Golf Players

Who is the best Youtube Golfer 2024…

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Who is the best 2024…
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Here we go 2024 who is the best I like to do this every once in a while just because there’s new people that pop up in the space and then there’s some guys who just start going dog mentality and start playing some great golf you probably already know who it is probably already

Know I have narrowed this down this whole list down to five stars four stars three stars two stars and one Stars so I’m going to start from the bottom and go all the way to the top you know this is always fun to do and you guys got to

Let me know in the comments who do you think I got wrong who do you guys think I got right and who should move up who should move down if you guys are new here hit that subscribe button cuz uh bangers every week baby I’ve pretty much

Met everybody in the space of YouTube golf so I kind of know their games I haven’t played with every one of them especially not the UK guys yet I have a really good understanding on everybody’s game so let’s get into it starting with the one stars there are nobody because

I’m not going to do that to anybody that would be cruel so I just MO moved everybody up to a two star cuz that’s that’s enough so the first person we have is Bobby Fairways hey funniest guy on YouTube golf he gets an award for that but skill-wise Bob’s a two star

Along with his other co-star Joey Co Cuts so these are guys who are going to shoot mid 80s on a good day to hundreds if it’s not the day and so another guy who’s going to be in this is Josh Mayer he does a lot of entertainment just kind

Of hits the ball around but mostly going to a abandoned golf courses paying really cheap for golf lessons on Facebook Marketplace I thought that was a really funny video skill-wise two star Steven from good good Steven’s a pretty good player gets streaky feel like he just doesn’t practice so two star now

This is when it starts to get fired up the three stars and the four stars and the five stars so three stars let’s just mention this High 7s on average to low 80s on average who do we got first James Robinson pretty decent player it’s exactly what I had described he going to

Shoot probably upper 70s on average to low 80s now you got to think some of these people do we even know that they’re not recreating shots that’s the real thing I don’t know because not everybody is like my Channel or George’s to where we play tournaments there’s a

Lot of tournaments but we’ve always tried to make a YouTube golf tournament with all content creators however it’s hard to do to get logistically wise everybody in the same area at the same time because everybody has their own thing they’re doing but good good does have a two-man scramble coming up in

February out in Tempe Arizona two-man scramble Under The Lights live streamed who’s going to be there if only a sandbagger could go maybe all right next we have Kyle birkshire he is a long bomber I think he’s like three four four time long drive champ which is

Impressive but his short game needs a lot of work and that’s why he’s a three star he could be a fourstar he’d be close to it next we have Mark Crossfield the OG of Club reviews you know he’s still a good solid golfer don’t really watch his channel much but he’s a solid

Golfer then we have Bubby Bubby’s actually a lot better than he used to be very good athlete and can just get the ball in the hole very close to being a fourstar so next we have Rick Shields who kind of got hurt the last time I put

Him so low but this is just based purely off skill you know sometimes you just got to practice a little bit more then we have Matt Sharp who did it again how does this man two Hollow ones on a far four I mean he’s in a different category

I should just move him over to H in ones on a par four not shars King but solid golfer I think he has a lot of potential and definitely could get into the fourstar category with a little bit more practice then we have Martin another long drive type of player you know

Head-to-head Martin versus Kyle birkshire that’s a good match that’s a really good match we need to see that match then we have golf sidekick now golf sidekick one of the funniest channels you’ll see what a Playa I love his stuff you know he kind of he fluctuates he’s a fluctuating golfer

Like when he’s practicing he’s a fourstar he’s not he’s a three star so I put him in the three stars for this time all right so that’s the end of the three stars so let’s get in to the most controversary and that is the four and five stars so four stars actually

Average somewhere from 72 to 78 of what I’ve seen and that is Matt frier and Andy Carter they’re both UK guys haven’t played with them you know it’s kind of hard to judge their game on just watching so just watching on YouTube cuz there’s not a lot of tournaments so

That’s why they’re forstar then we have Peter Finch who he was a five star kind of went down to a fourstar but I feel like he could definitely go up to a five star soon we just need a little bit more how do I say this more competition and

Then we have Mr short game great player played him a few times great golfer it was decently close came down to the last few holes but hey on average if they’re going to shoot 73 to 78 it’s going to be pretty close compared to person who’s

Shooting on her par you know mid 70s on some days then we have fat Perez fat Perez is a fourstar I’ve seen him play I just believe he’s a four star I don’t know I mean I feel like he could be a five star but I just don’t know that’s a

Very tossup one for me and I think a good matchup would be the dod King versus fat Perez and our last four star is DoD King I have actually really like his channel because dude he does not care he does not cookie cutter it I mean

What you see is what you get and I I really do B Carter love him or hate him he really does just shoot the truth and he’s like I watched one video with him playing Martin the long drive guy and he said you know you’re better than I

Actually thought you were going to be I mean just imagine saying that to somebody that’s hilarious he played Grant lost to Grant twice but hey I think he’s so close you’re so close Carter let’s freaking do it this is your year let’s go come on so that’s the last

Of the four starss then we have our five stars and then we have the top dog and I’ll say who exactly was the best golfer in 2023 of all of YouTube first we have cole and Mason from Bust Jack both five stars really good golfers play with them

They’re solid they play in tournaments they shoot around 72 on average so that could be underpar that could be 74 on a bad day then we have James Wiltshire UK guy really good golfer shoots under par in his tournaments that’s a five star that’s what a five star difference is

Garrett Clark Gunslinger Garrett Clark is what we like to call a gunslinger you never know what you’re going to get you could have a really deep round or you could have an upper 70s round that’s simply by the fact of I mean just raw talent I say this over and over again if

He practiced as much as you traveled he’d be a dog then we have Zack Radford I you guys know I’ve played with him a decent amount really solid shoots under par in tournaments then we have Michel Morris same thing shoots under par in tournaments he’s also a gunslinger he

Can shoot under par but sometimes he’s going to have a little bit higher score just by the fact of some people are just really aggressive and you know one day they’re going to have it one day they may not have it that’s M then we have Grant who’s more of a steadier golfer

He’s usually around 72 that’s what you’re going to get 72 but 72 wins a lot of tournaments that’s how you win being consistent then we have Luke Quan you guys know he used to be a dog join good good not as practicing as much you know

He was one of the first channels I ever watched on YouTube golf and when I was a junior golfer and I was like man this is it I I’m going to practice every day like seriously it was just cool to watch him go through his college and I really

Relate to that so that’s why I kind of make some videos on college golf cuz Hey I used to watch him all the time and his tournaments when he was on PGA Tour or China and trying to make it on corn fairy but he’s a five star and this

Other guy we have is the top dog best player on YouTube 2023 and here we go George Bryan Top Dog best player on YouTube golf last year he’s a dog he did so many things he missed out on the US Open qualifier by one shot he missed out

On a PGA Tour qualifier got in a playoff lost to his brother Wesley won a tournament goes to Q school plays in pre-qualifying wins it goes to first stage gets through goes to Second Stage only five or six shots off I went and watched him dude he’s so close and for a

YouTube golfer to literally make it on the PGA tour or even corn fairy is really really cool to see I’m super happy for George just to see it the year of the Beast I don’t know what this year is for him but I know it’s the year of

The sandbagger the year of the sandbagger it’s this year so that is the top dog also George played in a PJ Tour event got a sponsor invite made the cut I mean how cool is that that is a fulfilled Dream from Georgie one of the best guys you will ever meet super nice

Down to earth some honorable mention you know Wesley is on the corn fairy PGA or you do I consider him a YouTube golfer not really then we have OE who actually started doing YouTube a little bit behind the scenes I think it’s really cool but he’s not a YouTube golfer then

We have Bryon to Shambo he actually puts out really good content but I wouldn’t consider him a YouTube golfer now I know in the first one I did use him but not anymore I’ve kind of a little bit stingier on who I put in this list so

That is it guys I hope you guys enjoy this video and the updated rankings and I’ll probably do this next year so thank you guys for watching I love you guys and it’s the year the sandbagger Baby r i stage


  1. Would love to see an actual tournament bracket of youtubers. But the last 2 are likely one of the Bryan brothers and Dahlke.

  2. It would be really hard to argue with your list. I feel it is really solid. And like you mentioned, some of these guys fluctuate depending on practice, travel, etc. And btw, if you ever really need to give someone a 1 star, feel free to use my name in that spot haha. Good luck in Feb, it's gonna be exciting.

  3. James Robinson is higher than a three star. Chris Dennis, who plays with James and has the Everyday Golfer channel, is a four star. Garrett Clark is a four star golfer. His game is not as sharp as in the past.

  4. Lots of spelling mistakes my man, you need to watch this stuff back before you post IMO.

    Also, Golf Sidekick did that series recently where his handicap was around scratch.. ? Also Kyle Berkshire shoots around par or under almost every video?

  5. I’m a fan of bubbies and can see him as lower 3 star. Clutch putter on the scrambles at least. Would say he’s not a fan of course management. Prefers to hit the long ball no matter what the hole requires. Still like watching him play no matter what.

  6. I think you gotta base Steve's skill on if he gives a damn or not, when he locks in and that putter gets hot he's easily a 3 star

  7. Disagree with putting Bubbie as a 3-star he should be a 2-star in my opinion. When his drives are working he’s decent but the other parts of his game need a lot of work.

  8. Although George Bryan Is an Elite golfer, I would have had to put Brad Dalke ahead or tied. Sad you didn't have Dalke on your list.

  9. Not having Brad Dalke on this list makes NO SENSE AT ALL! For that matter, just proves to me that your not watching enough YouTube golf to know what your talking about! Better do some more research buddy.

  10. I think Josh Mayer would beat Bubbie in a match. I'd love to see Martin Borgmeier vs Kyle Berkshire too!

  11. Definitely agree with all of them except Garret and DOD King. Both of them should be downed one. Also, some of these guys have never played REAL tourney golf by the rules, and wouldn’t ever in their life shoot in 70’s.

    George is the top dog and the only one of all these guys we’d be nervous playing. We’re trying to figure out how to get in the cool kids club to see where we stack up. We’ll just keep making content hoping to get noticed, sigh. In real tourneys, our guy Eric shot 73-78 most of the time, low 80’s on his worst days. The one Open (regional PGA event) he played he shot 80-78-81 on a tough course with tough conditions (like 210-240 yard par 3’s with lightning fast undulated greens).

    Hopefully later this year someone will accept one of our challenges or have us out to theirs.

    We just subscribed to your channel, good video overall!

  12. I really do enjoy these. Maybe consider doing this in the form of YT Golf Power Rankings, like monthly or quarterly, based on the various performances during the period. That would be very cool!

  13. One thing everyone should remember, when you have these youtube matches such as when Good Good played the bar stool sports guys, filming 9 holes takes forever. Pretty hard to get in a groove for some guys. Another factor is having to golf and film, and the filming is more important than the golf. Cole Lantz is a guy that generally plays better when he is on other people's channels and doesn't have to film. (Madjack) Most of these guys would be better if they were just worrying about going low, rather than having to entertain. Brad Dalke is probably the best along with George. Paige is the best female, though Gabbygolfgirl should pass her up, at some point. What a marvelous young talent. Paige is just a natural golfer, even though her emphasis is on something else. Too bad, she could be important in the space. Her life though, no one gets to decide for her, nor should they.

  14. UK guy here….James Robinson gets 5 stars for being the most annoying. Mark Crossfield gets 6 stars – really annoying bur Rick Shiels gets 100 stars in the same heading. Loves himself. If he was made of chocolate, he would’ve eaten himself by now. Matt Fryer and Andy Carter both excellent. Best of all here in the UK is The Art of Simple Golf. Alex is a superb golf coach.

  15. Brad Dalke is by far the second best golfer and would be a great match between him and Bryan. Ben Hadden also is a 5⭐️.

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