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This happened on the last day of Queensland Rowing Champs….

A big last day of the Queensland State Rowing championships, racing in the single, the double and the eight! It was a pleasure to be able to join in on some crew boats whilst competing against some fast guys in the single. Thanks to everyone for being so welcoming!

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Camera Gear
Camera – Sony A7iii (UK) (US)
Lenses- Sony 24-105mm f4 / (UK) (US)
Sony 28mm f2 (UK) (US)
Microphone – Rode Video Micro (UK) (US)
Phone – Huawei Mate 20 pro (UK) (US)
Drone – DJI Mavic Pro (UK) (US)
360 Cam (on water footage) – Gopro Fusion (UK) (US)
Gopro Hero 5 Black – (UK) (US)
Gopro Aluminium skeleton w/ hot shoe mount (UK) (US)
Camera memory card – (UK) (US)
Phone, drone and gopro memory card –
Sandisk extreme microsd 64gb – (UK) (US)

Computer Gear
Dell g5 – (UK) (US)
Ryzen 1700x (UK)
Graphics card – ASUS RX 580 8gb (UK) (US)
HDD – 3tb Barracuda (UK) (US)
HDD – 250gb NVME 960 EVO (UK) (US)
Ram – Corsair Vengeance 32gb (UK)
Motherboard – MSI X370 SLI Plus (UK)
Case – INWIN 101c (UK) (US)
Editing Software – Adobe CC – (UK) (US)

#yamsquad #rowing

Hello YouTubers welcome to another episode here in Australia today we’ve got the last day of racing here at wi along Dam the third day of the Queensland State rowing Champs today we’ve got the single the double and the eight and all of them done before 12:30 in the afternoon it’s just before

For just about 7:00 so we’ve not got a lot of time to get three races in so it’s going to be a pretty tight schedule pretty tough racing but for the first race out in the single going to be racing big dog Jacko and some other fantastic

Schols so going to get the boat ready going to get it onto the water and get out there to see how fast we can go in the angle shiny feeling good cam feeling good that you got a CET about being out adap oh well how do you adapt mate what’s the

What your seat just you deal with the car your down your seats washing away whether it’s falling in before r or uh I actually see it as an opportunity cam you’re now 5° cooler it’s stinking hot evaporation is going to take effect the great Marcus freeze here now

To ensure that you actually do the buttons up any uh tips on how to put your gates in do that close it turn it not hard mate not hard oh I don’t know there must be some childproof Gates you can buy jeez 5 6 7even check eight check nine

Check check your boats 10 a light tap two a light tap all C attention go got it hold on mate it’s just being out there amongst it mate that’s what it’s about enjoy itk and we’ve made it off the water and into the water cooling down slightly big dog Jacko deserves a

Congratulations with first place in the single I was very far behind not quite sure maybe like six fth maybe fifth yeah uh yeah for me bit frustrating um most points but other points of like ma was beside me and worked through him confidently uh but yes very far off the

Pace but big dog Jacko very on the pace hey no no if I if you race me on your home ground I guar yeah yeah let’s see that yeah so next next and the next episode next episode but now time to fuel up because remember P fueled relax

A little bit we’ve not got too much time we’re going to head back to the hotel and then recover for a little bit use the AC get some ice and then back here for the double with big do Jackal champ single skull and gold medalist representing un Griffith University

Surface Paradise Rowing Club Jackson 3 winning it for the fifth consecutive time Jackson coach by his father Marcus fre and will receive the triy from his uncle d high five made it back to the place for a little rest a little recovery getting out of the heat using the AC and I

Was a little bit questioning what I’m about to say uh so obviously the racing didn’t go how I envisioned envisioned Um like I said I was Rel happy with so we went off the start planned to be relaxed controlled and then the aim was to push through the race and push and push and build and build and build almost like the negative split like on the 2K um just struggling at the moment

To do that build and build um and it feels like I know it’s not the case but it just feels like I’ve lost all Fitness and obviously I’ve not I’ve been working working consistently uh and so little bit of me is like well is it the heat but then I go to

Well everyone else is dealing with the heat um in their own ways and succeeding and then I go to well if it’s not a heat am I just rowing sort of so inefficiently that I can’t continuously step on or at least hold a higher Pace not even stepping

On and then lastly and this is a bit where I was a bit I mention it at all or not is um I feel and it goes into the thing about sharing a little bit more behind the scenes of so obviously I make these videos for the yam Squad and in my head

Making the videos and being out there in public can give the impression that Um that I may be the best or I may be the fastest or at least I think that I am and that’s definitely not the case I’ve mentioned in previous videos whether it’s about technique or or speed that I have that I’m hoping that that isn’t what comes across nobody’s said that to

Me before but I hope that it’s not a case of uh so that today for example I go out there and race and don’t have a result that I’m pleased with but it is what the result was and so that I don’t want people to be like well Cam’s a sham

Or he’s misrepresenting himself or or something like that I’m not sure if that makes sense uh and maybe it’s a little bit of that impostor syndrome kind of thing uh where it’s I I’m not sure if that lines up either but yeah hope hopefully that kind

Of makes sense I just hope that it comes across as I’m sharing what’s going on rather than me saying well look at me I’m going super fast and then it’s it’s then I don’t go super fast kind of thing obviously I I can be fast but that’s not what I’m trying to

Portray yeah I’m not sure if that does make sense at all but I’ll keep it in because it is about sort of I’m trying to show a bit more of what’s going on but running out of time anyway so now trying to gather the thoughts in turn

Them around to be more positive uh because I’ve got now two races to do big dog Jacko wasn’t going to be in the eight for the third race of today and but now he is so it’s going to be big dog Jacko and I in the double next for

The final and then it’s a very quick turnaround into the eight where big dog Jacko and I will be in so it’s going to be an exciting next few hours but hopefully what I just said does make sense let me know in the comments below

If it does or doesn’t maybe I can try and explain it better but for now quickly fueling up packing up enjoying AC post shower time to get back to the course get in the double use the fuel from the not so great experience in the single to get a good experience in the

Double um and yeah the um no and four che che yes yes go go did go Al go yes Al you got it keep going go now come on Victory go victory Thank you thank you and big dog Jacko and I finishing up the double try to get wet try to get a little bit cooler is very hot fortunately the Eight’s been moved forward so we get less of a break in between and we just pretty much just

Heading straight to the eight now quick review of the race yeah no it was good it was good fun um obviously fatigue heat definitely plays a big part on another Cruise didn’t we a result wise we ended up in second place second which I’m stuck for that nice yeah first scratch double

Prett good and and we enjoyed it one more ask for yeah for a bit and that right and roll in 3 2 1 this loose and C yeah loose Le loose smack up yeah yeah coule strikes okay keep going Chad side Chad your side B sitting ready set we got quick quick quick

Okay good right side check it chat AL just tting TOs and we should be good pleasurable experience and the eight with the boys getting out there and applying maximum yam now time as always to fuel up because remember fuel R and one part of the eight rigged up just d getting

Set up getting the boats on the trailer I’m clearly doing lots of work here in the heat but we’ve got our medals Bronze in the eight silver in the double matches the gold in the quad so great experience so far really enjoying it time to try and stay cool recover

Rest but that will be it for today’s episode yam Squad hopefully you enjoyed it thank you to everyone here for the privilege to be able to ruin eight great racing and as always remember to subscribe if you haven’t already hit that like button and I’ll see you in the next episode


  1. Loving this series Cam. Like everyone else is saying, I've never felt you've been boastful. I follow you mainly for the vicarious joy of your adventures and general positivity. ❤

  2. Bollocks what everyone else thinks, it only matters what YOU think. Do YOU think youre good enough, do YOU think youre worthy? Do you think vlogging is a hinderance? We're not real. We dont exist. Would you know me if you saw me? No. I'm not real. Youre real, your career is real, just do it. Ps never in a million years would i ever think you were full of yourself.

  3. Matthew Pinsent and Steve Redgrave won 9x Olympic Gold medals between them with Matthew setting big numbers on the erg and in the weights room…yet Tim Foster could beat them both ( and many other internationals in fact ) in a single. It's a tough boat to master…so relish the challenge and keep working at it…and do keep making the videos 🙂

  4. This video was helpful for me and has made me feel better. This month has been tough for me; and I can relate to feelings of “imposter syndrome”. I try to put it out of my head, but it’s not always easy. Knowing that I’m not alone helps. Thank you for this video. Whilst you didn’t win today, you won in other ways by being thoughtful, humble and reflective about it.

  5. Gold, silver and bronze from the Champs is a tremendous result. It never ceases to amaze me how you manage to both compete and produce these videos at the same time – that's hugely impressive psychological multitasking, as you need to keep switching between entirely different mindsets. Equally impressive is how you're able to psychologically prepare for multiple events on the same day when you know the physical pain that each 2k effort will bring. I don't know where you get the idea that people might perceive you as boastful. Well adjusted, positive, determined, energised, open-minded and encouraging – that's how you've always come across to me. You're an educator and a great ambassador for the sport of rowing.

  6. Cam stay out of your head. We watch because your genuine and very upbeat. I don’t imagine anyone would say your full of yourself or posing. What you show is an honest portrayal of who you are.

  7. Your mate in the boat has some glute instability/imbalance, I’d suggest some banded exercises if he doesn’t already do them, can make his biomechanics more efficient!

  8. Don’t worry Cam, you’re a true human being with ups and downs. We love you for sharing. The joy will return to your rowing!

  9. I feel you. That Rogue Enduro Challenge was the same way for me – I felt like I had lost all fitness and the mental game. And things got so much better when I got out of the DC summer heat and regrouped. Hang in there.

  10. I love your humility and honesty Cam. Definitely don’t come across as look at how awesome am I or any rubbish like that. Just great to see a great bloke have a genuine crack, searching for his best and sharing the ups and downs of elite sport.

    I wouldn’t discount the heat. Your pastey Northern skin repels the heat like a sausage in a frying pan whereas us Aussies soak it up like solar panels – especially Queenslanders! You’ve been smashing it in very hot conditions off the back of a long haul flight. Acclimatising takes weeks and you’ve jumped in and got on with it with big sessions throughout. I wouldn’t be surprised if the energy systems are still in WTF land!

    Enjoy the rest of your trip and safe travels! Get down to Melbourne if you can!

  11. Cam mate, I agree with the positive comments from others. You're an excellent athlete, and you're honest about your strengths and limitations. In the 1x race, you had a wobbly start. Did that throw you a bit? It can ruin a race.

  12. Some perspective from a 67 year old lifetime athlete. In sport you are ulitmately competing against yourself and your own expectations. You didn't lose in the single, you did not meet your expectations. That's worse than losing to others because you feel you let yourself down. Did you exceed your expectations in the quad and eight? Focus on that.

  13. Mate cut yourself some slack, you can’t come from an English winter to a Queensland summer and expect to perform, it takes years to adjust to that heat. I understand it’s your reality but honestly unless you’ve been in that heat it’s hard to explain.

  14. Hi Cam, I've been watching your videos for a couple of years and it was great to meet you at Wyaralong on Saturday! You bring the rowing fraternity a lot of joy and insights and it's much appreciated. It's been great to have you in Oz and especially in Queensland in this heat which is even knocking around us locals. Safe travels back and keep doing what you are doing and get better at it – rowing or commentary or socials – it's all good!

  15. Cam, brother you are doing a great job. Your videos especially of late have had a nice mix of challenges and success. Thanks for showing us your vulnerability and humanity. It is great seeing the daily videos. While I have not yet got to row in a boat, your videos have inspired me to erg for fitness. Know your efforts are worth something as you go through this process. Hope this food is fuel for your heart. Keep making the world a better place through your channel.

  16. Like so many already said, I would not think that anyone is following your vlogs because you post as being the best. So don't beat yourself up on that. And about results: sure we all want those, but then again "life's a journey not a destination" (thank you Aerosmith).

  17. Cam, you just come across as being you. And we respect & enjoy your content for that Has some ar5e been trolling you? Hopefully not. Keep going mate 👍👍👍👍

  18. Cam stay as you are, haters will always hate. If people are unable to take from you what they need to make their rowing better, then they certainly are looking for their problems to not be solved. You helped me a lot, an when people ask me what to look for, I always say look up Cameron on YT.

  19. Cam we are here for your experience and thats what you convey, tough gig coming scotland to the humid hot weather in Qld, the humidity will sap your strength. Nice work mate all the way

  20. Correct me if I am wrong, but it would seem to me that you're used to racing in relatively cold temperatures. If that is the case, you will have a higher proportion of brown fat that is raising your body temperature. Naturally, if you're overheating, it becomes harder to exert yourself as energy expended further heats your body. These guys are all acclimatised to the Aussie heat and you can only compare your performance if you race in the same environment in which you train in my opinion. I think big dog Jacko is on the money, and you had excellent sportsmanship. You showed everything in an open and authentic way and I am sure everyone appreciates that. Thanks for the episode.

  21. It makes sense …. It is great to see your struggles and emotions …… it’s great to see your human the same as the rest of us as we are all trying to improve our time and get better 👍

  22. You're not misrepresenting yourself. We all can see where it is you are and where you want to get. It's amazing to be training and competing at the level you are. However making that next step up is difficult (but not impossible). Keep it going we are supporting you all the way. Also you walked into a buzzsaw training against Jackson – that guy's a beast. He's going all the way!

  23. I flipped pre dawn in the cold this past October after not tightening an oar lock. Luckily I had made it a good 1500m out into the bay before it popped. Go figure, seems to happen to everyone once in a blue moon.

  24. You’re super tall and I’m telling you, drop the hands more on the recovery, your blades won’t scrape the water on the recovery up and you’ll catch more water.

    It’s creating drag on the recovery with the blades hitting the water and then when you square up by the time you drop in the catch, it’s missing 10% of the full stroke.

    Watch videos of Rob Waddell, and how he manages the blades on the recovery.

  25. Very much appreciate your videos. You show the world how difficult it is to compete at your level. How much time and effort it takes and are ultimately very inspirational! Your honesty is noted and is wonderful. You rock, Cam!

  26. I think the fact that you capsized in the other video shows how down to earth you are. Could have cut it out 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t even row anymore but I like keeping up to date with how you’re going. Keep trucking, you’re the only one that gives this insight. If we thought you were boastful…we wouldn’t be here!

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