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UnAnchored Boston guest Scott Zolak with Bob Lobel and Mike Lynch

Scott Zolak is this week’s guest on UnAnchored Boston with Bob Lobel and Mike Lynch! Tune in for Zolak’s thoughts and stories on #BillBelichick and #BillParcels, predictions on Super Bowl LVIII, and more!
#UnAnchoredBoston #SuperBowlLVIII #newenglandpatriots #patsnation @scottzolak @boblobel @LynchieWCVB

Open and We’ll well hi everyone welcome back and welcome in to another episode of unanchored Boston and of course we’re always brought to you by Cold Springs RV your source for everything RV we’re gonna have a great question for Zo coming up later sponsored by Cold Spring and of course our good friends at lexon

And Toyota George Gray the big wheel we call him you want a car you want a service you go see George Gray at 409 massav in Lexington all right we know who I guess is but LEL always handles the intros zo so take it away Robert

Well he’s the man that made awaken 180 famous and uh back on it tomorrow good glad to see it looks like you did it you’ve done well by it it’s done well by you but it’s it’s good to see you Scott zolak former quarterback of the Patriots you know

Lynchy when I Scott knows this because when he played when he played I think one was Indianapolis and then one was Atlanta okay we started I’m not sure they were the right things but I remember his father in the stands and he won those two games and instead of we were going

To change the name of our late night show from Sports final to zolak final because he won those two games you remember that right just Scott remember that those are those are good old days man first of all it’s good seeing you guys miss work with you both Bob

Obviously on channel four Mike on Channel 5 doing yall access stuff before that flipped over um uh yeah I do and uh those were fun days man and we always had the TV and the radios on so always knew what was being said like Ted sandis

Pissed me off one day on uh eii the old station um when uh he said yeah they’re never gonna win with this backup quarterb it pissed me off against the San Francisco game and I went to I went to Fifth Quarter that was my first shot

I went right at T randis coming out of the box there I appreciate you know all your critiques over the years you guys he always fueled us and made us want to be better where’ you come up with the idea to The Gunshot after that was always that that

Was always that then Parcels goes put your damn guns away okay this is one of Atlanta games he’s like put them away I don’t want to see them anymore so brisbee on that deep slant I checked to and he went about 70 yards I took an

Arrow out of my back Pat knel down I shot it up at the Georgia Dome and Par what the hell’s that I said well you said I can’t shoot guns so I’m G to shoot some so I took the arrow out of the backpack he goes

I said come on you know you’ve done that before so that was great always going back and forth with him he could give it he could also take it you know how was it how was it planned for parcel well you kind of you guys had similar

Personality so uh yeah he looked forward to to press conferences Bel not so much really difference between those two guys yeah I remember one day um uh we we were in down in Smithfield and um parcel sat down he said what’s going on coach she

Goes I got a little scoop for you guys zolak has a girlfriend her name is Amy got it yep we just like that Amy is her name that the worst thing ever happened to you you rather get reamed out by some coach than have the head coach reveal

Who you’re dating who’s now your wife I didn’t hear the end of it I got my ass kicked for about two days can I swear on this yeah right because we’re on a podcast yeah you we’re good I got my ass kicked for two two weeks after that man

And he goes she ended up bringing up cookies after that to just keep settle down he ate about half to play to cookies walking back with Frank Mendes one day from practice because we had to do that long walk against that snowfence if you guys remember yeah Marcel went

Sign autographs his standard respons if I sign one autograph I gotta sign them all so he had that thing down pat but uh like again he knew how to poke all of us and that’s how he went at me through the Press because he knew he knew the guys

Would break my balls after that broken pretty good but uh yeah Amy and I finished marriage year number 25 so really yeah we hit thear so uh yeah years before that too so we got a lot of years invested here she was a turtle Lane girl over yeah she do

Turtle Lane do that’s right Bob that she was on Center Street and I used to go to the do country store when I first started dating her to get the ham salad sandwiches and they had the best raspberry lime rookies there out of the old soda fountain where you pulled the

Handle and uh love being downtown do it was good good times you mentioned lynchy I’m not going up line here because he mentioned the do Country Store which leads into my next question to Scott so I don’t want you to think I’m going off you know I’m going

All I would never think that on you here listen to my my radio show we have no script we’re we’re just talking yeah I know so one of the last few times I was in there this older guy came came in at the same time and he said Bob I’m Adam viner’s

Father introduced himself which was really kind of unusual you know and he said said I just really want to tell you how much we appreciate all the nice things you said about Allan or Adam rather and I was really blown away because it just doesn’t happen that

Often that kind of thing over country story yeah what’s he doing there I don’t know he was just you know that’s what I but that brings me up to Adam after watching last night’s game trying to tie this all together okay you know in vinary kicks his 45 yarder into the snow

He does everything you’ve ever asked him to he kicks the winning field goal in the Super Bowl and yet his number is not retired zappy has his number of all thing you know what I’m I don’t want you to get yourself in trouble with your organization because I know you work and

You gotta say you can draw the line line might be difficult to talk about it sometimes because you don’t want to piss anybody off over there yeah but I’m asking you you know what I’m saying some of these things just don’t seem right I get it you know but Stephen gustowski

Lasted longer here than Adam and I’m not I’m not saying he’s a better kick kicker than Adam Adam’s a better Kicker you look at Adam’s history and winning a Super Bowl with the Colts or multiple I mean it’s that’s just different things man that have been done over the years

You know someone’s wearing an Edelman shirt you know number 11 somebody will not wear Brady I think that’s the one number that they said you know other than tips and you know all these other guys that have been what about John Hannah number 7 was 72 wasn’t it3 73 has

That been how do we not know yeah that how we know right right who else Nelly has retired U B gos you’ll never see a number 20 um just certain guys you should never wear it again and if we start doing vinary you’re gonna do Ty laws you’re gonna do Richard Seymour

You’re gonna do Willie MC Guinness’s um or you gonna do Tom Brady’s I do think of that era it should be Viner and Brady Adam got the thing rolling with the big kicks I agree I mean that was the Trap game how big was that about the snow

Kick games two of those in in the snow yeah we reenacted that on Sports final one night that’s exactly right myself and you and he took out a couple of those lights at you mind we play this thing because be my guess all right this was the shot’s idea of the best sports

Final show we ever had forget or Burton Williams bird or so this was the night after this was Sunday night at 11:30 whenever the show began after the snow kick which was the 45 yard we’re in the studio and wouldn’t you believe that we had working for us

Mike well you were the kicker you weren’t available you had your own show so we had to bring vitaran but I would have really have loved to have you there lynchy you would have been my first choice yeah I’m sure had I had to bring

Adam in but Zak was the holder which he was in real life diosi was the Long Snapper which he was in real life and they just happened all be the the Snapper the holder and the kicker and so let’s here’s here’s what it looked like at that time in the

Studio let’s just do it Adam I’m sorry Steve turn around hit the ball Paul come back here cuz we got to see how it ends up what you get behind me and this is it there’s women hold on just a second now who who who calls the snap who says go I

Say set you say set and that’s when it happens look at him if he’s ready I give him the go call I put the hand are you guys all ready I mean you’re supposed to be like a well oiled unit like nothing for this kid okay now wait a minute

Hurry up my head’s exploding dii okay oh no what a pathetic we don’t have much time for this Steve well that was third down this is fourth down can we get shauny in here that game is over set okay Christmas this is come on wait I thought

We said one snap one hold one kick oh this is for real now I get three tries too right right okay we got to hurry off for so much longer there’s a good one go Christmas and the ball F in was it good I hope so I hope so conratulations

We had two rules don’t get hurt and don’t get hurt that was the two rules That’s a classic the S with one hand he’s supposed to have both hands on it I you know what that was your skill set I hold the microphone that was my

Skill set and all I know you know what it went up into the lights the lights almost came down on diosi head he had to duck for cover in his life it wasn’t it was Hil it was unbelievable actually great great night at Sports and you know

What getting her was a real issue we had to put his sheet down Lyn it looked like snow we put his sheet down to make it look like snow down for his foot to slip that yeah you know oh my God just you guys remember the the the nickname

Parcel’s had for diosi beachball beach ball yeah because there’s all different colors in his face right color every every hour of the day Hest I come in red you’re purple you’re white you go in the S you come out you’re Beach red I’m G call you beach ball that’s so

Good but just watching that there I mean a coach if a Coach watched that there were at least five things that could have gone wrong the the the the lights would have come crashing down on DRC could have been scalded to death he been cut vinary could have like lost his

Balance and slipp for shoes on could G go right at feet right out Charlie Brown that thing you know yeah yeah zo there were two bad snaps that came dribbling back to you my those are the Snappers called your whole broadcasting career could never have gotten started after

That you know what that’s funny that’s how it all started because I you this guy got me into this business because I had my mother wouldn’t let me study Communications at Maryland um I wanted to be an architect architect uh um what do they call those Studios ran in in

Accordance with um Spring football so I wasn’t allowed to be an architect my mom said don’t do business Communications there’s no jobs in that or mass communications so I studied no Communications I had no desire to do anything radio TV any of that when I was done Bob called about sports final and

Um uh CH uh fifth quarter and um game day you know we we I started doing 11:30 game day with these guys you know with fat felger back in the day numi and um and diosi and uh we had pretty we had fun doing it we had fun doing it will

McDon was in the field and usually we had we had a really great great crew yeah the teams were not that hot but the team but we were pretty good yeah I tell I tell Bob that all the time he’s the one who got me into this

Business and if I didn’t have those I couldn’t go back and watch those shows you know like when you hear yourself or you heard my my my twang there had the Pittsburgh twang um my voice got deeper now I think I’ve I’ve overcome all those pencil Tucky uh been married for 25

Years that helps she don’t let me leave the house much so you know that right no no I don’t Mike and I we don’t watch our own stuff either so it’s not you know anchors that go back and watch the newscast after we were they were done

Wouldn’t you Mike when I was when I first started the first couple of years I used to watch every one afterwards and I I never watch him after that right afterwards you never you know why why watch him you just the only one go them watches him and has his kids around eat

Popcorn that’s that’s about it the Sterns house there’s a trophy in front of him he holds a few trophies while watches some of his shows St Burton he doesn’t travel for any games anymore he doesn’t like it unless it’s warm outs he’ll go to Miami

God for bitt he ever ends up in Denver or La no chance of that doesn’t have to worry about working in January with this team which is really what we’re ought to go to a little bit about it’s hard to miss it’s hard to put the drama of the last two

Weeks behind us but the new cycle has turned and now at everything you know you a day can go and nobody might even bring up the word bellich and every day was everybody you’d see on the street was bellich yeah everybody everybody wanted them out of here now they’re like

Oh God what are we doing now you know and that’s sort of kind of the calls we get now we’re 247 Patriots still you know as good as the Celtics are as good as the Bruins are as awful as the Red Sox are you don’t even know how much

You’re gonna mention the Red Sox until spring training starts like it’s all Patriots now it’s all people want to talk about and yeah it’s a good transfer to Dad Mayo dad’s a great guy s Time Captain been around him I’ve done a lot of stuff with him I think he’s brilliant

But he’s never had head coaching experience what’s going to happen 10 games in you know when when when the bleep is hitting the fan so to speak and say you’re four and five or you lost three in a row like how you gonna rate that ship that’s where he’s going to be

Judged you know obviously they got a lot of money to spend we got to get players we need have players it’s sad watching these teams play divisional round I miss divisional round like we we were always divisional round it was okay we’re going to be 14- two 15- one 10 and six we’ll

Still find a way to get the division round because you got Brady what we’re really finding out is Tom covered up a lot of holes on his team um and we lacked some tap some gaps of talent over the years but he made up for a lot of

That even his last year I think we were 12 and four lost that wild card game at home to Tennessee but somehow that guy found a way to get this team to 12 and four he knew it was bad he knew they weren’t a contender that was his last

Year here um you know Bill Bill’s had a problem with the talent here and it’s you know it’s a three-year Trend post Tom and uh you know all good relationships and marriages they say to you know in sports come to an end it’s 24 years Tito was here what nine um you

Know they say that’s long time but um Pete Carroll Mike Tomlin Andy Reid Bill those are those’re the guys the only ones that got tenure in this league a lot of teams switch switch coaches Carolina’s under six coach in six years it’s crazy it’s crazy here you think you

Think it’s bizarre that a guy like bill bich has to go back first of all even one interview a second interview like he’s a grad student out of college you know and he he’s one of 12 people you know as a finalist for this job I mean

If you get the private jet you get the boat that what 20 foot yacht that he’s got in Virgin Islands I think that’s a pretty good trip for trip number two you take your friend down and hang out on that boat listen to him wh and D you and

I think at this point it’s Bill telling him what he wants um you know Bill’s not doing this ham and egg second third interview dragg me through the mud and I know people are saying there’s not a market him now you find out there’s two or three more teams one with the head

Coach and I think is Buffalo in on him now um I don’t think really do I don’t think he’s yeah I think after the fake Punt and their inability to get over the hump that team’s L how would you make it seriously on on one hand all of a sudden

You realize they only have 10 men on the field and then you change it to a fake punt you think like deception you that that’s that’s a good point you bring up I mean that’s Genius Coaching isn’t that like Genius Coaching you find out you’re

A man advantage on the field why not a key situation quarterback let him run it if you want to go for it you know give the option to throw a run but he said yeah I like deception which tells you they practice it they called it which is

Even more of an indictment plus you got the 911 comments coming from him what yeah that surface seven weeks ago the team backed them they went on a six game Run I’m not saying that affects the game on the field but that that gets you on the radar with

Management no that’s really it’s a good point I just find it hard to believe that team that team would get that far and then jettison the head coach but I guess closing then you got the stadium coming in two years you know they already broke ground on that it’s a hell

Of a hell of a stadium they’re putting up out there right in their backyard yeah right across the street right yeah it’s insane they took all the parking away put it right there yeah so so so you know I look at coaching aside with with mcder I look at

Every team and they bring in like start with Buffalo Stefan dicks yeah he changed that team right around Miami brings in Tyreek Hill changed everything right around with that that that football team they did bring in Aaron Rogers he didn’t get to play but they had the potential to change

Everything the one team that didn’t do anything to change anything was in the ring of Patriots we gave Devonte Parker an extension you didn’t like that I mean we all thought that was clear in cap space for DeAndre Hopkins right that never came to be I think the last guy

They went out and got gave that money to was AB Antonio Brown now was wacko but he could still play that guy even game one down in Miami came in first play right down the boundary Brady hits him uh his ability to catch the ball is

Phenomenal and you gota be able to deal with wackos like that there’s a lot of baggage that come with those guys yeah when you take your shirt off in the middle of the game and walk off the field that’s kind of an indication you’re probably not all there sometimes

Crazy’s good Bob sometimes crazy I know I believe me a lot of people in this business have it if you just hone it in and be able to use the best crazy possible I played with a lot of a-holes in this League um but sometimes they they they’re the best players and you

Got to deal with it do they need will they spend the draft choice on a quarterback Zone do they have to I don’t I don’t think you have to because I don’t think this is a quick fix I think it’s two three-year fix I’d take Marvin Harrison at three

Instantaneous plug-and play 10year vet gonna be a pro bowler you got pop Douglas you get Kendrick Bourn back you got to sign tight ends you only have one tight end under contract um you need a third down B they said Michael wenos the number one tackle on the market he’s going to Comm

In 15 to 18 million a year you’re gonna bring him back at that you still got a left guy guy on the left side trp Brown’s not gonna be here uh the question is what do they do at OC like what would scare me is if they bring

Josh back I think that means Max back at some capacity next year at 2.7 million because it’s an easy contract and you have control of it not to say he’s the bridge guy or carry guy but if Josh is back that’s that’s his old offense that

He thrived in two years ago um I’d get Harrison and take take one of those other guys top of the second or get back late first to sneak in air to go get a quarterback I wouldn’t take a quarterback at three though it’s all the pressure on the world and him and you

Still don’t have two tackles you have nobody to throw the ball to sometimes you don’t know what’s real and what’s internets real you know like yeah Baker Mayfield you know the question did did bellich try to trade for him and was vetoed uh by the front office years Josh

Went back when they were working him out they wanted to they were creeping up I think his agent at the time Jack Mills I think Jack Mills was his agent that said there was one team don’t fall asleep on New England’s trying to get back in at

The top of that draft and they flew Josh down to work him out again and I think we were G to try and snag all the way up to get the number three or one to take him that rookie year um I don’t know if they Tred to trade for him he was

Available last year Tampa got him for six million bucks and he went out through 34 touchdowns six picks I mean that dude’s gonna make some money but that’s the type of guy we need to find well he’s a free agent at the end of this year but you’re gonna have to he’s

Gonna he’s gonna be Mak it 30 plus a year because you know he played well got that team in the playoffs and you know had them hanging in there they shouldn’t have been there that’s a nine and eight football team post Brady but they found

A way to get in there um it’s just it’s hard to put a lot on a quarterback at three you look at Max draft class other than Trevor Lawrence every one of those other guys are gonna be with another team in less than two years you know

Zack Wilson will probably be out of there next year um Trey Lance is in Dallas Justin Phil’s probably gonna get traded to Atlanta uh before the draft and uh I don’t think Mack will be here next year I’d be surprised if he is the

Only way he’s here I think is if Josh is here um what’s the model what’s the model franchise right now is it the Detroit Lions is it the San Francisco 49ers 49ers 49ers for them to overcome losing three number one picks to reach up and get a guy three that’s the one thing

That should scare you pick it at three you know you’re not getting the best available second best available you’re getting the third best available because it’s probably going to go first two quarterbacks you’re going to take Jaden Daniels or not unless he Leap Frogs Drake Drake May um it’s it’s the way

They run it it’s the way they they go out get a guy like Bosa sign him up go out get Bryce Young trade for him um because they realize this is our window now they got Fred Warner at backer they got a ball hawk in secondary they sign

Chris mcaffry they don’t care for running backs making 12 14 more they sign him trade for him and just Debo Samu they got all the pieces that’s why Brock Brock P at seventh round go flourish in that system like that’s that’s a model franchise for me right

Now and again you know they get mcaffrey like I was make the point I made about what the bills did and the Dolphins did and the 49ers did he’s a GameChanger he is it’s something you have to worry about because you could Blitz py and they get that running game going like

That’s how they won that game the other day was mcaffrey sworn that touch down on that run and he’s so explosive especially the screen game too and they got the big left tackle like they signed their players Trump Williams they gonna get him um they got a lot of badasses on

That team it’s one thing it’s one thing to go out and choire talent like Dallas Dallas is loaded they don’t have the coaching you know so so so what happened here zo uh do we start with Ernie Adams Nick cerio Dante scaria you know I’m thinking of non-uniformed people when you’re when

You’re good you pluck guys from your staff like you get guys plucked from you like you gotta you got to remember John Robinson went to the Titans you know Nick went down to Houston he was here forever Monty ausen for was here in the front office all these guys Jason

Light’s down in Tampa um Scott Pioli is gone I could keep going just to just with front office Personnel um who’s the guy was down in Atlanta Name Escapes me right now God I can’t um spiked hair guy with the glasses yeah he was a GM down

There shoot but you know what I’m say saying then you then you get to the lower levels and yeah Ernie’s gone that’s a voice you know Bill would rely on up in the Press Box uh Josh goes to try to be a head coach somewhere else

Again Mat Matty P goes to Detroit he ends up coming back and then you give him the play cone duties on offense which didn’t make much much sense to me and you lose guys on your staff the cadow shets of the world you know Dante retired that was huge uh we had badass

Offensive lines when Dante was here all those guys responded to him regardless of how many injuries you had uh Ian fear left retired um so there’s been some turnover coaching staff um front office all that and uh when you miss that three years period in the draft those misses

Those killed you because you had to go out and spend 250 million in the offseason two year two three years ago and half of those guys only hit so you busted on JN new Smith you busted on Nelson aalor um so not only is Bill didn’t Bill misf Drafting misf and half

The free agency brought in you you were born to do this so you know that right no yeah you were still trying to figure it out lynchy I just turned 56 so I’m starting to collect my NFL pension now which is good I can work

And get get my pension I can live with Bob down in Marina Bay at some point I figure out how to do this you know honey he’s moving in yeah no but I I I remember even when you worked with did some work with us on Patriots all access

I said you know to Matt Smith I said this guy’s good this guy he was good when he was and I could tell when he was the player you know you were one of those guys that sort of paid attention what to what we did a little bit while

You were playing and you your your transition was seamless yeah it took a while but like once you got comfortable being away from the team then I got you even Blended in more yeah so why wouldn’t you go into why wouldn’t you go into college coaching if

You’re not interested in the NFL or maybe you are I’m not interested in coaching I like being home I like being around my kids I know what those guys put in you never see your family the horse rates 95 or 75% you know when you when you become an NFL coach college or

More on the road now you gotta fight the nil game and name himage likeness and everybody’s paying guys and you can transfer without sitting out good luck I think this is why Nick Sabin left like I I can’t I can’t combat the the nil stuff you know Chip Kelly talking about it out

At UCLA like the NF the NCA needs to fix this hopefully Charlie Baker will have a upper hand in trying to get that rained in because it’s out of control now I know two kids making six figures didn’t take long did it no it didn’t take long

At all yeah they it’s how about the kid that was he play he just got uh eligible for his ninth year ninth ninth year hurt he was hurt got the co years they’re getting those extra years it’s crazy yeah like you could take Drake maid comes out he’s

Only 22 Michael penx is 26 that’s a four-year difference I would pray to be college for nine years the Animal House you know joh seven years of college down the drain you can’t even you can’t even say those references now like I said when the last time the Germans bomb Pearl Harbor you

Know these these a-holes calling the show that guy you have ons a [ __ ] it was the Japanese that bomb Pearl Harbor not the Germans I’m like these kids these generation you we’re we’re so out of generations now I try to stay hi I try to wear the cool shoes I try to

Listen to cool music just to keep my kids friends around me like me and it’s just man can’t bring up any old movie reference for your [ __ ] very funny hey read PE Harbor can’t say that you can’t say that you can’t say that you know like what B can

Get away with it but Z can’t get away with it all right Bob gonna read spot so then we get a good question for you after it oh you want me to do the spot okay good yeah we’re g to ask you about this team

Next year I mean we looking at the red so socks and football Pats because you know we’re so satisfied with the one Dynasty or maybe the two dynasties backtack dynasties and what else do we need now now now let the owners sit back make their money okay I’m talking about

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Important all right so we all know but John Madden hated a fight and then he rode in his bus the Madden Cruiser yeah So Cold Springs RV is working on a Lobby Cruiser and um so we so our guests when they finally build this thing we’re

Going to give you a Lobby Cruiser to use to drive cross country we’ll fly it back from the West Coast however you’re right now on the show you get to pick one person deceased or Alive past or present to ride shotgun with you cross country so you can be behind the wheel anybody

You want is riding shotgun and who would you pick to ride with you Tom Brady really yeah I think Tom Brady just because uh yeah we covered him for so long but he’s so guarded as to what he gave you and he felt like he was giving

You a lot but he eternalized so so much and i’ I’ve gotten to know Tom a little bit off the field but um he’s just there there there’s a reason he succeeds in everything he does and just to pick that guy’s brain and just have no fear at

Anything and uh to attack things the way he does and I think he’s gonna be good A lot of people are they’re gonna have the micro the the the the magnifying glass out when he starts calling games and there’s going to be critics out there

And oh he didn’t do this or that but he’ll figure it out like he always does with everything and um that’s just Ryan with greatness man I mean there’s a lot of people that that are passed I would love to ride my dad my dad passed a

Couple years ago it’s funny you mention you know the trailer we had to it was just during covid and we had to put him to rest in in Pittsburgh I rented one of the RVs to drive my family because we we didn’t get on planes during Co because a

Fear God was struck into the whole country about it so we tried to stay within our own little bubble rented that RV that’s a long ride from here to Pittsburgh and um but yeah I’d probably bring dad back too this man I’m sorry to hear that he passed so I yeah he loved

You guys he watched all the shows man was he in was that was I right about Indianapolis in Atlanta yeah right that was him and he had the new murder Rolla flip phone it up trying to get free deals done because he had he had my

Rolex watch and he had the uh the flip phone so we’re trying to work deals with Rolex and flip phone he’s kind of my agent at the time too so off the field yeah I’m sorry to hear that you just mentioned you talked about okay you picked

Brady which nobody can really argue with that pick the question is why did you say what you said when he I can find out what made Tom great well that never has really been answered I mean you try you kind of said it but you how the ability

To work with belich and make it work at the end even though that he was approaching the end but to to put to put your personal stuff aside uh and you know when you play sports and you see really good players you have so many distractions he’s on another plan like

You him and Pedro when they walk in a room it’s different David Ortiz like you got people all around you and his ability just to to get past all that to have any negativity there’s never anything negative plus we wouldn’t pay or for any drink or any meal and

Everything would be free when this guy gets off the bus with me you know you say oh he’s with Tom Brady everything’s good you guys are good go ahead through you would have to pay for anything so my mind’s already turning on the monetary part of the

Trip people would probably give us money to show up to do a parent because he’s there you know that you gotta figure out how to use people you know the right way fair enough fair enough that’s good he help me with my style you know he’s he’s

A good dresser yeah that’s right you you he could get he get a dozen suits he could toss one or two to you absolutely yours you can see py get a haircut my man L you paying for those big big bills down on Newberry Street Jesus so what’s with Taylor Swift

Doesn’t she know Brady’s available why does she settle on this guy he’s the uh he’s the flavor of the league right now and uh you know what you know what I love about Jason Kelce and Travis Kelce their podcast because I think you get to see the real Travis

Kelce there because he’s well thought out he’s very articulate he speaks well and then you see him with the guys and he transitions to I don’t know player Kelsea where yeah man you know I’m the guy he’s like Joe cool he’s a different dude off the field I think and there’s

Something there with that guy uh but you know these podcasts now you you get a different look at guys from behind the scenes and I think he relates better on the podcast that he does out there in the real football world I like her though Bob I’ve been to every concert I

Spent 4,000 last year for front seats for me and my girls we’ve been to every concert she’s done here uh I am a Swifty I’m a big fan I don’t like her with him it’s well none of us do but I the other the other thing that I mean I can’t

Figure out why so many people are like pissed off at her so many people think she’s like see a lot of people I think thought this was a running joke at the start they were publicity stun all commercials came out her new tour was being uh advertised

On TV she’s opening up a new tour here the dates in Brazil coming up um everybody thought it was an advertising Ploy then you find out as time goes on holy crap this is a real romance and I give her credit that it can’t be easy

For her now it’s easy because she’s got her own jet but you got to set up security you got to get her ushered in you got to make time go you don’t see him you don’t see him long you guys know what it’s like after the game’s over

That bus on the road trip they blow the horns he’s on that bus one hour after the game rolls up man and for her to show up at all these games I I give her credit for it yeah different if you have your own League credit for it because they

Don’t need any more help like that NBC bull craap promo they ran on the stream show me more great plays in that game they kept they of the seven shots they showed in that quick two-minute thing too teased there’s two shots of her what she was doing up in the box like your

Football you don’t need to see that I like a lot of fans I I like what Jason Kelsey was doing in the box and out of the box leave his shirt on though you know we know he’s a tough guy play center that wasn’t I didn’t think that was a great look but

Uh out of the year but I didn’t quite I didn’t agree with him as the late Tom Brook Tom Brook I would say what he has inside his belly you could light a lamp for a month well that’s good ly it’s good know having your own jet is better

Than meeting outside behind the do Market I can tell you that that’s right so zo who do we like in the Super Bowl I’m going Baltimore and San Francisco yeah I San Francisco you know with with getting Detroit out of that Dome and I just think Baltimore’s back to the way they

Built it you talk about you know models for building things they’re back to what they were with Ed Reed was there Suggs Ray Lewis tough hard noosed black and blue defense running game and I think Lamar has turned into such a dynamic we knew he was a dynamic player now he’s

He’s a threat in the air on the ground on the outside leadership standpoint I think I really feels to me like this is LaMar’s year I can see Baltimore Ed and they kicked the [ __ ] out of them out there sorry they kicked the hell out of them

Out in um s Isco when they played him that was a beat down so I I think they’d Edge him out the Super Bowl I’m going to go with Baltimore in the Super Bowl what do you think about this hard the hardball uh the connection the whole the whole Hardball world that’s swirling

Around gu get suspended at the beginning and end of the year I mean you knew he’s not going to last at Michigan longer he’s going back for his second interview with San Diego he’ll be in the league next so you’re going to get more of them because they’re both will be coaching

The NFL again uh less shots of the dad and mom we don’t need them we know we we did this Super Bowl Year back when they played Baltimore you know um I think it’s good for Jim to get back in the big league you know uh being an NFL head

Coach is better than a college coach any day of the week even though those guys are get paid now man they get paid they don’t bug me as much as they bug most people at least at least Jim played the position a little bit you

Know why do they bug most people I don’t know I just they’re a little bit of a Hardo both of them you know get the chest out they got the chest bumping and bro slapping you know people people don’t like bravado you know uh These Guys these slappies and then the old man

Doing the interviews yeah whatever give them their time they earned it the old man looks like Jim’s twin brother now I think it looks like if you took Jim and put like you know that movie Jackass with the Johnny Knoxville and the rubber heads yeah and put the mask on him Jim

Looks like that like Jim’s playing his dad he’s pretending to play his dad you’re right yeah Jim Jim likes to wear the gloves and warm up with the quarterback before the game yeah I mean who do you see do that no one does that who recruits kids sleeps uh shirtless in

A bunk bed with them he did that for that kicker right yeah weirdo a little bit of weirdo how old are your kids now my oldest one’s 24 she’s an architect down in Falmouth my uh my other girl is 19 she’s a she’s gonna be a sophomore at

UMass they both went to UMass uh great in state school and my youngest one we call him the yeti he’s uh 14 he’s 65 220 so he’s a big one wow you must you sound like you learned a lot from them man you’re like you live a lot every day you’re liveing their

World well he can push me around now the cool thing is we wear same clothes and same shoes now so I can wear most of his stuff I none of my stuff’s clean is he a quarterback yeah y same King pH yep where’s he gonna play next year San King

Philli King Phillip yeah loves the kids loves the program Coach Lee Brian Lee W guy a fantastic job great job Maryland I hope so that’s a good flight that’s easy easy flight up and down right there I go right into Baltimore you know so we we’ll get him in the right

Just wait call me start that har got enough problem all the help we’ll take all phone’s always on if anybody wants to call yeah you don’t listen to me though I gotta hire a PR private coach to coach it’s crazy listen to me wow right start and six right I don’t I

Don’t have the schedule in front of me but all I need to know is they’re they’re playing the AFC East so they’re going to start 0 and six who’s that this local team the Lo the local entry into the National Football League yeah I mean

So then okay so now they have to win they have to win the next 11 games like if you really you bring in good talent you give them good offensive Talent like the defense is fine like seven of those games we lost were one score games

Believe it or not like with a chance to have the ball at the end if you clean up some of that stuff and get better on special teams the kicker killed us too bad year for the rookie kickers the punter was fine Chad Ryland had some issues gotta straighten that out so why

Did he trade V why did he trade V uh Nick Folk for this guy I go you know it just he went younger Nick’s age he couldn’t kick off Nick couldn’t kick off so I get it Nick you had to keep two kickers one got to kick off one to one

To do field goal and I just think this point young team we need to transition it and um those are the type of picks that hurt him bill you know automatic we had Nick maybe we win seven games and you’re in it you know when Tom was here every one

Of those games where he got the ball with four minutes to go you knew it was just a matter of when when it’s going to happen he’s G he’s going to bring them back now the Patriots don’t have anybody I mean if they pulled off a comfort

Behind win it would be nothing short of a miracle yeah the Buffalo game sort of felt like a miracle yeah yeah yeah and just you can’t beat Washington at home like that’s the worst thing is you gota win the games you’re supposed to win we

Didn’t do any of that I think we’re one and eight at home yeah one horrible and and what about Bill O’Brien wh why did he leave I think he’s going to get in the Huddle at off Ohio State look around say wow this is way better than what I

Had New England life and job easier I mean I know Marvin Harrison’s coming out they said they got three kids there as good as good as him and they got two transfer quarterbacks in they’re line 66 380 you guys are coming in from Alabama right yeah they’re all coming in like

That transfer portal it’s which flavor is the best man we’re going there so they’re loaded up and I think Billy’s gonna go there call his offense and you know sort of revitalize things he got crushed this year unjustifiably so he’s a good play caller he saved Penn State

Did some good things down in Houston Billy’s not a bad coach yeah you know you watch the body language with him and especially with when he was with M Jones he he sit in that bench and you could just you could just see him say I’ve done everything I

Could with this kid and it’s it’s over yeah no vertical passing game nothing none none I I get so pissed off no third down back I know but I I get so pissed off because every every horizontal pass traveled 40 yards for a two yard game

Yeah you know and then there was nothing vertical you watched every one of these games yesterday everybody’s got vertical guys everybody watch these games that’s why you get so mad watching these games like look at the talent Detroit has now the Detroit team three years ago was

Three 13 and one yeah that’s that’s kind of the model too yeah get a young energetic coaching which they got you gotta you gotta figure out the OC uh see part of the problem with Billy and Josh is the old Ron aart passing game uh offense and that was the offense I

Played in it’s hard to learn uh there’s a lot of calls protection there’s a lot of change they they call it reverse the way we call it so you have the play call then the protection the line checks out then you got to change like four things

Thring the play as a quarterback I’d get rid of that and go with one of these young coaches in the McVey thing draft a kid and get him up and running make that transition from college easier there’s too much thinking going on at the line of scrimmage for the offensive talent

That Jan Oh I agree I agree Brady took it another level because he directed everything out there yeah where’s where’s going to end up good question I don’t know I don’t know I thought he would been I thought he would have been great in Dallas actually I

Thought that would I know Bill would be great in Dallas yeah that’s a good one Chargers maybe like Things fall through in Harbaugh Michigan offers a ton of money I’d jump on Vel out there young guy you can still move the family Bill’s Bill’s older I don’t look

At Bill’s being a West Coast guy no quarterback’s too empowered there making 60 million bill is like that you think he’d be any better you think he’d be any better in Atlanta I just find that really hard to conceive of that team won what seven eight games this

Year like Desmond Ritter yeah they’d be better because I think they’re gonna trade for Justin Fields he put fields in that offense you think that’s the way to go he’s got cap space and he’s got no media Market down there to bug him no pressure from the owner they will change everything down

There what about M what about m get along with him no that’s probably it’s probably part of the hangup right now I bet it is yeah because he’s really he’s a real hard ass nope he not he’s not gonna put up with that at this age no

You know his father had one of the greatest lines of all time I went and saw Tampa Bay play the Detroit Lions in the silver Dome uh in 19 I don’t know 76 or so and um um they were on their way to an 0 and 16 season and somebody said

After the game to Dr M K said coach what what do you think about your team’s execution he goes I think it’s a hell of an idea I’m all for it said I’m all for it yep one the great lines of all time can’t say that now you pissed too many

People off man I know but you can be belich because belich doesn’t give a [ __ ] who he pisses off you know yeah doesn’t doesn’t bother him one single bit I’d have a comment or two about certain things and I would always say hey Bill just in case this

Gets back you I said it meaning this I didn’t mean it the way it some people are click baiting at the sound he goes I don’t I don’t give a [ __ ] don’t worry about how’ you like doing the um the the bell trator with belich oh he’s great uh even on bad days

When he lost and a lot of those this past year so you sit there waiting for it as you know we got the plays ready to go kind of moods he gonna come in with but Bill when you start talking football actually stuff about the game he’s fine

Let see all the other crap that he’s on guard waiting for we get the long answers the delay um he was always good with me and you know when I started out with you and made that easy transition you I knew bill from the playing days so you know

That’s one thing I’m gonna miss with that show moving forward we gotta be creative from another standpoint do something with mayo so we got some things in the works but wasn’t Bill waser can’t do that bill was much more much more user friendly when he knew that you had a football background I

Knew that she had a football background and and you and even with Burton although I know I don’t know how well the relationship was but you know with Burton having played at Northwestern and all you know but you know some of the halftime questions in the preseason

You those are what we right oh my God we’ll fix those though we we we fix those yeah the Fifth Quarter is not going to be as much fun they’re gonna lose a big audience I’m sorry to tell you that but people are gonna be bored

No there’s no question you know you had to turn over to 38 to see it and it was must must watch TV as Mike and I both know and after losses yeah yeah it was it was actually better TV when they lost was I understand that when they won yeah

Um people now say how what do you mean by that that’s like well when you’re in the media understand that yeah you know how the how the ballr came to be um at first we had a chalkboard and remember he used to draw the plays up in the chalk P we went 10

Minutes without a break and it was interminable so we split it into two five minute segments and we we talked for five minutes which could be either interesting or it could be like pulling teeth and then we got the the it was a telestrator and a a viewer actually

Wrote in and said why don’t you rename it the bell istrator and I never knew who the who the viewer was to give him credit for uh coming up with that nickname to the Bell istrator but that made the show 1,000% better yeah because

He was into it and he would pick a lot of his own plays even after they lost like a brutal game to the Jets or somebody and you know you know somebody would come down and they’d say all right Bill’s got four plays he’s picked out

You know so and so I said really and uh he he really put a lot of a lot of himself into that he did yeah he took time because he he had to research the place pick him out he’s that stuff means stuff to him like those are the segments

He likes doing yeah and you had to well you were doing the games but like you know like I wasn’t doing the games on Sunday afternoon and if I might have been on apple picking during the first half you know and I came down on Wednesday to a show with him and and

He’d say did you watch the first half Mike he would know right away yep can’t can’t no no uh fly or whatever they say no Stern over turned on him man I’m just looking at the lines for next weekend Baltimore is three-point favorite three point and seven I think three and seven

That’s right seven some you get you get two and a half now Kansas FR a seven touchdown favorite hard going against Kansas City with points and I got the quarterback you know let me ask this let me ask you this though U your your entire career playing and for most

Broadcasting signs plased all over the lock room coming in if you don’t don’t con known Gambler you could even mention the word uh point two words point spread you know and now it’s every other commercial is FanDuel MGM DraftKings you name it um have we gotten past this are

We antiz to all all this stuff that’s going on in the league kind of kind of but you’re a real idiot as a player they come out they come in they meet with you they tell you and if I’m like TI to team which I am I’m not gambling I’m not

Allowed to gamble can’t gamble on NFL games um it’s like Bernie Co Bernie Kosar got whacked working in the media Cleveland for it close to the team working with the team um like that kid um will um Williams from Alabama that Detroit got suspended for gambling um

Who’s a kid in the land of a receiver uh Ridley right yeah um Calvin Ridley get suspended like you’re moreon if you gamble on an NFL and these guys were doing that um it’s clearcut man there’s no third strike get one strike you’re out we’re suspending you you got to be

Stupid to do it you know the opportunity to play in the league but it makes you scratch your head then the league says you can’t do this but we’re in bed with all the you know all the gambling sites DraftKings m b MGM all them bandal you’re not even getting into the college

Level too I mean I that I mean there are morons everywhere that willing to spend their money yeah yeah like gr’s doing a FanDuel commercials Brady’s got one coming out I think yes he does Gretzky was it yeah soy and who’s the third one V Vince V Vince right

Right yeah it’s come around and around and around yeah oh yeah they find a way to make their money you know I was talking Upton a couple weeks ago and still do that huh yeah I still do that I get my fix he uh I wasn’t doing much

Talking that’s that’s okay he uh he’s talking about owners then and now that owners then cared more about the game and owners now aren’t really you know the game isn’t really the most important thing most important thing is you know peacock that’s a whole another story television ratings uh

Thursday night games on and on and on and you know King ter the game 17 games schedule how soon going to be 18 or whatever games extra plays THS night Scott I mean how long can these guys stay on their feet and stay alive literally uh with the kind of punishment

That they’re able to deal out in here the 17th or 18th week of the Season haven’t taken going they’re gonna stretch it out more back to Super Bowl up that thing’s gonna go to 18 and you’re gonna get two preseason maybe no preseason I rest my case that’s I I mean

Don’t you care about their product I know what he’s saying yeah product on the field you guys I grew up in Pittsburgh if you’re The Rudies you’re sitting there in the old three over Stadium just we’re just gonna win Super Bowl we’re just gonna winwin win that’s

All we’re gonna do Al Davis win-win win in that crap Stadium now it’s about who’s got the biggest house who’s got the biggest stadium how do we expand the league outside of the game yeah the game I think is secondary now the NFL is such a big money maker that I mean your

Billionaires come walking into this thing to begin with you know those people are so creative and the people they have under them the sort of advanced things content you guys grew up in media to see the amount of content people we travel with taking pictures downloads right after the game it’s all

About clicks it’s about site site views uh everything’s changing like I like a remote I like to just talking to my xinity remote put the game on put on Bruins you know now you gotta go to a damn stream what the hell I want to go on peacock or whatever stream the Bruins

Were on parama no I don’t like streaming services my kids all have them you know I I yell at them to come in the room put the game on for me right fix it for me I didn’t watch a lot of Thursday night football because I don’t like the sound Amazon was putting

Out it sounds like Al Michaels’s mic’s turned down and everybody else’s is up agre I agree feel sorry for Al Michaels but I actually did when he had some of those dog games on Thursday night but it was like what are you gonna do I mean I

It’s it’s just St keepers of the game and these guys are not keepers of the game yeah I mean the game faster bigger faster stronger injuries happen more like the Rogers thing’s freakish look at the amount of money Jets spend stuff they invested there to build it around

Him how many guys how many guys last night first couple plays go down helmet to helmet Dr like flies unbelievable yeah know I stop Sil all right I’ll shut up Bob ly got might George Gray George Gray George R Le in Toyota if you’re looking

Thinking for a new car go with Bob and I going I’ve gone going for years that’s George Gray selected in Toyota 409 massav in Lexington George Gray will treat you like a member of the family Lobby and I can guarantee it we’ve both been customers for I don’t know 20 or 30

Years I get a car for uh my wife’s got a car for that uh she bought uh thought two years ago from George and uh it’s was satisfied customers we call them the big wheel the big wheel George Grace Lex and Toyota he’s big fan big fan of Yo

And uh you can see him at 409 massab and Lexington Grace lexent Toyota you will not be disappointed I didn’t have a script for that Bob because I forgot it to bring no I saw that you looked really good looking into the camera it was didn’t you

Didn’t you’re a pro you’re just a pro spit it out read it enough you you spit it out totally totally the reason that that ly and I never read any commercials because the news would be over because it takes about 25 minutes for both of us

To to read our commercials let me ask you this the the relationship that you had you and bledo and the teammates with guys like me and Bob the the the the local media guys it’s night and day right now right I mean these guys very very very few of them have relationships

No relationships like you do and I see here’s the thing I don’t know how many of those guys like the the guys that are on TV make their way down to Gillette to be there every day to see them during the locker room time like you guys might

See in postgame like quickly you know it’s hard to build those relationships and there’s so much more uh that guys just look on their phones like all contests quick video clips can’t tell you last time I sat down watched a good stretch of the local news to where you

Know everything’s condensed out to a minute and a half you guys used to be the show you would tune in six o’clock to find out what’s happening in sports at 620 for good four minutes five minutes you don’t get that anymore it’s quick synopsis and by that time everybody already knows everything these

Things are dangerous these phones they are oh you’re right everybody knows I mean you walk in the Lo room everybody’s got their head down there’s no socialization I mean if iich took a job today the way I’d fight out is right under his phone right in my hand oh you

I’d get the es alert right away yeah boom done yeah ABS absolutely it was different and know that I felt like I knew you I knew bledo I knew um you know a lot of you know a lot of guys on the team and do the report right once a week

Yeah yeah and we were gonna name it the Scott zolak show L she after two wins that’s that’s how you know that’s we’ll go down there do it live from outside it yeah did Channel 56 he was on a plane with us I said I’m G to win this game

And then you’re gonna we’re going to go party after it they camera called me around all night it was great what was this place uh over right across from the garden right um yeah that he has he had the greatest bar he built with Le yeah

SJ but U we were we always went to the place and Clarks down in Fu Hall yeah and you know what you know you guys I mean I don’t I’m not trying to put Pat us on the back but like you could go and with us and and you would be guaranteed

That it would say right in that room right there whatever you said whatever you did never was on the six o00 news in Channel 5 or Channel 4 or the front page of the Boston Globe you’re right you won’t see Greg Bard having a beer with

Anybody nope not gonna happen yep yeah I miss those days I I’m I’m glad I worked in the in the era I did work um because I I I made a lot of good friends in the uh you know who were ball players and members of the media and uh I just don’t

See that happening now no you don’t see guys at golf tournaments anymore it’s not like it used to be you know right right absolutely right got get paid paid money to go to them show up at them yeah you’re right serious yeah well hey you got to win a bagel going cross country

With Tom Brady that’s what you got out of this deal right he’s busy he’s got he’s gotta deal with his kids twice every other week so pull that one off so you did a great job today thank you so much you guys you guys are the best man anytime you need anything let

Me know all right you’re doing a great job too and I hope you like your what you’re doing where you doing love it love it 9 doing a great job zo you were born to do this and you were doing a great job I knew I

Knew the minute first minute you came on um Petri all ACC said this guy is going places if you’re not gonna be a coach you might as well take it a notch higher and be a broadcaster that’s right I just finished my 11th year call games you

Know we’ve done four or five Super Bowls we have we had it good man we sure did yep you sure did appreciate you guys thank you right all right folks make sure you follow

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