MIZUNO PRO 245 IRON FITTING | Golfer gains accuracy, consistency and 15 yards.

Andrew, a long time Mizuno player gets fit for a new set of irons. What happens when we combine cutting edge Mizuno fitting technology with the famous Mizuno feel? PLAY BETTER GOLF
#paulkellygolf #playbettergolf #mizunogolf

Paul Kelly
North American Top 100 Fitter
Canadian Top 50 Golf Instructor

Hi it’s Paul from Paul Kelly golf I’m here with Andrew dun uh Andrew is one of the staff at t-box and we’re here to do a Muno fitting on Andrew today so Andrew you currently play Munos is that right yes that’s correct okay what model are

You playing I’m playing uh the jpx easy right now uh it’s the 2016 model okay good so we’re looking at doing a mauno fitting see if you fit into something a little bit nicer see if some of the new models appeal to you there they go from

There so tell us a little bit about your game so right now I’m currently playing off of five handicap okay I roughly play about 75 to 80 rounds a year all right so lots yeah a good good fair amount of golf yes all right uh normal shot tendency what would you normally expect

To see out of your ball uh just a slight draw probably about a three to five yard draw and your bad shot if it gets away on you I have a tendency to hook it a little bit so I turn it over just a little bit perfect so what we’re going

To do is we’re going to work Andrew through a shaft Optimizer and the shaft Optimizer is a amazing piece of technology from auno it has a uh has a load sensor built into it it has a gyroscope built into it it’s got a microprocessor built into it so it

Collects your DNA and your swing DNA how mauno looks at it is that your swing doesn’t change from time to time you’re either always fast tempo you’re always slow tempo those things don’t change so it will measure how your shaft Kicks Down how it loads when and where you

Release it h and they’ve shown that through hundreds of thousands the swings that this doesn’t change from person to person so the beauty about the shaft Optimizer is it’s not results based it’s a measuring tool of what your DNA does so if you’re having a bad day striking

The ball it doesn’t throw your fitting off because you’re still swinging the club the same it just might not have your impact okay and then uh we’re going to use that then and that narrows down and gives us a really narrow window of the shafts that we’ll select and what it

Does it doesn’t replace the fitter’s experience it takes fitter’s experience and it lets them short list some things so that we don’t have to hit 25 shafts and fatigue you out before you get what you’re looking for all right so that’s what we’re going to do we’re going to

Fire up the shaft Optimizer we’re going to get Andrew first to warm up hit a few balls while I’m getting things ready uh and then prepare us for the fitting Andrew would you generally hit a uh a low ball a high ball kind of normal average pretty average PR average yeah

About a mid ball flight okay all right are you happy with that yeah I’m pretty happy with it like I feel like any higher I’m not going to get any benefit playing here in New all right perfect so now we’re going to go into the shaft Optimizer and that’s going to

Kick out three specific shafts where we should start our fitting so because the club you have now is probably closest to the jpx 923 that’s where we’ll start all right Andrew so the shaft Optimizer has told us that we should be looking at that nipon NS Pro 95 in a

Regular or a stiff and the reason that it says regular or stiff is that it’s more of a weight category rather than a stiffness category how’s that one feel to you if you were just kind of put it in words it’s very nice it’s soft I feel like it’s kind of

Jumps off the face okay and you can kind of feel it load and it doesn’t feel bardy it doesn’t feel spongy no not at all the head feels good y all right so now we moved into the nipon pro 95 G regular is that more movement than you

Would like to see or is it kind of about a little bit more expected or it’s a bit more I feel like it’s a little bit more uncontrollable okay all right that’s a we’ve got a cluster here that’s extremely tight but it’s a little bit further left we’re staying with regular

We’re moving into the KBS Tor light regular Flex in standard length standard Loft standard lie which is where you’re fitting in very well on all those okay okay same thing we’re staying in that kind of 95 98 gram weight range and we’re going to see what happens here

Put this one into words for me feels a little bit heavier um I know that sounds kind of weird because we are in that weight uh that same yeah but it just everything matters your opinion to me it just feels like it’s a little bit stiffer too okay just not seeing the

Consistency there that uh I’m looking for all right so let’s go back to the first one we did which was the uh nipon Pro 95 stiff yep I think that was what felt best in solid little bit skinny on that one y just a little that definitely

Was but even still it’s not a huge Miss so even with my hit it still seems like it’s kind of consistent you’re retaining your consistency of distance that one feel second time around it feels great honestly yeah yeah so that’s that’s been hit twice now and that’s the preference both times yeah

Definitely okay all right so I want you to kind of we’re going to go over some data and have a look at some things and talk about what we’ve got but we can see we’ve got a really nice cluster here all right Andrew we’ve hit some shafts we

Went with what the shaft Optimizer was recommending to us having never seen you before the shaft Optimizer having no idea what you’re doing how did that shaft recommendation pan out for you really good honestly I felt like um you know it really suited my swing um it

Gave me three shafts that were very very similar to the weight that would be suitable for me and I felt that even with the stiff it was potentially more benefit than anything else that I was trying all right so let’s look at the data starting with your club uh and

Going through and see what kind of you know what did we pick up what were some changes good or bad and then we’ll look at the that we went through so this is your club we looking at we have 162 yard carry we have a ball

Speed of 108 mil an hour so for every mile an hour of ball speed that we can increase there we should pick up probably about two two and A4 yards or so so if we can increase that from 107 to 110 111 or so then we’ll see some

Difference there smash factor with yours is extremely good you know that’s off the charts for an iron for an iron we’d be looking for somewhere probably 135 137 somewhere around there to be 146 uh is just super efficient now that is coming through something that it could

Give you a little bit of a trouble your face is a little bit more closed than normal which is why you get that low penetrating left flight yeah uh so with all of our clubs we saw all the face angle being uh a little bit closed you’re swinging inside out with close so

We’re going to get that shot shape so we’re at a 16° or 7 14° launch angle with a ball speed of 108 and a carry of 162 we go back to the 95s again and we’re back up we got a 178 carry versus yours which was a 162 so that’s

Almost a club and a half that’s that’s nothing to ignore considering that the cluster is still in there very tight your maximum height increased a little bit your Landing angle increased a little bit your spin rate while it’s averaging a little bit lower than it was

Once again we’re longer we’re club and a half longer safe to assume that we would jump up another four or five to replicate the distance that you had with your other club okay so when you look at distance improving distance and and getting more out of it people will often

Say well it’s just a turned down club right or it’s this but if you’re maintaining the height and The Descent angle of what you had then there’s nothing wrong with it it’s all it’s all really good there so we have a smash Factor 1.48 it just keeps getting more and more

Efficient your club path it’s almost the same number all the way through your spin rate is consistent your Center strikes your face angle so we can see here the face angle tends to be Clos with you a little bit and that’s something that is your swing not going to be able to change

That without you changing it intentionally but that’s the way you swing and this is giving us a really night cluster and there’s our horizontal angle of lefts and rights which at 180 yard if we’re averaging 5 yards off the center line we’re going to take that all

Day long for the rest of your life absolutely right 100% so we’re back to our finished product this is the Muno 245 it’s a hollow body kind of almost blade style Club nipon NS Pro 95 stiff I turn that one over just a little bit a little bit handsy there on that one

Yeah once again though the contct felt contact felt great the club felt great and just even the whole swing and everything just felt like really consistent your club path is not changing from swing to swing we can’t do a whole lot better than that no so we’ve got ourselves a winner here

So what we’ve got is we’ve got the Muno 245 we have the nipon pro NS stiff it’s a 95 G shaft do you have a particular type of grip that you like I usually use mc4s so golf PR mc4s the multi compounds a little extra 4% at the bottom in a standard fit

Y standard sit in a plus4 in MCC yep okay all right and four through pitch I have a four through pitch in that setup there now um if I was to get a new set I’d probably leave the four out of the bag okay I feel like I just don’t hit

Don’t use it enough and it’s funny because the shaft optimization here when we went through your set recommendation based on your shaft speed your Tempo and everything it’s saying that the five is probably your uh the last one down the line that you’ll be really efficient

With yeah okay so we can go through there we like it absolutely absolutely perfect thank you so Much


  1. Land angles are too shallow. I’d have him try a different head to improve launch conditions.

  2. Landing angle is too shallow with combined with that low of spin, and low height, he won't be able to stop anything. He's probably better off in the JPX HM High Launch to increase or at the most JPX Forged. Did you try either of those heads, would have liked to see the comparisons.

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