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Graham Elwood is HERE | Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero Ep. 73

Punch for the laughs, Lines for the Sports. Hosted by Frank Nicotero, this 60-minute variety hour is the perfect balance of humor and sports. Special Guest: Graham Elwood and Duane Colucci.

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0:00 Opening
14:19 Graham Elwood
39:38 Duane Colucci

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Graham Elwood:
Duane Colucci:

Follow our hosts!
Frank Nicotero:
Ryan McCormick:

#PunchLines #PunchFrankNicotero #SouthPointStudio

All right welcome everybody it feels a little flat I feel like maybe we talked about getting some sort of Ann answer I think we have one don’t we Ryan play the intro let’s hear it I haven’t heard this yet go for it my buddy did this Live on YouTube from the one more

Time one more time back Point Casino Studios Las Vegas Nevada the Ultimate Sports comedy show that talks Sports comedy and a whole lot of Pittsburg this is punchlines with your hosts Ryan McCormick Ando yeah my name goes before yours the hell is that all right that was done by

My friend Bob dalmont uh WP in Baltimore is my oldest friend I met him in sixth grade why is your name first thanks Bob Ryan MC and then he Trails Ryan MCC it again yeah play say one more time I want to hear Graham wants to hear it

We didn’t hear it on the floor here we go live on YouTube from the immaculate South Point Casino Studios Las Vegas Nevada the Ultimate Sports comedy show that talks Sports comedy and a whole lot of Pittsburgh this is punchlines with your hosts Ryan McCormick and Frank

Nicio what the hell is that why am I second this is my I’m on the title there’s no Ry that’s why I should go first in the in the I’ll give it to you yeah you’re about to be a father this is probably the most awkward opening of a

Show ever of all time probably and I have a friend here and I’m trying to look good in front of him and this [ __ ] happens you sore I swear everyone’s swearing let’s do a usual opening hello I’m Frank Naro and welcome to punchlines I’m Frank Nero longtime comedian lifelong sports

Fan and uh apparently Ryan’s the star of the show which is probably how Carl Anthony towns felt last night right why do you ask oh well let’s take a look at this graphic here kyl Anthony towns had 62 points last night that he did yeah

Big game 44 in the first half 44 in the first half so what happened how did it go downhill well they uh started to collapse in the fourth quarter they got out they got doubled up in the in the fourth quarter yeah they ended up benching him with like three or four

Minutes to go in the game because the offense was running so poorly that the offense was just trying to force feed cat and get him to I don’t know 70 yeah whatever they were trying to get him to and then the coach goes on rant post game that the they’re disrespecting

Basketball that’s not how you should play it and then they so they benched him put him back in with like 30 seconds left he ended up T trying to take the uh game-winning shot for them got blocked by leaky black shout out North Carolina yeah Ley and then uh yeah so also there

Was a video of leaky black hitting his first ever free throw in the in the his first points and the announcer went nuts but yeah yeah yeah that was uh the game-winning points really after the block he had so anyway yeah he only had four points in the fourth Carl Anthony

Town 62 so he figures I’m going to be the lead on Sports Center cuz I scored 62 points oh no not so fast because Joe lmbb dropped 70 for the Sixers last night on the anniversary of Kobe’s 81 which we talked about yesterday there’s

His line he had he had 44 in the first half that’s cat oh that’s cat sorry he had how many in the F oh his second half was huge they he had 35 in the first half and in the second half okay he he

Split it oh my God 18 and five which had never been done before 70 points 18 rebounds five assist unbelievable line by Joel embiid I mean the guy a full stat sheet stuffer he had a block a steel and two fouls he stuffed it that’s that’s what they love doing man and uh

He got all the ink and he did it over wemi wemi still wemi had like 33 points his day will come but embiid right now is in his prime and that was the most uh that was the highest point total since the 64 scored by yanis onto TMO not

Gianis Chris Andrew I pronounced the Greek name right our sports book director is Greek so uh I got lectured when I said gianis it’s Yan Jan yes yes jannis speaking of Giannis an Tumo yes the bucks he is the he’s the captain of the second seed in the east in the

Eastern Division right now they’re 30 and 13 but what happened today they fired their head coach they just fired their head coach and is this true that bill bich is going to go host he’s going to go coach now yeah he’s GNA go or hargh is that what’s gonna happen yeah

They’re gonna give him enough money yeah I think they’re interviewing bich right now and he’s going to become the wouldn’t that be hysterical you just moves over to basketball yeah no roaming the sidelines assist coach Matt Patricia with the pen in the hair triangle triangle oh that’s Chicago we’ll get to

That anyway so no they fired their coach there has to be more to this story coming out I mean there must be but yeah Adrien Griffin first year head coach first 30 and 13 record and they they fire him that would be like firing me after this episode right we don’t have

13 losses we have no l we have nothing but winners all bangers there’s maybe two Clunkers out of 72 shows no undefeated undefeated we’re undefeated uh anyway that’s very odd and uh yeah yeah so Bill bich apparently we were charting us there’s a private plane heading to Milwaukee yeah he’s going to

Coach them and the Packers suck it’s gonna be and for by the way uh gramar guest who’s coming in soon watch what happens when I say the words Green Bay Green Bay sucks sucks he has to say sucks because he in Chicago we’ll was taught taught the right way by

The way Jerry’s not here today so am I free to say Pittsburgh I told you you’d mention it he’s what I asked Dan before the show how long would it take you to realize that Jerry was G it took five minutes yeah it was the first time you

Mentioned Pittsburgh though so I was I was right on that on the show today live in the studio he’s the host of government the government secrets podcast with Lee camp and he has a new comedy special out called manifest it on all things comedy Graham Elwood would be

Here I haven’t seen him in years until well I’m gonna let you in on a little show B secret we’ve already seen each other but anyway it been a while and I watched a lot of his special yesterday it’s great and that’s on YouTube I believe we’ll get to all this with

Graham and then via the video from R Park Casino Jo kuchi kuch you have to do kuch anytime we mention kuchi today is January 23rd 2024 episode 73 which according to Sheldon Cooper is the Chuck Norris of numbers because I always like to Google that I didn’t I’ve never

Really watched uh Big Bang Theory okay do you watch that show uh you kind of look like you probably watch that show oh really with the glasses on and the tie you look like you might watch it thanks I mean you come see me at the Laugh Factory when you got your hat

Backwards and you’re dressed like a b boy then I’d say no this guy’s never seen it a b boy B boy showing my age showing my age a b boy anyway Ryan well that’s what you looked you looked like you know a b boy just Google be remember B boys wasn’t

That like for people who dress fly oh I’m gonna move on Jesus CHR all right anyway so Sheldon Cooper uh his favorite number is 73 uh 73 why it’s the 21st prime number it’s mirror 37 is the 12th and its mirror is 21 and that’s the product of

Multiplying seven and three this is why I never watch watch Big Bang Theory don’t understand any of that then he gets into something with the binary and binary 73 is a palindrome one1 001 backwards is the same and Chuck Norris backwards gets you Saron cuch and that show many

Years go coach he’s talking it’s a hidden message for you Bulls fans I don’t know I never watched I saw one episode on a plane once and uh I wanted to jump out of the plane I’m anyway so Sheldon Cooper there you go he’s got the

73 wore the shirt all the time so there we are 73 we usually do a collage of athletes that wor a certain number of our show gr but we’re going to wait till 75 because there’s really all just linemen and it’s boring but at 75 we

Know who’s coming Hall of Famer me and Joe greet all right it is time now for posts with punchlines this is where we comb social media to find fresh posts and write punch lines we comb the net because it’s our job to save you time we

Got to go to Buffalo again we LED with Buffalo little play on words there is Buffalo L they’re feel feeling very low got a feel feel bad there was just an abundance now we we had a lot yesterday uh they’re replaying the game right here

On the NFL Network in front of me and uh poor buffalo they really I mean but again they disrespected the terrible tow here’s this guy in a bar someone put on the juke box of Taylor Swift song so they’re playing shake it off right now here are these guys Taylor bass Taylor

Bass with the fman he will go he ruined my life a place kicker ruined his life you uh of course family no not my first time sorry Bears fans yeah you had kickers on your life now this is Gabe Davis right who didn’t start in the game

He was injured he’s a free agent and he got mouth he was mouthing off to I think Buffalo fans s behind that bench right yeah they were giving him crap you can’t even run around yeah he torched the Steelers though but it looks like he’s walking pretty okay then Von Miller you

Sent me this 14 made 14.9 million no sacks five tackles in 14 games that’s uh almost 3 million a tackle this is the chief’s bus coming into the stadium that getting pulverized by snowballs I don’t really think it’s the chief’s bus cuz I don’t think they’d be wearing let’s go

With it’s the chief’s bus Ryan we scoured fan bus and then this is great so Josh Allen these are the Playoff victories for Josh Allen he beat Phil rivers on his farewell tour Lamar Jackson getting hurt in the third quarter beat ma Mason Rudolph and then

Skyler Thompson from Miami by the way if someone have said who is Skyler Thompson I did not that was last year right that Skyler Thompson was the Miami quarterback I that’s like one of those forgotten names so what they were trying to say there is Josh Allen hasn’t beaten much in the

Playoffs I really want to see that Buffalo Lions but we got to stick with the Super Bowl logo the colors are there the colors are purple and red so we’re assuming it’s going to be the Ravens and the ners and by the way the line is still so Baltimore’s still minus three

And a half over under 44 and a half and San Francisco crept back up to seven 51 yesterday was six and a half Chris Andrew is in here that’s a big that’s big six and a half seven if you want the underdog take it now get that seven

Points but if you think Frisco is going to win which by the way you’re never supposed to say Frisco I’m told to someone from San Francisco they hate that it’s like calling a fraternity of frat how far will it move though like jumping on the seven now is it really

Going to move up to to nine or or move to eight or nine I know George KD was on the the Pat McAfee show this morning and he was all fired up that people are giving Brock pie a bunch of [ __ ] yeah I saw that that he isn’t the guy that you

Need to be this big athlete to do all these different kinds of things and like what’s wrong with an Underdog Story and I think the the Niners are going to start so now that Ryan’s name is first apparently in the show he feels like he can swear now just freely is that is

That how this is working giving them crap see that you make him the star of the show and they just start running away with it you said [ __ ] your mother’s watching his mother is one of my friends on Tik Tok I communicate with his mom often she you know she likes everything

All right so uh let’s see oh Josh Allen at least was nice told my I thought this was a classy move what did I miss you killed my rant I killed your rant no your rant was good your rant was good so anyway uh Josh Allen what was your rant about I already

Forgot Skyler Thom Skyler Thompson go ahead with what you want what were you talking about no no it’s over it’s done it’s the Frank nicaro show yes I have control back I don’t even know what you were saying what I swear to God my memory’s going do you

Have that problem what were you talking about again honestly please help me the Niners adopted the underdog mentality that was it they’re not The Underdogs they’re the favorites damn it oh I I don’t think you think it’s going to maybe go a little lower well no I mean it’ll probably toggle right there

Between the six and a half and seven like it did yesterday so gonna be a good game more all right so we wanted to show uh one happy thing for Buffalo Josh Allen kind of a classy move T Tyler bass missed the kick uh you know and look he

Goes over and shakes his hand so he’s saying one of two things hey man we got your back uh you know hey everyone we didn’t none of us won the game you didn’t lose it all by yourself or he shaking his hand saying see you later

Man it’s nice nice having you on the team you will not be back they were going to give over a minute to Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs you don’t think they can move down the field and get a field goal themselves by the way soon as soon as they got

Incomplete on Third and seven or whatever I looked at the clock minute left I’m like game’s over yeah too much time yeah he’s gonna Patrick Mahomes will come down and win that game that’s what he does everybody given Tyler bass he or Josh Allen he like you have no

Idea what would have happened yeah I we do know you’re right we do know and speaking of kickers our favorite Cameron Dicker Cameron Dicker the kicker uh that’s his name that’s what he goes by here he is look at him at a hockey game this is him at the

Ducks game chug and beers you put up you put a Charger bolt over the beer we shouldn’t show alcohol consumption on the show look at him he’s given Jason Kelce a run for his money this guy by the way this guy if you haven’t seen it while you’re on YouTube after our show

Before uh Sports by the book today at 3:00 there you go um just Google our YouTube search the video he made trying to get selected to the to the Pro Bowl did he get selected no I don’t think he did it didn’t work he put together like

A law firm does like wacky videos and it’s hysterical all right so Cameron Dicker that’s two days in a row we featured a current NFL player just just housing beers at a sporting event I love it and he’s a kicker there you go there’s your kicker next year Buffalo

Kickers are people too yeah they are and then someone was ranting yesterday all over saying why are kickers even in the game he here was their Viewpoint which I thought was interesting if you were creating the game of football right now 300 lineman 300lb linemen people ramming

Each other hitting hard would you even think of a kicker would you even include a kicker in the game like oh then after all that happens then a little tiny guy comes out and kicks a ball through the goal post you wouldn’t if you were creating the game football right now

Let’s spend the rest of the show creating the game all right here’s how I’d start all right so anyway yeah our guest on Sports by the book yesterday is does not like kickers either he was going on a rant who doesn’t like the guest yeah Mark you know yeah our guest

Yeah he does not well it is weird that it comes down a game it comes down but you know that’s the game that was created by Abner double day what our forefather our forefathers you know what everyone knows Abner double day did baseball Dr naith did basketball no one

Knows who the hell did football George Hales I think was it George hes was George hes um you know what our guest is here I’m gonna bring him in right now I’m bringing him in I’m bringing him in in we’re doing it live uh this gentleman

As I mentioned is the host of the government secrets podcast with Lee camp and he has a new comedy special out which is really funny and it’s on YouTube manifested on all things comedy Graham Elwood is here ladies representing Chicago for you Ryan C red that’s right baby come on we’re the best

Three games under 500 team in the NBA who wants a taste well listen there’s a really good coach out there that just became available and he’s a short drive for Milwaukee how I mean you know Donovan I think he’s an okay Coach but he’s he keeps his job and the guy who’s

Like has a great team that’s going to compete for the NBA title they going to be there and I don’t understand it I don’t I don’t what do you think uh what Billy Donovan is the coach of the Bulls right yeah you like Billy Donovan I mean

He was okay with the Thunder yeah it’s it’s been too long and Zack the Zack line experiment hasn’t worked trading for DeMar rosen none of it’s working so there needs to be some kind Donovan played college basketball at Providence for Rick patino wow yeah there was my old

Man moment of the day that’s the 1950s that is the 50s it was black and white they wore the Bob Koozie shorts the tight tights and all the footage is really fast and there’s no three-point line so Graham uh we we had a couple more things I want to show you that do

You like the lions at all you probably hate the Lions no actually honestly I this is the Cub fan in me okay any team that hasn’t won in a long long time I go so so you know I don’t like the Packers I’ll never root for the Packers but I

Can root for the Detroit Lions they haven’t ever been to a Super Bowl last time they won a title was 57 and it’s a great story and you know I’ve performed in Detroit and that City seen some tough he’s still alive ladies and gentlemen still alive you know what I mean well I

Got a couple of rounds in my shoulder I need to hold a note when I go through security but I was in Detroit stand up there’s two bullets still lodged they went oh Detroit okay you’re fine come on in you’re good well look at this thing someone this is a local

Artist in Detroit Dead uh carved a lion out of snow she’s she’s talking about something’s going on over there anyway he yeah he carved a line out of snow and there’s a couple he even did one died at blue or we hope it’s die we don’t know

What it is that’s stuffs exciting and for me like I would take the lion and seven points I think it’s going to be a close game and I think probably the ners will pull it out yeah but I don’t I think it’s gon to be a close game I

Don’t think the ners are going to roll over him no they got grit hash grit I like the Lions I now this is a weird thing I grew up in Pittsburgh I’m a die hard Steeler fan I had a Detroit Lions bike when I was a kid there was a

Catalog a wish catalog for Christmas said I didn’t have I was riding around my in the neighborhood of my sister’s bike and all my friends would make fun of me me cuz it didn’t have the [ __ ] bar or whatever you called those and I got a Detroit Lions bike I always lik

The Lions but it was blue it was cool looking and we’ll get to the snow line but anyway uh I think they’re the team of Destiny right there it is look at this someone carve this out of snow yeah that’s that’s that’s pretty cool I mean everybody dying their hair hair blue and

You know I saw somebody’s like Dad is like in hosp cancer I mean that kind of stuff you you root for the town rallies around it and then uh if they would have lost that home game that line probably would be yellow people uh and then we

Have one more so uh are you you a golf at all a little a Comics golf yeah I I I was a caddy when I was a lot younger okay so that’s probably why I’m not that big of a golf fan anymore yeah you’ve seen the treatment given yeah I’ve I’ve

I’ve seen some brutal things happen to catties so anyway this kid from Alabama over the weekend won the PGA Tour event the American Express okay and there’s a video of his friends at Alabama watching him now here’s the thing he’s a sophomore at Alabama so watch him roll

This in and watch them go crazy that’s buddy that’s Co so he wins $1.5 million but oh wait he’s an amateur he can’t have the money so the guy who finishes second they’re like uh all right here’s the big check you get it second place

Guy got the big check so it’s like you didn’t win but you won 1.5 million he can’t because he’s an amateur but apparently he’s doing things that even like Tiger Woods didn’t even do when it comes down to it uh he was the first amateur uh in the past 90 years second

Youngest PGA Tour winner in the past 90 years it’s only 20 uh the last guy the last amateur went on the PGA tour and you remember him Chick Evans in the 1910 Chick Evans who created the Evans scholarship program wow I don’t know is that really thing are you serious yeah

Oh wait now you went to is this related to Evon yeah I went to Evon yeah is Chick Evans have to do with Evon no that’s John Evans who created Evans coincidence you know the name Chick Evans well buddy of mine was an Evans scholar that’s why I know so much about

Caddies and oh my God yeah and I when I was a caddy you had to like learn you had to like bow at the altar of chicky then Danny Nan this is a those looked up to anyway so he can’t win the $1.5 million and speaking of golf this

Will be painful for both Ryan and Graham we have Aaron Rogers hitting a hole in one here’s Aaron Rogers hitting a hole in one is it really a hole in one or did he like put iasa on it or whatever apparently this is his first round since

He had his surgery so uh Aaron Rogers gets a ho in one before completing a pass for the New York Jets here in Vegas that was Vegas that was here in Vegas I it was warm weather obviously he was he was here for night’s p uh Penguins game

Oh I thought he was here for some sort of Jimmy Kimmel lawsuit Kim from here and he was performing at the Kimmel Club he had to go do a set by the way I was at the game the Penguins nights game and they show him in theow

Went like that they booted him in Vegas why because he’s just good he’s no he’s not a good person that’s why I like Vegas Vegas amen Vegas so Graham you’ve been you’ve hosted game shows we both have that background stand up forever um tell tell us what’s going on

Tell us about your special first of all yeah my special manifested it’s out on all things comedy they’re really cool and you know it’s it’s I’ve done several albums and I did one other special before called live from Afghanistan but this is my first like in a club I shot

It at zany in Chicago I started there’s a photo of me on the wall when I was like 22 parachute pants what were I had I had acid washd wash yes sweater scrunch my picture of the is acid wash jeans and a belt the loop belt I looped

It and then pushed and tucked it down remember that an you put a belt on the excess you’d point it down y I had well this is thank God thank God I was just a it was a head shot so you couldn’t see the the mine was a full body shot well

Actually a head shot because I’m so short as fits into a frame so I but I did have in good uh I had a vest over a t-shirt right thank you dude I the vests were great to wear at a comedy club because you could wear it like Thursday

And then maybe again Saturday but I I explained this once to Ryan on the show I would wear a sweater I’d get all my sweaters I’d Cardigans lot of uh sweater vests you know and then people could smoke in the comedy clubs back when we

Started so the front row is just they so you get back to the hotel room or the condo whatever and you take that sweater and it just wreaked of cigarettes dud I remember opening up my suitcase coming off the road in the 90s and it just smelled like an ashtray it was

Ridiculous the amount of Smoke No Smoke Eaters unlike Vegas where it’s always clean perfect air quality down here at the South Point casino right behind us but it was literally it would just it would just into the clothes and you you know you’re on the road for two weeks

And you’re putting something on one night after you get out of the shower and you smell like a pamar I wash my hair and like gray water would come out like no joke I’m like this is horrifying gray water yes I’ve never heard that one

My there was so much smoke in my hair oh my God this is ‘ 90s I also had a lot of gel let moose let of moose oh wow well the the special’s funny I I had it on while I was writing the show last night it’s very funny and it’s on YouTube

Right it’s on YouTube so if you just go to you can watch it there or all things comedy’s YouTube channel and uh it’s been a blast and and then I do government secrets with my buddy yeah wait a second govern is this conspir area 51 stuff like that what are you

Talking give us an example because we have to look for this podcast I do it with my buddy Lee camp and we’ve we don’t go conspiracies we do actual stuff that is the government has done there give us an example of one um I know you’ve probably done so many well we’ve

Done like well there’s six nukes that the United States has lost that are somewhere like missing in the bottom of the ocean that we’ve never recovered so that it’s not like baggage claim in Denver or something we don’t know where it is which we’ve all Denver airport right the Denver Airport which

By the way they might be under the Denver Airport because you know that’s where the bomb shelter is and there’s all that those signs of Apocalypse pained around You’ G to do a deep dive on YouTube when you’re having a drink some night Denver Airport anyway sorry

Wow oh it’s weird they have the gas masks and the APO there’s something going on there yeah they have all the Illuminati the Illuminati they didn’t need an airport they built a new one it’s 30 miles from anywhere and apparently it’s because oh yeah the baggage claim’s not done yet we need

Another three years no the shelter and then Obama was in town one day when there was some we were at DEFCON 5 Franko ranting conspiracy all right so wow you need to come on our show I will I will just about the Denver Airport you gotta doing so anyway there’s six nukes

Missing somewhere in the o six nukes that the United States has lost um so that’ll make you rest easy folks here’s a couple of nukes um it’s in Lake me everyone here in Vegas we’ve covered a lot of uh CIA operations oh cool that are and we they’re a matter of public

Record that most people don’t talk about like uh operation uh Bloodstone where we um backed up ex-nazis to try to overthrow uh countries that were Communists in the 50s Jesus yeah it’s good F it’s fun stuff it’s a family it’s family what was that line on the Detroit

Ners game again so what is your sports set you’re a Chicago fan so who are you passionate the most who are some of your Heroes I mean obviously I’m a huge Cubs fan I used to live near Wrigley in Chicago and I was at game five in 2016

When the Cubs were down 3-1 and Lester came and won that was so I got to see a World Series game in Wrigley oh wow and then they they came from behind that that was awesome um I’m obviously a bulls fan I started I mean I watched

Jordan when I was there I got to see him live and this this I started watching the NBA again uh three years ago when the Bulls made those trades for LaVine and I was like you know wait a minute now I might be back this is something here um and the

Bears you know I well right now wait a second now you guys have the number one pick right now now Ryan is very passionate about the bears as well and you you want Justin fields to stay and you want to trade down correct what what are your feelings okay I I I

Actually agree with that I think I think when when they were two and seven I was like fire everybody and start over um and I’ll give evu credit he is a defensive guy and you started to see their defense get a lot better and that that for sweet or sweat um sweat sweat

That was a great that was a great pick up in the middle of the season from the from the commanders don’t say the old word I’m the commanders and you know I they were okay to watch this year and you know they had three games they blew

Leads in and you look at them and you go all right so maybe that means they’re four or five players away from actually being an 11 or 12 game win season I like what they get the offensive coordinat were awful yeah they need and I think keep Fields because if you keep trading

Him and keep he’s people want guys to like come out of college and just win 10 Super Bowl that happens like out of 40 times you know Brock p is kind of an anomaly even at the seventh round pick but even these number one pick look at

Justin Herbert who’s an amazing quter he hasn’t won anything of course his coach was a [ __ ] that always never what’s the the kid name for the Cardinals I mean like Kyler muray like all these guys lot of pressure this will only be coming up this season will be Fields fourth year

Right he needs a better offensive coordinate their play calling was maddening yeah they had no offensive line so I agree take the first pick and they need another two another receiver to DJ Moore there you go maybe they can trade down and end up with Marvin Harrison Jr possibly or the kid from

Washington Ozuna oduna get get Harrison or or whatever one that guy I call him O big O Wizard of Oz yeah he went to Gorman get um get some offensive lineman yeah um and then maybe a little more help on D mhm I don’t think you’re that far away

From being a team that like could compete for the division with the with the Lions you got it’s it’s right NE and then Jordan love though with the Green Bay Packers suck yeah the mistakes that Fields make I think this year were coachable things you can fix he’d he’d

Hold on to the ball too long or uh he’d run with holding the ball out there he wouldn’t tuck the ball of bread I hate when anyone does that does a loaf of bread that’s coachable but then he would make some crazy play that was so amazing

That literally three guys in the league can make you know what I mean mes and uh I’m blanking on the name of the the the Ravens Lamar Jackson Lamar Jackson and I was like wow like back foot C you know yeah he’s got a gun and he’s he’s got

Skills so yeah that’s kind of that’s the same way Ryan’s thinking keep them trade down get him some help well just because I know that Washington and New England are going to if if we don’t draft the quarterback at one they’re going to give us whatever we ask for in order to get

The guy that they want they want Caleb Williams so we can trade down at least once there so if we trade to two we can trade to three because they’re going to want to move up whoever wants to get JT Daniels if they want them above Drake

May right then we can also so that’s at least two picks outside of our own in the first round next year you can maybe get a pick in 26 and if you’re draft in 2025 you can trade one of those picks for another first round pick like if you trade this

Pick now you can have first round picks for the next five years right and you got cap space to where if we do if it’s done correctly then suddenly the bearss are like a compet like they’re competing for the NFC and maybe even the Super

Bowl in the next 5 years if they do this correctly like Ryan’s talking about I think there’s a chance here last year they had all this cap room and they did some okay stuff with it right they traded down which I thought was smart and I think it just took them half the

Season to kind of figure it out and again thank you for that chase Claypool trade where we got the 32nd pick and we took Joey Porter Jr by the way I want to let you both know Mitch trabis is available so if you do if you go we

Don’t want him back he’s there you could draft him at number two again you could redraft him yeah R trade up that was genius by Ryan MIT trabis worst name for a quarterback in the history Mitchell Mitchell he does want to be Mitch he’s Mitchell he was Mitchell and he’s a

Beloved tarel of yours isn’t he he is you you must have been like oh my God we’re getting a tarel and I didn’t want him you didn’t want him I didn’t want him I wanted the guy that we don’t like to talk about in Cleveland oh okay all right okay yeah

You’re rubbing this one the wrong way what massage okay so uh let’s talk about uh uh you we love Vegas Stories We Love celebrity stories he teased me with who he’s going to talk about you worked at a hotel or something yes so let me hear

This story I’ve been waiting for this so when I first moved I moved to LA from Chicago when I was in my early 20s and I got a job working at Shutters hotel oh very nice in Santa Monica very highend right on the beach and my buddy had a AV

He was running the AV company so it was a separate AV company and he’s famously my buddy is famous for saying I was the worst employee ever had it’s great so this is a little backdrop on the story in fact he goes he tells the story of he had and we met in

This acting school and so he had a a thing for all these actors he goes look it’s flexible hours I’ll give you time on you know to go do auditions and you know because setting up AV you you come in the morning you set something up and

Then you can duck out and then tear it down I goes and and he goes he always tells the story he goes man I remember seeing I didn’t know you gram you at the you’re the end of the table and you’re like a suit and tie and you were like

Taking notes I’m like this guy’s really sharp and I told him later I was is trying to make this girl next to me laugh and I was like writing down dumb crap like looking serious like H oh absolutely yeah yeah so I’ve been a standup comic since I was 18 I have no

Marketable skills okay so I don’t know how to function in regular Society um so uh I had this horrible suit this like mismatched pant pants with this bad gray suit and probably like a knit tie or something really ties yes classy and remembers the NIT ties bring the 80s

Back an and I are what do we called twin flames we have all the same uh every reference uh and product we used anyway so my buddy you know he’s very knowledgeable stuff and there was a slow day and he goes look I got to go he had to go on an

Audition or something he goes just stay in the office if they need anybody needs anything you know how to set up with basic stuff I said yeah no problem so this hotel I mean I saw Robert Duval in this hotel I saw Reagan in this hotel

Like this is a fstar A-list Hotel so we get a call from the concierge hey one of our high-end clients need some AV help and I was like okay so I go up into this suite and this is the ’90s so the night the sweets had VCRs in them VCRs were

Video cassette recorders Ryan it was a a tape that you’d put in and if you really liked something on that tape you’d break the clip and that couldn’t be recorded over that was a clip breaker all right so good business so I knew how to basically maybe do the clock okay on the

VCR um and I found my buddy later my Walker my buddy Walker goes Grand I just kept you around cuz were funny that was you were not not good at your job um so they wanted to like record VCR to VCR or something they wanted they had it they had a tape and

And I’m dealing with this man and I me this this Suite is giant it’s beautiful okay and they play the video and it’s a it’s a um an interview with Al Pacino and I was like oh wow I know that guy I was like I’m a young actor in La like I

All right so I’m doing my best to fiddle to get this thing to working and and it’s like maybe 10 minutes of me not fixing it not not solving the problem and and I slowly and I as I’m doing this I look over my shoulder and I see that

Alpacino has been watching us the entire time so I’m really like I got to F I got to fix this and I and I finally am like and I say to myself like dude you you can’t and I was just like so and I had

To be I’m so sir sorry I’m to his manager and I’m like sir I we really tried I go uh my manager will be in later if you want to talk with him we can try to and and and he goes okay and then Pacino goes well you

Tried that’s the best oh my God oh my God and then as I’m walking out it’s such a long walk it’s a huge s it’s a huge site I kind of hear him say look don’t make a big deal but make a little bit of a fire this should have

Been handled right and I was like oh great now I’m going to get a call and I and then my buddy gets the call from the coner no one’s like mad I’m not fire but okay and he goes all right thanks Graham you could have made the AV Department

Look good but you didn’t all right I was like what am I want this is not what I do and this is why alucino has never stayed at shutters in s again he’s like you can’t get a tape mate ah stop wasting my time I can’t do do an alucino

You do Impressions I don’t do Impressions if you can’t do a VC on to VC take a flamethrower to this place flame haa and do your Pacino there you go and see how and play along you’re the star of the show now give us one

Hooa what the hell is that nose go what the these today what is this woke crap he’s doing over here nose ghost what nose goes nose goes last one to do it has to whatever it was in the movie Meatballs table behind the I like to e

To myself my God now what are you doing in town you’re in you’re in we’re in Vegas here you’re you’re in town filming something and we want to talk about it I’m trying I’m giving a seminar how to do VCR to VCR recording um and come to

So how long is that seminar it’s really long it’s only $39.99 and you get a set of Anthony Robbins cassette tapes yes and I will have alucino say well you tried well you tried um I’m actually here doing a man- on the street interviews for this uh non for-profit nonpartisan organization called open

Primaries okay and they are trying Nevada is one of about 19 or 20 states where if you’re not registered with either of the two parties you can’t vote in the primary crazy yeah which is nuts in it’s we shouldn’t and the two parties control the election system and so open

Primaries just wants to give voters access Nevada has a ballot measure uh ballot measure three this this November so I’m urging people to vote Yes on three to and we’re just interviewing Independents yeah and just like why are you an independent because when you the media tries to put you know everyone

Into one this little red box or this blue box and you talk to Independents and they’re they’re all over the place they’re like yeah I’m I’m in favor of hunting cuz I like hunting with my dad but I’m pro-choice cuz I don’t want the government near my my wife you know and

They’re they’re like and it’s really interesting and nobody talks to Independents right they just need them like hey you’re an independent will you vote Yes or No for this right red or blue issue or red or blue candidate so we’re really trying to just talk to so

I’ll be at the Bellagio with a camera crew today from 4: to 6 okay and uh come by and we want to hear what you have to say there’s no wrong answers and it’s it’s really cool open primaries open primaries check them out and also one of

The propositions that’s on the about is legalized gambling in Nevada we want to try to get that yeah we’ve been fighting that one for a long time Sports gambling it’s been it’s been New Jersey’s kind of stealing you know we got to get gambling there’s a big Lobby here to block gambling

So what we’d be out of a job uh and how can people find you I know you got we I know you have a website yes go to you can get all my social media in and all my social media is gram lwood right you can see my special manifested

You can sign up my newsletter you can get links to see government secrets yeah that I yeah I want you you love it we just every every week Lee and I bring up a thing that we always blow the other guy’s mind like what and then we we make

Jokes about it because we’re I love it and who wins the Super Bowl give us your Super Bowl prediction it’s right down the street it’s it’s six miles from here we have the Super Bowl craziness is going to start we have some media passes for myself and Jeff and Alex to go to

Some events which we’ll obviously bring here and show on the show I think I think I think the ners beat Baltimore yeah that’s what I’m now if they win if the ners win that’s six Super Bowls they would tie the Steelers and Patriots I don’t really want that but I can’t have

The Ravens win I hate the Ravens that’s like the Packers to you Bears fans Green Bay not close I think you’ve got look we’ve got not close not close the Rivalry well okay you guys have been around a lot longer right okay fine but you have one ring we have six but anyway

Um so I can’t root for the Ravens NFL championships we have 10 yeah no one cares about those you ever notice that no one knows that only people bring that up are Bears fans Browns and bears that’s who brings it up and Washington fans although they have a lot of Super

Bowls Graham uh I by the way just out of the blue hit me up last week said hey I’m GNA be in Vegas I said of course you’re coming on talk Bulls and the alpacino stories classic so make sure you look up Grandwood please trust me

Check out his all things comedy it’s on YouTube his special manifest it yes it’s very funny I watched it last night and uh we hope to see you again anytime you’re back come back well you try well you try you did did you get laughs well

You Tred well you Tred you that’s I love it we’ll be back in two minutes with dway kuchi kuch right back once you’ve satisfied your hunger get ready for more of the hottest casino games in Vegas our 24-hour 30 table non-smoking Poker Room proudly hosts all the most popular poker games with a

Variety of betting limits visit the poker room for a schedule of daily tournaments whether you’re going to hold them or fold them the best place for poker is at South Point Casino you’ll notice that our crabs tables are usually the loudest in the casino if you’ve never played Join one

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Jackpot 12 bingo games a progressive Double Action game and a $10,000 bonus coverall electronic units are available if you haven’t played bingo with us give it a try today guests can also get in on the action at our one-of-a-kind race and sports books two separate rooms designed to maximize your experience and comfort

Our sports book with over 400 seats puts you right in the middle of the action 24 hours a day the friendly ticket writers are happy to help and it’s conveniently located next to the Famous delmare Deli where you’ll find supersized portions of delicious deli items like roast beef

Pastrami and Reuben sandwiches or soups salads and Pizza Plus spectacular desserts Fit For A King and right next door is the race book over 150 seats each with its own TV screen There are 16 interactive player terminals so you can bet right from your seat Well you tried that that when you can just hear alucino saying that I think at the end of an episode that should be the little mic that’s a little sound bite ladies gentlemen thanks for watching the show what did you think well we tried all right let’s take a few live

Comments here uh the Ryan and gramour Joey B they talking Chicago uh never seen him so energized and Ryan wow Joey B you were very passionate well you’re talking about the Bears right you get into it man uh Tommy Tommy you know who Tom you

Know who Danny Nunan is come on he was the lead character in the movie catty Shack nin cares what’s that nin cares about Nan nin no one cares okay I I tried I tried well he tried now do the Pino and say dude is out Chino oh man man that’s bogus best story

Right there Graham Elwood where’s the what’s the podcast title again it’s government secrets with uh Graham Elwood and Lee Camp so there you go Joey B’s now a fan so may I’m gonna check it out for sure uh old school versus new school love the banter and shtick thank you

Joey B Tony Robbins is a motivational speaker and Nevada caucus is really weird Daniel Pacho says by the way Daniel you’re related to Isaiah p the toughest runner in the NFL punch lines yeah well that’s true Trent tiler didn’t want to say Alex white uh last night yeah she’s one too

She had it was the first time she’s gone under 500 in a while but you know we we tell everyone secrets that’s reval all the records now we just showed a great alpacino story let’s bring in another Italian shall we let’s bring another Italian paison down from the rampart uh

Back again he’s the director down there at the sports book at the ramp part where the buffet is Sparkles baby it’s uh it’s our man Dwayne kuchi D even when you’re not never let me die with that but it’s just the way you said it our Buffet Sparkles you know just in

General some days after shows and we’re just talking meetings and that that word will come up and we just kuchi sparkles sparkles we love it it’s you’re you’re one of our favorites I think now this might be his record setting appearance it’s going to go back and forth for a

While but kuchi you might be our most regular guest along with him and Kevin bellof who we have on uh but I feel like kuch will exceed that probably since Kevin mostly a football guy so kuch you’re the star of the show there appreciate now what hat do you have on

There is that is that a golden kns hat yeah golden knights yes all right so that’s an old school one too the Western Champion old now I went to the game the other night um I went to it was my first game at T-Mobile sou the penguins

Penguins are up two nothing I had a bet with Ryan and Alex on the game and I started talking crap I was like ah two nothing you guys nervous and then one two three game uh so I lost so on our 101st show uh which is like around March

1st I’m going to have to uh it’s 101 Dalmatians uh I’m going to have to dress up as a Dalmatian 101 so that’s my Penance for the Penguins losing the penguins are going to cause me to dress up as a dog lovely yeah lovely anyway that Arena was unbelievable I loved it

And uh I want to talk basketball with you real quick because the story that happened right before we came on the air was the Milwaukee Bucks just fired their head coach who’s 30 and 1 and that seems weird that seems a little bit weird doesn’t it yeah there had to be some uh

Squabbles in the locker room or some unrest without a doubt yeah because I I mean I just don’t understand uh when you’re 30 and 13 how you pull the trigger and they just basically got this guy so uh you know they’re talking about Doc Rivers they’re talking about

Definitely the interim coach will be the uh assistant but I I just I don’t I can’t figure it out they’re one of the top teams in the Eastern Conference granted they haven’t clicked yet with Lillard and uh you know the different uh you know scenarios and maybe they just

Felt ownership that they could do a lot better I mean the Celtics are still tough embid you saw him Flex last night Philly’s right there the Knicks are much improved since they got uh OG so uh maybe they just wanted to shake things up but I would say there had to be some

Player complaints or something like that Frank had to be and I don’t know if you heard this rumor but Bill bich is rumored to be the next coach of the Milwaukee bus he’s flying to Milwaukee right now I wish he’s the new coach of the Cowboys I’ll be honest with you

That’s kuch I wanted to get to it I wanted to get to the Dallas Cowboys uh your your team uh they they’re keeping Mike McCarthy they’re keeping Mike look at I see the head sh what do you think of this move I mean would you promoted Dan Quinn or found somebody else or

Maybe bich I don’t know well I don’t think Quinn uh did a great job in that game I’ll be honest with you the defense was the liability and you look at them two wideopen touchdowns that Green Bay was able to score Frank so I don’t think

That uh you know Quinn was the answer without a doubt I mean McCarthy’s a solid coach but as long as Jerry’s there you know he’s going to put pressure on just like he did uh you know prior to this big playoff game after a great regular season you know he’s still

Putting pressure out there on his coaching staff on his players and they just don’t seem to play with any heart and you could see how Jimmy Johnson got so emotional guys at the halftime because he’s an emotional coach and that was the last time they won won and he

Knows how to motivate and it’s just so frustrating frustrating now as a Cowboy fan watching the complacency of the players Dak Prescott once again did not perform in the Limelight and it’s just the same old story for the cowboys without a doubt you know it wasn’t like

Uh your team Frank where at least you got some excuses you know you’re Dilly dallying with quarterbacks no no definitely and they did a phenomenal job Pitts and continued the Tomlin streak yeah you know so uh definitely different when you have the number one offense going into the playoffs you have Dak

Prescott uh you have fabulous wide receivers you got a good running back in Pard your defense is supposed to be right there and uh just again yeah it had to be tough and and you know we played a lot of fan videos smashing TVs throwing their jerseys out which again I

Think it’s a brilliant move because now all the Dallas stores are going to have to sell more merchandise more TV so maybe it’s a whole the best one I saw Frank on social media the best one I saw was remember that Maniac two weeks ago

That jumped the judge uh out here in Las Vegas yeah they had Dak Prescott sitting there giving his press conference and all of a sudden you just saw that body fly out there that was one of the best that I’ve saw on social media we don’t want to make light of that criminal’s

Actions but no no not at all not at all I did not see that that’s pretty funny but uh yeah what a wild what a wild uh what a wild finish for the cowboys really unfortunate I and someone I think said the Detroit Lions have been to more

AFC championships in the last 30 years or NFC championships in the Cowboys now so I don’t know it’s the truth so what do you think of these lines right now I know we have it around six and a half for seven at the rampart and South Point

Uh how do you feel about the Niners Lions game and then we’ll talk Ravens Chiefs feel a lot better if Debo was healthy I’ll be honest with you they didn’t look too good against the Packers and uh you know it it was very similar uh the Packers what they did to try to

Uh you know beat the 49ers to what they did to the Cowboys so I I didn’t see that San Francisco really flexed or played their best game yet KD dropped a few passes the defense was pretty solid I will say that but with Debo with the shoulder injury that’s huge more

Pressure than on pie and McCaffrey G to be a great game don’t get me wrong I definitely think this is uh going to be one of the best matchups that we’ve seen in a few years and definitely Detroit is hungry uh Aman Ross a brown I can’t

Believe how good this kid is he definitely makes a difference and you have some great great players on that defensive side uh Aiden there you you just have some great great uh you know motivational tactics by the Detroit coaching staff as well when they go for

It you know uh on fourth down or if they’re going for two-point conversions you know definitely they are well coached and ready for this game and they proved that and Jared gof was making some uh beautiful passes this past weekend so difficult game we’re sitting at seven at the ramp Pon south point

We’re going to see a lot of San Francisco money just because of the proximity of uh you know how close we are to California and definitely they love their 49ers but I think the Lions could definitely compete here this is a tough game especially if Debo Samuel is

Not healthy that is going to be and play into the spread and the late betting action yeah that Line’s going to toggle as Ryan was saying and I think Chris Andrews was saying it’s going to toggle between six and a half seven although Ryan was that the game you felt that the

Number would go which way yeah if if the ners adopt that Underdog mentality they could kind of fluctuate the line to go higher maybe to eight nine maybe if if people believe that they’ll be that fired up and not now and our director has told me we have some sort of video

We want to show we want to play is this the video is this the Dak Prescott press here it is D press conference he’s talking and then he doesn’t see him on The Blind Side Larry Allen oh again it’s a horrible Cowboy fans were feeling how did I how did I

Miss that one man I just saw him smashing TVs mostly that was and and throwing jerseys and the snow and stuff like that so uh let’s look at the AFC game I mean you know the the bills I was I I wanted a bills Lions matchup right I

Wanted to see two teams that have never won the Super Bowl but as we know the logo is purple and it’s red for Super Bowl 58 right down the street here in Vegas so everyone’s saying the number one seeds the Ravens and the ners but in

The AFC do you give KC a chance on the road I mean Mahomes proved that he can win on the road and they are the defending champs than color coordination has worked out for several years now you haven’t noticed that you know definitely uh I think you know definitely the

Chiefs have a chance I mean this is Patrick Mahomes Pacho is running hard Kelsey started to play at a at the level we know that he could play at so this is De the these are the world champions this guy is here and has all the experience in the world whereas this is

Lamar Jackson’s first uh go at it basically his first extended playoff run we know he had those contra track squabbles and definitely a lot of different happenings Frank so uh you know I I don’t believe that Baltimore is going to win this game as easily as a

Lot of people perceive it we have it at currently three and a half at the rampart and South Point and a total of 44 and A2 so you know if Patrick brings his aame he’s so difficult to stop you saw him beat the uh Buffalo Bills who

Were run they were running away with it basically uh towards the end of the season their winning streak was incredible and people were loading up on Buffalo to win the Super Bowl to win the AFC but you see what happened same old Buffalo Bills as good as Josh Allen is

He is not Patrick Mahomes and that’s why where is he Superman Patrick Mahomes is Superman or at least his Lex Luther and Kryptonite I mean just another fabulous performance by the Chiefs and you know to go on the road they have to do it again they’re capable and that hook I

Mean the half point I mean you got two of the best kickers in the NFL right uh you know with Tucker and I I I always butcher his name even though he won the Super Bowl Harrison bucker Harrison I always mess up his last name

But I mean I can see it coming down to I I see this as a three-point game I really like that half point with the Chiefs either way I I think the Chiefs could win by three I mean it’s it’s it’s going to be a good game I obviously

Don’t want to see the Ravens win um if it is the Chiefs and Detroit that would mean the two starting quarterbacks fathers both at one time played for the Pittsburgh Pirates that’s right Pat Mahomes dad Patrick Mahomes dad Pat Mahomes played for a bunch teams played

For the Pirates and Jared gof who I didn’t even know this till last week his dad was Jerry Goff was a catcher who played a handful of games for the Pirates in the early 90s how crazy would that be if both of their kids made the Super Bowl and it’s all because of

Pittsburgh ladies so I just anytime I can work Jerry’s not here today Jerry Jerry it’ll be a nightmare for loves the pit I know yes so um that’s great I wanted to ask do you have any celebrity encounter stories maybe living in New York or Vegas uh maybe do you have a

Favorite celebrity encounter story that you can think of off the top of your your head uh you know I’ve had several I you know there’s so many I can’t really count them anymore I’ll be honest with you Frank I’ve rubbed elbows with great uh Sports athletes uh you know

Celebrities I’ve seen in restaurants uh you know especially the stomping grounds that my dad you know brought me up he spoiled me Frank I mean I was constantly in Petal luga Steakhouse PJ Clarks in Manhattan Rayos we had a table uh you know once it was amazing you know to uh

Know Frank pelino and you know I remember one night actually in Ros that was great uh you know one of John bonjovi was sitting at the table next to me and a very great guy I mean he was so sociable he was uh bsing with us my

Whole family and he was with a bodyguard and The Bodyguard obviously didn’t know much about sports and uh you know he made a wager a substantial siiz wager with me that Eddie Murray was not a switch hitter and you know I was like Wow come on you gotta know this what are

You talking about and you know uh lo and behold you know Frank pelo senior was there Nicki deest uh you know so I’m arguing back and forth we make a nice wager lo and behold uh you know I was definitely uh paying for dinner that night on somebody else so it was awesome

And uh Boni signed autographs for everybody uh I actually saw Mariah Cary when she was dating Tommy Mata that’s when she was like in her infan I saw them in Ros uh so many different wrestlers used to hang out at PJ clocks so I would see all the great WWF

Wrestlers uh you know I’ve met like I said Floyd Mayweather Larry Holmes so many different athletes Tom Siver I told the story about uh you know so the another great night too Frank the best ever we’re moving to Las Vegas so we had a meeting uh my dad and a couple of guys

Uh from Brooklyn uh that we knew and we had a meeting before we left and we’re eating at lugers and who’s sitting at the table next to us Rodney I mean the greatest experience in my life you could ask my dad he pulled his chair up in

Between me and my dad and Frank he just started there was a there was actually a table there was a table of 15 guys that were like you could tell they were a team of some sort and uh they were European and rodne noticed them and he’s

Like what do we got over here you know 15 soccer players over here from Australia and he’s just reeling off the jokes and sat in between me and my D and just that was one of the greatest experiences of meeting a celebrity because he was just so sociable you know

He’s sitting there he’s like hey you know where I could get some joints guys I want to get high you know Rodney was the best I tell you he was just just to stop ripping these jokes and uh bsing with us it was a great time Frank and

That was at pet lugas in Brooklyn yeah I I I went up uh after him one night at a comedy club in la la he came up to me afterward hey funny kid and that’s like you know that’s like getting a blessing from the pope you know I mean Rodney

Told me I was funny so that was the best so listen I brought in Matt nett Matt nett who co-hosts Sports by the book on Mondays and Tuesdays now and uh he’s going to talk about what he’s got coming up on the show today but I was wondering

If you had a pick for all our viewers out there because I I don’t think you’ve given off you gave us the last one was uh I think the Devils right maybe and if you don’t have anything you don’t have to I don’t need to force one but I was just wondering if

There’s something our our viewers could look at we got some uh huge NHL matchups tonight looking for Montreal to get a little payback on Ottawa tonight they played uh Ottawa last week and it was in a back-to-back situation and Ottawa got the better of Montreal you’ll get Jake

Allen in between the pipes tonight I’m looking at that line Ottawa actually in the Bell Center is minus 145 at the rampart and South Point and I can’t figure that out I mean I definitely think the Canadians have played some excellent games uh you know in the past

Month where they’ve improved uh so I definitely think they have a chance Patrick ruis is now the coach he won first yeah aw Frank I mean let’s see what happens now Vegas golden kns going into Brooklyn uh not Brooklyn uh Elmont actually uh Belmont Park and I definitely think that the Vegas golden

Kns might get the better of them tonight the Vegas golden knights played at the level of their competition we’re so banged up right now for uh you know iel out Aiden Hill will return though tonight and that’s definitely the man we want to see between the so I’m going

With the Vegas golden kns Montreal Canadians those are some of my favorites I mean the ranges look like a lock tonight in San Jose but how do you lay 350 is you know you got to lay Puck line there yeah you have to lay Puck line there that’s 350 on the road and

Probably 170 on the puck line so uh you know definitely they are a much better team Igor Sherin will shut down San Jose all right well just stick around for one minute I got Matt never here Matt what’s coming up today on Sports by the book

Well first off great to see you Dwayne yeah long time time buddy of mine rard he’s the only only Las Vegas bookmaker I know that actively cheers for the golden kns usually every bookmaker I know is with so much public money coming in on him rooting rooting against him every

Single night but we’re going to open with some uh some college basketball maybe some Futures took a look at some of the updated lines before I came on with you obviously talking NFL we got some player props that we like and The Wizard of odds himself joins Kenny white

Is going to here nice yeah it’ll be a lot of fun and uh he may or may not have a couple of picks for us today I love and by the way Future’s back I’m going to go and just take a look at this line Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh I

Put $10 on them at plus 2,000 so I I could win $2,000 they were plus 200 to win the national championship they beat Duke in Duke and Hinson was seven to seven the kid was on fire you know what they call that type of bet what’s that a

Sucker bet a donation a donation yeah I made a donation there’s a reason guys like Dwayne make a great business out here yeah definitely I actually put a few bucks down on uh Sean hall because I thought there was a little value there cuz St John’s I’m seeing at most shops

Are uh 175 to one and Sean Hall beat them last week lost a tough game against Katon uh I I’m seeing SE Hall at about 300 anywhere from 300 to 200 to one so definitely uh put a few bucks on that you never could tell it’s wide open this

Year yeah and Alex was talking about Kentucky she was keeping an eye on right as a future I don’t know what KCK at now updated behind us down to 10 they beat Georgia the other night we talked after our show yesterday and yeah that number dropped precipitously same with Kansas

We were both looking at Kansas and it dropped from like 20 to1 to they’re now 10 to1 as well now Kansas didn’t cover last night donation right that’s a donate donation well Ryan you’re a big North Carolina fan in North Carolina they handled that line very easily last

Night yeah like I said on Sports by the book as long as RJ Davis scores 25 plus they should be able to cover any number but he he dropped a career high 36 points last night and so they they covered easy UNC hasn’t had a uh All-American first team All-American

Guard in 20 something years might be the first since then wow all right this is the kind of stuff you can hear on Sports by the book coming up in two hours with Matt nett Matt n’s now the regular poost of the show on Mondays and Tuesday we

Got to give Jeff parl days off we we we just can’t we can’t work him Seven Days the show has expanded to seven days what a powerp pack show we had my friend comedian Graham Milwood make sure you check out Graham Milwood special on YouTube uh the website is All Things

Considered on YouTube and his special is called manifest it I know a couple people were asking about his uh his podcast it was called government secrets with he and Camp Graham Melwood and Lee camp and by the way Daniel Pacho thinks punchlines with Ryan McCormick he thinks that’s a good name for the

Show is that you are you Daniel Pacho Ryan is that you texting we found his burner yeah my burner just like our other burner that we know of No Yeah well yeah all right uh listen we’ll be back tomorrow tomorrow is uh Wednesday all day yeah why did I think it was

Friday tomorrow’s hump day yeah and we have uh on the show tomorrow we have some uh people coming on we’ve got we’ve got Alex white for sure Alex white will be here we know that and by the way it’s Alex White’s birthday tomorrow so everyone make sure you think of

Something nice for the comment section tomorrow for Alex we’ll read some birthday uh messages but happy birthday Alex tomorrow Dwayne kuchi I think our record setting performance he gave you a few picks kuch thank you as always for being here Matt neverett in two hours we’ll be hosting Sports by the book with

Ryan as a producer not as the host it’s punch lines with Frank Nick lines live in Nevada every show with Me A

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