Golf Players

Harrison Endycott: Australian PGA Tour Player&Q School Winner, featuring Netflix series ‘The Turn’

Welcome to Episode 43 with PGA Tour Player Harrison Endycott who recently just came off winning the PGA Tour Q School. Harrison is my type of guy! Super kind, humble, and a deep thinker! We talk all things playing on the PGA Tour.


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Take Care,

All right welcome to the golf welcome to the golf coach podcast harison how you going man good thanks so much for having me I appreciate it man I’m excited to have you on I’m excited to have you on I uh I’ve had lots of um golf coaches lately and conversations can get you

Know a little bit Technical and I think it’s really cool and people always are asking from a kind of players perspective and um you know I’ve had some really good responses when I’ve had uh I had Trav on Trav SM you know Trav oh yeah Travy Travy and I played a lot

Of golf together with good bar and I haven’t spoken to tr for a while actually but I mean to give him a call but um yeah now Trev and I man we we used to room room together every week out there it was awesome so I haven’t

Seen he’s playing well he’s playing good he’s uh like he’s um yeah no he’s every time he he just seems to pop up at the right times I noticed on the schedule it’s like he you know when he has to play well he always seems to you know go

And get it done and and you know go go play some good golf and um you know it’s he’s just living a life traveling and and playing all around everywhere so trev’s uh trev’s a hard worker and um he’s a good player good friend too yeah

He’s he’s a he’s a good guy he is living the life man he’s in Thailand for a couple of weeks now and he’s just it like he he and it’s good to see him playing well I caught up with him in India a few years back Harrison and like

He was struggling a bit on the Asian 2 when he first got out there and I think the transition from em to golf to professional golf was easy for him and yeah he was uncomfy but now he just seems so comfortable out there right he just loves he seems to love Asia the

Middle East and you know that run like it’s every time I talk to him or you know we’ve chatted it’s you know he’s always like looking forward to going to you know places like India Singapore um you know um uh you know Bangladesh even like it’s just these random places is that like

You wouldn’t even think have a golf tournament he’s going to go play and um he’s always pumped I mean you know like to me that stuff gets old it’s like [ __ ] that um you know I I you need time like I played the Latin tour for you know for

You know for two years before I got onto the corn fairy tour and and and that was that was awesome like some cool places there um some really really fun fun places but um you know you’re playing for no money it’s tough like you’re

There for a reason to get off it and it just hardens you up down there just you know it’s it it teaches you how does everything go wrong how to make it right and um you know I think I think Trevy I think the feel the places trav’s uh gone

And played I think he would have learned that for sure yeah it’s I think as well like um so yeah Travis we’ve listened to the episode before he was down a few episodes for people listening but he I think when you’re playing in Asia 2 right and sometimes you like you’re

Playing in the states right you just want to be comfortable I think at times like you you you want that Western kind of typical um situation you know like a nice house clean tap water you know food that you know you’re not going to get

Sick and you kind of can get through the routines but um it’s a little bit uncomfortable sometimes traveling through Asia so did you did you say you played did you play it on the is it the Latin America um to yeah yeah played down in South America um it was great it

Look it it was cool met a lot of good people down there um you know a lot of guys I played with ended up getting getting on the tour and and and and coming up through that program um for me you know when we made that decision to

Go play there you know I came off the world Amer teams I think I was I was top 10 in the world as an Amer I was in the eyes now Cup teams I was you know like we I was spoonfed you know I was treated like a

Top 10 Pro in the world like you when when you’re in all those when you’re in all those programs and stuff and when you’re you know traveling and you getting everything paid for and stuff like that and like my team was very good at understanding that um we needed

To we we needed to harden up we needed to um we needed to you know get a a system going to what the grind’s really about and um for us it was you know we needed to go to a place where you know how do we play well when everything’s

Going wrong um you know there’s no Transportation you got to Uber to the golf course you you’re hitting yellow Pentacles in a a net um no player dining like it was I look at I look back at all that stuff down you know and

It’s it’s it’s a great um it was a great stepping stone I encourage a lot of people to go do I encourage a lot of people to go do um routes like that um especially in golf cuz you know even on the pg2 you have you have a lot of things go wrong

Like off the golf course um you know with flights and accommodation and what you name it and um you got to have some backbone to handle all that I reckon that’s what a really good way of looking at it because I think you know some of the older generation who listening to

This would definitely agree with that’s the difference between today’s kids right growing up is that everything’s spoonfed and easy for them and um you know when the times get tough they don’t get tested they come out of uni expecting to have you know a top tier

Job or you know these and you see there’s only a few Tiger Woods’s right like Tiger Woods’s first tournament he took a he took a private jet you know like that’s that’s one individual nah kids are got to the kids got to harden up yeah I say it all the time like kids

Are soft as they’re soft as anything like they got to you know like geez you got everything paid for by m and dad at universities and golf coaches and all this type of stuff and then you know you’re you’re complaining that you’re you’re staying at a fourstar hotel

Instead of a fivestar like [ __ ] like go and play go play in Bangladesh go play in South America and tell me what you know like tell me how to get out of stuff like when when things are going wrong you know it’s like that’s like it’s a different world now and um you

Know and I think obviously we we we’ve got a lot more access to a lot of luxuries now you know at different you know yearly earnings of what people make so um not like it used to be but yeah no I encourage these kids to you know stop

Suling go hard not when you go play golf but and and from a golfing perspective as well is um you know I’ve it’s a good opportunity to you know go to these mini tours or these these tours and also put a season together you know what I mean like

Actually put a season together learn how to play Four rounders consistently it’s not like you know every couple of four rounders every couple of months it’s like learn to put a season together learn to play four rounds learn to travel work week to week like go play

Four weeks in a row you know I’ve got a schedule coming up plan four in a row um in two different countries you know it’s just it’s just that’s what you do in this line of work it’s your job like it’s um I’m see everyone every golf is a

CEO every you got to go do what you got to do and um you know and I I I think like and and to be fair like you you actually see that a lot on the corn free you see rookies get on the corn free tour and they start scheduling you know

Like they start scheduling like the Scotty Sheffer and Justin Thomas and these guys like it’s like no no no like dude if you got to go play seven weeks in a row you go play seven weeks in a row like it’s just your job is to get

Off that tour and and get on the biggest tour so you put the yards in now hopefully one day you’re in a you’re in a position where you can go schedule and that’s and I’m still kind of on that little that little I’m like right in between that on that train track right

Now I’m on a I’m in a position where it’s like we can kind of schedule but I still you know I’ve got to earn my way into the majors I got to earn my way into the big tournaments I got to earn I’ve still got to earn that category so

In the end of the day it’s like if you know if I got to go play I’ve got to go play yeah I get you man I get you and and and um it’s one of the things you hear a lot about when someone wins early

In the year who you know may not have been in that position prior and it’s kind of like um they get the opportunity to map out their year pretty much straight away because of when the PJ tour you see like because they got obviously Masters players and

And you can see that they can get that done but up until something like that happens early in the season you’re just signing up right and just kind of I mean and you also see the schedule changes for a lot with guys like you see you

Know we’re probably going to see a lot of it this year too on tour where you know you get guys who play they might they might go play a bunch early and then take time off in the middle um depending on where they are um and then

You get some guys who um I saw a number of guys had a bit more of a quieter earlier season and they started picking up weeks later on um it all changes you know and like and everyone’s goals change too you know like you see like

You know you get a guy that goes and wins three times in the next you know six seven weeks like that guy’s Now goal has completely changed on I’m going to try and win the FedEx Cup and you know I’m going to schedule a little bit

More I might take this time off and play less around the Mages and then I might play more at the back end of the season going into the playoffs so I’m fresh and ready to go um but then you get a guy like Lucas Glover you know last year he

Played everything he played everything leading in and and then what a a might W wind them and then won the FedEx and Jud like it was incredible like it it changes changes in the blink of an eye you know and it’s just um and you and

You got to make that gamble you got to make it is gambling you are in the end of the day we’re all professional gamblers and we’re gambling against our own ability to where we can play our best at you know yeah yeah I I understand that hey but let’s

Let’s yes you know what I was just talking to one of my players about this yesterday literally about this yesterday about he was talking about how certain courses he was frustrated with his driver because it’s some certain courses he can’t play well at and I was like yeah

You know what I said everyone everyone in the world has their preferences of golf courses you know like what they’re suited to absolutely you know and I said I know you’re a little bit frustrated with this but you smash it you know 123 mph like it’s it’s we’re going to it’s

Going to come back don’t worry about it but don’t let it don’t think that you have to become this kind of Fairway finding Guru you know let’s just dominate the courses that you can play well at so it’s funny I just had this conversation literally just yesterday

Hey but tell me um let’s talk about what’s just happened recently like I was talking to my friends at the gym right watching you play a lot we got all the TV screens at the gym and um obviously anyone’s got a golf question right they come talk to me like

What do you looking screen for what you looking screen for I was like mate this guy Harrison I said he’s playing in um PGA 2 or whatever you want to call Q School Final Round And I said this is probably in my opinion like the mentally toughest tournament in

The world right like to go to go watch people playing because you know with you don’t get your result you don’t get your result right like you’re literally playing for it and you went and just recently won would you is it called pj2 Q school is that is

That what you call it yeah it’s just a different I mean it’s the first year the tour has gone back to Q school cuz you know back in the day they used to do it and I think it was 25 guys got their cards or might have been more um you

Know and then outside that got full I think it might have been the Nike tour the Nationwide tour at that time and then it was broken down and then obviously they they moved away from that system and and went into you know the the corn fairy tour um way and at the

Time I think obviously it was still Nationwide or and all that type of stuff so it was and and they went away from that system and now they’re starting to try to come back a little bit with that um you know and it was a

Weird one because it was it’s the first time in a while where guys lost their jobs but hadn’t lost their jobs playing you know back in the day it was like if you you know if you’re a CUO you didn’t have a job like you were you know you

Were picking up for your job it was very stressful I’ve done a few of them and I hope the one I did recently was the last one I ever have to do but um but there’s never guarantees in life um but you know it’s just um it was a really weird week

Because you had so many different scenarios with guys you had guys like me who I didn’t have a year I wanted last year on the PGA tour came back I had I have job security I had guaranteed starts out there this year um and I’m playing for New status but it’s

Like I have starts so it’s like okay like I can treat it two different ways here I can treat as a training week and not care or I can you know really you know free it up and and let it go and and and work on some new things that I

Was working on previously and put that to test under pressure and that’s what we did so but then you had guys that were just missed out on their PJ tour cards through the corn fairy tour now they got an opportunity to play their way onto the PGA tour

But they’ve got job security they got their full status on the corn tour so like you had those guys then you had the mini tour guys who had nothing which one got in right yeah I think a couple I think a couple ended up getting in um

Yeah I mean and and the cool thing is to like the guys that got their cards out of that couldn’t they don’t deserve they don’t they deserve that as much as anyone like a nice guys and and they’re really humbled guys and um it was it I think the right people behind obviously

Me who got I think got their cards that week just on the stories and you know you had a guy like I think Hayden Springer you know sadly he’s he lost his his little one recently um you know what a story I mean the guy had has been

Playing manyi tours for so long and lost his daughter and you know obviously he’s not in a they’ve never been in a amazing financial position and then you get another hurdle like that and then all of a sudden it’s like the universe just owed him one you know like and that’s

What’s like and that’s what’s like really really cool um and and to be fair like when you sit back and look at Q School like Q School Q School does create stories like that yes where a year playing on the corn fairy tour it’s it’s Cutthroat and so many different

Ways because it it rewards consistency but also um rewards the it separates the top guys from the rest of the pack like and and not everyone like there’s a lot of guys still on that tour that I’m very shocked they’re still there I think um they should be playing on the biggest

Tour in the world but then um you know but that that will take care of itself I think um and the corn fairy is proven it’s proven to do that like you you look at all the the experienced guys that they eventually just get there um you

Know a perfect name like that like Kevin doie like Kevin Do’s great guy um I played a lot of golf with him when I was on the corn fre tour and you know he’s he he played he kept finishing like 26 to like 30 40 every single year like it

Was ridiculous and it’s like how is this guy not on the PGA tour um and now he’s got his card like you know he went and did and got got his card moved up so you know this is going to be yeah his rookie year um you know the cor tour creates

That um the financial the financial stability on the cor is obviously significantly better than um the mini tour guys so the mini tour guys had a lot like a lot going on and and you could tell like I was I was kind of chilling you know with my caddy with

Just going to the range doing us you know doing that stuff caddy setting up my drills and just running through the motion and you know you you could see like me to like there was some stress like I saw some guys they just headphones in just don’t want to they

Don’t want anything to bargain with you even the guys I played with um the guys I played with they just they didn’t want anything to B like they didn’t really start really talking to me out there until I separated it was kind of like felt you know it’s like I was going to

Keep playing well and and get this done um but yeah that first nine like I even said to Davey I was like man these these guys are a little different than start of the week they’re a little more little bit more zoned in and and you respect

That I mean it’s like I never I never worry about all that if someone wants to talk someone wants to talk if they don’t they don’t I mean it’s just that’s just the nature of what we do I guess so what was yeah oh mate I I understand and the stressful moments do

You think taking that approach to the way that you took that tournament is there a lot to learn in that you reckon for you moving forward oh 100% like I was actually I just started working with a new sports psychologist uh right before c school um Josh

Nicholas he’s he’s awesome and you know he’s kind of theur and he’s his work and what he talks about is a lot of the stuff we talk about is um you know being you know being okay with failure being like accepting failure because you are going to fail you’re going to you’re

Going to mess up nearly every time I like it’s just the game like if I like if I go win once in a year on the PGA tour you’ve still technically you’ve had more off weeks than than good weeks but would you consider that a good year absolutely yeah you know like that’s

There’s a big margin and and Josh’s philosophy is what we’re working on and stuff like that is um you know being a little bit more a relationship with failure um and we really worked hard on that in probably about three weeks leading uh leading up to Q School like I literally

Just started working with Joshy after RSM last year and um you know and it just working on these little 1% things and and all this type of stuff it just I it’s kind of like it’s okay man like let’s go play golf and I felt a lot

Calmer and um you know we did a we did a couple other other things I worked on with my coach as well that week um you know physically in the game but on the mental side um you know I got to see I really got to see how I could perform

Being mentally strong that week um you know and and that’s something that you got to draw off and it’s something it’s like okay well like I I know what I can do if if I’m I’m really mentally on and I’m and I’m you know doing the right

Things and and be patient with it um you know so when it’s not going right you know how do we got to be and um you know and and that’s and that’s the next challenge you know when you go and play a four or five week stretch in a row

Which you know I’ve done multiple times it’s there’s you know weeks where you you just do not want to be anywhere near a golf course you just like but you’ve got to you got to find a way you just got to you got to find that way and I

Think going forward mentally that was a huge week for us on to build off the the the mental toughness side of the game you know it’s um it really is important it’s probably I’ve always been told how you know it’s all mental it’s all mental 90% mental

All this stuff like you know some of it’s true some of it’s [ __ ] but like that week really showed me how you got to be mentally strong like you you have to be sh you you you just you got to be you got to be switched on and and just and roll with

The roll with those punches out there you know yeah I I 100% um agree with you there but what I also you know would kind of add to that from my perspective is is that um you got to also find out you know what how you when you optimize

Your performance what does that mental environment look like you know what I mean so like some people like like tiger is all about intensity right he wants to be as intense as possible and he knows that he works well what’s been great with your Q school there is that you

Know and even going to the last round and shooting like that chiy 4 under 67 right in that in that that situation it’s like you’ve also Quantified that not only is the physical stuff you’re doing with um P well but also the the mental stuff you’re doing you Quantified

And you can believe in it and you’ve built trust in it and that’s going to be [ __ ] incredible because you’ve got that blueprint to like when you go away what you can come back to and yeah like you just yeah 100% you know you seem to like your process stands out more to

You you know and like you talked about like tiger was all you know fist bumps going nuts like you know that was Tiger I mean we’re not going to see another tiger again I mean you know as every kid wants to you know every kid wants to be

A tiger I mean which is that’s what he’s created in this game um you know but it took me a long time and I’m I’m starting to believe uh a few weeks ago was really understanding now where like like which which Railroad which rail world do I

Start I play my best in am I FY up and I’m moving around quickly or am I you know just calm collected just stick to my process and go and um it’s taken me some time to figure that out and now like I won I won on the cornr tour uh a

Couple years back in that same mindset I just didn’t let anything worry me it’s like whatever and then I went back into you know we on the PJ tour let’s go let’s go let’s go and then you don’t you fluctuate a little and then you know you

Go to Q school and I go back into that calm stage and I go play well um so it’s like I’m I’m really starting to see the patting now when I’m calm and when I’m sticking to my process and I I seem to play my best golf I just I it’s free

It’s not tight it’s just you know I enjoy the game more um you know I love the challenge more out there like you know like if you’re if you’re mentally beating yourself up over five weeks straight of course you’re gonna hate the game you know but also like everyone

Listening to this Harrison like from the from the recreational golfer you know we have a lot of coaches listen like a lot of tournament Players from the recreational golfer all the way through the tournament player always just wants to play as good as they do when they

Play nine holes not caring you know what I mean like 100% why do you think the second partt always goes in why do you think the the provisional always go straight it’s the same thing it’s the not care Factor that’s what it is it’s

Like yeah and we got we we got to get really good at um at uh you know one of the easiest lines that I kind of just you know sometimes just throw around probably too much right is that I want every single person to try their hardest

But not care about the result and not be attached to the result so like and and people what does that mean what does that mean well like try your hardest you know be addicted to the process do the best process possible don’t judge the result judge the process and if you’ve

Gone in there with a shitty mental state and you’re uptight well you can you can start to work out that there’s no wonder that the end result wasn’t good because I was not in an optimized state to even [ __ ] play well at all and it’s the same thing as doing like public speaking

You know I mean you can do your speech at home like I’ve had to talk at seminars and stuff and I can just nail it you know what I mean like now my presentation get up there on the stage and [ __ ] knees start shaking I need to take a piss and I’m

[ __ ] myself and it’s nowhere near as good you know it’s nowhere near as good but um but yeah I understand that and it’s and and it’s recognizing it too you know and that’s the thing um it’s it’s really paying attention to yourself mentally where you know okay like

Swing’s getting tighter or this is feeling tighter because I’m feeling this pressure I’m feeling and and like and I’ve said to number of people like leading a golf tournament is the same pressure as being on a cut line it’s just it’s just two different scenarios

Like it’s not like a guy who’s one shot back with nine holes to play is trying to get a job on the weekend a guy who’s one shot back or tied for the lead is trying not to lose a golf tournament so it’s it’s the same it’s the same result

And the same pressure of the outcome if not performed so it’s one of those things where we both those players feel and it’s and the top guys the reason why they’re so consistently because they recognize that they recognize when they they they know they’ve got their blueprint and their platform to know

Okay I’m feeling this I’m going to play this way I’m going to you know turn it back you know it’s it’s just we’re not going to we’re just going to play One Shot we’re going to do it’s just this flow of just you know this this flow of just like

Consistant mentally mental toughness you could say and it’s just um and that it’s learning you know and um and and you see it I mean like like even before Q school last week or the other week wherever you know last year you could say now

Um you know I was like even I wasn’t really thinking it but you know like on the Range you know I had a little quicker warm up than what I normally do my Caddy’s like yeah just I we just you know chill out for a bit man you you’re

Already on your threewood and we’ve me here for 10 minutes like you know it’s like yeah it’s it’s it’s little things like that and it’s just recognizing it’s being able to switch that brain on and just go okay cool all right I’m just going to do me now and go from there do

You do you think that this working with this new um sports like and it’s not so much as well like well what I’m the question I’m asking you is that I understand that your process is going to be better on the golf course but you

Think it’ll help you a lot that if you have a tournament week where it doesn’t go your way that you won’t be kind of carrying that baggage into the next week 100% just on the fact that you know we I’ve got I feel like now I’ve got two

Systems you know I’ve got a process system for my technical side that you know Ben and Mark have have worked with me you know from since I was a kid um you know like I and then I’ve got now a mental blueprint and and and a checklist

That you know we we we got two systems now that you know we can we can pick pieces off and draw it into one and um I feel that by having the two just it feels to me just when when things aren’t and I haven’t experienced this yet obviously because I’ve just started

Working you know I mean I worked with just started working with Josh and we won three weeks later but you know it’ be but I feel I see the vision going forward when when we do have those off weeks and we do have that like it’s

Going to be easier to just to to get back into the the simple process not a hard process like it’s it’s a simple process of simplifying everything because in the end of the day it’s professional golf is just about opportunities it’s it’s it’s just all it

Is is if I can give myself the most opportunities over 72 holes it’s about practice to compromise on those and we see where we finish at the end of the week in the end of the day and being able to come back to that blueprint um it helps you know and um

I’m I’m excited I’ve really he’s a great guy Jos really knowledgeable in what um you know what what he likes to talk about and his philosophies and stuff and a lot of his philosophies are just very normal normal thinking you know and it’s um it’s great I’m looking forward to

It so that’s awesome it’s great I think that’s a good little insight too you know it’s it’s a really good insight and one thing as well Harrison like I talk to people about you know difference like I said to them my 15 handicappers to my mini tour guys or whatever it’s the same

[ __ ] problems going on it’s just AIT bit more on the line you know Beno Beno coaches like I’ve seen some swing footage he sent me of 10 12 handicappers who are technically in better spots than I am like you know like I got back from doing some work the other day and you

Know the other week sorry and and I’m really trying to level out my swing and you know my bad habit is I I get very Steep and across the line on it and when you’re playing the wind that forces that and so we’re just trying to level out

Get a little underneath so right now I feel like I’m RAR right now I feel like a little bit dropping underneath the inside deep and you know like I’m swinging out to the right a little bit and the hands I got to learn not to flip

Uh it’s it’s a lot sharper now and it’s a lot better but the first man that first week um you know I send video footage to Ben I’m like please tell me this is this is where we need it cuz I can’t swing it anymore in the inside

Like I can’t I can’t get there and he’ll send me a video of like the 12 handicap of these to coaches like that’s where I want you and I’m like are you freaking kidding me like I’m a touring professional and his thingss are better than he can get it in a better position

Than I can um but that’s that’s the you know that’s the that’s the uniqueness of this game isn’t it it’s just um and people don’t understand that like guy had to you know begin a golfer on the weekend and like I’m going to say newbie golfer right only plays very minimal

Stuff but he’s an athlete right hits his six on carries it like in meters about 165 170 m he yeah and his path zero his face is zero way is four down I said dude you just hit the [ __ ] the most perfect shot yeah he’s neutral yeah and

I was like but then the next one’s obviously not that great right I’m like it’s there you know I was like that is I said I’ve got many players who would love to hit that golf shot and he’s like what do you mean I’m like dude that was

[ __ ] perfect you know we just need to kind of get that get that go get that going more what what is it like being um so I do a lot of online coaching myself harison like I work of my online what’s it what’s it like working with um Ben J

Main coach right Ben online yeah yeah yeah like it look it’s it’s awesome I mean Ben’s uh I mean Ben’s such a phenomenal golf coach and um you know so simple um you know he’s Mark really really taught Beno well um both the pads are really really knowledgeable and

Understandable of the golf swing and the game itself um it’s it’s been tough a little bit you know online just there’s something about your coach there that’s just like you know you could be hitting a snap H and like you see it on the P Tour all the time you watch guys

Skanking on the Range and the golf coaches would be yeah that’s good and the player believes it like there’s there’s a level of belief that just ticks in with a player when their coach is physically there and says I like that mate I’m telling you like I I’ve seen it

Week in to week out like I I’ve seen some of I’ve seen some of the world’s best golfers hit some of the worst golf shots in front of coaches and the coaches are like I like that and you know which is which to the the member

Would be like I’m paying money to go see this but then they go watch the guy shoot 65 and do it easy um yeah but you know I think going forward um it’s you know it’s great to have Ben and the family over last year um we felt like we

Got really sharp did some good work um you know having him early in the season this year um we’ve been doing a lot of like I call it a lot of a lot of kid work we that’s what we’ve we’ve been kind of talking like beno’s been trying

To get me back to way I used to swing it a little bit like a a 12 15 year old kid we’re free and on on plane and so but it was hard work to get there um and to have him for two weeks over here um you

Know just just Tiding all that up um there’s something like I tell I said that belief once you once you hear that that that green light from your coach for some reason it’s it’s just something goes off in your brain cat sorry it’s cat coming and then um yeah so like there’s

That belief that just that just ticks in and you’re just like let’s go like it’s there like it’s back getting in the hole um you know and like I’m like that’s what I’m really looking forward to um and you know to Beno coming over um you

Know and I I just think I just think we’re just such a great team um you know I I believe honestly if I if I am lucky enough to go and really have a a huge career and and and win massive tournaments stuff like that definitely

Be with him um just you know because we he just knows my game and we both know each we’re both like brothers I mean it’s just they’re like my second family you know and and and I think people have got to be careful as well I think you’ve

Made a really good decision to stick with your coach because you know we’ve seen success is of um you know we look at and you can do it in today’s day and age like back in the day when Aaron badley had to go over right he went over

And got a new coach because I even talked to Greg Charmers right he was only allowed to call his family on a Sunday at the golf tournament they had phones there for the um the professionals to use for 15 minutes like there was no mobiles there nothing it’s

Wild it’s wild isn’t it so you had to kind of get a new coach when you went over back in the day where today you look at the successful other like Australian golfers like yourself is know cam Smith Lucas Herbert you know stuck with their coaches right I mean Min

Wo since he was a kid like it’s is the recipe the recipes that work work for a reason right yes you know yes yes oh no that’s what I was just you know gonna say you know like there’s nothing there’s nothing um there’s nothing worse I just think there’s nothing worse when

You see a player searching you know I I especially a good player and you do see it I’ve seen it a lot um you know like it just just cuz you have a tough time doesn’t mean that the system isn’t working okay some changes need to be

Addressed I’m not saying you got to stick what you’re doing but you see so many times like I’ve seen guys you know really stick well and have great results with a coach and then they they funnel off a little bit and then all of a sudden they feel like they got

To change coach and then they change patenting and and all this type of stuff and it’s like man that’s not you man like that’s not your player and like yeah and and I see I’ve seen that a lot and like I think I think that like if you’re if you

Got a golf coach that understands you as not only as a player but a person and can read your game and you can read theirs on the same like it’s just about getting it better and better and better and better and that’s the advice I’ve

Been given by um I mean bads has said the same thing to me um you know who else has said that like Mark hensby has said man do not change what you’re doing like you got there for a reason you keep getting better yeah um get better with

What you got right there’s nothing there’s nothing wrong with continuing to keep doing the same thing you know what I mean like because you can just get better in the same thing like grant grant cam done the same thing their whole career their swing their swing technique has never changed their swing

Technique work every time Grant goes he just extends his right arm out a bit more that’s all he does that’s you know that’s and that’s what that’s what like when I was in golf Australia and all that type stuff man like they used to do my freaking heading they used to get me

On the biomechanics bull [ __ ] and all this crap right and like it just wasn’t me as a player like I I appreciate the the resources when but in the end of the day I work with Ben and Mark Patterson yeah like they those guys are there to

Get me to where I want to get to yeah and there’s no right or wrong but from a player point of view biomechanics and all that technical [ __ ] was not for me I just could not play golf from there and I just lost feel for it and and I’m

Not knocking the system on that I’ve got I know a bunch of guys who it’s made them wonderful players like and all that but for me once you know once I had to really just start believing in our system with my coach is doing and what

We’re doing like that’s when I knew my that’s when I saw my game start going to different levels like I learned how to win on the secondary tour and and and go from there you know and that and that’s my my two cents and I mean I don’t

Really I’m not here to offend anyone but I don’t in the same time I don’t care it’s more the it’s more the fact it’s more the fact of like for young kids who are listening and stuff like that don’t let anyone go change who you

Are when you have a good system when you got a coach that’s working butt off and he’s doing everything he can because he knows he or she knows your game you don’t need to go search you don’t need to you just get better and better and

Better at what you’re doing I I tell you a good example that Harrison right recently of someone who stayed committed with Jordan spe right like yeah when he when he was struggling for a couple years there and um and what I mean struggling still on the PJ tour and

Still like keeping his card but you know he went from doing some incredible things to not doing some incredible things things like just playing you know just as another member of the and he’s stuck hard with Cameron McCormick you know it would have been

Easy for him to um to jump around but he he stuck hard but and and there’s one other thing there as well Harrison that you make good point is that I was talking to one of my students the other day who’s just come back to me and I was

Talking to him and I said to him you know what are we going to do differently this time and I said to him have you understood how you best learn cuz he always asked lots of questions Harrison he was always like what about this what about that what about this what about

This you know am I doing this am I doing that and I remember they’re tricky they’re tricky to teach man because that’s that’s the kids who recipes for for searching like he’s a good it’s good I mean it’s it’s great that he ask questions but to you know like my coach

Has a few a few kids like that and it’s like kids like go play you don’t need to know that like it’s all good like go figure out how to shoot 68 yeah and then and exactly and then and I said to him like have you figured out

That you don’t need to know everything to play good golf you know and um I always played a straight back to him right like just straight back just keep doing this keep doing that just answering his questions for him and he just kept wanting more and I was like

Well if you want if you want the detailed analysis I can give it to you but I don’t know if it’s going to be optimizing you and anyways end up doing it come back and now he just goes Toby just tell me what to do I was playing my

Best golf when you were doing that and I was like okay great good let’s get we we found out what works because when you were talking there about biomechanics right some people are into the data right like a Bryson you know or 100% And but once again mental approach

How do you you got to quantify it work out which way best kind of optimizes you and just because there’s all these new fancy new toys and resources in a situation doesn’t mean you have to to jump all on them right and 100% a lot of

The guys on tour a lot of guys on tour have a lot of old equipment in their bags they don’t necessarily play a lot of the new stuff why because it’s not performing the same as some of the old stuff and in the end of the day this is

Our livelihood this is how we pay our bills and if that’s not like I’ve got a two on Rapture that they discontinued I I I’ve got five heads of it in backups because I that I love that club they could not I could not get anything that

Hit the exact number I wanted that came out exact the way I wanted it’s the most perfect club for me and it’s the same with coaching and stuff like with the biomechanics and all that type of stuff like there’s so many players and I can I

Can I can go down the list of players who that is significantly helped and turned into unbelievable athletes and players a guy like me if you want me to go pack shelves at a supermarket get me on biomechanics cuz that stuff is [ __ ] hopeless for me it’s just that’s

Just the way it is I it’s in my DNA it’s just like I don’t see the game under a machine I see the game as an athlete like golfers are athletes and and the perfect example I’ll and and you know to anyone that’s listening right now the at Q

School and this is a true fact that I actually technically swung at the worst all year on a technical point of view and we went and played really really nice and and ended up winning but I was so technically Steep and down and across the line and I was just but the

Great thing is my coach like Beno was so disciplined to not to to work on my felds to level that up but not get me prep sorry to get me prepared to go compete my best and not worry and start digging deep into something that we can still play well with

And I I didn’t realize like I’ll be on the phone to Benner he’d be like hey how you swinging it I’ll be like I’m hitting good it’s G pretty straight little cut feel like I’ve hit a couple pull Cuts but it’s all right oh yeah but your

Swinger look all right okay cool and the moment I got back home after after Florida he sent me like the videos he goes that is [ __ ] terrible like we need to get you here and I was like that’s incredible but that that’s that’s just the game like it’s just it it

Really really is and now we’ve we’ve working on our stuff where we need to get to and what we got to do but um but yeah this yeah right information at the right time and and Order of implementation as well you know you know like I I would not be surprised I would

Not be surprised in a situation like that you know if if I didn’t have Beno Beno like as a coach someone would try to change me on the golf on that range someone would interesting and like and that’s a trick you know and it’s it’s

Like it goes back to like you know some junior golf and stuff like that like you know I think the best thing for junior golf is especially in Australia we’ve gotten a lot better at since when I was a kid um but compared to the US um you know we

Have such great junior tournaments programs in Australia where the kids have got so much to play in that it’s about like these kids to free up and and and play and like you know go shoot your go shoot your 85 and be pissed yeah you know like you know that’s okay like

That’s that’s cool like go and go and fail go go learn to fail and and get better and a little bit better and a little bit better a little bit better and as you get bigger and stronger cuz kids bodies change all time and then you start working on the the mechanics and

The technical side and and all that type of stuff you know M yeah man I’ve seen I’ve I’ve seen yeah methods like that well even Butch day how many kids you you got you got a bunch of kids right you got how many I thought I saw you yeah you’re teaching

About I teach a lot of kids I teach a lot of I teach a lot of good kids online like I teach the number two 16 or old in Ireland yeah that’s where I thought I knew you had someone overseas somewhere I’ve got I’ve got a lot of um kind of uh

Yeah overseas good kids and stuff like that and I teach a few in the area here I teach mostly like the trainees and the and the young pros and stuff around here as well I’m 2 hours south of Sydney but the um one thing I kind of wanted to

Talk to you about there but you’re talking about playing right was uh but Harman recently when he took Ricky Fowler out for game of golf and he made him play off the Reds and Y it’s a great thing I play I do that I I do that

Quite a lot you interesting and what do you like about that can you share the listeners about that get your Shar get your Shar so uh I’m going to give you some stats I got my book here my practice journal right so when we debriefed after

RSM we went through the great thing is the PJ tour we have a great resource where there’s a statistic analysis where basically there’s a stat on every shot you hit out there like every shot you hit on the PGA tour is is digitally digitally camera recorded whatever you

Whatever the you know the n prounce it um you know everything is recorded like the squirrel that runs across the Fairway recorded right it’s just ridiculous how much technology is on the top yeah it’s crazy so we so we get reports and we got all these reports and

It was like my caddy my caddy sent it to me and we like okay like let’s really like I I took about four or five days off really diving deep into why are we in this 126 to 150 Cod where was this game not where it needed to be and and

Going back to that um we there’s like obviously a number of different stats that need we needed to improve but the my average from 150 yards to 100 yards this year I my dispersion average is 53 ft that’s pretty [ __ ] yeah so what’s two average it put it uh tour average was uh

Tour average was 20 20 26 to 28 ft that was kind of middle of the pack so the top guys were averaging between 20 to 18t so like so when we looked and I I put in perspect perspective so you know my fiance and I we just bought a new house and

Like we you know going through the dimensions it’s getting built and all that so we’ve got we’ve got 40 ft of backyard to work with from the back of the house to the fence and we’ve got 70 width in diameter Beno and I when we were talking about it is like you play

On the PGA tour from 150 yards in you’ll barely even hit in your own [ __ ] backyard that’s so and I’m not offended by that I think it’s a great tool to have because it goes okay like because you it clearly go man like constructive criticism is

Awesome because you look at it and go wow I have to do this so what we we did we we came up with a bit of a practice plan to move this dispersion in so we started practicing you know I do um and this is a great game um that you if you

Want to do with you know your your students and stuff like that so we play um and this is a part of this what I work with Josh is we work on the 70% fail so our goal in practice is to fail 7 7% that day so if I’m succeeding 30%

I’ve achieved because I want to get comfortable with failing so what we did is we to get that dispersion in we do a game so I play six holes and I drop Six I do six balls and my goal is I’ve got to get three balls inside 8 ft to go to

The next hle and you stay there and it’s random it’s a random number so you just okay I don’t know what it is zap it get a number and it’s just about it’s a it’s away from trackman it’s away from quad it’s just you got a number you want to

See the shot and then go from there and then we added a couple of other little things to like I play um a conversion game so then I’ll do the same kind of thing random yardages um and I’ll do I’ve got I’ll do three shots but I’ve

Got to convert two out of three to go to the next to so like let’s say you know 80 yard let’s say we just got 80 meters 80 yards whatever you want to call it 80 um and I go bang one’s 8 ft bang one’s

7t bang one’s 15 I’ve got to make two parts out of that to be able to go to the next off I miss two and make one I go back and do it again and figure out how to get you know so so we’ve started working like that and we’ve started um

You know adding things like that and that so going back I know I dragged on a little bit there with that but that’s right with B with Butch and and Ricky about the red teas it’s funny enough this is basically a lot of that work that you know I’m really trying to hard

Is a lot off th off those L te’s those red te’s play it as short as we can get it and learn to go low from there yeah and and and what I like what you’re saying there about between 100 to 150 um yards there is that and the games you’re

Playing it sounds childlike you know what I mean like with we’re playing with kids and I I talked to my friend zanen Scotland who’s a um a golf coach in the UK and you I was spoking to him about he says that as soon as we turn pro our

Practice changes you said like when we were kids 100% we just even at Big tournaments we hung out around the chipping green and pting greens and went and played nine hole matches for a marsbar it’s kind of like what you just did right that’s how you got better very

Rarely were we range rats as kids and then we turn pro and all of a sudden we’ve got to be banging balls we’ve got to have the track man there we’ve got to be fing out our numbers we’ve got to be doing this yeah and and what you’ve

Created there with Benny is kind of like recreating those days of running around Avendale as a kid and um trying to shoot a number yeah make it fun make it fun like it’s and that’s the thing it’s quality not quantity you know and um and

I feel if I can have I would rather have a 5H hour day of hard failing quality deep work than have a eight hour day of three hours of [ __ ] yeah I I that’s where prior to the PGA Tour a lot of my practice was 3 hours of [ __ ] yeah um

You know and it’s just and three hours of [ __ ] might be you know just simple stuff like it might be just chatting to you know to to to just like playing shots that you won’t really see out there and these like little tiny things and um you know now that a year

Out there you can kind of see how these top guys really really train and and and get ready to go compete and and I think they understand what um what works for them as well and they don’t Veer away from it but one thing to add to your

Practicing before I asking your next question is I’m very big on measuring Harrison so like measuring yeah and I don’t mean about trackman measuring or GC quad which I’m you know I don’t give gol like journaling and stuff yeah journaling and you know I had um Craig Dixon on who I

Do some work with draw more circles so draw more circles that statistics app it’s got like AI in it and um you Lodge your practice in there so we do like five ball uh chipping tests right so we have like a control controlled environment as much as possible of five

Balls from five different sections and your third ball is your B your Baseline right so your third ball is your average because it’s the middle one and that way when you talk about you know practice is that you know my elite players who follow the program will will go to the

Short game area you know hit five shots from each individual spot and just kind of work out where they are they kind of measure it okay great I’m actually in a pretty good spot I don’t need to be [ __ ] hitting chip shots for the next 3 hours I’m actually pretty well in a

Good spot here so what what I can be doing is is go check something else out you know go do some my ladder drills or go do some driving and or hang hang on there’s the weakness you know there’s something that needs a bit of a technical attention today cuz you’ve

Measured it in your practice take it to the coach I’ve measured everything me driving’s off the planet let’s get it sorted because yeah what I like about measuring your practice is before let you go like is that like is you can control the environment so the statistics that you got there from pj2

Is is fantastic but also a lot of the time as well is that each individual one of those shots are so [ __ ] different like I use the example of Victor hin when he won a you know middle to end of last year he had he his his last hole 7 second hole

Ball was wedged up against the side of the first cut in the Fairway Pim was T back left and there’s wind off the left he’s leading the tournament and he’s hit this Adon in there like [ __ ] beautiful shot to like 25t right or whatever that’s as good as that’s as

Good as you could do you know yeah but you you can’t measure that that ad alongside one on a Thursday morning middle of Fairway and a pin in the middle of the green because everything’s different so I like what you’re 100% that’s that’s why that’s why I

Journal I love to journal my practice because there’s a lot of misleading stats like you know the there’s a lot of stats there stats can sometimes be very hurtful for players um that’s an amazing tool in the right in the right system um you know like for example um perfect

Example like I’ve you know I’ve had weeks where you know I’ve statistically wedged and and puted bad but really I was putting from tough spots and not out of the Fairway so does that start mean so like for that start to improve I probably needed to drive it better that

Day you know or you know there’s so many different components to so many different levels of um you know sometimes I mean you get playing Europe I mean you know you know like you get on the wrong side of the drawer over there and stuff like that sometimes shooting

One on the par even par and six under seven under leading is a good afternoon of golf like go out there in the morning in the karma conditions and go tear it up you know it’s just it’s just sometimes sometimes like the environment doesn’t allow you to to Benchmark

Yourself with the stat it’s just that’s it’s an outdoor sport um you know and and that’s why I like to journal because the reason why I like to journal is you’re doing you’re seeing results in so many different days conditions Fields you’ve had different sleeps you’ve had different meals you

Different times of the day the golf course has being different different pins you so for me it’s like I know that if I’m getting ready to go play and I’m doing a good say two two weeks every day of really good hard smart quality practice and I’m seeing

These averages in here you can throw out whatever conditions you want because I’m you know I’m I’m climatized to I I can you just give me that number I’m ready to go um and and that’s what I’m a Hu I never I used to always be a bit naive

And you know like ah [ __ ] why would you write it down you’re never going to go but it’s funny is I’ve gotten older like I like and I’m old I don’t I’m not all this [ __ ] like I don’t understand like stats in the computer and all that

Like I’m old school like I like a book and write it down and something about the pages You’ gone through it like I’m on the on the road like I’m going through my journal book all the time like I’m going through past stats like I’m out I’m out practicing like you know

The other day I was at West Haven doing some balls hitting some balls in the academy and I’m like going through the pages like looking oh yeah you know this time I was like this that here from you know this yardage this is where I

Struggled I want to you know I need to fill this whatever it may be you know something about that it’s just it’s Unique you know I’m a big Journal hey tell me um I saw that you were on that is it the Netflix show the turn how’

That come up out and what was that experience like yeah like the turn is um the turn was a really cool experience it was fun um you know it’s I think I think they did a really good job on because the thing is the Netflix stuff was so based

Around was so based around um the top guys I mean you know the this this 10% of guys on the PG tour that are living like a Hollywood movie star you know it’s you know the rest like don’t get me wrong no one on the p t you’re not

Struggling but the process is a struggle like you know like it’s like Rory maroy missing a cut is a lot less penalizing than you know Harrison missing a cut like you know that’s just that’s just the way it is but until I get to a level

Like that um you know so it was great that the turn went into the ropes a little bit of of guys who were trying to fight for tour cards uh fighting cut lines um you know even just some of the offc stuff too that they did as well with

Guys like just preparing for a round half post round all that type of stuff like where you know I think a lot of people just don’t get to see from the rest of the tour and it’s like I’ve said to a couple of Juniors before um like

When I was at when I was at avendelle like you know avendelle is a very remarkable place as in the kids there are [ __ ] about spoiled very a lot of successful people with kids and the kids don’t have to worry about money um you know like there’s times where I’ve

Had the kids turn around you know oh I’m I’m going on holidays to the US and I’m going to a US Open I’m going to a masters and stuff like that I’m like jez my God I was lucky to have cable TV in Australia um yes was like um but you

Know like I said to him when you go to these tournaments go watch your Your Heroes go watch those guys but go watch a guy trying to make a cut on a number go watch go watch a guy who’s 5 over through n on a Thursday go watch that guy CU that’s

What the tour is about like that that’s what professional golf is professional golf is not you know winning five six times a year that’s it’s an amazing part of professional golf and that’s something I’d love to do and and a handful of players have ever done but

The rest of the the rest of the what what professional golf really is is canel flights hotel bookings that says on your reservation you got a room but you don’t um you know weather delays that affects practice you’re two over 39 um you you know all these tiny little

In outside influences that TV does not show you like TV TV is only there to air those big guys and the turn just did a really good job and it was fun to be part of to be able to um you know kind of share the the grind of it you know

Did you watch yourself not really I saw Snippets um I get a bit weird she one of the Snippets I saw was aaz he was watching it on TV and it was they I I didn’t even really I couldn’t remember they doing it it was me and the cult

Plunge at Sanderson I was doing I was focusing on a bit of recovery and stuff like that and and he sends he’s recording it on the TV and I was like oh F out of out of all things to record you have to record that um that’s all right

But it it was just you walking into the locker room I watched it last night I was just going to say if you did watch it is there anything that you leared from kind of watching yourself doing it on there um yeah I don’t I I have to give it a

Proper yeah proper watch um you know it’s it’s one of those it’s it’s one of it’s a bit weird like it’s it’s cool seeing yourself on TV and stuff like that I’m not arguing that but um you know it’s I don’t you know I don’t come

Home it’s like um you know like when I came home from Q school and stuff like that the recording from from qo I’m like I’m not going to sit there and turn it on and watch watch me play on TV people think I’m an absolute flog but um yeah it’s there could be

Something to learn in it but I understand what you’re saying but I think the team was great the filming team was great um you know like I’m a big as we all are in Australia just big coffee snob so um you know it was cool so the guys for a thank you

That the the media team bought me you know some coffee beans and stuff like that like it was cool like um bought my caddy some stuff too my cat’s a big coffee drinker as well so you know looked after him so they’re really really good it was it was a lot of fun

Working with them I don’t know what they’re going to do this year um I asked a couple of the presenter guys uh a few weeks ago actually I was saying you guys playing they don’t know they I like they’re waiting for a they’re waiting for a new project to

Come up maybe with some guys I don’t know um they don’t know so we’ll see I mean but I know that the turn got a lot of it did get a lot of success and it did get a lot of positive a lot of positive feedback which is which is is

Cool so when I was watching you on the turn there right I saw the Sanderson Farms tournament when you were leading after two rounds what was what was that experience like yeah it was nice look I a you know a bit of year I had a few

Quite a few events in your rookie year where you got to experience that top of that leaderboard and um you know compete um you know with the with the best players in the world and um yeah like it was a lot of it was a lot of good

Learning um I Saturday you know I played great um I played really really solid from you know Thursday Friday I just didn’t make any mistakes and just get the ball and the spots where I needed to get to take advantage and um Saturday it wasn’t any different it was just I think

We just went at a a we picked a lot of wrong shots and um I just needed too much luck and too much things to go your way to get that that round going um you know it was you know I played with Ben Griffin he’s a really good friend of

Mine um Benny’s awesome yeah and I mean he he had a great year last year um you know and I honestly like and I’m mean his all respect with Benny it it it was I felt like I played a lot better than he did on that Saturday as in when it

Came to you know um prettiness you know like as in you know I was hitting a lot more well class I felt like some well class shots but Benny just managed himself so much better that day and really um I was gued for him that he

Didn’t win on Sunday um I mean Chris um who made that um who made that uh bomb who was that that was uh oh I don’t even know who won to be honest with you that was uh what’s his name Luke list Luke list made a like 50 footer on the playoff

Hole um you know and I mean Luke’s a great guy too and you know like it was a lot of really good really good friends and good good people at top of that leaderboard but um I was really gut for Benny I really thought he could have got

It done especially the way he just he was in control so in control that week um you know and I had a chance I was uh Byron Nelson last year I was uh I think I was one or two back going into the weekend play with Jason on Saturday um

Jason Goes and wins um and that was just a clinic of how simple golf is um and how how well class Jason day is on just knowing what he’s got to do um I was that was kind of my first experience at the top of a leaderboard um you know and

It was a hard it was a hard crowd because I’m this young Aussie playing with a superstar of australi you’ve got thousands of people you know yelling at Jason day CU they don’t know who I am um you know and like I would hit one close or whatever and you know like that

People would be like ah you know they react but it was different to when Jace did something it was like that was a really tough one like that was probably the first experience to what it would have been equivalent to against tiger I think H opinion where

Theow is just rooting for one player um and and and a player earns that like that’s you know I get annoyed when people do turn around and say that they uh you know like oh it’s not right and all this no no no that players aren’t

That people Ro for this guy because he’s earn it know Jason day with in respect is I’m going to say he’s like an adopted American too like he’s been there for such a long time you know what I mean like he’s been living in America for a

Long time and um and uh yeah but you’ll get there mate they’ll come to they’ll come to he’s such a good dude he’s so great he’s it’s he’s so great to play with um you know like Jay is just like he he’s the Pinnacle of a gentleman out

There like he’s just you walk through past him in the locker room putting green shipping green he will like he will give you time you know I was at you know I’m on the I was doing some work on a Wednesday on the Wednesday the players

The back of the range of the players and you know like Jay was just you know just Tiding up finishing up what he was his little station what he was working on getting ready to to get after it on Thursday and you know and I was just

Getting there so like it was kind of like well coming he was either going to go to the range or go home and I was you know just about to start my day’s work and um you know we came in that perfect time where you know Jason and I had a a good

Chat for 20 minutes half an hour of just you know talking about what to do how to get better like all these type of things and he’s such a good dude and then I was lucky enough to be pair and play with Jay at the at the bar Nelson uh on the

Weekend yeah cool um you know it was it was really really cool but it was it was a great experience because you I learned a lot out of that like you know this is that’s what the top of the lead Awards that’s that’s the feelings you get there

On that on that stage and and you’ve got these worldclass guys always nibbling at those heels like they don’t care like Jay doesn’t care if I’m from you know bum [ __ ] Idaho or wherever like his jobs to go and beat me and in the end of the

Day my jobs to do the same thing so um just to watch as well how simple how simple um you know his processes were and how he played the game it was just nothing amazing there was nothing yeah wasn’t like he was standing up there

Hitting these 20 yard cut two ons to a foot or anything none of that [ __ ] it was all it was just hit it here roll apart in if I miss it go to the next hit it 20 ft there A lot of times he had a

Wedge N9 in his hand played away from a flag if he had to just you know like get to a short hole took advantage of it make Birdie on a PA five um it was just it was just like it was such a simple process to watch and the easiest I think

Five or six under it was like it was like he shot one I think I shot one over I played garbage I was I couldn’t get him I couldn’t get any momentum I was really just I was just I was in first gear all day and I watched the guy just literally

In first gear in the same gear shoot five under and it was just like it was is just like this is cool like this is this is this is a guy that really understands his golf game what what what was it like what’s the difference teeing

Up in say the baron Nelson or the Sanders and Farms right when you’re teeing up on round three you know late late te off Crowds Are there is it is it incredibly different because I was watching you know the turn last night of you that show and I what I think people

Don’t understand is that I saw you with some like 7:30 tea offs getting up at 4:00 a.m. like it’s not as rosy as what it looks right and yeah you I heard you make the comment like it’s nice to have a sleep in and get a late time on a

Saturday right and but what’s it what’s the difference like in between say teeing up on the Thursday morning first round 8:00 versus teeing up on you know say round three leading the tournament just it’s it’s just a different nerve it’s just like yeah I feel like my nerves are shifted now like

My Thursday nerves are more excited let’s go can’t wait like I’m going to go do something today that’s kind of and and like I’m trying to learn like how to do that on the weekends a bit but um you know when you when you it’s very easy to

Get sucked into that that mindset and that tunnel of just like oh don’t [ __ ] this up you know like and it’s and it’s and and and you anyone anyone would be the biggest bullshitter a liar ever if they said they’d never ever felt that like it’s

Just how it is like it’s because you care we’re playing for a lot of money we got a lot on the line with I’ve got me like I’ve got a I’ve got bills to pay I’ve got yeah you know I’ve got I’ve got coaches payments I’ve got caddy payments

I’ve got credit card payments you know and you’ve got all these little things and you’re in a position where your life can change like that and you don’t want to mess that up and like that’s the feeling but the more you fail and the more that’s the thing I failed quite a

Bit last year in those positions like I’m not dead like you know it wasn’t it’s just now to me I I would be less I wouldn’t say scared but I’d be more like like let’s go attitude into that now verse like the don’t you know [ __ ] it upside um the

Easy mate you don’t you don’t even have to justify yourself because I talk about you know what we’re talking about before is that um professional golfers have the same problems and the same thinking as a recreational golfer that’s just more on the line and for a recreational golfer

Right you know say they’re beating their handicap or let’s say young fell going under to PA of the the first time right I I I generally say that that young fellow has been under par when he shoots under par he’s been under par five to six times beforehand but he just hasn’t

Got done you know he just hasn’t finished he’s got to the 16th he’s three under he’s [ __ ] his knees are shaking doesn’t know what to do and he’s learned how to keep put himself in that situation and the same thing goes for guys out on you know on the PGA tour in

That scenario before it’s a it’s a new situation and and learning on how to deal with this situation because there’s very few very few Jordan SP there’s very few people who come out hold the bunker shot to win their first tournament guys get there they feel it

They smell it they identify it and then they just keep learning about it and I don’t think it’s anything to be ashamed about about not winning those two tournaments but at all it’s it’s definitely you can never be the one thing I’ve learned is you can never be

Ashamed of defeat defeat is the greatest Ally we got it’s interes you know I remember my first I remember my first time I shot on the par I was five under playing the last at Avendale and um all the juniors are like I’m like 13 or 12 or something

13 or 14 I think around there I should say 12 it’s bit young I was another 13 or 14 around there yeah and you know actually I was 14 because um because how I know this is I was I was 14 I was five under playing the last and

All juniors are coming out and you know like I haven’t made a bogey I’m just playing unbelievable I’m playing with my coach and all this type of stuff and I made triple up the last just the old the old steer golf swing and I was like you

Kidding me would you miss it left coming into the into the part four into the left there like behind the bunker or something yeah yeah so I think I hit the Fairway yeah I think I hit the Fairway and then I dumped it left the green up on 18

And it’s it’s the greens away from you you got graen gr back into you you got old Harrow there Get steepen down on it trying and you know and I’m just like mortified like I mean jeez the wait across a kids’s dreams thanks golf that’s life I mean you

Know you know but that’s the thing like you know you didn’t play bad that day and all this type of stuff so then we get to but the following year I qualified for my first professional tournament as a 15-year-old so you know like that’s where like sometimes failures are your biggest allies like

Sometimes you just you know you need to make those mistakes like the next time you know I was comfortably getting in those five unders four unders six unders at at aend coming up the last I’ve messed up there before I know what I got to do I’m going to hit that little

Buttercut and if it goes in the right bunker at least I know I can get it up and down from there and if not and I make bogey I’ll live and fight another day it’s just yeah that’s just the nature and the reality of it’s the nature and the reality of the sport

We’re in golf is just such a it is it literally is the exact replica of what life is like it it could be just going so good and everything is just all like bells and whistles you got that nice rainbow over your head you’re [ __ ] going how good and then it punches you

And it’s just and it’s out of your control it’s just out of your control and you can you either do two things you either sulk about it and you know or you you you work your ass off and and go figure it out and like I wish that you

Know I wish I wish schools teach that more like took took me took me and when you move countries and you come over and you know you’re fending for yourself and you’re trying to earn every all you can and all this type of stuff you you you don’t I didn’t understand

What the big wide world and what life really was until I did that until you know I really got out there and did it and I like that’s my one thing my pet peeve with high schools and like prepare your kids for that [ __ ] yeah stop yeah

And you know what though har as well is that when you talk about you know life is like that right lots of failes and you get the few wins down then and it’s so true but it’s also to the fact as well like I’ll share about you’ll also understand how you are

Mentally on how you deal with fire it’s easy to say you got a good mental game when things are going well you know like mentally everyone’s mentally good when it’s gone good yeah and then like for me it’s like you know for me we’ve had some sickness with the kids like nothing

Crazy right but some health stuff and um I Haven made out to sleep at all I had [ __ ] all sleep last driv I driv my kids around last night at I driving my youngest at 2: a.m. around the street trying to get him to sleep right and you

Want to know how mentally you’re going and that’s when you test yourself in in those situations of how mentally strong you are not not when you’re life cruy you’ve won the lotto and you’ve just shot 62 like anyone’s mentally good in that situation right 100% like you know you dealt with some

Challenges you know you’re now dealing with a challenge that your your perspective and your selfishness has completely gone out the window there’s one priority and that is your little one you know it’s like nothing else matters but fixing the problem and you know and that’s where I

I I stayed with uh I stayed with Camilo V jagas in um in Cabo and um I played sorry stay with Camilo um then he he he finished second that week um and then goes and wins the following week and um Camilo is awesome and like listening to

The challenges and the dis like the the the cruelty life is thrown at this guy for how nice of the guy is and and how great his family is is just not right like it’s not I I he is one of the most kindest humblest athletes I’ve ever heard and

And for him to to deal and him and his wife and and and his little one now to deal with what they dealt with no it’s not fair and but like his his attitude is just you know we can’t change it we can only move forward and get better as we

Go you know and and and we talk and he talked a lot about how his priori shifted away from the game during these tough times um which is totally understandable I mean you know like one day I’m going to have kids and you know it’s going to be the same thing like I

See web Simpson’s a a good friend of mine and Webb’s got I mean he’s got a whole kindergarten um same as bads and all these guys and and you you look at like you look at how like it’s amazing like I’ve been around bads and you know dinners and stuff and

He’ll get a message that his little one is you know sick or you know not feeling good and it’s something goes off in their mind like you know got to like I’m there for my little one I’m not there but I’ve got to be there you know what I

Mean it’s a different just it’s a different thing that yet I’m yet to experience and I’m looking forward to it I really can’t wait for that day um but yeah like going back you know like you said like it’s with challenges and hurdles and stuff like that like your

Priority is your little one and I’m I’m glad to hear that he’s I’m glad to hear that he’s he’s feeling a whole lot better and stuff like that too oh he’s bit better it’s a bit better it’s [ __ ] my kids have been trouble what it does Harrison it puts things into perspective

Right where 100% you know like like back in the day when I was you know had the opportunity to travel the world a lot and um you know had the opportuni to jump whenever I wanted to go overseas and you might complain that they accidentally put oat milk in instead of

Armor milk into your cup of coffee but now you realize that that just [ __ ] doesn’t matter yeah it just doesn’t it just doesn’t matter there’s a there’s a lot of things that just don’t matter you know and that’s and and that’s that’s been the journey you know that’s that’s the

Journey of of a lot of a lot of learning on my on my behalf I’ve had to you’ve had to piss off some people you’ve had to piss off some the right people to learn some of those lessons which is you know which is all part of it you know

And and I’ve got one more thing for you right is my sponsors um one of the sponsor of the podcast is Back to Basics so Back to Basics putting mirrors designed by Grant field I’ve got one of those I’ve got one you got one have you got the Back to Basics putting fantastic

So it’s got the 15 Dee arc on it so in the in the Back to Basics putting segment have you got something for us that you can share with us in regards to potentially how you use the mirror and what exercises or putting drills do you

Have that you use so obviously the big the biggest thing for mirrors is you know checking shoulder and eye alignment um that’s your first key so for me I’ve always struggled with alignment with my putting like it’s just every time I putt [ __ ] that’s where I always go to I’m

Always you know cter face is shot and aiming a little left of where I’m I think I’m aiming um so the mirror for me has always been that tool for me get on the mirror making sure what square is um what happens with me sometimes I get

A little little outside the line on the way back with the Potter it’s just something I’ve always done as a kid um so to be honest with you what I do on that mirror is I use every single one of those fing holes in there as te’s so

Like I I I deck the whole thing out like you like I talked ear I talked earlier today on this on this podcast about being simple you look at my mirror and you say that is far from simple um but it’s just but it but honestly it really

Is it’s um you know if I can like when I’m on that mirror and I’m missing every single tea I know I’m stroking a good and that’s it and then I I go and do do my hauling drills and and get my reps up um but yeah no like that that mirror is

Great and um what was cuz I it was awesome for me because it’s got that that Arch yeah because I’d go outside a little bit um it’s same kind of I got the same crap with my swing and stuff like that but because of except on the way I’m on that

On the way down but with the ark I’ll go a little out to the out to the outside and I’ll be like when I see where that line is it’s like man that feels like I’m whipping it really hard in the inside and I’ll just I’ll just keep

Hting until I miss the teas I remember uh P got me that Back to Basics poty mirror um at the strain open at Kingston Heat um was it King Ethan Victoria and um yeah it was hilarious we got back to the hotel after I was pting terrible and I

Made the first cut but I mean she was probably one of the worst whoever’s idea was it to make a double cut that week and [ __ ] kiding themselves right um it was the that was horrendous and um anyway so I made the first cut and

Missed the second cut um and uh so we we made the first cut we go back to the room and and I was oh man I just could not hold a freaking part and uh so we got back and we got we got the uh got

The te’s out and I was hitting nearly every te on the way through I was just going P and it was and like I literally had to feel like I was like putting like this like whipping it so far on the inside they so outside the line and um

Yeah but yeah no that’s been my mirror that that’s been my mirror ever since um I mean you know Ian you saw how good you see how good C Smith Pops I mean yeah he’s the man he’s doing good with that so I had to had to get on I had to get

On that wagon oh I’m glad mate well the back to basic pting sponsors will be absolutely pleased that you’ve got one of those in the bag so if you want to um brings us to the end of the Back to Basics pting segment there Harrison talking about how

He uses the mirror with the te’s which is a fantastic way it’s got got holes in it you can put the te’s upside down if you’re indoors you can put the te’s in through the mirror um um as well when on the pting GRE helps it kind of stay

Stable as well at the same time if you want if you want to get one of those discount code is below tm15 get you 15% off the discount off the uh off the mirit S support those who support the golf coach podcast mate Harrison it’s been so good you’ve been so good with

Your time I know it’s dinner time there apprciate and I like it you’re a deep thinker I think you’ve just earned you know a lot of new followers and people kind of supporting you on this you know and I think a lot of people are going to

Be really kind of rooting for you watching you close to this season the PGA 2 and now that you got really good status man it’s it’s been really cool it’s been really cool to meet you and connect and um my friend um Jon o painter who you probably know Jon um

Yeah jonno jonno well he came on the podcast well I was a member at long Rafe Golf Club years ago yeah yeah and John I said you got to get Harrison on he’s a deep thinker So Co thank you so much and and tell all

The guys that said to say hi and um you know all the guys that you run into it’s uh you know it’s it’s a small world golf but at the same time we’re a long way away and um you know so look I’d love to go looking forward to catching up with

All you guys and definitely come down and compete so love to come down and compete this year so um that’s definitely in the definitely on the uh on the books right now as if uh with the scheduling and stuff like that a sounds good mate I would love to

Have you down here and love to uh come watch you and all these TRS will um yeah love to come follow you around you’ll be superar you’ll be the Jason day of the Australian Open by then M we’ll see so thank you so much I appreciate it

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