Fix 3 MAJOR Golf Swing Faults With 1 Drill

Early extension, over the top, scoopy impact positions are going to be solved once and for all with this simple drill you can do in your living room at home. Golf instructor Chris Tyler shows you how you can start the process of working this drill out and get it ready for the driving range/golf course your next time out.
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Okay when you do this if you think about holy all right ladies and gentlemen I know that a lot of you at home struggle with the game of golf because of two very catastrophic faults early extension and throwing the golf club way too early from your Trail side both of

These movements are caused from a lot of your Trailside dominance and both of those movements really tie hands with one another believe it or not today we’re actually going to fix this stuff by teaching you how to use more of your lead side of your body in the downswing

That’s right we’re going to create better action from the lead side so that all of that extracurricular activity that you like to do from the trail side you can continue to do it but now you’ve got it stapled back to a lead side function that’s helping you produce and

Preserve lag that’s helping you turn it into a whole lot more forward shaft Lan and that’s helping you get away from that flippy Scoopy position that you’ve been battling with your entire golfing lives early extension and throwing the right arm is a very common mistake in

The world of golf we’re gonna fix it today let’s go a and get started all right guys so if you are brand new to the channel this is the first video that you’ve seen do me a big favor head down below real quick subscribe to the channel turn on your notifications and

If you like today’s video hit the thumbs up button and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to post that up below and I’ll help you out as best I possibly can let’s get to work okay so what we’re going to do here to

Get ourselves set up for success is we’re going to actually get our weight kind of preset into our lead side in the correct area of the foot now I’ve seen a lot of golfers over the many years that I’ve taught this game where they have pretty decent looking setup positions and pretty decent

Looking takeaway and back swings and actually they start to transition and start to shift their weight but as soon as that weight starts to shift on the lead side that’s when all hell breaks loose and we start the processes of accelerating the golf club way too early

Now what I want you to remember is that there’s two components that’s going to move the hands and the arms from the top of the golf swing down into delivery and those two components are gravity and a whole lot of big big hip action that’s right now what I mean by

Gra gravity is is that if I were to go to a 9:00 position okay my shoulders are supporting my arms right if I turn the muscles off of my shoulders what are my arms doing well they’re lowering now that movement coupled back with my hips rotating is pulling my torso around

Which is moving my shoulders around and because my arms are attached to my shoulders where are my hands and arms going to end up well my arms start dropping because of gravity and I start shifting my hips over to my lead side well my hands came down into that really fancy position

That you see all of us good ball Strikers in that’s right now you don’t get into that position because you start the processes of throwing the club you don’t continue to work through that transitional phase into a posted up position or an impact position so we’re

Going to start out by getting you to feel your lead leg and your lead hip first then we’re going to talk about the lead shoulder and the lead arm once you get these two movements and you’ve got some awareness of it we’re going to marry those two things things together

And then we’re going to start adding some fluidity to it okay so first order of business is we’re going to strip the golf club out of there we’re going to strip the trail arm out of there in fact you can duct take your Trail arm to your

Back or you can just completely cut it off your body for the next 3 to 5 years of your life while you train this lead side stuff so what we’re going to do is get our Trail hand behind our back our lead arm is going to be hanging down

Freely we’re going to get comfortable feeling 80% of our weight underneath our ankle joint first and what we’re going to do with that weight so I want you to go ahead from a static address position I want your lead arm hanging down freely you shouldn’t be tense in your shoulder

You should just let your arms swing freely you’re going to make a little pressure shift onto your Trail side you’re going to turn back to where your 9:00 position is established with your lead arm parallel to the ground from here all I want you to do is I want you

To make a big old robust sit movement down onto your lead ankle okay you’re going to sit down onto your lead ankle your head your chest everything is moving a long ways here right and you’re going to feel 80 to 90% of your weight now parked underneath the lead ankle

It’s a lot of weight right now if you focus on where the weight’s moving through in your foot that’s going to force your hips to actually start to open up that’s right your hips are moving very dynamically in the golf swing right they’re going to be shifting they’re going to be rotating they’re

Going to be dropping down a little bit so by thinking about where the pressure is in your foot that’s forcing the hips to actually start to open back up if your weight goes to the forward part of the foot your hips are going to be closed you’re going to be doing what we

Call a closed hip slide that’s going to be too much horizontal movement of the pelvis so what I want you to do is I want you to be able to get comfortable with getting from your 9:00 position on your Trail side to sitting down onto your lead side now this position is what

We’re going to be getting this is what we’re going to be working on today okay we want to be able to get into this position so you’ve got to be able to start and move to this spot for this drill to be able to work properly now as

We get our weight underneath that ankle joint what we want to do is we want to use that that weight to our advantage and this is where the fun starts to happen this is where the ground becomes a very very big source of energy for you

And it becomes a whole lot of help to this drill that weight that you feel underneath your ankle joint I want you to push it into the ground and the ground is a big beautiful thing in fact it’s way stronger than you are by pushing into the ground what you’re

Going to notice is is that your lead leg begins to straighten up that’s right a lot of you are going to be lucky enough to actually be able to get that push movement to actually Aid in the rotation of the hips you’ve heard that expression

Before push the hip back I want you to push into the ground as hard as you possibly can so you can feel what it’s like to move move up out of the ground if your hips aren’t rotating open to the 35 to 45° Mark then you’re going to have

To focus on this lead hip socket pulling back and away from the golf ball as you do it simultaneously now when you watch me demonstrate this movement okay where I’m pushing into the ground and pulling that hip back you’re probably noticing that my lead shoulder my head start to move a little bit

Vertically that’s the extension piece that gets a lot of you into trouble we’re going to fight off that extension by when we make make that postup move happen we’re going to keep our lead shoulder as low to the ground as we possibly can in conjunction with that as

That starts to happen you’re going to let your lead arm swing freely you’re going to keep your lead arm moving through to 3:00 you shouldn’t be tense with your arm should just let it swing freely now that right there is the entire drill and the whole enchilada

Here but we’re going to work on getting it married together here so that you understand how to get the movements dialed in perfectly independently and then how to bring them back together so let’s go ahead and take our setup position together we’re going to set up

A ball position so it’s off of the lead ear off the logo on our chest we’re going to make a little small shift to our Trail side lead arm is going to swing back to about 9:00 downward pressure onto the lead leg now remember the shoulder needs to stay

Down and I would actually try to feel like the shoulder stays a little bit closed and your arm is going to swing through freely and that’s going to happen coupled with the posto movement so even by trying to to keep the shoulder back in this direction and

Keeping it down what you’re going to notice is is that as my post-up move starts to happen is it starts to help move that shoulder up a little bit try your best to fight it off and keep it down let the arms swing through at 3:00 so

It’s sit down on the lead ankle push it into the ground open the hips up keep the shoulder down and let the arm swing freely so left ankle into the ground clear the hips left shoulder down arm I want those done in unison with one another that post-up move is pulling the shoulders

Around that postep move is moving the hand and arm path back out in front of you it’s helping add speed to that lead arm once you can get to a point where you can do it really in good fluidity and you look at it on camera and you can

See that you’re posting up your hips are opening up your shoulders down and your arm is swinging underneath you and you’ve got some awareness of those movements then pick up the golf club right away and start making some swings to see if you can recreate it this is

Where you’re going to find if this drill is going to allow you to sink or swim not every golf drill that exists in the world of YouTube or Instagram or Tik Tok is a drill that’s designed for you you want to remember that everybody’s going to respond to this information

Differently and how you respond is how you practice you need to learn the movements and then practice it properly so now once you’ve got that awareness bring the club back in right hand on the side of the club I I don’t like to do lead arm only drills with the golf club

In our hands because it’s not relatable I want the trail hand on the club and I want you to feel the activation from the lead side so we’re going to shift over to our 9:00 position down downward pressure onto the lead ankle post up shoulder down and swing that arm all the

Way up to 3:00 let that arm move keeping those movements in the very very tip of your brain and staying Focus there okay you’re creating awareness 9:00 downward pressure post so I’m trying to keep that shoulder down trying to keep that arm moving okay once you start to feel feel

It like okay I’ve got some awareness of this then start trying to do it in fluidity okay 9:00 swings are all you need at first so I feel downward pressure lead shoulder Down lead arm moving if you’re focused on creating better action from the lead side then it doesn’t matter

What your Trail side is trying to do in this process because you’re fighting off those two really big catastrophic faults so once you start getting the hang of it you can start trying to get some golf balls in here remember the whole point is not to try to hit golf balls out of

The back of the drive range the whole point is to take these movements and turn them into something useful for you so I’m going to do a 2:1 practice ratio so back to 9:00 downward pressure post up trying to keep the lead shoulder down so every practice session that you

Work on something like this you want to start out by learning the movements isolate then start immediately making it relatable golf posture start trying to create some fluidity around these movements you get connected to those then bring the Golf Club back in and start practicing this stuff properly give yourself a little

Bit more grace though don’t try to go and do just a 2 to1 ratio expand it do 10 reps 15 reps to one golf ball as you start to get more proficient with this over the next few weeks you can start decreasing the number of practice reps

That you’re doing and you can start increasing the number of balls that you hit in a session but remember these drills are designed to teach you a new movement teach you a correct movement that’s going to help you and then allow you some freedom in this practice

Process so you can become a much better version of yourself don’t go out there and try to be good on the first day just try to get 1% better let’s go through the protocol one more time okay so remember lead arm hanging freely downward pressure push in the ground open the

Hips up shoulder stays down arm swings through to 3:00 downward pressure shoulder stays down arm swings to 3:00 okay once you’ve got it you feel like you can move into some fluidity there you feel like you’ve mastered it pick the club back up you see that I did it from a static

Position so I could really stay focus on the lead side okay downward pressure post up trying to keep that shoulder down as the arm moves through now I’m going to do my two to one here all right guys so there you have it there is a good real for you to create

Better lead side action in your golf swing so that you stop messing the party up with your Trail side hope you guys have a wonderful day get out there and let’s play some great golf


  1. No effort to yell FORE from any golfer during the making of this video HOLY SMOKES🎯. Timestamps for those that need em'…
    0:00 Intro
    1:22 Important details
    3:04 Start of the drill
    6:30 Bring the movements together
    10:24 How to practice it
    11:18 Final set and wrap up

  2. 👍 driver ball on my shin! Chris how many drills do you need to get this under control? This is something under control

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