Golf Babe

Bachelor Joey Graziadei Teases That He’s ‘VERY HAPPY’ with Journey (Exclusive)

“The Bachelor” star Joey Graziadei sat down with “Extra’s” Billy Bush to dish on the big premiere episode and his journey ahead! Though he wouldn’t reveal if he ends up engaged, Joey teased that he’s “very happy” and had a “great experience.” He spoke about some of the memorable limo entrances — including that banana moment — and also explained why he gave his First Impression Rose to Lea. Plus, Billy tried to gauge Joey’s feelings for some of the ladies, including Lexi and Maria! “The Bachelor” airs Mondays on ABC.

Let’s start with a serious question what you got do you think that God got your universe or however you believe got you through the first experience cuz you were about to get engaged right to where you are now like oh everything was by design it led me to where I am or that

You can love more than one person it could have worked with Charity it could have worked with whomever you chose it’s a good question uh I definitely think things happen for a reason I’ve always been a believer in that and I do believe in timing I think that some times uh

Things happen at the right time and uh in that moment when I was on the bachette I was definitely ready to get engaged but when it didn’t work out I was able to pull myself out of that and realize that she had someone else that

Was the right person for her and I was still eager to find mine and when this opportunity came along it was hard to say no to it you guys don’t look anything alike she has she this woman doesn’t have a type if between one and two first of all six there’s there’s

About two feet of difference yeah yeah do I think’s a 67 so so he he is definitely a tall human but he’s just such a great guy and uh I’m so happy for them how much time did you have cuz shooting schedules get confusing how much time did you have from broken heart

Standing on the beach to beginning your season yeah I uh I finished up in I think I went back to Hawaii sometime in May and had some time back to get back to my normal life teaching tennis again just enjoying myself trying work on me

And I think it was about August time was when I started filming so there was a there was a good in between there I got some time to kind of you know have that reset which I think is really important what what how did you fix yourself um I

Think for me I just like I said try to focus on what I was doing uh I I know when I left it I did everything that I could and I just Tred to you know gain that confidence to realize that there was nothing I did wrong she just had

Someone else that made more sense for her so tried to focus on that as much as I could to the Nay Sayers that this is the craziest way to meet someone get married it’s all too quick it’s too well what what do you know about you you know

The process really well is it actually the best possible way I mean I don’t know if there ever is a best possible way for me I know it’s UNC dating apps that’s one at a time you got 32 at once a lot chanes go up lot it’s a lot uh

It’s definitely unconventional for me I always thought back to how great of experience I had on The Bachelorette it felt really nice to be able to be in that setting to just focus on trying to find your person it is different but for me it worked I I felt like I really

Connected with someone and I was excited to do it again to hopefully find my person now before The Bachelor came into your life have you ever said person before my person uh I think that you get really good at the wording of how you say stuff after being on The Bachelor

Yeah you find ways to at least how to say it so it’s Bachelor you’re speaking there’s lingo right so person is definitely coming from the show Journey experience however you want to work those are all new words that I’m finding it’s part of it did you did you find you

Know I can’t answer that question I mean but I know I could but I’m not going to it was definitely I had a end in a successful way I what I can tell you is I am very happy and I had a great time throughout the whole thing um there’s

Moments that’s difficult but right now I’m happy and I’m excited to be here today where you hiding her Joey where is she can’t come on she’s under WPS in Sacramento or something in a very have to wait to see okay uh let’s talk about some of the cuckoo birds that got out of

That came in the Bulls come flying out the uh the banana lady the yeah there’s a lot of bold entrances uh I think it’s an opportunity for these girls to try to do something out of their comfort zone to have fun with it and uh yeah there’s

A couple of good ones on night one that’s for sure there’s always a couple of really like forward people and I look right at your eyes as soon as like the banana lady came out and I saw you were like mm- she’s gone I I just you know my

Family watches this so it’s just a little bit weird to have that happen uh again it was a bold call for me I just uh tried to quickly grab a banana and move on although did the Golden Bachelor end up marrying the woman who did that wasn’t her was Teresa the stripper

Teresa was the one that uh showed I think she said her birthday suit or something like that so I think that was something in that regard that was the most forward thing there and he we see it’s the old guys that are ready to go young guys are still

By that time maybe you’ll come around um what was the most memorable first impression for you memorable first impression um it’s a good question I don’t know if there’s one that like sticks out in in in particular um I mean I’ll I’ll do the first impression rose with Leia I think

How she handled that card that night was just so big that that’s who got my first impression Rose because she was put in such a difficult spot and I was very impressed with how she handled it all except isn’t that okay but that’s a second impression or a third impression

Right cuz your first impression with her was ahead but you want to know out of the limo was the best I want to know the the thought process behind that move because I think you also accomplish another objective by choosing her you send a message to everyone that this is

Serious business and character is first yeah I think that was a really I think it was a really big thing that I I said it every time I was so happy to see how she handled a difficult situation and my thought process was I couldn’t wait to

Get to know more about Leia because of that because you just put in a really difficult spot and I I know that I think a lot of the women appreciated that she got that first impression Rose because they were very happy with how she handled that situation too how aware are

You of what the drama you know the edit comes out and we’re aware of it but are you aware that you know Taylor is and Jess are posting up against each other and there’s like a little beef there and you stole my thing and then there’s that

Do you know any of that no I think people sometimes forget that what you see on TV the conversations I have that’s all the access and and and I guess Insight I have to talking to the women so throughout the show when you have these group dates you can start to

Pick up on things um if you come to the house at all and visit you can maybe see a look here or two but all these interviews all this kind of drama that starts to happen in the house I was seeing all that on night one for the

First time with everyone else I know you’re not give anything away but just at least tell me this you didn’t hit the fantasy suites with sisters I can’t tell one just tell me you didn’t do that I can’t tell you that I think you just

Have to tune in to find out I just can’t imagine that I know that would be a very bold call let’s just say that I know that would be a very bold call you’d be it’s too much drama you’re just going to have to wait and see though but yes that

Would be very bold I have a very good way of like I just watch the body language I’ll tell you who my favorite is okay Lexi the golfer okay I think uh anyone that knew that I was a big golf fan saw that on that night I had a lot

Of buddies that I golf with that when they saw that she said she was a big golfer my my same I know I love you have an older sister I love this maybe a younger Aunt I don’t know where I am right now but uh I mean she’s a golfer

And she the way you talk to her the way she talked to you so natural there was a hum there yeah Lexi is great I think one of the coolest things on night one was that we connected over that we had a lot of similar interests and that’s a big

Thing for me because I’m active I I like having fun and doing different things outside of my my normal life and uh yeah we connected on that really early on and you’re a Golf and Tennis guy Golf and Tennis so when I first started teaching tennis in Hawaii uh tennis turned into a

Job pretty quickly so I needed to find something new and uh I was connected with a golf course and fell in love with the sport and now it’s really the number one thing I do when I get free time is going and try to play nine or 18 holes

I’m obsessed I might take you out let’s do it love to my club here and I like when you have time I would love to that’d be great I believe it strong I believe it strong cocktails that’s the only way to do it oh yeah who’s the wild girl I really

Like too in the end she kept kissing you and kissing you and she was like and she’s funny and she’s just kind of it commands the room but she’s little you got to give me a name I think I know who you’re talking about but are are you

Talking about Maria on Maria Maria okay Maria yeah she had the back and forth she said she didn’t want to kiss me then she kissed me yeah yeah she’s like oh what the heck she seems like a lot of fun Maria’s fun I think you’re going to

Get that this season in general down the road a little bit yeah she she’s she’s a fun one you’re going to have to wait and see how far she goes though come on you can’t pull that out of me look at you see I told you I’m a body language expert look at

That you are revealing so much right now Jo but like I said you’re going to have to wait and see just want me to change my life oh Maria okay Lexi yeah we just talked about Maria yeah you’re just going to keep throwing names I’m waiting to see

What happens what do you do when like you watch it back last night M it’s so it’s so tense for some of the women like what the one girl starts just crying and crying and like I’m out and it’s the worst and then I tell you like don’t

Forecast terrible things to come you ended up calling her name she was obviously relieved but I mean how in one night could someone get that emotional you know I think it’s the it’s the setting I I was in that spot to that night one is it’s crazy you don’t know

If you’re going to get time to talk um obviously the person you’re talking about Evelyn we didn’t get a chance to speak that night so that was something that obviously made her feel very uncomfortable and thought that she might go home I think that people just want

The opportunity and I would love to be able to give that opportunity to speak to every one of the women but it’s just not how it goes and um yeah I I can understand those emotions it’s tough on night one it’s a lot can you tell a girl that’s there for Instagram followers

Right away I don’t know if anyone has that much of an intuition I think that stuff might come out uh throughout when you pay attention to it but I had a great group of girls I didn’t really feel like that was the case I think a

Lot of them were there for the right reasons and I think people will see that throughout is it healthy to feel a deep crazy over-the-top intense connection with more than one person at the same time it’s different I think that it’s part of the experience that you’re feeling a lot

Of things throughout the process and um I just really try to pay attention to my gut I tried to pay attention to what I was feeling uh hold in as much as I could to make sure I was smart and I wasn’t saying too much but it is a weird

And different setting to be in this and uh yeah it’s it’s something that you just work through through the whole process I guess the challenge is really like not getting swept up in the helicopters and the hot tubs and the you know solo by Shawn Mendes or whatever yeah

You know and try to have conversations that can exist in the real world when Mendes is not playing for you you know I think it’s beautiful to meet someone through this experience because you get to do all these amazing things and you get to really um have this setting that

Brings out so much of what a love can be but then the realization of leaving it and what life can be like after is part of it uh I think anyone that’s been on the show that’s had a successful relationship can understand that and you learn the little things after you should

Be a consultant now that you’ve done this a couple time consultant to the next guy of how to how to get through that because so titilating and exciting and like wow over the top it’s not taking out the trash on Tuesday it’s different um and I was I was trying as

Much I can to talk to other people uh I’ve gotten as much help as I could and I think that I would love to do that for anyone else’s in this role because it’s something that takes time to understand how much do you put into the physical connection like the physical like whoo

You took my breath away is it like 80% I don’t have a percentage it’s it’s an important part of a relationship it’s something I pay attention to but I also think that physical attraction can build over time through the connection that you build so it’s something that

You just have to pay attention through this whole entire thing what was there a love at first sight that uh I mean I believe in the I believe that your breath has to be taken away of the at the beginning yeah I definitely think that there is a belief of that and my

Breath was taken away a few times on night one so you can try to read it through your amazing ability to read it my favorite part of the Bachelor is when the host Jesse or whoever it is come comes out and said when they show a

Tight shot of the one rose left mhm then they come out and go it’s the final Rose it’s a classic this is it like we couldn’t tell with the one I love that you do it every time but we have to set the table they got to do classic you got

To have it you got I know what you’re going to say there’s one rose we know everyone knows right when that one rose is there you hear Jesse’s feet click as they walk in everyone knows what’s about to happen it still adds the suspense it

Still does does it big Jess are you guys buddies I love Jesse he was amazing throughout this it’s such a cool thing to have a connection big dude he’s a big dude yeah no he’s he’s he’s built um it was great to have a connection with someone that actually also was in your

Position I think one of the cool things that Jesse understands is he went through it and uh that allows you to have a little bit more uh real and candid conversations about what this whole thing’s like this guy’s had an incredible life the NFL The Bachelor I mean he’s doing everything now he’s

Hosting the bachelor me no he’s he’s Jesse’s killing it yeah um okay so congratulations to you and Lexi your person and I hope you guys are having I hope you’re playing all over Hawaii and hitting the greatest take a trip to Ireland to play golf with Lexi

Hey whatever you think she’s got a brother what you say she my dad my brother and you and her that makes so that’s her perfect forsome I think perfect for y big golfer cute cute girl with plays golf oh my God I’m so happy for you so congrats

Lexi and Joey forever I called this wait till you roll this thing back when you roll this back baby I’m going to look like a genius right right whatever you say appreciate it Billy


  1. Joey has a positive attitude about this.Billy is crazy mentioning the two sisters in the fantasy suite 🤭🤭 cringe worthy.

  2. I don't know but I don't see the fuss surrounding him. He is not all that. Has not figured out where to live after moving from Hawaii. He said he is crushing in his parents house in Philly and is yet to figure out the route he wants to take career wise. I mean really apart from "good" looks which is debatable, what else does he have to offer the woman he is looking for?

  3. Hmmm. Joey chose to move
    back to his home town & now occupies a bedroom in his sisters’ house. Theme: The “Bachelor is a Catch”. Uh huh …The boy is unemployed, & free loading off his family. “Catch?” Appears this small fish should be tossed back into the ocean.

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