Golf Players

We Hunted and Cooked Duck Rangoons with my Barstool Coworkers!

Barstool Sports’ Sydnie Wells takes Barstools Wonton Don and John Feitelberg outdoors to Arkansas to hunt ducks in the flooded timber! They are joined by good friends from Ducks Unlimited as they show Wonton Don and Feitelberg how to become a duck hunter. These boys have never hunted in their lives so it was full of laughs and a great learning experience. Bill Byers Hunter Club hosted the crew to show them truly how special conservation and duck hunting can be in the flooded timber of Arkansas!

0:00 Arriving to Hunt Club
7:58 Hunt 1
26:48 Duck Cleaning
30:35 Trap Shooting
34:07 Duck Rangoons
43:48 Hunt 2



#barstool #outdoors #hunting #duckhunting #barstoolsports #ducks #duck #arkansas #floodedtimber #timber #dog #gundog #duckdog #blacklab #wildgame #rangoon #wonton #ducksunlimited #billbyershunterclub #barstooloutdoors #waterfowl #waterfowlhunting #mallards #mallard #greenhead

Most of them I’m going to say that felt incredible but it also felt kind of Lucky what’s up guys I’m City Wells and welcome back to barel Outdoors this week I’m taking felberg and Donnie does out of the office and into the flooded timber of Sal there he is is that him and his peo and his peo look at him he does not look like

He’s about to go duck hunting hey how are you what’s up look a little Posh to be going duck hunting I I said you look like someone about to go to in away basketball game in high school it’s CRA I it’s crazy this outfit it made sense

For a couple of things I was doing today it is ridiculous to land in this I completely knew that as I was Landing the braest wind Donnie how you feeling pumped I’ve been waiting to get my revenge on ducks for The Last 5 Years and the time has

Come are you so ped I don’t honestly I don’t know what I am I’m very nervous I’m feeling good about it are you comfortable with a shotgun am I comfortable with a shotgun I’ve only shot a gun once in my life I went Sporting Clays and I hit nothing the

Whole day I was comfortable walking with it well that’s good all right that’s good yeah are you like comfortable you’re going to be in the water you know oh come on me and water we go together like oil and water going to rock the peod tomorrow my bag is full of like I

Haven’t unpacked from a trip before Christmas and then I have like just Christmas stuff in it and then Sydney was like bring sweatpants I have a pair of sweat I have no idea what’s in my bag I I’m sure I’ll be able to be fine with

Whatever’s in there and how what time do we go we leave early so we’re probably going to I’m guessing like 4:00 a.m. is a wake up call 4:30 dog did you just say 4:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m. what yeah yeah yeah baby 4 a.m. we got to we got time Ducks get up

Dud a.m. she said 30 minutes before Sunrise yeah I mean I did know it was a morning sport I didn’t know to what extent do in a t what in the a t what I can honestly sayon never seie Murphy he’s very professional he’s actually trying to sell you something

What you got in the brief what’s your insurance deal the camera for sure mallerie Dr Mike and Matt and uh these are our Duck’s unlimited crew so really excited to be back different spot this year but still in Arkansas and then felberg and Donnie have never killed a duck have

Never hunted in their life so it’s going to be a really fun couple Days so we’re just going to be hanging out in the grass ripping these things until the duck free tomorrow so we’re going to lean up against the tree then you’ll see some ducks working and you’ll hit them at dinner I’m like so you got to trick them so you got

You got know talk to them yeah I even heard that like you shouldn’t look up too much cuz if they see your if they see your face they’ll get freaked up exactly like if they’re right above you you don’t want to be doing like this because then they can see all the white

And they flare them you’ll hear them pick up and they’ll leave so like if they’re right above you want to keep your head down and then they’ll swing out whenever they come in somebody be like kill them then you come up and shoot Them I will give you a 100 bucks right now okay if you can tell me what kind of duck that is okay so it’s not a malard cuz malards have the green heads exact okay so process of elimination process of elimination now there’s 100 what I

Mean I would say something maybe like a brown breast duck that sounds right but nope it’s not that I think you’re kind of close yeah a lot of times ducks or birds will be named sort of a combination of a color associated with a portion of the body this is a red head

That’s really close really close I’m so glad that wasn’t ready I would just lost 100 Buck hey that’s a good guess though I’ll give it to you yeah cuz I heard Sydney mention redheads on the way here well that’s a very if that flew through

And we just saw that in the morning some people may get it mixed up with the redhe head there’s red head but it’s that’s actually called a canvas bag a what bag what a canvas bag a canvas bag okay final bird you’re up all right there is a $100 on the line

Are you ready yes okay what kind of duck is that that’s got to be ready no come on I thought that was it dude I thought I had it I thought honestly I thought you were kind of laying me off so this is what we call a

Green winged teal oh come I I’ll be honest that one I wasn’t going to get a green Wing teal a green Wing teal so they’re smaller bird and they’re very fast very fast tough to hit so if you get some of these buzzing through the decoys tomorrow they’re like really

Quick and they’re hard to hit I love the way those little guys taste they taste super good so that’s a green Wing teal teal green teal tomorrow morning shooting light is 6:43 I believe we will leave here at 6:15 so we will be here at 5:45 something like that get ready we’re waiting

And you got it all right cool if you want to go ahead and take I would probably take like your pants and jackets to your room so that way you can throw that on leave your waiters in here and then in the morning so like mine are over here see I’m going

To come in boom boom pull them up snap them and we’re going to be good to go y are going to be ready for the morning now so Sydney you told us to bring a lot of warm clothes and it looks like we’re set I could have showed up here with

Nothing but a ey I can so easily so you know what like mallerie said you can always shut them you can’t put them back on though you don’t have them I’m very ready man I’m ready to go home you hear all those geese outside I’m ready to go

Right now how feel that gun uh it felt very comfortable the one time I’ve shot a gun it was not not a gun like that just by I mean I mean pure look that look had me like I’m a man now yeah now dad the gun looks sweet it’s uh fairly

Simple like not too complicated yeah three shots as I was telling him I think we’re going to be real cozy in this stuff cuz I talked to one friend he’s like be prepared duck hunting you’re just cold and wet like the entire time but I don’t know Sun’s going to be out

Tomorrow we got this sweet gear I think we’re good I think we’re golden okay so we’re waking up at 400 a.m. and doing a team stretch so that’s going to be that’s going to be well hang on now hang on B just said be there be square I’ll tell you

What I didn’t think I was going to come on a hunting trip and do [Laughter] Yoga thoughts are basically the only thought I’ve had all day is I hope I didn’t snort too loud last night aside from that it’s uh time to go kill both sides of the coin really we’re concerned for fellow man also living things have to die what are we picking

At you know what I want to start with some coffee I want to I want to work up an appetite and I want to give myself motivation to kill a duck so if I just only consume coffee until I kill a duck and tell myself that I’m not eating

Lunch unless I kill a duck motivation is going to be up here got my Marina wool on I’m ready to go slept in you know I’m typical got to leave in 20 minutes that’s when I roll out of bed but I’m alive I’m well fights and Donnie seem

Excited so that’s good what do you think Matt I think it’s about to be a good time yes we’re about to see if these boys can shoot that’s what I’m excited no we’re going to see if these boys can stand the cold and actually enjoy the

Let’s let’s take let’s take a BET right now who is the first one to say that it’s cold fight yeah you’re right you’re right yeah I decided to have a honey buom you know what that might be the move a honey buom I’m going to go get one oh

If you don’t get a honey bom before the duck [ __ ] you’re not own duck CT I needed this I don’t know what I was talking about before oh that’s wrong foot I mean I know fights is a fashion EA but this is like the freshest most color coordinated outfit I’ve worn in

Years most important question are we wearing the tie yeah we are wearing the tie bro we got to kill Ducks now if we don’t he’s just never allowed K all right boys are we ready ready uh one more to grab a seat and got it ready to go ready

I’ve said before I only fell asleep till about 3:30 I was concerned about tiredness but I got adrenaline so I’m good yeah this is beautiful I’ve been waiting for this moment for all my life we made it to the hole here in Arkansas and this is just an incredible

Experience being in the flooded timber this is all a dream for any deck Conor especially in the midwest to come down to Arkansas H this kind of experience they’re um starting to fly already and land in the hole behind me shooting times in 3 minutes I got felberg to my

Left Dy to my right right and that and they both have people with them for um some help give them a little bit of guidance but it’s go time I’m really excited 3 minutes until shoot time see how it goes dump jacked up I felt like a Navy SEAL

Coming out here I still feel like a Navy SEAL but with more duck calls I wasn’t expecting the first gunshots that’ll wake you up in the Morning kill him My hands on the way just get these out Get Your Gun get your gun dud kill kill him he’s got think you’re going off saf do you think I got this I’ve lost all circulation of my hands did you see Don smoke that first ever duck in Arkansas Timber what let’s go

That felt incredible but it also felt kind of Lucky like I was just like all right duck shoot I don’t even remember aiming this is incredible experience at the bill buyers Hunt Club it’s really excited to see two new bees get to experience something like this I try to

Emphasize that this is something super special that they should not take for granted because holy cow I got a couple shots off two mards Dres has hit the water got a nice little taste I’m going to let fights experience it now maybe I’ll switch him back if he uh misses

It oh oh is that you fight I I can’t say who is who I probably was fights and Donnie both on the Board Okay kill it that was a group kill team he hey hey [Laughter] hey keep shoe I didn’t shoot my gun I was about to shoot was that you no I didn’t shoot either all right I’m going to try to load a gun okay completely on my okay all right yep

Correct yep yep yep just good like that yep D all right now two more where you got it dude kill it I was like if this bird gets hit I think it might be me but that was that was about three shots before it got hit so I only that one was me

Dr Dr most of them I’m going to say almost all of them like there’s no way that [Laughter] was can I shoot this kill him this day’s been a long time coming been trying to get my revenge on the Ducks for quite some time they have eliminated the Shanghai sharks from the

Playoffs multiple times my pet duck ran away from me me after I saved him from the bird flu epidemic in China Shanghai authorities said Hey Duck coming in Duck Dro it in Duck Dro it in Duck dropping I could have got that here you

Go Nice Shot yo Sydney that was a s was that Sydney Sydney wal you fil it did you film it um I tried to uh that it was it was facing this all right this is why I should never hold the camera Rock 10mon old black lab

And he’s doing incredible he gets a little curious and he’s kind of looking at the decoys whoop mosing around but he is going a straight line to those Ducks this one really good it’s pretty [Applause] Cool Hold on hold on I think that one’s Hurt kill him smoke that green happed what you blocked by the tree you killed one I killed the tree I knew it the tree so I’m casing short I’m the fourth generation duck guide here our grandfather started this place in 53 uh my great grandfather was part of it so

We’ve been here 70 years used to be all green Timber we converted to bag when uh duck season went to a 20-day 20-day season two duck limit here in Arkansas so we work really hard to balance modern farming and farming for ducks we try to

Leave more back than we take and try to spread that message bring new Hunters out here like you guys just try to take care of the resource and share it with everybody cuz it’s an amazing amazing thing so I’ve got I’ve got four kids three boys a little girl and my two

Oldest boys killed their first duck at five and my 5-year-old is trying this year so maybe the next couple weeks he’ll get his but uh I don’t know it’s pretty cool to see them come in here and enjoy the space that I grew up in and do

The things you know that I grew up doing and doing at such a young age uh I don’t know it’s special to us I think that’s what makes duck Hunters pretty good People kill it kill it kill it that’s what I like to call no buen no M morning update looks like fights is eating some beef jerky they’re talking some ducks uh we have about I think that makes 20 ducks we got a we got a mixed

Bag we got Mard spoon bill got one God ball so it’s a really good morning I mean this is one of the best duck hunts I’ve been on anybody hey got him oh okay yeah I do have to apologize to Sydney she absolutely sniped a duck but I was holding the

Camera facing me trying to explain that like when I had a pet duck there was a bird flu scare in China and they passed a rule that every every duck in the whole city had to be killed but I like ANF franked my duck in my closet and hit

Him throughout the the whole duck genocide going on so like while I’m trying to explain that she just sniped a duck and it was not on camera that’s on me or is it on Me kill him I think I got one of them let’s go left side strong side left side strong [Laughter] Side Is awesome I I was pretty sure I was going to like it I wasn’t sure I’m a sportsman I’m a sport I’m officially forun which I don’t think is true but in theory we were talking about earlier this one when we first got out here these birds were kind of Milling

Around they were looking for a place to go go and feed and then midm morning a lot of these birds started kind of working back in groups of ones or twos or threes and they were coming back to this place a lot of them had already

Been out and theyd found places to feed Cas handed this bird to us after we shot it and so he felt it when he picked it up he felt inside its crop here it’s just sort of an expanded part of the esophagus where they temporarily store food and you find this

Occasionally um with with birds that you shot midm morning and you can actually see what they’re eating what does that look like uh seeds SE what kind of seeds rice uh rice Pine seeds pine nuts rice it’s rice rice oh so the farm that we’re on here is a

Working rice Farm there there are like three primary rice scoring regions in North America there’s a gulf coast of Texas and Louisiana there’s Mississippi alovia Valley which is where we are there’s also the Central Valley of California those three areas are also three of the most important geographies

For wintering water fou in all of North America and it’s mostly because of the extensive amount of rice agriculture that occurs so after after Farmers Harvest there is some rice left in the field they don’t get 100% Harvest efficiency right so um this is a tremendous food source for for ducks and

That’s what you see here this is why it’s so important for us to do not only our job but everybody that plays a role in conservation to sustain this so our kids kids kids we want them to experience the same deal like you know the amount of fun that we had out here

Without conservationist without looking ahead for the future the sustainability for for Wetlands for for everything conservation side of things it’s so important to realize that we’re not doing it just for us you’re doing it for the future Generations because we want everybody to experience this you know

This is a great time the camaraderie the laughs the jokes you’re going to always remember this you’ll tell you’ll tell people about this 20 years from now so the importance of us conserving habitat for water foul and other Wildlife is that’s not what we do we do so you’re

Seeing all these Birds because of the amount of money especially these guys have put into this property like it’s hard to see this many birds if you don’t put hundreds of thousands of dollars into the property itself to feed the Ducks make them like feel comfortable to

Sleep at night away from predators and then draining and whatever they do for like this area but that’s like crazy cuz some people don’t understand that where where all the money goes or how the funding comes it’s all from Hunters it’s about 9:15 we’ve killed about 25ish Birds spoon bills malards godall was

Shot as well so great morning we’re going to wrap it up say take some pictures head back to Camp shoot some ski we have a long day still and still one more hunt tomorrow Morning bam dude thought was is out here Notting a pie dude seen a lot bread I’ve never seen That deep Feathering deep Feathering so let’s turn it around I find it works better you kind of do it like this you’re less likely to pull tear that skin so we’re plucking these Birds now as a pair of Drake mards from the ones we killed this morning what you can see

On some of these see that little feather right there it’s this bird is still molting they’ll go through a body mol this time of year look at this look at that there’s a little pellet right there okay it was didn’t make it all the way

Through so this is a good fat bird I can already tell that you can kind of see the the the um yellow underneath the skin there ah yep and so it takes a little bit of time to pluck these there are different kind of plucking there’s some mechanical plucking devices for

Birds that have some fat on them wild birds I love to to block these birds and use the either leave the skin on prepare it in a variety of ways or one of the things that we’re going to do tonight try to do we get enough fat off of this

What is that right there that was one that’s a wound oh yeah that’s where the pet went in we’re going to render down some duck fat it’s a actually a highly highly prized very tasty almost like a treat to use in cooking what’s up guys CU you’re learning a thing or

Two I also brought a Montana Knife Company down even harder with my thumb ah okay and so I’m getting some of thata yeah can you make duck wings just like you would do a chicken wing you can yeah absolutely there’s every you can use every part of the duck depend on how

Creative how um exotic you want to get with some of your recipes we’re keep working on that one we’re not going to do this today but it’ be wild to make a a duck rangon using the duck skin as the won w pepper that would be wild and it is amazing how the

Flavor of the fat can vary based on what the bird has been eating so you notice big differences when you when you are talking about birds that are Fish Eaters or crustacean eaters like a lot of sea ducks merganzer and so forth most of these ducks like that we shot today are

Going to be what we referred to is sort of dabbling ducks they feed in shallow water they feed mostly on seeds some of them will will feed on invertebrates and that changes depending on what time of year it is because they need different nutrients and resources depending on

What they’re doing at a given time of the year so this is a fatter bird so this one’s going to work out a little bit better so same thing right down the Keel on each side we just are kind of peeling this off the breastplate and we just go right down

Through here yeah this is a fatter bird this is a good thing like to get is duck breast is that the only kind of meat that you euse from a duck no no I mean no the legs the the thighs there’s not as much meat there it depends on what

Kind of duck it is there’s a lot of good recipes you can make out of yeah look at all that fat yeah that’s going to be a good you ever had duck com yes not regularly like I I I’m usually a laange guy du it’s like a duck look at that

Good layer fat oh that’s going to be awesome so we’re going to render down that fat later on and try to even make some duck cracklings out of that so let me see if I can do this here duck CRA that’s just the skin rendered down fat removed you

Ever had Pig crack look at that no I don’t think so shout out to Steve Rella for the little tip there the plan is to go inside cook this meat first I’m going to defer to him on how best to do that we’re going to season it then we’re

Going to mix it with cream cheese wrap it in wons make some duck Goons all right so we’re about to do some ski shooting okay of course the number one thing again is safety y’all know that by now so we’re going to be here that ski thrower is going to be throwing them out towards that way that ski throw is going to be throwing them

Out towards that way this will be great practice for you to be able to learn how far the distance is you need to lead them especially with this wind blowing it’s going to be changing the speed of the ski so we’ll just just get up there

By let him throw it we’re about to bust some SKS we to go first yeah I want you to go first green beans green jeans green beans tomatoes potatoes green beans tomatoes you name you name it look she thinks just cuz I missed one out of 98 is something look on that one

I just wanted them to feel a little bit more you know in their element I don’t want to hit I love them okay so I at least had to miss one Jes you didn’t even a pull pull son I don’t think we hit any Ducks today [Laughter] brother there it is

Nice so I may have killed a duck today that confirms it one of those Ducks is mine at least we’re playing a game of Annie Oakley KN out with knock out with guns yeah um so she shoots if she misses and I hit it she’s out pretty simple confidence level just here for

The vibes oh they’re F oh you you’re out oh knock out kn safeties on yeah good whenever we actually have a really nice trap machine and not have to do it by hand and everybody gets to play Annie Oakley some of my like favorite times outside it’s a

Lot of fun and the guys honestly didn’t do that bad they didn’t really terrible we hit anything Donnie did hit one we all Donnie hit one Donnie hit one from behind but yeah he did hey you got it’s a learning experience that me let’s go let’s that was beautiful that was really

Me yeah I thought B is not a smoke you’re not a smoke B you’re not a smoke now we’re going back to the the club probably take a little midday nap and we’re going to podcast so what a fun morning this is what it’s all about Guys first he’s frying up some little duck tenders as an appetizer for you guys so these are the little small basically duck tenders a lot of people call them little pizza it’s a little muscle that’s right alongside the Keel technical name is that old super chora

Coidus now the key in cooking duck wild duck especially key is to not cook them any longer than any more than medium rare want try one o you want try one I’ll try one Don get in there first so these are duck tenders yeah got a little tend in there right off of

There he yeah that rosemary sage good I need try yeah just comes right off the tendon yesterday oh oh yeah that’s great wanton next we are just uh dicing up the meat I finally found the right knife so just getting it into as small of pieces as possible Dice

And duck baby Dice and duck look at this I mean this is just no a brownie holy yeah that’s good man wild duck would you’ve ever thought that you don’t man that is good right here we got some uh freshly chopped up duck breast going to throw that in the

Bowl and then we got uh two blocks of cream cheese hey doctor do you want to come over here yes sir yes so this guy is a duck expert he’s he’s probably taught me everything I know about ducks turns out even though I had a pet duck

For like solid two years don’t know a lot about them except that they can’t be potty trained and don’t make great pets at all cuz do you know why they can’t be potty trained no you can teach me something uh Ducks don’t have an anal sphincter so

They they they just can’t close their butt so when the poop comes the poop comes the only way to deal with that is if you just put a diaper on your duck and um I wasn’t about to blow money on a duck diaper so I just had them poop all

Over my balcony and would mop it up once a day yeah there was there was a lot of poop around my apartment I’m just going to put a little bit of garlic this cream cheese going to it’s going to have to soften up should have taken it out of

The fridge earlier I’m not a graceful chef but I get the job done but I think this will be good once it gets all mixed in I need one of those like professional mixing bowls and I can tell you that I’ve never had duck rang I once I think

I tried making them once in China but that was like I just bought a roast duck off the street um so this is a lot more special to me this bird traveled probably 1,600 miles or so over the past few months from somewhere in Canada or

Or the northern us down here to Arkansas we harvested it this morning about what4 mile from here comes right back here we clean it process it cook it and yeah I think I mean I don’t know if this is the duck I shot but I definitely shot at least one out there

Today I’m going to have H fights and Sydney wrap them up that’s the good thing about being the head chef we’re in business time to wrap them and stack them there’s no way to a there’s no way to rap a there’s no wrong way to r a

And there’s no way to R A okay now side up there is a wrong way you write the song I did write the song But if any of these explode in the frying pan how do we avoid that duck meat got wild duck wanton mix in here and uh

We’re about to wrap and stack wrap and stack I like that yeah yeah yeah starts with a spoon just take like a teaspoon maybe a tablespoon I don’t really know that’s a tablespoon for sure ooh okay that’s a big that’s a big that’s a big one like Everyone likes a big rangon but

When you when you make a big rangon you run the risk of it exploding okay like like a Chipotle burrito kind ex exactly so yeah you just wet the four sides and then you bring it up you form a triangle and you pinch the sides pinch the sides okay and you want

To get a Tight Seal that’s that’s that that seal could be a lot tighter if this one explodes I’m going to blame it on you and then all right so hold it like this with the point down and then you just take one and put it behind the

Other and pinch and then boom difference between the two rappers uh the yellow one’s for experts yeah so what are you doing with it these are so we’re doing a competition who’s fast faster yes all right guys on your marks get set Goon bang one you are down kid you are down i r R ad doed I rope adoped you guys so hard hang on K’s here he wants you outside I will inspect these goons after just to make sure they all like you know don’t have exploding goon oh man you’re cruising Bro oh you did the double wet to the m to the W for the chance to be with you no opened Up man I thought I had you right at the end there we just got gooned up dude I mean we got gooned up you guys are probably close to a 6 GPM now which like I don’t I think I’m at like 5.5 at best really Yeah first plate of wild duck wons are ready we got some sweet chili sauce right here like what I did with the presentation I mean the plating Donnie the plating is just at least at least a seven out of 10 get the man of Michelin star listen I have not tried these

Rangoons yet but yes I do believe this is my best plating ever I mean I might even start with a yeah you got to have a little appeti right that slapped my tongue I got to be honest I didn’t love that love that whole experience very very

Special goon up this is his first time ever trying a Rangoon or wanton you never had a rangon never that’s crazy never so pick me the best one this one looks good okay here we go wow he tries one before I even do oh no that’s really

Good really good I don’t know what they’re supposed to taste like but this one solid this spicy I’m going to give you eight and 1 half out of 10 8.5 that’s pretty good I’ll take it that’s actually really good really good how would you compare

It to our dude grou that’s eight and a half like a pretty good like nine nine I’m not kidding that’s that’s seriously really good let me pop back no I got what do you think I said eight and a half Cy said nine but did you try it without love

I try sauce my school what else is it oh yes that’s it I don’t do numbers I just do so we have we have have cream cheese right yeah we got cream cheese we got garlic right garlic salt now when we cooked the duck we had it marinating a

Rosemary sage seasoning mixture and then I added some hot chili flakes and brown sugar you know what I’m going to give my official review tomorrow on the duck hunt I’m going to save some for the hunt I’m going to let these flavors simmer in my mouth marinate for

A little bit this is a great rangon though it’s wonderful it’s like it’s actually too good cuz I’m so full but I want to keep eating wild duck ranging well Donnie I’m impressed I honestly wasn’t expecting it to be that good I was kind of nervous thought I was

Going to get sick it’s delish and you just red did anybody else just see him put all of his crumbs back on these so some extra flavor but now we’re going to see his final score tomorrow one last duck hunt until they’re back off to New York and Chicago so stay

Tuned we’re going to do a podcast and then get some hay let’s let’s take him out with a song we chose the right way to make aose the right way to make a chose the right way to make the right way w [Laughter] kill that

One hey shoot it on the water on one two three one two three y’ got hey that was one of us hey we the only ones who shot I so let’s go we did now one of us got one that’s for sure all right we can leave now A kill him I shot once and then realized I didn’t have any more shells in my Gun watch he still on the layup coming kill kill him he’s going down I hit him on that last shot I tell you what goons goons and the blind is revolutionary I think you’re going to start seeing duck Hunters all across the country doing this I what percent of duck Hunters you think

Haven’t heard of goons I had never ateen one the official score it’s going to be a 7.8 but these are delicious I just feel like they have so much potential like they have the potential to be God to you yeah you want to give them room for improvement yeah I

Don’t really know exactly what i’ do cuz these are damn good but yeah that’s the score not a bad day got Ducks down not ideal conditions but hey they worked we got a bunch of singles and doubles coming in that’s what we like to see and

The guys got spoiled they had a great time I had a great time and that’s the end of our Arkansas trip so thanks for watching make sure you like comment subscribe thanks for watching out of office bar still Outdoors


  1. Why didn’t anyone teach John to shoulder a shotgun before? Showing up to hunt camp in a suit probably answers my own question

  2. Watching Feits hip fire the shotgun seconds into the video, I knew this was going to be great.

  3. People don’t realize that hunters are the most respectful and are very important for the animals. Hunters are not the problem

  4. Oh man, I know due to time constraints you couldn't do skeet beforehand. Should've had then do some skeet shooting before they came down. They definitely need some lessons. Also one of the most important things is keep following the skeet/duck even after you shoot. Or else you're going to miss behind the duck.

  5. My first time watching the channel, learned about it from a short on Donnie’s channel. Thanks for this! Great video.

  6. Hell ya how was I not subbed to this I hate sports but Donnie my man oh ya boo Jerry for life lol 400 rounds of ammo on six ducks America

  7. Donnie saying “this is beautiful” in darkness with shades on made me almost piss myself. Also thought that dog was about 2 years old the way they were working. 10 months old is nuts

  8. I’m glad the guys got to see how difficult it is to hit a duck. A lot of people think they can just pull up and shoot. Once you get it down it’s like clockwork.

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