at the moment really and and it’ll probably continue to do that and up the top end of the pitch you’ve

Got Morgan Rogers back which is a massive plus um and force as well do you think feel like you can cause Chelsea big problems yeah I think we have to we have to go with that mindset you know we got to be positive we we’ve got good attacking plays we’ve got good ability

We got good plays through the middle of the pitch who can um take the ball and are comfortable taking the ball which is a big part of it for us as well um so yeah we we we feel we’ve got a good balance in there it’ be a big test for

Us but we’re look forward to it brilliant all the best Michael Michael Carrick with our rookie reporter Gary Neville admitted in the last hour he hadn’t spoken to Michael Carrick since they were team mates at Manchester United rude just plain rude um Michael you got a line from Rangers

What have you got yeah this is a really potentially exciting one for Rangers I know there was a little bit of worry frustration because of their business in the summer most of it not great does it impact them this January but this is an exciting looking Sig if they can do it

They’re closing in on the signing of FC Norland midfielder Muhammad diamand now Source has told us the clubs are in advanced stage of these negotiations he’s only 22 played 111 times scoring 13 goals for the Danish side good reports on this player plays on the left side of

A Midfield three don’t think Rangers have had much of that since Glen Kamar so that’s an exciting looking one under what it’s an impressive start for Philip clemon yeah indeed all right time for a break now when we come back game’s just about to kickoff in England and Scotland

We will keep you right up to date with all of that and of course we’re going to talk transfers see you in a moment Loads of football going on this evening Chelsea Middlesboro carabel cup kicks off at 8:00 there are games in leagues 1 and two and Scottish Premiership already underway we’ll keep you right across them throughout the night we have reporters all over the place all right I want to get back to Newcastle so we’ve

Just broken the news that Jo Linton is out until May Rob I want to go a bit further with this I asked you in the in the last part surely that makes Newcastle reconsider this January transfer window it’ll be really interesting next time we hear from Eddie how in his pretty much news

Conference ahead of the weekend games because you suspect so I mean look Keith Downey our guy in the Northeast who knows Newcastle better than anybody said to us yesterday that he can’t see all three of Kieran trippier Callum Wilson and Miguel almeron staying at the club

By the end of this window he is of the understanding that Newcastle need to get rid of somebody now we’ve assumed up to that point that it’s going to be Miguel Almer on it’s the biggest potential offer from a Saudi club worth potentially 30 million pounds and he was

The most replaceable we thought out of those three but now you talk about Joe Linton being out till May look let’s let’s have it right he’s going to be out for the rest of the season Michael’s very carefully looked at the fixtures and he’s right he could potentially be

Back for the last two games what’s his Fitness level going to be you don’t miss five months and then suddenly just get thrown straight back in So Joe Linton is is is a not a feature for Newcastle for the rest of this season can they get rid

Of Miguel amaron in in in the face of that it it just leaves their options pretty bare so what we’re not it’ll come down to the financial reality of the profit and sust sustainability rules and how close Newcastle are to that and only people inside the club will know that

And it comes down to what Eddie how sees as the priority it may be now that he’s get some news about Joe Lon that he thinks right we’ve got to keep Alor on let’s look to lose somebody else I still can’t see him losing trippier or Ken

Wilson I just can’t but which other option have they got who else is a sailable asset I don’t know and tribia has a great relationship with the club the fans you saw him at Bournemouth away speaking to a couple of upset fans after their long trip but trip boom boom but

Again it just won’t it just I just does wouldn’t look right to me would it someone who just started there and it would obviously disappoint Eddie how but Eddie how as we said earlier he’s been so open with Keith and the other Newcastle journalists about the

Situation and also it’s not it’s not us saying it it was Darren ill saying it on newcastle’s in-house Channel about this situation but look Joe Linton gone Sandro tanali gone for the season surely they’ve got to go we’ve got to do do something now so someone’s

Got to go so we can bring someone into Midfield well see this is the thing you listen you read between the lines from what Eddie how has been saying and it’s pretty clear that he would like to freshen up the the squad and in particular in Midfield and he doesn’t

Have the finances to do it that’s the plain simp and simple fact of it yes Newcastle are one of the richest clubs in the world but because of the Premier League’s provid and sustainability rules they cannot spend any more money without getting any players out fact right Joe

Linson we know about the situation we know that Eddie Howard like a midfielder in so with that in mind what does he do I think it’s a huge test probably one of the biggest tests he’s had in his managerial career add to that the fact that Newcastle a huge malaise six

Defeats in seven Premier League games with a huge injury crisis they need some freshness they need some positivity to come into the squad in this window to try and change that to rejuvenate the squad to give everybody a lift Eddie how will know that better than anybody so I

Do expect them to bring somebody in but I I’m still not clear on who they’re going to get out to generate the money to do it got a name for you go on Calvin Phillips could that happen now I don’t think they can afford him I think his

Wages are at such a level that the loan fee they would have to pay are at such a level that I can’t see them doing it and it would need they’d have to sell one of the crown Jews to be able to afford him

I think the loan fees is a key all right just remind us of of the of this potential move to West Ham Michael so West Ham have reached an agreement with Manchester City to sign Calvin Phillips on loan there is an option to join West Ham permanently at the end of the season

If all as well flying back from his training camp in Abu Dhabi with the rest of the squad and a medical expected to take place this week potentially good news for David Mo okay all right very quickly we’ve been talking about Karen Benzema is there any chance because he

Wants at least temporarily out of Al iyad any chance he could be in the Premier League Rob I can’t say I don’t think there are any Premier League clubs that have got the finances to do that deal simple as that he’s on extraordinary wages he’s one of the

Crown jewels out in Saudi Arabia one of the best players they’ve ever signed he is on huge money out there unless he’s prepared to take an an astronomical pay cut to come and join a club in the Premier League I cannot see it happening he’s made it very clear he would like to

It’s a come and get me plea to anybody in Europe but there are only a handful of clubs in Europe that can afford him and with the situation and the reality of the finances in in most premier league clubs right now I can’t see it happening but it’ be interesting to see

Because I think there’d be one or two clubs would be trying to make it happen Michael how many times have we said clubs need a striker he’s a great Striker quality and he’s available who knows what the last week of the window holds hey who get Evangelical now

Look out knows never rule it all never rule it out never rule it out all right gentlemen uh thank you very much now remember carabal cup semifinal second leg just about the kickoff at 8 five times winers Chelsea against Barra who won it in 2004 bar lead it’s only halim Though


  1. overhyped this Phillips guy, Westham and Crystal Palace are the only ones interested in him. Big teams don't need him, they know better.

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