Golf Players

Jared Goff EARNED His FLOWERS It’s Time For HATER’S To PAY Up!

And you know who the hell you are!

#detroitlions #onepride #nfl

For nearly the last three years Jared G’s critics made him into a personal punching bag for Anytime something went wrong with the Lions but now nobody’s doing out any more punches it’s time to start doing out some flowers we’re going to talk about it in today’s episode

Folks so stay tuned we used to be a team no one respected we used to be a team no one feared that was then this is now first victory of the year on the line golf’s got it back looks grow and you know who we are F End Zone

Touchdown Detroit Lions and you know where to find us we won’t be far we’ll be on your front porch waiting for you we are the new Air allons and we are driven by Detroit hello everyone and welcome back to yet another episode of MCM Motor City

Mania I’m your host David T Pike and as always we’re diving in but before we dive in I just want to say thank you all to my loyal fans and subscribers that are coming back to the show I just want to say thank you all for everything that

You do and also thank you all for getting us to 4,000 subscribers it absolutely means the world to me that we have regained so much ground since the termination of my old Channel but I’m so thankful for each and every one of you all and to those that are tuning into my

Show for my very first time for the very first time pardon me I just want to say thank you all for tuning in I hope youall enjoy the content but even more so I hope to gain you own subscribers if I’ve earned and deserved it and with

That being said to everybody I just want to say God bless I hope youall are having a great day and if you guys were there to watch the game last night you are most certainly having a great day but with that let’s dive into the show so here’s the thing folks Jared

Gof when we talk about the quarterback of the Detroit Lions when we talk about any one of the four polarizing positions in Detroit sports it’s definitely a conversation that causes controversy it causes friction for fans and I’m talking about point guard of the Pistons goalie of the Red Wings pitcher of the Tigers

Quarterback of the Lions all four of those positions are going to cause controversy and they’re going to cause controversy because those are the positions that get the most scrutiny they also get the most praise but they also get the most scrutiny when we talk about the Detroit Lions quarterback

Jared GF for the last damn near 3 years anytime anything went wrong whether it was Go’s fault or not the man was nothing more than a personal punching bag for a lot of people in both National media and in local Detroit sports media but when you take a look at this

Game that gol just had against the Rams where the Lions won their first playoff game in 30 plus years you have to take a look at it from a couple perspectives before we can get into this conversation so first let’s take a look at it from the perspective

Of Jared G like let’s just think about it from his perspective for Jared G this playoff win over the Rams probably to him was nothing more in the sense of he wanted to win this game for the Lions fans and for the city of Detroit because

He was fulfilling a promise to the Lions fans in the city that he was going to win a playoff game for them that he was going to win for them that that was what his ultimate desire was to win a playoff game for the city and fans the Detroit

Lions um no I think you know I so badly want to win a game for this city and win a playoff game for this city that hasn’t had one in so long we got a home playoff game for the first time in so long so for Jared G that was checking off that

Box was like listen I made a promise I fulfilled the promise now it’s to add even more onto it so that’s the perspective from Jared G I’d be willing to bet but then you have to think about it from this other perspective that may or may not have a connotation or connection

To Jared go or at the very least that golf would him himself would probably never admit to at least right now that this game this playoff win that jarro gol had against the Rams is kind of a measure of Revenge for Jared G against his old organization his Old Coach the

Rams and Shawn McVey and getting Vindication for who and what he is as a quarterback when how the freaking Rams lesne McVey completely and callously discarded him as if he was nothing more than a piece of trash so for some people this might seem as a measure of Revenge

Or a vind a Vindication game if you will for Jared G and I don’t know whether G feels that way or not but I’m pretty sure at some point in the future it may or may not come out but not right now but perhaps more than anything other

Than the fact of gol winning a game for the Lions faithful this game perhaps was kind of the final nail in the coffin to all of golf’s detractors haters critics for the stupid asinine arguments that they had posed against him and finally putting the total and complete validation of his value and

Worth of as a player to the Lions organization and team now why does this matter well in most people’s circumstances it probably wouldn’t but when we’re talking about sports media we’re talking about lion Sports media Detroit sports media it definitely carries a lot of weight it definitely is important it definitely matters why

Because what do we know about sports media everybody has an opinion you’re entitled to that opinion but here’s the problem when you start taking sides and you start taking liberties with that it’s going to have a price it’s going to have a consequence especially when it

Comes to the Lions now why is that the case well it the case is because you have fans like myself that are very positive we’re very open-minded we have a lot of Hope for the future we have a lot of Reason to Believe In the players

That we have versus fans that have had to come along very very slowly to where we’re at that have criticized and rebuked certain players especially Golf and have not believed as readily as what we have seen out of Campbell and this group of lions organizational uh you

Know Personnel that we’ve had over the last couple of years so when you start thinking about that it carries a great deal of weight why well let’s think about it one way or the other somebody was going to say something about it the negative people had Jared G lost they

Were going to start saying oh this is the reason why Jared golf is this D this is just the opposite end of it what this is now saying though is that listen for all those that were negative wanted to tear down Golf and the Lions it’s time

For you to start laying out some heavy heavy amount of flowers it’s time for you to start issuing apologies it’s time for you to admit you were wrong and that’s what this episode is is to tell people that wanted to tell Jared GF that he was nothing that wanted to tell

People that the Lions thought he was nothing you were wrong it’s time for you to admit it and it’s time for you to start handing out your flowers to him because he’s earned them so let’s get down to that list the first group of people on this list or rather the first

Two people we’re going to talk about that seriously need to issue apologies seriously need to give Jared G and the Lions their flowers is Dan Orlowski and Chris Sims here’s the reason why number one Orlowski and Chris Sims they are probably the undesirables of quarterbacks right now when it comes to

Not only former quarterbacks that now have shows of their own but also in the sense that they never did anything while they were in the NFL they had no recognition other than just poor play or just moments where it was just like what the hell’s going on case in point

Orlowski running out of the back of the end zone with the Vikings but the point of the matter is both of these guys on podcast or on their shows whatever the case was cuz Sims is with PFT pro football talk owski is with ESPN they’ve had no problem in the past saying that

Oh the Lions this the lions that golf this golf that they have no problem saying in the past that they or him were mediocre average that g was a bridge quarterback whatever have you and like I said they’ve had no problem in the past

To take a take a jab at the Lions and say well I don’t think that the Lions because of this that and the other thing over their past history are going to win this game or that game case in point I know a lot of lions fans remember this

Who here remembers no more than a day or so ago when Dan rowski on that ESPN panel along with four others all said that the Rams were going to beat the Lions now granted none of them said that the Rams were going to be beat us by a

Whole lot but they still all said that the Rams were going to win even though Vegas had the odds of us winning more so than the L more so than the Rams and 63% of Americans thought we were going to win before kickoff last night but yet

All of these supposed analysts who all said that they thought they knew all were proven wrong I think it’s time that they say that they were wrong I think it’s time that they admitted they were in need of an apology I think it’s time that they start dishing out some heavy doses of

Flowers so that right there is that but at the same time talking about GF these two had no problem trying to say this is the type of quarterback Jared GF is he’s not that he is this blah blah blah blah blah and all the time it was mostly negative and average connotations

Towards golf rather than to showing him that yeah he is a gritty quarterback he is a great quarterback he is a perfect fit for what the lions are looking for yes he is going to be their franchise quarterback for years and years to come golf has proven them wrong every single

Step of the way so that’s group number one group number two this has been one I have been waiting probably a good solid year two years to go after the Woodward heavyweights Spencer and easy I’m going to say this right now perhaps no media show in the entirety of Detroit sports

Media and I don’t really give a thunder what they think or what Woodward thinks perhaps no media show has shown such little respect or total disdain for who Jared G is perhaps more so than the heavyweights and of the two probably easy because every stinking year we

Heard from either one or both of them that they wanted to get a new quarterback as long as gol was the quarterback because they thought Jared go was never going to do or amount to anything more than a pile of beans here in Detroit every single draft it was the

Same thing the Lions need to draft this quarterback the Lions need to draft that quarterback they need to get Jared G’s replacement blah blah blah blah blah blah blah because what did they say especially easy oh Jared G’s a mediocre quarterback oh Jared golf’s a bridge quarterback blah blah blah heard the

Same old tired dumb ridiculous narrative out of those two clowns all the time and yes I’m going to say clowns because hey you know what if CJ GJ can get away with it I can but here’s the thing the thing about it that makes them clowns isn’t necessarily the fact of their opinions

Because you know what they’re entitled to have their opinions what makes them clowns is the fact that they have their opinions and and then they do exactly what everybody that has been a golf detractor or critic has done over the last three years anytime that golf

Matches what they said he could not do they move the damn goal posts oh Jared G’s a mediocre or Bridge quarterback he’s never going to be or good here in Detroit Jared G surpassed that Jared gol’s no longer a bridge quarterback Brad Holmes said from the very first

Press conference that he wasn’t a bridge quarterback so really from from Day Zero freaking golf already proved that one wrong Holmes already proved that one wrong but you know what golf had to go out and prove them wrong with his play did that one check that box off then we

Heard for a long time easy saying oh well you know what the Lions can’t keep golf because he’s too expensive they can’t build a winning franchise around Jared golf because he’s too expensive you have to have a quarterback that has less than XYZ amount of salary cap in

Order to win well here’s the thing one thing I know about salary cap the one thing I know about contracts is that you can do whatever the Thunder you want with salary cap you can do whatever the Thunder you want with contracts because you can make numbers go and disappear

And a reappear all you want because that’s what the NFL does they either pay it out in bonuses they do some sort of freaking you know incentives however they need to do it to make it work within the salary cap they figure it out so for me that never made any amount of

Sense to me because it’s like listen you can do whatever you want with the salary cap don’t mean too much and seeing as how the lions are doing pretty good with salary caps because they have what what is it like $80 million due for next season I think salary Cap’s not a

Problem but then again after that whole goal post was moved on now it was apparently how Jared G won’t ever win in Detroit Jared G is not going to be able to play in big games he’ll fold Under Pressure he’s a he’s a statue blah blah blah blah blah all things about how

Jared go can’t do this G can’t do that but yet let’s see here how many Prime Time games did we win with Jared gof how many playoff games have we already won with Jared G oh that’s right more games than we’ve lost so yet again that argument has been proven in invalid by

Jared goff’s own play so once again easy and Spencer from the Woodward heavyweights have been proven wrong all showing that they are been too stubborn to actually admit the truth when they’re wrong and that they would much rather push a false narrative and push it to the further extremes

Rather than just saying hey you know what we got it wrong and there’s nothing wrong when saying you’re wrong but this is one of those times where it’s like yeah here you go Jared Goff here’s your flowers we were wrong the third group third out of four

Is the so fans and the ex Stafford fans now I’m going to say this right now fans are a hard group to convince because again they have a lot of Trauma from years past so I can’t really fault them too much for this but ex Stafford fans

Oh yes I can because I can’t tell you how many times I have gotten into arguments I have gotten into back and forth sessions with people that want to say Jared Go’s not going to be who Stafford was Jared G is not Stafford Jared go will never be this that or the

Other thing and it’s like you know what pardon me you’re right Jared G isn’t Matthew Stafford Jared G and Matthew Stafford are completely different but I’ll tell you this right now the reason why they’re different is because Jared G is a better quarterback than Matthew Stafford ever was here in Detroit

Because let me let me rephrase this for you Jared Goff is in Stafford because Goff actually wanted to division Crown here in Detroit Stafford never did Jared G has won a playoff game here in Detroit Stafford never did Even though Stafford had three cracks at it all three of them

With the greatest wide receiver possible to play with still couldn’t do it so yeah for me that right there already proves that those thoughts those those kinds of theories all are wrong because every statement that those old so fans that wanted to cling to Stafford or say

That golf was never going to do anything cuz the lions were never going to do anything all it shows is they simply could not let go of the past to look and embrace the future and in essence they just got left behind here’s the point I understand there’s animosity and there

Was you know all this tense relationship from the lions in the past and there’s trauma and all this stuff but it’s like listen if you can’t let the pass go if you can’t if you can’t leave the baggage at the freaking train station and just

Walk away and say hey you know what it’s a new day let’s start over you’re going to get constantly left behind and that’s what for us new air Alliance fans the brand new alliance fans when we saw when we saw golf when we saw Campbell we were

Like listen this is a chance to start over get on board let’s start moving forward for those that didn’t they got left behind at the station and now they’re trying to catch up and it’s like listen you came too late to the party so that’s group number three now

Finally this is what I want to explain here when it comes to the whole golf versus Stafford narrative cuz again I know some people have told me in the the past they don’t like when I bring up stats because you can’t use stats to explain everything well let’s be fair

And honest here this one you can and for those that want to tell me that I don’t know what I’m talking about I would think by now you guys would stop saying I don’t know what I’m talking about because when it’s come to Jared go I’ve been proven right at every single turn

NE not necessarily because you know just because I said it it was right but because Jared G not only proved himself right but he proved me right so now you’re going to sit there and you’re going to listen to what I have to say and not argue with me on this point at

Least once cuz let’s think about it here in this year alone in the Prime Time games in the playoff game that Jer golf just play here’s what golf has done in those games 161 completions to 239 attempts for 67.4 completion percentage rate almost 1,00 passing yards 12

Touchdowns to four picks with a 101 passer rating and he’s 5-2 in those games I would like anybody I would dare you to go back to a time when when Matthew Stafford did anything close to that because let’s think about this Jared G has a 3 to1 touchdown interception ratio is almost completing

68% of his passes has literally got over a 100 plus passer rating and oh by the way has won five out of seven of those games in one year I would like to see Stafford have done that with the Lions because I can guarantee you this ain’t never going to

Happen it didn’t happen even with Megatron around even when Golden Tate was around that one year even when they had the number three ranked defense that year it didn’t happen but then when you go even further into this take a look at what golf did in the playoffs versus

What Stafford did in the playoffs with the Lions golf last night against the Rams was 22 of 27 for nearly 82 completion percentage rate nearly 300 passing yards one touchdown to no interceptions with a 1 12 1.8 passer rating and a 74.6 qbr that’s about as good as a QB is

Going to play without just being absolutely FL Flawless and perfect G literally missed the same amount of throws that I have on one hand he missed five throws that right there is the definition of Clutch and precision especially in a game like last night where literally all the narrative is on

You the quarterback the quarterback that got traded away from this team the quarterback that got traded for the guy that’s now on your old team whereas said quarterback that I was just referring to how did Matthew Stafford do it with the Lions when he went to the playoffs on three separate

Well first and foremost he lost all three of those games but Stafford was 74 of 117 for 63.2 completion percentage rate 98 yards four touchdowns with three interceptions with an 87.8 pass rating that is pitiful that’s horrible considering that you had the greatest wide receiver to throw to in all three

Of those games if I recall correctly and if not at least two of them and you still couldn’t get it done that to me right there just tells me that This Jared G has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt because of the fact he’s got the division Crown the fact

That he has the playoff win something that no quarterback in Detroit Lions history has done in the last 30 plus years that he is the better Detroit Lions QB over Matthew Stafford and I said this in an early episode I’ll put that one back up at the top so you guys

Can reference it this happened over a month ago but the last group I want to talk about here really quickly that really deserve to give Jared golf some damn flowers are the head and hooker delusional fans now don’t get me wrong hen and hooker may or may not start for

The Lions later on in the future because I know there are people are like David I don’t know why you are just all about Golf and not about hooker I’ll give you all the perfect reasons why I’m not about hooker he’s too old he’s coming

Off of an injury and it just makes no sense considering the fact that Jared G is in his prime and we can see what a prime Jared go can do because oh that’s right he just won a playoff game and won a division Crown kind of hard to argue

With the results now isn’t it but don’t tell that to the hooker fans that have been all about H and hooker because they’re all like oh whenever jarro G had a problem or jarro G was going through a rough patch put in hon hooker put him in

Let’s play him right I’m GNA say this right now look me Square dead in the face do you honestly think that henon hooker was going to play better than Jared gof do you honestly think that hen and hooker would have gotten us to a division Crown Victory this year do you

Honestly think that henen hooker would have won a one-point differential playoff Victory against the Rams and Aaron Donald do you honest honestly think for one second be honest with yourselves that henen hooker was going to do anything that Jared G did this year with the Detroit Lions Jared G

Finishing second in passing yards tied fourth in passing touchdowns top 10 in passer rating you honestly want to tell me that henah hooker as a 25-year-old rookie who literally has not won a bowl game in college was somehow going to take us to a division championship and

Win the first playoff game for the Detroit Lions in the last 30 plus years look me dead Square in the face and try and tell me that because I’ll tell you this right now I will call you a liar cuz there is no way you would ever sell

Me that load of goods again I have a nice saying and it’s going to be a little flamboyant here but take it for what it is don’t piss on my back and call it rain I know the difference and that right there the delusional hooker fans it’s like Listen Hooker is not

Taking Snaps for the Lions as a starter anytime soon because here’s what I can tell you because of what jarro go has done this year he’s going to get himself a nice fat contract extension it’s probably to be a 3 to foure contract extension worth about $160 to $200

Million for a quarterback that’s getting paid that much he ain’t sitting anytime soon which means hen and hooker is going to be learning behind Jared G which is exactly what Dan Campbell and Brad Holmes said he was going to do which means that by the time hen and hooker

Gets a chance to play he’ll be about the same age that Jared G is right now which let me ask you this question does it really make sense to start a quarterback when they’re 2930 years old and that’s the first time they’re taking starting reps again I don’t think so the last

Couple of quarterbacks that have done that with you know Chris Winky and brandan Weeden neither of them did very well but again you stick to that narrative all you want here’s what I’m just going to say the argument’s over and done with the debate is dead Jared G has proven he

Is the franchise quarterback Jared G has proven that he is him in Detroit Jared G is and going to be here for a long time and so for those that don’t like him those that don’t like his style of play I just got one thing to say to y’all get

The hell over it because it ain’t changing anytime soon because you want to know what stands by for Jared golf success it’s that Banner that hangs in the rafter 2023 NFC North division champs and that’s all anyone’s got to say to the golf critics plus that in a

Playoff win for the first time in 30 plus years but that’s just added cherry on top but having said that I think I’ve more than made my point so I’m just going to say thank you all all for watching in another episode of MCM Motor City Mania if you liked what you saw

Which I suspect for some people you didn’t but so be it I just want to say please make sure you do one of these three things or all three of them like comment subscribe to the channel if you like what you saw by all means I highly

Encourage you all to watch the next episode but I also highly encourage you please to do this as well please if you subscribed in the past you forgot to do so at the time or you just subscribed and have not had a chance to do so first

And foros make sure you subscribe but also if you subscribed and like I said forgot to do so make sure you turn on that notification icon at the bottom so that way you never miss any more content that I push out again subscription numbers are always going up but let’s

Make sure we turn on that notification icon as well and also to help in that endeavor I ask you to share this content with your Lions friends and family members share here on YouTube share it on Twitter share it on Facebook share anywhere and everywhere that you can

With everybody and anybody that you can with that being said folks I just want to say to the Lions fans and the faithful that finally got to watch a a lions playoff Victory God bless I hope youall enjoyed this content I hope to have gained you all’s new subscribers if

I hadn’t done so in the past and I hope you are all all having just an absolutely fantastic day and until the next time we meet I’ll see you all in the next Episode


  1. Goff doesnt have the arm talent of Stafford, but hes got that killer in him and you can see it. Stafford is rough as hell, but Goff has a stregnth of character, dealing with the critics since the trade. They won a SB title, but we definitely won that trade.

  2. Here's my issue with Dan Orlovsky this guy gets on ESPN First Take and suggests Dallas Cowgirls take our defensive coordinator, Aaron Glenn.

    Why does the national media never suggest certain teams to look at Kansas City Chiefs coordinators or The Ravens?

    Why do these bozos get on air and feel comfortable trying to weaken the Lions?

    Rather, it's Ben Johnson or Aaron Glenn.

    We never hear them mention any other teams.

  3. it was sobering to see that McVay treats Stafford the same way he treated Goff. On crucial downs, McVay takes the ball out of his QB's hands. Dan must know this too and he played McVay like a fiddle. That is why Dan took the holding call and replayed third down. It stoked McVay's anxieties. True to form, McVay punted on 4th and long. But Dan was not done doling out some poetic justice. On 2nd and 9, Dan put the ball in Goff's hands. McVay always took the ball out of Goff's hands. McVay always sabotages his own QB's. Yes, the crowd made communication for the Rams offense difficult. But it has always been difficult because McVay second guesses himself and will change the play at the last second for his QB. He did that for Goff all the time. The best thing McVay does as a coach is run down the sideline to call a timeout before the play clock hits zero.

  4. What is funny I have watched both ESPN today and the NFL network all they want to talk about is the fricking Cowgirls game!!!

  5. One of the most basic and probably most realistic problem with the S O L fans is that they're just plain negative. To me a very simple and I think accurate analogy is that in handling the L (in this case meaning Loss) you don't get destroyed by it; you simply use it as a Learning experience AND move on to the next game

  6. Dave, you're the man, under the man. Goff Nay Sayers are ignorant people. They're like trumpers, no matter how much truth you show them. They can't see it , because they don't want too!!! And a person, who can't admit, that they were wrong about anything. All you can do, is to thank God, that you don't possess such a sad Character flaw!!!
    You've made our point on Goff, a long time ago!!!
    Good show!!!

  7. This is a happy day and Goff deserves his flowers. He made a helluva clutch throw last night. So can't we just celebrate the win instead of making these declarations about anything. Can we for once agree to just enjoy the ride? At the end of the day the argument against Goff from the Rams was that they had hit their ceiling with Goff and that was true. Stafford won the SB. Two things can be true. Stafford was the right QB for what they needed at the time and Goff is the right QB for the Lions right now. Now as we go forward we will all see how it goes. This team should be able to make noise. Home field advantage next game and will most likely be favored. If Goff is the franchise QB you claim he is he will keep proving it like all the greats before him. Otherwise love what Goff did last night but let it play out.

  8. Badgley kicked the game winner but none of you drama queens mention that cuz you love the chit chat and story line more than the game, grow a pair or go back to middle school.

  9. I wonder how long it will take for the SOL crowd starts back on the Hooker bs again. Anyone with half a brain knows that Hooker was drafted to be a backup to Goff.

  10. I've said it ever since the Rams loss to the Patriots in the superbowl…Goff was not the issue, yes, he was still a little green, still wasn't great under pressure. But he has ALWAYS had the talent needed to bring a team over the edge. He's improved since being in Detroit and he's got the clutch gene. Goff is my guy, and mark my words. He's gonna be the guy to bring a Lombardi back to Detroit sometime in the near future.

  11. I'm looking at Hooker like a Jordan Love. Love sat behind Rodgers for 3 years I think and look at Love now. Let Hooker sit behind Goff and learn everything

  12. Goff punched back, in his own way. That being said… The Lions can still improve by getting a few select players. Another edge, a fresh corner. Defensive linesmen etc. And a new Defensive Coordinator ( Glenn will be leaving for a head coaching job. Johnson might stay if we don't win the Superbowl.)

  13. I have a question for you who makes the ticket prices for this weekends game? I just watched a short from channel 4 they said they are going for $1,000 bucks! I'm curious who sets the prices?

  14. I can’t stand Woodward sports. They have no credibility in my book. Clowns! Classic. Every time I get the Woodward channel appearing on my YouTube. I ignore..but now I’m going to block them totally.

  15. Goff is very good and the team was built around him . He deserves credit for his performance as For Stafford lions offense is clearly superior to Rams are depending on two or three players to win the game for them. Lions whole team are over all better especially offensive line. And I think MCDC out coached McVeigh. I have watched the lions the last 50 years finally we are not a clown show. What ever is decided as far as quarterback I am good with it. This management team will do what is best for the team.

  16. General Goff has shown great above average decisions and processing for a long time , but the subject you again address is spot on its time to give the man his credentials from his haters, the man can just win and prove his worthiness continually , his worth has been tremendous he gives and does make our team top tier without a doubt , and we can play with anybody when he's playing because of all his intangibles, he's a champion be honest detractors give him his due .

  17. The only thing you got wrong was Stafford did not have Calvin Johnson in the 2017 playoff game. He retired in 2015.

  18. I'd congratulate you on the win and a game well played but your team is as dirty as the city is. The same organization that made Barry retire early and forced Calvin into early retirement chooses to bag on Stafford when no one in the last 30 years has a winning record in Detroit until now. You got that because Stafford left, you all set a record for the worst record in history which helped you get draft capital along with what you hauled in for the trade. The Rams were even nice enough to pay Goff's salary for you.

    Yours truly an actual Lions fan that hates to see his former city win with a losers mentality. Detroit Mumford class of 95, 8 mile, and Livernois.

  19. Stafford asked to be traded. He wanted to break up. Who truly thinks they love their ex that left them? Losers. Time for people to move on from Stafford. He sleeps in another bed. Not ours.

  20. The Lions have a much better team than they ever had when Stafford was here. I'm a fan of Goff but let's be real Stafford has more skill than Goff.

  21. I agree with you whole heartedly, those fools at Woodward don't know their asses from their elbows when it comes to football and especially when it comes to Goff. Hopefully someone at the network will come to the realization that they only deal on sensationalism and not facts. One Pride

  22. I love Goff, But that stretch from weeks 11-12, with his 3 ints and those fumbles really made me question if he was the future of the team. HE has proved me wrong. Those were a couple fluke games, and are not the norm. I love Goff's conservative, bullet, passes. Most of the time, he's going for a 10-15 yard pass to move the sticks. That's all I ask for. He's done more for the lions that Stat Padford could. Yes, Stafford made games watchable in the 2010's, but when push came to shove he couldn't win us a division or playoff game. Goff has. Let's get that Lombardi Baby!!!

  23. No He IS Not Better Than M.Stafford….THEY ARE BOTH GREAT QUARTERBACK'S ❤ Just That NOW IS THE TIME FOR J.GOFF ❤❤❤😂❤😂😂😂😂😂😂😊😊😊😊😊😊❤❤❤😂😂😂😊😊😊ANS THE LION'S ❤❤❤❤❤❤ Thank You for informing

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