Pipe Turn Athletic Stance

Level up your golf game with the Pipe Turn drill! Embrace an athletic stance as you fine-tune your swing. Join the practice session and commit to 100 repetitions for a swing that’s on par with perfection. Elevate your skills on the green! ⛳️🔄 #GolfPractice #PipeTurn #GolfSkills”

Well now that we’ve learned how to swing the club with our arms while standing up straight we’re going to learn how to downturn out of the athletic stance I want you to take your heavy pipe put it across your chest put your feet about shoulder width apart get in athletic stance turn

Back and then turn forward again it’s turn turn turn let’s turn turn we’re going to let our pipe teach us how to make the turn we’re not going to micromanage it we’re not going to tell our body what to do we’re let our body teach us now that we’ve learned what what

We’re going to do let’s do the exercises remember to stay around through the exercises because I’m going to be throwing out tips as we’re doing them take it put it across your chest feed about shoulder width apart get into an athletic stance turn one turn two turn three turn four turn

Five you notice I’m letting the pipe kind of come off my arm at the end there its momentum is carrying it forward uh you don’t have to clutch it like super tight on the end if you do it’ll jerk you around maybe farther than you can twist uh we don’t want anybody

Hurting their back on this so if the pipes too much or pulling pulling you forward too much just let the pipe go and just let the pipe go and let it do its stuff okay we don’t want anybody getting injured and one and two and three and Four and five let’s try around this way you should notice of course this pipe will be at an angle uh if you’re just doing if you’re down like this and turning flat on your shoulders you’re definitely doing it wrong okay if you’re an athletic stance when you turn should be turning around

Your spine and since your spine is at an angle this should turn at an angle also and one and two and three and four five again this is not a race uh just take your time don’t want anybody injured uh you just want your body to teach you how to make the turn

One and two and three four and five I’m sure you noticed I make a little bounce uh when I get down into my athletic stance it’s just a habit I’ve developed you don’t have to but it kind of helps me get my knees uh flexed and just kind of in the right position

And one and two and three and four and five 25 down swing one and two and three and four and five I want you to notice my feet in these next few turns I’m keeping them flat on the ground right now I don’t want you to

Be rolling your feet back or forward I don’t want you up on your toes just I want you to keep your feet flat notice my trail foot we’ll start with that one and one and two and three and four and five now you can notice my lead foot also and one and

Two and three and four and now we’re coming up on the module for footwork so we won’t be leaving them flat on the ground all the time but for this this one I want you to be leaving them flat one and two and three and four and five notice

My head follows the turn I’m not keeping my head down I’m not ball bound later on we’ll get to quote keeping your eye on the ball right now I just want you to be relaxed let your head follow the turn and one and two and Three and Four and five that’s 50 and one and two and three and four and five remember the weight of the pipe depends on the individual if you feel like you’re overdoing it get a lighter pipe we don’t want anybody injured here uh if you feel like you’re not doing enough or not tiring yourself out on the

Other hand maybe you need a larger pipe uh you know I’m in my mid-60s but I’m also 6’4 so I don’t know if I’m a good example for anybody on what weight they should use you’ll have to figure that out on yourself just very on the light

Side if you have to the very on one and one and two and Three and four and five now about this time your body is starting to tire and it’s going to make you more efficient with this turn so start being aware what your body is doing uh for me it’s becoming much more hip driven and less shoulder driven at this point they’re working more in

Concert but you just need to notice whatever it is with you your body will tell you what’s the best way to make this turn the most efficient way the idea is to learn the feeling not to micromanage your body one and two and three And four and five now later on we’ll use this drill to teach you how to time your back swing how to get up there and come back in a smooth swing but for right now just do the turn don’t worry about poop poop coming back real quick okay okay just go

Up and come back and one and two and three and four five 70 again just getting a comfortable athletic stance by now the pipe should have taught you what a good athletic stance is but just be comfortable with it and listen to your body and one and two and three and four and

Five now I realized I did some of these kind of quickly uh back and forth into the five you really should make an effort to make the move and then come back to your starting point and pause for a moment so it’s like the golf swing you’re starting from a pause State and one and two and Three and four and five one thing you’ll notice after doing this drill is that all of a sudden you have a much more powerful back turn you know you think of the back turn is a nice lazy motion but actually if you put a little effort into it have a powerful

Back turn uh it sets the club up at the top uh particularly if you’re using something with a graphite shaft puts a little Flex in it and uh actually helps you hit it just a little bit farther so this will help your back turn turn Powerwise and one and two and three and four And five course of course as I said about this time you’re starting to get tired or hopefully you should be tired by this point so listen to your body and what it’s telling you to make this a more efficient turn [Applause] One two three four five and [Applause] one and two and Three and four and [Applause] five 25 almost done see it doesn’t take that long to do these drills one and two and three and four five that is 100 again if you don’t feel like you’ve got it do another 100 but with this particular drill take a break in between let your back

Rest we don’t want you overworking your back


  1. Using resistance bands is much more effective. I have been around golf for a very long time. Not sure what to call this? Repetitions to a bad golf swing?

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