Golf Players

The Cookout + J.J. Watt | The Steam Room

3x NFL DPOY J.J. Watt returns to the Steam Room to talk about his transition to TV, the NFL playoffs, and finally confronts Chuck for ducking him on the golf course. Charles and Ernie reflect on the exits of two football legends, Nick Saban and Bill Belichick. Chuck’s Answering Machine features a confession of affection for Martha Stewart, a conversation about racially ambiguous cookout invites, and a revelation that even Loyal Steamers are not above the law.

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Hey welcome everybody inside the steam room I am ready for today welcome everybody thanks for being here uh Charles Barkley and Ernie Johnson uh this uh this weekly Gathering to just kind of a special talk about stuff yeah JJ JJ Watt is going to be joining us uh

CBS football analyst he’s joined he’s joined it stealing money just like the rest of us yes uh just like you guys do yes you do like us guys do I know we all do so you’re you’re all charged up you’re ready to go I I can only imagine how

Long first of all is going to go you know cuz when my first of all stuff happen oh you’re not even going with the phone this time you’re going back to the crinkled yellow paper I got a lot is this a good thing or a bad thing that

You got a lot this it’s it’s a good thing it’s some really good stuff on here glad it’s a little piece of start with the seriousness I want to give a shout out to Sarah Sider uh the CNN anchor I just want to tell her I’m thinking about her the cancer diagnosis

Yes and her coming out publicly saying she’s got stage three breast cancer the way she handled with class and dignity I just want to tell her I I reached out to her just to tell her man what a gutsy thing to get on television and say I

Wish her nothing but the best uh she’s obviously very talented and she’s part of our family at CNN I just want to wish her nothing but the best and say hey girl you go girl amen yes two guys who are coming back to the PGA Tour one

Guy’s a friend of mine Gary Woodland yeah you know he had brain surgery had the tumor uh he’s been out for a while he’s going to make his uh return to the tour so uh I’m really excited to watch Gary play man cuz man he’s such a good dude

And obviously he’s a major Champion but man your health is the most important thing so I’m glad to have him back same thing with Will zalot torus you know he missed really all last year with back surgery loow of talent yeah Will zelator loow of talent

Glad to have both of those guys back so obviously two of the goats retired in the last 24 hours I don’t want to leave coach Carol out in Seattle who’s had an amazing legendary career one of three coaches who won a national championship and a Super Bowl right that’s pretty

Incredible so shout out to coach Carol on a wonderful career but obviously you know these next two guys are very personal but personal for me uh Co Sabin the greatest college football coach ever what he’s accomplished uh even though he’s at my Arts rival I got nothing but respect for

This man he’s incredible I consider him a a friend and you know I’ll tell you a couple quick caving stories one of reason I admire him he called me a couple time to speak to his team one time he had called just to talk to him about being competitive cuz that’s what sports

Really are you do your best you compete and whatever happens happen but this is the reason I got done love and respect for the guy he called me and said hey I need a favor I said coach anything thing he says I would like you to come speak to my

Team about being black in America with all this George Floyd stuff going on and I’m like coach it would be an honor and a privilege and some of these kids man they were asking me such great questions they’re like well how do I respond when some of these fans are

Using racial slurs when they s them talking to me on the intern internet and things like that I says well listen I’m not foolish enough to think some of these fans they are racist and it’s unfortunate they just idiots I said but you play for the guy next to you because

You know these kids man they’re human they’re human beings and when some of this racial stuff go down they need to be heard they need good advice and Coach s says hey I’m a 66 60 something year old white guy I don’t know what it’s like to be

Black and for him to take the time to call me and I think he has some other uh I think Herm Edwards might have been there I think conara rice got to speak to the like what’s it like to be black in this environment so I just want

To say thank you to co Sabin for reaching out to me and man what a great career I consider myself very fortunate to have like you to have uh spoken to the Alabama football team and just as I said that night it’s like if Nick Sabin says would you speak to my team

It’s like it’s it’s not a yes or no answer it’s what time yeah I’ll be there and he’s Beyond impressive you sit there with him for 20 30 minutes as I did before I before I spoke to the team and you just get a such a feel for the way

He goes about his business yes um the system that he runs everything on time it was it was an amazing it was an amazing thing to watch it amazing and you know I got some heat from Auburn fans I said well first of all like Ernie said if Nick sa call you

Gonna take the call I said I said I’m just glad he asked me to cut his grass cuz I cut his grass too if coach say Mr chuck would you come over and cut my grass coach I’ll be there just tell me what time to be there so coach Sabin

Congratulations on an amazing career you had a greatest to ever do it enjoy retirement with those grandbabies and have fun brother on the lake and last and definitely not least you guys know that me and Coach bellich are friends yeah you’ve been up there for ball games

And stuff we met before he won Super Bowl we we became friends when he was in Cleveland right and I just want to say to him man what an honor and a privilege to consider you a friend you and Coach sa y’all the goats he’s the greatest college coach you’re the greatest pro

Coach to win six Super Bowls to be in nine that’s incredible to know that they grew up coaching together and really have the same personality and apparently the really really close close friends I I just want to say thank you to the best to ever do

It uh and man I know you want to coach some more I hope you are able to do whatever you want to do you’ve earned that right I know you’re about 16 17 wins behind behind Don schula is the most wins ever and I hope you get that

Record on your own terms so shout out to coach bellich coach Sabin coach Carol and man what a crazy couple days it’s yeah crazy 24 hours right there man I know it was yeah it was nonstop we should appreciate greatness and what we saw from coach Sabin and coach bellich

Was greatness that’s what greatness looks like great is not lucking up and win one championship being consistently great for x amount of years that’s what greatness is you know who was great for 12 years who’s that JJ Watt oh he was great when he played in the NFL for 12

Seasons three me defensive three time Defensive Player of the Year that’s incredible yeah and he’s going to join us next all right right here on the Ste room neigh he’s my neighbor and he’s ducking Chuck we welcome you back to the steam room and uh boy you got to go back a few years chuckster uh to recall the first time that our Our Guest appeared on the steam room we were only what 15 episodes in and now we’re at 107 or something like

That and now he’s officially a crook just like us he getting paid to watch sports yeah and talk about yeah that’s the best Cricket job in the world it certainly is JJ Watt uh since you have been on the show before I don’t need to remind you of the only steam room rule

Which would be keep your towel on so we appreciate you being here one of the greatest defensive players in the history of this game and now working for CBS so how is it stealing money getting paid to watch football now it’s uh it’s an incredible job I’m just honestly

Trying not to say anything that’ll get you to punch me in the face that’s all I just don’t want to be punched I’ve been with him for more than 20 years he hasn’t punched me in the face yet so nobody’s gonna punch you in the face Ernie you’re you’re you’re a

Legend you’re you’re everybody’s favorite you are Ernie Johnson the great so nobody’s ever going to punch you in the face don’t worry I’m GNA give you 20 minutes to quit talking like that okay so um uh so so tell me what it’s what it’s been like and what’s the learning

Curve been like on the TV thing and and how do you get your footing and feel comfortable doing that you know it’s fascinating I really I really do enjoy it uh you never know what it’s going to be like once you retire and obviously you miss the locker room you miss the

Camaraderie you miss those types of things but especially being on CVS with the guys I me I’m with Hall of Famers you know Jill and Boomer and coach and Nate it’s a it’s such a great and then we got JB host and all it’s every Sunday

That I’m in there it’s just like you’re hanging with the guys you’re watching football we got every single game on and we’re talking about plays we’re talking about guys and it’s just a lot of fun to break it all down um and bounce stuff off each other I mean I’m asking coach

Cower about Super Bowls and what was it like to have your own Bettis in your locker room and was Troy palal all these different questions and it’s so much fun to be able to chat on such a high level with those guys do you have to go to the

Production meeting because Chuck doesn’t go to the production meeting on our show yeah we can tell on TV we can tell CH does it go yes yes I do go to the meetings and I it’s a you guys know it’s a blast trying to figure out like okay what are we

Going to talk about what do we what do we want to highlight for me some of the fun things have been able to highlight some guys don’t necessarily get the national shine all the time there’s a lot of great players uh that don’t necessarily fall into the national

Narrative and I really enjoy trying to highlight some of those guys as well you know I was watching you the other day I think you were on Pat show uh I think it was Pat show you were talking about how excited you were to see your former team

You know obviously with the addition of CJ uh and Deo who’s done a fabulous job you were so proud of their success what’s that been like uh for you yeah they’ve gone through such a tough time these last few years there’s no denying it’s it’s not been good down there for a

Little bit so for me knowing that City and having such a connection and loving those fans and loving everybody down there it feels so good to have that passion that energy that excitement back in that City demo rias deserves so much credit for what’s going on down there

Just the way that he has come into that building and commanded the level of respect because of who he is because of the knowledge that he has because because of the passion that he has and because of the way he can relate to people and the way he can lead people

Too is an incredible person and then obviously he’s got an incredible quarterback and CJ who also gets it from a person standpoint he gets it from a teammate standpoint and he knows what it means to this city so it’s really cool to watch these two guys kind of rebuild

The special things that I knew Houston has in there when I’ve experienced in Houston and hopefully and most likely take it to even New Height you know before uh we start being fun and having asking you about the playoff this weekend and things like that I got to

Give you and your brothers some do y’all only do do y’ do y’all do y’all do y’all only do food commercials I mean we’re we’re Fat Boys At Heart Chun what do you want like we I can’t believe you don’t have more food commercials I see the subway once we’ve seen enough of

Those haven’t we come on you know you know you and your brothers it’s an amazing story what’s it like to have three brothers play in the NFL that’s incredible number one to have one family member play a Pro Sport but to have two other brothers what’s that like what’s

The dinner conversation like when the White Brothers get together it’s the coolest thing in the world man it truly is because we can talk about things that nobody else in the world understands or can talk about like you know you have your teammates and guys that you played

With that you can talk about or you can talk to other professional athletes we can literally sit around the dinner table as brothers and bring up things that nobody else understands things in the locker room talking about I mean little things like playing borray we can

Talk about that like and we know what each other’s talking about we can share stories about bus rides and plane rides or if you’re going through something like right now TJ’s obviously going through a little bit of an injury that he suffered the last game and we can

Talk through what’s the best way to get through that how do you handle that mentally what’s the best way to get over that um so it’s been really really cool we can also push and motivate and Inspire each other I think that there’s times where we’re down or maybe you’re

Not feeling like a workout um but your brother lifts you up or we go lift together and maybe you wouldn’t have got that one extra rep but you had to beat I had to beat TJ or I was a little bit behind in the race and I had to catch up

And we make each other better I think that’s the cool part of it all and we’re also going to have memories to share for a lifetime and things to look back on and discuss it’s there’s really nothing like it and I still as we understand how

Special and how cool it is but I still don’t think that we truly have a grasp on how incredible and fun this all is we talked about uh blood brothers and how how special that is and the things you can share but the locker room Brotherhood uh and help me with the name

I I was watching the Texans the other night against the Colts because that was a fun game to watch cuz because you lose and you’re out and the way that game ended on that that little pass and I don’t know who the guy is who who who couldn’t catch the pass for Indianapolis

Well it wasn’t a perfect pass it wasn’t it wasn’t perfect but it was just you got to catch that ball so so what’s that Vibe like in the locker room after the game JJ do you try to do you leave him alone do you go hug him what do you do

It’s tough man it’s so tough I’ve done probably the wrong thing every time because there is no right thing to do like yes you go over there you tell them hey man it’s not just one play it’s on all of us no one play loses a game but

He knows that like he he doesn’t want to hear that so then you sometimes you leave him alone but maybe the guy just needed a shoulder or somebody to talk to you know it’s every guy is different also like I remember one time there’s a

Kicker uh that missed a big kick in a game and I went over and I tried to be like hey man don’t worry we got your back and he was not the guy to do that too he did not want any of that he was

Like just leave me in my zone I got this I’ll figure this out for the next one um and that’s part of the beauty of the lock room you got to figure out each guy you got to figure out what makes each guy tick what makes each guy sometimes

You do have to take a young guy who is maybe more emotional and me needs a little bit more support and you got to go over there and put your armor around them and say hey it’s okay you know lead them through the situation other guys sometimes guys are motivated with a

Little talk maybe you’re like hey man that one hit you in the hands what happened some are motivated like like that you know like so it’s it’s it’s different I I actually going back to the broadcasting and the lock room I have a question for you guys because obviously

You guys have one of the best shows going on television you guys are absolutely incredible at what you do how have you guys been so successful at transitioning that from the locker room and some of that locker room type talk and camaraderie into your show and obviously portraying it to America

Because people love your show because of how close you guys are and how much you can talk to each other sorry yeah that’s we love to talk no but I think I think it is it’s an extension of the locker room for these guys you know

A lot of the stuff that goes on behind the scenes too it is it’s it’s it’s great you know JJ you said you said something very interesting because Rick Mahorn Dan Marley Derek Smith rest in peace I believe been yelling and screaming when guys and that was

Probably the hardest thing for me Dr J had to say hey Chuck you need being the leader of a team you got to learn who you can scream at and who guys you need to pat on the back because when I wasn’t playing good Dan Marley would rip me a

New ass he like yo man you you’re the best player do something do something same thing with Mah hor same thing with Derek Smith but then when I became a leader like certain guys I like yo man come on we need you come on you have to

P on the back so that’s the hardest thing you have to figure out when you’re on a team the notion that you can treat everybody the same is just total BS yeah I had a coach tell me something one time very similar to what you’re were saying

Because I’m I’m a guy that I was always belied my just the way my parents raised me it was you got to put in the work and I knew maybe I wasn’t the most talented maybe I wasn’t the most athletic but I was always going to put in that work so

I was going to be first in last out all that type of stuff so I tried to hold everybody else to that standard and that’s just not the way everybody some people are operate different some people don’t need to be all the extra work they’re just great so a coach told me

One this one time uh he said if you hold everybody to the level you hold yourself you’re always going to be disappointed and you’re never going to be a great leader so I had to learn that even though not everybody was built like me or not everybody had the same mentality

As me or maybe I trained this way and they trained that way and it was just as effective it was just different than the way I train I had to learn that that’s okay and I just need to handle that differently I can’t get mad at a guy for

Showing up at 7:30 just because I was there at 6 maybe he does everything different maybe he stays till later in the end of the day maybe he does extra work at home so I had to learn that which was a really hard thing for me to

Learn but it did make me a better leader once I understood it yeah JJ isn’t that some you know that I think that goes into the uh thinking of a lot of times great players don’t make great coaches because things come so easy to some great players that you can’t they can’t

Understand why can you not do that that that comes second nature to me but his point with the coach was 100% correct first of all this guy obviously one of the best to ever do at first ballot Hall of Famer like the notion that all the other defensive linemen just cuz you

Yell at them can play at his level that’s absurd I mean you have to learn yeah that’s why I don’t play Madden nnie because I can’t control the player the same way that I can play in real life and I get pissed at myself come on JJ

You don’t play video games cuz you’re a grown ass man I’ve never played video I never there a lot of grown ass men who play those games I’ve never you know I’ve never played video games never played a video game never played a video game yeah when’s the last time you played a

Video game JJ uh it was so I used to have this thing like when I got hurt that was the only time I would ever play a video game because I needed some form of competition or something to keep my mind going because I would go crazy

Sitting in my house having the rehab and not being able to be a part of something so I did play Call of Duty um probably like like 16 maybe the last time but that was the only thing is I needed a way to like stay connected in some way

And in today’s world obviously bunch of the younger guys all play so it was a way for me to get on the headset play with some of the guys get a little competition and not sit there with my own thoughts and be depressed about my injury hey you said something about you

Had some some serious injuries what was the low point on one of your injuries man there’s been a few um I think in 2016 was probably was probably near the low point I mean I had a whole massive injuries to finish the 2015 season I

Still finished it um but I mean I had all sorts of wild stuff in the 2015 season had a broken hand had both my lower abs off the bone had my groins were off the bone um had all sorts of just wild wild stuff going in that

Season so I had to get a bunch of that fixed and then I came back in 2016 and had my back and my back was it was done and it was just really really hard and that was honestly um my wife is a massive massive help during that time

Because I know if I was by myself during that time and if I didn’t have her uh to help me through all that it would have been a really really dark place and I already was in a dark place but without her to me she had been through an injury

Herself she had an ACL in her soccer career so she she knew what that was like and she knew what the feelings and what the emotions were like so she was able to on days where I was struggling pick me up uh and I wouldn’t have made

It without her but uh yeah I don’t miss the dark days and that’s also part of the reason you retired is you don’t you don’t want to have to go do that you you know number one I want to congratulate you on retiring when you still have some

Gas left in the tank but my question is when you in that dark place and that’s what retirement is when you’re sitting in that room whether it’s with your wife or by yourself and you’re like it’s over I tell people it’s hard to get the words

Out I mean cuz when I I was like I got to retire and I remember sitting there Crying by myself saying like I can’t do this anymore and it’s a really dark place when did you whether you were by yourself or you were with your wife when

Did you like hey it’s over for me yeah I think honestly what you’re talking about is part of the reason I retired when I did is because I did not want to let it get get to the point where my body in the game told me I couldn’t do it

Anymore I wanted to make the decision myself and so going into this year I knew or going into last season I knew let’s have ourselves a great year let’s let’s leave it all out there and if you’re proud of everything that you’ve done and if you’re proud of the Season

You’ve had let’s call it here because at some point in the next couple years maybe it’s an injury maybe it’s just your body starting to slow down whatever it may be you know you’re getting up there you’re 33 years old at the time and I wanted to make the decision on my

Own and I also think that’s a massive part of the reason why I’m not struggling too bad with it from a mental standpoint now like because I know I could still do it if I wanted to yet I chose not to it wasn’t my body saying no

And that’s the thing I’m happy about and that’s why I’m okay with it now are there times throughout this year where I was like I can get two sacks in this game like yeah I’ve definitely had those and I I’ve said it before public so I

Got have no problem saying it and Chuck you you understand this the one of the hardest days for me was when free agency opened in March and I called my agent I was like hey just curiosity like let’s say I did retire this year how much

Would I have gotten when he told me that number there was a little tear Shed Little tear shed at that hey every every time I see one of these guys get a new cut like yesterday kawh L got 3 years $153 million I was like Mom mama why can

You just hold out a little while long three years three years some of the longest labor in the history of medicine yeah like well I say man sports are so amazing uh you know what was your biggest deal I made $5 million one year that was it after 16 years after five

I’m I’m not poo pooing on $5 million but that’s that’s pay cash right now in NBA trer you would make seven and a half this this at this point Ernie I’ve told you hey Ernie I’ve told you this on the air if I played today I’d be going to the game of the

Spaceship in a spaceship not a car a spaceship me and Judy Jetson JJ I got a question for you you talked about injuries and stuff but tell me what’s the most painful thing that you’ve experienced on a football field honestly the little things are more painful than the big things because

Sometimes the big things are so like quick and traumatic that it’s you almost go straight into shock and you don’t feel the so like I broke my leg not it was painful but it wasn’t like unbelievable I tore my Peck and literally didn’t even know I tore my

Peck off the bone that’s how clean and easy that one was I played the next play Little Things man my fingers my fingers always hurt the worst like you hit a finger on a helmet um or you get stepped on or whatever it may be the little

Things all you get hit in the shin if you ever catch like a helmet to the shin like I always look at these MMA fighters and they catch those those kicks right to the shin I’m like one of those I’m tapping just straight out this cage I

Don’t want to do it anymore he’s right about that little things yeah because like I somebody stomped on my big toe and my toenail came off and the doctor says uh well how long you think you’re going to be out I said dude I’m not

Missing a game for a damn toe he’s like excuse me I said I said doc I’m not going to miss a game for a toe he says well okay let’s try to put on your shoe I tried to put on my shoe I had a little

Problem had to take all the laces out and then I laced it back up then I took my first step I went down like somebody shot me so how much time did you missed I missed like 10 days I took yeah but but he’s right cuz when when you have a

Foot or a hand it’s unbelievable how much pain you’re in I agree with him on on both of those that that toe that big toe and one of your fingers hurt you cuz obvious you can’t dribble a basketball your damn fingers are hurt so uh in the

Time we got left let’s get into let’s get into football this weekend I hate that I’m going to ask you this question cuz I know what your answer is going to be cuz ask it anyway are my Eagles dead they’re struggling man they are struggling uh it is pretty wild you know

We had this conversation on CBS last week and one of the interesting things about the Eagles me obviously they lost both coordinators that’s a huge deal but they started the year really strong so you’re like okay they’re fine they’re bouncing back and this no prop but the

Thing that I’ve noticed with them is last year they would play the game ever the game needed to be played to win that week so what I mean is if there’s a team that struggled against the Run they would lean heavily on the run and they wouldn’t be bashful about it they didn’t

Care it wasn’t about you know making sure that we get this many passes downfield or whatever it may be they were like we’re just going to run the ball and we’re going to win the game with a running game this year they don’t seem to be doing that they seem to just

More kind of be trying to take some of these really big shots down the field they haven’t been connecting on them and then they’re getting themselves in tough situations behind the six and then obviously also their defense hasn’t been playing anywhere near the level that played last year which is hard to do

Their front last year was unbelievable they had 70 sacks this year they only have 41 41’s still a respectable year but it’s very very hard to replicate last year so I’ll never say they’re dead because they know what it’s like to win in the playoffs those guys in that

Locker room they have that and I think Jaylen has that you know when it’s go time it’s go time but they are struggling man who’s winning the whole thing e man I mean it is very difficult for me to say anybody but the one seed right now I mean ners and the Ravens

Just look so good I mean anything can happen in the playoffs but if you ask me today right now who am I taking I I got Lamar win in this first one Sabin bellich man now we’ll let like you we cannot have you on here and not mention

Sav and bellich it’s incredible I mean two of the greatest of all time two of the absolute Legends and stalwarts of the game I mean I’ve seen that graphic where for like 20 years it was like if Sabin didn’t win the national championship belich won the Super Bowl

And if belich didn’t win the Super bow sa won the National Championship I mean it’s very hard to understate how Monumental those two men have been to the game of football or what they’ve done uh obviously Bel is going to go on a coach somewhere else next year but sa sounds like it’s

Obviously retiring so uh just two incredible men and I think that two men that it seems I don’t know again I haven’t played for either of them but it seems have a very old school style of just we are going to study harder work harder practice harder focus on the

Fundamentals do everything the way that it’s supposed to be done and obviously have had unbelievable success with it and maybe you know in today’s world that’s it’s there’s different ways to relate to kids and there’s different ways but I think that they’ve clearly had so much success for such a long time

That they’ve they know the secret thoughts and maybe it just comes down to truly being better at the fundamentals and being better at every aspect of success than other people last thing biggest tip you ever got as a pizza delivery man in college oh I I’ll tell you my my high my

System because it was so this is 2008 just so you got to take the money you know wherever it was then um a $3 tip was like the standard good tip like it was always happy and very thankful for a $3 tip a $5 tip it’s like oh wow I might

Get myself something nice then this is great a $10 tip was like shake the hand like thank you sir thank you ma’am this is so nice um but I had one guy ordered a pizza every single day and he tipped me $10 every single time and it was just

I think he like literally play video games in his house every day he just got a pizza every day he P me $10 every single time and I was like every time I was like thank you I appreciate you thank you very much hope youd have a

Great day what I do now like I’ve done this ever since I stopped being a piece of delivery driver ever since I made to NL every single time it’s a $100 bill just whatever the total was you could keep the rest because like if I was a

Delivery driver that was that would have I don’t know what my head my head would have popped off my B somebody had me $100 bill I was deliv pizza so that’s my thing now it’s a $100 bill every time awesome well number one I want to thank

You for taking the time man it’s great to see you on television uh obviously I can’t wait to see you go in the Hall of Fame that’s going to be pretty special and we we didn’t even get around to all your charitable stuff that’s legendary

Man thank you for what you do and let me tell you something as I we talked about early off the air I know you fell in love with Arizona you ain’t going nowhere brother I know I appreciate you guys thank you guys for the entertainment truly you guys are some of

The best in the absolute business to do it I love watching you everybody loves watching you we’re all extremely thankful for the entertainment the laughs the enjoyment um so thank you guys for that and Chuck if you would stop ducking me on the golf course two years I’ve been trying I’ve been like

Two years I’ve been trying to get on the course he’s scared out of his mind Ernie yeah I’m better than him Ernie I’m I remember when think I’m sh way you scared me I’m better than you I’m better than you JJ there’s only one way there’s

Only one way to prove that shuckster you guys let’s go I can beat you Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday I love that hey man no problem problem I ain’t playing for those Michael Jordan money though I heard no I don’t play for that either hey tell your brother please tell your brother to get

Well soon thanks brother appreciate you that’s great wonderful wonderful what a good guest he’s a great love that we got much more to come here on the steam room oh we got a lot to talk about a lot it’s it’s been I can’t wait to get this thank you for JJ for being Here welcome back oh yeah to the steam room um legendary all I’m going to say is one word legendary then I’m going to say longtime producer now retired of Inside the NBA Tim Kylie legendary TK what’s up Timothy joining us Crow stealer fan yeah and look at

Those I was trying to count at least nine Emmys he’s got in the bookcase back there you know that uh that’s because of you guys I had all I did was set up the bowling pins that’s yeah you guys have done the rest I had a I had a comment

And a question on Nick Sabin because you guys were speaking so glowingly of him um do you guys realize he just has 49 NFL number one picks 49 I only know that because I just saw it first round pi yeah I just saw that that’s the only reason I know it

Cuz I think uh somebody had 36 patno was the next one on the list if I remember correctly he blew him out of the water yeah I was like wow so Chuck what I heard you in I heard you guys talking in the Break um you seemed a little

Hesitant about who would take the Alabama Job the name I heard thrown around was Deo Ryan I would love him to get that job but you know I I’ll say this the SEC is going to be crazy man we getting Texas and Oklahoma next year I

Mean you think about this you got to beat Texas Oklahoma Georgia Alabama Tennessee’s tough Auburn’s on the Auburn’s trending up you got Florida who I I think they’re trending up no I mean that you try to go through that SEC every week and I haven’t even me did I mention Tennessee

Yeah you did I mean like the job the SEC is going to be crazy going to be tough if you’re the guy following Nick Sav well it’s going to be tough but I’m saying just from a comp from a a competition standpoint yeah you know I

Mean Texas was just in the playoffs yes indeed and they got KARK who’s doing a fabulous job you know Oklahoma is still Oklahoma and like I say you can never sleep going to Florida or Tennessee or Auburn I mean because Georgia it’s great Tennessee again greatest Georgia was and

Once you’ve said a state three times it’s time to move on okay next okay okay go ahead TK I’m being brely interrupted all right I’m gonna give you I’m GNA give you I’ll give you whatever information you need ER Ernie or Charles and Ernie one pick for this weekend six

Games you can go over under you can go point spread um you just tell me who you think who you think’s going to win a game and I’ll give you the information chuck if you want if you want to make a pick since you’re such an accomplished

Gambler uh I’m all in on Dan Campbell and the Lions so you’re given three and a half and the over under 51.5 yeah like uh Dan Campbell makes me want to play football I I love that guy obviously the elephant in the room is Matthew Stafford coming back to Detroit

But I’m a you know cuz I think my Eagles are cooked uh I do I think my Eagles are cooked so I’mma Be really pulling hard for the Detroit Lions at TK you see the Hat I’m wearing right yeah Steelers at bills yeah the bills are given 10 points

In a playoff game yeah I know that lets you know how bad y’all are TK oh nice guy you are too bad TJ or J watt wasn’t on to he that one do you have an over under on that game yes I do sir 35.5 oh

35 30 that’s over I’m taking the under in that what do you know you know how bad the weather is up there in the Northeast right now what if it’s really nasty in Buffalo well it’s going to be like 9 degrees in Kansas City I saw that

Not like so I’m going under on the on the Steelers all right now what you got what’s the store that that came into leads that were you said we made it we got we got a blank store here one was bies but I know the one you’re talking about

TK I’ve gotten this text from 30 people this week let’s play the clip for the people yeah let’s play thep play the clip for the people and you can tell us about it Chuck go ahead cap Abby roll it man made quite a splash at a Bass Pro

Shop when he swam naked in a giant aquarium police say he crashed his car in the parking lot took off all of his clothes and went inside the shop and leads Alabama he jumped into the water yelling Cannonball after swimming for a few minutes he jumped out the side of

The aquarium landing on the concrete floor where two police officers waited he faces several charges including public Loess and criminal mischief I can’t believe they didn’t show the clip man hey first of all cuz that’s all over the place too I’ve had seriously I’ve had 30 40 people cuz that at least

That’s in my hometown so we’ve had two big brand new things happen in my hometown first it was the Bass Pro which I went to the Grand Opening that’s incredible I can’t believe all the crap they sell in bass how was the swimming uh I just then we just got the bies yeah

Which is a Bucky which is amazing yeah but when I I was praying that I didn’t know the person that was my first thing please don’t be from leads I haven’t found out the pertinent information that yet mhm but like everybody was sending me that clip and all you can do is laugh

See one of and one of the things TK and Chuck was that one of the things online was uh that it said it was in Birmingham and and then and that prompted that prompted some responses and there was one on don’t be rounding up and saying that

Was in Birmingham he said that’s an L for Chuck and all those folks and leads it’s a it’s definitely a l it’s definitely an L for Chuck like what are the chances in my little small hometown of a few thousand people and we were

Blessed to get a Bass Pro we got a new outlet mall too and bucket is the new hot thing oh yeah and some loser some fool idiot jumps in the pool naked yep well I mean I’m like and then that’s a pretty good fall too you can’t even you

Can’t make this stuff up but I’m telling you something the first thing I said in my mind was please don’t be from leads yeah all right boys have a great weekend and go Steelers uh take the under take the under it’s going to be snowing thanks T run the ball hey TK the

Ball you know what you’re legendary thank you Ernie you got it kid Chuck and Ernie in the steam room come and join us in the steam room Chuck and Ernie in the steam room leave your Talon in the steam room welcome back to the steam room hey

That one that one didn’t have the uh your version uh attached to it unfortunately but yeah changing things up a little bit really unfortunate they didn’t get to America didn’t get to hear my voice but but you know what you know our buddy stav yes in Australia yes

Loyal steamer the first loyal steamer yeah uh has a couple of sons Oscar and yny and wouldn’t you know he’s got them singing the steam room theme no way yeah [Laughter] watch so great very energetic when they did that as well I got to go see stav

Yeah uh the Chuck’s answering machine uh the number is 404 987 0330 Bingo call one hello world this is Charles Barkley leave me a message how’s it going EJ round Mound hope everything is well in 2024 this is Teddy multiple time caller and lifetime steamer I’m going through one of the

More uh tough parts of my life a rough patch if you will that being I’m going to Ohio State fan and just to force salt on the wounds and add insult to injury I live in lrange Park Illinois which just also happens to be the hometown of newly

Minted Savior and Legend JJ McCarthy of the Michigan Wolverines but I wanted to talk college football before it get too much in the rear view what are your guys thoughts on the new expanded playoffs 12 teams well first of all you guys this one of the reason I hate Alabama

Fans you guys had a great year MH I mean you you almost beat Michigan In fairness so the notion that you know you’re thinking about firing your coach cuz he’s lost to Michigan a couple years in a row the guy like 35 and three the last

Three years so relax man relax a little bit that was Michigan’s first championship they SPL in 97 they won apparently but there was a shared it was really their first championship since 1946 if I remember correctly didn’t you guys win one a few years ago with Urban

Myers so don’t act like the cups bear um I have a couple issues with the playoff uh personally uh I think they got to find a way to shorten the season I talked about it earlier on the podcast we can’t having young kids playing three extra football ball games I’m curious to see

How it’s going to work I think they got to find a way to shorten the season and I hope everything works out I believe that expanding it will relieve some of the uh you know I don’t even know the right word to robbery of Florida State that’s

The right word robbery it’ll it’ll stop some of that but I I also think anytime you put a limit on how many teams can get in something is always going to be hey but how about us you know but I but I do think that you’ll get the most

Deserving teams in there and then you you won’t have as much uh as much belly aching but how many games you want a team to play then in a college football season before the balls well my question is so if you win the championship it’s two games

Now is it one more game or two more games that would be my question cuz now you playing an extra so it’s got to be at least three mhm is it going to be four I don’t think it’s fair to ask college kids to play that many games do

You have an issue with a guy calling you round M when you really don’t know it yeah hey my man don’t be calling me round Mound first of all I’m not round Mound anymore but ease up on the round Mound next call an inmate at the Calipatria State Prison Calipatria California this call

And your telephone number will be monitored and recorded you have a prepaid call you will not be charged for this call to accept this call say or dial five now to refuse hang up now or stay on the line for additional options did do we

Just get a call from prison we did had to be a wrong number wouldn’t you think orless or maybe I have no idea how that how that happens got a call from a prison but but there was nobody there to press five to accept the charges because it’s Chuck’s answering

Machine how they getting podcast in prison that’s why I’m saying maybe it’s a wrong number maybe they weren’t listening to the podcast maybe they were calling somebody no I think what happened was they were actually they called but that the the the the the answer machine is on like we don’t have

Somebody answering the phone and they couldn’t push or say anything but I’ll be so that’s my only that’s what I think happen I’m not I don’t know but I’m because like say I didn’t people people can listen to our podcast in prison maybe it depends on the prison maybe it’s a minimum security

Maybe it’s a uh I don’t you know I’m I Chuck St I got no idea all I know is that we’re very popular that that was interesting in prison we’re big in prison wow next tough one to follow hey Chuck hey Ernie loyal Seer from Southern California this

Question is for EJ there are a lot of people on social media who have put Ernie on the short list of white people who are quote unquote invited to the cookout these lists usually include names like Eminem or Martha Stewart and of course Ernie himself I’m curious

Ernie have you ever been invited to the cookout thank you it’s it’s just nice to know that I have an open invitation to the cookout um you always got one may when the I thought you were black um happens more than you think that question does come I

Love the way you respond says you know I’m just hanging out with my black friends we’re all black friends the way I I addressed that one one night that uh and I said look somebody’s asking the question is Ernie Johnson black or white and I said the

Answer is yes that’s we’ll be right back hey so Eminem is still on my bucket list I never met him I met Snoop Dogg was really cool I met Dr Dre way back in the day but Snoop was on my bucket list and so him at the allstar game so Martha

Stewart she’s been doing the this this these uh I think they call them thirsty things where she take provocative pictures uh thirst trap thank you uh thirst traps you young kids be coming up with stuff so Martha Stewart been uh doing these thirst trap pictures Earnie you think

That call was really from prison it sounded like it yeah where have you taken the show just now cuz you you Martha Stewart and m were invited to the cookout but I was just saying uh they just told me it’s called a thirst trap Martha Stewart been taking these thirst

Strap pictures lately they are intriguing I want to say you have seen them I have seen them how could you describe them uh I was thirsty is it okay to go to good to good for the soul you you didn’t like the thirst trap stuff EJ’s good for the soul I think

That would be a great way to end the show love that idea good idea Ernie a toast to my big brother George so you got a lot to live up to cuz last week with the Five Fighter was awesome yes yes and by the

Way this is what he sent you by the way thank you for reminding me oh thank you that kind of good for the soul came from letter that I had received with you know somebody requesting autographed cards and you autographed the cards and then he included the letter yes uh about the

Fire and how you concerned you were with my neighbors yeah with your neighbors after a fire four or five years ago so what comes in the mail to me the other day is this collection of bow ties this is like a vintage collection of these it’s like just bow ties from years ago

Do those have Clips a lot of these are clipons yeah they they are as a matter of fact that’s what I actually had when I had a bow tie yeah and so I said this is interesting and um and so the letter is from a woman named Sandra who

Says um My World War II veteran and best dad on the planet passed away in his 90s he bared until he was in business he was in business for 61 years uh he finally retired moved to live with me in Florida finally got him to love NBA

Basketball as much as I did he just fell in love with the Miami Heat we watched the NBA on TNT postgame shows and he so loved your bow ties I’m sending you a box of his bow ties I’m sure he would be happy about that um that’s awesome

That’s good for the soul for some somebody um to remember her late father and kind of make the tie in between you know our show and seeing the bow ties I’ve been wearing for a dozen years or so and say you know what what

Am I going to do with these bow ties I’m going to send them to that guy who wears the bow ties on TT and he’s a veteran huh yeah he passed away in his in his 90s here’s a here’s a shot thanks for being a veteran man yeah so his name is

Allen called Aly apparently and this is from his daughter Sandra so it has arrived thank you very much I appreciate it very kind of you good for my soul it is good so there you go that’s a that’s another Edition another episode of the steam room yes this was a good one

They’re they’re all good in their own way my I had a good time today even though you took that very strange Martha Stewart turn right down the stretch you bought it up to go to the Cook I I I know but I didn’t bring up the thirst trap yeah H you get thirsty



  1. Chuck was a heck of a ball player, but man the more I watch him, the way he shares the love and speaks the truth, I’m beginning to think I appreciate his TV game even more! Ernie G.O.A.T.

  2. Yep JJ was stealing in Houston with hurricane ike and Brett Farve in Mississippi,2024 must be the year of the truth 😢

  3. I delivered pizzas as my first job and jj was so on point on the tips and the amount, and that was like 7 years ago for me, I’d get excited if someone gave me $3 a $10 was like a massive tip. Was always happy if someone did but didn’t mind if I didn’t get any,

  4. lol I can’t believe they don’t screen there calls! I thought Ernie was in with the joke but he was flustered! Kenny or Shaq, please put it on inside!

  5. Thanks for another great show. It would be nice to have EJ do his own version of "First of All" where he talks about what's currently on his mind and what he's been up to and interested in recently.

  6. Chuck just started off rude and unnecessarily aggressive. He didn’t even let Ernie finish his introduction. Like is the Chuck Show ?

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