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Spotlight on the juvenile hurdlers & Ryanair – Road To Cheltenham 2023/24 – Ep 9 (18/01/24)

Lydia and Ruby convene again in the Racing TV studio to unpick Readin Tommy Wrong’s victory in the Lawlor’s, to consider the Grade One novice chase entries, weigh up how the Ryanair Chase might look after Thurles this weekend and look at the latest news with the juveniles. Ruby finds the JCB Triumph Hurdle market of interest, reckoning he has spotted some value – and the Boodles market of absolutely no interest!

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Py power sponsors of the road to Chelham hello everyone welcome to road chelton we’ve got lots to talk about this week because it’s been a packed week of action so we’ll be updating you on the novice Chasers and the novice hurdlers we’ll also be looking at the Ry a through the prism of the sanako con

And at long glass to the man on my left’s schedule we are talking about the juveniles in some detail you said January and by goodness it is January that we talk about I left it till February I put in the may harders but look you got your way and we’re talking

About juveniles you said January I just took you at your word yeah there still a couple of weeks left in January this time next week we might not be in the same happy position of having so much to talk about because at the time of recording it’s so Frosty and wintry

We’re really pinning our hopes mainly probably on Sunday thorus on Sunday um obviously linkfield as well some good racing there but um yeah look who knows what’ll happen the forecast is to change Friday night it’s just how much it changes and we’ll see what happens on

Saturday and how low it goes and the frost covers can’t even protect if it goes below a certain temperature yeah it was pretty cold this morning wasn’t it it really it very much was but there’s always plenty to talk about we haven’t even talked about the bumpers for

Example or the May’s novice hurdlers so there’s still loads to focus upon but let’s start by picking up on the news that we told you about last week and that is the Constitution Hill will not run in the unibet international hurdle um Nikki Henderson put out a statement

On Monday that was on X from his seven bars Twitter account and we can have a look at it this is what we had to say and it seemed to have indicated or implied a change of heart I mean beforehand Nikki Henderson Henderson was laying out the ground to make a

Strategic decision not to run in the bo saying it was not in the interest of best preparation for the champion hurdle now that that seems to be academic and that he’s got a a medical exemption as he he yeah he’s hand forced but a routine or a scope dirty scope I

Wouldn’t be overly worried about it yet he doesn’t run in the B but I wouldn’t be worried about how a horse was scoping in January for what it’s going to do in March no no of course not um but it means that we don’t get to see him in

The international all the boa hurdle um and of course we’re still waiting on that performance to definitively put him maybe at the top of the tree in terms of hurdling greatness this this is where time for currently have him just a reminder because we’ve been talking

About this for a couple of Seasons now uh he is on 177 provisionally and he achieved that in the 2022 Supreme and nner still tops the table and we’re talking about this because that’s the level of ability that we think Constitution Hill has and nness though ran 64 times monksfield 49 times

Limestone lad was the one that helped istb finally achieve that big figure um and IST ran 29 times and Persian War ran 51 times it was a different era clearly but it’s that it’s that kind of competition that enables you to record a figure of substance or a performance of substance which means

That you are unquestionably remembered in history yeah but it’s mats that allows you to record those figures you have to beat a horse impressively that’s rated quite highly to get a bigger figure you can’t just get it off off your eye but they are different times I don’t

Remember persi War night I put that into your dad you know that don’t you yeah I know any of those but even that generation the number of horses they M times they ran compared to even isra who ran a lot like obviously lots of things have changed including training methods

And I’d say with what Martin pipe did and how the level of Fitness he brought horses to it makes it harder for horses to recover I don’t think you’ll ever again I don’t think Hy would even last poral more on those horses the way things are now that that’s my assumption

I don’t know that’s true what way they trained them in the 70s 60s whatever generation that was but look it is what it is and I’d for talk about the ones that are running we we are going to I’d have preferred him you know what I’m suggesting is that we he needs

Competition you know he needs St Satan to turn up and and give a big performance in the champion hurdle or else he needs to go over to Ireland for the maon or the Irish Champion hurdle in future Seasons he’s in his prime at the moment yeah but you’re you’re you’re

Judging him of what number he achieves I’m not not just that yeah to me it’ll have to be how he can do over a number of seasons and the amount of runs he puts in and performances you see him that you go there’s the bank appr proof

As in actual seen him compared to he achieved a number that four people sitting in an office decid it yes but I also feel that that has more substance to a string of ones next to your name generally a string of ones next to name suggests a poity of

Ambition rather than actual dominance yeah it could be um but he is the dominant hardler but to me to be considered even in the same bre as isra for the amount of racing he’s going to do he’ll have to win four Champion orles okay let’s talk about the horses that

Are actually running shall we and we’ll start with the novice Chasers and first of all let’s check in with the chelon festival Chase entries shall we because they came up this week and it’s a bit better um the arle is the lowest entry in its history um the

Turners is up one um the national hunt Chase is the joint lowest sorry Aral is joint lowest and the national hunt chase the lowest and the brand Advisory is the one that has made some recovery there are 130 entries overall but just 92 individual horses 31 doubly entered

Seven triple entered and six of those are trained by Willie Mullins and I’ve just highlighted on the right hand side and the Racing Post did this early in the week as well how many of the Irish horses that are entered are actually trained by Willie melons it just goes to

Show the power base that is there yeah Will’s not afraid but har is Ino um and he’s not overly keen on running no is in handicaps so lots of them would just be entered in what are novice races so that’s traditionally what he does that’s a good point the

Other trainers might well be moving their horses towards handicaps their novices and so hence Willie manin might be over blessed in this particular he doesn’t generally go I know Dino blue is an obice ran in the grand annual last year but State man I suppose did as well

Novice hler yeah St Roy but um in general he keeps novices into novice company really and keeps his options open we know that we talk about it every year with you know um six of those seven horses that are triply entered are trained by him yeah and I was surprised

That they weren’t all trained by him yeah firm footings is the one that isn’t trained by Gordon Elliot should also mention that fling Porter who’s in the National hunt Chase is also in the STS hurdle and shamb Bal kid trained by Willie Mullins who’s in the Turners and the brown

Advisory is also in the stay as hdle now whenever the entries for chelham come out there’s always one where you go hello this time it was ioko yeah surpris thought he was out for the season but um looking even listening to the statement yesterday from Oliver greenall MH he’s

Hopeful more than confident that he’d have him ready for Cham but look he’s good winner a Martin pipe I thought he was really impressive at War and if he makes sham great if he doesn’t you’d be kind of hoping he will definitely make entry maybe he’d go Ang and punches down

At that stage so who knows but look it’s great to have him back and he’d be a nice horse to to have a gent that is this is the quote that uh Ruby was referring to that we hear at the road to Shel teene got from Oliver greenel um

The horse had been over to Ireland when it was thought that the foot injury would count him out for the season but as you can see there it is going to be a Race Against Time to get him to chelham and it will be for the Turners or the

Arle not for a handicap according to Oliver but I just to pick up up in that like he said one run over offenses regardless of whether he has a Mark or not he shouldn’t be that one handicap how can a hand like he’s not for a

Handicap I don’t even know if you can run the handicap at chat but only one run can you uh I thought it was hurdles that was hles caps but even as shers to me like how can a handicapper be expected to put America on oroko ridiculous you shouldn’t be allowed run

Handicap we do have a different system don’t we doesn’t work I on I don’t think it works either yeah exactly a horse whose name wasn’t there is Spain’s Tower and he was an impressive winner of a Grade Three at punchestown on Sunday beating blood Destiny but Jimmy Mangan his trainer has

Not entered him at this stage at all at the chelton festival I think it would be fair to say if we have a look at Jimmy mangan’s British record that racing in Britain is not his priority I mean he regularly sends out winners over his long career in Ireland he’s won the

Grade one Powers Gold Cup with Connor Castle back in 2008 obviously he’s best best known for Monty’s pass and so many of those runs at anry are to do with Monty pass’s great exploits there but Jimmy Mangan has a different philosophy doesn’t he he was explaining this on the

Nick luck daily podcast earlier in in the week you know he’s not particularly fussed about getting a novice to chelham he wants to get experience into that horse he thinks that he can be well rewarded by staying in Ireland in the short term yeah he’s looking at the big

Picture and and longterm I suppose and when you look at it the way Jimmy sees it you couldn’t disagree with him I mean you’re looking at span’s Tower you’re thinking oh maybe could he be one for the goway plate Monty’s pass went there and long term would he have the stamina

For a Grand National I don’t know but he will develop over time into a really good horse fire something valuable at punches to maybe could have his handicap there maybe he’ll go to the willow arm which used to be the power go cup at at

Fery house but um look he’s a good horse we’ll have a look at him in a minute and Jimmy’s going to allow him to mature and progress It’s s of the oldfashioned way but it’s something like a see my father doing too yes agreed yeah very much so

Very similar and uh very likable as well um while we’re on the JP Man scene because obviously he is the owner of ioko and of span’s tower he also is of corbit’s cross and that is his only entry in the National hunt Chase is that

A hint should we take it he was probably the one that was qualified isn’t he he is qualified after he’s Jo a Christmas um take it as a hint yeah I suppose I would yeah his deliberate jumping would suggest that that would be better pous hasn’t he a

Time bit High bit clean um but yeah I still think he’s a very good horse he’s one of three in the brand Advisory for JP does that lead you to think that factor file might be JP’s brand Advisory horse well Factor file wouldn’t have been qualified he’s probably going to

The drf which would be his third run but still wouldn’t have him qualifi for the national hun so but for the brand Advisory I’m talking about brand Advisory maybe but if he go some bols in at the drf would he go Turners it’s what M are talking about like every option is

Open I’m surprised the fact if I not in the Aron actually so was I to tell to tell the truth so was I H let’s have a look at the qualification requirements for the national hunt chase this is just a reminder so you need to have finished

First second or third in a Chase over at least 2 m 7 and a half furong at some point and started in two or more chases one of which must be this season and you’ve got to get those ifications in the bag by the 48 hour confirmation

Stage let’s have a look at the horses that are yet to qualify there’s some significant ones according to the betting and those are the reasons why they are not yet qualified I mean the really significant one would be Embassy Gardens for example but also Nick rocket

Yeah but they they B go an ace in the fortnite’s time or the 10 up during the middle of February so yeah I wouldn’t be overly concerned yeah by the end of middle of February if you weren’t qualified you’d be thinking well where am I going to get a qualification but at

This stage I wouldn’t be overly yeah it’s just a a reminder for people who are maybe inclined to bet anti poost without the non-un then you get something like Nick rocket so if he tips up he in completed you know you are rolling the dice a little bit yeah yeah

Exactly so just just just to flag that and we’ll keep an eye on it during the next few weeks um the other thing that caught my eye IL France yeah the Cortez star winner he’s in the Turners yeah he’d be some sight wouldn’t he um that’s

The right race if they’re going to go for anything at the noice novice isn’t it I wouldn’t have mind riding him in the Turners it is the Turners thousand yards Turners yeah definitely I tell was brown advisory I was thinking even a Kempton I wouldn’t mind going back and tripping

Him he takes some following in the article too he’s a bit Gallop into sha don’t you think cuz I mean he hit the line really hard in the corest St I don’t doubt that he’s going to stay three miles but he’s got that exuberance that galapin Shan had as well he has

He’s only five as well do you really need to be going that distance I’d be going The Middle trip and he’s been shorter if you had to this is all probably academic though because um no George and and Amanda zetah home are talking about sticking to the plan which

Is a toy in April and then the grand steep de Parry in May and I think most grand steep de par winners have had a prep in May in in April in a don’t think there’s been one probably since Mandarin that hasn’t had a prep maybe he had a

Prep which the Gold Cup I think okay any others anything else in the amongst the novice chases you want to mention no I just think there’ll be another couple of weeks before you be near in your colors Den master noice chase other than Marine National well yes he’s only in the arle

And he’s looking good for It so we’ve been ning away about the novices in the medium to long term let’s talk about what’s happened more recently shall we because there was some significant races we flagged them last week that were run over the weekend we go to Warick first and this is the

Hampton novice’s Chase over three miles and it was won by gry Dawning they went hard didn’t they go really good Gallop app way booked out and left and shot him down the inside you had Broadway by the changing man is in the black colors carbon King dropped in and the gray is

Obviously gray Dawning but they did go quick and it was significant that the third furong in this race was actually the fastest furing they ran Apple away kept pestering Broadway boy he got in front as they got to the last fence on the first circuit to take control of the

Race but straight away then the changing man keeps the tempo up and they face down the side of Mor she jumped up well enough app away but she always looked to be going as fast as she was able saw the Broadway boy and the changing man and

The one who traveled best was gray Dawning in behind and from a long way out you’re thinking Harry take your time these are going to trot in front here and eventually he comes to the fourth to second last Broadway boy tried to get down Apple aways in her from the fourth

Last to the third last hadn’t the pace to get there and grow gr Dawning absolutely sled in i’ said was a good performance from him he was quite deliberate to the last two fences when the race was over yet he still managed to maintain a good Pace to the line but

It was a race that was run a little bit back to front they went very hard early and it set up for GR Dawning who didn’t get involved and particularly from the winning post away from the stands that’s where gr Dawning dropped off kept the tempo up there and they paid for it

Later yes that’s when the changing man moved up didn’t he just it just it kept it even if you look at the section of it they were very was running at a high Tempo what do you make of gry dawning running down his fences slightly over

The last two to the left I think the race was over and Harry Skelton was just letting him pop away he’d been straight up to that and I didn’t notice him doing that in the past so I wouldn’t be too worried about that I’ve seen two different arguments as to

What should be the ideal Target at chel for gry Dawning one is the Turners over shorter and the other the brand Advisory I am definitely in the latter Camp he looks like a strong stayer and wanting three miles to me oh I’d agree oh big time I wouldn’t be might be personally

I’d be 3-1 all day okay uh there was some talk about the silly ises immediately after the race um that was from assistant trainer Tom Messinger be interested to see if that’s where he goes That’s shaping up to be quite a strong addition Apple away what would you do with her

I think she’ be a good man in time she just looked like she was always going as fast as she was able um I look the experience will do her no harm she improved from herock to Lester she’s probably improved from Lester to there so she’s still going the right direction

She’s a good M I think with more experience she could be a player at entry as well I mean she could she could and she was obviously very good there last year so yeah something like that might s her and Broadway boy um Willie twist and Davis was thinking about the

Brand Advisory does that suggest that it should be more like the national hunt Chase no it was always going to be hard for for Broadway boy huge performance in the handicap the last time um you he’s only five rais and rais and six he’s had a long season already okay and I was

Thinking about the Ultima for the changing man potentially um the tards Collins did something similar with Oscar Elite ran him in the Tim as a novice he ran really well he did they could switch back to hurdles there because he’s still a maiden over fences yeah they could

He’d have to improve a bit though m okay let’s move to the tatan this is Ren at Weatherby on the same day now over five furong shorter than it used to be and about three weeks sooner yeah and the horse in front chalon was very I suppose Green in front was always

Backing off under David bass quite High early and out to his left went to run off the stand off the bend here past the home past the stands even um obviously going very very right I said left a minute ago it’s obviously right he just wants company and wants a lead I don’t

Even think it was directional for him um but he was just David was trying to make a stamina Contest out of this but chalon wasn’t the right horse to be sending in front Gavin Sheen has realized it and he’s off over on the inside of the track and Colonel Harry

Who came home really well at Sandown um because you can see there with chalon he’s quite straight on the takeoff side and when he lands he’s off to his right he’s still hanging to his right here but when Colonel Harry comes to him he doesn’t end up on the hurle track like a

Horse that wants to go the other way he does straighten up and run after Colonel Harry when Colonel Harry joins him both make a mistake at the second second last but chelon had just given away too much and did too much wrong I was slightly underwhelmed by colon Harry I thought

The way he came home at sandone he’d be a bit more impressive here than he was that’s what I felt about it because with a horse doing what tror was doing and Kel Hara being completely straightforward I thought he’d just put that race to bed much more easily than

He did so did I I thought he came home really well at sand down I was slightly own well by him and you can even see Tron there heading off to his left in behind Colonel Harry on the Run into the lane he’s just not a front runner it’s

Not the first time he’s done that though doesn’t he need some headgear I mean I don’t know whether it’s just as simple as needing a lead go up in trip get a lead definitely go up in trip he has got ability and that was franking the form

Of J Destiny and gray Dawning from chelam earlier in the season as well exactly yeah um we’ve spoken about Spain’s Tower already let’s take a look at him shall we Downing blood Destiny he was very authoritative in the end he was blood Destiny booked out imagine right

Behind him down the ins side you had the mayor silent approach m b Park and the yellow and white and poty passion at the back blood Destiny possibly raed a big Keen in front not to the extent that You’ be thinking he was overly Keen I

Didn’t think he was anyway mon B Park not certain he really loves jumping fences he’s quite high but you can see how blood Destiny does attack his fences B at the seventh and eight he’s very quick and he has a imine on a stretch now when the jump the last ditch Danny

Mullins obviously felt he was going all right cuz he has a look to see what’s happening behind him to me that always signals that the jockey thinks he might have those front of him covered fourth last you’re thinking spance Tower and the white cap is book for fourth third

Last away blood Destiny jumps it you’re thinking how far is he going to win but when you get to the second last he doesn’t go any quicker blood Destiny and spance Tow has to rev up and fly home I think the mayor R really well silent approach imagine hasn’t run his race and

He faded completely out of the shot but the winner was impressive he the mark of 137 coming here I suppose you put it even into more context I a blood Destiny definitely isn’t he’s as disappointed big time he’d be hoping getting the way he was getting

From span’s tower that he’d run to a mark a bit more than 137 that shs quite a good one because it shows the difference in physique between the winner and the second I mean spallones Tower is a really big scopy horse kind of horse I love the destiny is a much

Racier smaller model isn’t he he is much racier smaller model he look the obvious thing is to go back and trip the destiny but when you go back and trip you’re also running into some decent horses it’s just not just as easy as going down the trip is he overrated do you think

Possibly he has to go and deliver you mentioned imagine there’s a few of Gordon Elliot’s key horses that seem to under perform last weekend are we thinking that there might be he said the same himself no excuses for it in an interview with Kevin on Monday after he trained after

Um SL G goair won the maiden hurdle glad you said that Agave goair sorry um well obviously um that a couple of his a run below power no power even no excuses for it but look that just happens Peaks and troughs I loved house Spain to put that

Race to bed sday you know just turning into the straight you’re suddenly going hello yeah the one in green is coming yeah yeah yeah I I agree with you he’s a horse to Big future and you know best of Lu to Jimmy mang with him yeah and a

Medium to long-term project which again I like I I don’t like horse’s careers in Fast Forward no right racing isn’t fast forward these days can be that’s life isn’t it unfortunately it really is at least there’s some people who are willing to slow down for this hour

Certainly this is where we B bemoan such stuff uh let’s winge on about uh nce rescheduled last Friday shall we and the disappointment of Mr policeman yeah he proved he’s not a two Miller so blood Desy might be but Mr policeman most definitely isn’t jumped out with cxus on

His right as look with have it in behind and saf feror was Garden Elliot’s Runner here to me cxus was always the one that was going easiest Mr the policeman jumped quite High even at the ditch across from the stands you can see what Mr policeman loses in the air and again

At the fourth last fence he just not a two mile Mr policeman and here at the third last I me show you on the graph he lost a huge amount there jumping cxus was loving it ears pricked always taking R black more attacking his fences and he

Looked I suppose a little bit like the cxus of old P the police was flat to the BS turning in Paul didn’t get overly serious with him from the home turn to the second last but to me he just looked like a was in in the wrong race he was

Going too slow he runs on but I really did like State I loved his attitude he was enjoying himself he attacked his fences his jumping was Rock Solid and I thought it was a good step back in the right direction for cxus who obviously didn’t stay three miles in his last

Start no and Rachel black said afterward as well that he jumped straighter than he had done on his debut at limmerick let’s have a look at Mr policeman versus cxos in numbers yeah and that just shows you look he lost the top of the screen

24 length to the to the par cxus made 7.22 but you can see number eight there that’s the third last fence where he lost a lot of ground cxus really attacked the second last you can see where his shoots up that’s to do with speed too he was able to Quicken and he

Was going much faster than Mr policeman was and that got him that huge game I take the point about Mr policeman going up in trip because he saw out the race really strongly but it was interesting just watching him losing Su ground in the air successively against one one of

The opposition after another is his jumping even slick enough for two and a half that’s the question is he even a chaser should he be going back over hurdles that’s a debate I’m sure it’s in the mix and part and the winner dominating slightly reminiscent of the Triumph

Hurdle success controlling the race in in that way does does that make him an arle candidate or is that flying a bit High I’d say he’ll run in the arle I don’t know he run in the drf arle but I could see him running in the chelam arle

Yeah definitely and being a player what’s the front in the arle there’s no like a dice or Dynamo or uh champagne fever or loads of on the S there’s loads of horses that rock along in an arle probably not one in this year’s article I know Marine National made it in leis

Town but he didn’t make it in the Supreme I could see him being the front runner in the arle I’d probably be slightly surprised if he was still in front going to the win imposter okay well he’s made himself a potential player for the race nonetheless that’s the novice Chasers so finally it’s the juveniles At Last I hear you cry to bring us to bring I can hear myself crying too but I’m going to ignore that to bring us up to date let’s have a look at what’s happened in the last seven days in this division we’re going to start

With high wind uh winning at punches on Monday yeah sha ke R and Paul tum was suspended booked out handy down to the forest wasn’t a really deep race or anything had a look and jammed on a little bit at it and was a little bit

Keen in behind got settled going to the second hurdle into third place where again he makes another mistake that’s two jumps two small mistakes gets to the fourth hardle bang hits that one as well lands out on his head round to the second last he’s starting to get a bit

Closer up in the air down in his nose now does get himself out of that pocket and quickens really well then going to the last hurtle when Shawn grabs a hold to him and sends him forward he was impressive how quickly he puts it the

Race to bade the way he had jumped and the way he had traveled it’s kind of doing everything wrong and still winning the race quickens to the last Turtle jams on at the last Turtle has another look at it lands out on his head again and and gives the momentum to all those

Behind him yet in a matter of stries he’s able to pick up and shoot away to win I’d say ability wise that was really impressive but there’s a lot to work on yeah the scale of the era the fact that he was able to pick up particularly against a horse as experienced over

Hurdles as pigeon house exposed but experienced experienced ability wise that was good performance yeah um so that was his debut for Willie Mullins he won over nine and a half fongs on the all weather when trained by Christopher head so keep an eye on high wind uh we

Had Miss Manzel beating carrier de blazes and nadari as well this was at fairy yeah and we’ll see both a couple of these again a little bit later from Christmas miss manzer jumped out in front of the DAR we sat behind her C had the blazes and trush your instin dropped

In at the back obviously quite Keen in the hood now they disappeared into the fog here at the Fort hardland fairy house and we didn’t see too much of them but when they came back into sight going to the third last truster Instinct has moved up behind a couple of fancied ones

I thought Paul town in controlled this race we saw Jack Kennedy control a few Fair house earlier in the year I thought Paul control this one pings the second last on Miss manzer gets a run and carry the blazes NWI Fades and she’s enough done to get home but I think when you

Watch the lepers Town juvenile hle from Christmas it puts Miss manzer and carry the blazes pretty much where they are and I think that’s a reflection of this race I think they are more Fred winter horses than they are TR horses okay interesting um we’ve also got khif Dule

Paul Nichols ran a couple of interesting juveniles this was the impressive Kempton winner yeah he was impressive uh down to the forest F big hor to look at compared to some of the other juveniles we’ve watched absolutely pings the second hurle reaches a bit at the third

And then Harry takes him back at the fourth and he gallops into it but he learned from that landed half trotting at the back of that hurdle uh third last hurle he started to go a bit left and he goes markedly left down the straight

Gets in close and he goes left at the second last but at the last when Harry gives him a squeeze he’s still very left now maybe that was just a dryer surface at Kempton that was forced him to go a bit left but he’s an impressive individual to look at he absolutely

Boled in how deep a race it is I’m not sure but when you look at horses you think wow that’s a horse of the future very much so just to briefly talk about the second and third I thought they shaped pretty well particularly the second I loved his head carries the way

He he he went pressed onto the line whether they’ve got time to qualify for something Fred winter I’m not sure now picles has been interesting about the winner he said he’s not a Triumph hurdle horse and he says that he’s going to learn from history essentially or he

Implies that he will and that he ran cland doobo and Frodo and they ran mid division in the Triumph hurdle went on to course yeah no look it is and he’s he looks a more National hunt type four-year-old doesn’t he he’s I mean he’s a a really goodlooking chasing type

For the future you would think and Paul also ran cabrel dumaan who W the chatteris fen at Huntington not a very deep addition of that particular race last Friday that horse would need one more qualifying Run for the Boodles Fred winter which apparently is the Target right we’re focusing on the grade ones

Though so let’s have a look at the JCB Triumph herdle best through which we can then catch up on the horses that we’ve already seen earlier in the season and a number of those horses that you see there will be picked up on in the next few moments

Starting with the antios favorite a possible runner at the Dublin racing Festival an entry in the champion hdle the four-year-old bird at Road who we’ve mentioned in passing but this is what he did at chelam yeah and he probably sets the standard as well um now look there

Was a bit of Carnage at the first hardle here Parish star goes to run out but you can see how far back Harry Cobden sets off on B out Road probably thinking not so bad when this all happens in front of him at the first that he was so far back

And it didn’t overly interfere with him but I thought he did settle well enough B that road considering all that went on that could have really lit him up at the first Turtle but it didn’t Harry had him good and relaxed on the inside now he

Flattens the tur hle I don’t think it’s a bad thing he’s not afraid of jumping you get a lot of flat horses they back off and they’re afraid this fell is not just gallops out through that and you’re thinking well maybe he’ll get up no he

Does the same thing at the fifth bang out through it again but it doesn’t slow him down he just takes them on and if he has to flatten them he flattens them the thir last Turtle he um bit awkward but again he’s still Keen flies the second last turtle and shows a

Really impressive turn of FO to go and win then now I know he made beat on Brad and Vasa who’s gone back to gelt and one but I’d love the way he quickens up the hill in gentem and even when you watch this with it with the speedometers on it

And whatever he quickens all the way up along and not many horses go faster up the hill and Sh no that’s a serious performance he’s a Royal Ascot winner over 10 F and clearly a horse of some quality as you say and BR and fasten has

Upheld the form and Milano might be back for on Trials day as well for um n George and he’s a very goodlooking horse I I think that was a tremendous performance sort way but that that’s to me B at road is a standard set at the

Moment yes yeah I very much agree with that Serino though is pretty exciting let’s have a look at him at Kempton what did you make of this I thought it was good obviously quite Keen Nikki or Nick OD Bonville even drops him in down the

Back row way was in front Taro was the other horse beside Toro even but he pulls his way into third place up by the stands H past the winning post for fourth hurdle then he leaves his hind end in this gets in close and drags his

Hind end out through it six gets to the sixth hurle which is the third last he pings the flatten hurdle and most horses could step onto that when it gets knocked in front of him but he jumped it then jams on at the second last and gets

Quite High very green and again at the last H Niko rides him down he put rides him into and he puts down this in front I’d say he’s quite green a lot of impr proven to do but it was an impressive enough performance he I definitely want

To see him again I think he has RAC is going to make him a better AR agreed he was conceding weight all round for his win at France which will come up in passing in in a few moments time but he strikes him as a similar type to Calef

De Berle and that that he’s a future horse he’s not a not just a juvenile is he I even wonder whether he’ll be Street wise enough for a Triumph hurdle bet he runs you think he will I think he will yeah I think he’ll run the D um and

Where goes next who knows but yeah I could I’d have him as a sharper horse than khif kif de I was more talking about I feel like they they’re their horses that there are some horses that are kind of at their Peak as foury olds

Yeah I don’t think he’s one of them no I don’t think he is either I think he will improve but the problem with buying winners out of France is they’re not noes yes so you have to get going with them this is their novice year three into four and next year’s an awkward

Year whether you go chasing you stay hurling so and there roord year for every horse but when you’re buying winners your hand is for yes it’s the equivalent of the difficult second album let’s go to H Dublin for the Christmas festival Le Stone shall we now this was

A great race and it was won by kakon Deep race yeah kak Conti on your outside and norburg ring down the inside um loads of Dept in here miss manzer was in it obviously you had um Batman jir caran Mighty Bandit Carri the blazes loads of horses in car geese Danny Mullins midd

Of the shot in the blue c White Spot she was quite Keen kaky good and brave Danny Gilligan was up there on the pace now they didn’t go mad and a lot of horses stay in this race for a lot of it you can see car Gees again there quite Keen

The Yellow Cap is Miss maner we’ve watched her winning but how close they are together they slowed right down it’s 26 27 mil hour in the back straight and they get to the third last hard you could throw a blanket over them Norberg ring is right down the inside Mighty

Bandit was the real fancy One the red of garden Elliots I think K County was always in control of this R was in the right Play It’s cross to the second last first to last six l seven L maybe Max the Red Cap at the back is Batman jerra

He runs on really well now Danny Gilligan when he gets to the front didn’t commit off the bend he slowed it down he forced Danny Mullins up on the outside that kept nurur ringing the white sleeves in the pocket he had won at fairy house he doesn’t really ever

Get out till it’s too late staying on was caraon I think with darl Jacob in the first cap of Simon man’s kak Cony steps at the last but he always does enough now nurburg ring does run on with a clearer run could he turn up with kakan there wasn’t

Much between him at fairy house there wasn’t a whole lot between him at LEP toown and caresi when he settles or she settles um definitely one have to come forward yeah I think the first three are both all three of them are interesting just a quick word for Danny Gilligan

He’s having a fine season isn’t he with goway play with ashre Meadow and uh who was the other one troytown of course Coco Beach very good there from the second last hardle to the bend he didn’t commit he didn’t open but if he committed he’d open all the race behind

Him he didn’t he sat and kept the tight behind him like you I felt the horse to take out was nuring I think assuming and it doesn’t always that the Triumph hder will be strongly run I can see him doing better thriving in that kind of

Environment so can I and look you get any triple when you’re in the position Richard Ean was in you just can’t put a propeller on your back and lift yourself out of that pocket you had the race has to open in front of you and it didn’t

And when it did open then it was just too late but that happens H race not his race surely for Mighty Bandits given the expectation that the winning Camp had and Jack Ro him instead of kak so um obviously he disappointed and Batman zurak potential for the Fred winter yeah

Settled much better at CH lepr town then he had a fairy house H where he capsized turning in that was ridden to come home by Michael Sullivan and he did but can often get caught out really trust and horses at a rid to come home can do but

I suppose he was in the wrong place out the back wasn’t he he was but he was never forced into it he was ridden to get as close as he could tongue Tai possibly helped as well maybe maybe we did storm heart let’s move on to him

Shall we this was pretty impressive for Willie Mullins and Paul T yeah and jumped out really in a decent position on New Year’s Eve storm heart dat behind U or beside Rossell Sullivan’s Runner and which was high not high wind storm I whatever it was called H into the third

Hurdle they’re both up there and then down the outside comes Katona of no Ms now Katona jams on at the fifth hurdle right in front of starmart drags him back out of the race so get up to the second last he still has plenty of running to do Gina macaroni goes up on

The outside but a bit like high wind it’s the turn of foot that storm hard CHS though he flies down to the last hurdle with Paul towned gives it plenty of air and lands running it was a really good performance when you consider what happened to him in the middle of the

Race not saying it was the strongest race Genie macaroni was well behind High wi since and he’s going to go to the spring juvenile hardle but visually it was impressive to look at have those silks been left in the sun no they’re the usually the jiggin toown silks are made

By O’Brian and I think they could be an allert in there right okay I thought different brand I see us I thought will branding too will put them on boil wash Wonder does willly know what a washing machine is just just my theory let’s take a look at benting shall we he’s

Also trained by Willie melons yeah he won at limi at Christmas again not sure it was the strongest M hard in the world Shan O ke FR this fell big ke early but he did settle well real testing ground jumped well on the hole was always going

Really really easily sh was had pains to keep him behind the one in front even when the do behind him trying to push him forward sha didn’t commit him I thought he quick and nicely down to the second last when he eased clear jumped it okay slightly right at the last and

He’s gone him one well again you’re looking at him like high wind like storm Heart Like bunting there’s probably not a massive amount between them they’ve all won maidens and they’re going to find out more about them in the spring juvenile hurdle which is why ID left all

These Ju ID after a drf yes but you need to know the characters in order to be able to understand the play properly don’t you maybe I think I think that was a win um I really liked I really liked that performance there was something about it

Shan O Keef it took him ages to pull the horse up he was green and didn’t really know what he was doing and yet he still won that really nicely it was I found that quite exciting yeah so did I like and if you looked at those different

Maidens of willies that you saw winning like Ethical Diamond was the one that was walking better than any of and he bombed out um so look homework well we can see him bombing out right now behind inter Lotto Lucy Wang and Mordor there was the one that fighted this fought

This Maiden hurdle out overr huge feel leown intelato was dropped in down the inside L and the park is the horse in the mine colors with the Red Cap inato bit high at the second hurdle find himself back in the pack Ethical Diamond Paul town is in about fifth play thir

Fourth there steps to that fourth place and you can see where inato has dropped right back in the field field now this closes up again going to the second last there was an extra hurdle in the back straight and LEP down in luto you’re thinking there he’s quite green he’s a

Lot of running to do but he stays really strongly darl Jacob lot of horses in front of him at the second last does get a run through off the home turn gets him into a challenging position quickens up not sure he quickens up that’s probably H saying a bit much lucky wing and

Moreor are the two horses in front of him as he goes to the last but he does prick his ears jumps this well and stays really well I suppose traditionally he would want try and horses to stay but I’d imagine he’d be going to the Dublin racing festival and be pitched in

Against all those other horses we’ve watched and we know a lot more about him that seems to be the suggestion from Joseph O’Brien who also trained him on the flat he achieved a rating of 87 but had a little bit of a setback and ended

Up having to be put away and gilded in June I like that performance but he did miss some scrimmaging on the inside on reflection though I’m not how not certain how significant that actually was in the end no neither today I liked how much he improved sudes he was quite

High his jumping got better he came from an unlikely position after starting in a good position he got into an ordinary one and he’s still got him one Lucy Wang 151 second there was no fluke about it as far as I could see I wouldn’t have

Thought so either and Mordor who used to be with David simock on the flat he looks like more of a handicap T probably um but there was a couple of horses disappointed now that was the second 27th there was plenty of rain falling I’d say until AO liked soft

Ground and uh piton house and lar in the morning who we saw in that first race behind high wind they were further back in that race also so all that racing into woven we also had the grade two finale juvenile hurdle at chepo that has been downgraded from a grade one as of

This season It Was Won by a wide margin by Gary Mo Salva I absolutely HED up kayin Queen rodm was really good performance H the second was Bal boa harsh was back and forth who had been third to Mighty banded a cork good performance just finale winners how many them keep going well

Gary made the point that he felt that his horse enjoyed the conditions and the others probably didn’t and I think you can see that I mean he pressed on a long way out and made a real test of stamina and harsh was just legless by the end

Was but it was a good performance really good performance it was again Gore thinking he might miss the Triumph but um he won that two years ago with porello of course he was potentially thinking about a tree or even putting the horse away right now A correspondent has been

In touch wanted to know something specifically from you let let’s have a look Tam Lindsay there you are can I ask you about Salvatore Mundy what’s going on with second to Serino and art toy wasn’t he U he’s in full work I saw him working what yesterday Thursday Tuesday

Um yeah he looked looked a nice horse I’d imagine he’ll Run summer in the spring that he’s in the spring juvenile hurdle at the Dublin racing Festival isn’t he and there’s a couple of others that are also interesting in that kind of regard at Willis masjar being one who

Owned by JP Manis and W at aoy in April and anadan who won both of his starts in the Autumn for Arnold sh sh yeah one of bordo and Camp bordeau even and Cen and zadam he’s a nice horse Marb is a gorgeous horse to look at fine big horse

More a bit like Serino or khif de Berle huge horse to look at really impressive individual but they’re all at full training and imagine if they were entered that last week the plan is to run them well I mean you know that looks like a fantastic race on paper and

You’ve just made the point or implied that Willie Mullins will run his horses at the racing Festival against each other thank goodness he does cuz otherwise you’d end up with small Fields but that you know they do they’re there to take each other on they certainly were last season there are but there’s

Great Value in that anti poost Market looking at it go on what were you thinking about norburg ring is a good price let’s Pop Let’s pop that back up I suspect I I wonder whether nurburg ring is going straight to cheltonham I was just wondering so we’ve moved on to the

Boodles uh Batman J how that’s the Boodles can’t imagine how you wi they’ll have a mark to win of Boodles but um no yeah interesting but back to the juvenile I know I I’d agree with you that nurur green would be a good price but I wonder

Whether he’s actually going to run there possibly McAn Fitzgerald new sponsor as well so good to see new sponsors coming into the sport very much so uh we’re going to go back to the bules to see if there’s anything that did uh take your fancy no no it was always a long

Shot and that one that particular long shot didn’t come in And you watched the last two Champion chases like we looked at them beforeand you’re thinking well what these are going to be great Races by the water jump you only wanted to be on in gamine in the last two years that’s how quickly this race oh it sorts itself out in the

First mile doesn’t it good look yeah at halfway this race there’s the cream has come to the top and the ones you don’t want to be on are sticking out like sore Thums so novice herders now and some really interesting stuff that shook up the anti poost markets for the chelon festival I’m going to start with the race that I felt was the strongest no deepest novice hurdle of the season so far the lawers of nce which was

Rescheduled to Last Friday and won by Reen Tommy rung I think everybody had been R Tommy rung had yeah it had H looked they booked out six of them in ly down to the first shopo the saw on the inside he jamms on at the second now Lecky Watson had gone back beside

Reading Tommy Rong on the way to the second hle but Shao jams on here allows he atlante to get in front Firefox is up behind him Shao so allar lies down at the third hurdle reading Tommy Rong goes by him Paul town and then picks it up on

E atlantique reading Tommy wrong he was a bit deliberate a bit high at times they kept up a consistent Gallop throughout this race four last Firefox jumped up the E atanque third last e atanque jumps away from Firefox and reading Tommy wrong was definitely as deliberate as anything in the race he

Definitely put down and popped all the way which makes his performance a little bit more impressive Ley Watson had raised two freely when he got light on the outside Shao doy actually I couldn’t believe he was that close considering the way he jumped early and tuber disappointed down to the last hard lead

Atlantique to me looked like he was there to be shot at and reading Tommy Rong came at him and out battles him now that’s the third time Ed at lanque has had to get down and dirty and it’s the third time he’s lost reading Tommy Rango

Battles him here but I do think Firefox in the Red Cap probably underperformed I’m not sure you go through bump perform I’m not sure he’s run up the scratch but the winner has kept going really well but to me it looked like a horse that would be going open Trip rather than

Even staying at that trip well it’s interesting you should say that we’re going to have a look at each of these horses in in isolation using your thoughts as well because you’ve been talking a lot about the lawers of Nace as we asked you to thank you very much

Uh Andrew Shepard was getting in touch with us and he was talking about Reed and Tommy wrong he says I’m shocked they’re not going three Liles with him he hit the line very hard and he looks like he improve for the step up and trip

If we have a look at the Albert Bartlett novice’s hurdle betting I tend to agree with Andrew here you’ve mentioned the deliberate jumping I think that that’s going to and it was a strongly Run Race it’s going to be helped isn’t it yeah even the way he races he goes along

Behind the bridal he’s an ideal candidate for staying races that’s personally what I think um connections decide who those let’s move on to Keith Hawkins and what he thinks about the runner-up El antique shall we and now for background Keith the camel here is a good friend of Tony blooms who owns El

Atlantique and this is this is what he thinks they’re both betting men so they’ll see things you know straightforwardly this is his view about elanti he’d hoped he was the stair in The Mating but he was ridden aggressively and curled up he’s pointed out that it’s three times now um over

The page that he’s trade at 1.1 or shorter in running if you look at his run in France it’s a similar story and so he’s quite concerned about whether eel Atlantic is to put it in betting terms soft in a finish yeah but I suppose if

He he’s been the one to be shot at three times isn’t he I can’t remember the other day I think he was the hor of call was come at him I wonder it’s just a matter of change in tactics with him and have make him the one going out now this same he

Did go out Firefox of course when Firefox got back to beat him at fairy house Patrick obviously tried that so that’s not going to work um yeah maybe I wouldn’t mind on and couple this s ones like him though oh I mean he’s obviously got a lot of talent that’s why

He’s generated so much debate and he’s people have different views about what went on and what trip he wants what do you think he needs in atlantique Jump well enough don’t know I hadn’t talk to much about it actually um what what are you doing sitting

Here don’t know anyway go you were going to say um what would you do with him I couldn’t see going back down and Tripp him he doesn’t strike me as fast enough maybe it would I don’t know he’s a bit of a head scratcher is he I think so

Firefox though didn’t perform didn’t turn up is this G Elliot’s time of year Well it can’t be all year round so everyone’s going to have a quiet spell and probably round now is usually probably quite spell for garden I mean he’s Hing such good Farm all the way to

Christmas that there’s always going to be Al maybe that is around now let’s take a look at Mark’s view as well he sent us a tweet as well which was to talk about the third and that was Lecky Watson Willie was a little bit critical that he didn’t get enough cover

Beforehand yeah he got wide in the home straight and ran a big Keen it’s hard to know yeah I know i’ probably bck him out there and Gallop along good enough for the Albert Bartlett yeah I’d say he is okay um that’s ultimately you’re asking about Atlantic that’s what I do I would

Just swap tactics with do him might book like he watch drop right okay right try something yeah absolutely You’ got to try something haven’t you uh now you were on duty for us at nce on Friday and I was intrigued by this question that you asked Rachel Blackmore uh before she

Wrote anabar this is what you asked her if you were trying to measure him or trying to gauge him where would you put him in terms of slate steel um yeah they were very hard to separate all the way along they they possibly still are so yeah I won’t be

Nailing my colors to either them yet now you know that we’re both big Slade steals fans should take that literally I knew she wasn’t going answer but should we take that literally no no way you you get you were getting from her body language that they think Slade steel I

Was laughing at her thinking she has to stay stay steel or I put her in a position where she’d have to and she didn’t and I was just laughing I was thinking yeah don’t get off the fence anyway because clever clever if they are about the same then we’re in trouble

Aren’t we with State Steel right good okay I was I was hoping that was the case I just thought I’d press and find out and sheer to Salo my goodness I mean I thought he couldn’t jump worse School in shed for him just tripped over them again didn’t he oh my

God a hurdle um I have to leave the ground I’d rather not thank you very much right let’s have a look at the Moscow flyer this was won by mystical power who was due to running the original orders of Mason went here and took on Goro yeah Jago uh lambron and

James’s gate on the outside sat in behind was probably the slowest of them all at the first big Keen to the second but this small mistake actually gave him a hand a chance to settle he switched off well wasn’t run at an overly quick Pace this race they were only doing you

Know sort of 27 28 miles hour early in the race um Paul does Quicken it up into the back straight L Bron put down at the first hurdle in the back straight jagor jumped up beside him third last hurdle James’s gate slightly out to his left

But Mark was confident enough to stay in the pocket on mystical power and he does show a good turn of foot off the home turn where they get up to 30 4 nearly 35 mil hour I thought he quick and well to put the race to bed Lydia not so sure

James is G lomon brought the a again I think choro did though and I think the mystical PO is a horse that’s improving the whole time he’ll have to jump a little bit better but was only his second start over hles I imagine he will time’s not brilliant is it he doesn’t

Really sort of stand up in that way you’re looking at your eyes and the fact that he seems to be learning on the job yeah and the fact that he keeps quickening and even when he gets to the last hardle he slows right down to jump it but he quickens again on Landing

Lands at 26 M hour he’s up over 31 by the time he gets to the winning post so he had plenty in the tank how about his demeanor he was quite Keen at the post Keen in the early part of the race would he be the kind of horse who might boil

Over prior to aapre no he dam was Keen enough too she was too Keen to win the stairs so she was all was a big keing um and I can’t really tell you about Galileo but Andy power was a bit Joy this is going to be inevitable comparisons between mystical power and

His M let’s take a look at them how would you compare them physically so nothing to compare about them is there she’s a much bigger head longer neck she huge presence he’s smaller bit stubbier she’s Chestnut he’s Bay Brown Bay profile wise in terms of how they’re learning one is male one is

Female right don’t know I meant how they how they were learning in terms of you know what sure maybe he’s yeah I suppose she progressed all through her career and I’d say he’s progressed a long way from he’s winning Bal and Rob okay I mentioned this is shaken up the markets

Anti poost for the CH Festival we’ll start with the Sky Bet Supreme shall we mystical power was propelled to the front of the market um but Jer deop is also own by um JP man has got a strong hand in this kind of race yeah so might Ender Y and

Jeski um and what was the horse Captain CB and binoc no I’m thinking about um Edward a gr’s horse no flies on him he could be he’s gone to the drf JP wouldn’t be against running a couple in Supreme absolutely and then then we have what is now known as the bearing Bingham

Nov hdle that is the identifier of this race it used to be uh sponsored by balmore but their sponsorship has come to an end so that’s what we’re calling it for now until a new sponsor is found yeah 14s pun say that good I still think

Slade steel is value at 14 you going to do that Y is that a bet yeah he won’t be a the tree I like these spontaneous bets um gidley Park was in that as well he was interesting winner at Newbury prior to Christmas for Harry fry what did you

Make for him yeah I thought he kept going well he was a short PR his favor um jumped well stayed well and yeah he won other than that now I didn’t have a huge amount to think about it say the truth okay well let’s look at Tully hill now shall we

Because this horse went at Nace last Friday what did you make of this uh better than punches town was still not brilliant Paul R him into the first hard jump the better reaches at the second but he didn’t look like he was outside the wings of it or anything and there

Still a just about going to get there stutters into the third hurdle jams on for hurdle he a bit better it really was a mixed bag with him and when he gets to the he was good at that one gets the second last he’s quite good quickens up

I suppose to go and beat a Light Keeper of Gardon Elliots the faster he was going maybe the better he jumped but he’s horse is going to need more more practice he is I wonder whether the return to left-handed was of help because he was won his point left handed

Didn’t he and he didn’t seem to enjoy going right hand last time probably go to lepone next but um yeah I think he has to he’s definitely one that’s going to need more practice some promise staying on to Third from Captain Guinness’s sister yeah con stonyford

Lady is stonyford lady I see just B her up as well as one was c yeah okay um I want to just give a a mention to Doan dubar who was a winner at Kelo over the weekend because it looks like the north got a decent hurdler in this horse if he

Can stay some yeah obviously he’s an eighty old he’s been hard to train Paul and Robson trains him Craig nichel Craig nckl R him pretty much made all went to go Gallop up by the win post he was five or six in front jump the four hle quite

Big gets very high at it um you know wouldn’t be knocking him for it LS a little bit in his nose gets to the second last fence he’s do hardly even he’s doing a half speed and he pops it and he quickens away and wins by a considerable distance now the last was

Bypass testing round the Kelo but he was going a good Gallop when he got to this last H which should have been the second last and he stretched away and one by a a country mile again he has to say sound but at least he was sound last week yeah

And he’s last strung a few races together in a row whereas before they were punctuated by quite long absences eight years of age and quite a talent for falling Robson so we’re going to end with thoughts on the intermediate uh chases the ones that we know very well and have

Been lighting up our enjoyment for the past few seasons and it kind of revolves around the ryion a but we’ll get to that in a moment first of all we need to talk about the svako contest from last Saturday which was actually a rather strong contest it was good rest to watch

Pck Dory ban bridge edwardstone jadil and not long till May on the outside went a decent enough Gallop edwardstone settled reasonably well early in the race down over the first three or four fenes Tom had him Tom Cannon even had him in a good spot he was dropped in

Last janil unfortunately started to jump a bit slower and Dro back to edwardstone which didn’t really suit Tom Cannon and it’s only off the home turn to the fifth f that he gets Keen when he got competitive and now Tom has imp pared on the inside with a good halt of him

Bambridge and pikor were jumping well in front last fence with on the first circuit Edward Stone lets fly out of Tom Cannon’s hands and that makes a quarter of an inch R off Tom Cannon and they head into the bend past the stands he starts to go with him Thomas forced to

Change his hands which unfortunately sets edwardstone a light just here now that’s a signal on most horses to go faster but when your hands get too far back from the bit ultimately you’re forced to change them and then it becomes a battle that Tom Cannon loses and edwardstone charges with him then

From crossing the all weather track down over the first what would be the first in the three mile Chase track in Kempton and the ditch and to me he pulls himself out of the race at this point pictori and bambridge are in front of him watch him go to this stage now edwardstone

He’s running with Tom Cannon and he just launches out of his hands like he had done in the desert awkward one time as well when he should have put in there he lets fly Jan was struggling Banbridge was always trying to push pck Dory JJs Le was conscious of not letting uh Harry

Cobden dictate this and he was a bit slower at times bambridge than P Dory or to the O you look to be but when it mattered ban Bridges jump and came to the four robed the third last but it cost him very little robes the second

Last again it cost him very little but when P Dory puts down at the last he does lose some momentum and you can see on Landon how quickly that Gap appears and Banbridge goes and win and what was his first half for a long time and put

Himself firmly into the rer picture very much much so let’s have a look at the ryion a betting shall we as a result he’s now second favorite at 5 to1 some ground dependency he was pulled out because of deep ground before he does seem to be at his best on the sandish

Surface Bandridge he does um but he is a CH he won a Martin pipe um he’s won there in November he does he just doesn’t on testing ground and he won’t run on testing ground is that the end of the two and a half mile project over

Fenes for Edward stone or do you think they could pursue it for the reasons that you just explained possibly surely he goes to the champion Chase I would I think um I’d run him in the champion Chase he’s a big prize and and a danger there he is a

Lurker you would you wouldn’t completely dismiss him even if you even with could finish third I think he could finish third and if something happened to one or the other two he might need next second I think he’d be a surprise winner okay right now we were talking about how

The Ryan Air all changed after the Saku Cony there could be a real shakeup as a result of this Sunday at thus provided it goes ahead we’re more hopeful of that than elsewhere look at that lineup envo Allen missed the Saddles Chase to go here appreciate it and capano who ran so

Well in it are there but also alaho who underwhelmed you and me when third in the King George but not other people yeah not other people um look it will be a really good race in in the kinlock bray on Sunday be interesting to see tomorrow morning which one Paul town and

Rides will he stick with aljo will he get off and right appreciated well that would be a huge tell wouldn’t it it would but it’ll be interesting to see which one he rides I think one ran I don’t know I think one probably NE of them young but it’ll be

Interesting to see what he does we asked you who would be favorite for the Ryan Air on Sunday night after the horse and jockey Hotel Chase had been run who do you think they went for bambridge NOP they’re still Believers alaho 45% ahead of bambridge who have got has got his following as

Well and envo alen you’re one of your two antios tips in the ryion a he is amongst the something else at 10% and appreciated as your other one at 12% oh well little fate Haven it yeah I can’t say a blend on no either I think there

Could be a a real reshuffling there now are you expecting Ascot to be off on Saturday yep yeah so am I um and that means that we’re not going to see Alpha abolo and John but I suppose has it been has it been called off early enough for

The possibility of el Fabio traveling to chelham if it’s rescheduled there hopefully they won’t have put them on board before it’s called off but um yeah there’s a possibility then yeah because the PO the point was that he wouldn’t travel over twice like any end did to

Ascort and to chelham but just chelham might work right okay thank you very much for that gallop through the recent action um if you want need more you can go to the website roadto chelham and make sure you join us next Thursday at 10:00 a.m. a special show

Live from Goran park with a special guest as well also at the usual time of 9:00 see you Paty power sponsors of the road to chelham watch live racing now on


  1. As he gets older it’s natural Henderson is become a ‘bottle merchant’. He’s ruining CH’s legacy. Well said both.

  2. Wouldnt have had an higher rating if he had turned up to beat all the trees over here in another race in England Constitution Hill before Cheltenham.Hope somebody thinks Burdett Road that cant jump an hurdle will beat Constitution Hill as well next season as some thought Impaire Et Passe would beat him this season so i get a bigger price about Constitution Hill for a third Champion Hurdle if he stays sound.You do not win Champion Hurdles jumping like Burdett Road does.Only 4 horses have ever won the Triumph Hurdle and then gone on to win the Champion Hurdle and the last one was "Katchit" who won the Champion Hurdle in 2008 having won the Triumph in 2007,so Triumph Hurdle winners dont have a great Champion Hurdle record,Katchit could jump he was fast and low over his hurdles i tend to remember he didnt hit them flat like Burdett Road.

  3. I’ve have more chance of seeing the Northern Lights every night than seeing Constitution Hill running regularly
    As great as a trainer Henderson is,he is the wrong trainer for the Constitution Hill’s of this world,he is the male version of Henrietta Knight
    He more excuses than a politician

  4. Iroko can't run in a chase handicap at Cheltenham unless he has had three chase runs. Should know that you two. It's a "novice chase Handicap" system they have in place but these novices with less than 3 runs are restricted from running in most of the big handicaps.

  5. Did Lydia say Corbetts Cross only entry is the National Hunt chase and then proceed to say he's one of 3 for JP in the RSA??? He's entered in the Turners too

  6. The flip side to Constitution Hill not running is can you imagine if twiston Davies trained him he’d already be on the downgrade he’s already ruined broadway boy he’s had a savage campaign 😂

  7. Almost every Irish race analysed this week showed a Willie Mullins winner. Boring, and somewhat embarrassing imvho. I’m surprised this isn’t mentioned more often by pundits, as it cannot be good for the game in general. Perhaps a topic for the future Lydia? For proper analysis and comment, not just cursory and rudimentary review.

    I’ve been following NH racing since the very early 70s, and whilst there have always been some very powerful trainers, the size of stables nowadays just exacerbates the problem. Put simply, the current state of play is unsustainable.

  8. If Kargese settles she'd be the best in that race. Herself and Majborough are my fancies for the Triumph. Majborough is out February 3rd.

  9. Is Lecky Watson just another version off asterion forlonge. He will be well travelled and bet he turns up in king George’s one day

  10. Hi guys great show as always ,great banter between you 2 ,can you tell me what’s happing to DADDY LONG LEGS so impressive when he scooted home ,then was never put in the race and pulled up in the bog next time,never to be mentioned again, can yo enlighten us,thanks Colin thain.

  11. Question for Ruby: Is James Bowen any worse / better than Nico. As an owner would you mind him taking over on your horse ?

  12. Constitution Hill needs to run in a handicap to obtain a higher rating. Too many condition and graded races available these days. Imagine Constitution Hill carrying 12 stone giving weight to his current Champion Hurdle rivals. In order to have that happen, prize money for something like the Betfair Hurdle would need to be so high that it could not be ignored. £90,000 winning a Betfair Hurdle isn’t going to cut it.

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