Popping Up Your Drives? Here’s How To Stop It:

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If you find yourself popping up your drives, and only hitting the ball a short distance down the hole, this video is for you! In this video, we break down the common mistakes that golfers that cause this miss, then a few drills and swing feels you can implement to work away from skying your drives, and work towards a much more effective ball flight!

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If you’re sick of skying your drives hitting it a mile up in the air and only about 20 or 30 yards forward then you’ve come to the right place hey everybody I’m George Conley with scratch golf tips and in today’s video I’m going to be talking about why this issue occurs and

Then later on in the video I’m going to be talking about some drills and feels that you can have through your swing that can help you work away from this issue so stick around for the drill at the end cuz I know that that’s going to

Help a lot of people work away from this but to start off let’s talk about a few simple things that can lead to this really high annoying Miss with the driver now one of the most common reasons that people will hit the driver really high is actually not what you’d

Think but it’s that people are hitting too far down on the ball with driver let me explain why this happens when you hit down on the ball with your driver the bottom and the middle of this club face are often going to be well below the golf ball especially if you’re someone

Who tees the ball up just a little bit higher the results of this steep swing is that your ball is going to hit the very very top of your Club face and that’s obviously not a good place to hit the ball you may even see some scuff

Marks on the actual top of the club face but what that’s going to lead to is the ball kind of coming off of this angled portion of the club face and it’s just going to shoot up in the air not only is it going to go very high but because

It’s not anywhere near The Sweet Spot of the golf club the ball is going to go a very very short distance another reason that you may be hitting your drives super high and not very far is because you’re actually teeing the ball up a little bit too high now if you have a

Perfectly fine golf swing especially with the driver if you’re hitting up a little bit on the ball that’s fine but if your ball is teed up too high you may be hitting again the top of this club face just because the ball isn’t where it needs to be at the rest position now

If that was your issue that’s probably best case scenario because it’s a fairly simple fix you just tee the ball a little bit lower but knowing that those are really the two main issues that are going to lead that golf ball to pop up let’s use an alignment Rod to really

Hone Us in and focus on what a better path looks like I’m going to take this alignment rod rod and stick it in the ground at a pretty harsh angle here just to the right of the golf ball so I’ve stuck this alignment rod in the ground

At an acute angle for any of the math or geometry folks out there I would say this is about 30° maybe but what this is going to be doing is it’s going to be showing us two things one it’s going to be a visual reminder of how we want the

Club to be going up through the ball this is with driver do not be doing this with irons trust me and another reminder it’s going to give us is actually something that we can do in our setup which is change the alignment of our shoulders in accordance with what club

We’re hitting in this case the driver now before we step into the ball and utilize this alignment Rod to help us out with the golf swing I’m also going to be teeing up this ball really really low and this is intentional because like I’ve said before when we’re working on a

Swing and there’s an issue in it we want to really go to the polar opposite side of that issue so we’re going to want to hit the ball really low and then from there once we’re comfortable hitting this ball a little bit lower work your

Way up and this is only with the te Height work your way up that te height and then once you start getting that really ideal ball flight then work ahead with that so I have this ball teed very low for the driver now when I step up to

The ball a lot of people who have this issue of hitting the ball too high they’re going to basically approach this like an iron shot they’re going to have their weight on this left side they’re going to have their shoulder line a little bit pointed downward or even

Neutral both of those are going to result in hitting down with the driver so I’m going to want to work on having this weight feel just a little bit more in the center again if we’re trying to exaggerate things maybe you want to feel it 6040 with 60 on the trail L that

Being said get your weight get your grip on the golf club and then looking at this upward line try and match your shoulders to it again if you’re exaggerating and it feels uncomfortable that’s perfectly fine you’re never going to go through any swing changes or any meaningful Improvement in your golf game

Without feeling uncomfortable so I’m going to step up to the ball get my club face down and now I have two checkpoints one Center my weight a little bit this this has nothing to do with my upper body just Center my weight feel athletic in the center maybe even feel a little

Bit of it on this right leg and then I’m going to look at my alignment rod and I’m going to drop my right shoulder down towards my right hip now I don’t want you doing anything goofy like this but really feel it exaggerated a little bit

Stepping up to this shot now that we have weight centered or a little bit on the right side and this shoulder line down it’s almost impossible to hit down on the golf ball so just work on this work on a nice slow takeaway and then slow up through the ball we want this

Club starting low and just slightly building up and getting through the golf ball and again like with any other swing change start nice and slow don’t be swinging too fast through these first couple work on that weight work on the shoulder line and just nice and slow

Even a half swing but go up through the ball up through the ball now after you hit a couple where you’re going up through the ball try and raise this te up just a little bit not even a full inch just maybe a half an inch quarter inch

And just continue to work on it at this point once you get comfortable with it take your full swings and then take notice of your particular ball flights some people like a lower ball flight some people like a higher ball flight but if you’re really working on working

Away from that super high Miss with the driver these are the tools necessary to do it it’s just up to you to put in meaningful work on the driving range to get the job done I hope this video gave you the tools necessary to work away from this Miss because speaking of

Someone who used to be really steep I would often have this Miss and it’s absolutely infuriating on the golf course I totally get it and before I let you go just wanted to let you know if you want to get your swing analyzed each and every month by me personally through

Video and if you want access to longer form exclusive content you can subscribe to the scratch golf tips Instagram account it’s only $10 a month you can cancel whenever you can just sign up for one month 6 months whatever you want to do it’s a great way to get some in-depth

Teaching and get some instructional content while you’re at it so the link is in the description if you’re interested in subscribing to the scratch golf tips Instagram account as always thank you all very much for watching play well and take care

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